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Paris protests demand liberation for Georges Abdallah

In Paris, the Unified Campaign to Free Georges Abdallah has continued its activities as part of the international month for the liberation of the imprisoned Lebanese Communist struggler for Palestine. Georges Abdallah will have been imprisoned by France for 36 years on 24 October 2020, a date that will be marked by a large national march and rally outside Lannemezan prison.

Throughout October, the campaign has organized a series of events and actions to build the movement to demand Abdallah’s release. On 9 October, the campaign organized its second rally in the district of Ménilmontant in Paris, carrying sign, banners and Palestinian flags. The demonstrators were warmly received by people in the neighborhood and distributed information about the campaign.

This protest followed a series of events, including a solidarity statement at a meeting of the Alliance National des Communistes (ANC) calling for an end to French military intervention in Africa on 10 October and participating on 7 October in the Paris protest for the liberation of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Black Liberation political prisoner in U.S. prisons.

On 2 October, the campaign rallied again at the Place de Ménilmontant, distributing leaflets to people in the community, delivering speeches and chanting slogans for the liberation of Georges Abdallah and the liberation of Palestine.

Organizers also posted signs and materials at various university campuses, including the University of Nanterre Paris 10 and the University of Saint-Denis Paris 8.

These posters urged Abdallah’s liberation and encouraged students to join the Paris bus to the Lannemezan demonstration. Posters also expressed solidarity with Issam Hijjawi, the Palestinian community organizer jailed as a political prisoner alongside the Saoradh 9 by the British occupation in the north of Ireland, urging his immediate liberation.

Buses to the demonstration are being organized throughout France. The Paris bus will leave on Friday, 23 October at 9:30 pm and return on Sunday, 25 October in the morning. Tickets are 50 EUR, and a donation campaign is being organized to support greater participation on the bus from Paris.

Other buses are being organized throughout France, including:

  • Toulouse – Bus departs on Saturday, 24 October at 11:30 am at Basso Cambo metro. Tickets are free – register with the Collectif Palestine Vaincra at collectifpalestinevaincra@gmail.com.
  • Marseille – Bus departs at 5:45 am at Saint-Charles station (to be confirmed). Stops along the way in Martigues, Istres, Montpellier, with likely return around midnight. To register: Soraya 07 68 50 21 65 and Adil 06 13 20 51 51
  • Bordeaux – Bus meeting point at 8:30 am, place Ravezies, return around 10 pm. 10 EUR minimum for tickets. To register, email liberonsgeorges33@riseup.net.

17 October, Online Event: Oppression and Resistance: Palestine Fights for Liberation

Saturday, 17 October
10 am Pacific – 1 pm Eastern – 7 pm central Europe – 8 pm Palestine
Register to join: https://bit.ly/palresistance
Watch on Facebook Live: https://facebook.com/SamidounPrisonerSolidarity
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/619347825427183/

Palestine fights back! Anti-Palestinian repression in the United States and Europe is escalating – but Palestinian resistance is growing and continuing, from Palestine to everywhere in exile and diaspora. Join Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network to discuss ongoing oppression – and Palestinian Resistance!

Saturday, 17 October – 10 am Pacific/1 pm Eastern/7 pm central Europe/8 pm Palestine

With speakers:
Jaldia Abubakra
(Founder, Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization)
Khaled Barakat
(Palestinian writer and activist)
Nerdeen Kiswani
(Chair, Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine)

Register to attend: https://bit.ly/palresistance
Watch on Facebook Live at https://facebook.com/SamidounPrisonerSolidarity

Part of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) Month of Solidarity for Palestine!

Palestine stand in Toulouse calls for freedom for Georges Ibrahim Abdallah

Read the original report in French at Collectif Palestine Vaincra.

On Saturday, 10 October 2020, members and supporters of Collectif Palestine Vaincra organized a stand for Palestine near the exit of the Capitole metro station in Toulouse, France. Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a member organization of the Samidoun Network, held the stand in support of the campaign to free Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, as part of the international month of action for his liberation and in preparation for the national march in Lannemezan, where he is jailed, on 24 October.

A Lebanese Communist committed to the Palestinian resistance, he has been imprisoned in France for 36 years and eligible for release for the past 21 years. For over 2 hours, participants distributed hundreds of flyers and discussed widely with dozens of passers-by. Many people were already aware of the case of Georges Abdallah and were outraged by the political intransigence of the French government. Dozens of people took photos with the posters and signs at the stand to show their support for Georges Abdallah and for Palestine.

The information table also drew significant interest, despite the rainy weather. Many mini-guides for the boycott of Israel, as well as leaflets about the liberation of Palestinian prisoners, were distributed to people in support of Palestinian liberation. Two large banners explained the history of the colonization of Palestine and of Georges Abdallah’s struggle for freedom.

The event also promoted the preview screening of the documentary “Fedayin: The Struggle of Georges Abdallah,” in the presence of the director and film crew on Thursday, 22 October at 8:30 pm at the American Cosmograph cinema in Toulouse, as well as the 24 October demonstration in Lannemezan.

A bus will depart at 11:30 am from Basso Cambo metro in Toulouse; to register for a place on the bus, email collectifpalestinevaincra@gmail.com.

Collectif Palestine Vaincra has also been postering throughout Toulouse to highlight the case of Georges Abdallah, posting images and calls to join these actions in neighborhoods like Mazades, Lalande, Izards and Bonnefoy, joining the day market in Reynerie and Bagatelle, and distributing flyers outside Jean-Jaures metro.





10 October, Toulouse: Palestine stand: “Freedom for Georges Abdallah!”

Saturday, 10 October
11:00 am
Metro Capitole
Toulouse, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1031202650650352
Organized by Collectif Palestine Vaincra

As part of the campaign to free Georges Abdallah, Collectif Palestine Vaincra is organizing a Palestine stand on Saturday, 10 October from 11 am to 1 pm at the exit to Capitole metro in Toulouse. Join us to come and meet us, join the stand for some time or just talk. The stand will include solidarity photos, T-shirt sales, and materials on the situation in Palestine, the boycott of Israel, support for Palestinian prisoners and freedom for Georges Abdallah, and more.

This gathering has been registered with the prefecture and will respect the required health measures (masks, sanitizer, etc.)

Dans le cadre de la campagne pour la libération de Georges Abdallah, nous organisons un Stand Palestine le samedi 10 octobre de 11H à 13H à la sortie du métro Capitole à Toulouse. L’occasion de venir nous rencontrer, participer au stand un petit moment ou juste échanger avec nous.

Au programme : photos solidaires ; vente de T-shirts, drapeaux, tote-bags ; table de presse sur la situation en Palestine mais aussi le boycott d’Israël, le soutien aux prisonniers palestiniens et Georges Abdallah etc.

Ce rassemblement est déposé en préfecture et respectera les mesures sanitaires requises (masques, gel etc.).

New trailer released for “Fedayin,” documentary on the life of Georges Abdallah

Vacarme(s) Films announced the premiere of their new documentary film, Fedayin: le combat de Georges Abdallah (Fedayeen, the struggle of Georges Abdallah), forthcoming on 22 October in Toulouse.

The release of the film is already scheduled in several theaters and will play during the sixth edition of the Festival Ciné-Palestine in Paris / Île-de-France from 5 to 15 November 2020. It comes as Georges Abdallah has been imprisoned in France for nearly 36 years, and as part of the international month of action for Georges Abdallah.

The documentary traces the life of Georges Abdallah, Lebanese Arab Communist and struggler for Palestine and one of the longest-held political prisoners in Europe. It moves from the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon where his political consciousness was forged to the international movement to demand his liberation from French prisons.

Watch the new trailer here:

The film includes a number of interviews, including with Palestinian leftist writer and activist Khaled Barakat; Samidoun international coordinator Charlotte Kates; Samidoun Europe coordinator Mohammed Khatib; former political prisoners Jean-Marc Rouillan and Bertrand Sassoye; lawyer Jean-Louis Chalanset; Georges Abdallah’s brothers Robert and Maurice Abdallah; and advocate for Georges Abdallah’s liberation Suzanne Le Manceau, among others.

The film is available with French, English, Arabic and Spanish subtitles. If you would like to organize a screening in your community, please email vacarmesfilms@gmail.com.

74 days of hunger strike: Maher al-Akhras continues battle for freedom #SaveMaher #DignityStrike

Maher al-Akhras in Kaplan hospital on hunger strike. Photo credit: Oren Ziv/Activestills

On 8 October, Maher al-Akhras is entering his 74th day of hunger strike for dignity and freedom. The Palestinian prisoner is in serious condition as he continues his strike in protest of his imprisonment without charge or trial under Israeli administrative detention.

These detention orders – first introduced to Palestine by the British colonial mandate and used routinely by the Israeli occupation – are indefinitely renewable, and they are used to jail Palestinians for years at a time. There are currently approximately 350 Palestinians jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention among a total of 4,400 Palestinian political prisoners.

People in Palestine and around the world are joining in a Twitter storm today, 8 October 2020, to express solidarity with and demand freedom for al-Akhras, whose health is deteriorating severely.


The 49-year-old father of six is currently held in Kaplan medical center. While the Israeli occupation claimed to “freeze” his administrative detention, this term indicates that he will once again be jailed without charge or trial as soon as his urgent health crisis subsides or he ends his hunger strike.

Maher al-Akhras with his daughter

Indeed, an Israeli court even refused to hear his second petition against his detention on 1 October, declaring that his detention order is “not currently active,” even though it will be reimposed as soon as his health improves. Instead, he is continuing his strike and putting his body and life on the line for freedom and an end to administrative detention.

“My only conditions are freedom or death,” al-Akhras said to his lawyer Ahlam Haddad, in a message from his hospital bed. “I either live freely with my children, or I am killed in the name of false justice.” Haddad noted that he has rejected a proposal to release him at the end of his current detention period on 26 November; instead, he is demanding his immediate release.

“This strike is…in defense of every Palestinian prisoner, and in defense of my people who are suffering from the occupation, and my victory in this strike is a victory for the prisoners and my Palestinian people,” Al-Akhras affirmed.

Taghreed al-Akhras, Maher’s wife. Photo: Al-Mayadeen

His wife, Taghreed al-Akhras, announced that she will join her husband on hunger strike to further emphasize the urgency of the situation. Her husband launched his strike as soon as he was ordered to administrative detention in late July, in rejection of the illegitimate and unlawful policy, which has been widely condemned around the world.

Israel’s routine and systematic use of administrative detention against Palestinian civilians constitutes a serious violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention and Articles 9, 10 and 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as constituting war crimes and crimes against humanity under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Since 1967, at least 50,000 administrative detention orders have been issued by Israeli military officials and courts.

Taghreed al-Akhras also reported that her husband has lost nearly half of his body weight, suffers from a severe headache and constant ringing in the ears; he is too weak to stand or go to the washroom. This is the fifth time al-Akhras, known for his strong support for Palestinian political prisoners, has been jailed by Israeli occupation forces. He was born in August 1971 in Silat al-Dhahr, a village near Jenin; he was arrested in 1989, 2004, 2009 and again in 2018, most times jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network stands with Maher al-Akhras, his family and loved ones and the Palestinian prisoners’ movement in demanding his immediate release and an end to Israeli administrative detention. Administrative detention and the political imprisonment of thousands of Palestinians are colonial weapons used against the Palestinian people that have affected nearly every Palestinian family.

At the same time, the U.S., Canada, Britain, the European Union and other imperialist powers – as well as the reactionary Arab regimes normalizing with Israel, such as the UAE and Bahrain – are deeply complicit in these crimes against the Palestinian people, including the ongoing detention of Maher al-Akhras. These powers’ military, diplomatic, political and economic support of the Israeli occupation regime, and their attacks on Palestinian rights inside and outside Palestine, continue to enable the ongoing war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Israeli Zionist regime against the Palestinian people.

We urge all supporters of Palestine to join the campaign to free Maher al-Akhras and all Palestinian prisoners, including boycotting and internationally isolating Israel and its complicit academic and cultural institutions and corporate profiteers reaping benefits from the occupation and colonization of Palestine.

Freedom for Maher al-Akhras and all Palestinian prisoners!

Freedom for Palestine, from the river to the sea!

Toulouse mobilizes to free Georges Abdallah, stand with Palestine

Over 20 organizations in Toulouse, France, have joined together to mobilize for the 24 October mass demonstration in Lannemezan, where Lebanese Arab Communist and struggler for Palestine, Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, has been imprisoned by the French state for nearly 36 years. The Toulouse organizations are joining with Collectif Palestine Vaincra to organize a bus to the demonstration to demand his freedom, which will depart at 11:30 am at the Basso Cambo metro station in Toulouse.

Tickets for the bus are free, but you must register to reserve your place at collectifpalestinevaincra@gmail.com. Every year, hundreds of people march from the train station to the prison gates in Lannemezan to call for the immediate liberation of Georges Abdallah and to send a clear message: “Georges Abdallah, tes camarades sont là !” (Georges Abdallah, your comrades are here!)

The statement of the groups (below) follows another successful Palestine stand organized by Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a member organization of the Samidoun Network, on Saturday, 26 September. The stand came as part of the preparation for the annual march and the month of action for Georges Abdallah, as well as the Days of Action to Return to Palestine and Confront Normalization.

Around a dozen activists and supporters of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra distributed information and materials for over two hours, despite the rainy weather. Organizers with Attac Toulouse and the Friends of Palestine Against Imperialism and Zionism also joined in the activities of the stand.

Thousands of flyers were distributed and activists spoke directly with hundreds of people about the continued imprisonment of one of the longest-held political prisoners in Europe, now nearing 36 years behind French bars. A number of people purchased the new t-shirts to support Georges Abdallah (available in French, English and Arabic, with international delivery), made small donations or signed up for the Toulouse bus to Lannemezan.

Many participants and passers-by took photos with signs to show their solidarity with Georges Abdallah and demand his freedom. The stand concluded with solidarity photos in support of Nerdeen Kiswani, the Palestinian activist and law student, chair of Within Our Lifetime – United For Palestine, who has faced a severe Zionist/far-right campaign attempting to attack her education; and Issam Hijjawi Bassalat, the Palestinian political prisoner jailed with his Irish comrades by the British state in the north of Ireland.


Below is the full statement of Toulouse organizations in support of Georges Abdallah:

Free Georges Abdallah! Solidarity with Palestine!

On October 24, 2020, Georges Abdallah will have spent 36 years in French prisons. A Lebanese communist and struggler for Palestinian cause, this detention makes him one of the longest-held political prisoners in Europe. The story of Georges Abdallah is closely linked to that of the Palestinian resistance. Involved at a very young age alongside Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, he joined the ranks of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in the early 1970s in order to participate in the resistance to Israel’s incessant attacks and invasions in southern Lebanon as well as to confront colonization in Palestine. He later travelled to Europe, in particular to France, after having co-founded the Lebanese Revolutionary Armed Fractions (FARL), whose objective was to combat those who were complicit in the massacres of the Lebanese and Palestinian peoples. The FARL claimed responsibility for several operations, including the 1982 assassinations of Yacov Barsimentov and Charles Ray, Israeli and US military attachés, on mission for their respective intelligence services (the Mossad and the CIA). That same year, the Israeli army occupied southern Lebanon and was involved in the massacres in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila. Arrested in Lyon on October 24, 1984, Georges Abdallah was sentenced in 1987 to life imprisonment for complicity in murder, even while the prosecutor asked for 10 years and the trial was the scene of numerous irregularities (US diplomatic pressure, George’s lawyer secretly on the payroll of French intelligence…).

Eligible for release since 1999, Georges Abdallah has made several unsuccessful attempts to gain his freedom. The most recent (2013), was accepted by the sentencing court, conditional on his deportation to Lebanon. However, it was then blocked by Manuel Valls, Minister of the Interior at the time. For almost 36 years, he has remained condemned for refusing to deny his principles and for continuing to defend them against colonization, racism, fascism and in support of numerous mobilizations for equality and human emancipation.

Georges Abdallah is recognized by the Palestinian prisoners as one of their own, and supporting Georges Abdallah means supporting the Palestinian people who are fighting against colonialism and apartheid. Supporting Georges Abdallah is also denouncing the complicity of the Western powers with Israel and of the French justice system, which flouts its most elementary rules in this case. The movement in support of Georges Abdallah has continued to grow in France and in many countries around the world for many years.

In Toulouse, we call for participation in a month of mobilization for his release as well as in the national demonstration Saturday, October 24, 2020 from 2 p.m. from the Lannemezan train station to the prison of Lannemezan (65) where he is being held.

Initial signatories: Attac Toulouse, Campagne BDS France Toulouse, Kurdish Democratic Community Center of Toulouse, CGT Educ’action 31, Collectif Algeria Démocratique Toulouse, Collectif Palestine Vaincra, Support Committee for Musa Asoglu (Toulouse), Couserans-Palestine, Eunomia, Anti-imperialist Front (Toulouse), Popular Front of Turkey (Toulouse), NPA 31, NPA-Révolution Permanente 31, PRCF 31, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, Secours Rouge Toulouse, Sud Education 31, Toulouse Anti-CRA, UD CNT 31, Union Antifasciste Toulousaine, Union Communiste Libertaire – Toulouse area, Union des Etudiant-es de Toulouse, Union Syndicale Solidaires 31



Video: Leila Khaled joins ILPS to launch month of action for Palestine

On Saturday, 3 October, the International League of Peoples’ Struggle launched its October 2020 Month of Solidarity with Palestine with an online program featuring Palestinian resistance icon Leila Khaled of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine as the keynote speaker. The ILPS is a global alliance of mass organizations and people’s movements confronting imperialism, and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is a member of the ILPS.

Watch the video of the event:

The event, watched by thousands live on Facebook and a full webinar room on Zoom, was particularly remarkable, coming as it did 10 days after the censorship of Leila Khaled and her fellow presenters, former political prisoners Sekou Odinga, Laura Whitehorn, Ronnie Kasrils and Rula Abu Duhou, as part of an Open Classroom organized by Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi and Dr. Tomomi Kinukawa  at San Francisco State University on 23 September. Zoom, YouTube and Facebook were all involved in the suppression of the Open Classroom. Following on that occasion, today’s ILPS event demonstrated that Zionist attack campaigns would not be successful in silencing Palestinian resistance or the voices of the Palestinian people, on any and all platforms, despite the complicity of big tech corporations acting in accordance with U.S.-Israeli priorities.

Leila Khaled was joined at this event by several other speakers, including Heba al-Labadi, the former political prisoner and hunger striker; Len Cooper, the President of ILPS and a labor leader from Australia; and Jamal Juma’ of the Stop the Wall campaign in Palestine.

The event kicks off a month of planned activities, including a Palestine 101 program, cultural events and several days of action, including a call for online and offline activities on 27 October under the slogan, “Colors of Resistance.”

This month-long campaign will deal with issues such as the recently announced Imperialist/Zionist annexation plan, the history of Israeli colonialism and apartheid, the rejection of agreements of humiliation and “normalization” between Zionism and some Arab countries, the global campaign to return to Palestine, support for the Intifada, the liberation of the Palestinian people, the unified capital of Palestine, the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine and other key points. .

3 October, FREE PALESTINE! Launching of the Month of Global Solidarity with the Palestinian People with Leila Khaled

Saturday, 3 October
6 am Pacific/9 am Eastern/3 pm central Europe-central Africa/4 pm Palestine/9 pm Manila/11 pm Melbourne
Register online: https://bit.ly/ILPS_Palestine
Organized by the International League of Peoples’ Struggle

This October, the ILPS, its member organizations, country chapters, and allied networks will be launching a month-long campaign of Global Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

As part of the Month of Solidarity, the ILPS will deal with issues such as the recently announced Imperialist/Zionist annexation plan, the history of Israeli colonialism and apartheid, the rejection of agreements of humiliation and “normalization” between Zionism and some Arab countries, the global campaign to return to Palestine, support for the Intifada, the liberation of the Palestinian people, the unified capital of Palestine, the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine and so on.

We are inviting everyone to tune in to the launching of this campaign on OCTOBER 3, 11 PM Melbourne time. Our keynote speaker is no other than Palestinian woman activist Leila Khaled, from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

REGISTER HERE: https://bit.ly/ILPS_Palestine


Samidoun mourns the passing of former prisoner, lifelong struggler Nabiha Diab Mohammed

Nabiha Diab Mohammed upon her liberation from Ansar prison camp.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network extends its deepest condolences to our European coordinator, Mohammed Khatib, his entire family, and the broader community on the passing of his beloved aunt, Nabiha Diab Mohammed, on 28 September 2020, after a long struggle with serious illness as well as the ongoing health effects of injustice, oppression, imprisonment and exile.

She was known not only as a pillar of the family, but also as a committed struggler for the Palestinian people, especially in the Ain el-Helweh refugee camp in Lebanon, where she always cherished a future of return to Palestine and nourished that love and dedication to return among future generations.

We mourn her as a struggler for Palestine, a lover of justice and of her people, as well as a former political prisoner who was jailed with her fellow Palestinian and Lebanese revolutionaries in the notorious Ansar prison camp in occupied southern Lebanon by the Zionist occupation forces.

Her legacy in supporting, sustaining and bringing together her family, her deep adherence to Palestine and to a revolutionary future of return and liberation continues to inspire so many of those whose lives she touched. We treasure her memory and pledge to continue to honor that memory with struggle until her aspirations for liberation, for the entire Palestinian people, are achieved.

Nabiha Diab Mohammed. Photo: Mohammed Khatib/Facebook