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ILPS call for cultural contributions for October Palestine solidarity month

Samidoun is distributing the following call on behalf of the International League for Peoples’ Struggle. We are an ILPS member organization and encourage all to participate! 


FREE PALESTINE! Cultural workers days of struggle and solidarity with the people of Palestine, October 30, 2020

Dear friends in Palestine and beyond,

This October 2020 the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) is holding a Month of Global Solidarity with the Palestinian People. A series of on-line and in person events are planned (see more details on ILPS website and Facebook).

The month got underway October 3 with a webinar featuring keynote speaker Leila Khaled.

The grand finale will take place on Friday October 30, 2020, and cultural workers in Palestine and beyond are invited to submit songs, poems, videos, writings, plays, drawings, graphics, memes, films and other creative work in solidarity with the people of Palestine. These will be put together in a program and shared via the ILPS Official Facebook page.

Please make the contributions five minutes in length or less.

Various languages are welcome. If possible, kindly provide English, French or Spanish written description/subtitles of your contribution.

Please send your recorded/digitized contributions by 12 midnight Tuesday, October 27, 2020 to gensec@ilps.info and malcolmguy@ilps.info . Let us know if you would be willing to do a live performance or presentation. We will include as many works as possible and may contact some cultural workers to perform live, or to introduce their work in person.

Kindly introduce your contribution with a short spoken or written sentence such as:

“Hello, my (our) name is ______ _______. I (We) live in (name of city and territory/country) (and this work is entitled (title of work is optional).

This is my (our) contribution to the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) Month of Global Solidarity with the Palestinian People.”

If you have any questions, suggestions or comments please sent to Malcolm Guy, ILPS Vice Chair for External Affairs (via email – malcolmguy@ilps.info ), who is helping to organize this day of cultural solidarity with Palestine.

#FreePalestine #GlobalSolidarityPalestine


LA PALESTINE LIBRE ! Journée culturelle de lutte et de solidarité avec le peuple de Palestine, 30 octobre 2020

Chers ami es en Palestine et au-delà,

En octobre 2020, la Ligue internationale de lutte des peuples (ILPS) organise un mois de solidarité mondiale avec le peuple palestinien. Une série d’événements en ligne et en personne sont prévus (voir les détails sur le site de l’ILPS et sur Facebook).

Le mois a débuté le 3 octobre par un webinaire avec l’invitée principale Leila Khaled.

La grande finale aura lieu le vendredi 30 octobre 2020. Les artistes de Palestine et d’ailleurs sont invités à soumettre des chansons, des poèmes, des vidéos, des écrits, des pièces de théâtre, des dessins, des graphiques, des mèmes, des films et d’autres travaux créatifs en solidarité avec le peuple de Palestine. Ils seront rassemblés dans un programme et partagés via la page Facebook officielle de l’ILPS.

Les contributions doivent durer cinq minutes ou moins.

Les contributions en plusieurs langues sont les bienvenues. Si possible, veuillez fournir une description/des sous-titres écrits en anglais, français ou espagnol de votre contribution.

Veuillez envoyer vos contributions enregistrées/numérisées avant le mardi 27 octobre 2020 à minuit à gensec@ilps.info et malcolmguy@ilps.info . Dites-nous si vous seriez prêt à vous présenter en directe. Nous pourrions demander à certains artistes de se produire en direct ou à présenter leur travail en personne.

Veuillez introduire votre contribution par une courte phrase orale ou écrite telle que

“Bonjour, mon (notre) nom est ______ _______. Je vis (Nous vivons) à (nom de la ville et du territoire/pays) (et cette œuvre est intitulée (titre de l’œuvre est facultatif).

Il s’agit de ma (notre) contribution au Mois de la solidarité mondiale avec le peuple palestinien de la Ligue internationale de lutte des peuples (ILPS)”.

Pour toute question, suggestion ou commentaire, veuillez contacter Malcolm Guy, vice-président de l’ILPS pour les affaires extérieures (par e-mail – malcolmguy@ilps.info), un des responsables de l’organisation de cette journée de solidarité culturelle avec la Palestine.

#FreePalestine #GlobalSolidarityPalestine

Israeli occupation escalates attacks on Palestinian student movement, banning Birzeit leftist bloc

The Israeli occupation escalated its attack on the Palestinian student movement on Wednesday, 21 October, officially labeling the Democratic Progressive Student Pole, the leftist student bloc at Bir Zeit University, a prohibited “terrorist” organization. These arbitrary designations may be issued at any time by an Israeli military commander of occupation forces in the West Bank, and are used as a pretext to round up, detain and violently attack Palestinian organizations and movements. Almost all Palestinian political parties are similarly labeled by the Israeli occupation.

This designation follows a widespread campaign of attacks and arrests against student activists at Bir Zeit University and elsewhere throughout occupied Palestine. Hundreds of Palestinian university students are behind bars, with dozens of those students from Bir Zeit University.

In response to this latest attack, Palestinian women student prisoners (Layan Kayed, Mays Abu Ghosh, Ruba Assi and Elia Abu Hijleh) at Damon prison issued a statement of solidarity to their colleagues at Bir Zeit University:

“To our colleagues at Birzeit University, we send our love and longing to you and appreciate all your efforts, and every action and every word, even if it is small, sustains our souls and supports us more every day. We hope that we will meet soon on the grounds of Birzeit University, and our love and thanks to all students and supporters wherever they are.

Haifa – Daliyat al-Carmel
Damon Prison
Section 3 – Room 3
Layan Kayed, Mays Abu Ghosh, Ruba Assi, Elia Abu Hijleh”

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network expresses its strongest solidarity with the Democratic Progressive Student Pole and the Palestinian student movement more broadly. This attack is not only a direct attempt to criminalize student organizing in the occupied West Bank of Palestine, it is also an attempt to criminalize Palestinian students in 1948 occupied Palestine and prevent interaction, joint organizing and collective struggle.

These attacks and the imprisonment and targeting of students also cannot be separated from the attempts to suppress Palestinian and Palestine solidarity organizing on university campuses around the world, including the shutting down of events, government intimidation and pressure, and outright censorship of advocacy for justice for Palestine.

Samidoun urges all supporters of Palestine around the world, especially student groups and organizations, to join us to make November 2020 a month of solidarity and struggle in support of Palestinian student and youth prisoners and the Palestinian student movement, inside and outside Palestine. We can and must make it clear that Palestinian students targeted for repression and imprisonment are not alone and will not be silenced!

To join actions and discuss plans for November solidarity actions for Palestinian students, please contact us at samidoun@samidoun.net.

On October 23, we urge North American campus activists to join the USACBI day of action against campus and tech company repression of Leila Khaled and Palestinian speech generally.


The campaign is growing: We Will Not Be Silenced – October 23 Day of Action

Samidoun is one of many organizations that has endorsed this call from the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel. Get the latest updates at USACBI: https://usacbi.org/2020/10/join-the-growing-list-of-events-we-will-not-be-silenced-october-23-national-day-of-action/

Campuses across North America are joining in the campaign to resist corporate and university silencing of Palestinian narratives and Palestinian voices. On October 23, join us to host a webinar via your campus’ Zoom account, including a video of Leila Khaled, to make it clear that we will not be silenced. It’s not too late for you to join us – add your event and raise your voice for Palestinian rights. 

This national day of action against the criminalization and censorship of campus political speech comes in response to the events of September 23, when corporate tech giants Zoom, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube acted in lockstep with San Francisco State University (SFSU) to shut down an open classroom webinar entitled “Whose Narratives? Gender, Justice, & Resistance: A Conversation with Leila Khaled,” co-sponsored by the Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Studies Program and the Department of Women and Gender Studies at San Francisco State University. Before, during, and since this massive, coordinated, electronic de-platforming by these tech giants, SFSU has refused to support the webinar’s organizers, Profs. Rabab Abdulhadi (AMED) and Tomomi Kinukawa (WGS), defend their academic freedom, or provide them with an alternative platform. Read the full call to action. 

We think it is important that this day of action take place on Zoom itself, if possible with livestreaming on YouTube, along with announcements on Facebook and Instagram, so as to challenge these corporations and force our universities to stand in support of students and faculty, our right to academic freedom, and struggles for justice and liberation, from the US to Palestine.

We therefore call on anyone with access to a university Zoom account
to hold a webinar of your own including a message from Leila Khaled – which we will provide –
on October 23, 2020,
a National Day of Action Against the Criminalization
and Censorship of Campus Speech.  

To sign onto this effort, please write to this email address: usacbidayofaction@gmail.com or use the form at USACBI’s website.

Your webinar or Zoom event can be any type of gathering: a group meeting, open classroom, full webinar or a discussion session. USACBI will provide you with access to the message from Leila Khaled to include in your session along with a program of your choice. We will also provide a curriculum guide to help you plan your event. It doesn’t matter whether you can reach a small group or hundreds or thousands of attendees – your participation will build an important campus resistance to corporatization, silencing and repression. 

List of Events

  • San Francisco State University
    Friday, October 23
    3 pm – 4 pm Pacific time
    Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/979652069221842/
    Zoom details: Meeting ID: 821 8607 8651
    Passcode: 692558

    • Hatem Bazian: Lecturer, Departments of Near Eastern and Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies, University of California, Berkeley.
    • Jennifer Beach: Lecturer, English Department, SFSU; Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) SF
    • Student Activist with Jewish Voice For Peace (JVP) Bay Area
  • University of Massachusetts – Boston
    Friday, October 23
    11 am – 12 pm Eastern time
    Register online: https://bit.ly/UMB4AF

    • Leila Farsakh, FSJP & Political Science, UMass Boston
    • Issac Kamola, Political Science, Trinity College
    • Andrew Leong, Philosophy, UMass Boston
    • Facilitated by Heike Schotten, FSJP & Political Science
  • New York University
    Friday, October 23
    4:00 pm Eastern time
    To join, enter the following meeting ID into Zoom:
    950 4559 5136

    • Katherine Franke (Columbia)
    • Nerdeen Kiswani (CUNY/Within our Lifetime)
    • Fred Moten (NYU)
    • Radhika Sainath (Palestine Legal)
    • moderated by Andrew Ross (NYU/USACBI)
    • (with a message from Leila Khaled)
    • Panelists: Kaleikoa Ka’eo (UH Maui) and Ma’an Odah (UHM)
    • Moderator: Joy Enomoto (UHM)

22 October, Online Event: Palestinians in Captivity: Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israel’s Jails

Thursday, 22 October
6:30 pm Pacific – 9:30 pm Eastern
Register online: tinyurl.com/sphrprisoners
Facebook Event: https://facebook.com/events/2560741344217765/

In the third instalment of Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights UBC’s Palestine 101 series, SPHR, in collaboration with Charlotte Kates, on the behalf of Samidoun Network, are delighted to host “Palestinians In Captivity: On The Topic of Political Prisoners in Israel’s Notorious Jails”.
Since 1967, Israel has detained approximately 800,000 Palestinians, including women and children. The State of Israel has used its power to arrest and detain as a means to control the Palestinian population and punish any political activity aimed at challenging its occupation of Palestinian land. Palestinians participating in peaceful protests are subject to arrest and detention by Israeli forces. In this discussion, we will touch on who the prisoners are, the nature of the arrests and raids, interrogation and torture in jails, child detainees, administrative detention, prisoner solidarity, and so much more! Join us for this talk to learn more about this topic!

23 October, NYC: Emergency protest to free Maher al-Akhras

Friday, 23 October
4 pm
Zionist consulate in NY
800 2nd Ave
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1519052268295288

As Palestinian political prisoner and “administrative detainee” Maher al-Akhras begins his 90th day of an open hunger strike for freedom from military internment without charge or trial, join supporters of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement to demand the Israeli state release him immediately, and that the International Committee of the Red Cross fulfill its responsibilities to Palestinian prisoners under Israeli occupation.

Samidoun congratulates the people of Bolivia: resisting imperialism, defending humanity

Initial election results show the landslide victory of MAS candidate Luis (Lucho) Arce, 18 October 2020

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network extends our deepest congratulations to the working class and the Indigenous people of Bolivia, on the front lines defending their people, all of Latin America and indeed all of humanity from the most vicious forces of imperialism and their collaborators, defeating the coup and refusing to give up their project of sovereignty, self-determination and socialist development.

The victory of President-Elect Luis (Lucho) Arce and the MAS (Movement Towards Socialism) in the Bolivian elections on 18 October 2020 is a victory for Palestine, a victory for Indigenous resistance to colonialism, and a victory for all who seek a better future free of the ravages of capitalism, exploitation, colonialism and imperialist domination. It is a smashing rebuke to all of those forces that were complicit in the violent, imperialist-backed, anti-Indigenous coup against legitimate Bolivian President Evo Morales in November 2019.

This momentous occasion makes clear that all of the money, power and weapons of U.S. imperialism and its puppets were unable to suppress the will of the people. On this occasion, we underline our support and solidarity with the resistance movements of indigenous peoples continuing to fight back against colonialism and put forward a clear vision for a just society and a just world, despite centuries of genocidal colonialism.

We pledge to stand by the Bolivian people, just as the Bolivian people have stood consistently with Palestine. We are confident that the people of Bolivia, alongside the Palestinian people and all of the struggling peoples of the world who continue to resist the attacks of imperialism, Zionism and reaction, will continue to march forward towards a just and liberated future.

From Bolivia to Palestine, long live indigenous resistance and the global struggle to defeat imperialism! 

Audio: Samidoun’s Joe Catron speaks about Maher al-Akhras and the need for international solidarity

On Friday, 16 October, Joe Catron, US Coordinator of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, joins By Any Means Necessary, hosted by Sputnik Radio. Hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman discuss the ongoing hunger strike by Palestinian political prisoner Maher Al-Akhras, how a broad Israeli policy inherited from British colonization allows for the criminalization of virtually any act of resistance to the occupation, and the growing Palestinian and international movements standing in solidarity with Al-Akhras.

Listen to the program:

Download the audio file: https://api.spreaker.com/download/episode/41477512/by_any_means_1043_seg2_joe_spreaker.mp3

Samidoun urges liberation of Maher al-Akhras, Palestinian prisoners in Ramallah protest

The Samidoun Network in occupied Palestine, along with fellow youth and student activists, called for a protest at Manara Square in Ramallah on Monday, 12 October to urge the immediate liberation of Maher al-Akhras, Palestinian prisoner on hunger strike for 79 days. Al-Akhras, a father of six, is jailed without charge or trial under Israeli “administrative detention.” He launched his hunger strike as soon as the arbitrary detention order was imposed upon him following his arrest by Israeli occupation military forces in July.

Demonstrators carried signs and chanted for the liberation of al-Akhras, currently held in the Israeli Kaplan medical center, where he continues to reject medical examinations or the use of supplements. His health is further endangered due to the presence of COVID-19 patients in nearby beds. Maher al-Akhras’ mother joined the demonstration to urge greater support for her son.

She was joined by Widad Barghouthi, Palestinian scholar and the mother of Palestinian prisoner Qassem Barghouthi, whose home was demolished by Israeli occupation forces in May of this year. Former prisoners, including long-term hunger striker Sheikh Khader Adnan and Rula Abu Duhou, also joined the demonstration.

Protesters highlighted the struggle to free all Palestinian prisoners, joining the call for an end to isolation for Palestinian leader Wael Jaghoub and urging the liberation of Georges Abdallah, who this month marks 36 years in French prisons.

Samidoun organizers pledged to continue organizing and mobilizing inside and outside Palestine to support al-Akhras’ strike for dignity and freedom, to free all Palestinian prisoners and to liberate Palestine from the river to the sea..

October 23: We Will Not Be Silenced! Day of Action Against the Criminalization and Censorship Of Campus Political Speech

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is an endorser of the following call, initiated by the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel: 

We Will Not Be Silenced:  Against the Criminalization and Censorship Of Campus Political Speech

As you may know, on September 23rd, corporate tech giants Zoom, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube acted in lockstep with San Francisco State University (SFSU) to shut down an open classroom webinar entitled “Whose Narratives? Gender, Justice, & Resistance: A Conversation with Leila Khaled,” co-sponsored by the Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Studies Program and the Department of Women and Gender Studies at San Francisco State University.

After intense, coordinated outside pressure from Zionist and right-wing factions, both the university and Zoom refused to allow the webinar to be aired.  When organizers changed virtual venues and began live-streaming on YouTube, the same Zionists and right-wing agitators mobbed the comments section and used the reporting function to flag the video to YouTube, which shut it down twenty minutes into this open classroom event because it “violated” the company’s “Terms of Service.”  At the same time, all previous references and invitations to the webinar were removed from hundreds of people’s Facebook pages and Instagram accounts.

Before, during, and since this massive, coordinated, electronic de-platforming by these tech giants, SFSU has refused to support the webinar’s organizers, Profs. Rabab Abdulhadi (AMED) and Tomomi Kinukawa (WGS), defend their academic freedom, or provide them with an alternative platform.

This is an astonishing and, hitherto, unprecedented act of Big Tech compliance with public-private silencing of speech:  academic speech, Palestinian speech, and political and social justice speech.  It recalls the egregious silencing, and firings, of tenured Palestinian-American Professors Steven Salaita and Sami Al-Arian, from their academic positions, acts of censorship and repression with profound material and political consequences.  It is emblematic of the corporate takeover of our universities and the influence of Zionist and right-wing organizations and individuals, along with the power of information capital, to set the agenda for what can and cannot be said or taught in a public university.

We cannot allow this surveillance and censorship to go uncontested.  We must protect academic freedom, defend Palestinians’ right to free speech, and forestall further corporate encroachment on our campuses.

We therefore call on anyone with access to a university Zoom account
to hold a webinar of your own on October 23, 2020,
a National Day of Action Against the Criminalization
and Censorship of Campus Speech.  

We think it is important that this day of action take place on Zoom itself, if possible with livestreaming on YouTube, along with announcements on Facebook and Instagram, so as to challenge these corporations and force our universities to stand in support of students and faculty, our right to academic freedom, and struggles for justice and liberation, from the US to Palestine.

To sign onto this effort, please write to this email address: <usacbidayofaction@gmail.comor use the form on the USACBI website.

You do not need to be an expert to put on this webinar.  USACBI will provide you with all the resources you need to put together a thoughtful, informed, content-rich 1-hour webinar.  There will be a menu of options in our sample curriculum to choose from.  And you should create an event that is doable and tailored to needs of your particular campus, timeframe, and political situation and needs.

To sign up, please write to this email address: <usacbidayofaction@gmail.com>.

Someone from USACBI will be in touch with you right away!

The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI) Organizing Collective

Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Studies, San Francisco State University

Labor for Palestine

Palestine/BDS Solidarity Working Group, Democratic Socialists of America

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Al-Awda, Palestine Right to Return Coalition

International League of Peoples’ Struggle

77 days on strike for dignity and freedom: Maher al-Akhras resists!

Palestinians in Gaza protest to demand Maher al-Akhras’ liberation

Maher al-Akhras, Palestinian prisoner jailed without charge or trial, is currently on his 77th day of hunger strike. He launched his strike to demand an end to his administrative detention by the Israeli occupation, declaring that “I either live freely with my children, or I am killed in the name of false justice.”

His health condition is particularly precarious after 77 days without food or other forms of nutrition. Al-Akras is married and the father of six children; his wife, Taghreed, launched her own hunger strike alongside her husband four days ago to demand his freedom.

Maher al-Akhras in Kaplan hospital on hunger strike. Photo credit: Oren Ziv/Activestills

He is held in the Kaplan medical center, where he suffers from severe weakness, emaciation, massive weight loss, difficulty moving and frequent loss of consciousness, and he is refusing medical examinations or supplements of any kind. He has emphasized that his message is “freedom or death.”

Taghreed al-Akhras raised serious concerns about her husband’s health in the Kaplan medical center, especially after he was transferred to another room following the discovery of a COVID-19 case in a patient in a neighboring room, with medical personnel commonly going back and forth between al-Akhras and the other patient.

Israeli occupation forces claimed to have “suspended” his administrative detention; however, this is not the same thing as cancelling his detention. Al-Akhras’ lawyer submitted a new appeal to the Israeli Supreme Court demanding his release; earlier, an appeals court used the “suspension” of his detention – even though he is not free – to deny review of the case.

If he ends his hunger strike and returns to health, his administrative detention could be re-imposed immediately. Al-Akhras has denounced this “suspension” as a mere trick, an attempt to disrupt and undermine support for his hunger strike for dignity. He is demanding his complete freedom from detention without charge or trial and launched his strike immediately after the administrative detention order was imposed upon him in July 2020.

Taghreed al-Akhras, Maher’s wife. Photo: Al-Mayadeen

There are currently approximately 350 Palestinians held in administrative detention, out of around 4,700 Palestinian political prisoners overall. Administrative detention was first introduced to Palestine by the British colonial mandate and then adopted by the Zionist state, where it is routinely used to imprison Palestinian community leaders and organizers without charge or trial. Detention orders are indefinitely renewable, and Palestinians have spent years at a time jailed under arbitrary administrative detention.

Israel’s routine and systematic use of administrative detention against Palestinian civilians constitutes a serious violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention and Articles 9, 10 and 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as constituting war crimes and crimes against humanity under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Since 1967, at least 50,000 administrative detention orders have been issued by Israeli military officials and courts.

Palestinians in Rafah protest in support of Maher al-Akhras

Al-Akhras’ fellow Palestinian prisoners have launched collective calls for his release as well as the end of isolation for Palestinian prisoners Wael Jaghoub, Omar Kharwat and Hatem Qawasmeh. Prisoners in the Negev desert prison announced that they were renouncing their representation in the prison and any form of negotiations with the prison administration until Al-Akhras is freed from administrative detention and Jaghoub and Kharwat ar returned to the general prison population.

Palestinians in Gaza City and Rafah organized demonstrations to demand Akhras’ immediate release.

In Jenin, a group of former prisoners and activists announced a solidarity strike in the offices of the International Committee of the Red Cross, including former long-term hunger striker Sheikh Khader Adnan:


On Monday, 12 October, Samidoun Network in Occupied Palestine will join with student organizers to protest at Manara Square in occupied Ramallah to support Maher al-Akhras and his fellow Palestinian prisoners struggling for liberation.

Protest in Ramallah on Monday, 12 October

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network stands with Maher al-Akhras, his family and loved ones and the Palestinian prisoners’ movement in demanding his immediate release and an end to Israeli administrative detention. Administrative detention and the political imprisonment of thousands of Palestinians are colonial weapons used against the Palestinian people that have affected nearly every Palestinian family.

At the same time, the U.S., Canada, Britain, the European Union and other imperialist powers – as well as the reactionary Arab regimes normalizing with Israel, such as the UAE and Bahrain – are deeply complicit in these crimes against the Palestinian people, including the ongoing detention of Maher al-Akhras. These powers’ military, diplomatic, political and economic support of the Israeli occupation regime, and their attacks on Palestinian rights inside and outside Palestine, continue to enable the ongoing war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Israeli Zionist regime against the Palestinian people.

We urge all supporters of Palestine to join the campaign to free Maher al-Akhras and all Palestinian prisoners, including boycotting and internationally isolating Israel and its complicit academic and cultural institutions and corporate profiteers reaping benefits from the occupation and colonization of Palestine.

Freedom for Maher al-Akhras and all Palestinian prisoners!

Freedom for Palestine, from the river to the sea!