Join the Twitterstorm for Palestinian prisoners on April 17 #WeAreWithYou

On Friday, 17 April, Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network will be joining with groups and activists around the world to tweet our collective, symbolic solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. Follow @SamidounPP on Twitter for updates, news and more on the struggle of Palestinian prisoners and to follow the Twitterstorm!

As part of the “You are not alone, We are with you” campaign, the hashtag throughout the day will be #WeAreWithYou. This twitterstorm will be joined by activists from throughout occupied Palestine and around the world, and we urge you to join us! Tweet your links, message of solidarity or video about the Palestinian prisoners at any time during the day and add the hashtag, #WeAreWithYou. You can share the graphics below to support the campaign and participate in the Twitterstorm on Friday. We will also be sharing more sample tweets and graphics in the coming days!

Note: We will also be joining the online Twitterstorm from 2-4 pm Central time (9-11 pm Europe, 10 pm-midnight Palestine) on Friday, 17 April called by the US Palestinian Community Network and others for #PalestinianPrisonersDay. Sample tweets for this campaign are available here:

We also invite all to participate in the wide array of webinars and online events in the coming week in support of the Palestinian prisoners’ struggle. Freedom for all Palestinian prisoners – Freedom for Palestine!

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