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18 May, Toronto: End Israeli Apartheid – Cross-Canada Day of Action

Saturday, 18 May
2:00 pm
Yonge-Dundas Square
Toronto, Canada
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/392762484637473/

Join us in Toronto to show solidarity for the Palestinian people. In remembrance of the Nakba, let us gather in a show of strength and solidarity.

The Nakba was a day of catastrophe which marked the beginning of the violent ethnic cleansing and colonization of Palestine in 1948, which rested on the racist belief that Jews alone belong in Palestine.

The Israeli army and government has continued – even until now, 71 years since the Nakba – to steal land, murder and displace Palestinians, occupy Palestinian territory, and implement an apartheid regime.

Come out on the 18th to honour the ENERGY and STRENGTH of the Palestinian people who have never stopped resisting the oppressive Israeli state and its colonial violence.

Join us in our support for the RIGHT of RETURN for Palestinian refugees and for BOYCOTT, DIVESTMENTS, and SANCTIONS of the state of Israel.

18 May, Brooklyn: Canvass to End Military Detention of Palestinian Kids

Saturday, 18 May
1:00 pm
Brooklyn Public Library
10 Grand Army Plaza
Brooklyn, NY
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1520078454789255/

Join the NYC-DSA Anti-War Working Group as we canvas in support of H.R. 2407, the “Promoting Human Rights for Palestinian Children Living Under Israeli Military Occupation” Act.

Sign our petition calling on NY Congressional representatives to support the legislation: bit.ly/PalestinianChildren
[in the last session of Congress, the same legislation was supported by ZERO congressional reps from New York]

This is the first legislation in US history that would put in place US sanctions against Israel, in proportion to Israeli violations of Palestinian rights.

The U.S. currently gives $3.8b yearly in unconditional military aid to Israel. If implemented, this act would end US funding to systematic Israeli crimes against Palestinian children, under the Israeli military detention system in the occupied West Bank.

It should not be controversial to demand that US taxpayer dollars not go toward crimes against children— in Palestine, or anywhere!

Contact antiwar@socialists.nyc for info.

15 May, Adelaide: Commemoration of the Palestinian Nakba

Wednesday, 15 May
6:00 pm
Migration Museum
82 Kintore Avenue
Adelaide, Australia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/293365344890188/

Join us to commemorate 71 years since the Nakba (“catastrophe”) with a small gathering at the Migration Museum in Kintore Ave to acknowledge and hear the experiences of local Palestinian families by the Palestinian community plaque in the Museum forecourt.

May 15th, 1948, marks the day that over 750,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes and made refugees.

In 1948, the establishment of the State of Israel in historic Palestine through violent ethnic cleansing not only forced Palestinians from their homes, but also led to massacres of indigenous populations and the destruction of their villages.

After 71 years this bloodshed has not been forgotten, nor the right of Palestinians to return to their homes, property and land.

14 May, Copenhagen: Al-Nakba: Boycott Eurovision 2019

Tuesday, 14 May
5:00 pm

Norreport Station
Norre Voldgade
Copenhagen, Denmark
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/408296540024793/

Gather in Copenhagen on May 14 to commemorate the Nakba and demand a boycott of the “artwashing” Eurovision Song Contest. Stop dancing on Nakba day! Free Palestine!

15 May, NYC: Nakba Day of Action

Wednesday, 15 May
10:00 am
Israeli Consulate
800 2nd Avenue
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/284427569101359/

**Please note time is TBD for now and we will confirm and update soon! It will definitely be in the morning, as that is when the consulate is open***

On May 15 (Nakba Day), clergy, people of faith, and laity will go together to the NYC Israeli consulate to embody solidarity with Palestinians. We are calling all faith leaders and people of faith in NYC to join us for prayer and to demand the Israeli government end the brutal occupation and grant Palestinians the space and right for their own self-determination.

Together, we will deliver or read the Kairos petition which states:

Declaring as unjust and illegal the occupation policies and practices of the State of Israel over seven decades, including…
• Creating over 700,000 Palestinian refugees in the Nakba (catastrophe), who were forced from their homes and villages in 1948-1949 when the State of Israel was established on 78% of historical Palestine;
• Occupying the remaining 22% of Palestine in 1967, in contravention of UN Council Resolution 242 which emphasizes the “inadmissibility of the acquiring of territory by war”;
• Imposing in Palestine military rule and segregation, including an unjust system of military law, a network of Israeli settler-only roads and checkpoints that restrict Palestinian freedom of movement and trade, and a separation wall judged by the International Court of Justice in 2004 as “a breach of international law”;
• Settling its populations into illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian land.This is in breach of the Geneva Conventions and has been consistently condemned by the international community and non-governmental organizations;
• Control of the airspace, territorial waters and land borders of Gaza, and restricting movement in and out of the territory, creating an urgent humanitarian crisis widely criticized by humanitarian organizations;
• Adopting the discriminatory July 2018 Nation State Law passed by Israel’s governing body, stipulating that Jewish people have a unique right to national self-determination not afforded other citizens of the state, elevating Hebrew above Arabic as Israel’s official language, unilaterally claiming Jerusalem as the “complete and united capital of Israel,” and endorsing “development of Jewish settlements as a national value.”

I (We), [a] member(s) of global civil society, call on the State of Israel to:
• End the occupation of Palestine immediately;
• Restore the full and equal rights of and end discrimination against Palestinian citizens living in Israel and between all inhabitants of the Land;
• Respect the right of return of Palestinian refugees.

Furthermore, we call on all countries to:
• Abide by their obligations under international law regarding the rights of the Palestinian people, as stipulated under the Geneva Conventions, and to provide the necessary protection afforded to them under international law from the daily violence imposed on them.

15 May, Brooklyn: Nakba 71 – The Great Return March Continues

Wednesday, 15 May
5:30 pm
72nd St and 5th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/312204576112985/

Every year on May 15, Palestinians commemorate the Nakba (“catastrophe”) in 1948 when 1 million Palestinians were ethnically cleansed from their lands and over 500 Palestinian villages were destroyed or depopulated by zionist terrorist militias to make way for the settler colonial state of israel. 71 years later, there are over 6 million Palestinian refugees worldwide, internally displaced within Palestine and living in exile in the diaspora. During this time we have never stopped fighting to return to our land and liberate our people from the genocidal grip of zionism.

The Great Return March, which was launched on March 30, 2018, was initially planned to last for 6 weeks until Nakba Day on May 15. Over one year later, our people in Gaza continue to march on the militarized border fence every single Friday, demanding their right to return and an end to the siege and blockade of Gaza. Over 270 Palestinians have been killed by israeli snipers while taking part in the weekly protests, including women, children, disabled people, medics and journalists alike. More than 25,000 have been wounded by tear gas and “non-lethal ammo.”

On May 15, we call on all supporters of Palestine to join us as we mobilize alongside the Palestinian community of Bay Ridge to commemorate the Nakba, rally in support of the Great Return March and honor the martyrs of the past year.

From Bay Ridge to Gaza — refugees will return!

14 May, NYC: Palestinian Expulsion and Resistance

Tuesday, 14 May
6:00 pm
Redeemer Episcopal Church Astoria
3014 Crescent St
Astoria, NY
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/319732518712440/

Please join Queens Political Education and the Anti War Working group during the month of Ramadan for our political education event and interfaith Iftar, “Palestinian Expulsion and Resistance: The Nakba, BDS, and the Great Return March.” The panel discussion and interfaith iftar will be held on Tuesday, May 14th, from 6-9 P.M. at Church of the Redeemer, 30-14 Crescent Street, Astoria, NY.

Timed to coincide with commemoration of the Nakba, or the catastrophe, where the Palestinian people were expelled from their ancestral home, this event will focus on education about the Nakba, current sanction movements including the Boycott, Disinvest and Sanction (BDS), No Way to Treat a Child and the Great Return March.

Come listen from Raja Abdulhaq, the Executive director of Majlis Ash-Shura Islamic Leadership Council of New York and Nerdeen Kiswani, Founder and chair of Within our Lifetime United for Palestine discuss their activist work in the Palestinian community. Additionally, a speaker from the Anti War Working Group will discuss their current work and how DSA members can become involved in the struggle for Palestinian liberation. Following the panel discussion, starting at 8 P.M., room and blankets will be made available for Maghrib. After prayer, food from a local Palestinian Queens restaurant will be available for an interfaith iftar to celebrate the liberation of the Palestinian people. People from all backgrounds are welcome, with Muslims especially encouraged to attend. The panel discussion will be from 6-8 P.M. with the maghrib and iftar from 8-9 P.M. Solidarity and salaam.

15 May, Athens: Demonstration to Commemorate the Nakba, for the Right of Return

Wednesday, 15 May
6:30 pm
Metro Panormou
Athens, Greece

On the 71st anniversary of the catastrophe of the Palestinian people and the day of the Palestinian struggle, we call on you, on behalf of the Palestinian refugees in Greece to join the left forces, trade union movements and Greek student organizations to participate in the march of return that will head from downtown in the Greek capital, Athens, to the embassy of the Zionist state.

في الذكرى ال ٧١ على نكبة شعبنا وفي يوم النضال الفلسطيني، ندعوكم باسم اللاجئين الفلسطينيين في اليونان وبدعم ومشاركة القوى اليسارية والنقابية والاتحادات الطلابية اليونانية للمشاركة الواسعة في تظاهرة “العودة” التي ستنطلق من وسط المدينة في العاصمة اثينا وتتوجه نحو سفارة العدو الصهيوني.
يوم الاربعاء في ١٥-٥-١٩ الساعة السادسة والنصف مساء.


15 May, Gothenburg: Demonstration on 71 years of al-Nakba

Wednesday, 15 May
5:30 pm
Gothenburg, Sweden
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/392188841372835/

The Nakba Committee calls for a demonstration on 15 May to commemorate Al-Nakba, the Catastrophe.

This year marks 71 years since around 750,000 Palestinians were displaced from their homes. Over 400 Palestinian villages were destroyed and the state of Israel proclaimed. Al-Nakba, the great catastrophe, was not a single event but an ever-present reality that includes the ongoing ethnic cleansing and daily oppression of the Palestinian people. Today, millions of Palestinians live as refugees around the world. We gather to remember al-Nakba and above all to show solidarity and support the Palestinian struggle against occupation and for a fair peace.

Important notes for the demonstration:
* we have zero tolerance for anti-Semitism
* posters, banners and flags are welcome, including those with organizational symbols, but only Palestinian national flags are allowed.

Proletären FF, Kommunistiska Partiet Göteborg, BDS Göteborg, Palestinska Huset i Göteborg, Palestinagrupperna Göteborg, Ship to Gaza Göteborg, Aktionsgruppen Flytta Finalen, Samidoun Göteborg, SPFH Handala, Falestin Beytona/Palestinska Riksförbundet, Al Salamföreningen, Alshatat Al Falastini, Vänsterpartiet Göteborg, RKU Göteborg.

Nakba-kommittén kallar till en manifestation den 15 maj till minnet av Al Nakba, den stora katastrofen.

I år är det 71 år sedan cirka 750 000 palestinier fördrevs från sina hem, över 400 palestinska byar jämnades med marken och staten Israel utropades. Al Nakba, den stora Katastrofen, var inte en enskild händelse, utan är en ständigt pågående verklighet som inkluderar etnisk rensning och dagligt förtryck av det palestinska folket. Ännu idag lever miljoner palestinier som flyktingar runt om i världen. Vi samlas för att minnas al Nakba, men framför allt för att visa solidaritet och stödja den palestinska kampen mot ockupationen och för en rättvis fred.

Drottningtorget, Göteborg
15 maj 2019, kl. 17.30-19.00

Talarlista kommer inom kort.

– Vi har nolltolerans mot antisemitism.
– Plakat, banderoller och fanor är välkomna, även med organisationssymboler men endast palestinska nationsflaggor är tillåtna.

Proletären FF, Kommunistiska Partiet Göteborg, BDS Göteborg, Palestinska Huset i Göteborg, Palestinagrupperna Göteborg, Ship to Gaza Göteborg, Aktionsgruppen Flytta Finalen, Samidoun Göteborg, SPFH Handala, Falestin Beytona/Palestinska Riksförbundet, Al Salamföreningen, Alshatat Al Falastini, Vänsterpartiet Göteborg, RKU Göteborg.


يصادف يوم النكبة الخامس عشر من أيار من كل سنة.

حدث في مثل هذا اليوم منذ واحد سبعين عاما ان هجر 700 الف فلسطنيا قسرا من بلدهم العزيز فلسطين وأكثر من 500 قرية دمرت وكان كل ذلك تمهيدا لتشكيل حكومة إسرائيلية.

من خلال 71 سنة من الاحتلال استعمرت الأجزاء الكبرى من فلسطين وطبقت سياسة التمييز العنصري.

ومدينة غزة تكون محاصرة منذ أثني عشر عاما مما جعل الحياة شاقة في ظل غياب ابسط سبل العيش هناك.

حسب البيان رقم 194 الموافق عليه من قبل مجلس الأمن سنة 1948 يمتلك الفلسطينيون المهجرون حق العودة لبلادهم والآن ومنذ 71 عاما يعيش هؤلاء في مخيمات اللجوء في دول الجوار لبنان وسوريا والاردن وفي غزة والقطاع الغربي.

خرجت مسيرات في غزة سنة 2018 تطالب بحق العودة فاستشهدا على اثرها 251 وأصيب 2800 برصاص القناصة الإسرائلييين.

فلسطين ليس لديها جيش فهم يناظلون ضد الاحتلال من خلال المظاهرات وقذف الجحارة
فمايقارب الف طفل يتعرض للسجن سنويأ وأغلبهم بسبب قذف الحجارة وحاليأ يوجد نحو 5273 فلسطنيا في السجون الإسرائيلية من بينهم 207 طفلأ.

نحن نطالب مايلي:
-إنهاء الاحتلال الإسرائيلي لفلسطين

-فك الحصار عن غزة

– الاعتراف بحق العودة للاجئين الفلسطينيين

– إطلاق صراح المعتقلين السياسييين

– التضامن مع فلسطين ومقاطعة إسرائيل حتى يسترجع الشعب الفلسطيني حقوقه المسلوبة.

اظهر تظامنك واكسر حاجز الصمت من خلال مشاركتك بالتظاهر معنا بتاريخ 15 أيار الساعة الخامسة ونصف في Drottningtorget

14 May, Toulouse: Rally – Boycott Eurovision in Tel Aviv!

Tuesday, 14 May
6:00 pm
Square Charles-de-Gaulle
Toulouse, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/287595302166359/

Boycott Eurovision in Tel Aviv!
Don’t be complicit in Israeli apartheid!

On Saturday, May 18, 2019, the final of the Eurovision Song Contest will be held in Tel Aviv, Israel.

This country which just enacted last July a “law of the Nation-State of the Jewish people”. This constitutionally binding law institutionalizes racism and discriminates between Jewish and non-Jewish Israeli citizens.

To colonization, occupation of Palestinian land and ongoing massacres in Gaza, Israel also adds the formalization of apartheid. While Gérard Araud, former French ambassador to Israel, admitted that “there will be an officially apartheid state, in fact it is already the case”.

Eurovision is followed by millions of viewers in Europe. The far-right government of Netanyahu uses, as part of its official “Brand Israel” strategy, a propaganda campaign showing “the prettiest face of Israel” in order to whitewash and divert attention from its war crimes against the Palestinians.
Many artists, including Madonna and Bilal Hassani, who represents France, will sing on this occasion. Israel will try to give itself a falsely progressive image by posing as a defender of the LGBT cause (so-called pinkwashing).

That is why :
– We call for a boycott of the final of Eurovision in Israel on May 18
– We call on selected and invited artists to refuse to go to Tel Aviv and sing for Israeli apartheid.
– We call France Télévisions, broadcaster of the program in France, not to be the transmitter of this promotion of racism and colonialism

Boycott de l’Eurovision à Tel-Aviv !
Ne soyons pas complices de l’apartheid israélien !

Samedi 18 mai 2019, la finale du concours de l’Eurovision se déroulera à Tel-Aviv en Israël.

Ce pays qui vient de voter en juillet dernier une « loi de l’État-Nation du peuple juif ». Cette loi, à valeur de constitution, n’accorde pas les mêmes droits aux Israéliens selon qu’ils soient Juifs ou non-Juifs.En fait elle institutionnalise le racisme.

A la colonisation, l’occupation des terres palestiniennes et les massacres à Gaza, Israël ajoute désormais l’officialisation de l’apartheid. Alors que de l’aveu même de Gérard Araud, ancien ambassadeur français en Israël, « il y aura officiellement un État d’apartheid, en réalité c’est déjà le cas ».

L’Eurovision est suivie par des millions de téléspectateurs en Europe. Le gouvernement d’extrême droite de Netanyahu utilise, dans le cadre de sa stratégie officielle « Marque Israël» , une campagne de propagande montrant « le plus joli visage d’Israël» afin de blanchir et de détourner l’attention de ses crimes de guerre contre les Palestiniens.
De nombreux artistes, notamment Madonna et Bilal Hassani, qui représente la France, chanteront à cette occasion. Israël tentera de se donner une image faussement progressiste en se faisant passer pour défenseur de la cause LGBT (ce que l’on appelle le pinkwashing).

C’est pourquoi :
– Nous appelons à boycotter la finale de l’Eurovision en Israël le 18 mai prochain
– Nous appelons les artistes sélectionné·e·s et invité·e·s à refuser d’aller à Tel-Aviv et de chanter pour l’apartheid israélien.
– Nous appelons France Télévisions, diffuseur du programme en France, à ne pas se faire le relais de cette opération de promotion du racisme et du colonialisme

Rassemblement mardi 14 mai
de 18H à 20H
Métro Jean Jaurès – Toulouse