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17 April, Brussels: Rally in solidarity with the Palestinian Prisoners

Wednesday, 17 April
4:00 pm
Carrefour de l’Europe/Gare Centrale
Brussels, Belgium

Join many organizations to support Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike and urge their liberation!

13 April, Cagliari: Support Palestinian Hunger Strikers

Saturday, 13 April
7:30 pm
Associazione Amicizia Sardegna Palestina
Via Montesanto 28
Cagliari, Sardinia

Attend the Association’s membership celebration for 2019! During the event, the hunger strike of Palestinian prisoners will be discussed. Hundreds of prisoners with different political affiliations have decided to join the strike in a gradual and growing manner. They will not stop their battle until they achieve their demands.

Durante l’evento si parlerà dello sciopero delle fame dei prigionieri palestinesi: in centinaia appartenenti a diverse fazioni politiche hanno deciso di unirsi allo sciopero in maniera graduale e crescente.
La loro battaglia non si fermerà se non con l’accettazione delle loro istanze.
Venite numerosi!

14 April, Paris: Stand with the Palestinian people!

Sunday, 14 April
3:00 pm
La Fontaine des Innocents
Paris, France
More info: http://www.europalestine.com/spip.php?article127

Art by Josh MacPhee for Decolonize This Place #DignityStrike campaign

We had no illusions whatsoever about the Israeli elections, knowing as Gideon Levy wrote that the choice was between apartheid and… apartheid ( http://www.europalestine.com/spip.php?article128 )

And the fact that the coalition that will be in power is proud to be even more extreme-right that the previous one, does not apparently shock our president Macron nor our dear mainstream media. A fifth mandate for Netanyahou (worse than Bouteflika in Algeria) where is the problem ?

Yet, the new violation of International law with the announcement by Netanyahou of the annexation (partial or total) of the Westbank, after claiming that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and annexing the Syrian Golan, cannot let us mute as our political leaders are.

No more than the hunger strike started on Tuesday by 150 Palestinian political prisoners protesting against the repression and constant deterioration of their situation in Israeli jails, decided by the Israeli government. (http://www.europalestine.com/spip.php?article140)

Has the Palestinian youth made so many sacrifices with hundreds of killed and thousands of seriously injured in one year, despite their courageous choice of a non-armed resistance, for such results ?

Let’s follow the example of the young American Jews who are rebelling against the Israel policy and who are demonstrating in a spectacular way in the United States  http://www.europalestine.com/spip.php?article131 and http://www.europalestine.com/spip.php?article135.






Tout comme les Palestiniens, nous n’attendions rien des élections israéliennes qui viennent de permettre à Netanyahou un cinquième mandat (il bat Bouteflika…). 

Comme l’a très bien écrit le journaliste israélien Gideon Levy dans Haaretz ce week-end, le choix se situait pour les électeurs entre voter apartheid ou … apartheid ( http://www.europalestine.com/spip.php?article128 ), et ils voté, à une écrasante majorité, pour l’apartheid et la continuation de l’occupation.

Que le gouvernement qui va être formé s’affiche encore plus à l’extrême-droite, n’est pas fait pour choquer Macron, ni nos commentateurs avisés des médias aux ordres. 

Mais après les annonces foulant allègrement aux pieds le droit international, sur “Jérusalem capitale d’Israël”, puis l’annexion du Golan syrien, Netanyahou annonce maintenant qu’il va procéder à l’annexion de tout ou partie de la Cisjordanie !

Peut-on rester sans réagir, comme le font nos dirigeants ?

Peut-on par ailleurs ignorer les 150 prisonniers politiques palestiniens qui viennent de démarrer une grève de la faim (et qui refusent également de boire) ? Un mouvement qui risque fort de s’élargir et de se durcir, étant donné la répression à leur encontre, et la détérioration drastique de leurs conditions de détention, décidée par le gouvernement israélien, qui ne se contente pas de violer chaque jour la Convention de Genève, en emprisonnant ces résistants sur le territoire de l’occupant. (http://www.europalestine.com/spip.php?article140)

Toute cette jeunesse palestinienne a-t-elle fait autant de sacrifices, avec des centaines de morts, des milliers de blessés, depuis un an, malgré le choix courageux d’une résistance non armée, pour un tel résultat ?

Comme les jeunes juifs américains qui se révoltent actuellement contre la politique israélienne, et qui manifestent de manière spectaculaire  http://www.europalestine.com/spip.php?article131 et http://www.europalestine.com/spip.php?article135

montrons que nous ne sommes pas anesthésiés, mais solidaires des occupés contre les occupants fascistes.






13 April, Glasgow: Support the Palestinian Hunger Strikers

Saturday, 13 April
11:00 am
Mandela Place/Buchanan Street
Glasgow, Scotland
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1994713240837981/

400 Palestinian hunger strikers in Israeli dungeons. Nelson Mandela, the Head of the ANC military arm, served 27 years on Robben Island. Karim Younis has already served 37 years for attacking soldiers of Israel’s army of occupation in the Golan. Jewish fascist Elor Azaria served 9 months after being caught on camera murdering a helpless Palestinian.
Come to Mandela Pl/Buchanan St on Saturday to hear the stories of Israeli crimes and Palestinian resistance.

See also live SPSC broadcast. Mick Napier interviews Palestinian prisoners leading advocate, just released from detention without trial (=internment), Khaleda Jarrar

13 April, Edinburgh: Support the Palestinian Hunger Strikers

Saturday, 13 April
2:00 pm
HSBC – Prince’s Street
Edinburgh, Scotland
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2417031248315496/

Come out and support the Palestinian hunger strikers at the SPSC Edinburgh weekly stall this Saturday 13th April.

We’ll be at the corner of Castle St and Princes St at 2.00 until 4.00pm outside HSBC bank.

Bring your banners, flags and placards and show your solidarity with the Palestinian political prisoners and protest against their incarceration and deplorable treatment in Israeli jails.

See also live SPSC broadcast. Mick Napier interviews Palestinian prisoners leading advocate, just released from detention without trial (=internment), Khaleda Jarrar

We will also be collecting signatures for our Time to Divest campaign. After recent successes in Falkirk and Tayside we want the Lothian Pension Fund (LPF) to stop investing in the Israeli Bank Hapoalim.

Write NOW to your councillors here http://coordin8.org.uk/app/index.php

We will be outside HSBC as part of a UK campaign led by War on Want. The ‘Stop Arming Israel’ campaign demand that HSBC disinvest from Caterpillar, the American company fully involved in the destruction of Palestinian homes and property. Read more here: https://waronwant.org/media/hsbc-campaign-victory

Georges Abdallah launches solidarity strike with Palestinian prisoners from French prison

Georges Abdallah
, the Arab communist struggler for Palestine who has imprisoned in French jails for over 34 years, announced on Thursday, 11 April that he is launching a three-day hunger strike in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners’ hunger strike inside Israeli jails, the Battle of Dignity 2. He is joined on the strike by 20 of his fellow prisoners, including 12 Basque political prisoners standing actively in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners’ strike.

This is not the first time that Georges Abdallah has participated from afar in the collective hunger strikes of the Palestinian prisoners; he also joined in the strikes of 2014 and 2017 from Lannemezan prison, where he is held. He also refused meals for three days in 2016 in solidarity with the hunger strike of Palestinian prisoner Bilal Kayed, fighting against his imprisonment without charge or trial under administrative detention.

Palestinian prisoners launched the Battle of Dignity (Karameh) 2 on Monday, 8 April in response to escalated repression inside the Israeli prisons directed by the minister of internal security Gilad Erdan (also directing international attacks against BDS organizing and Palestine solidarity and working to suppress freedom of expression around the world in his role as the Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs.) Their demands include the installation of public telephones for the prisoners, removal of cell-phone “jammer” devices, an end to sanctions and collective punishment imposed on the prisoners, restoration of family visits to all prisoners, access to appropriate medical care and treatment and ending isolation and solitary confinement.

Khaled Barakat, Palestinian writer and the international coordinator of the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat, said that “Georges Abdallah’s entry into the hunger strike and that of his Basque comrades and fellow prisoners provides a substantial, qualitative boost to the morale and the spirit of the comrades and brothers engaged in the Battle of Dignity 2 inside Israeli prisons. We know that this is not the first time that he has joined the prisoners on hunger strike, making clear once again that he is carrying on the struggle of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement inside French prisons.”

“The Palestinian prisoners invite other political prisoners around the world to join in this battle of dignity, not only in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle but to raise their own issues and demands for justice, dignity and freedom. The prisoners have expressed their solidarity with the political prisoners held all over the world, including those who are fighting now in jails in the Philippines, Turkey, Morocco, Greece, the United States and elsewhere,” Barakat continued.

“The Palestinian prisoners’ movement is on the front lines confronting Zionism, imperialism and reactionary regimes, and the political prisoners of the world are also on the front lines of this collective, international struggle. Georges Abdallah’s entrance into the hunger strike alongside that of his comrades inside French prison underlines the fact that there is an international dimension to the Palestinian prisoners’ movement that is united in struggling towards victory,” he said.

“Today, we also want to call for the immediate release of all Sudanese political prisoners, as we see the regime in Sudan is falling. The news that we see from Sudan and the development of the popular movements there is also a boost for the Palestinian prisoners’ struggle,” Barakat said. “It is also very important to link the struggle of Palestinian prisoners today to the boycott movement and Palestine solidarity internationally. Both are facing the attempts of Gilad Erdan and the Israeli state to repress these movements, and Erdan is calling on his allies in the imperialist powers to crack down on the movement outside, hand in hand with the attacks on Palestinian prisoners inside Israeli jails.”

“Every time the Israeli occupation attempts to confiscate the rights that have been obtained by the Palestinian prisoners’ movement through blood, sweat and sacrifice, they will face a movement that is determined to fight back with unbreakable will and strength. Georges Abdallah and his comrades are an integral part of that movement and of the victory that will be achieved through this collective struggle,” Barakat concluded.


Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network expresses its strongest support for the Palestinian prisoners’ movement as it launches this critical battle for dignity and justice. We urge people around the world to take action to support the prisoners’ strike and join their struggle. The Palestinian prisoners will not be isolated or left alone! International solidarity is critical to building support, attention and pressure to help them achieve their demands. 

Take Action!

1) Organize or join an event or protest for the Palestinian prisoners. From today, organize demonstrations, actions and events and join in the Prisoners’ Week of Action from 17 to 24 April 2019! You can organize an info table, rally, solidarity hunger strike, protest or action to support the prisoners. If you are already holding an event about Palestine or social justice, include solidarity with the prisoners as part of your action. Send your events and reports to samidoun@samidoun.net.

2) Write letters and make phone calls to protest the violation of Palestinian prisoners’ rights. Demand your government take action to stop supporting Israeli occupation or to pressure the Israeli state to end the policies of repression of Palestinian political prisoners.

Call during your country’s regular office hours:

• Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs Marise Payne: + 61 2 6277 7500
• Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland: +1-613-992-5234
• European Union Commissioner Federica Mogherini: +32 (0) 2 29 53516
• New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs Winston Peters: +64 4 439 8000
• United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt: +44 20 7008 1500
• United States President Donald Trump: 1-202-456-1111

3) Boycott, Divest and Sanction. Join the BDS campaign to highlight the complicity of corporations like Hewlett-Packard and the continuing involvement of G4S in Israeli policing and prisons. Build a campaign to boycott Israeli goods, impose a military embargo on Israel, or organize around the academic and cultural boycott of Israel.

17 April, Marseille: Evening for Georges Abdallah

Wednesday, 17 April
6:30 pm
Syndicat ASSO – Section 13
29 boulevard Longchamp
Marseille, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2107607376019298/

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah: Arab Communist, struggler for the Palestinian cause, he continues to pay the price for his anti-imperialist commitment as a political prisoner in France since 1984. We come together to demand his release in the name of our common struggles.

Quelles convergences ?
Communiste arabe, militant de la cause palestinienne,
il paie le prix de son engagement anti impérialiste.
Prisonnier politique en France depuis 1984,
nous choisissions d’être ensemble pour exiger sa libération au nom de nos luttes communes.

14 April, Vancouver: #StopTheJNF picket – No Tax Breaks for Apartheid!

Sunday, 14 April
4:30 pm
3476 Oak Street
Vancouver, BC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/365523460955390/

Once again this year, Vancouver activists are issuing a callout to protest the fund raising gala of the Jewish National Fund. The racist and discriminatory policies of the JNF have been well documented and are of particular concern here in Canada due to the creation of “Canada Park” on the ruins of 3 Palestinian villages in the occupied West Bank. A recent CBC expose also revealed that JNF solicits donations and issues charitable tax receipts for funds that go directly to the Israeli military and to the illegal settlements in the occupied territories.

This year is also an occasion to mark Palestinian Land Day and the one year anniversary of the Great Return March in Gaza; since March 30, 2018, 220 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli military and tens of thousands injured.

Call on the Canadian Government to revoke the tax deductible status for the JNF, and stop being complicit in these WAR CRIMES.

More info at stopthejnf.ca

No Canadian Charity for the Israeli Military!
No Tax Breaks for Apartheid and Colonization!

Organized by Canada Palestine Association and Independent Jewish Voices-Vancouver.

Endorsed by:
Alliance for People’s Health
Canada Philippines Solidarity for Human Rights
East Indian Defense Committee
ILPS Just Peace Campaign
International League of Peoples Struggle
SANSAD South Asian Network for Secularism & Democracy
Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights UBC
Vancouver & District Labour Council
Vancouver Peace Council

11 April, Castelló: The struggle for the liberation of the Palestinian people

Thursday, 11 April
7:00 pm
La Flama
Carrer Sanahuja 9
Castelló, Spain

Hear a talk by Fayez Badawi, Palestinian activist and political analyst.

Israeli forces invade prison cells of Palestinian leaders Ahmad Sa’adat and Walid Daqqa

Israeli occupation forces invaded the rooms of Palestinian prisoners and national leaders on Wednesday, 10 April. Repressive forces from the “Yamar Dror” units invaded the rooms of Ahmad Sa’adat, the imprisoned General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and Walid Daqqa, the longest-held PFLP prisoner and a widely published Palestinian writer.

The invasion came after Daqqa was arbitrarily and suddenly transferred from Ramon prison to Hadarim prison; both Sa’adat and Daqqa were targeted in retaliation for their role in the “Battle of Dignity 2,” the mass hunger strike now on its third day in Israeli occupation prisons. Sa’adat, who is held in Ramon prison, is part of the prisoners’ coordinating committee for the strike. There are reportedly approximately 400 Palestinian prisoners taking part in the strike, with more scheduled to join in batches on 11 April, 13 April and 17 April, Palestinian Prisoners’ Day.

From Baqaa’ al-Gharbiyeh in occupied Palestine ’48, Walid Daqqa has spent over 32 years in Israeli prisons, accused of kidnapping and killing an Israeli occupation soldier. Daqqa has become a prominent figure inside Israeli prisons and in the Palestinian prisoners’ movement, writing about his experience and that of fellow prisoners and gaining his masters’ degree.

The staging of a play that reflects Daqqa’s stories and experiences, “A Parallel Time,” in Haifa’s al-Midan Theater in 2015, sparked attempts by the Israeli state to defund the theater and other Palestinian cultural institutions. Daqqa also wrote a children’s book that was published last year, “The Story of the Secret of the Oil.” The book won awards at Arab festivals, while Israeli officials attempted to suppress its publication and distribution. A launch event for the book in the town of Majd al-Kurum was shut down by far-right Israeli minister Aryeh Deri.

The Palestinian prisoners’ strike was launched in response to escalated repression inside the Israeli prisons directed by the minister of internal security Gilad Erdan (also directing international attacks against BDS organizing and Palestine solidarity and working to suppress freedom of expression around the world in his role as the Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs.) Erdan, a far-right minister of the Likud party, has also used the attacks on the Palestinian prisoners as a plank in his Israeli electoral campaigning, a campaign that has been marked by competition over war crimes, apartheid and racism.

The prisoners’ demands include:

  • Installation of public telephones in the prisons and removal of the cell-phone “jammer” devices installed by the occupation, which reportedly have negative health effects
  • An end of the collective punishments imposed by prison authorities since 2014 and especially the sanctions imposed recently on Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails after the repressive attacks in Negev and Ofer prisons.
  • Cancellation of a ban on family visits imposed on hundreds of prisoners and return to a normal (twice-monthly) schedule of family visits for all prisoners.
  • Ending the policy of medical negligence and dull access to medical treatment for injured, wounded and ill prisoners
  • Ending isolation and solitary confinement
  • Improved conditions and freedom for the child prisoners
  • Improving the conditions on the “bosta” for prisoner transfer and addressing violations of Palestinian women prisoners’ human rights.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network expresses its strongest support for the Palestinian prisoners’ movement as it launches this critical battle for dignity and justice. We urge people around the world to take action to support the prisoners’ strike and join their struggle. The Palestinian prisoners will not be isolated or left alone! International solidarity is critical to building support, attention and pressure to help them achieve their demands. 

Take Action!

1) Organize or join an event or protest for the Palestinian prisoners. From today, organize demonstrations, actions and events and join in the Prisoners’ Week of Action from 17 to 24 April 2019! You can organize an info table, rally, solidarity hunger strike, protest or action to support the prisoners. If you are already holding an event about Palestine or social justice, include solidarity with the prisoners as part of your action. Send your events and reports to samidoun@samidoun.net.

2) Write letters and make phone calls to protest the violation of Palestinian prisoners’ rights. Demand your government take action to stop supporting Israeli occupation or to pressure the Israeli state to end the policies of repression of Palestinian political prisoners.

Call during your country’s regular office hours:

• Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs Marise Payne: + 61 2 6277 7500
• Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland: +1-613-992-5234
• European Union Commissioner Federica Mogherini: +32 (0) 2 29 53516
• New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs Winston Peters: +64 4 439 8000
• United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt: +44 20 7008 1500
• United States President Donald Trump: 1-202-456-1111

3) Boycott, Divest and Sanction. Join the BDS campaign to highlight the complicity of corporations like Hewlett-Packard and the continuing involvement of G4S in Israeli policing and prisons. Build a campaign to boycott Israeli goods, impose a military embargo on Israel, or organize around the academic and cultural boycott of Israel.