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Samidoun urges international support for Palestinian student movement under attack

Read the Arabic text here: https://samidoun.net/ar/2020/07/student-movement-call-ar/

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network calls on all Arab and international organizations and movements to support and defend the Palestinian student movement, which is being subjected to an ongoing Zionist campaign of daily mass arrests that has affected hundreds of Palestinian students, particularly university students and high school students in Jerusalem, the West Bank and throughout occupied Palestine ’48.

The Palestinian student movement is being subjected to a new level of daily crackdowns and arrest campaigns in the past weeks and months, as numerous students have been jailed in Israeli prisons and detention centers, with many transferred to administrative detention, jailed without charge or trial alongside hundreds of Palestinian men and women in Zionist prisons. Administrative detention orders are indefinitely renewable and Palestinians have been jailed for years at a time under these orders, which were first introduced to Palestine by British colonialism. The most fundamental rights of Palestinian students, including their right to education, are under attack.

We call on our members and supporters and all students and youth that support Palestine in the universities and cities around the world to join us in the Days of Resistance on August 7, 8 and 9, to intensify our efforts of struggle and boycott campaigns – including academic boycott campaigns – within Arab, North American, European, Latin American, African, Asian and Australian academic institutions and all universities around the world. On these days of action, we will highlight the daily crimes of Zionist colonialism against Palestinian students inside and outside Israeli jails.

Palestinian students face systematic oppression and a state of siege, including torture and brutality inside interrogation centers as well as massive restrictions on Palestinian academic and educational institutions by the Israeli occupation forces. These attacks aim to undermine the development and effectiveness of the Palestinian student movement, deny Palestinians’ access to education and hinder the operation of Palestinian research institutes, universities and schools, by preventing the development of independent Palestinian research, science and education. This is one part of the ongoing siege against the entire Palestinian people and has led to severe physical, psychological and material damage to the education system and the process of learning, posing a threat to the lives and futures of tens of thousands of Palestinian students.

Samidoun extends its salutes of solidarity to all of the injured students in the Gaza Strip. The student movement in Gaza is in the vanguard, valiantly confronting the ongoing siege on Gaza perpetrated by the Israeli occupation with the complicity of the Egyptian regime. The leading role of the student movement in struggle, including in the defense of the Palestinian people and in the Palestinian resistance, remains a major part of all aspects of struggle and popular movements in the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian student movement, in Palestine and in exile and diaspora, has been and remains at the forefront of the Palestinian liberation struggle throughout the past decades. The student movement played a key role in launching the Palestinian and Arab revolutionary struggle in exile, and the youth and student movements, alongside those of the women’s movement and labor unions, had the most prominent role in all Palestinian revolutionary struggles, popular intifadas and all phases of the liberation struggle. Supporting the Palestinian student movement today against these campaigns of arrest and repression is a critical part of supporting the Palestinian struggle for liberation and return.

Endorse and join the Days of Resistance:https://samidoun.net/2020/07/call-to-action-days-of-resistance-for-palestine-august-7-9-2020/  

16 July, Online Event: Palestine, annexation and resistance with Samidoun’s Charlotte Kates

Thursday, 16 July
11 am Pacific – 2 pm Eastern – 7 pm British time – 9 pm Palestine
Online Event
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/palestine-annexation-and-resistance-with-charlotte-kates-tickets-111779706110

US imperialism under the Trump regime has given a green light to Israel’s annexation of the West Bank, followed closely by Britain. The plans would cement the Zionist colonisation of historic Palestine and highlight the futility of the Palestinian Authority ‘leadership’. Only renewed resistance and an anti-imperialist solidarity movement can defeat the Zionist regime and lead the way to liberation.

Charlotte Kates is the international coordinator of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, fighting internationally for the release of Palestinian and other political prisoners. Joining us for this important discussion, she will present on colonialism, annexation and the prisoners.

The meeting will take place on Zoom and a link will be sent out to all attendees. Get tickets/donate what you can here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/palestine-annexation-and-resistance-with-charlotte-kates-tickets-111779706110


Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! (FRFI) Manchester

Solidarity between Ireland and Palestine: Stop the extradition of Liam Campbell!

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins the campaign against the extradition of Irish Republican Liam Campbell! His extradition from Ireland to Lithuania is being pursued at the behest of the British government that continues to occupy the north of Ireland, despite the fact that Liam Campbell has never set foot in Lithuania.

Liam Campbell was arrested in 2009 and issued his first extradition warrant; he was held in solitary confinement in the notorious Maghaberry Prison in Belfast for four years, until he won his case in the High Court in March 2013 and defeated the British appeal to the supreme Court in London in August 2013.

He was arrested once again in 2016 on the basis of a second European Arrest Warrant, accusing him of vague charges of “preparing to smuggle” arms to Irish Republican organizations. The pursuit of Liam Campbell over more than 10 years – without a single credible criminal conviction – has indicated the commitment of the British state to pursue Irish republicans internationally for continuing to defend the rights of the Irish people.

Liam Campbell’s brother, Michael, was previously arrested and sentenced in Lithuania on similar charges, until he was acquitted in a retrial in 2015 after his defense showed that he was in fact entrapped by British intelligence agents. Liam himself was first subjected to an exclusion order barring him from entering the occupied north of Ireland in 1983.

We republish the statement below of the Campbell family, which we firmly support. As we demand the release of all Palestinian political prisoners, we also call for the release of all Irish political prisoners and an end to the practice of internment, a form of political detention that bears a deep similarity to the use of administrative detention – imprisonment without charge or trial – in Palestine. We note that it was British colonialism that first introduced administrative detention to Palestine, as it did to the north of Ireland, before it was adopted by the Zionist colonial project.

The bond of struggle between Irish political prisoners and Palestinian political prisoners has always been strong and remains so to this day. In 1981, Palestinian political prisoners issued a solidarity message to Irish hunger strikers, noting “Our people in Palestine and in the Zionist prisons are struggling as your people are struggling against the British monopolies and we will both continue until victory…On behalf of the prisoners of Nafha, we support your struggle and cause of freedom against English domination, against Zionism and against fascism in the world.”

In 2017, Irish Republican political prisoners in Maghaberry prison also issued a solidarity statement to Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike, noting: “Regardless of attempts to normalise the existence of the Zionist State; it has no right to exist and therefore it has no right to oppress, imprison and torture those who legitimately resist its occupation of Palestine….Given the long history of Republican Prisoners and Hunger-Strikes in Ireland, the Palestinian prison struggle resonates particularly with us.”

On 13 July, an Irish court in Dublin granted Liam Campbell leave to appeal his extradition on a point of law, whether or not the wording of an “intention” by a foreign jurisdiction to put someone on trial was the same as putting them on trial, as noted by Anti-Imperialist Action Ireland.

On this occasion, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network emphasizes our solidarity with Liam Campbell and all Irish political prisoners who continue to confront colonialism and occupation. Stop the extradition of Liam Campbell! From Palestine to Ireland, the liberation struggle continues!

Campbell Family Statement:

To the Lithuanian Embassy,

“We gather here today, in defiance, against the Lithuanian state and their officials, operating from Dublin, who seek to bring about a British backed attempt to force the extradition of Liam Campbell, from Ireland to Lithuania. A foreign Country, Liam Campbell was NEVER in!

Having endured successive European arrest warrants issued by the Lithuanian state, served on him by agents of the British and their free state counterparts here in Ireland, we the people demand an end to the injustices suffered daily by Liam Campbell. We come united, alongside the Campbell family to show our conviction and solidarity to STOP THE EXTRADITION OF LIAM CAMPBELL!

As far back as January 2009 Liam Campbell was arrested and issued with his first extradition warrant. Four months later, whilst on bail, he was wrongfully re-arrested by the British, who by stealth, overseen a second extradition warrant by the Lithuanian State, in May 2009.

Imprisoned in Maghaberry Prison Belfast, Liam Campbell was held in solitary confinement for four years. He was NEVER questioned, nor convicted or a crime! Liam won his case in the High Court in March 2013. It was appealed by the British in the supreme Court in London, who ruled in August 2013 there was no case to answer.

Liam Campbell was returned to his family. What Liam did not know was that, a third extradition warrant, was issued by the Lithuanian state also in August 2013 and held for 3 years, before being sent to Dublin. In December 2016, Liam Campbell was arrested for a third time which began his most recent struggle against extradition.

This is scheduled to take place by order of the High Court in Dublin on Monday 13th July 2020; 9 days from now.

We strenuously denounce all attempts to render him into the barbaric and unsanitary prison conditions as evidenced in reports made by the Committee for the prevention of torture and degrading treatment (CPT) in 2018 and consistent in there report in 2019.

Reports which detail to us the extreme prisoner on prisoner gang violence (foreign prisoners in particular are targeted), accounts of sexual assault, inhumane treatment and intimidation perpetrated by “special intervention units”, notorious within the Lithuanian prison regime of today.

Locked in pre trial detention, 24 hours a day for an unknown number of years, with restrictive access to his legal documents only partially transcribed in his native tongue, and only at the discretion of a foreign state prosecutor, hell bent on securing a corrupt conviction.

Not withstanding, that in May 2018 a European Court delivered a damning guilty verdict against Lithuanian state, otherwise known as “Camp Violet” by CIA militia, for their involvement in operating “black sites” used as torture chambers; and a litany of successive abuses which resulted in hefty convictions from the European courts and testament to their ingrained flagrant denial of fair trial rights and failure to safeguard the right of citizens, including our own Irish citizens who have suffered extensively in the hands of this Lithuanian state.

Lithuania, we call you out on your states abuse of process that would prevent repatriation to Ireland for Liam Campbell, in your denial of rights as set out in the United nations declaration on human rights act (UDHR) in the charter of fundamental rights (1998). They are not rights for good behaviour but alienable entitlements to all people.

We hereby declare our full support and determination to STOP THE EXTRADITION OF LIAM CAMPBELL and call for an end, to an 11.5 year long witch hunt of our country man.

Our determination will not waver!

The Campbell family
Friends and supporters

Vancouver protest denounces annexation, demands justice and freedom for Palestine

On Sunday, 12 July, student organizations in Vancouver, including Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Independent Jewish Voices UBC and the Arab Students Association, along with Vancouver Allies, organized a demonstration outside the Vanocuver Art Gallery as part of the global “Day of Rage” protests against Israeli annexation of the occupied Palestinian West Bank. A number of organizations participated in the protest, including Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, Sulong UBC (a Filipino national democratic student organization), the Canada Palestine Association and BDS Vancouver.

Speakers highlighted the settler colonial nature of the Israeli state and the Zionist project, emphasizing the connections with settler colonialism in Canada and the genocide of Indigenous nations and the Canadian government’s decades of complicity with Zionist colonialism in Palestine. Protesters emphasized that they were part of a global movement against racism and oppression. They demanded an end to Canadian government support for Israeli occupation, apartheid, settler colonialism and genocide.

They joined in spirited chants for justice and liberation in Palestine, raising Palestinian flags and signs denouncing annexation.

Speaking on behalf of Sulong UBC, Lara Maestro expressed solidarity with Palestinian student prisoners in Israeli jails, highlighting the cases of Mays Abu Ghosh, Tareq Mattar and Layan Kayed. She also noted the ongoing solidarity between liberation movements in Palestine and the Philippines, highlighting the similarities between the Netanyahu regime in Israel and the Duterte regime in the Philippines.

Speakers representing SPHR UBC discussed Palestinian identity, organizing and resistance inside and outside Palestine, even as Palestinians have faced over 70 years of ongoing Nakba – and ongoing resistance. The speaker representing Independent Jewish Voices emphasized that Israel is a colonial project, emphasizing support for Palestinian and indigenous resistance.

Charlotte Kates, the international coordinator of Samidoun, spoke at the protest, focusing on the situation of Palestinian political prisoners, including the widespread use of torture by Israeli interrogators, the arrest and imprisonment of Palestinian children and the targeting of Palestinian students.

She emphasized the global, anti-imperialist nature of the Palestinian struggle and the importance of standing and struggling together with all movements confronting racism, imperialism and oppression. She closed with the chant, “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!”

On behalf of Canada Palestine Association and BDS Vancouver, Alan Roberts emphasized the ongoing complicity of the Canadian government in Israeli crimes, expressed solidarity with the Black liberation movement and Indigenous struggles and called for the boycott of Israel and complicit corporations.

The event concluded with several cultural performances, highlighting ongoing Palestinian cultural resistance. Malak Musik sang Palestinian national songs, while poets Diana and Luay highlighted Palestinian experience, identity and ongoing struggle through their powerful concluding words.

The protest followed an earlier street picket organized on 26 June by the Canada Palestine Association and BDS Vancouver. Protesters lined up at the crowded rush-hour intersection of Broadway and Clark in Vancouver with large signs, banners and Palestinian flags, chanting loudly and denouncing Israeli annexation while demanding justice and liberation for Palestine.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network has called for Days of Resistance to continue these actions between 7-9 August in cities and communities around the world. Click here to learn more about the Days of Resistance call, endorse the statement or get involved.


Today, 11 July: Webinar in Arabic, English and Spanish – Hear live from Palestinians in the Jordan Valley & discuss role of Palestinian diaspora

Saturday, 11 July
10 am Pacific – 1 pm Eastern – 6 pm British time – 7 pm central Europe – 8 pm Palestine
TODAY! English and Spanish Translation will now be available for the webinar on the Palestinian revolutionary alternative, hosted by Samidoun Network in occupied Palestine, the Palestinian Youth Movement, HIRAK (Palestinian Youth Mobilization in Berlin), Al-Naqab Center and Palestinian Cultural Club! Join us at 10 am Pacific – 1 pm Eastern – 7 pm central Europe – 8 pm Palestine. Hear directly from activists in the Jordan Valley speaking about confronting annexation as well as Prof. Kamel Hawwash on the role of the Palestinian diaspora in confronting annexation and Zionist colonialism.
Join via Zoom for translation: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83140581869
The event will also be livestreamed on Facebook (in Arabic)
¡HOY! La traducción al español y al inglés estará disponible para el seminario web sobre la alternativa revolucionaria palestina, organizado por la Red Samidoun en la Palestina ocupada, el Movimiento Juvenil Palestino, HIRAK (Movilización Juvenil Palestina en Berlín), el Centro Al-Naqab y el Club Cultural Palestino! Únete a nosotros a las 10 am Pacífico – 1 pm Este – 7 pm Europa central – 8 pm Palestina. Escuche directamente a los activistas del Valle del Jordán hablando sobre la confrontación de la anexión, así como al Prof. Kamel Hawwash sobre el papel de la diáspora palestina en la confrontación de la anexión y el colonialismo sionista.
Únase a través de Zoom para la traducción: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83140581869
مسؤوليّة ودور فلسطينيّ الشتات في مواجهة الاستعمار الصهيوني ومشاريع الضم والاستيطان في فلسطين المحتلّة، عنوان وسؤال الندوة السادسة عشر (16) من سلسلة البديل الثوري حيث نستضيف أصوات فلسطينيّة مقاوِمَة من داخل منطقة الأغوار المحتلّة وكذلك البروفيسور كامل الحواش لتسليط الضوء على دور ومسؤولية الشتات في الحملات الفلسطينية والعربية والأممية المضادة للسياسات الصهيونية.. كيف نفهم دور حركة التضامن مع الشعب الفلسطيني في كشف ومواجهة الأهداف الاستعمارية الصهيونيّة والامريكيّة والاوروبيّة؟.ملاحظة: ستكون الندوة مترجمة إلى الإنجليزية والإسبانية.
عبر الرابط الآتي: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83140581869

CALL TO ACTION: Days of Resistance for Palestine, August 7-9, 2020


We invite all Palestinian community organizations, Palestine solidarity groups and movements and campaigns for social justice to endorse this call to action! Samidoun Network is releasing the following call to action for August 7-9, 2020 to build on all of the committed organizing taken up by so many organizations and activists around the world on and around July 1 and the Day of Rage against Israeli annexation. Annexation is a continuing threat – especially if the Israeli state thinks that it can pass unnoticed without continued resistance. The struggle is not over; in many ways, it has just begun. We urge you to continue mobilizing to defend the land and people of Palestine and join us in the Days of Resistance, August 7-9. 

Get involved:

Read the statement in Arabic | Spanish | French

If you are organizing an event, would like materials for your action, or have questions, please contact us at samidoun@samidoun.net or message us on Facebook

Statement from the Samidoun Network

On the 48th anniversary of the assassination of Ghassan Kanafani, Palestinian revolutionary writer whose life was taken by the Israeli Mossad through a car bomb near his Beirut house on 8 July 1972

“Imperialism has laid its body over the world, the head in Eastern Asia, the heart in the Middle East, its arteries reaching Africa and Latin America. Wherever you strike it, you damage it, and you serve the world revolution…The Palestinian cause is not a cause for Palestinians only, but a cause for every revolutionary, wherever he is, as a cause of the exploited and oppressed masses in our era.” – Ghassan Kanafani 

A call to the Palestinian people and all those who stand for justice: 

On the 48th anniversary of the assassination of the struggler, writer and revolutionary Ghassan Kanafani, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes in his memory all of the martyrs of the Palestinian people, the women, men, children and elders whose lives have been taken in the assault of Zionist colonialism that targeted Palestine and the entire Arab region.

Today, the program of Israeli annexation continues to threaten Palestinians in the West Bank, including the most fertile agricultural land of the Jordan Valley, which is still slated for Israel’s latest land grab. Of course, this is simply the continuation of over 72 years of land theft, dispossession, apartheid and genocide – but it requires continued mobilization and action to confront, alongside the siege on Gaza, the mass imprisonment of Palestinians, the demolition of homes, the denial of Palestinian refugees’ right to return and further war crimes and crimes against humanity.

On this occasion, we salute all of the victims of Zionist colonization and we rededicate ourselves to struggle for everything Ghassan Kanafani lived and fought for: the liberation of Palestine and the liberation of humanity. The memory of his martyrdom is a Palestinian, Arab and international rallying cry for revolutionary change. 

In this context, we call on all Palestinian communities and those who stand for justice in Palestine to join together to organize the Days of Resistance on August 7, 8 and 9, 2020. We urge all Palestinians inside and outside Palestine, and all of the national forces, popular institutions, youth, student and women’s movements, social justice movements and solidarity organizations to participate actively in “banging on the walls of the tank” – as in Kanafani’s Men in the Sun – to break down the walls of silence. Join in marches, popular activities, demonstrations and remind the world that the Palestinian people will continue to rise and confront all attempts of liquidation and destruction of the cause of Palestine and resist dispossession, exile and genocide – and that all people of conscience stand beside the Palestinian people in this critical moment. 

Samidoun Network in occupied Palestine and in the diaspora urges all to consider the days of Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 7 through 9 August, as days of comprehensive struggle, resistance and popular organizing against Zionist colonization throughout occupied Palestine, days of organizing demonstrations and political, cultural and media activities throughout Palestine, in exile and diaspora and everywhere around the world. These actions confront the ongoing Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people, including the Zionist “annexation” project and the deadly siege on Gaza, and aim to strengthen international solidarity with the Palestinian struggle and with the Palestinian prisoners’ movement inside Israeli occupation jails.

We urge all organizations in support of the Palestinian struggle, inside occupied Palestine and around the world, to raise the Palestinian flag and the images and words of the revolutionary writer Ghassan Kanafani in these marches and popular events. On these days, we also celebrate the historical symbols of the struggle of the Palestinian people, including the immortal Handala and his creator, the artist Naji al-Ali; the poet and struggler Kamal Nasser; the Palestinian writer Samira Azzam; the poet Ali Fouda; the revolutionary intellectual Basil al-Araj; and all of the martyrs and strugglers of Palestine who gave their lives, hearts and minds for liberation and return and in defense of the freedom and dignity of the Palestinian people. 

On the Days of Resistance, we will highlight the struggles of the Palestinian prisoners, tell the stories of the martyrs of the prisoners’ movement and the role of the prisoners in all area of revolutionary struggle, illuminate the Palestinian prisoners’ contribution to literature, thought and politics and the intellectual and cultural production of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement inside the Israeli occupation prisons. We will struggle for the freedom of all Palestinian prisoners and prisoners of the Palestinian cause, including the Lebanese Arab revolutionary Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, in French prisons for 35 years. 

On this anniversary, Samidoun extends its warmest salutes of struggle to all of those who initiated and participated in the Palestinian Day of Rage and its activities on 1 July and the surrounding days throughout Palestine and internationally, and we thank all of the Palestinian and progressive media institutions that covered these actions confronting the Zionist “annexation” and colonization project that aims to plunder Palestinian land and resources. This project only underlines the expansionist, settler colonial, racist nature of the Israeli state and its continuing colonization and theft of Palestinian and Arab land for over 72 years, a central part of the imperialist assault on the entire region. 

It must inspire us to mobilize and organize –  as Kanafani so clearly expressed –  to confront imperialism, Zionism and the reactionary regimes that continue to collaborate with these forces of oppression, and to struggle for liberation. Every victory of the peoples in struggle against these forces is a victory for Palestine and for our collective victory. 

Salutes to the martyrs, freedom for the prisoners and return for the refugees. Victory, liberation and return will come for the struggling Palestinian people! 

8 July 2020
Occupied Jerusalem – Brussels

Get involved:

Samedoun invita a jornadas llamadas  “días de resistencia” y “golpea las paredes de la cisterna ” en Palestina y el mundo

En el aniversario del martirio de Ghassan Kanafani ( Asesinado con un artefacto explosivo colocado en su coche por el Musad en Beirut el 8 del julio de 1972)

Samedoun invita a jornadas llamadas  “días de resistencia” y “golpea las paredes de la cisterna ” en Palestina y el mundo.

Bruselas – Jerusalén ocupada

Miércoles 7/8/2020

“La causa palestina no es solo la cuestión de los palestinos, sino la causa de cada revolucionario donde sea que exista, como una cuestión de las masas explotadas y oprimidas de nuestro tiempo” (Ghassan Kanafani).

La Red Samedoun para la Defensa de los Prisioneros Palestinos en Palestina y la diáspora instó a  la organización de “Días de Resistencia” del 7 al 8 del próximo mes de  agosto, en un comunicado especial emitido por la red esta mañana en la Jerusalén ocupada con motivo del 48 aniversario del martirio del gran escritor e intelectual revolucionario palestino Ghassan kanfani.

Samedoun he dirigido  saludos e invitaciones a las masas del pueblo palestino en la patria, y en la diáspora, a las potencias nacionales, las instituciones civiles, los movimientos juveniles y estudiantiles para participar ampliamente en “golpear los muros del tanque y romper los muros del silencio” a través de manifestaciones y actividades populares en “días de resistencia” y recordar al mundo la capacidad de   nuestro pueblo palestino a resistir todos los intentos de anulación , supresión, la política de exilio y limpieza étnica.

Samidoun  consideró  en su declaración que los días viernes, sábado y domingo 7, 8 y 9 de agosto serán días para la resistencia integral, la lucha, la escalada popular contra el colonialismo sionista en toda Palestina, además de la organización de manifestaciones, actividades políticas, culturales,  mediáticas en todo el país y la diáspora, así como  la lucha contra la “anexión” sionista, contra el asedio injusto Sobre nuestro pueblo en la Franja de Gaza, y para fortalecer la solidaridad internacional con las luchas del movimiento nacional cautivo en las cárceles de ocupación.

Samidoun pidió a todas sus organizaciones y simpatizantes en todo el mundo que alcen las banderas palestinas y fotos del mártir escritor Ghassan Kanafani en las marchas y eventos populares, además de  enaltecer  los símbolos históricos y militantes del pueblo palestino como “Handala / Mártir Naji Al-Ali” ,  el poeta mártir “Kamal Nasser”,  la escritora “Samira Azam”,  el mártir “Ali” Fouda, “el intelectual revolucionario, combativo Basilio al-Araj” y otros mártires palestinos que lucharon y dieron sus vidas por el retorno y la liberación.

También hizo un llamado a la necesidad de visibilizar las luchas de las prisioneras y prisioneras y dar a conocer  la biografía de los mártires del movimiento cautivo, el papel de los prisioneros en todas las áreas del trabajo revolucionario como en la literatura, el pensamiento, la política y mostrar la  “literatura carcelaria”, la producción intelectual y cultural del movimiento nacional cautivo dentro de las fortalezas carcelarias, además de exigir la liberación del luchador revolucionario por la libertad George Ibrahim Abdallah  de la prisión francesa.

Samidoun , dio las gracias a  todos los que participaron en la iniciativa y las actividades del Día de la Ira palestino el primero de julio y todas los medios nacionales que cubrieron las actividades de la semana pasada contra el proyecto de “anexión” sionista que apunta a saquear y colonizar más tierras palestinas y árabes.

Nota explicativa: golpear las paredes del tanque o la cisterna, hace referencia a una novela de Ghassan Kanafani, en la que tres palestinos viajan de forma ilegal a Kuwait metidos en una cisterna de un camión, y que mueren asfixiados por no haber golpeado las paredes del tanque.


Video: Samidoun joins discussion on imperialism and incarceration from Guantanamo to Palestine

On Sunday, 5 July, Charlotte Kates, the international coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, joined Mick Napier of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Moazzam Begg of CAGE, a British citizen formerly detained by the United States at its illegitimate detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, a naval base occupied against the will of the Cuban people and government. Guantanamo Bay has become notorious as a symbol of U.S. lawlessness and impunity, where people may be held seemingly endlessly without charges and where detainees – flown to Guantanamo from around the world – were subjected to severe physical and psychological torture.

The conversation highlighted unjust, colonial and imperialist systems of repression and incarceration from the U.S. to Scotland to Palestine. Kates in particular addressed the case of Salah Hamouri, the French-Palestinian lawyer once again detained by the Israeli occupation on 30 June.

Watch the full video here:

MEP Manu Pineda meets with Samidoun on Palestinian prisoners, struggle for freedom

On Tuesday, 30 June, Mohammed Khatib, Europe coordinator of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, met in Madrid, Spain, with Manu Pineda, Member of European Parliament for Izquierda Unida (the United Left) and Chair of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Palestine. The meeting was also attended by Jaldia Abubakra, feminist and community activist with Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Movement, and Majid Dibsi, journalist and Palestinian community leader in Spain.

The Palestinian delegation congratulated Pineda on his consistent stand and vigorous advocacy to defend Palestinian rights at the European and international level, including urging the liberation of Palestinian political prisoners and calling for an arms embargo, the expulsion of Israel from EU programs and an end to the EU-Israel Association Agreement in response to annexation, colonization and the ongoing war crimes and crimes against humanity targeting the Palestinian people.

They also praised Pineda’s advocacy for Palestinian rights inside Europe as well, despite vicious attacks from Zionist organizations and the Israeli state. For example, Pineda hosted Khaled Barakat, Palestinian writer, for a conference on the political ban imposed on him in Germany. Zionist groups and Israel’s “Ministry of Strategic Affairs” – the anti-BDS ministry charged with suppressing Palestine solidarity internationally – engaged in a failed attempt to bar Barakat from the parliament and attack Pineda’s role in organizing the event.

Mohammed Khatib discussed Samidoun’s activities to confront the annexation plan, emphasizing the importance of clear voices from European left parties not only in condemning this latest attack but in opposing the entire Zionist settler colonial project in Palestine. He emphasized that as part of the settler colonial project, this is the latest effort to escalate attacks on the Palestinian people, forcing Palestinians from their land and plundering their resources.

He also emphasized the struggle of Palestinian prisoners inside Israeli jails, noting that there are nearly 5,000 imprisoned Palestinians, including nearly 500 jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention and almost 200 imprisoned children. He discussed the escalating attack on Palestinian student organizers and the ongoing arrests targeting student council and student bloc members at Bir Zeit University and other universities throughout occupied Palestine.

They continued the conversation by discussing the situation of Palestinian and Arab prisoners in the jails of Arab reactionary regimes, especially those engaged in normalization with Israel, noting that the intensification of normalization campaigns has been accompanied by escalating repression targeting Palestinians and Arab activists for Palestine, such as in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Morocco.

They discussed the case of Ramy Shaath and the imprisonment of boycott movement activists – in this case, the coordinator of BDS Egypt – simultaneous with Egypt’s normalization with Israel, as well as the case of the five young men in Jordan criminalized for alleged involvement with the Palestinian resistance, including one who is already imprisoned in Israeli jails. Khatib noted that Samidoun views these prisoners as an essential part of the Palestinian liberation movement.

The group also discussed the issue of European Union conditional funding and the imposition of bogus “anti-terror” conditions designed to criminalize Palestinian resistance and subject Palestinian civil society organizations to European scrutiny and surveillance. This escalation of conditional funding comes shortly after an Israeli government campaign of attacks against Palestinian human rights defenders and civil socety organizations and reflects EU complicity in those attempts to silence Palestinian organizations, Khatib noted.

Khatib noted that these EU conditional funding guidelines – broadly rejected by The Palestinian National Campaign to Reject Conditional Funding aim to reshape Palestinian politics and organizations to meet what are, essentially, Israeli occupation demands, at the same time that the EU continues to fund and support Israeli projects tied directly to the Israeli military and intelligence agencies actively engaged in war crimes and crimes against humanity targeting the Palestinian people. He also noted that the Israeli attempts to target, smear and isolate Palestinian organizations at the European level are combined with direct repression inside Palestine. Civil society leaders like Abdel-Razzaq Farraj and most recently, Salah Hamouri, a French-Palestinian lawyer, are subjected to arbitrary imprisonment, often administrative detention without charge or trial.

Khatib emphasized the need for a strategy to confront EU complicity with these Israeli attacks on Palestinian civil society and defend these organizations working under very difficult conditions of occupation, apartheid and siege.

Pineda emphasized the strength and commitment of his solidarity with Palestine and the Palestinian people. He expressed his support for the work of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network to free Palestinian prisoners and defend the rights of the Palestinian people from Israeli colonization. He further expressed that he will do all in his power to fight for justice and liberation for Palestinians.

Free Salah Hamouri: French-Palestinian lawyer once again detained by Israeli occupation

Salah Hamouri speaking at the European Parliament

On 30 June, French-Palestinian lawyer Salah Hamouri was once again detained by Israel. He was seized by occupation forces inside a medical clinic where he was receiving a mandatory coronavirus test, as he had planned to travel to France to spend time with his wife and child and had a flight booked for 4 July. Hamouri and his family are forcibly separated by the Israeli occupation, as his French wife, Elsa Lefort, has been barred by the Israeli occupation from entering Palestine, despite an employment contract with the French consulate in Palestine and a valid visa.

This is not the first time Salah Hamouri was detained before traveling to France to visit with his wife and family. In 2017, he was seized and held for 13 months in administrative detention – imprisonment without charge or trial – once again, only days before a booked and planned flight to France. That arbitrary detention also came only days after Hamouri passed the Palestinian bar examination and was sworn in as a lawyer.

Hamouri is a former Palestinian political prisoner whose case was widely known throughout France as a symbol of injustice and false allegations until his release in 2011 in the Wafa al-Ahrar prisoner exchange, only a few months before his sentence was to end. He has spoken throughout France and internationally at events like the World Social Forum on Palestinian prisoners and the struggle for freedom.

After this time, he studied law; during his studies, he was banned from the West Bank, preventing him from attending classes at his university. Today Salah Hamouri is a Palestinian human rights defender who works with Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association as a lawyer.

During his previous imprisonment, Hamouri’s case won wide support among French popular movements and even elected officials, with over 1,000 signing a call for his release. Nevertheless, French official diplomacy continued to drag its feet rather than defend its citizen, inaugurating the “France-Israel season” while Israel imprisoned a French citizen without charge or trial.

Now, Salah Hamouri is once again detained, held in the notorious Moskobiyeh interrogation center infamous for numerous cases of severe physical and psychological torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment against Palestinian detainees. On 1 July, his interrogation was officially extended for seven days, which his lawyers immediately appealed. On 5 July, the appeal for his release was denied by an Israeli court as Salah was “present” via video conference.

The French consulate in Jerusalem has been denied a meeting with Hamouri by Israeli occupation officials, who have also denied him clothing brought to him by his family.

The Ligue des droits de l’Homme (the League for Human Rights) issued a call for the immediate release of Salah Hamouri, denouncing the harassment against this “indefatigable defender of Palestinian human rights” and calling for French and European authorities to take all actions in their power to obtain Hamouri’s liberation.

On Monday, 6 July, Hamouri’s support committee called for a public demonstration at the town hall of Ivry-sur-Seine, calling for his immediate release and meaningful action from French officials.

Of course, it must be noted that France was recently condemned by the European Court of Human Rights for its prosecution and criminalization of activists calling for the boycott of Israel, and it continues to imprison Lebanese Arab Communist struggler for Palestine Georges Ibrahim Abdallah for 35 years. Public pressure is critical to compel French officials to take meaningful action to release Salah Hamouri.

Take action:

The Salah Hamouri support campaign has called on friends of Palestine and those who support Salah to send a message to French officials calling upon them to take action. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network supports this call.

A sample letter, provided by the campaign, and the email addresses for the action are provided below, as is an English translation. If you are a French citizen, please send the French version. International supporters may wish to send the English version or write their own letter!

Email: cg-informations.jerusalem-fslt@diplomatie.gouv.fr, samer.melki@diplomatie.gouv.fr, patrick.durel@diplomatie.gouv.fr

Monsieur le Consul,
ou Monsieur le Ministre des affaires étrangères,
ou Monsieur le Président de la République,

Le 30 juin 2020, notre compatriote, l’avocat franco-palestinien, défenseur des droits de l’homme, Salah Hamouri, a été arrêté à Jérusalem-Est par l’armée d’occupation dans un centre de santé. Les autorités militaires n’ont donné aucun motif à cette arrestation. Ce 1er juillet, le tribunal a prolongé sa détention jusqu’au 7 juillet.

Le Consulat n’a toujours pas eu de réponse à sa demande de visite de notre compatriote. Sans cette visite consulaire, Salah Hamouri est totalement isolé, pendant 7 jours, dans le centre d’interrogatoire de Moskobiyeh, tristement connu pour ces interrogatoires violents, tortures physiques et psychologiques.

L’arrestation de notre concitoyen est inadmissible et insupportable. Les autorités françaises ne doivent pas laisser passer une telle infamie. Cette situation doit cesser sans délai. La France doit exiger la libération de notre concitoyen qui subit une fois de plus l’arbitraire israélien.

Je vous demande d’œuvrer au nom de la France, pour la libération immédiate de Salah Hamouri.

Veuillez agréer, Monsieur, l’expression de ma haute considération.

* Consulat Général de France à Jérusalem

* France Diplomatie

* Élysée – Présidence de la République française


Dear Consul (or Minister of Foreign Affairs, or President of the Republic)

On 30 June 2020, the French-Palestinian lawyer and human rights defender Salah Hamouri, was arrested in East Jerusalem by the occupation army in a health center. The military authorities have given no reason for his arrest. On 1 July, a court prolonged his detention until 7 July.

The consulate has still not received a response to its request to visit this detained French citizen. Without this consular visit, Salah Hamouri is totally isolated for 7 days in the Moskobiyeh interrogation center, unfortunately known for violent interrogations and physical and psychological torture.

The arbitrary arrest of this human rights defender and French citizen is unacceptable and unbearable. The French authorities must not allow these abuses to continue. This situation must end immediately. France must demand the immediate release of this human rights defender who is once against subjected to Israeli arbitrary violations.

I urge you to work actively on behalf of France for the immediate liberation of Salah Hamouri.

Thank you in advance.