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Support Hakoura cooperative farm in Greece: Run by Palestinian refugees, preserving Palestinian produce

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network supports this important initiative launched by Palestinian refugees in Greece. The project not only highlights the deep connections to land and agriculture that have not been severed by 73 years of the denial of the right to return, but also keeps Palestinian seeds, produce and agriculture alive in preparation for the implementation of the right to return. Supporting the steadfastness of Palestinian refugees outside Palestine is key to supporting return and liberation. Join us in sustaining this project via this crowdfunding campaign:


After a successful test run in rural Athena, Qays and Ahmad saw the potential of building a cooperative community of Palestinian refugees working together towards self-sufficiency by cultivating organic seasonal produce. They are now starting Hakoura, a cooperative farm, to achieve this dream. Click here to make a donation.

There are more than 8000 Palestinian refugees in Greece, many living under harsh conditions because of a lack of opportunities, labor exploitation, and no support. Ahmad and Qays saw that by starting a cooperative, it’s a way of taking matters into their own hands and paving an alternative path in mitigating economic, social, and cultural threats, as well as the security risks facing refugees and other marginalized groups.

Farming is not only about providing jobs, it’s also about nurturing an innate Palestinian need to connect with the land. The farm will be growing organic produce with Palestinian seeds and creating a seed bank for preservation. Seed saving practices sustain culture, tradition, biodiversity, and help support other cooperatives.

Your contributions, no matter how small, make a big difference. Qays and Ahmad have now secured 1 hectare (10 dunums) of land in rural Athena to create Hakoura. Support Qays and Ahmad’s cooperative, Hakoura, to make it a successful model that improves the economic and social situation of refugees in Greece.

Click here to make a donation.

Posters in French cities against torture of Palestinian children spark outrage among Israeli apartheid supporters

Last weekend, many posters appeared in the streets of Lyon and Paris, France, with a clear message: “The torture of children by the Israeli occupation” illustrated by a young Palestinian surrounded by Israeli soldiers. This was enough to provoke strong reactions from supporters of Israeli apartheid.

Pascal Blache, mayor of the 6th arrondissement of Lyon, reacted on social networks by stating, “Wild displays of hateful, anti-Semitic propaganda on our land are intolerable. I strongly condemn this method of action.” On Twitter, many people responded to denounce the shameful association of criticism of Israeli policy, namely the torture of minors, with anti-Semitism.

These remarks were immediately taken up by the news site Lyon Mag, which referred to “anti-Israel messages […] that [have] greatly shocked the Jewish community.” This attempt to associate the Jewish community with Israeli policy is deeply reactionary. Criticism of Israeli policy, and of the Zionist project that led to the creation of Israel, has nothing to do with anti-Semitism. This received a strong response from Internet users, as documented at the CAPJPO-Europalestine website.

A large spectrum of supporters of Israeli apartheid, from the fascists of the LDJ – Ligue de Défense Juive to the Union des Etudiants Juifs de France – UEJF and representatives of the CRIF, to cry out in scandal alongside the extreme right-wing newspaper Valeurs actuelles.

All these declarations in support of a colonial and racist state will not make us forget the reality denounced by these posters. Today, 170 children are detained by the Israeli occupation as documented by the human rights organization Addameer in its latest report. In the interrogation centers, they are subjected to physical and psychological torture: tied up in uncomfortable positions without being able to sleep, sometimes beaten, threatened with abuse, etc. They are usually asked to confess to throwing stones at tanks or bulldozers that are demolishing their homes, to denounce other children, to become “informers”, and to sign documents in Hebrew (a language they do not understand). These arrests, imprisonments and abuses have serious consequences on the development of the children. Here is a video that provides more information:

Source: Collectif Palestine Vaincra Translation: Samidoun

Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat released on bail; struggle for justice continues

Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat, the Palestinian Scottish doctor imprisoned since August 2020 on political charges in a British jail in the occupied north of Ireland, has been released on bail on Monday, 13 December after a grueling 15 months of imprisonment. During his time behind bars, Dr. Bassalat conducted a hunger strike to receive medical treatment, eventually received surgery for his severe spinal injury after months of protest, had no appropriate space to receive physiotherapy and finally suffered a heart attack behind bars before winning his release on extensive bail conditions. He arrived to his home in Edinburgh early on Tuesday, 14 December and is now with his children, from whom he has been separated for 16 months.

This day also marked another victory in Dr. Bassalat’s quest for justice. He was acquitted in the Edinburgh Sheriff’s Court on a Schedule 7 charge brought months before his arrest in “Operation Arbacia,” but while he was actively being targeted by an MI6 infiltrator, Dennis McFadden.

CAGE reported on these stops in 2019 and 2020: “Between November 2019 and early 2020, Dr Issam was stopped on at least two occasions during his departure and arrival into the UK by Border Police. He had been travelling with his children, who were extremely distressed by the experience. Dr Issam co-operated with the officers’ questions, however was arrested on one occasion for failure to provide the password to his mobile device.” This acquittal is another important recognition of the repeated injustice imposed in this case and the entire framework of surveillance and infiltration.

Dozens of human rights activists and concerned organizations have been attending the virtual trial sessions in Dr. Bassalat’s case. Despite his repeated applications for bail and ongoing serious health conditions, his bail application was repeatedly denied. Even after he suffered a heart attack behind bars that caused permanent damage to his heart, the initial court hearing in the case ruled that his “circumstances have not changed.”

On Thursday, 9 December, High Court Justice Rooney ruled that Dr. Bassalat could be released on bail after hours of strong arguments presented by his lawyers that highlighted his severe health situation as well as the fundamental injustices of the case. They also emphasized the widespread respect and support that he has received in his local community and in the broader Palestinian community and Palestine solidarity movements. This release on bail does not bring an end to the case for Dr. Bassalat and his fellow defendants among the Saoradh 9 — indeed, the case is not expected to come to trial before 2023. The trial will be held before a sole judge rather than a jury under an “emergency” designation.

The High Court judge mandated a high surety amount, greater than the 20,000 GBP already offered; indicating their commitment to Dr. Issam’s freedom, Richard Haley of Scotland Against Criminalizing Communities, the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, and Eurig Scandrett stepped up to act as surety, allowing his release. He is also subjected to intense bail conditions, subjecting him to a 10 pm to 7 am curfew and signing on twice daily at a local police station.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network warmly celebrates the release of Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat to his home and children. We congratulate him and his loved ones on his release and salute all of those who have worked tirelessly to secure his freedom.

His release on bail is not only a step toward justice but necessary to protect his life and health. We also emphasize that it is important to remain just as vigilant on this case, as the unjust charges continue to be pursued against him for his work building solidarity between the Palestinian cause and the Irish struggle. We thank and salute all of those who have attended, tweeted and spoken out on this case; we must keep up the pressure for justice.

Welcome home, Dr. Issam — let’s build the struggle for justice and freedom for political prisoners and for Palestine!

Read below for more background on the case:

Who is Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat?

Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat is a Palestinian Scottish doctor facing persecution by the British state. He has been targeted for his commitment to international solidarity and as a political means of repressing both the Palestinian and Irish movements. He was held in British prisons for nearly 16 months and was released on bail, under heavy conditions, on 13 December after suffering a heart attack behind bars.

Alongside his fellow detainees, the Saoradh 9, he was detained in “Operation Arbacia,” a series of political arrests carried out by British authorities.

He was targeted by an MI5 infiltrator, Dennis McFadden, to attend a bugged meeting with members of Saoradh, an Irish republican socialist political party that advocates for an end to British colonialism and a united Ireland. He was detained on 22 August at Heathrow Airport on the same day that nine members of Saoradh were also arrested by British forces. His bail applications were repeatedly denied before his December 2021 release, despite serious health issues and the damaging effects of incarceration on his and his fellow detainees’ well-being.

Dr. Hijjawi Bassalat, 64, came to the UK in 1995 to work as a doctor, and he is a well-known, respected member of the Palestinian community in Scotland and the father of four. He previously served as chair of the Association of Palestinian Communities in Scotland (today, the Scottish Palestinian Society) and has been active throughout Europe in advocating for Palestinian rights to return, freedom and justice, speaking frequently at meetings, conferences and events.

Infiltration and MI5 Attacks

“Operation Arbacia” sprang from the decades-long infiltration of Irish republican movements by MI5 agent Dennis McFadden, detailed in a Channel 4 News report. Issam was entrapped into a meeting with McFadden on false pretenses after he was told by British officials that he had to pick up his daughter’s passport renewal in Belfast instead of Glasgow. There, he was invited to what was presented to him as a Saoradh meeting to discuss international solidarity and the Palestinian cause; he had previously spoken to a Saoradh Ard Fheis (annual meeting) about Palestine, an open, public event.

Under the emergency laws still in effect in the north of Ireland, his case will be heard by a judge without a jury.

He is charged with “preparatory acts of terrorism” under the 2006 Terrorism Act, based on his attendance at this meeting engineered by MI5. Issam’s solicitor, Gavin Booth, has seen the transcript of the meeting Issam was compelled to attend, noting that “Everything that’s contained within the transcripts and the recordings is about Palestine, is about peaceful and democratic change. There’s nothing in the transcripts from Dr Bassalat that would support violence in any way.” Despite these facts and the presumption of innocence that is supposed to apply, he was held on remand for nearly 16 months as his health deteriorated.

Dr. Issam’s Health Crisis

Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat, Palestinian political prisoner in British jails and a medical doctor, suffered a heart attack inside Maghaberry prison on 9 October. The first judge to hear his renewed bail application after the heart attack said it was not an indication of “changed circumstances,” despite the risk to his life and well-being. It was not until months later that he finally won release.

These delays have added yet more time behind bars to a process in which Dr. Bassalat’s lawyer already declared that the evidence will take him at least 63 weeks to review before a trial could be possible. He already experienced surgery while imprisoned after a hunger strike and repeated protests to spur medical treatment for his injured spine. He did not receive adequate space and time for exercise and physical therapy after his surgery, due to his continued imprisonment.

As he appealed for human rights groups to address his case, Dr. Bassalat said in a statement that “all the might of the British Government” has been used against him, “a single individual [who] dared to challenge the British historic role in creating the Palestinian plight through the Balfour Declaration and the 30 years of the British Mandate in Palestine ending in al Nakba – the catastrophe of the Palestinians in 1948.”

Targeting Issam’s Bank Account and Medical License

In addition to his ongoing, unjust imprisonment, pre-trial detention and denied bail, Dr. Hijjawi Bassalat has suffered further injustice. During his detention, his medical care was initially delayed, and then after he finally received necessary surgery, he was denied pain relief and proper therapy. Despite his condition, he continued to be denied bail.

His bank account was frozen, denying him access to funds and creating even more inconvenience and trauma for his family — again, all while he ostensibly retains the presumption of innocence. Issam’s licence to practise medicine was suspended by the General Medical Council (GMC) on 26 October 2020 after the charges filed against him, despite the fact that he has been convicted of nothing and that the charges in no way relate to his fitness to practise medicine or his treatment of his patients.

Issam is being targeted as a Palestinian in an attempt to justify the MI5 infiltration of public political parties and to smear both the Palestinian and Irish struggles through entrapment and misrepresentation. The presumption of innocence is being cast aside for political gamesmanship. We urge the immediate release of all political prisoners, including the Saoradh 9, detained in British jails, and the dropping of all charges against Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat.

14 December, Ottawa: Georges Abdallah Film Screening – “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight”

Tuesday, 14 December
7 pm
67 Nicholas St
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/3374764686084732/

Join Carleton SJP and Anti-Imperialist Alliance for a public screening of the new and acclaimed film, “Fedayin,” which chronicles the course of a Lebanese communist, imprisoned in 1984 for his involvement in the struggle for the liberation of Palestine — and Lebanon — from Zionist occupation. From the Palestinian refugee camps that forged his conscience, to the international mobilization for his release, we will discover the man who has become one of the longest-held political prisoners in Europe.

The screening will be followed by a short discussion featuring Nahla Abdo Professor of sociology at Carleton University and Hassan Husseini Organizer with Labour for Palestine and National Negotiator with Public Service Alliance of Canada to discuss the film and actions that have demanded freedom for Abdallah, such as the global campaign in October. Please register using the link below


VBARE: Eviction in Madrid, Colonization in Palestine

More than 4000 km separate the neighbours of the Vallehermoso 94 block in Madrid’s Chamberí neighbourhood from the neighbours of Silwan and Sheik Jarrah in Jerusalem, where the Palestinian population faces daily eviction orders and expulsions that fulfil a plan of ethnic cleansing of their neighbourhoods. Despite the distance that separates them, the inevitable need for expansion of the Israeli colonial regime and its relentless quest to expand its funds unites the neighbours of these two cities against Zionist interests in an immediate struggle to remain in their homes.

*This article has been written on the basis of the public accounts reports of the socimi VBare, the colloquium held between activists for the Palestinian people and activists for the right to housing in Madrid in the Squatted Social Centre “La Traba” and the joint work of several organizations from both areas that start from today the boycott campaign against VBare.

We hope it will also serve to show one of the many ways in which the speculative interests operating in our state are connected to the elements of the Zionist entity, responsible for war crimes.

Six years ago, the Israeli Socimi VBare – VBA Real Estate – began operating in Spain, a company dedicated to real estate speculation, taking over several blocks of flats, mainly in Madrid and becoming one of the 20 largest owners in the whole country.

This company, which makes real estate harassment and blackmail its trademark, takes advantage of the tax regime of the Socimis to expel neighbours who have been living in the neighbourhoods of Madrid for more than 20 years, speculate, raise the prices of rents in the city and take the extracted capital out of the country, without paying a single tax.

Funds extracted from the expulsion of residents from their homes to finance the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

The pressure strategies used by VBare to expel the neighbours from these blocks are multiple and each one faces its own. From continuous telephone harassment, threats with complaints, visits to their homes, interrogation of their underage children, as one of the neighbours relates, to the excuse of the need to carry out renovations, are all valid to carry out their objectives.

“One of the flats that has been refurbished is currently offered on the property portal Idealista. It is a 55m2 off-plan fifth floor flat with two bedrooms and a living room/kitchen that has been for rent for weeks on Idealista for €1,550 per month. It is said to have a lift, although work to install it is still in progress. The neighbours claim that this is the place where the building’s concierge lived for 25 years. “She had to leave tired of the pressure from VBare to leave the house,” denounce the tenants who still remain in this building of 26 flats and who claim to have suffered similar situations during the last few months. “

*Excerpt translated from the article published in July 2020 in SomosChamberi in the newspaper eldiario.es

The aggressiveness with which this company operates is not new. In Spain, after the severe economic crisis of 2008, dozens of evictions began to be carried out on a daily basis, which were responded to through the organisation of residents in resistance platforms, mainly the PAH – Platform of People Affected by Mortgages -, which faced not only the legal proceedings that were opened against the residents but also the different pressures that they had to suffer from the vulture funds.

The Chamberí residents began to organise themselves through the Chamberi Solidarity Network, a platform created by the residents 6 years ago, to give a collective response and resist the attacks that this fund was beginning to inflict – 5 residents who had been in their homes for more than 25 years were evicted.

To start its activity, VBare needed to incorporate through its entry to the MAB (a Multilateral Trading System) in 2015 as a REIT (Know un spanish as “SOCIMI”) or Real Estate Investment Trust, a legal figure brought from the US in 2009 with the PSOE (the social democratic party in Spain) reforms, which, after a brutal real estate crisis, aimed to make the rental market more flexible and dynamic and to reactivate a real estate cycle through major tax incentives such as exemption from corporate taxes, exemption from transfer taxes and exemption from corporate transactions , making them extremely attractive to large capitalist holders. This reform was consolidated and given a new twist with the subsequent reform of the PP (Spanish Conservative party) in 2012, which allowed them to further increase their margins for action.

The creation of these entities became a fundamental axis in the restructuring of the financial system in Spain. Banks were getting rid of their “toxic” housing packages, which were bought by vulture funds articulated as REITs (Real Estate Investment Trust).

Since then, Spain has become the second country in the world with the most REITs, behind only the US. They have achieved their goal of artificially increasing the sector’s profitability in order to attract huge investment flows to Spain, an opportunity that Israel’s big funds were quick to seize.

VBare’s main shareholder is the Israeli investment fund Meitav Dash, the second largest fund in Israel and the product of several mergers between different Israeli funds in 2013, one of them being the venture capital fund BMR, which specialises in the technology sector – anti-virus software – and the medical sector.

Nir Barkat: Co-founder of BMR, Mayor of Jerusalem (2008 – 2018) and Israeli military (1977 – 1983).

Other major investors in this entity include:

Value Base bank, founded by Victor Shamrich and Ido Nourenberg in 2013 – following the merger of their previous company, Dash Apex with Meitav – and Dan Ramoni, owner of Ramoni industries Ltd.

Victor Shamrich and Ido Nourember: founded Apex in 1993, and are credited with growing the company through M&A transactions to become Israel’s second largest asset managers with $38 billion in assets under management.

Dan Ramoni: industrial entrepreneur whose company is active in the field of plastics and metal engineering. His clients include: Teva pharmaceuticals, Opel, Mercedes, Audi, Netsle, General Motors, Motorola, Nokia, Israel Aircraft Industries and many more.

The third largest shareholder and most intrinsically linked to the history of colonisation, plunder and ethnic cleansing of Palestine is the Wertheim family, owners of the Wertheim holding company.

This family currently owns the majority of the shares of the Israeli bank Mizrahi Bank, whose activity involves financing and granting loans to companies and colonies that want to establish themselves in Palestinian territory.

Owned by David and Droit Wertheim, sons of Moshe Wertheim own and control the majority of shares in the family’s group of companies, mainly the Central Bottling Company – bottler of Coca-Cola and 40% of Israel’s beverages -, 22% of Mizrahi Bank, Alony Hetz, one of Israel’s largest real estate investment holdings, and the Keshet media group.


Moshe Wertheim: born in 1930, serving in his youth in the Palmach group, an elite unit integrated into the paramilitary group that preceded the Israeli occupation forces, Haganah. He later served the Mossad while studying in Jerusalem, working for them in Italy and Switzerland. At the age of 35 he retired from the army and joined the pharmaceutical company Assia, later to become TEVA, as pharmaceutical director. Two years later he founded Central Bottling.

Moshe Wertheim is an example of how Israeli capital operates. After his time in the Zionist paramilitary militias prior to the establishment of the state of Israel, he founded several companies, one of them the first Israeli aircraft manufacturer. His success led him to move from productive capital to financial capital, i.e. 100% speculative capital, which found its great opportunity for growth outside the borders of Israel after the global crisis of 2008, where due to the neoliberal measures that were applied worldwide as a solution to this crisis, he was able to acquire numerous financial assets at cost price, a very important part of which is the housing market in the Spanish state.

The international community is a direct accomplice of the war crimes that the Palestinians suffer daily and of the business that these crimes generate not only inside Palestine but also outside, with the export of weapons “tested in combat”, proven techniques of civil repression on the Palestinian population and in the case that directly affects the neighbours of these blocks, speculation about the basic goods for life and the fundamental rights enshrined in the constitution.

Large fortunes, such as that of the Wertheim family, were created from the occupation of Palestine, grew thanks to the global neoliberal system and continue to underpin the colonisation of Palestine and the impoverishment of the working classes around the world.

The huge amount of money invested in the Israeli army, the 4th largest army in the world with more than 12% of GDP, in the colonies that occupy the Palestinian territories and expel their inhabitants, is generated through the funds and companies that, like VBare, speculate with every bit of life of the popular classes all over the world.

It is through the housing platforms that there is an answer to the real estate harassment and urban speculation in our state and it is through popular organisation that the Palestinian people continue to resist. The interests that are trying to take our land, our homes and our lives are intrinsically linked and our struggle against them is intrinsically linked too.

We therefore initiate and encourage any conscious collective and individual to participate in and nurture this boycott campaign. To bring the weight of justice to bear on each and every one of the companies complicit in war crimes, to prevent one more family from losing their home because of capitalist and colonial speculation, and to advance the isolation of the Zionist regime, for the liberation of Palestine and the right to a dignified life everywhere in the world.

Eight Palestinian students from Al-Najah University seized by Israeli occupation forces

On Thursday, 9 December, Israeli occupation forces seized eight Palestinian students at An-Najah National University after raiding their homes in pre-dawn invasions. Following the arrests, occupation forces then sent threatening text messages to fellow students at the university, warning them that they too would be arrested if they participated in the activities of the Islamic Bloc or other student blocs at the university.

The students seized by the Israeli occupation forces were: Hamza Tabanja, Hassan Tuffaha, Omar Shaksheer, Ayoub Dwaikat, Ibrahim Dwaikat, Ibrahim Abed, Anas Shtayyeh and Ibrahim Shalhoub. Several of the detained students had previously been jailed by the Israeli occupation and accused of participating in the activities of the Islamic Bloc.

Hundreds of Palestinian students are routinely detained by the Israeli occupation, especially those who are part of student organizations involved with campus political life. At Bir Zeit University alone, approximately 74 students were detained by occupation soldiers during the 2019-2020 academic year. They are among nearly 5,000 Palestinian political prisoners jailed by Israel. The work of student organizing, from holding book fairs to organizing events and participating in student elections, is criminalized by the Israeli occupation. Still more students are detained for joining demonstrations or posting on their social media profiles.

Palestinian students have been seized by Israeli occupation forces and abducted for their participation in the student movement in their homes, at their workplaces and on their campuses.

Once arrested, Palestinian students are routinely subjected to torture under interrogation — subjected to stress positions and stretched out over chairs, suspended from walls and forced to stand on tiptoe, deprived of sleep, cuffed and pressured on injured limbs, and beaten.

One of the most common charges is “membership in a prohibited organization,” typically referring to the student blocs. These represent the full spectrum of Palestinian politics. They organize lectures, book fairs, rallies and other campus events and participate in student elections. The charge sheets often refer to these standard activities of campus life, which are widely interpreted as a barometer for broader Palestinian political opinion.

These are not isolated cases, but a direct and collective violation of Palestinian students’ right to education, as affirmed in Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 13 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.  The targeted repression of students is just one facet of Israel’s crime of apartheid against the Palestinian people.

The #FreePalestinianStudents campaign mobilizes over 300 organizations around the world to defend Palestinian students from political imprisonment and demand their freedom.

We join together to call for action and support for Palestinian students behind bars, including: 

  • Boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel, including Israeli academic institutions, which are fully complicit in the systematic deprivation of Palestinian rights.
  • Ending all military and economic aid, military transactions, joint projects and direct funding to the Israeli occupation regime by governments around the world.
  • Challenging “normalization” programs that aim to legitimize Israeli occupation — this is an attempt to legitimize the criminalization and targeting of Palestinian students.
  • Organizing to build direct links of solidarity with Palestinian students and the Palestinian student movement, to ensure that they will not be isolated from their global community of support despite all attempts by the Israeli occupation.

Samidoun joins Philadelphia march to free Mumia Abu-Jamal after 40 years behind bars

Samidoun NY/NJ members marched in Philadelphia on Saturday, 11 September to call for freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal, the long-held political prisoner, award-winning journalist and former Black Panther. The demonstration was organized by the Mobilization 4 Mumia along with other community activists, bringing together campaigns and organizations like International Concerned Family & Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal; International Action Center; Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC); Campaign to Bring Mumia Home; Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal; and Educators for Mumia Abu-Jamal.

The march began at Philadelphia City Hall and marched through the streets of the city, calling for justice for Mumia after 40 years of imprisonment. As the Mobilization 4 Mumia wrote, “Mumia Abu-Jamal has been unjustly imprisoned since Dec. 9, 1981. He was convicted of the murder of a cop because of judicial, police and prosecutorial misconduct. Many of the illegal practices that resulted in his conviction were the same practices that has led to the exonerations since 2017 of 23 innocent men by the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office.”

Hundreds of people joined the well-organized march as it proceeded through Center City, with speakers representing many organizations and communities calling for freedom for Mumia and fellow political prisoners in U.S. and international jails.

Laila Boutros, coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network NY/NJ, delivered a solidarity speech at the rally outside City Hall, highlighting Mumia Abu-Jamal’s own outspoken commitment to Palestine, as well as the support expressed by Palestinian prisoners for his case:

“In 2019, Ahmad Sa’adat, the imprisoned general secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, said:

“Whether the name is Mumia Abu-Jamal, Walid Daqqa or Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, political prisoners behind bars can and must be a priority for our movements. These names illustrate the continuity of struggle against our collective enemy—their legacies of organizing that reach back to the anti-colonial, liberation movements of the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, to today. Political prisoners are not simply individuals; they are leaders of struggle and organizing.”

Today, we join you in not only protesting Mumia’s continued imprisonment and demanding his release, but also in celebrating his 40 years of resistance behind bars as a leader in the struggle for Black liberation and human freedom.

From occupied Palestine to Saint Petersburg, we need our political prisoners more than they need us. Their thoughts, their words, and particularly their examples, as uncompromised fighters for collective liberation, illuminate all our paths to freedom.

Sa’adat also said:

“Israel or France or the US would free us, or Georges Abdallah, or Mumia Abu-Jamal, if we were willing to become tools of the system or betray our people. But instead, the prisons have generated striking examples of a culture of resistance, from art to literature to political ideas.”

We celebrate Mumia’s steadfastness – in Arabic, his sumoud – as a dedicated fighter not only for Black liberation, but for the liberation of Palestine, with which he has never missed an opportunity to stand in solidarity.

From his writing and commentary in support of Palestine, to the speeches he’s sent to our demonstrations, Mumia has been a constant presence in our movement for decades.

I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that if every supporter of Palestine since 1981 had fought for it with the same determination as Mumia, Palestine would be free today.

We salute Mumia as one of the samidoun – the steadfast – who stands alongside the heroes of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement among the leadership of our struggle for liberation.

And as Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, we pledge to carry his name, his thought, and his example forward as we fight to free Palestine.”

The participants in the march expressed their strong support for the Palestinian liberation struggle, cheering for Boutros’ speech, with others asking for more information about how they can get involved.

Joe Catron, U.S. coordinator of Samidoun, was later interviewed by Unicorn Riot, the protest livestreaming video collective, where he emphasized the connection of struggles fighting racism and imprisoment from the U.S. to Palestine and encouraged people interested in the movement to get active with an organization:

Samidoun members participated in several other global events on the 40th anniversary of Mumia’s imprisonment. In London, Charlotte Kates, international coordinator of Samidoun, spoke virtually at a prisoner solidarity event organized by thhe Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign in the British capital. Participants learned about Mumia’s case as well as that of Ali Osman Kose and other political prisoners in Turkey, Irish political prisoners and Palestinian political prisoners.

On Monday, 13 September, Micheáilín Buitléir, communist and member of Red Ant Collective and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, will participate in a virtual holiday card-writing session for political prisoners, providing an update on Irish and Palestinian political prisoners. The event will feature Jaan Laaman, former US-held political prisoner released in 2021 after 37 years; Donna Willmott, former political prisoner and staff member of the Catalyst Project; and Orion Meadows, slam spoken word performance artist, activist and author, and it will take place at 4 pm Pacific/7 pm Eastern, over Zoom.

Vancouver Liberation Cafe highlights global struggles for prisoner solidarity and liberation

On Sunday, 5 December, organizations and activists gathered in Vancouver, Canada, for a Liberation Cafe, organized by the International League of Peoples’ Struggle. The event marked the International Day of Solidarity for Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War, focusing on struggles for justice and liberation for the indigenous peoples of Turtle Island (North America), as well as in Palestine, Chile, India, the Philippines and elsewhere, and the imprisonment of political prisoners like Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab by the United States.

The event brought together groups including Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, Palestinian Youth Movement, Canada Palestine Association, Canada Philippines Solidarity for Human Rights, Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle, BAYAN Canada, Anakbayan BC, East Indian Defence Committee and the Hugo Chavez People’s Defense Front, all of which are member organizations of ILPS. Organizations set up tables with materials, information, buttons, T-shirts and other campaign promotions, while speakers and cultural performers drew attention to international liberation movements and collective struggles.

The event was chaired by Dalya al-Masri of the Palestinian Youth Movement and Natalie Knight of Friends of Filipino People in Struggle, who also showed a historical video of Kwame Ture emphasizing that the struggle against Zionism is part of the fight against imperialism.

Khaled Barakat, Palestinian writer, spoke about the recent conferences in Madrid, Sao Paulo and Beirut, where the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement (Masar Badil) was officially founded. He discussed the creation of this popular movement on the 30th anniversary of the Madrid conference that marked the beginning of the so-called “peace process” in 1991, intended to liquidate the Palestinian national liberation movement. Instead, the movement is working to mobilize Palestinian, Arab and international forces to implement the return of Palestinian refugees to Palestine and the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. He highlighted the internationalist nature of the Palestinian cause, emphasizing that the struggle confronts not only Israel, but also the Zionist movement, Arab reactionary regimes, and imperialist powers like the United States and Canada. He further emphasized the importance of unified struggle to confront common enemies and defeat oppression, racism, exploitation and colonialism.

He spoke about Palestinian political prisoners and their role in leading the Palestinian resistance, not only at present, when over 4,650 Palestinians are jailed by the Israeli occupation, but throughout the history of the Palestinian struggle, and drew attention to the cases of prominent Palestinian prisoners like Ahmad Sa’adat, Walid Daqqa, Khitam Saafin and Marwan Barghouthi. He also saluted Georges Abdallah, jailed for 37 years in French prisons as a Lebanese Communist struggler for Palestine.

Lakhbir Khunkhun of the East Indian Defence Committee spoke about the victory of the farmers’ struggle in India, speaking about the lengthy movement that was able to extract concessions from the Modi regime through intense organizing and resistance. He praised the resistance taking place throughout India to defend peoples’ rights and the working class, and spoke about political prisoners like Varavara Rao and G.N. Saibaba continuing to struggle for justice and liberation.

Pan-Latin American band, Aymuray, performed songs of liberation, saluting the struggles of indigenous peoples from the territories of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh peoples to the Mapuche in Chile. The performances captivated and moved the attendees.

Following the cultural performance, Herb Varley spoke about Indigenous struggles on Turtle Island, highlighting the criminalization that has targeted Indigenous nations since colonization. He emphasized that the passing on of indigenous names, cultures and identities was itself a criminalized activity and an act of resistance practiced by generations of families, communities and nations, who refused to give up their identity, belief and land despite colonialism and genocide. He linked this ongoing history to the current practices of the Vancouver Police Department and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in targeting Indigenous communities and peoples for criminalization and incarceration.

Nino Pagliccia of the Hugo Chavez People’s Defense Front spoke about the case of Alex Saab, a Venezuelan diplomat currently imprisoned in the United States in complete disregard of his diplomatic status after he was essentially kidnapped from Cape Verde. The imprisonment of Alex Saab is part and parcel of the attack on Venezuela and the Bolivarian project by the United States, including the use of dangerous and indeed, potentially deadly, economic coercive measures and sanctions, in which Canada is fully complicit. Participants in the event urged the immediate liberation of Alex Saab.

Finally, BAYAN Canada and Canada Philippines Solidarity for Human Rights presented on the situation of hundreds of political prisoners in the Philippines, including the severe escalation in the targeting and red-tagging of activists, land defenders, lawyers and organizers by the Duterte regime. Chris Sorio of BAYAN Canada spoke about his own experience of torture and political imprisonment under the Marcos regime, slamming the return of the Marcos family to the political scene in the Philippines.

The event concluded with a group photo where all present shared their common slogans of justice, liberation and freedom from Zionism, colonialism, imperialism and exploitation in all forms.

Call to Action: Week of Solidarity to Free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian Prisoners, 15-22 January 2022

Palestinian prisoners are resistance leaders, on the front lines for justice and liberation, enduring hunger strikes and struggling relentlessly with an unbreakable will toward freedom. Join Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and organizers for justice and liberation in Palestine around the world for the International Week of Action to Free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian Prisoners, 15 January to 22 January 2022. 

Ahmad Sa’adat is the imprisoned General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a Palestinian national liberation movement leader and a symbol of the international left and revolutionary movements. 

On 15 January 2022, we will mark the 20th anniversary of Sa’adat’s arrest by the Palestinian Authority in the context of “security cooperation” with the Israeli occupation. After Israeli forces violently abducted him from the PA’s Jericho Prison, he was sentenced to 30 years in Israeli prison on 25 December 2008, accused of leading a prohibited organization and of “incitement.” The PFLP, like all Palestinian political parties and resistance organizations, is labeled a “prohibited organization” by the Israeli occupation authorities.

Sa’adat is a leader in the Palestinian prisoners’ movement and the Palestinian national liberation movement and a Palestinian, Arab and international symbol of resistance to Zionism, capitalism, racism, apartheid and colonization. Targeted for his political role and clarity of vision, he remains unsilenced and unbroken, despite the oppression imposed upon him and 4,650 fellow Palestinian political prisoners.

On 15-22 January 2022, join our collective call for the freedom of Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners. Take action to escalate the boycott of Israel, end aid and support to Israel, organize for justice in Palestine and resist imperialism and colonialism. 

Sa’adat’s case represents the colonial nature of Israeli imprisonment that aims to target the legitimate leadership of the Palestinian people. His boycott of the Zionist military courts reflects his principled commitment to reject colonization in all forms. His case also reflects the role of imperialist powers like the United States, Britain and Canada, and the collusion of the Palestinian Authority and its “security coordination” regime in the oppression of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian resistance.

While held in the PA’s Jericho Prison, Sa’adat and his comrades were held under U.S, British, Canadian and other foreign guards. Some of those same British guards previously served to guard Irish Republican prisoners in the occupied North of Ireland. After a violent Israeli attack, Ahmad Sa’adat and his comrades are now serving lengthy sentences in Israeli prisons. 

This is just one of the devastating consequences for Palestinians of the Madrid-Oslo path and the creation of the Palestinian Authority in the so-called “peace process” that has been in reality a project for the liquidation of the Palestinian liberation movement.

Join us to demand freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli occupation prisons. Prisoners of the Palestinian liberation movement continue to be held in international jails as well, especially Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, jailed in France for 37 years despite being eligible for release since 1999; the Holy Land Foundation 5 in the U.S.; and Issam Hijjawi Bassalat in British jails; and we join the call for their liberation. 

Also, just as Sa’adat was persecuted by the Israeli occupation for leading an “illegal organization”, the PFLP and other Palestinian resistance groups are listed in the U.S., Europe, Canada and elsewhere on so-called “terrorist lists”. These designations are used to criminalize resistance, much as the Palestinian prisoners are criminalized. Now, the Israeli occupation is attempting to use terror designations to suppress organizing and activism from grassroots organizations and civil society groups. “Terror” labels are used as a colonial weapon against resistance movements, and we affirm: Resistance is a right! 

“The Palestinian struggle for national liberation is part and parcel of the international movement of peoples for national liberation, international racial and economic justice, and an end to occupation, colonialism and imperialism.” – Ahmad Sa’adat

Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea! 

Click here to endorse the week of action!


  1. Organize events, actions and protests to demand freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners! Protest in public squares, campuses and community spaces. Organize a Palestine Stand or a letter writing event to write to Sa’adat and his fellow Palestinian prisoners. These dates also mark the anniversary of Israel’s bloody “Cast Lead” attack on Gaza in 2008-2009. Email us at samidoun@samidoun.net to inform us about your events or actions.
  2. Screen the film “Fedayin”, on the life and struggle of Georges Abdallah. Ahmad Sa’adat and Georges Abdallah are comrades who constantly salute each others’ struggles and maintain a political correspondence despite miles of distance and prison walls. To organize a screening, email samidoun@samidoun.net and vacarmesfilms@gmail.com
  3. #ShutElbitDown: Palestine Action won an important victory against British repression of the courageous activists who have confronted Israeli arms manufacturer Elbit Systems with red paint and creative direct action. The next trial – in Crown Court – is coming up in January. Help support the campaign by organizing actions to #ShutElbitDown in your area. Learn more at https://palestineaction.com/ 
  4. Join the social media campaign. Post a photo or a video with a message calling for freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat and his fellow Palestinian prisoners and the hashtag #FreeAhmadSaadat. You can use the posters below. Send us your photo by emailing us at samidoun@samidoun.net or contacting us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. 
  5. Boycott Israel! Ahmad Sa’adat says: “I call on all forces of progress, freedom and democracy to stand by the struggle of our people through all forms of boycott: political, economic, academic and cultural of the occupation state and the creation of a real economic cost for its industries of colonization and settlement and escalating the global campaigns for boycott of all corporations that support and invest in the occupation militarily and economically.” Don’t buy Israeli goods, and campaign to end investments in corporations that profit from the occupation. Join direct actions to challenge war profiteers and boycott complicit corporations like Puma and HP. 

Click here to endorse the week of action!











10 December, Vancouver: Rally — Fight State Terror, Defend People’s Rights!

Friday, 10 December
5 pm
Commercial/Broadway SkyTrain Station
Vancouver, Coast Salish Territories
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/320647343216054/

On the International Day for Human Rights, join local organizers from the International League of People’s Struggles (ILPS) for a solidarity rally and hear reports from peoples struggles for justice and liberation across Turtle Island, Philippines, Palestine, Chile, India, and beyond. Come out to denounce state violence and UNITE for People’s Rights & Justice!
On a global scale there has been a rise in state sanctioned violence against human rights and land defenders. This violence is being perpetrated in order to maintain oppressive systems of labour exploitation, resource extraction, and corporate profits. Those who resist are violently repressed through red-tagging, militarization, imprisonment, and extrajudicial killings.

While the violent suppression of people’s rights continues, unified peoples’ resistance is also intensifying! Join us in our common struggle against imperialist aggression, capitalist plunder, land theft, and state terror! Defend People’s Rights! Long Live International Solidarity!