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14 May, Athens: Boycott the Eurovision – protest at ERT

Tuesday, 14 May
8:30 pm
ERT – Greek Radio and Television
432 Messogion Avenue
Athens, Greece
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/437507527007595/

Following the recent killings of dozens of Palestinians by the state of Israel and the bombings in the Gaza Strip, came an untrustworthy decision for a ceasefire that will supposedly bring an end to the Palestinian death toll.

Meanwhile, Israel is about to host this year’s Eurovision Song Contest, which coincides with the celebration for the recognition of Jerusalem (al Quds under occupation) as the capital of the apartheid Zionist state.

The Greek Front for Resistance and Solidarity for Palestine, “Ghassan Kanafani,” calls for the cancellation of the Greek participation in the contest. On top of that, we call for a demonstration outside the headquarters of the Greek public television, ERT, that is responsible for organizing the Greek mission and broadcasting the event. The protest will take place on Tuesday, 14 May at 20:30 local time, just before the contest is aired. We ask of every supporter of the Palestinian struggle to join us and aid this cause, in order for our message to reach an audience as broad as possible!

Μετά από τις πρόσφατες δολοφονίες δεκάδων Παλαιστινίων από το κράτος του Ισραήλ και τους αεροπορικούς βομβαρδισμούς στην Λωρίδα της Γάζας, είχαμε τις επακόλουθες προφάσεις για κατάπαυση του πυρός που υποτίθεται θα σταματήσει την εγκληματική δράση του σιωνιστικού κράτους απέναντι στους Άραβες Παλαιστινίους.

Σε αυτή την συγκυρία στο κράτος απαρτχάιντ του Ισραήλ διεξάγεται ο διαγωνισμός της Γιουροβίζιον, ο οποίος συμπίπτει με τους εορτασμούς για την αναγνώριση από τις ΗΠΑ και την μεταφορά της πρωτεύουσας του Ισραήλ στην κατεχόμενη Ιερουσαλήμ(Αλ Κουντς).

Θα περιμέναμε από τον πρόεδρο της ΕΡΤ, γνωστό μουσικοσυνθέτη Χρήστο Λεοντή, ο οποίος με το μουσικό του έργο έχει αναδείξει τον εθνικοαπελευθερωτικό αγώνα του λαού μας, να σταθεί αλληλέγγυος με τον αγώνα των Παλαιστινίων. Αντ’αυτού βλέπουμε ότι συνδράμει στο θλιβερό πανηγύρι και ξεχνά τις αγωνιστικές δάφνες του παρελθόντος.

Το Μέτωπο Αντίστασης και Αλληλεγγύης για την Παλαιστίνη «Γασσάν Καναφάνι» καλεί στην ακύρωση της συμμετοχής της χώρας μας, στην ματαίωση της προβολής του διαγωνισμού που ξεπλένει τα εγκλήματα του Ισραήλ από την ΕΡΤ και στην θέση του να προβληθούν εκπομπές για την ανάδειξη της εγκληματική πολιτικής του σιωνιστικού κράτους.

– Καλούμε κάθε αγωνιστή, αντιμπεριαλιστή, αλληλέγγυο και φίλο της Παλαιστίνης, σε διαδήλωση διαμαρτυρίας έξω από το Ραδιομέγαρο της ΕΡΤ που βρίσκεται στην Αγία Παρασκευή, την Τρίτη 14 Μαΐου στις 20:30, πριν τη διεξαγωγή του πρώτου ημιτελικού της Γιουροβίζιον.

– Καλούμε κάθε δημοσιογράφο της ΕΡΤ να συμμετάσχει στην άνωθεν δράση, να κηρύξει στάση εργασίας μέσα από το συνδικάτο του ή και ατομικά κατά τη διάρκεια της αναμετάδοσης της διοργάνωσης, να παρεμποδίσει εμπράκτως την προβολή του πολιτικά απεχθούς προγράμματος που λαμβάνει χώρα σε κατεχόμενα εδάφη, να φροντίσει για την κατάλληλη ενημέρωση κάθε Έλληνα κι Ελληνίδας περί του όσων παράλληλα συντελούνται στον χώρο και τον χρόνο του διαγωνισμού στο Ισραήλ.

Είναι ευθύνη του κάθε δημοσιογράφου να προστατεύσει την ανθρώπινη αξιοπρέπεια απανταχού της Γης, πρωτίστως απέναντι στο κοινό του!

Σε αυτήν την προσπάθεια, η φυσική παρουσία και η φωνή του καθενός είναι πολύτιμη. Στόχος είναι η μετάδοση του μηνύματος του αγώνα των Παλαιστίνιων στον ελληνικό λαό, με απώτερο σκοπό την ευαισθητοποίηση ως προς το έγκλημα που συντελείται.

Ομάδα εργασίας BDS
Μέτωπο Αντίστασης και Αλληλεγγύης για την Παλαιστίνη
«Γασσάν Καναφάνι»

Palestinian gathering in Berlin highlights 71 years of Nakba, struggles for liberation and return

Crowd attends Hermannplatz day for Palestine
Crowd attends Hermannplatz day for Palestine. Photo: Afif al-Ali

Samidoun activists joined hundreds of Palestinians and supporters of Palestine in Berlin, Germany, for the annual Palestine Day event in Hermannplatz. The event included wide participation from an array of organizations and activists, including a speech by Abla Sa’adat, Palestinian women’s activist and the wife of Ahmad Sa’adat, imprisoned Palestinian national leader and the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Abla Sa'adat speaking
Abla Sa’adat speaks at the event. Photo: Abed Khattar

The day-long event marking the 71st anniversary of the Nakba, the expulsion of over 750,000 Palestinians from their homeland by Zionist militias, included a special recorded greeting by Archbishop Atallah Hanna from Palestine, saluting the participants and emphasizing the ongoing steadfastness of the Palestinian people struggling for their liberation and return.

BDS Berlin speakers
BDS Berlin speaks at the event. Photo: Abed Khattar

BDS Berlin gave a speech at the event as well as setting up a display about the campaign to boycott Israeli products and multinational corporations complicit with the occupation. The event included banners highlighting the international campaign to boycott the Eurovision song contest being hosted in Tel Aviv. Dozens of artists from European countries have announced their refusal to participate in the Eurovision so long as it is being used to “artwash” the ongoing colonization and ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

Boycott Eurovision banner at the event. Photo: BDS Berlin

Watch the BDS Berlin speech:

The speakers also discussed a number of international campaigns active in Berlin, including the campaign to demand AXA insurance end its involvement with Israeli apartheid as well as the Boycott Puma campaign, demanding the manufacturer end its sponsorship of the Israeli Football Association.

Abdallah speaking at the event for Samidoun and Hirak.

Abdallah, a Palestinian youth activist in Berlin, spoke on behalf of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network as well as HIRAK, the Palestinian Youth Mobilization in Berlin. He noted that early May not only marks the anniversary of the Nakba, but also of 1 May, International Workers’ Day, and that both dates are key anniversaries for the Palestinian people’s liberation struggle.

Abdallah speaking on behalf of Samidoun and HIRAK. Photo: Abed Khattar

“Palestinian workers are regularly subject to colonial forms of imprisonment, from the political targeting of workers’ organizations to the mass criminalization of Palestinians seeking employment inside occupied Palestine ’48. Palestinian workers are frequently arrested for “entering Israel without a permit,” despite the fact that many of these same workers are Palestinian refugees denied their right to return to their original homes and lands for the past 71 years.”

“Palestinian workers are struggling not only to live and survive, but also to win the liberation of their homeland, a free Palestine from the river to the sea, and secure their right to return, a right that has been denied them for over 71 years. Every week, in Gaza, for over a year, thousands upon thousands of people, living under the most brutal form of siege and facing a brutal colonial army that does not hesitate to meet civilians with gunfire and bombs, march in the Great March of Return to demand their most fundamental right: the right to return.”

Yafa Dabkeh Troupe performs at the event. Photo: Abed Khattar

“Our participation here is also part of our global great march of return: a Palestinian march, yes, but also an Arab march and an international march for the right of return. For freedom for the prisoners. For an end to imperialism, colonialism and Zionism. For a free, liberated Palestine. For justice for all of our oppressed communities and liberation for the working class. Together, we struggle – until we win. And we greet you today with the greatest confidence that despite all odds, we will win,” he concluded.

Yafa Dabkeh Troupe performs at the event. Photo: Abed Khattar

Various cultural performances enlivened the event, including a dance performance by the Yafa Dabke Group as well as a musical performance by Jafra. Solidarity organizations and campaigns also participated, including the Bloque Latinoamericano and the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany. Banners highlighted multiple aspects of the Palestinian liberation struggle, including the right of return, the struggle for Jerusalem and the struggle to free Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails – as well as the campaign for the freedom of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, held for 34 years in French prisons.

Watch the Yafa Dabkeh performance:

Stands were set up around the area for distribution of materials, buttons and information about Palestine as well as Palestinian food and handicrafts. The Palestinian flag was seen everywhere in the square – as well as the Algerian, Cuban and Venezuelan flags, representing the ongoing united struggle against imperialism.

Flags of struggle at the event. Photo: Abed Khattar

As in various other events for Palestine in Berlin, Zionist organizations and right-wing media outlets launched an attack on the demonstration in an attempt to demand the suppression of Palestinian community organizing in the city. The political themes of the attack were not dissimilar to those that are raised over and over again, including racist attacks on Arabs and Palestinians, dubious and fabricated allegations of “anti-Semitism” that rely on the equation of Zionism and the Israeli state to Judaism and the Jewish people. These attacks in the “Berliner Morgenpost” as well as those by politicians like Volker Beck and others are an obvious and blatant attempt to censor Palestinian expression and narrowly define Palestinian culture as something that must never mention the ongoing 71 years of Nakba, ethnic cleansing, occupation and apartheid.

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah presente! Photo: Afif al-Ali

They are directly related to the censorship of Palestinian former prisoner, women’s organizer and torture survivor Rasmea Odeh, who was banned from speaking and had her Schengen visa stripped due to complaints from politicians such as Beck and false media allegations. Nevertheless, Berlin’s large Palestinian community, including many diverse organizations, continues to regularly organize protests, demonstrations and actions to defend the Palestinian people and Palestinian rights, including Palestinian political prisoners under attack.

11 May, Ludwigshafen: Commemoration of Communist leader Ibrahim Kaypakkaya

Saturday, 11 May
3:30 pm
89 Erzberger Str.
Ludwigshafen, Germany
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/400349347214196/

We commemorate Communist leader Ibrahim Kaypakkaya on the 46th anniversary of his murder!

Katledilisinin 46. Yilinda Komünist Önder Ibrahim Kaypakkaya’yi Aniyoruz!

11 May, Koblenz: Nakba demonstration and commemoration

Saturday, 11 May
3:00 pm
Koblenz, Germany
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/326132934765666/

On 15 May, Palestinians remember the Nakba or Catastrophe, when 850,000 Palestinians were forced from their homes and lands by Zionist militias. This attack began in November 1947 and has been continued on an ongoing basis by the Israeli state through various means (Prawer plan, previously known as Blueprint-Negev; destruction of villages and homes; settlement construction, etc.)

Join us in Koblenz on Saturday, 11 May, for our demonstration around the theme of Al-Nakba, the Palestinian catastrophe, at the platz outside the Herz-Jesu-Kirche.

We look forward to seeing many of you join us to make this day a memorable demonstration against colonialism, apartheid and ethnic cleansing.

Liebe Freunde und Freundinne,

am 15.Mai erinnern sich die Palästinenser/innen an ihre Nakba/Vertreibung.
Die Vertreibung von 850 Tausend Palästinenser durch zionistische Milizen, die unmittelbar nach dem Beschluss des Teilungsplans im November 1947 begann, wird heute durch den Staat Israel fortgesetzt (Prawer-Plan bzw. Blueprint-Negev, Zerstörungen von Dörfern und Häusern, Siedungsbau usw.)

Darauf möchten wir in Koblenz am Samstag, den 11.05.2019, mit unserer Kundgebung zum Thema: Al-Nakba, die Vertreibung der Palästinenser auf dem Vorplatz der Herz-Jesu-Kirche aufmerksam machen.

Von 15:00 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr

Wir freuen uns, wenn viele von euch dabei sind, um den Tag zu einer eindrucksvollen Demonstration gegen Kolonialismus, Apartheid und ethnische Säuberung zu machen.
Wir hängen die Einladung zur Aktion an.

Mit solidarischen Grüßen

10 May, Rome: Fronts of Resistance – 50 years of history, struggle and resistance

Friday, 10 May
6:30 pm
via della Vasca Navale 6
Rome, Italy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/318419155519655/

6:30 pm – All Reds Basket Roma – presentation of the “Basket Beat Borders” project

7:00 pm – Presentation of the book, “PFLP – Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: between ideology and pragmatism”

We talk about it with:
* Stefano Mauro (author)
* UDAP (Arab Palestinian Democratic Union)
* The secretary of the PFLP in the Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem (over video connection)

Followed by a dinner by La Lunfarda dei Saperi & Sapori- vineria, brewery at Acrobax ex-cinodromo

As Fronts of Resistance we return to talk about Palestine. We do this by talking about a part of the political organization of the struggle by the Palestinian comrades and companions.

2017 was not only the 50th anniversary of Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In 1967, precidely in response to the occupation, the most important organization of the Palestinian left was founded, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (FPLP).

In over 50 years of history, the Popular Front has found itself among the brutal Zionist repression and reactionary Arab regimes, succeeding in carrying out its political struggle, its social projects and its rooted organizing both in the Occupied Territories and in the countries of the Palestinian diaspora. Its progressive vision of society has characterized the Palestinian struggle for decades. With the rise of political Islamism and the implementation of the Oslo Accords, the Popular Front had to confront the internal political dimensions in the Palestinian camp. On the one hand there are in fact the political formations willing to collaborate with the Israeli occupying army, on the other there are forces dedicated to resistance but which advocate a theocratic-reactionary vision of Palestinian society. The crisis of the Palestinian left has often been declared, as if, squeezed between the hammer and the anvil of the two dominant positions, it is unable to find its space for action. However, this analysis is simplistic, schematic and, at times, simply misleading. Especially because this reading is often based on electoral results of a formation that, like the PFLP, has chosen in most cases to boycott the elections. The Popular Front continues to be a living and important reality, rooted in the cities and refugee camps of the Occupied Territories, as well as in the diaspora.

To deepen these aspects we have therefore chosen to present the book by Stefano Mauro “PFLP – Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: between ideology and pragmatism” (clandestine editions, 2018). In the book Stefano, in addition to retracing all the fundamental stages of the history of the Front, he carefully traces the current Palestinian internal political situation and the relations between the various forces that must be confronted in a difficult triangulation: between collaboration and resistance; between progressives and reactionaries; between secularism and Islamists. The comparison on three so different thematic bases can bring the same political formations to collaborate in one area, but at the same time to fight fiercely in another. A complexity that therefore requires knowledge and reflection and certainly not the “illuminating” schematizations so popular in the Western world.

As always, we want to hold together moments of debate and practices of active solidarity. In this initiative we will support the project of the All Reds Basket team in the “Basket Beat Borders” campaign. Along with other popular Italian sports organizations, the All Reds are supporting the construction of a sports center in the Palestinian refugee camp of Shatila in Lebanon to give a seat to the Shatila women’s basketball team.

Fronte Popolare di Liberazione della Palestina: oltre 50 anni di storia, lotte e R/esistenza

Come Fronti di Resistenza torniamo a parlare di Palestina. Lo facciamo parlando di una parte delll’organizzazione politica della lotta da parte dei compagni e delle compagne palestinesi.

Il 2017 non è stato solamente l’anniversario dei 50 di occupazione della Cisgiordania e della Striscia di Gaza da parte di Israele. Nel 1967, proprio in risposta all’occupazione, venne fondata la più importante organizzazione della sinistra palestinese, il Fronte Popolare per la Liberazione della Palestina (FPLP).

In oltre 50 anni di storia il Fronte Popolare si è districato tra la brutale repressione sionista e dei regimi arabi reazionari, riuscendo a portare avanti la sua lotta politica, i suoi progetti sociali e il suo radicamento sia nei Territori Occupati che nei paesi della diaspora palestinese. La sua visione progressista della società ha per decenni caratterizzato la lotta palestinese. Con l’ascesa dell’islamismo politico e con l’implementazione degli Accordi di Oslo, il Fronte Popolare ha dovuto necessariamente confrontarsi con opzioni politicheinterne al campo palestinese, attestate su posizioni molto distanti. Da un lato vi sono infatti le formazioni politiche disposte alla collaborazione con l’esercito occupante israeliano, dall’altro vi sono forze dedite alla resistenza ma che propugnano una visione teocratico-reazionaria della società palestinese. Spesso è stata dichiarata la crisi della sinistra palestinese, come se, schiacciata fra il martello e l’incudine delle due posizioni dominanti, non riesca a trovare il suo spazio di azione. Questa analisi è però semplicistica, schematica e, a tratti, semplicemente fuorviante. Soprattutto perché questa lettura spesso si basa su risultati elettorali di una formazione che, come il FPLP, ha scelto nella maggior parte dei casi di boicottare le elezioni. Il Fronte Popolare continua a essere una realtà viva e importante, radicata nelle città e nei campi profughi dei Territori Occupati, come anche nella diaspora.

Per approfondire questi aspetti abbiamo quindi scelto di presentare il libro di Stefano Mauro “FPLP – Fronte Popolare per la Liberazione della Palestina: tra ideologia e pragmatismo” (edizioni clandestine, 2018). Nel libro Stefano, oltre a ripercorrere tutte le tappe fondamentali della storia del Fronte, traccia con cura l’attuale situazione politica interna palestinese e le relazioni tra le varie forze che si devono confrontare in una difficile triangolazione: tra collaborazione e resistenza; tra progressisti e reazionari; tra laici e islamisti. Il confronto su tre basi tematiche così diverse può portare le stesse formazioni politiche a collaborare in un ambito, ma allo stesso tempo a combattersi accanitamente in un altro. Una complessità dunque che necessita conoscenza e riflessione e non certo le “illuminanti” schematizzazioni tanto di voga nel mondo occidentale.

Come sempre, vogliamo tenere insieme momenti di dibattito e pratiche di solidarietà attiva. In questa iniziativa sosterremo il progetto della squadra All Reds Basket all’interno della campagna “Basket Beat Borders”. Insieme ad altre realtà sportive popolari italiane, gli All Reds stanno sostenendo la costruzione di un centro sportivo nel campo profughi palestinese di Shatila in Libano per dare una sede alla squadra femminile di basket di Shatila.

11 May, London: National Demonstration for Palestine

Saturday, 11 May
12:00 pm
Portland Place
London, UK
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/260404684903442/

Saturday 11 May, London
Assemble 12 noon Portland Place, march to Whitehall

SUPPORTED BY: Momentum, Unite the Union, PCS, UNISON, GMB, RMT, ASLEF, UCU, NEU, TSSA, CWU, Amos Trust, CND, ICAHDUK, Olive, APCUK.

The Palestinian people need our solidarity more than ever, and are calling for global protests to protect their collective rights. As Israel continues to flout international law and violate human rights, there is a responsibility on the global community to hold it to account and push for an end to the oppression of the Palestinian people.
No new Nakba! – End the Siege! – Defend the Right of Return!

Organised by: Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop the War Coalition, Palestinian Forum in Britain, Friends of Al- Aqsa, Muslim Association of Britain

11 May, Sydney: Protest to Commemorate the Nakba and Stand With Palestinian Resistance

Saturday, 11 May
1:00 pm
Queen Victoria Building
455 George St
Sydney, Australia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2029276104033609/

May 15th 1948 marks the day that over 750,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes and made refugees.

In 1948, the establishment of the Israeli state in Palestine through violent ethnic cleansing not only forced Palestinians from their homes, but also led to massacres of indigenous populations and the destruction of villages.

After 71 years this bloodshed has not been forgotten, nor the right of Palestinians to return to their homeland.

Join us to commemorate 71 years since the Nakba (catastrophe) and to protest against the ongoing occupation of Palestine.

11 May, NYC: All out for Gaza!

Saturday, 11 May
1:00 pm
Columbia University
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2187516111363687/

An action in solidarity with the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip in the wake of the massacre perpetuated by the Israeli army this past weekend.

We call on Columbia University to cut its financial ties with companies complicit in apartheid and state-sanctioned mass murder.

End the siege! End the slaughter!
Long live the Great March of Return!
Long live the resistance of the Palestinian people!


11 May, Uppsala: Demonstration for Gaza

Saturday, 11 May
1:00 pm
Uppsala, Sweden
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/644663059311005/

The Palestinian People’s Association calls for a demonstration in solidarity with our friends in Gaza who are constantly subjected to aggression by the Israeli occupying power. So far, 27 people have been killed and hundreds of homes and buildings totally destroyed. We stand against the actions of the Israeli occupation, driving people from their homes, imprisoning young people and building an apartheid system!

On Saturday 11 May at 1 pm, we will demonstrate against that injustice and call on politicians to uphold international law and Palestinian rights.

Join us at Slottsbacken in solidarity with all Palestinians oppressed daily by the occupying power. Stand up for international law, stand up for justice!

تدعوكم جمعية الشعب الفلسطيني الي المسيرة التضامنية الحاشدة مع اهلنا في قطاع غزة الحبيب الذين يتعرضون الى عدوان همجي من قبل قوات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي الذي طال البشر والشجر والبناء وراح ضحيته حتى الآن اكثر من ٢٧ شهيدا ومئات الجرحى وتدمير المئات من المنشآت التجارية والمدنية وايضا رفضا لسياسة الاحتلال المتواصلة والقائمة على القتل والتدمير وذلك يوم السبت الموافق ٠٥/١١ في الساعة ١٣:٠٠ خلف القلعة Uppsala Slottsbacken .
حضوركم دعم وتعزيز لحقوق الشعب الفلسطيني العادلة واحتجاجا ورفضا لعدوان الاحتلال الاسرائيلي المتواصل بحقهم.
التجمع في الساعة ١٣:٠٠ والانطلاق الساعه ١٣:٣٠

Palestinska folkets förening uppmanar till demonstration i solidaritet med våra vänner i Gaza som ständigt utsätts för aggression från ockupationsmakten Israel. Hittills har 27 människor dödats och hundratals hem och byggnader har blivit totalt förstörda. Vi står emot den politik ockupationsmakten Israel bedriver som driver människor ifrån sina hem, fängslar unga och bygger upp ett apartheid-system!

På lördag 11/5 kl 13.00 demonstrerar vi mot den orättvisan och för att politiker ska upprätthålla folkrätten och palestiniernas rättigheter!

Möt oss på Slottsbacken i solidaritet med alla palestinier som dagligen blir förtryckta av ockupationsmakten! Stå upp för folkrätten, stå upp för rättvisa!

När: lördag 11/5 kl 13.00 (marsch startar 13:30)
Vart: Slottsbacken

10-12 May, New York: Palestine Lives Conference

Friday, 10 May through Sunday, 12 May
The People’s Forum
320 W. 37th St.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1754702457962727/

Please note: Charlotte Kates of Samidoun and Khaled Barakat of the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat will be participating in the panel discussion on Palestinian political prisoners.

As we approach the 71st anniversary of the Nakba, join us for the 2nd Annual Palestine Lives Conference. Following last years overwhelming success, we have extended this conference from 1 day to 3 days which will be held on May 10th, 11th and 12th, 2019 at The Peoples Forum, New York, NY. This Palestinian-led conference will feature Palestinians who have been resisting from Gaza to the west, and will serve to revitalize efforts for Palestine from the diaspora.