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Palestinian prisoners reach agreement to achieve demands, end hunger strike

Palestinian prisoners have reached an agreement with the Israeli prison administration to achieve their demands and suspend their hunger strike, the Battle of Dignity 2, on Monday, 15 April. The agreement came as hundreds of Palestinian prisoners were engaged in their eighth day of a collective hunger strike.

According to the leadership of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement, the agreement includes the installation of public telephones in the prison sections, which prisoners would be allowed to use three times a week for 15-minute calls, as well as stopping the installation of cell-phone jamming devices. In addition, the repressive measures and sanctions imposed in the past year upon the prisoners will also be lifted, while fines imposed on prisoners in recent struggles inside the prisons would be reduced. Hundreds more prisoners have been set to join the hunger strike in the coming days, especially 17 April, Palestinian Prisoners’ Day.

The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society said that the agreement also included provisions to transfer the women prisoners from Damon prison to another detention center; the prisoners have repeatedly cited harsh, difficult conditions unsuitable for human life in the Damon prison. In addition, sick prisoners would be returned to the previous section in the Ramleh prison clinic, an area that was considered better than their current location.

The National and Islamic Forces held a press conference in Gaza City to highlight the prisoners’ final statement. “The battle is not over; the hardest phase of this struggle is to implement what has been agreed upon,” the prisoners wrote, noting that previous agreements have been repeatedly broken by the Israeli prison administration.

They saluted the prisoners in section 4 of the Negev desert prison and section 1 in Ramon prison who were attacked by Israeli repressive forces, noting that “their great sacrifices underline that freedom and dignity are…human rights that cannot be denied.” They saluted Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, occupied Palestine ’48 and exile and diaspora, as well as supporters of freedom around the world, journalists and prisoners’ centers, that stood with the prisoners in their struggle. The statement particularly saluted “the people and leadership in Gaza,” noting their unity in commitment to the struggle.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network expresses its strongest salutes and greetings to all of the Palestinian prisoners on this occasion of victory. These achievements follow on many historical accomplishments of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement, on the front lines of the Palestinian liberation struggle, extracting their victories through great sacrifice, with their bodies and lives on the line. As Palestinian Prisoners Day approaches, we emphasize our continuing dedication to work for the freedom of all Palestinian prisoners and the freedom of Palestine from the river to the sea.

Mohammed Tabanja, Hussam al-Ruzza, Khaled Farraj

In addition, we urge people around the world to continue their solidarity activities to support the Palestinian prisoners, throughout the coming days, months and years, until their freedom is achieved. In particular, we emphasize the cases of three Palestinian prisoners who remain on hunger strike: Hussam al-Ruzza (61), Mohammed Tabanja (40) and Khaled Farraj (31). Al-Ruzza has been on hunger strike since 19 March – nearly one month – while Tabanja and Farraj have been on hunger strike since 25 March. All are held without charge or trial under administrative detention orders, and their detention has been repeatedly and arbitrarily renewed.

They are among nearly 500 Palestinians out of approximately 5,500 Palestinian prisoners jailed with no charges and no trial for indefinitely renewable periods under administrative detention. The end of administrative detention is a long-time demand of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement and supporters of justice and liberation around the world. Join the call to free Hussam al-Ruzza, Mohammed Tabanja, Khaled Farraj and all Palestinian prisoners!

19 April, Berlin: Rally to support Palestinian prisoners

Friday, 19 April
3:00 pm
Berlin, Germany

The alliance of Palestinian and Arab organizations in Berlin is calling for a solidarity sit-in on Palestinian Prisoners’ Day and to show solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in the Battle of Dignity 2.

17 April, Paris: Rally for the liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah

Wednesday, 17 April
6:00 pm
Metro Chateau Rouge
Place du Chateau-Rouge
Paris, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2143138409111104/

On Monday, 8 April 2019, hundreds of Palestinian prisoners went on hunger strike, from all political organizations. There are now more than 400. This strike comes in response to the many repressions that these prisoners have suffered under the Zionist prison administration. Among their demands are improving the conditions of detention, stopping isolation, receiving medical care and the right to family visits.

On 11 April 2019, Georges Abdallah began a three-day hunger strike in support of the Palestinian prisoners’ resistance, with around 20 of his fellow detainees including 12 Basque comrades.

On Wednesday, 17 April, Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, we call for a rally at 6 pm at Metro Chateau-Rouge, in Paris 18th, to demand the release of our comrade Georges Abdallah and express our support and unconditional solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in struggle.

Depuis lundi 08 avril 2019, des centaines de prisonniers Palestiniens, de toutes les organisations de la résistance, sont entrés en grève de la faim et à l’heure d’aujourd’hui, ils sont désormais plus de 400. Cette grève vient en réponse aux nombreuses répressions que ces prisonniers subissent de la part de l’administration pénitentiaire sioniste. Parmi les revendications, sont réclamés l’amélioration des conditions de détention, l’arrêt des mises en isolement, les descentes de contrôle à tout heure dans leur cellule, le droit au soin et de visite.

Le 11 avril 2019, Georges Abdallah a entamé une grève de la faim de trois jours en soutien à cette résistance des prisonniers Palestiniens, avec une vingtaine de ses codétenus dont une douzaine de camarades basques.

Mercredi 17 avril 2019, journée des prisonniers Palestiniens, nous appelons à un rassemblement, à partir de 18h00, au métro Château-Rouge, à Paris 18ème, pour exiger la libération de notre camarade Georges Abdallah et pour exprimer notre soutien et notre solidarité inconditionnelle avec les prisonniers Palestiniens en lutte.

16 April, Aarhus: Palestinian Prisoners Day

Tuesday, 16 April
5:00 pm
Inge Lehmanns Gade
8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/341314533156974/


Hundreds of Palestinian children and young people down to the age of 12 are detained each month in Israeli detention centers and prosecuted by military courts.

Palestinian children are subjected to violence, mental torture, and other hard-hitting treatment in Israeli custody. 99% all the trials end up with a prison sentence.

At any given moment, there are about 270 Palestinian teens in Israeli prisons. The most widespread reason for their arrest – throwing stones – does not tell the full story. Conversations with many of the youths, as well as with lawyers and human rights activists, including those from the B’Tselem human-rights organization, reveal a certain pattern, even as they leave many questions open: For example, why does the occupation require that arrests be violent and why is it necessary to threaten young people.

Action Aid Denmarks podcast Udposten, has an episode talking with Gerard Horton and Salwa Duaibis (Lawyers and founders of Military Court Watch). And they have been monitoring this area as well as offering legal support to the minors and their relatives.


Hundredvis af palæstinensiske børn og unge helt ned til 12-års alderen bliver hver måned tilbageholdt i israelske arresthuse og retsforfulgt ved militære domstole.

Palæstinensiske børn bliver udsat for vold, psykisk tortur og anden hårdhændet behandling i israelsk varetægt. 99% alle retssagerne ender med en fængselsdom.

På et hvert givet tidspunkt er der omkring 270 palæstinensiske teenagere i israelske fængsler. Den mest udbredte årsag til deres anholdelse –at de har kastet sten – fortæller ikke hele historien. Samtaler med mange af de unge, såvel som advokater og menneskerettighedsaktivister, herunder dem fra B’Tselems menneskerettighedsorganisation, afslører et vist mønster, selvom de forlader mange spørgsmål åbne: Hvorfor kræver besættelsesmagten f.eks. at anholdelserne er voldelige, og hvorfor er det nødvendigt at true de unge?

Mellemfolkeligt Samvirkes podcast Udposten har i følgende afsnit talt med Gerard Horton og Salwa Duaibis, jurister og stiftere af menneskerettighedsorganisationen Military Court Watch, som overvåger netop dette område og bl.a. yder juridisk bistand til de mindreårige og deres pårørende.

Hunger strike solidarity: Leila Khaled meets with Leyla Güven after 159 days of strike

Photo: ANF English

Palestinian leftist leader and resistance icon Leila Khaled visited Leyla Güven, 55, the Kurdish parliamentarian and political leader who has maintained a hunger strike for 159 days to demand an end to the isolation of imprisoned Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan. She visited Güven at her home in Amed/Diyarbakir on Monday, 15 April.

Güven, who was elected as an HDP (People’s Democratic Party) representative in the 24 June 2018 Turkish elections, began her hunger strike inside Turkish prisons. There are over 7,000 Kurdish political prisoners as well as thousands of Turkish political prisoners, including political activists, journalists, lawyers, and trade unionists. Most recently, 18 Turkish lawyers were sentenced to 160 years in jail collectively for their work defending political activists. Among these political prisoners is Ayse Duzkan, co-founder of BDS Turkey and longtime feminist activist and journalist who has continued to express her solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners after being jailed for serving as honorary editor for a day of a banned Kurdish newspaper.

Güven herself was accused of “terror activities” and arrested on 22 January 2018 after she objected to Turkey’s military occupation and invasion of northwestern Syria, including its attacks on the YPG there. Prosecutors demanded a 31-year sentence for Güven, accusing her of “making propaganda for terrorists”; similar allegations have been used in other cases against political activists in Turkey, leading to draconian sentences for public political work, journalism or legal defense activities.

The hunger strike began on 7 November 2018 inside the detention center, and Güven continued after her release in January 2019, after she became critically ill. A number of Kurdish political prisoners inside Turkish prisons have also joined the hunger strike against Öcalan’s isolation, while international Kurdish activists have also launched solidarity strikes in their own cities. In particular, Güven demanded that Öcalan be allowed to receive family and legal visits.

The visit came as hundreds of Palestinian prisoners are themselves on hunger strike inside Israeli occupation prisons in what they have named the Battle of Dignity 2. The strike comes in response to intensified repression inside the prisons. The demands of the strikers include access to family visits and phone calls with family members, appropriate medical care and treatment, an end to collective punishment and improved conditions for women and children prisoners.

Leila Khaled’s visit with Leyla Güven underlines the international nature of these struggles of political prisoners, confronting Zionism, imperialism, capitalism and reactionary regimes. The prisoners are on the front lines fighting injustice and repression and forging connections of struggle, reminiscent of the solidarity between Palestinian prisoners and Irish hunger strikers in the 1980s.

Earlier, Khaled sent the following letter to Leyla Güven as she continued her strike within Turkish prisons:

My dear friend Leyla Güven. Leyla in the dungeons of the persecutors, thousands of warm greetings to you.

The dungeon could not block your voice that came to us to mobilize the world’s people to fulfill the demand for the release of political prisoners, especially the great revolutionary Abdullah Öcalan.

In Turkish and Israeli prisons revolutionaries are going on hunger strike for freedom, justice, and to stop the ruling system wanting to break the voice of the people who want democracy.

On behalf of myself and in the name of Palestinian women I say that I will use my voice against all attacks against the revolutionaries.

My dear friend Leyla,

We say that the persecution of the dungeons will not continue. Your patience and your struggle will beat hunger.

The harder the hunger strike, the more honorable the struggle. The people and all the freedom lovers in the world will respond to your actions.

I kiss you on the forehead, I hold your hand.

You’re a model for all the women in the world. With the hope of freedom…

Your friend in struggle

Leila Khaled

15 April, NYC: Protesting Tax Dollars for War

Monday, 15 April
12:00 pm
290 Broadway
New York City
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2350470898539532/

Demonstration in front of the Internal Revenue Service building (at Duane St.) in lower Manhattan to protest tax dollars being spent on U.S. wars and the military, and support those who openly refuse payment for these wars but, instead, reroute their tax dollars from the IRS to groups desperately in need of funding.

noon to 1 pm – RAIN OR SHINE
290 Broadway (at Duane St.)
2 blocks north of City Hall.

Sponsors: NYC War Resisters League, NYC Catholic Worker, Kairos Community, Peace Action NYS, Brooklyn For Peace, Veterans for Peace/Chapter 34, CodePink NYC, Raging Grannies, Pax Christi Metro New York, Granny Peace Brigade, Peace Action Bay Ridge, Bronx Peace Action, Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, NYC Democratic Socialists of America Anti-War Working Group, World Can’t Wait (list in formation)

20 April, Koblenz: Day of the Palestinian Prisoners

Saturday, 20 April
3:00 pm
Am Löhrrondell 1a
Koblenz, Germany

Solidarity with the striking Palestinian prisoners!

On April 17, every year, the Palestinian people commemorate the imprisoned Palestinians in Israeli jails. For this reason, we will organize a solidarity rally in Koblenz.

The Palestinians demand that Israel release 6,500 political prisoners. Many prisoners are subject to so-called administrative detention. This means that they have no charges against them, and they do not know how long they will be jailed for no reason and with no trial. We also want to stand with the 150 Palestinians who have entered a hunger strike since 9 April 2019. Their demands are basic, such as contact with their families. Please support us and take part in our demonstration.

17. April: Tag der palästinensichen Gefangenen

Solidarität mit dem Streikenden Palästinenensischen Gefangenen.

Am 17. April jedes Jahres gedenkt das palästinensische Volk weltweit den gefangenen Palästinenser/innen im israelischen Gefängnissen .

Aus diesem Grund möchten wir eine Solidaritätskundgebung in Koblenz veranstalten.

Die Palästinenser fordern Israel die Freilassung von 6500 politischen Gefangenen. Viele Gefangene unterliegen der sogenannten Administrativhaft: Das heißt, sie wissen nicht, weshalb sie festgenommen worden sind , noch wie lange sie im Gefängnis ohne Grund und ohne Anklageschrift sitzen müssen. Wir möchten uns auch solidrisch mit den 150 Palästineneser/innen die im Hungerstrike seit dem 9.4.2019 eingetreten sind.
Sie fordern elementare Forderungen,wie Kontakt mit Ihren Familien.
Bitte unterstützt uns und nimmt teil an unsere Kundkebung
am Samstag den 20.4.2019, von 15 – 17 Uhr f auf dem Vorplatz zur Herz-Jesu-Kirche, Am Löhrrondell 1a,
56068 Koblenz

Palästinensische Gemeinde in Koblenz und Umgebung
http://www. Palaestina-Koblenz.de/

17 April, Athens: The Battle of Dignity Continues to Victory

Wednesday, 17 April
5:00 pm
Jafra Foundation in Greece
Kallidromiou 49
Athens, Greece
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1183496871810994/

On Palestinian Prisoners’ Day and in support for the Battle of Dignity 2, in which the prisoners’ movement is engaged inside Israeli occupation prisons, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and the Jafra Foundation Youth call on all to participate in an open meeting on the prisoners’ movement and its central role in leading the Palestinian liberation movement toward return and liberation.

And to respond together with our role in the Palestinian diaspora and our duty toward the prisoners’ movement in Zionist prisons and to discuss how we can participate in the struggle alongside our people in occupied Palestine in a practical way, in order to restore our role in the liberation project and emphasize our commitment and national duty to our just cause.

في يوم الأسير الفلسطيني ودعماً واسناداً لمعركة الكرامة 2 التي تخوضها الحركة الوطنية الاسيرة في سجون الاحتلال تدعوكم شبكة صامدون للدفاع عن الاسرى الفلسطينيين بالتعاون مع مؤسسة جفرا للتنمبة الشبابية للمشاركة في اللقاء المفتوح حول الحركة الاسيرة ودورها المركزي في قيادة المشروع التحرري الفلسطيني نحو العودة والتحرير. وللاجابة معاً على دورنا نحن فلسطيني الشتات و واجبنا اتجاه الحركة الاسيرة في سجون العدو الصهيوني والبحث في مشاركة هموم واعباء النضال مع شعبنا في فلسطين المحتلة بشكل عملي ومباشر ومن اجل استعادة دورنا ومشروعنا التحريري التزامنا بقضيتنا العادلة من باب الواجب الوطني وتحمل المسؤولية والمشاركة.

15-19 April, Paris: Anti-Imperialist Week of Events

Monday, 15 April through Friday, 19 April
Various locations
Ile-de-France, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/321559288544103/

The result of collaboration between several organizations, collectives and public figures, this cycle of conferences will offer us the opportunity to tackle imperialist domination through several thematic approaches from an internationalist perspective.

Monday, 15 April
French imperialism in Africa and its consequences in working-class neighborhoods in France. Followed by a screening of the film “Dire à Lamine”.
With the Collectif Cases Rebelles.
Place: Michelet Center, Amphi IAA (RER B – Port Royal)

Tuesday, 16 April
Anti-imperialism and internationalism, yesterday and today.
With Alessandro Stella, Jean-Marc Rouillan and Saïd Bouamama.
Place: University of Saint-Denis (Metro 13 – St-Denis University)

Wednesday, 17 April
Political prisoners in struggle.
With the Committee of Solidarity with the Basque People, the French Jewish Union for Peace, the Association for the Defense of Human Rights in Morocco, the Palestinian Youth Movement, and Sergio Zamora (for the association Terre et Freedom for Arauco).
Place: Pierre Mendes-France Center, Amphi L

Thursday, 18 April
War and imperialism: “War on Terror?”
With the collective Ni Guerre Ni Etat de Guerre, Salam4Yemen, Survie and the PIR
Place: University of Saint-Denis (Metro 13 – St-Denis University)

Friday, 19 April
The People’s War in India and the Philippines.
With Christophe Kistler and Adolfo Naya.
Location: to be confirmed

25 April, Liege: “Palestine: La Case Prison” screening with Abla Sa’adat

Thursday, 25 April
7:30 pm
Espace MAC
Place Jehan Le Bel 1
4020 Liege, Belgium
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2270273929907069/

The Association Belgo-Palestinienne of Liege invites you to join in an evening of solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners, in the presence of Abla Sa’adat, the wife of the imprisoned General Secretary of the PFLP, jailed since 2006 by the Israelis and sentenced to 30 years in prison.

The documentary film, “Palestine: La Case Prison” directed by Franck Salome is produced by the Platform of French NGOs for Palestine at the initiative of the human rights working group (ACAT, AFPS, LDH) and with the support of Amnesty International.

L’Association Belgo Palestinienne régionale de Liège vous convie à la soirée de solidarité avec les prisonniers palestiniens.

En présence de Madame Abla Sadaat (épouse du secrétaire général du FPLP, Ahmed Sadaat, enlevé par les Israéliens en 2006 et condamné à trente ans de prison)

Film documentaire : « Palestine, la case prison » réalisé par Franck Salomé et produit par la Plateforme des ONG françaises pour la Palestine, à l’initiative de son groupe de travail Droits de l’Homme (ACAT, AFPS, Ligue des Droits de l’Homme) et avec le soutien d’Amnesty International.

« Palestine, la case prison » : Le film est très pédagogique tout en étant très bien documenté. Traitant de la situation des prisonniers politiques et d’opinion palestiniens au regard du droit international, il aborde plusieurs aspects du problème : les arrestations, la torture et les mauvais traitements, les conditions de vie dans les prisons, la détention administrative et le cas particulier des mineurs arrêtés et emprisonnés. La Plateforme des ONG françaises le décrit comme suit : « A travers des interviews d’anciens détenus et de leurs familles, ainsi que de juristes palestiniens, israéliens et internationaux et d’anciens soldats israéliens, le documentaire montre l’utilisation systématique par l’armée israélienne de la prison comme arme de répression contre la lutte des Palestiniens pour leurs droits et pour la création d’un Etat palestinien viable et indépendant. Les Palestiniens emprisonnés le sont pour des motifs politiques. »

Comprendre les mécanismes d’un système d’oppression qui dépasse les murs de la prison et maintient toute une société sous la menace permanente d’un emprisonnement arbitraire.

La plupart des gouvernements israéliens successifs ont fait de la prison une politique de répression de la lutte des Palestiniens pour leurs droits et leur autodétermination.

Le système carcéral israélien reste un instrument essentiel du contrôle du territoire occupé et de sa population.