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2 June, NYC: Canvass to End Israeli Military Detention of Palestinian Kids

Sunday, 2 June
1:00 pm
Brooklyn Public Library
10 Grand Army Plaza
Brooklyn, NY
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/413269776191681/

Join the NYC-DSA Anti-War Working Group as we canvas in support of H.R. 2407, the “Promoting Human Rights for Palestinian Children Living Under Israeli Military Occupation” Act.

Sign our petition calling on NY Congressional representatives to support the legislation: bit.ly/PalestinianChildren
[in the last session of Congress, the same legislation was supported by ZERO congressional reps from New York]

This is the first legislation in US history that would put in place US sanctions against Israel, in proportion to Israeli violations of Palestinian rights.

The U.S. currently gives $3.8b yearly in unconditional military aid to Israel. If implemented, this act would end US funding to systematic Israeli crimes against Palestinian children, under the Israeli military detention system in the occupied West Bank.

It should not be controversial to demand that US taxpayer dollars not go toward crimes against children— in Palestine, or anywhere!

Contact antiwar@socialists.nyc for info.

1 June, Edmonton: Al-Quds Day 2019

Saturday, 1 June
7:00 pm
Alberta Legislature Grounds
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/288646445411946/

On first of June, 2019, Edmonton will host its ninth annual Al-Quds Day rally. Al-Quds Day is commemorated all over the planet and we are doing our part in Edmonton. We will honor the Palestinian resistance for justice. With the current series of injustice, we cannot afford to remain silent. Please spread the word! Remember, you don’t need to be Palestinian to care, you simply have to be human.


31 May, NYC: International Day of Al-Quds

Friday, 31 May
5:00 pm
42nd St and Broadway, Times Square
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2294359410780556/

#QudsDay #FreeAlQuds #AlQudsDay

On International Day of Quds, people of conscience gather to express solidarity with all the oppressed human beings of the world and particularly the innocent civilians of Palestine who are victimized by the oppressive and racist Zionist regime.

We invite all peace loving people to voice their opposition to the unjust and illegal occupation of the great Al-Aqsa Mosque and the usurpation of the Holy Land by the Zionist regime. In addition, we will also protest the current Saudi aggression in Yemen.

We, the citizens of the United States reserve the right to boycott any and all parties involved in practicing racist, discriminatory, and oppressive policies.

Stand with us! Stand for your rights!

We will rally at Times Square where our speakers will shed lights on the atrocities being committed by the Zionist state on the oppressed people of Palestine.

Endorsing Organizations
– Jafria Association of North America
– The United National Antiwar Coalition(UNAC)
– International Action Center http://facebook.com/internationalactioncenter
– Workers World Party http://facebook.com/WorkersWorldParty/
– Muslims United for Justice (MUJ)
– International League of Peoples Struggle
– Struggle/La Lucha
– Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
– Within Our Lifetime (WOL)
– People’s Power Assembly

NOTE: “AlQuds Day protest organizers have no affiliation with any foreign entity.
Funds for Al-Quds events are generated by local community organizers who strongly believe in exercising their legal right to protest against oppression.”

31 May, Copenhagen: Protest against German repression against the BDS movement

Friday, 31 May
11:00 am
Copenhagen – German Embassy
Copenhagen, Denmark
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/336217810605411/

Demonstration in protest against the German Bundestag’s condemnation of the BDS movement, the campaign to boycott Israel.

We will meet at Nordhavn station at 10:30 am and then go to the embassy

Stop the false allegations of anti-Semitism against BDS by the Bundestag!

Stop attacks on the freedom to boycott Israel! Free Palestine! Boycotting Israel is not anti-Semitism!

On 17 May, the German Bundestag adopted a resolution accusing BDS – to which the Boykot Israel campaign is affiliated – of anti-Semitism. BDS is not based on religion or ethnicity and does not target Jews. BDS is aimed at the apartheid state of Israel and its crimes against the Palestinians.

Follow this video to see the debate in the German Bundestag and BDS comments. It is shocking the monstrous allegations these parties make against BDS:


Organizer: Boykot Israel Campaign

Demonstration i protest mod den tyske Forbundsdags Kriminalisering af Boykot Israel-bevægelsen BDS

(vi mødes ved Nordhavn station kl. 10.30 og går samlet til ambassaden)

Stop Forbundsdagens falske beskyldninger mod BDS for antisemitisme!

Stop angreb på Boykot Israel-aktivisters ytringsfrihed!

Frit Palæstina!

Boykot af Israel er ikke antisemitisme!

Den tyske Forbundsdag har den 17/5 vedtaget en resolution hvor BDS – som Boykot Israel Kampagnen er tilsluttet – anklages for antisemitisme. Men BDS er ikke baseret på religion eller etnicitet og er ikke rettet mod jøder. BDS er rettet mod apartheidstaten Israel og dens forbrydelser mod palæstinenserne.

Følg i denne video (se linket) debatten i den tyske Forbundsdag og BDS’s kommentarer. Det er chokerende hvilke uhyrlige anklager de forskellige partier retter mod BDS.

Arrangør: Boykot Israel Kampagnen

30 May, Amsterdam: Set them free! Solidarity with Political Prisoners

Thursday, 30 May
7:00 pm
Dokhuis Galerie
Plantage Doklaan 8-12
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/442432356332148/

Set Them Free!!

In February we came together to hear about the cases of Mustapha Awad and Joke Kaviaar. Two political prisoners: one Belgian-Palestinian, Mustapha was imprisoned in Israel and Dutch activist Joke was imprisoned here in the Netherlands.

They have both now been released and we are honored to have Joke join us on May 30th for an evening on political prisoners. The evening will kick off with a benefit dinner and then a discussion led by Joke about their experiences and how we can continue to support political prisoners wherever they are being incarcerated. Following the discussion we’ll have live music from Joke Kaviaar and Peter Storm’s band Your Local Pirates. We will also have an exhibition, highlighting the cases of a selection of political prisoners from around the globe.

Join us for this evening of food, music and insight into the struggle of political prisoners. All proceeds will go to Samidoun (Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network).

29 May, Athens: Shame on Germany! Stand with the Palestinian people

Wednesday, 29 May
6:00 pm
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
Ipsilantou 10
Athens, Greece
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/309200413339988/

Join us on Wednesday, 29 May to protest outside the German embassy in Athens-Greece!
On 19 May, #Germany‘s parliament declared #BDS (the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement against Israel) to be “anti-Semitic.” In reality, this is a racist attack on the Palestinian people. The campaign against BDS has been pushed by the extreme right from “Israel” to Germany. Just as Germany is enforcing “fortress Europe” policies against #refugees and impoverishing the people of Greece with economic domination, the German state is standing together with occupation, oppression, apartheid and colonialism in Palestine. We stand with the Palestinian people and condemn this German imperialist attack on Palestinian rights! Boycott Israel!

Η μετάφραση του αγγλικού καλέσματος είναι αυτή:

Όλοι και όλες την Τετάρτη, 29 Μαΐου, στη διαμαρτυρία μπροστά στην πρεσβεία της Γερμανίας στην Αθήνα!
Στις 19 Μαΐου, το κοινοβούλιο της #Γερμανίας κήρυξε το #BDS (κίνημα Μποϊκοτάζ, Απόσυρσης Επενδύσεων και Κυρώσεων κατά του Ισραήλ) αντισημιτικό. Στην πραγματικότητα, αυτό αποτελεί μια ρατσιστική επίθεση στο λαό των Παλαιστινίων. Η άκρα δεξιά μεταφέρει την εκστρατεία κατά του BDS από το “Ισραήλ” στη Γερμανία. Ακριβώς όπως η Γερμανία ενισχύει πολιτικές “Ευρώπης-Φρούριο” κατά των #προσφύγων και οικονομικής κυριαρχίας στο λαό της Ελλάδας, το γερμανικό κράτος συντάσσεται με το καθεστώς κατοχής, καταπίεσης, απαρτχάιντ και αποικιοκρατίας στην Παλαιστίνη. Στεκόμαστε πλάι στον παλαιστινιακό λαό και καταδικάζουμε την γερμανική ιμπεριαλιστική επίθεση στα δικαιώματα των Παλαιστινίων! Μποϊκοτάζ στο Ισραήλ!


Το ελληνικό κείμενο που έχετε βάλει έχει πολλά λάθη και κάποια σημεία του δεν είναι κατανοητά, για αυτό δεν είναι εύκολο να το διορθώσουμε.

باسم اللاجئين الفلسطينيين والمؤسسات الفلسطينية الفاعلة في اليونان ومعنا القوى اليسارية والتقدمية اليونانية للمشاركة يوم الأربعاء القادم للاحتجاج امام السفارة الألمانية في اثينا للتنديد بقرار البرلمان الألماني الذي يجرم حركة المقاطعة وسحب الاستثمارات والعقوبات ضد إسرائيل وبعتبرها حركة معادية “للسامية”. في الواقع، هذا القرار هو ليس الا هجوم عنصري من قبل الحكومة الالمانية على الشعب الفلسطيني وحقه في المقاومة من اجل التحرر من الاستعمار الصهيوني والغربي.

ان الحملة ضد حركة المقاطعة BDS تم دفعها من قبل اليمين المتطرف الصهيوني إلى ألمانيا. تماماً كما تقوم ألمانيا بتطبيق سياسات عنصرية ضد “اللاجئين” وتمعن في إفقار الشعب اليونان عبر هيمتنها على الاقتصاد الوطني، تقف الدولة الألمانية اليوم كما دائما مع الاحتلال والقمع والفصل العنصري والاستعمار في فلسطين. لذلك ان من واجبنا ان نقف إلى جانب الشعب الفلسطيني وندين هذا الهجوم الإمبريالي الألماني على حقوق الشعب الفلسطيني على ارض فلسطين كاملة من البحر الى النهر.

31 May, Ottawa: Palestine Day Ottawa 2019

Friday, 31 May
3:00 pm
Israeli Embassy
50 O’Connor St
Ottawa, Canada
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/579256239261629/

Let’s stand united against injustice & occupation! Join the global march for freedom & peace for the oppressed people & holy Land of #Palestine! #AlQudsday #Stoparmingisrael “If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything” Malcolm X, #STAND4JUSTICE, if you would like to volunteer please message us

23 May, NYC: The Right to Boycott – BDS and Your Civil Liberties

Thursday, May 23
7:00 pm
Brooklyn Commons
388 Atlantic Ave
Brooklyn, NY
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2465714820106463/

Join us for a public forum on Thursday, May 23rd.

Three experts will discuss the importance of BDS as a global campaign to achieve human rights for Palestinians, as well as the rise of anti-BDS state and federal laws that undermine our Constitution.

Speakers include:
Nerdeen Kiswani- founder of Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine
Brian Hauss- an ACLU Staff Attorney, working on the Speech, Privacy, and Technology project
Sumaya Awad- Palestinian writer and organizer, and co-founder of Against Canary Mission

19 May, Milan: Free Palestine – from solidarity to internationalist struggle

Sunday, 19 May
4:00 pm
Piazza Guglielmo Miani
Milan, Italy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/393394484722482/

At 4:00 pm, gather in Piazza Miani for a solidarity gathering and material distribution

At 6:00 pm, assembly on the Palestinian struggle with speakers and videos, at BaRoNaTa 12/7 (Viale Faenza 12/7)

At 8:30 pm, benefit dinner for Palestinian political prisoners – Ramadan friendly! At BaRoNaTa 12/7

Dalle ore 16.00 Ritrovo in piazza Miani con merenda solidale con materiale informativo

Dalle ore 18 Assemblea di lotta per la casa con autoformazione sulla lotta Palestinese con video informativi e collegamenti telefonici alla BaRoNaTa 12/7

Dalle ore 20.30 Cena benefit per i prigionieri politici palestinesi: Ramadan Friendly! Alla BaRoNaTa 12/7 (Viale Faenza 12/7)

Bus 47-98-95-71-74
Metro M2 Famagosta

18 May, Vancouver: Nakba71 – The Palestinian Narrative and Boycott Israeli Wines Picket

Saturday, 18 May
2:00 pm
SFU Vancouver
515 W. Hastings
Vancouver, Canada
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/441083029995730/

Followed by:
4:15 pm
BC Liquor Store, SFU Harbour Centre, gather W. Cordova entrance
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/872688873067520/

Speakers, Films, Personal Testimonies #ExistResistReturn

Gaza-born Ramzy Baroud is a journalist, author and editor of Palestine Chronicle. His latest book is The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story (Pluto Press, London). Baroud has a Ph.D. in Palestine Studies from the University of Exeter and is a former Non-Resident Scholar at Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies, University of California Santa Barbara. His website is www.ramzybaroud.net.

Sobhi Al-Zobaidi is a Palestinian filmmaker, artist and scholar who was born in Jerusalem in 1961 and who grew up in the Jalazone refugee camp near Ramallah. He studied economics at Birzeit University and Cinema at NYU. He is currently completing his Ph.D. at SFU.
He will be presenting his film, My Very Private Map

Local Palestinians will also present their personal stories of being Nakba survivors or descendants.
(This event is part of a Cross Canada Day of Action marking Nakba71.)

(This event will follow the public meeting Nakba71 – The Palestinian Narrative at SFU Harbour Centre and is also part of the Nakba 71 -Cross Canada Day of Action to End Canadian Complicity)

David Eby, BC’s Attorney General, is responsible for the provincial Liquor Distribution Branch. For many years, there has been an ongoing local campaign to call for a boycott of Israeli wines, many of them produced in the Occupied Territories, which are being sold in our publicly owned BC Liquor Stores. We had hoped that the NDP government would be more concerned with these blatant violations of international human rights; we asked Mr. Eby to respond to this issue but received exactly the same response we got from previous governments, which was to completely ignore the issues raised and instead focus solely on “personal choice”.

The wines in question are either from the Galil Winery, which is a joint venture with the Golan Heights Winery (the name of which speaks for itself), or from the occupied West Bank, including the illegal Gush Etzion settlement bloc around Jerusalem. Two wines of particular note are the Efrat Judean Hills Kosher and Vision Malbec, both produced by the Israeli Teperberg Winery. This winery openly states that some of its vineyards are in occupied Palestinian territories and even provides a map on its website showing vineyards in the occupied West Bank.

All of this is in direct contravention of the Fourth Geneva Convention and “stated” Canadian policy. Detailed information on Israeli wineries can be found in the exhaustive study done by “Who Profits” entitled Forbidden Fruit: Israeli Wine Industry and Occupation.