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#FreePalestinianStudents campaign update: Join a letter-writing action online; Israeli attacks on students continue

There are hundreds of Palestinian high school and university students among the approximately 4,500 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails, in many cases specifically targeted for Israeli colonial imprisonment and repression for their student activism, organizing student events and participation in student elections and other political and social activities on campus. As Israeli settlers rampage through Jerusalem and Palestinians resist the threatened impending forced transfer and ethnic cleansing in Sheikh Jarrah, occupied Jerusalem, the attacks on Palestinian students — and their organizing and resistance — have continued.

A number of new organizations have joined the over 350 global social movements, political parties, Palestine solidarity groups and justice campaigns in the #FreePalestinianStudents campaign, including Academics for Peace North America, Women Against Military Madness, Basler Frauen für Frieden und Fortschritt, Baslerfreuenvereinigung für Frieden und Fortschritt, Palästina/Nahost-Intiative Heidelberg, Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) Germany, Atelier Gaza, Solidarität International, KAIROS Palästina-Solidaritätsnetz Deutschland, and Dar al Janub – Union for Antiracism and Peace Policy.

On 7 May, at 1 pm New York time (10 am Pacific, 8 pm Palestine), FREE CUNY will host an online event in solidarity with Palestinian students, including a talk by Palestinian activist and Within Our Lifetime chair Nerdeen Kiswani. The event will include an online gathering to write letters to imprisoned Palestinian students. Join the event at: https://tinyurl.com/freecunypalestine

Students at the University of Nanterre in France with ARENE (Association des Résidents de Nanterre) showed their support for Palestinian students by taking solidarity photos with imprisoned Palestinian students.

In May, people at the market in Clermont-l’Herault in France showed their solidarity with imprisoned Palestinian students, joining the campaign to demand their liberation.

As the support campaign continues to grow, Palestinian students continue to face severe injustice and fight back against Israeli colonialism, occupation and oppression. Zuhdi al-Qawariq, an engineering student at An-Najah University in Nablus, was seized by occupation forces at the Huwarra checkpoint on 28 February 2021. On 20 April, after 40 days under interrogation, he was ordered to administrative detention for four months — imprisonment without charge or trial. Qawariq, 24, has been delayed repeatedly in graduating because he has been imprisoned by the Israeli occupation for nearly two years in multiple detentions, while also being arrested by Palestinian Authority “security” forces under “security coordination” with the Israeli occupation.

On 30 March, Birzeit University student activist Abdel-Majeed Majed Hassan was seized from his home in Ramallah by Israeli occupation forces. A student of business at Birzeit, he is the brother of imprisoned student Mohammed Hassan and of former student prisoner Shatha Hassan, both also Birzeit students.

Photo: Zaid Qaddoumi

Imprisoned Palestinian student Zaid Qaddoumi, 22, an economics student at Birzeit from Bethlehem, was brutally attacked by Israeli jailers in Megiddo prison. He was brought to the occupation Ofer military court on 11 April — only for his case to be postponed another 7 days. When his mother saw him, she was shocked to see her son covered in bruises with significant injury to his left eye. He was violently attacked on the morning of 6 April; he has been imprisoned since 31 December 2020.

Also on 11 April, Palestinian student Ahmed Kharouf was sentenced to 22 months in Israeli prison by an illegitimate Israeli military court for his student activity.

We cannot and must not remain silent about the persecution of the Palestinian student movement and of individual Palestinian students behind Israeli barsWe stand with Palestinian students! 

Visit the main #FreePalestinianStudents campaign page: https://freepalestinianstudents.org/

Add your organization’s name to the #FreePalestinianStudents campaign: http://bit.ly/palstudentsignon

We join together to call for action and support for Palestinian students behind bars, including: 

  • Boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel, including Israeli academic institutions, which are fully complicit in the systematic deprivation of Palestinian rights.
  • Ending all military and economic aid, military transactions, joint projects and direct funding to the Israeli occupation regime by governments around the world.
  • Challenging “normalization” programs that aim to legitimize Israeli occupation — this is an attempt to legitimize the criminalization and targeting of Palestinian students.
  • Organizing to build direct links of solidarity with Palestinian students and the Palestinian student movement, to ensure that they will not be isolated from their global community of support despite all attempts by the Israeli occupation.

Download posters, flyers and an organizing toolkit at: https://freepalestinianstudents.org/

Endorsers of the Campaign

  • 100 Idee per la Pace Siena – Italy
  • Action Antifasciste Paris Banlieue
  • AFPS 0726 (Association France Palestine Solidarité Groupe local Ardèche Drôme)
  • AFPS 63 (France)
  • AFPS Douai
  • AFPS Nord- Pas de Calais
  • AFPS Paris 14-6
  • Africa4Palestine
  • Al Quds Day Committee of New York
  • Al-Awda NY, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition
  • Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition
  • Alkarama Palestinian women’s movement)
  • All Nepal Peasants’ Federation (ANPFa)
  • All Nepal Peasants’ Federation (Revolutionary Centre)
  • Alliance for Global Justice
  • Alliance for Water Justice in Palestine
  • Allt åt Alla Kvinnofront
  • القطب الطلابي الديمقراطي التقدمي Al Qutob – Progressive Democratic Student Pole at Bir Zeit University
  • Al-Yudur Juventud Palestina | Al-Juzour Palestinian Youth
  • Amis des Arts et de al Culture de Palestine
  • AMP-NJ
  • Anakbayan-USA
  • Anti Imperialist Action Ireland
  • Anti-Imperialist Alliance – Ottawa
  • Anti-Imperialist Alliance Youth (AIA Youth – Ottawa)
  • Anti-Imperialist Front – France (AIF)
  • Antirasistiska Akademin
  • Arbetarmakt (Workers Power) – Swedish Section of The League for the Fifth International
  • ARENE (Association des ResidEnts de NanterrE)
  • Asamblea Plaza de los Pueblos Madrid
  • Asociación Brasileña Maloka
  • Asociación Estudiantil Madrid
  • Asociación Palestina Biladi
  • Asociación Punto Feminista Alcorcón
  • Asociación Teatro de la Tierra
  • Asociación Unadikum
  • Associación Americana de Juristas
  • Association Car t’y es libre
  • Association des Universitaires pour le Respect du Droit International en Palestine (AURDIP)
  • Association Eunomia
  • Association for Investment in Popular Action Committees
  • Association France Palestine Solidarité d’Albertville
  • Association France Palestine Solidarité Loire
  • Association France Palestine Solidarité Nîmes
  • Association Najdeh
  • Association Nationale des Communistes – ANC
  • Association of Palestinian Students – University of Toronto Mississauga
  • Association of Student Activism for Palestine (A.S.A.P))
  • Associazione Amicizia Sardegna Palestina
  • Associazione Senza Paura Genova
  • AssoPacePalestina
  • Atelier Gaza
  • Australia Solidarity with Latin America
  • Bahraini society against normalization with Zionist enemy
  • Bahraini Society to Resist Normalization with Zionism
  • Basler Frauen für Frieden und Fortschritt
  • Baslerfreuenvereinigung für Frieden und Fortschritt
  • Bathurst Street United Church
  • BAYAN Canada
  • BAYAN Canada
  • BDS France Marseille
  • BDS France Montpellier
  • BDS Genova
  • BDS Maroc – BDS المغرب
  • BDS Mexico
  • BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish Territories
  • Belgian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (BACBI)
  • Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG)
  • Boycott, Divest, Sanction, on CATerpillar
  • Bündnis gegen Krieg / Hände weg von Syrien
  • California Scholars for Academic Freedom
  • Campagne Unitaire pour la Libération de Georges Abdallah
  • Campaign for International Cooperation and Disarmament (CICD)
  • Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat
  • Canada Palestine Association
  • Canada Palestine Support Network (CanPalNet)
  • Canada-Philippines Solidarity for Human Rights (CPSHR)
  • Canadian BDS Coalition
  • Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3902 BDS Committee
  • Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME)
  • CAPJPO-EuroPalestine
  • Catholics for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land (Canada)
  • Center for Study and Preservation of Palestine
  • Centre for Counter Hegemonic Studies
  • Centro Culturale Handala Ali – مركز حنظله علي الثقافي
  • Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
  • Claremont Students for Justice in Palestine
  • Col·lectiu Intifada
  • Coletivo Feminista Classista ANA MONTENEGRO
  • Coletivo pelos direitos no Brasil
  • Collectif 65 pour la liberation de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah
  • Collectif 69 de soutien au peuple palestinien
  • Collectif Judéo Arabe et Citoyen pour la Palestine
  • Collectif Palestine Vaincra
  • Collectif stéphanois de soutien au peuple palestinien
  • Collettivo Palestina Rossa
  • Comité Antifa Saint Etienne
  • Comité d’actions et de soutien aux luttes du peuple marocain
  • Comité de Défense des Internés des Camps du Sud (Algérie)
  • Comite de Liberté pour Musa Aşoğlu!
  • Comité de solidarité avec le peuple palestinien/Casablanca
  • Comité de solidarité tunisien pour la libération de Georges Abdallah
  • Comité justice et vérité 31
  • Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche Orient (CPJPO)
  • Committee of Anti-Imperialists in Solidarity with Iran (CASI)
  • Communist Organization of Greece (KOE)
  • Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninst) Liberation
  • Communist Workers League
  • Comunidad Palestina de Chile
  • Confederación Intersindical Galega (CIG)
  • Confederation of Workers from Turkey in Europe – ATIK
  • Cordillera Peoples Alliance
  • Couserans-Palestine
  • Cultura è Libertà, una campagna per la Palestina
  • Dallas Palestine Coalition
  • Dar al Janub – Union for Antiracism and Peace Policy
  • Deutsch-Palästinensischer Frauenverein e.V.
  • Dirección de DDHH y Pluralismo Cultural. FHyAr
  • Droit Solidarite
  • DSA BDS & Palestine Solidarity Working Group Steering Committee
  • East Los Angeles Revolutionary Action Party
  • Éirígí- for A New Republic
  • End the Deadly Exchange Seattle
  • Europal Forum – London
  • Eye On Palestine Arts and Film Festival
  • Fédération Syndicale Étudiante (FSE)
  • Femmes de diverses origines/Women of Diverse Origins
  • Festiclown
  • Finnish-Arab Friendship Society, FAFS
  • FIRMES: Federación Internacional de Resistencia Migrante en España
  • Fordham SJP
  • Framåt kamrater
  • Free CUNY!
  • Free Palestine Movement
  • Freedom Road Socialist Organization
  • French Friends of the Freedom Theatre in Jenin (ATL Jénine)
  • Frente Antiimperialista Internacionalista
  • Friends of Palestine Against Imperialism and Zionism (Filistin Dostlari)
  • Friends of Sabeel North America
  • Front Populaire France (Turquie)
  • Front Uni des Immigrations et des Quartiers Populaires de Grenoble (FUIQP 38)
  • GABRIELA Alliance of Filipino Women
  • Galizan People’s Union-UPG
  • GATS
  • Gazainfo
  • Giovani palestinesi d’Italia
  • Giuristi Democratici
  • GMB union z60 branch Lincoln
  • Green Mountain Solidarity With Palestine
  • Groupe Non-Violent LOUIS LECOIN
  • GUPS Aix-Marseille
  • Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers
  • Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War
  • HRA:PI/CD3-IP (Human Rights Awareness: Palestine Israel/CD3 Israel Palestine
  • Human Rights March, Denmark
  • Humanity For Palestine
  • ILPS Commission on Children
  • Indiana Center for Middle East Peace
  • Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self-Determination and Liberation (IPMSDL)
  • Inminds Human Rights Group
  • International Action Center
  • International Association of Democratic Lawyers
  • International Committee for Breaking the Siege on Gaza (ICBSG)
  • International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN)
  • International League of Peoples’ Struggle – Australia Chapter
  • International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) – Commission 10
  • International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) – US Northeast
  • International League of Peoples’ Struggle-US
  • International Movement for a Just World (JUST)
  • International Prisoners’ Network IPN
  • International Solidarity Movement
  • International Solidarity Movement France
  • Internationalist Socialist League in Israel(occupied Palestine)
  • Internationalt Forum – Denmark
  • Int’l Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity
  • IPNOTGlobal
  • Ireland Information Group of Sweden
  • ISM Northern California
  • Israel Palestine Task Force
  • Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) Germany
  • IU-Marx Madera
  • IWA – Europe
  • Jailhouse Lawyers Speak
  • Jeune Garde Lyon
  • Jeunes Communistes de la Loire (JC42)
  • Jeunes Communistes du Bas-Rhin (France)
  • Jeunesse Patriote Communiste – PCQ
  • Jeunesse solidaire
  • Jewish Voice for Peace – Bay Area
  • Jewish Voice for Peace – Los Angeles
  • Jewish Voice For Peace Central Ohio
  • Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
  • Jóvenes Izquierda Unida
  • Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement Pour Une Paix Juste
  • Justice for Palestinians, Calgary
  • Justice pour la Palestine
  • KAIROS Palästina-Solidaritätsnetz Deutschland
  • KAMARAD-مجموعة عمل نشريّة كاماراد/تونس
  • Kia Ora Gaza (Aotearoa New Zealand)
  • La Coalition Marocaine des Instances des Droits Humains
  • Labor for Palestine
  • Landless Workers Movement – MST
  • Le Collectif Rouge Internationalistes pour la libération des prisonniers révolutionnaire (Le CRI Rouge – Paris)
  • Le Collectif Solidarité Palestine Ouest Étang de Berre
  • Le Poing Levé Mirail
  • Le poing levé Paris 8
  • League of Filipino Students
  • League of Filipino Students – Cavite State University
  • League of Filipino Students PUP
  • Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
  • Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
  • Letters for Palestine – Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Lynne Stewart Organization
  • Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights
  • Mar de Lumes – Comité Galego de Solidariedade Internacionalista
  • Massachusetts Peace Action
  • Melbourne Unitarian Peace Memorial Church (MUPMC)
  • Mesa Migración y Antirracismo SBC
  • Muslim Action Committee
  • الحملة الوطنية لتحرير الأسير جورج عبدالله National Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah
  • National Jericho Movement
  • National Lawyers Guild
  • National Lawyers Guild International Committee
  • National Lawyers Guild, Loyola Chicago Chapter
  • National Students for a Democratic Society
  • National Students for Justice in Palestine
  • Netherlands Palestine Committee
  • Netzwerk Freiheit für alle politischen Gefangenen Magdeburg
  • Niagara Movement for Justice in Palestine-Israel (NMJPI)
  • Noi Restiamo
  • NorCal Sabeel
  • North America Nakba Tour
  • Nouveau Parti anticapitaliste (NPA, France)
  • NPA Jeunes
  • NWRG-onlus
  • NY Boricua Resistance
  • NY4Palestine Coalition
  • Oakland Jericho
  • Opera con Grazia
  • Opposizione Studentesca d’Alternativa (OSA)
  • OPRA (Oakville Palestinian Rights Association)
  • Palästina Antikolonial
  • Palästina/Nahost-Intiative Heidelberg
  • Palestina Libre Murcia España
  • Palestinalibre.org
  • Palestine Advocacy Project
  • Palestine Foundation
  • Palestine Network Shining Waters Region, United Church of Canada
  • Palestine Solidarity Alliance of Hunter College CUNY
  • Palestine Solidarity Committee Stuttgart, Germany
  • Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa
  • Palestine Speaks Palästina Spricht ( Coalition for Palestinian Rights and Against Racism)
  • Palestine13
  • Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU)
  • Palestinian Cultural Club at the American University of Beirut
  • Palestinian Youth Movement
  • Pallasos en Rebeldia
  • Parti des Indigènes de la République
  • Peace Alliance Winnipeg
  • Peoples Power Assemblies NYC
  • Peoples Power Assembly
  • Peoria No Ban No Wall
  • Philippines ‐ Palestine Friendship Association
  • Philippines Australia Union Link
  • Plataforma Bolivariana de Solidaridad con Venezuela de Madrid
  • Plataforma Solidaria con Palestina de Valladolid
  • Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine
  • Popular Resistance
  • Principles NOT Parties
  • Prisoners Solidarity Committee
  • Prisoners Solidarity Committee of Workers World Party
  • Progressive Lawyers Association, CHD
  • Project South
  • Rattvise och frihet center
  • Red Banner Anti-Imperialist Collective
  • Release Aging People in Prison/RAPP
  • Resistance Festival – Athens, Greece
  • Resistencia Saharaui
  • Rete della Conoscenza
  • Rete Romana di Solidarietà cin il Popolo Palestinese
  • Revolutionaire Eenheid
  • Revolutionary Communist Group
  • Rojavakommittéerna Göteborg
  • Sacramento Area Peace Action
  • Sacramento Regional Coalition for Palestinian Rights
  • Sada Movement
  • Salinlahi Alliance for Children’s Concerns
  • Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
  • Santa Feans for Justice in Palestine
  • سير وصيرورة Sayr wa Sayroura
  • SDS (Students for a Democratic Society)
  • Secours Rouge de Belgique
  • Secours Rouge Genève
  • Secours Rouge International / International Red Help
  • Secours Rouge Montréal
  • Secours Rouge Toulouse
  • Secrétariat International de la CNT-France
  • Ship to Gaza – Gothenburg
  • جمعية شموع للمساواة / المغرب Shumu’a Association for Equality/Morocco
  • Sikhay-Marikina
  • SJP Chicago
  • SJP DePaul
  • SOAS Palestine Society
  • Socialist Action / Ligue pour l’Action socialiste
  • Solidaires 09
  • Solidarität International
  • Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights UBC
  • SPHR Queen’s
  • Stand with Kashmir
  • Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina
  • Students Against Israeli Apartheid, University of Toronto
  • Students Against the Occupation DK
  • Students for a Democratic Society – Georgia Tech
  • Students For Justice in Palestine – San Diego State University
  • Students for Justice in Palestine at Arizona State University
  • Students for Justice in Palestine at UCLA
  • Students for Justice in Palestine at UMass Amherst
  • Students for Justice in Palestine, University of California Irvine
  • Students for Justice in Palestine, University of South Carolina
  • Students in Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights McGill University (SPHR McGill)
  • Students Not Consumers
  • SUD Education 31-65
  • Sulong UBC
  • Temple Students for Justice in Palestine
  • The Global Campaign to Return to Palestine
  • The Palestine Committee of Norway
  • The Palestine Solidarity Committee – Austin, Tx
  • The Rachel Corrie Foundation
  • Theorie und Praxis Verlag
  • Trawunche Madrid (Coordinación de Apoyo al Pueblo Mapuche)
  • Trueque de Ley por Derecho
  • Tunisian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (TACBI)
  • UBC Social Justice Centre
  • UCL (union communiste libertaire)
  • UJFP
  • UMass Amherst SJP
  • Unión de Juventudes Comunistas de España – Communist Youth Union of Spain (UJCE)
  • Union Départementale des Syndicats CNT de Haute-Garonne
  • Union départementale des syndicats CNT des Pyrénées Orientales
  • Union des Étudiant·e·s de Toulouse – UET
  • Union Générale des Etudiants de Palestine – GUPS France
  • Union syndicale Solidaires
  • Unione degli Studenti
  • Unione Democratica Arabo Palestinese
  • Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East
  • Unité Communiste
  • United Methodists’ Holy Land Task Force
  • United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC)
  • Unity of Child Rights Advocates Against Inhumane Treatment and Neglect of Children (UNCHAIN Children)
  • University of Leicester Palestine Society
  • US Boats to Gaza
  • US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
  • US Palestinian Community Network
  • UW United Students Against Sweatshops
  • Vänsterpartiet Göteborg
  • Victoria Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
  • V-SB (Vlaams Socialistische Beweging)
  • Wisconsin Bail Out The People Movement
  • Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine
  • Women Against Military Madness
  • Women for Filipino Women and Children (WoW)
  • Women in Black, Vienna, Austria
  • Workers Assembly Against Racism
  • Workers Voice Socialist Movement, Louisiana
  • Workers World Party
  • Yeni Demokratik Gençlik – YDG
  • Youth Against War & Racism
  • Youth and Students Section of the Lebanese Communist Party

Add your organization’s name to the #FreePalestinianStudents campaign: http://bit.ly/palstudentsignon

From Colombia to Palestine, resist imperialist crimes! Samidoun solidarity statement with the people of Colombia

Photo: Redfish

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network expresses its strongest solidarity with the people’s movement and political prisoners of Colombia, facing the U.S.-backed right-wing regime of Ivan Duque, police murder and targeted assassinations, and harsh repression of mass protests.

Thousands of people in Colombia have been marching for the past eight days against the tax policy of the right-wing Duque administration, supported by the United States and also involved in U.S.-directed regime change operations targeting Venezuela, Bolivia, and other progressive governments throughout Latin America.

This movement has faced brutal repression, with often U.S.-provided weaponry directed against these popular marches. Even after the Duque government claimed to withdraw the reforms, it has continued to escalate the repression. This national strike is a rebellion against neoliberalism and the brutality of capitalism against workers, students, Indigenous people and the masses of Colombia. As noted by the International League of Peoples’ Struggle, “The people’s rejection of the Duque government’s policies led to the National Strike last April 28 and their public anger has escalated to a national outcry over intensifying poverty, unemployment, and class inequality exposed by the pandemic last year.”

Photo: Redfish

Between 6am on April 28 and 10am on May 4, 2021, ESMAD (the “Mobile Anti-Disturbances Squad”) and Colombian Armed Forces killed at least 26 protesters, committed 1181 cases of police violence, sexually violated nine women, shot 17 people in the eyes, committed 988 arbitrary detentions, and over 80 persons have been reported missing. Samidoun joins the ILPS, of which it is a member organization, in strongly condemning the political repression and fascist attacks against the people by Duque’s regime which is supported by his oligarch cohorts, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and U.S. imperialism. Just like the other fascist regimes across the globe, the Colombian state has weaponized the COVID-19 pandemic to terrorize the people to further consolidate political and economic power.

These crimes in Colombia have been armed and funded by the United States. As noted by the Alliance for Global Justice, ESMAD itself was an initiative created by Plan Colombia, launched by U.S. president Bill Clinton. While popular and mass movement leaders in Colombia, including trade unionists, Indigenous activists, and student organizers, are being assassinated at a rate of more than one victim per day, the U.S. imperialist presence has escalated and intensified the violence, with both Democratic and Republican support for increased military and police funding to these Colombian forces, involved in vicious repression at home and in alliance with U.S. regime-change schemes targeting progressive governments elsewhere in Latin America.

There are thousands of political prisoners in Colombia, the highest number in the Americas. Since the peace accords of 2016, in which the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) disbanded, the agreements have gone unfulfilled while at least 137 former fighters have been assassinated and at least 738 civilian activists. Political prisoners from social movements throughout the country have been targeted for incarceration, including protesters challenging a Canadian oil company, Frontera Energy, causing significant environmental damage.

The responsibility of U.S., Canadian and other Western corporations and governments for the ongoing crimes in Colombia is apparent. Indeed, the U.S. also holds Colombian political prisoners — notably Simon Trinidad, a former spokesperson for the FARC. Mark Burton, Trinidad’s lawyer, highlighted the harsh conditions to which he is subjected as a U.S. political prisoner: “Prisoners who are considered enemies of the state are often sent to the penitentiary Florence ADX, popularly known as Supermax, as the prisoner’s ability to communicate with the outside world is tightly controlled. In general, prisoners are cut off from contacts outside the prison. Simon was sent there after his conviction in Washington D.C., where it took the government four trials to convict him of one count of conspiracy. The rightist forces were unable to silence Simon through assassination, but the Colombian and American governments have been able to silence him by imprisonment in Supermax.”

Amid all of this, the right-wing Colombian regime has also openly allied itself with the Zionist settler-colonial project in Palestine. Duque pledged to open a new trade office to promote commerce with the Israeli regime and Israeli corporations, amid a growing Palestinian, Arab and global movement to boycott Israel. This is nothing new — Hugo Chavez, late Venezuelan president, Bolivarian leader and notable supporter of justice for Palestine, called Colombia the “Israel of Latin America.” However, Duque has intensified the close relationship with trade and “security” deals with the Israeli occupation. Building the movement to boycott Israel on an international level can work to strengthen our alliances of mutual solidarity to fight the far-right and imperialist forces that threaten lives from Colombia to Palestine.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network highlights the shared struggle of the people of Colombia and Palestine, and the deadly role that U.S. imperialism plays around the world in suppressing popular movements for justice and liberation. We urge the immediate release of all political prisoners in Colombian and U.S. jails. In Palestine, there are nearly 4,500 Palestinian political prisoners whose ongoing incarceration is funded and backed by $3.8 billion annually in U.S. military aid.

Right now, over 500 Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah, occupied Jerusalem, are being threatened with forced eviction from their homes in order for their property to be granted to Israeli Jewish colonial settlers. The ongoing Nakba targeting the Palestinian people is carried out by the Zionist state with the full support of U.S. imperialism and its allies in Canada, Europe, the UK and elsewhere.

From Colombia to Palestine, U.S. imperialism has brought terror, destruction, plunder and repression to the peoples of the world. Resistance is necessary in order to defend the people’s rights, win freedom for the prisoners, and break the chains of oppression, imperialism, colonialism, Zionism, capitalism and reaction in all forms.

Long live international solidarity! Freedom for all political prisoners! Victory to the people of Colombia! Victory for Palestine!

Video: The liberation of Palestine – Arab and international perspectives on an alternative revolutionary path

On 1 May 2021, the Alternative Palestinian Path (Masar Badil) and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network organized an online event on Arab and international dimensions of the liberation of Palestine, in the context of the vision for an alternative revolutionary path of Palestinian struggle on International Workers’ Day.

The speakers at the event were Charlotte Kates, Samidoun’s international coordinator, and Aimen Rumeida, a member of the local preparatory committee for the Alternative Palestinian Path conference in Germany, and of Samidoun Deutschland. The event was moderated by Mohammed Khatib, Samidoun’s Europe coordinator and a member of the Preparatory Committee of the conference.

The event took place over Zoom with English, Arabic and Spanish translation. The video above presents the English language audio (Charlotte Kates spoke in English originally while Aimen Rumeida spoke in Arabic. To watch the original video with English/Arabic mixed audio, please see this Facebook video)

The full text of both speeches in English is below:

The International Struggle for the Liberation of Palestine — Charlotte Kates

Thank you to the Masar Badil – the Alternative Palestinian Path – and our comrades in Samidoun for organizing today’s event. And thank you to the comrades who are providing live interpretation today. Many comrades were out on the streets today in cities around the world, holding high the Palestinian flag, the banners of struggle, and the promise for justice and liberation, and this meeting today is a further continuation of this work.

It is important that we meet today, on 1 May, International Workers’ Day, the day of the oppressed of the world recognizing their power, strength and ability to confront and overturn the systems of capitalism, exploitation and imperialism that cause so much misery to the world. It is also an opportunity to reflect upon, draw lessons from and strategize for the international movement that is necessary as part of the Palestinian struggle for liberation, and for the Arab movement that is necessary. Since comrade Aimen will be focusing on the Arab dimension of the struggle, I will focus primarily on the international dimension outside the Arab region.

Of course, we begin with the famous quote of Ghassan Kanafani, “The Palestinian cause is not a cause for Palestinians only, but a cause for every revolutionary, wherever he is, as a cause of the exploited and oppressed masses in our era.” This was not only a rhetorical call to action for the people of the world, but also a recognition that the Palestinian struggle was and remains Palestinian, Arab and international, reflecting the array of enemies faced by the Palestinian people and the necessary forces that must be mobilized to challenge those enemies.

The Zionist regime was not imposed on Palestine and could not have been without the active involvement, armament and financial and logistical support of the British colonizer. Today, the “Israeli” regime receives $3.8 billion each year from US imperialism, making the Zionist project essentially a U.S. military base by which to threaten the Arab people and all surrounding peoples. Theodor Herzl himself sought out Cecil Rhodes to pursue “a colonial matter.” The history of Zionism is one of European colonialism and Western imperialism imposed upon the Palestinian people and the Arab people more broadly, and it is critical to assert a clear anti-imperialist movement that stands with the Palestinian people and their resistance to bring down and defeat that bulwark of imperialism in the region.

May 1 is international workers’ day, and it is the workers of the world who are the greatest targets of imperialism, of exploitation of their labour and the resources of entire nations for the benefit of the ruling class in the imperialist countries of the center. The devastation of the planet, the confiscation of land and resources, and the brutal exploitation of labour is part and parcel of imperialism and capitalism. It is not possible to imagine an international movement for the liberation of Palestine that is not fundamentally anti-imperialist, that does not firmly reject all forms of U.S., Canadian or European-sponsored regime change initiatives, sanctions wars, and military interventions, all of which are based on maintaining that devastating global imbalance of power. It must be clear to those of us organizing in the imperialist core that the enemy is at home, and that enemy is the greatest enemy of all peoples in the world seeking a future of freedom, justice and liberation.

In this context, when we think about an international movement for Palestine, we often think first of expressions of solidarity that are de-linked from this broader struggle, expressions that may be symbolic in nature.

However, the first and foremost international alliance of the Palestinian movement are the liberation movements of the world, of the global South, of those who are resisting imperialism and exploitation. These include the mass movements in places like Brazil, who while confronting land confiscation, anti-indigenous violence, and incipient fascism, insist on holding high the Palestinian flag as a sign of their global commitment to resistance and solidarity. But it also includes those states fighting back against imperialism. Let us look at Bolivia. The victory of the MAS over the US-sponsored coup in Bolivia was a victory for Palestine, as well as for the people of Bolivia, and for everyone in the world seeking justice and liberation.

The same is true for the liberation movements inside the countries of the imperialist core, for example the Black liberation movement and the fight for Indigenous sovereignty and liberation in North America. These are critical examples of mutual solidarity that were not forged in the past five or six years but in fact involve shared histories of struggle going back decades. The alliances built today are built on the framework of the relationships between the Palestine Liberation Organization (at the time when it was a different PLO than the one we know today), the Palestinian revolutionary movements and organizations and these liberation movements.

Palestinian camps engaged in military training of revolutionaries from around the world, from Ireland to South Africa. And this was a responsibility that was well illustrated in the classic poster – translated into many languages – by Ismail Shammout – of the Vietnamese fighter handing off the flag of victory to the Palestinian fedayee or freedom fighter – that is, Palestinian resistance and revolution receiving support from the revolutionary fighters of the world and continuing to extend that support to the revolutionary fighters challenging imperialism everywhere.

Of course, these ties were not only military in nature or related to training! Far from it — in an example of how international advocacy in fora like the United Nations could be used for liberatory practice rather than acceptance of imperialist control, Palestinians at the United Nations offered their office, space and representative voice to Native Liberation organizations in the United States fighting for indigenous sovereignty and self-determination. The nations of Asia, Africa and Latin America, rejecting colonialism, also raised their voices in support of Palestine. This is the context that produced UN Resolution 3379, the famous resolution that “determine[d] that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination”.

And of course, this was not only the case for the movements of the Global South or even the liberation movements of colonized peoples within the imperialist core. There is a very strong history of meaningful solidarity with Palestine from the Left throughout Europe and also in North America. I want to encourage everyone to read the historical documents available of this period. Not because we want to copy and paste from history into today’s context; it is not possible to do that. We cannot simply idealize the past, we need to put into practice what is necessary today. But there was a tremendous movement of solidarity with Palestine that recognized the centrality of the Palestinian struggle to defeating imperialism and capitalism, of international joint struggle and alliance, and it has significant lessons for our movement today.

The Palestinian refugee camps, in Jordan and then in Lebanon, were a point for global interaction between revolutionary movements – much as Cairo and Algiers also were. Activists, organizers and revolutionaries came to the camps to organize medical clinics, plan kindergartens, and join the Palestinian revolution. It must be noted here that these were not charity projects or NGOs, these were revolutionary mechanisms of serving the people, created by the Palestinian Revolution, with international support and participation based not on grants and program officers but simply on mutual struggle for a better world. It was in this context that Marc Rudin became the graphic designer whose work symbolized the Palestinian struggle for many. It is in this context that revolutionaries in Europe in some cases took up arms together with Palestinian freedom fighters, or built solidarity movements, or expanded boycott campaigns and solidarity actions, all proudly and openly proclaimed in support of the Palestinian Revolution or the Palestinian revolutionary left, such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

And here is where we must ask: What happened? Why is this relatively recent history often seen as so inaccessible and distant?

And of course, we can answer this with the Madrid-Oslo path.

The years of Madrid and Oslo, however, are not accidental. When we look back in 2021 on 30 years of Madrid, we are also looking back on 30 years of the dismantling of the Soviet Union and the socialist bloc in Eastern Europe. We are looking back on 30 years of the Iraq War or the “first Gulf war”. We are looking back on 30 years of the proclamations of inevitably victorious capitalism and the “end of history.” Madrid and Oslo were, in large part, also products of the same series of imperialist attacks and illusory integration into the capitalist system of their time. The revocation of UN Resolution 3379 was a condition for Israel’s participation in Madrid, and that participation itself was not a step toward peace or security for Palestinians or for the Arab people or people more broadly – it was an attempt to impose defeat upon the Palestinian people. Madrid and Oslo and the “peace process” are the products of imperialism, and as much as by this point, 30 years later, almost everyone speaks of the death of Oslo or its failure, noting the catastrophic escalation in settlements, deprivation of Palestinian rights, mass incarceration, fascist violence, Zionist supremacism, exploitation and siege of all forms, but the question remains? Was Oslo, was Madrid, a failure? Certainly, for the Palestinian people. But for Zionism and imperialism?

They did not attain the goals they sought to achieve: the permanent dismantlement, counter-insurgency, pacification and erasure of the Palestinian people and their revolutionary struggle for return and liberation, from the river to the sea. Palestinians continue to rise, to resist, to fight back. People around the world continue to struggle, to seek liberation, to fight capitalism and exploitation. On International Workers’ Day, the workers of the world are striking, organizing and fighting. They take up arms in the countryside in the Philippines and they march in the millions in India and they join a Bolivarian commune in Venezuela and they take up a union organizing drive in an Amazon warehouse.

And so it is clear: Yes, an alternative revolutionary path is needed! For Palestinians, but for the international left. And let us be clear here, it is obvious that it is not the Left leading the Palestinian movement today. And there are many reasons for that. But we in the Left, particularly in the imperialist core, are not doing all that we need to do to be a real partner for the Palestinian revolutionary Left or for the Palestinian resistance more broadly, which encompasses a far broader framework and must be supported by all progressive and revolutionary forces in the world. And that is putting it mildly. We have a responsibility to do all we can to learn from those movements who came before, who dedicated themselves to the international revolution, and who always were clear on the need to fight the real enemy, which can only be found at home.

The devastation of Madrid and Oslo and their nature as a product of imperialism makes it all the more clear why an international leg of this alternative revolutionary Palestinian path is necessary. This is the alternative to Madrid and Oslo, and the alternative to the Palestinian Authority, which we must not make the mistake of considering a solely or even primarily Palestinian project. The PA is created, funded and trained by the United States on the “security” side – that is, the side that imprisons and tracks the Palestinian resistance and engages in security coordination with Israel – and on the social side by the European Union.

This Palestinian initiative is based on reclaiming, upholding and recognizing – for a 21st century world – the international revolutionary legacy and leadership of the Palestinian revolution, towards return and liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea, and as a leading role in the international movement confronting capitalism and imperialism. Further, we must also recognize and build upon the active engagement of Palestinians in exile and diaspora in popular social movements around the world, in terms of building alliances, upholding the rights of migrants and refugees, and confronting fascist attacks.

I look forward to continuing the discussion. Before I conclude, I want to address: What can we do? What do we see as the future, as what is necessary, as Samidoun? We organize to defend Palestinian political prisoners because we organize to defend, uphold and affirm the Palestinian resistance. This is a political defense, and it also means engaging with and building mass movements. We invite you to join Samidoun, and we also invite you to donate to support our work. I’ll put the links in the chat.

As imprisoned Palestinian leader Kamil Abu Hanish wrote in 2017, “The sons and daughters of the popular classes of Palestine, the workers, the farmers in the villages, the refugees of the camps, have always been the leaders and the driving force of our Palestinian national liberation movement. The Palestinian popular classes have been the freedom fighters, the strugglers and the resisters on the front lines, confronting the occupation and Zionist colonization in Palestine. And so it is the case that the popular classes of Palestine fill the ranks of the Israeli prisons, the builders of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement continuing on the front lines of resistance, building the ongoing Palestinian revolution.”

Further, this also means turning the siege onto the occupier, the colonizer, the oppressor. This means also building the boycott of Israel, the international isolation of the Zionist project. On International Workers’ Day, one of the most important places for that struggle is inside the Labor movement. Particularly the boycott of the Histadrut, the Zionist “labor union” that in reality is aligned with the Zionist ruling class at the expense of Palestinian workers and therefore, the workers of the world. The boycott of Israel should and indeed must be aligned with supporting all of Palestinians’ rights – to liberate their land, to return home, to defend their lives and people and resist colonization and oppression. It is not an alternative to Palestinian resistance, it is an international mechanism to support the Palestinian people and their resistance movement and to put a brake on the war machine. Some people doing great work in this regard are Palestine Action in the UK with their direct actions against Elbit, Israeli arms manufacturer.

This also certainly means organizing to confront imperialism. To push back against the war drives against China. To fight the sanctions, invasions, war drives against Syria, Iran, Venezuela and one-third of the people of the world. To stand together with those fighting the greatest force for devastation today, US imperialism and its partners in Europe, Canada and elsewhere. This is the path to the liberation of Palestine.

I began with one quote from Kanafani and will close with another: “Imperialism has layed its body over the world, the head in Eastern Asia, the heart in the Middle East, its arteries reaching Africa and Latin America. Wherever you strike it, you damage it, and you serve the World Revolution.”

Charlotte Kates
1 May 2021

Palestine and the Alternative Revolutionary Path: Towards an Arab and international vision — Aimen Rumeida (Translated from Arabic — download the original Arabic file here)

Friends and comrades, greetings to the victorious Palestinian revolution, greetings to the Arab liberation movement, greetings to the progressive international forces, greetings of struggle on the path to liberation and return.

On behalf of the local committee for the revolutionary Alternative Palestinian Path (Masar Badil) in Germany, I am speaking with you today on International Workers’ Day, 1 May, in which the voice of the workers is heard everywhere in the world, the voice of the impoverished and marginalized classes, announcing the continuation of struggle against the forces of injustice, exploitation and subjugation, and against the brutality and barbarism represented by the capitalist, imperialist and reactionary forces, the enemy of humanity, and the most dangerous of those, the Zionist racist forces.

These imposed an illegitimate entity in the heart of the Arab nation as aa spearhead for a Western imperialist project, targeting the presence of our Arab people on their land, working to exterminate and destroy them and not only control and subjugate them, one of the most severe crimes in history.

In this intervention, I will mainly address the issue of the Arab dimension of the alternative revolutionary Palestinian path, which cannot be separated from the Palestinian dimension of the Arab cause or from the international dimension of this cause. Equally important is the issue of the Arab liberation movement, which must be discussed in line with its local, regional and global levels. This intervention will be based on three main points: 1) the dialectical relationship between the liberation of Palestine and the liberation of the Arab world; 2) the role of the Arab revolutionary vanguard in the current stage of struggle; 3) Practical steps to achieve victory.

1) The dialectical relationship between the liberation of Palestine and the liberation of the Arab world:

There is no time here to delve into the historical considerations, which are necessary preludes to understanding the Arab-Zionist conflict, because deep awareness of historical facts necessitates a return to distant eras, from Rome’s conflict with Carthage, to the European renaissance, the Crusades and the Ottoman occupation. In this context, we should emphasize cultural and epistemological issues of the utmost importance, such as the conditions that shape Arab identity through the fusion of ancient civilizations due to common language, geographical location, and other natural characteristics in formulating a material or scientific understanding of events and developments.

All of this, despite its importance, does not prevent us from moving directly to the central thesis, in two parts: 1) the Arab struggle for freedom, dignity, justice, progress and prosperity is one struggle throughout the Arab world. The question that was asked in the 1960s and 1970s – and by the way, the stage is in many ways very similar today: Will the liberation of Palestine lead to Arab unity, or vice versa? This question jumps to the issue of liberating the Arab world. Because whoever asked it presupposed the independence of the Arab countries, a slogan that history has proven invalid. We in the Arab world, in all Arab countries, are still in a stage of national liberation. We do not have an independent decision or sovereignty over our homeland, because we are subjected to reactionary client regimes hostile to the people, working to serve the goal of foreign projects. This new, indirect or neo-colonial imperialism is prevalent in the region, with the exception of Palestine, where we face direct expulsion, settler-colonialism and destruction – and with the exception of what we have witnessed and are witnessing in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen, of direct foreign invasion.

And for the second part of the thesis: 2 – the Palestinian revolution is the vanguard of the Arab national liberation movement. This is because it stands on the front line against the enemy camp, whch consists of Zionism and the Zionist entity, the imperialist and colonialist powers and the Arab reactionaries. Based on all of this, the liberation of Palestine, all of Palestine from the river to the sea, it is not only the duty of every person dedicated to freedom in the world, considering that the defeat of the Zionist project is a major blow to capitalism and imperialism. The liberation of Palestine is a national duty of every Arab, to defend themselves from imminent danger, as the Zionist project is an existential threat to the Arab nation that works diligently to prevent every Arab project for meaningful development and destroy all Arab hopes for progress and prosperity. The Zionist enemy is an enemy of Arab existence and an enemy of all sectors of Arab society, especially the impoverished classes who have a material interest in revolution against injustice, exploitation and subjugation.

Examples that can be enumerated here that confirm this role of the Zionist project in the crises and tragedies of the Arabs world, include direct air strikes, the assassination of scholars, the industry of sabotage and violence, economic conspiracies of corruption and unemployment, forced migration, and even can be felt from the Renaissance Dam to the prot of Beirut. We are clear that the Zionist project will not pass without consequence, facing an Arab nation of half a billion people, with thousands of years of strength. Our victory is a historical inevitability, without a doubt.

2) The role of the Arab revolutionary vanguard in the current stage of struggle

First, we must clearly see that the historical task of the Arab people in our time is the task of liberation as a condition for the possibility of long-term construction: the liberation of Palestine and the liberation of the Arab homeland in their comprehensive meanings, that is, the liberation of humanity, the liberation of the mind, and the liberation of the land. This inclusiveness and interdependence logically lead to the importance of the comprehensive Arab revolution against all forces of the enemy camp and all their consequences of subjugation, dependency and backwardness. The path to emancipation, liberation and progress is to declare a relentless path of struggle against the Zionist project, which affects everything in the Arab nation. The absence of this revolutionary awareness that we are facing an imminent danger represented by the Zionist entity with all its extensions, is centrally connected for the end of the project of the Arab revolt which erputed in late 2010 and early 2011, with effects in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya and Syria, with recent repercussions in Lebanon, Iraq and Sudan. A central reason for the victory of the counter-revolution and the incursion of foreign aggression against the Arab people in all countries lies in the decline of revolutionary awareness of the role of the Zionist enemy in tearing the Arab homeland apart and waging all forms of wars against it.

Naturally, this reason complements other causes in order to lead us to the gravity and seriousness of the current situation. The other reason for this temporary defeat is the absence of a revolutionary organization capable of leading the rising masses of our people and capable of deterring the regimes of betrayal and shame that would not have dared to ally with the enemies of the Arab people had it not been for the absence of revolutionary organizations to strike back against betrayal.

Here, the task of building revolutionary organization emerges as the beating heart and living essence of the mission of comprehensive liberation. Here, the role of the Arab revolutionary vanguards is evident in mobilizing all energies and providing all the ingredients for success in the process of building modern Arab revolutionary organizations that lead the Arab national liberation movement in general and its Palestinian vanguard in particular in order to achieve the goals of the Arab people, chief among them, the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea, the dismantling of the Zionist entity, the overthrow of reactionary Arab regimes, the enemies of the Arab people and servants of imperialist projects.

A detailed examination of the historical role of the Arab revolutionary vangguards – whether they are struggling within the Arab world or in exile and diaspora – requires more time. But the history of the Palestinian, Arab and international struggle is full of lessons, indications and ideals that are guided today by tens of millions of strugglers and militants. It is enough for us to mention the concept of the struggling intellectual of martyr Basil al-Araj, in order to discern the white thread of reaction from the red thread of revolution in the darkness of our current reality, which is dissipating little by little through action and movement of the living forces of the Arab people, at the forefront of which are the forces of the alternative Palestinian revolutionary path.

3) Practical steps in order to achieve victory

Revolutionizing the current Arab situation — in awareness, discourse and practice — requires a focus on the working and popular classes as the mainstay of the revolution, with their real material interests in the desired revolutionary change. At the heart of this revolutionary process lies the tasks of the Arab revolutionary vanguards in raising awareness of the need to move from the mindset of emotional sympathy and emotional reactions, which often eacerbate the phenomena of dependence and the absence of confidence and initiative – to a mindset of conscious, organized action confident in the ability of the means to achieve its ends.

This leads directly to the necessity of determining sprecific programs to direct and lead the forces gathered around the priority of the liberation struggle, to bring them to the masses of the people in all countries of the Arab world and everywhere they are present in the world. These programs should not exclude the fields of knowledge, culture, society and economy, where a direct link is made between overcoming the dilemmas of development, advancement and communication and the struggle to confront the Zionist project, as it is the greatest obstacle to the Arab people achieving their goals and aspirations.

The practical steps required for the current stage of struggle must be linked to the main points of the Palestinian cause, atop which is the prisoners’ cause, the refugees’ rights and the cause of Jerusalem. Among the possibilities for activating the Arab dimension of struggle for these issues, we mention the following links:

1. The link between liberating the prisoners of the Palestinian revolution in Zionist prisons with the liberation of Arab revolutionary prisoners in the prisons of Arab reactionary regimes and jailed internationally. Indeed, the cause of the prisoners may take on further dimensions if we examine the concepts of “class imprisonment” and “mental imprisonment” that are no less burdensome than physical imprisonment.

2. The relationship of the return of Palestinian refugees to their homes and lands with the return of Arab refugees and displaced persons to their homeland, stopping the “brain drain” and uniting Arab energies around the world in popular, effective organizational framworks that pose a revolutionary alternative to the subordinate institutions of the official Arab regimes.

3. The connection o the struggle in Jerusalem to resisting all manifestations of normalization with the Zionist enemy and deterring and holding accountable those responsible for betrayal, considering Jerusalem is not only the eternal capital of Palestine but the civilizational capital of the Arab nation and the foremost symbol of the Arab people’s determination to win the war of existence waged against it by imperialist and Zionist forces.

Ebarking on the implementation of these practical and other steps mean intensifying communication between the Arab revolutionary forces everywhere on the basis of common denominators proposed by the alternative Palestinian revolutionary path, which not only represent the constants of the struggle for the liberation of all of Palestine, but also build bridges betwene various components of the Arab national liberation movement.

Returning to the Palestinian National Charter is the return of all Arabs to the approach of resistance and confrontation against the brutal and continuous aggression against the Arab nation. Raising their enthusiasm and taking the general mobilization seriously are urgent tasks in order to prepare new generations of strugglers with courage and knowledge to overturn the current balance of power and write a new history for the entire Arab people and civiization.

Aimen Rumeida
Dusseldorf, Germany
1 May 2021

French labor unionists call for Histadrut boycott

In a video released on 1 May 2021, French trade unionists associated with the CGT, France’s largest labor federation, in the Haute-Garonne region of France, issued a call for boycott of the Histadrut. The video statement responded to Palestinian labor activists’ calls to boycott the Israeli trade union federation, known since its inception as a pillar of the Zionist project and directly implicated in the colonization of Palestine and the dispossession, expulsion and colonization of Palestinian people and Palestinian land.

The video was issued by Collectif Palestine Vaincra, based in Toulouse, France. The Collectif is a member organization of the Samidoun Network. Below is the video, with English subtitles — the text of the call in English is published below the video.

Labor action for Palestine, including the boycott of the Histadrut and of Israeli bonds, is one clear way for organized workers around the world to stand together with Palestinian workers in a collective struggle for liberation that confronts settler colonialism, Zionism, apartheid, capitalism, exploitation and oppression in all forms.

On 1 May 2021, the International Day of Workers’ Struggle, we join in the call of Palestinian trade unions and labor movements to cut relations with and boycott the Israeli so-called trade union federation, the Histadrut.

In line with the values of solidarity and fellowship upheld by the CGT, we call for an end to all relations with this openly colonialist and racist organization.

Since its inception, the Histadrut has played an active role in the colonization of Palestine. It has consistently enacted segregationist and racist policies.

For example, it refused to integrate Arab workers until the 1960s, purchased land for Israeli colonial settlers, and expelled Jewish Communists from its ranks.

Today, the Histadrut is a pillar of the Israeli regime and continues to impose policies that discriminate against Palestinians.

We, CGT trade unionists in Haute-Garonne, call for a boycott of the Histadrut and to support the struggle of Palestinians against colonialism, racism and apartheid.

Boycott the Histadrut! Palestine lives, Palestine will be victorious!



International 1 May actions call for liberation of Palestine, freedom for Georges Abdallah

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network chapters and members participated in a wide range of global activities, demonstrations and mobilizations marking 1 May, International Workers’ Day, as did many advocates for justice and liberation for Palestine and for Palestinian political prisoners. The flag of Palestine and banners of liberation were raised at many international demonstrations, calling for freedom for the prisoners and liberation for Palestine from the river to the sea.

Samidoun Deutschland members took to the streets in Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, and Berlin, among other cities in Germany. In Frankfurt, Samidoun was part of a coalition with various organizations for Proletarian 1 May, marching with revolutionary and leftist organizations for liberation in Palestine and confrontation of capitalism and imperialism.

In Berlin, Samidoun members joined many other organizations in a broad Palestine/Internationalist Bloc at the Revolutionary 1 May demonstration. Activists and organizers from a wide range of organizations, including Palästina Spricht Palestine Speaks, Jewish Antifa Berlin, Migrantifa Berlin and many other groups organized a march through the streets of Berlin, which also faced police repression, as has been the case for many past 1 May demonstrations.

The Revolutionary 1 May demonstration, starting off from Hermannplatz, gathered at least 20,000 participants and was marching through Sonnenallee and Karl-Marx-Strasse in Neukolln, with the internationalist block (including the Palestine Bloc) toward the front of the march when a massive formation of police cut off the march.

Just as nearly every year in Berlin, police violence against the Revolutionary 1 May demonstration prevented it from following its route and over 50 people were arrested.

Samidoun Deutschland members also participated in the 1 May demonstration in Dusseldorf. More Palestine organizations and Palestinian community groups protested in Kassel, Freiburg and elsewhere.


In Madrid, Samidoun España, Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization and the Alternative Palestinian Path (Masar Badil) marched in the main 1 May demonstration and delivered a speech calling for action and mobilization to support the Palestinian people and their liberation struggle.

In Murcia, Samidoun España and Palestina Libre organized a demonstration one day earlier, 30 April, in support of Juani Rishmawi (Juani Sanchez Ruiz), a Spanish aid worker in occupied Palestine imprisoned and under interrogation by the Israeli occupation forces since 12 April.


This action joined multiple demonstrations organized by many groups and campaigns across Spain, Catalonia, Galiza, and the Basque country in support of Juani, and demanding her immediate release.


In Rotterdam, Netherlands, Samidoun Nederland, Revolutionaire Eenheid and others joined an internationalist 1 May demonstration in support of liberation movements — and freedom for political prisoners — from Palestine to the Philippines.

In Gothenburg, Sweden, Samidoun Göteborg posted stickers and posters throughout the city in support of Palestine as part of 1 May actions. They prepared the following message for 1 May demonstrations:

“Down with Swedish colonial violence – in Palestine, Mali and Sápmi!

Long live May 1, day of celebration for the international working class, for proletarian internationalism and for the struggle against imperialism, colonialism and fascism!

As Samidoun Gothenburg, we continuously uphold solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle, and especially solidarity with one of the vanguards of the liberations struggle, the Palestinian prisoners. They struggle and lead the struggle against Israeli apartheid, occupation and settler colonialism, and specifically on the international day of the working class we must highlight the big Israeli labor federation Histadrut as a pillar of the oppression and exploitation of Palestinians. Another burning front of struggle is the area Sheikh Jarrah in Jerusalem, where tens of Palestinian families, hundreds of Palestinians, are threatened by evictions, home demolitions and forced displacement by the occupation. Aside from the occupation itself, the Palestinian resistance is struggling against international reactionary and imperialist accomplices, among others Sweden.

Sweden participates in imperialist and colonial crimes all over the world. In this very moment, Sweden participates in the colonial military adventures of France in Mali, where as late as last week three Swedish soldiers were wounded. The Swedish Armed Forces decline to comment on what Swedish soldiers are doing in Mali, but history speaks for itself. Meanwhile, Swedish colonial politics are waged in Sápmi, where the Sámi people and their allies in mainly the environmental and climate movement are putting their lives on the line for the forests, for the land and for the future.

On this day of internationalism, of struggle against imperialism, fascism and colonialism, knowing that no one is free until all are free, we conclude with the following:

Down with Swedish colonial violence i Palestine, in Mali, in Sápmi!
Boycott Israel and the occupation of Palestine!
Boycott the Zionist labor federation Histadrut!
Free all Palestinian and revolutionary prisoners!
Long live Palestine!”

In Toulouse, France, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra joined thousands of people at the 1 May march in Toulouse, France. They hung flags and banners and a massive banner over the street calling for the freedom of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, the revolutionary Arab Communist struggler for Palestine imprisoned in France for nearly 37 years.

They distributed thousands of flyers and collected hundreds of signatures in support of the immediate release of Georges Abdallah.

The Collectif also issued an appeal from CGT trade unionists, members of France’s largest labor federation, calling for the boycott of the Histadrut:

In many cities and towns in France, activists for Palestine highlighted the campaign to win Georges Abdallah’s freedom at 1 May mobilizations.

In Paris, the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah mobilized a strong block in the 1 May demonstration with Palestinian flags, banners and placards demanding Abdallah’s immediate release.

In Auch, participants in the demonstration of 1,000 people distributed signs, stickers and materials calling for Abdallah’s liberation.

The Collectif Libérons Georges 33 in Bordeaux carried banners and signs highlighting Georges Abdallah’s case, while in Marseille, the ANC marched with a banner for his freedom:

In Annecy, activists for Palestine distributed cards for Georges Abdallah, while in Tarbes, they collected signatures and displayed banners highlighting the case.

In Guingamp, organizers carried posters and signs for Georges Abdallah throughout the mobilization.

In Belgium, the Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine joined the 1 May mobilization, carrying the Palestinian flag and Palestine’s red banner- the flag of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, given to the Plate-forme’s delegation to the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon in 2019.

In Copenhagen, Denmark, the Internationalt Forum joined May Day events, while the Autonom Infoservice put out a call for the freedom of revolutionary political prisoners on 1 May, highlighting the cases of Mumia Abu-Jamal and Leonard Peltier in the US, Kurdish prisoner Nudem Durak, Dimitris Koufodinas in Greece and Ahmad Sa’adat in occupied Palestine. Sa’adat is the imprisoned Palestinian national leader and General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Samidoun also organized a webinar on the Arab and international dimensions of the Palestinian cause, together with the Masar Badil (Alternative Palestinian Path.) This event, in English, Arabic and Spanish, included talks by Charlotte Kates, international coordinator of Samidoun, and Aimen Remida, member of the Preparatory Committee for the Alternative Palestinian Path Conference and Samidoun Deutschland.


On 1 May 2021, International Workers’ Day, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network stands with the working class and popular classes of Palestine and the world on this day of struggle for liberation from exploitation, capitalism, imperialism, racism and Zionism. Samidoun organizers are taking to the streets today with their comrades in cities around the world to celebrate and advance our collective struggle.

As we march and organize for the global liberation of workers — including the workers of Palestine — we urge all international workers’ movements to join the struggle for Palestinian liberation, including by participating in the Week of Palestinian Struggle, 15-22 May 2021, marking 73 years of ongoing Nakba and 73 years of Palestinian resistance and revolutionary struggle….

We urge workers’ organizations around the world to continue to build and grow this solidarity with Palestinian workers, the leaders of the Palestinian liberation struggle. At the same time, we also express our solidarity with the struggling workers of the world, including the imprisoned labor union and workers’ movement leaders who are held behind bars or face death threats and repression for their role in defending oppressed workers. From India to the Philippines to France, from Colombia to Egypt and Morocco, we stand with these labor movements targeted for repression. We salute the imprisoned Turkish and Kurdish strugglers, not only in Turkish jails but also in European ones, often targeted for their role in workers’ organizations or even for defending them in court. The liberation of Palestine is fundamentally linked to the liberation of all from imperialism, exploitation and capitalism.

On International Workers’ Day, these struggles must become an occasion to escalate our work to support Palestinian workers, free the prisoners, and liberate Palestine, from the river to the sea. Labor action for Palestine, including the boycott of the Histadrut and of Israeli bonds, is one clear way for organized workers around the world to stand together with Palestinian workers in a collective struggle for liberation that confronts settler colonialism, Zionism, apartheid, capitalism, exploitation and oppression in all forms.

Join us on 15-22 May 2021 — the liberation of Palestine is part and parcel of the liberation of the working class of the world

International Workers’ Day: Palestinian workers on the front lines of resistance

Palestinian poster for 1 May. Artist: Hafez Omar

On 1 May 2021, International Workers’ Day, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network stands with the working class and popular classes of Palestine and the world on this day of struggle for liberation from exploitation, capitalism, imperialism, racism and Zionism. Samidoun organizers are taking to the streets today with their comrades in cities around the world to celebrate and advance our collective struggle.

As we march and organize for the global liberation of workers — including the workers of Palestine — we urge all international workers’ movements to join the struggle for Palestinian liberation, including by participating in the Week of Palestinian Struggle, 15-22 May 2021, marking 73 years of ongoing Nakba and 73 years of Palestinian resistance and revolutionary struggle. 

Within Palestine, 1 May is a day of struggle highlighting the leading role of Palestinian workers in the liberation movement. The prisoners’ movement is no exception; indeed, the vast majority of Palestinian prisoners come from the working and popular classes, the refugee camps and the villages, and it is these workers who put their bodies and lives on the line for freedom.

As imprisoned Palestinian leader Kamil Abu Hanish wrote in 2017, “The sons and daughters of the popular classes of Palestine, the workers, the farmers in the villages, the refugees of the camps, have always been the leaders and the driving force of our Palestinian national liberation movement. The Palestinian popular classes have been the freedom fighters, the strugglers and the resisters on the front lines, confronting the occupation and Zionist colonization in Palestine. And so it is the case that the popular classes of Palestine fill the ranks of the Israeli prisons, the builders of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement continuing on the front lines of resistance, building the ongoing Palestinian revolution.”


Classic Palestinian revolutionary poster for 1 May. Artist Marc Rudin

General strikes have always been a key mechanism of Palestinian resistance, from the earliest revolts of the Palestinian people against British and then Zionist colonialism. In the 1936 revolution, Palestinian workers’ six-month general strike was at that time the longest in the world. This continued over the years, as Palestinian workers in exile built the Palestinian liberation movement and its organizations, and as Palestinian workers and labor unions led in the organizing of the first intifada. UNRWA workers and others in the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon paved the way for the modern revolution, as revolutionary leaders like Abu Maher al-Yamani organized refugees for liberation and return on the basis of their trade union work before the Nakba in Palestine.

In the 1950s, Palestinian labor organizers in occupied Palestine ’48 were jailed as they attempted to keep their organizations intact under martial law. At least seven Palestinian trade union leaders were deported from the West Bank between 1969 and 1979. These attacks happened as Palestinians inside Israeli jails fought to end forced labor, a victory that was achieved only through great sacrifice. Omar Shalabi, a Syrian prisoner, was killed under torture in October 1973 during the protests against Israeli forced labor.

Palestinian workers are regularly subject to colonial forms of imprisonment, from the political targeting of workers’ organizations to the mass criminalization of Palestinians seeking employment inside occupied Palestine ’48. Palestinian workers are frequently arrested for “entering Israel without a permit,” despite the fact that many of these same workers are Palestinian refugees denied their right to return to their original homes and lands for the past 71 years. The systematic siege and subjugation of the Palestinian economy, from the texts of the Paris Protocols to the latest attacks by the U.S. government under Donald Trump, has forced thousands of Palestinians to seek work with or without permits as day laborers, often in construction.

Classic Palestinian revolutionary poster for 1 May. Artist Marc Rudin

At any given time, there are approximately 1000 Palestinians arrested, detained or fined for seeking to work in their own homeland; they are not classified in the Israeli colonial system as “security” prisoners and are thus missing from the statistics related to Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails. However, it is clear that everything about these workers’ situation is deeply political – they are imprisoned for their Palestinian existence on Palestinian land, specifically as Palestinian workers.

The drive to exclude Palestinian workers has always been part of the Zionist colonial project. This has been reflected in the founding principles and continued operation of the Israeli Histadrut, a trade union federation founded with the explicit purpose of promoting Zionist colonization of Palestinian land and excluding Palestinian labor. Despite having a fraternal relationship with the AFL-CIO and other major labor unions worldwide, it actually exploits Palestinian workers inside Israel by deducting fees from their salaries while denying them benefits. Its role predates the Nakba and continues to reflect this colonial relationship, which is why Palestinian workers and labor union solidarity activists have urged a boycott of the Histadrut by international labor federations.

Palestinian workers in exile also continue to struggle against exploitation and oppression. In Lebanon, Palestinian refugees continue to be denied access to over 70 professions, leading to massive unemployment and frequent despair among the working class. Palestinian refugees forced to flee to Europe, North America and elsewhere from Lebanon, Syria and occupied Palestine confront racist, repressive policies that inhibit their right to work and threaten them with deportation, detention and exclusion.

Classic Palestinian revolutionary poster for 1 May.

They confront the racism of “Fortress Europe” and criminalization of refugee workers alongside fellow migrants and workers seeking safety and refuge from the military, social, environmental and economic disasters forced upon their home countries by the very imperialist states that then deny their rights. They face severe exploitation in black market labor. Still, these workers continue to struggle despite all odds not only to confront racism and exclusion in the imperialist countries but also to organize to confront imperialism and win their liberation.

Israeli occupation and oppression reflects the sharpest edge of capitalist exploitation for the Palestinian working class, backed up fully by the most powerful and dangerous imperialist powers, especially the United States. However, they also face Arab reactionary regimes that are complicit with the exploitation and marginalization of Palestinian workers even as they pursue normalization with the Israeli state. They also confront Palestinian capitalists and the Palestinian Authority, formed as a security subcontractor to the Israeli occupation. The Jordanian monarchy acted in the 1970s and 1980s to repress union organizing in the interests of Palestinian capitalists, while ultra-wealthy Palestinian capitalists like Bashar al-Masri are on the first lines promoting normalization and undermining the boycott of Israel.

Classic Palestinian revolutionary poster for 1 May. Artist Marc Rudin

Imperialism is on the attack around the world, using its military might and its weapons of siege and sanctions against peoples around the world. As always, it is workers and the impoverished classes who bear the heaviest brunt of these assaults, such as in Venezuela, where the people continue to resist imperialist attacks despite repeated coup attempts, the confiscation of the Venezuelan people’s resources, military threats from the United States and devastating, exploitative sanctions. Fighting back against imperialism, including U.S., Canadian and EU sanctions on Venezuela, Iran, Syria and indeed, nearly one-third of the world, in addition to its military interventions, warmongering and ongoing violent attacks on all forms of resistance to imperial domination, is essential to building the movement for Palestine.

On International Workers’ Day, we once again amplify the words of Kamil Abu Hanish, speaking from Israeli prison, urging the escalation of the boycott of Israel: “Today, we call upon you, the fighters for freedom and justice in the world, the workers’ movements, the strugglers for socialism, the movements of revolution, to escalate your support for our struggle, for the Palestinian people and for the Palestinian prisoners. We urge you to act to isolate the occupation state, to hold it accountable for 70 years of crimes against the Palestinian people…The workers’ movements, the movements of the popular classes, the movements of the oppressed, can and must take part in this battle around the world, as part and parcel of the struggle against racism, imperialism and capitalism.”

We urge workers’ organizations around the world to continue to build and grow this solidarity with Palestinian workers, the leaders of the Palestinian liberation struggle. At the same time, we also express our solidarity with the struggling workers of the world, including the imprisoned labor union and workers’ movement leaders who are held behind bars or face death threats and repression for their role in defending oppressed workers. From India to the Philippines to France, from Colombia to Egypt and Morocco, we stand with these labor movements targeted for repression. We salute the imprisoned Turkish and Kurdish strugglers, not only in Turkish jails but also in European ones, often targeted for their role in workers’ organizations or even for defending them in court. The liberation of Palestine is fundamentally linked to the liberation of all from imperialism, exploitation and capitalism.

On International Workers’ Day, these struggles must become an occasion to escalate our work to support Palestinian workers, free the prisoners, and liberate Palestine, from the river to the sea. Labor action for Palestine, including the boycott of the Histadrut and of Israeli bonds, is one clear way for organized workers around the world to stand together with Palestinian workers in a collective struggle for liberation that confronts settler colonialism, Zionism, apartheid, capitalism, exploitation and oppression in all forms.

Join us on 15-22 May 2021 — the liberation of Palestine is part and parcel of the liberation of the working class of the world

* Note: Much of the statement above is republished from our earlier statement on 1 May

Defend Jerusalem, Rally for Return and Liberation: Take Action for the Week of Palestinian Struggle 15-22 May

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges organizations, activists, social movements and friends of Palestine everywhere to take action to defend Jerusalem, rally for Palestinians’ right to return, and act for justice and liberation for all of Palestine. We join in the call for the Week of Action for Palestinian Struggle, 15-22 May 2021: take action, march, rally, protest, organize and struggle for Palestine! 

As we approach the 73rd anniversary of the Nakba, the Zionist colonization of Palestine and the forced expulsion of Palestinians, the Nakba is continuing. This is apparent everywhere in Palestine, but perhaps is most clear in the heart of Jerusalem, Palestine’s capital: in Sheikh Jarrah, where Palestinian families are being threatened with imminent expulsion from their homes by the Israeli regime and its colonial settlers. 

As we mark 73 years of Nakba, we also celebrate 73 years of resistance. Palestinians in Jerusalem are holding steadfast to their land, homes and lives despite all attempts at Zionist “ethnic cleansing.” And they are making clear, as the Palestinian liberation movement has throughout its history, that resistance is fruitful. 

Many events have already been announced as Palestinians and friends of Palestine mark these dates: Join us on 15 May in Berlin, on 15 May in New York and 16 May in New Jersey, 15 May in Athens, with more events being organized in Madrid, San Francisco and many more to come! 

Defend Jerusalem

Palestinian youth in Jerusalem won the “battle of the checkpoints,” forcing the dismantling of Israeli occupation checkpoints imposed on the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem as Palestinians celebrate Ramadan. They faced racist, Zionist mobs proudly displaying their attempts to remove Palestinians from Palestine, rampaging through Jerusalem and chanting “death to Arabs,” hand in hand with the attacks of the Israeli “official” occupation forces on youth raising the Palestinian flag. The resistance of these Palestinian youth must inspire us and ignite our organizing to #SaveSheikhJarrah and liberate Palestine!  

Palestinians in Jerusalem are under attack on multiple levels, defending their land, city and identity from erasure and colonialism for 73 years. They face the stripping of their identity and residence — even from their place of birth — severe repression, land confiscations, home demolitions and ongoing Zionist attempts to erase the Palestinian and Arab presence and nature of the city. In Sheikh Jarrah, Palestinian families — refugees of the Nakba in 1948 — are once again being threatened with imminent expulsion from their homes and lands, as they refuse to concede their lives to racist Zionist colonialism. 

Palestinians in Jerusalem — and throughout occupied Palestine and in exile — continue to resist and to prove that the Palestinian struggle continues and that organizing and resistance is the road to liberation. 

On the Week of Palestinian Struggle, join us to defend Jerusalem, #SaveSheikhJarrah and continue on their path of resistance, steadfastness and solidarity. 

Freedom for the Prisoners

There are nearly 4,500 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails: women and men, children and elders, teachers and students, workers and farmers, community organizers and freedom fighters. They are imprisoned because they reflect the resistance and true leadership of the Palestinian people, continuing through 73 years of ongoing Nakba and over 100 years of colonialism. 

Every day, Palestinian prisoners put their bodies and lives on the line, standing on the front lines of confrontation with the jailers. They face severe torture under interrogation, ongoing medical neglect and abuse, and indefinite arbitrary imprisonment without charge or trial under administrative detention. 

Standing with Palestinian prisoners is standing with the Palestinian resistance. It also means standing for the liberation of prisoners for Palestine jailed in Arab reactionary regime prisons, from Egypt to Saudi Arabia, and in imperialist jails, like the Holy Land Five, Issam Hijjawi Bassalat, and the Arab struggler and revolutionary Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, jailed for nearly 37 years in France.

On the Week of Palestinian Struggle, join us to demand freedom for all Palestinian prisoners and all revolutionary prisoners struggling for justice and liberation.

Resistance Toward Victory

The Zionist project — backed to the hilt by British colonialism, U.S. imperialism and their partners in Europe, Canada and elsewhere — has attempted to subjugate Palestine and the Arab region for over 73 years. Despite its force of arms and military strength, the Palestinian people have continued to resist, revolt, rise up in intifada after intifada, and build a revolutionary movement for the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea. The Zionist project is fundamentally racist, colonialist and must be defeated.

Palestinians have the right to resist occupation and oppression by any means necessary. This includes popular organizing, grassroots resistance, mass action and armed struggle. The so-called “peace process” of Oslo and Madrid has been an attempt to defeat the Palestinian people — an effort that has been resisted and blocked through unending struggle. Despite a brutal siege on Gaza, harsh repression, imprisonment and killing, Palestinians continue to defend their land, people and liberated future with resistance. 

Palestinian resistance and revolution remains an inspiration for the people of the world seeking justice and liberation everywhere. On the Week of Palestinian Struggle, we uphold and affirm the Palestinian resistance toward victory for Palestine. 

Return and Liberation

At the heart of the Palestinian struggle is the right of Palestinian refugees — the majority of the Palestinian population — to return to their homes, lands and properties. Despite 73 years of Nakba, Palestinians in the refugee camps and everywhere in exile and in diaspora have held fast to their keys, their identities, and the promise of victory and return. 

Even as Palestinian refugees are denied their right to return home, they continue to face repression, discrimination and surveillance in exile and diaspora — facing unjust laws and criminalization, denial of refugee rights and racist attacks in countries throughout Europe. On the Week of Palestinian struggle, we fight for the right to remain and the right to return! 

Every victory that is achieved for people’s struggles around the world is a victory for Palestine, and every attack on those movements – such as the attempts to foment a coup in Venezuela or blockade Cuba – is also an attack on the Palestinian people. This struggle for return and liberation has meant that Palestinians have been on the front lines fighting imperialism for over 72 years, fighting alongside comrades in Ireland, the Philippines, Turkey, South Africa, the indigenous Americas and elsewhere. This week of Palestinian struggle is also a week of struggle against imperialism and its attack on the people of the region and the world.

The right to return for Palestinian refugees and the defeat of imperialism are keys to the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea. Everywhere in Palestine — in occupied Palestine ’48, in Jerusalem, in the West Bank, in the Gaza Strip — and in exile and diaspora, from the refugee camps to the cities of the world — Palestinians struggle for victory and liberation.

Join us 15-22 May 2021 in the Week of Palestinian Struggle — defend Jerusalem, take action for return and liberation!


Please join us in taking action of the Week of Palestinian Struggle! Here are a few action items you can take. Please share your actions with us at samidoun@samidoun.net.

1. Demonstrations, rallies and street actions – defend Jerusalem, march for return, rally for liberation!

Have a protest or action to mark the 73rd anniversary of the Nakba, support Palestinian resistance, defend Jerusalem or uphold the right to return. Organize a mass rally if you can do so in your area, but if conditions prevent it, there are still important ways to get out on the streets – check out the Stand Palestine for Jerusalem being organized on 30 April by Collectif Palestine Vaincra in Toulouse, France; the Iftar and Speak-Out for Jerusalem organized on 30 April in New York by Within Our Lifetime, or the outdoor informational gatherings in Frankfurt, Germany, organized by Samidoun Deutschland for the Week of Action for Palestinian Prisoners. 

You can also check out the civil disobedience actions organized against Elbit, the arms manufacturer, by Palestine Action in the UK for direct actions targeting the apartheid war machine.

2. Boycott Israel! — including the boycott of Israeli Dates! 

Join the campaign to cut off Israel’s international support and markets by building the boycott of Israel and the international isolation of Zionism. This Ramadan, as Israel is attempting to force Palestinians from Jerusalem, demolish homes, and imprisons thousands more, it markets dates from stolen Palestinian land around the world. Build a boycott campaign — work to get your union, church or university to stop buying HP products or employing G4S security contractors; both companies profit from the imprisonment of Palestinians. 

Labor unionists here can take a stand: boycott the Histadrut! The Zionist labor federation is part and parcel of the attack on Palestinians for 73 years. Join with Palestinian trade unionists to boycott the Histadrut and exclude this racist organization from international labor bodies.

Boycott Israeli dates — spread the word in your community, go to stores to educate consumers and sticker the products of Zionism and colonialism. Contact us via email at samidoun@samidoun.net or via WhatsApp at +32466904397 to let us know about your boycott actions. 

3. Creative Actions

Creative actions are a wonderful way to highlight the Palestinian struggle – even when you are engaging in physical distancing and health precautions. The banner hung by Samidoun España in Madrid at the University metro station highlighted the struggle of Palestinian students, while the campaign to symbolically rename streets after Georges Abdallah internationally commemorated his birthday and amplified the demand for his liberation.

These actions only require one, two or a few people. You can even simply poster and sticker around your neighbourhood. Contact us via email at samidoun@samidoun.net or via WhatsApp at +32466904397 to let us know about your boycott actions.

4. Online/Virtual Events and Webinars

We still have plenty to share with each other via online events and webinars, which can enable us to connect easily and freely across borders and barriers. Host a webinar or event — or a cultural gathering with poetry and music — highlighting the Palestinian right to return and the ongoing liberation struggle.

Please note: Samidoun has speakers that can participate in your webinars in Arabic, English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish and other languages. Contact us via email at samidoun@samidoun.net or via WhatsApp at +32466904397 to inquire about a Samidoun speaker! 

1 May, Online Event: The Liberation of Palestine, Towards an Arab and Internationalist Vision

Saturday, 1 May
11 am Pacific – 2 pm Eastern – 8 pm central Europe – 9 pm Palestine
Join on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87340050132
Join on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/507170580285099

Long live the first of May: a day of struggle against exploitation, colonization and zionism

Join Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and the Alternative Palestinian Path (Masar Badil) for a public symposium on International Workers’ Day: The Liberation of Palestine and the Alternative Revolutionary Path – towards an Arab and internationalist vision.

With speakers:

Charlotte Kates, international Coordinator, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Ayman Rumeida, local organizing committee, Alternative Palestinian Path Conference / Germany

English, Arabic and Spanish translation will be available

عاش الأول من أيار: يَوماً للنضال ضد الاستغلال والاستعمار والصهيونية.

يدعوكم المسار الفلسطيني البديل وشبكة صامدون للمشاركة في الندوة الجماهيرية العامة بمناسبة يوم الأول من أيار عيد العمال العالمي، بعنوان: (فلسطين والمسار الثوري البديل: نحو رؤية عربية وأممية)

شارلوت كييتس: المُنسقة الدولية لِشبكة صامدون للدفاع عن الأسرى الفلسطينيين
أيمن رميدة: عضو اللجنة المحلية لمؤتمر المسار الفلسطيني البديل – المانيا.

السبت 1 – 5 – 2021 الساعة 9 مساءً بتوقيت فلسطين المحتلة.
عبر منصة زووم من خلال الرابط الآتي: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87340050132
ملاحظة: ستتوفر الترجمة الإنجليزية والعربية والاسبانية

Viva el primero de mayo: día de lucha contra la explotación, el colonialismo y el sionismo.

La Ruta Palestina Alternativa y la Red Samidoun les invitan a participar en el simposio público con motivo del Día Internacional del Trabajo del 1 de mayo, titulado: (Palestina y la ruta revolucionaria alternativa: hacia una visión árabe e internacional)

Charlotte Kates es la coordinadora internacional de Samidoun Network para la defensa de los prisioneros palestinos.
Ayman Rumeida: Miembro del comité local de la Conferencia Ruta Palestina Alternativa en Alemania.

Sábado 1-5-2021 a las 9 pm hora de Palestina ocupada.
En la plataforma Zoom a través del siguiente enlace: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87340050132
Nota: disponible traducción simultánea en inglés, árabe y español

Palestinian Prisoners’ Action Week 2021: Global action report and growing solidarity

Organizations and activists around the world demanded freedom for Palestinian political prisoners as part of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Week of Action between 17 and 23 April. Every year, since 1974, Palestinians, Arabs and internationalists commemorate a day of action on 17 April, Palestinian Prisoners’ Day. This week of action involves protests, boycott actions, mobilization and education to demand freedom for all Palestinian prisoners jailed by Israel, expose the complicity of imperialist and reactionary regimes and stand with the Palestinian people and the Palestinian resistance.

The Week of Action also comes to a close as Palestinians in Jerusalem and throughout Palestine are resisting escalating attacks by the Israeli occupation, including racist Zionist mobs roaming the streets of occupied Jerusalem and the threatened expulsion of Palestinian families from the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, both manifestations of the ongoing Nakba carried out by the Israeli regime against the Palestinian people. We urge all friends and supporters of Palestine to continue to take action and stand with the Palestinian people and their heroic resistance, confronting colonial incarceration, land theft, home demolition, siege on Gaza, denial of the right to return, military occupation, extrajudicial executions, apartheid and colonialism. Join in the Week of Action for Palestinian Struggle, 15-22 May 2021 – read the call from the Masar Badil (Alternative Palestinian Path) and take action in your community. Protests are already being organized in Berlin, New York, Athens and more: Organize for Palestine’s liberation, from the river to the sea!

Events and Actions for the Palestinian Prisoners’ Week of Action

During the Week of Action, Samidoun launched the Communicating despite the jailer – Letters to our prisoners in occupation’s jails campaign, soliciting online messages and letters to Palestinian prisoners from people around the world. Hundreds of letters have already been submitted. These letters will be translated to Arabic and read over radio programs by Samidoun Palestine, reaching the prisoners directly inside occupation prisons. Many will also be posted on the Samidoun website in the coming days and weeks. Add your letter (form available in English, Arabic, German, Spanish and French: https://samidoun.net/letters )


Samidoun Network in occupied Palestine organized two events on 17 April and 18 April in support of Palestinian prisoners. On Saturday, 17 April — Palestinian Prisoners’ Day — Samidoun joined together with the youth committee in Beit Ummar, al-Khalil, occupied Palestine, to visit with prisoners’ families and extend support and collective commitment to see all 4,500 Palestinian prisoners liberated from Israeli occupation prisons.

That evening, following Taraweeh prayers, night prayers performed during Ramadan, Samidoun activists, family members of prisoners and youth in Al-Arroub refugee camp near al-Khalil gathered to recognize Palestinian Prisoners’ Day and call for the liberation of imprisoned Palestinian strugglers.

The following day, Sunday, 18 April, Samidoun Network in occupied Palestine gathered in the village of Kobar, outside Ramallah.

They gathered to salute the Palestinian prisoners, including the longest-held prisoner, Nael Barghouthi, himself from Kobar. They met with the families of prisoners and martyrs, especially Dr. Widad Barghouthi, Bir Zeit University professor, mother of the prisoners Qassam and Karmel Barghouthi, whose home was demolished by the Israeli occupation.

On 21 April, Samidoun Palestine in Yabad, Jenin, Palestine, postered on the walls of the village with images and slogans in support of Palestinian political prisoners, including Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, jailed in France for nearly 37 years.

They followed up on this by meeting with the families of child prisoners throughout Yabad, expressing support and pledging not to leave imprisoned Palestinian children alone.

These events came amid a number of demonstrations and actions throughout occupied Palestine organized by many groups and organizations to mark Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, including protests and marches in Ramallah, Gaza City, Nablus and elsewhere. In Rafah, Gaza, Palestinians protested for the release of all Palestinian prisoners, highlighting the case of Georges Abdallah, imprisoned in France for the past 37 years. They also carried signs for the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, based in Toulouse, France, a member organization of the Samidoun Network.



The Collectif Palestine Vaincra (a member organization of the Samidoun Network) kicked off the Week of Action for Palestinian Prisoners in Toulouse, France with a Palestine Stand on Saturday, 17 April.

For over two hours, the Collectif organized an information booth, distributed hundreds of leaflets on Palestinian prisoners, discussed with passers-by, played Palestinian music and presented several speeches over the loudspeaker explaining how mass incarceration is a colonial weapon in the hands of the Israeli occupation.

Collectif Palestine Vaincra continued their actions throughout the week. On Saturday, 24 April, the collective organized a new Palestine Stand in Toulouse to promote the boycott of Teva, the Israeli pharmaceutical firm:

Later that day, the Collectif joined a large demonstration against Islamophobia, systemic racism and the “separatism law” in Toulouse:

Also on 17 April, the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah marked Palestinian Prisoners Day and international political prisoners’ day in Paris, France, with a rally and action, and will be releasing videos throughout the week in support of Palestinian prisoners and the Palestinian struggle for freedom, as well as the liberation of Georges Abdallah from French prisons after 36 years.

Also in Paris, on 23 April, the Unitary Campaign joined a popular demonstration for social and economic justice, highlighting the case of Georges Abdallah.

On 24 April in Paris, CAPJPO-EuroPalestine organized a demonstration to demand freedom for Palestinian child prisoners. There are approximately 150 Palestinian children currently jailed by the Israeli occupation.

Activists urged the expansion of the campaign to boycott Israel and called for freedom for Georges Abdallah.

In Tarbes, France, the Collectif 65 pour la libération de Georges Abdallah gathered to mark Palestinian Prisoners’ Day on 17 April, displaying signs and banners highlighting the imprisonment of Palestinian leader Ahmad Sa’adat and Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, imprisoned for over 36 years in French prisons.

In Roubaix, France, activists created a mural on the wall on 17 April demanding the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah for Palestinian Prisoners’ Day.

In Lyon, France, activists marked Palestinian Prisoners’ Day on 17 April. The Collectif 69 de Soutien au Peuple Palestinien distributed over 500 leaflets calling for the release of Georges Abdallah, and collecting dozens of cards to send to French president Emmanuel Macron demanding his liberation.

In Grenay, France, the Muncipality organized a commemoration of Palestinian Prisoners’ Day on 17 April, highlighting in particular the campaigns for the liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah from French jails and the liberation of Marwan Barghouthi and his fellow political prisoners in Palestine.

On 17 April in Pays de Morlaix, France, the AFPS (Association France-Palestine Solidarite) organized a large display and street theater performance highlighting Palestinian Prisoners’ Day. They displayed a banner demanding freedom for Palestinian prisoners above the town market and read out testimonies from imprisoned Palestinians.

On 19 April, AFPS 63 in Clermont-Ferrand made a presentation to dozens of people at the Comédie hall, part of a protest occupation since 15 March 2021. They highlighted the centrality of the prisoners’ struggle to justice and liberation in Palestine, urged a broad boycott of Israel to free Palestinian prisoners and gathered letters of solidarity in support of Georges Abdallah and imprisoned Palestinian children.

In Saint Girons, France, Couserans-Palestine organized a table at the Market on Saturday, 24 April, highlighting Palestinian prisoners’ struggle for freedom. They distributed information about Palestinian political prisoners, administrative detention without charge or trial and the Israeli apartheid regime in Palestine.

Further organizations in France designed posters and issued solidarity statements for Palestinian political prisoners, as well as organizing actions in cities, towns and communities such as Auch. The Union des Etudiants Communistes created a poster highlighting the hundreds of Palestinian students jailed by the Israeli occupation and demanding their freedom. Communist Youth in Saint-Etienne also produced a report on the situation of Palestinian political prisoners, highlighting the campaign for the Week of Action.


On 17 April, an enthusiastic march for Palestinian Prisoners’ Day wound through Neukölln, Berlin, Germany, organized by Samidoun Deutschland in partnership with several organizations, including Palästina Spricht Palestine Speaks, FOR-Palestine, Young Struggle Europe, Volksrat der Eelam Tamilen – Deutschland e.V., und Netzwerk Freiheit für alle politischen Gefangenen.

Marking Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, the march progressed from Rathaus Neukölln to Hermannplatz, marching through Sonnenallee, home to many Palestinian and Arab restaurants and businesses in Berlin.

They concluded by calling on attendees’ to join and mobilize for the 15 May March for Return and Liberation in Berlin.

In Stuttgart, the Palästinakomitee Stuttgart, together with several organizations, joined in an anti-racist and anti-fascist demonstration on 17 Apri in the city with signs, banners and Palestinian flags to mark Palestinian Prisoners’ Day. The committee drew attention to the campaign to free Palestinian students and highlighted the conditions and unjust detention of Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails.

In Frankfurt, members of Samidoun Deutschland organized a public display on 17 April highlighting the imprisonment of Palestinian students, with large posters and collages of the photos of jailed students in Israeli prisons. They set up a wooden chair to illustrate the stress positions and forms of torture used by Israeli interrogators against Palestinian students and other political prisoners.

Palestinian and Arab community organizations in Germany also organized sit-ins and actions in Köln, Koblenz and elsewhere on 17 April.

On Friday, 23 April, Samidoun Deutschland took to the streets in Frankfurt, displaying slogans in solidarity with Palestinians fighting land confiscation in Sheikh Jarrah, struggling for freedom in occupation prisons, remembering Basil al-Araj and calling for a complete boycott of Israel.


In Gothenburg, Sweden, Samidoun Göteborg joined with anti-imperialist organizations for a banner display and public action on Saturday, 17 April, marking Palestinian Prisoners’ Day. They distributed information and displayed banners and posters calling for the liberation of Georges Abdallah, all Palestinian prisoners, and liberation for Palestine.

Also on 17 April, in Stockholm, Sweden, Samidoun Stockholm, together with Aktion Proletär Järva and Rojavakommittéerna Stockholm, organized a public action for Palestinian Prisoners’ Day. They distributed leaflets and information and delivered a speech: “Freedom for Ahmad Sa ‘adat! Freedom for Khitam Safin! Freedom for Khalida Jarrar! And freedom for all political prisoners from Palestine to Ireland and from the US to Morocco!”

Samidoun Malmö and the Sweden Local Preparatory Committee for the Alternative Palestinian Path (Masar Badil) organized an online event over Zoom on Sunday, 18 April. Moderated by former Palestinian political prisoner and poet Dareen Tatour, the event featured a number of released prisoners, including Shatha Hassan, Susan Oweiwi, Hamza Younis and Abu Aseel Asaleh. The Masar Badil also released the following short animated video highlighting Palestinian Prisoners’ Day:


In Madrid, Spain, Samidoun España, Alkarama, and international associations for political prisoners gathered for a protest outside the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Relations on Saturday, 17 April to demand freedom for Palestinian political prisoners and international revolutionary prisoners.

They carried signs and banners demanding freedom for Palestinians in Zionist, Arab and imperialist jails, including Khitam Saafin, Ahmad Sa’adat, Ramy Shaath, Issam Hijjawi Bassalat, Georges Abdallah and Ghassan Najjar.

For the Week of Action for Palestinian Prisoners, Palestina Libre Murcia and Samidoun in Murcia organized a video reading out the call to action in Spanish and highlighting the posters and images of many Palestinian political prisoners.


On 21 April, the Palestine.gal Platform, of which Confederación Intersindical Galega is a part, delivered a letter to the three parliamentary groups of the Galiza Parliament, in Santiago de Compostela, requesting a position condemning the situation of Palestinian prisoners.


In Brussels, Belgium, the Palestinian Community In Belgium and Luxembourg, Intal, and many other organizations protested outside the Gare Centrale, the central train station, marking Palestinian Prisoners’ Day and calling for the liberation of detained Palestinians.

Luk Vervaet delivered a speech at the protest, in which he linked the imprisonment of Palestinians with the criminalization of the movement, highlighting the cases of Samidoun, Collectif Palestine Vaincra, CAPJPO-EuroPalestine and Palestine Action and urging collective solidarity.


On 17 April, Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! and the Revolutionary Communist Group joined a #KillTheBill protest in Manchester, Britain, resisting the unjust, oppressive police legislation. They carried Palestinian flags and signs highlighting Palestinian prisoners’ struggle for freedom.

The following week, on 24 April in London, the Revolutionary Communist Group and Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! organized the Break the Chains! protest for political prisoners, highlighting the birthday of Mumia Abu-Jamal, U.S. political prisoner of the Black Liberation Movement as well as the campaigns to free Palestinian prisoners and all revolutionary prisoners. Both Samidoun and Collectif Palestine Vaincra provided statements read out at the demonstration.


In Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Samidoun Nederland marked Palestinian Prisoners’ Day with postering, displaying signs and images demanding freedom for the hundreds of Palestinian student prisoners inside Israeli jails and the liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah.


On Sunday, 25 April, the Samidoun Network in Greece and the Anti-Imperialist Front organized a protest in Athens, Greece urging freedom for revolutionary political prisoners, including Palestinian political prisoners and international prisoners, such as Ali Osman Kose and Georges Ibrahim Abdallah. Signs, posters and chants in Turkish, Greek and Arabic accompanied the event.


The Lebanese Democratic Youth Union conducted a public education campaign on the case of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah in the Ruwais neighborhood of Beirut on 17 April, calling for his liberation and highlighting the need for popular struggle to obtain his freedom.

Also on 17 April, the Palestinian Arab Cultural Center in Baddawi Refugee Camp in Lebanon created a solidarity video highlighting Palestinian prisoners’ struggle for liberation:

On 18 April, the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine, with Muhjat al-Quds, organized a program for Palestinian Prisoners Day in Bourj al-Barajneh refugee camp in Lebanon. They displayed photos and played videos highlighting the prisoners’ struggle for liberation, including a message from Samidoun.

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rican former political prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera issued a new painting highlighting the struggle of Palestinian political prisoners for Palestinian Prisoners’ Day. Oscar was the longest held Puerto Rican political prisoner – 36 years – released in 2017. He remains a committed Independentista – insisting that the US has no right to keep Puerto Rico as a colony and demanding freedom for his people. The poster salutes the The Global Campaign to Return to Palestine.


From Ireland, Stephen Murney, the head of the International Department of Saoradh, issued a solidarity statement and message in support of Palestinian political prisoners and the Week of Action, highlighting the deep ties of struggle between the Irish and Palestinian liberation movements.

In Derry, Ireland, Saoradh activists engaged in banner drops at various locations throughout the city highlighting the struggle of Palestinian prisoners:

Saoradh members from County Cork, Ireland, also took part in the International Week for Palestinian prisoners, while in East Tyrone, Ireland, Saoradh and the Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association sent solidarity greetings to Palestinian strugglers.

On 23 April, Saoradh activists gathered outside the historic Kilminhaim Gaol to show support for Palestinian political prisoners and demand the liberation of Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat, jailed alongside Irish Republicans as a political prisoner of Britain:

Saoradh activists in Belfast, Ireland also took part in the Week of Action for Palestinian political prisoners, including an action at the International Wall in West Belfast on 24 April. They also emphasized the importance of escalating the boycott of Israel.

Watch all the Saoradh videos at their Facebook page.

United States

Students for Justice in Palestine in Houston, Texas, organized a banner drop and sign display for Palestinian student prisoners, demanding justice and liberation for all prisoners, from Palestine to Turtle Island.


Online Events and Actions

On the social media front, Addameer organized a social media campaign on April 17 #AgainstMilitaryCourts, calling for people around the world to post selfies and protest photos highlighting the resistance to injustice in occupied Palestine.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations held online events, actions and social media campaign to highlight the struggle of Palestinian prisoners. The AMED Studies Department at San Francisco State University — subjected to corporate censorship by Facebook — organized #FreeThemAll in collaboration with many groups and organizations, featuring former Palestinian prisoners like Mays Abu Ghosh, Mohammed Kamil and Yacoub Odeh, advocates like Sahar Francis and Ayed Abu Eqtaish, as well as Hank Jones, former US political prisoner and Black Panther. The event was moderated by Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi and Diana Block.

Watch the event video:

In addition to the actions in Paris and elsewhere, the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah gathered a number of videos and statements for Palestinian Prisoners’ Week of Action, releasing them throughout the week of action on the Campaign’s YouTube channel. These videos included texts from Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, former Lebanese political prisoner Anwar Yassin, former Palestinian prisoner Myassar Atyani, current Palestinian prisoner Kamil Abu Hanish, the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and the Collectif Palestine Vaincra.

On Friday, 16 April, Samidoun Palestine kicked off the Week of Action with an online webinar in Arabic, featuring former Palestinian prisoners Ghassan Zawahreh, Heba al-Labadi, Dr. Widad al-Barghouthi, Dareen Tatour and Rula Abu Duhou:

On Tuesday, 20 April, Samidoun’s international coordinator Charlotte Kates joined Kumi Now for the Sabeel-led organization’s weekly seminar, this time focusing on administrative detention:

On 17 April, Dunya Productions organized an online program: Loved Ones, linking the effects of imprisonment and colonialism from Seattle to Palestine, while AFPS 59/62 held an event (in French, video at the link), highlighting Said Bouamama’s new book, L’Affaire Georges Abdallah.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes all of the organizations and activists supporting Palestinian prisoners’ struggle for liberation and the struggle for the liberation of Palestine. We know that this list of actions is necessarily incomplete, as people around the world continue to come together to organize for Palestine. We urge all to join us on 15-22 May to escalate our protests and organizing, confronting Zionism, imperialism, reactionary forces and marching for return and liberation for Palestine, from the river to the sea.

Samidoun marks Prisoners’ Day in occupied Palestine

Samidoun Network in occupied Palestine organized two events on 17 April and 18 April in support of Palestinian prisoners. On Saturday, 17 April — Palestinian Prisoners’ Day — Samidoun joined together with the youth committee in Beit Ummar, al-Khalil, occupied Palestine, to visit with prisoners’ families and extend support and collective commitment to see all 4,500 Palestinian prisoners liberated from Israeli occupation prisons.

That evening, following Taraweeh prayers, night prayers performed during Ramadan, Samidoun activists, family members of prisoners and youth in Al-Arroub refugee camp near al-Khalil gathered to recognize Palestinian Prisoners’ Day and call for the liberation of imprisoned Palestinian strugglers.

Palestinian youth and even children participated in the event, highlighting the struggles of Palestinian prisoners and calling for their liberation. In the speech by Samidoun members at the gathering, they declared:

“It is our duty today to be the voice of the prisoners to the world and their voice to the Palestinian communities in exile and diaspora everywhere. It is our duty to expose the international inaction and complicity with the crimes against our valiant prisoners. Today, it is our duty to reject the policies of intimidation, threat, revolving doors and trading on the rights of our prisoners. Today, it is our duty to defend all prisoners of freedom and conscience in the prisons of the world. From the heart of Al-Arroub camp, we send a message of freedom to the heroic prisoner Georges Abdallah, who has been detained for 37 years in French prisons, for defending the cause of Palestine and its freedom, and assuring him that his revolutionary approach, resilience and the steadfastness of our prisoners are the daily engine driving us towards freedom.”

The following day, Sunday, 18 April, Samidoun Network in occupied Palestine gathered in the village of Kobar, outside Ramallah.

They gathered to salute the Palestinian prisoners, including the longest-held prisoner, Nael Barghouthi, himself from Kobar. They met with the families of prisoners and martyrs, especially Dr. Widad Barghouthi, Bir Zeit University professor, mother of the prisoners Qassam and Karmel Barghouthi, whose home was demolished by the Israeli occupation.

They laid a wreath at the gravesite of Omar Barghouthi (Abu Asif), who had spent 27 years in Israeli prison, 13 of them in administrative detention without charge or trial.

In the speech by Samidoun members at the event, they emphasized: “Over the years of the struggle, Kobar has given tens of martyrs, hundreds of wounded and prisoners, and hundreds of her children have entered the prisons of the Zionist entity, from all generations and at all periods, so neither time nor occasion will we remember them all, despite the fact that we designed a special poster that includes the names of Kobar’s detainees. We honor all of those who fought and struggled for their people, for freedom, return and liberation, and who gave their lives and years to our people and their liberation.”

These events came following a webinar organized on 16 April to launch the Palestinian Prisoners’ Week of Action by Samidoun Network in occupied Palestine, featuring former Palestinian prisoners Ghassan Zawahreh and Heba al-Labadi and Dr. Widad al-Barghouthi speaking about their experiences and perspectives on the struggle to free Palestinian prisoners. The event was also joined by former Palestinian political prisoners Dareen Tatour and Rula Abu Duhou, among others, and was conducted in Arabic (Video at the link).

These events came amid a number of demonstrations and actions throughout occupied Palestine to mark Palestinian Prisoners’ Day. In Rafah, Gaza, Palestinians protested for the release of all Palestinian prisoners, highlighting the case of Georges Abdallah, imprisoned in France for the past 37 years. They also carried signs for the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, based in Toulouse, France, a member organization of the Samidoun Network.


There are more events and actions still to come as part of the Week of Action for Palestinian prisoners in cities and communities around the world. To learn more about these actions, endorse the week or add your own event, please visit the Call to Action.