Nour Tamimi remains imprisoned as Israeli military prosecution files appeal

Nour Tamimi, the cousin of Ahed Tamimi who was scheduled to be released on bail today after being charged by an Israeli military court on 1 January, instead remains imprisoned after occupation military prosecutors appealed her release.

According to Naji Tamimi, Nour’s father, the military prosecution filed the appeal on 2 January, minutes before Nour was to be released; a military appeals court hearing will be held in the coming days. Nour, 21, was seized by occupation forces a day after Ahed and her mother Nariman; she is charged with Ahed for confronting occupation soldiers on their family’s land outside their home in the village of Nabi Saleh shortly after their cousin Mohammed, 14, was shot in the head with a rubber-coated metal bullet by occupation forces, critically injuring him.

Nour, Ahed, Nariman and the rest of the Tamimi family are leaders in the Palestinian indigenous anti-colonial popular resistance and land defense movement in Nabi Saleh, a village of 600 Palestinians targeted and encircled by the illegal Israeli settlement of Halamish, which has stolen the village’s land and even its spring.


Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network denounces the ongoing imprisonment of Ahed, Nariman, Nour and Manal Tamimi, among over 500 Palestinians arrested by Israeli occupation forces following U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration of recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Issa Qaraqe of the Palestinian Prisoners Affairs Commission stated that approximately half of those detained, like Ahed, Abdul-Khalik Burnat and Fawzi al-Junaidi, are children. There are hundreds of Palestinian children jailed by Israel and frequently subject to beatings, abuse, and interrogations without parents or lawyers present in violation of the law. We urge people of conscience around the world to take action to demand freedom for Ahed and her fellow detained and jailed Palestinian children in occupation detention centers, interrogation centers and prisons – and for the Tamimi women and all detained and imprisoned Palestinians.

The resistance of the Palestinian people has never been quelled by arrests or repression, and it must be clear that we, around the world, stand alongside the Palestinian people as they defend Jerusalem and their entire land and people under attack. This includes standing with detained and jailed Palestinian prisoners in their struggle for liberation for themselves, their people, and their occupied homeland.


  1. Join the Twitterstorm! Every day, a Twitterstorm is being organized with a new hashtag released at the moment the campaign begins to raise awareness and urge action to free Ahed, Nour, Nariman and Manal Tamimi. You can join in and follow the campaign at the Free the Tamimi Women facebook page and @YASHebron on Twitter. The twitterstorms are currently scheduled for 10 AM Pacific, 1 PM Eastern, 6 PM UK, 7 PM in Europe, 8 PM in Palestine – updates and hashtags are posted regularly on Facebook and Twitter.
  2. Organize a protest for the Tamimi women or join one of the protests being organized in cities like New York , Los Angeles and Manchester and distribute this post and other news about Ahed and the Palestinian prisoners. Get others involved in the struggle for Palestinian freedom! Build the campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel and complicit corporations like HP and G4S.
  3. For supporters in the US: Call your member of the House of Representatives to support H.R. 4391, the Promoting Human Rights by Ending Israeli Military Detention of Palestinian Children Act. Tell them specifically about Ahed’s arrest, and urge them to act for her release. Tell them to pressure Israel to free Ahed and other detained Palestinian kids. Call the House switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to speak to your Representative’s office. CODEPINK has an action to highlight this case specifically.
  4. Call your nearest Israeli embassy and let them know that you know about the detention of Ahed Tamimi in Nabi Saleh and other Palestinian child prisoners. Demand Ahed, her mother Nariman, her cousin Nour, and the other detained children be immediately released. Contact infomation here:
  5. Sign the petition. Over 150,000 people have already signed on to demand freedom for Ahed:
  6. Write to Ahed, Nour, Nariman and Manal. While Zionist jailers frequently censor Palestinian prisoners’ mail, these letters can help bolster morale and even send a message to the jailers and censors themselves. Write to Ahed Tamimi, Nour Tamimi, Manal Tamimi or Nariman Tamimi (choose one and address your letter to one only) at: HaSharon prison
    Ben Yehuda, P.O. Box 7
    40 330 Israel

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