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Samidoun joins International Day of Action to #ShutDownAFRICOM

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network has joined organizations from across the Americas and most of the world that have endorsed and plan to participate today—the 12th anniversary of the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM)’s launch—in the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP)’s International Day of Action on AFRICOM.

In an article published September 30 in Black Agenda Report, BAP’s Africa Team states: “The International Day of Action on AFRICOM aims to raise the public’s awareness about the U.S. military’s existence in Africa, and how the presence of U.S. forces exacerbates violence and instability throughout the continent.”

BAP National Organizer Ajamu Baraka says AFRICOM is a key global command structure the U.S. state has set up to coordinate its colonial project of continued global domination through military aggression. “Through its regional commands and more than 800 military bases, the United States is able to project offensive military actions in support of its objective of ‘Full Spectrum Dominance,’ a cornerstone of U.S. geopolitical strategy.”

BAP, along with the organizations and individuals who have signed on to support this day, sees AFRICOM as an instrument of U.S. military and political domination. Hence, it threatens peace.

Margaret Kimberley, a member of BAP’s Africa Team and BAP’s Coordinating Committee, says, “The U.S. never had a good reason to establish a formalized military presence in Africa. Today, it is clear the United States coordinated with European countries like France to militarily counter the growing influence of China to ensure Africa remained firmly tethered to Western economic interests.”

The International Day of Action on AFRICOM supports BAP’s campaign to shut down AFRICOM.

This campaign demands: 1) the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) oppose AFRICOM and conduct hearings on its impact on the African continent with the full participation of members of U.S. and African civil society, 2) a complete withdrawal of U.S. forces from Africa, 3) supporting calls for Africa to be demilitarized and established as a zone of peace, and 4) along with AFRICOM, all U.S. global command structures and bases be closed down.

We call on everyone who believes in peace and self-determination to join us in our campaign to shut down AFRICOM by supporting this International Day of Action on AFRICOM.

Take action:

You can download materials and action information at BAP’s resources page.

We encourage you to share these social media resources below along with the links above today, Oct. 1, as part of the Day of Action.

Solidarity action in The Hague for Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat and the Irish republican hunger strikers

Photo credit: Nwel Saturay

On Monday, 28 September – the anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Intifada – Samidoun Netherlands organized a symbolic action outside the British embassy in The Hague, the Netherlands. The action came in support of detained Palestinian doctor Issam Hijjawi Bassalat and his fellow Irish republican prisoners. Over 50 prisoners have joined Issam on a hunger strike to demand he be released from isolation and held with fellow Republican prisoners. We republish below the report from our comrades at Samidoun NL:

Solidarity and support for Issam Hijjawi Bassalat and the over 50 republican prisoners on hunger strike with him in the British occupation prisons in the north of Ireland!

Photo credit: Nwel Saturay

Today is the 12th day of hunger strike in protest to the prolonged isolation of Issam in the dilapidated Foyle House facility. Issam began his hunger strike on being returned to isolation following a hospital visit for an MRI scan (which was also delayed by the prison administration despite Issam’s deteriorating health. the administration are claiming the isolation to be in line with corona protocols however it is worth noting that non political prisoners have been brought to hospital appointments and returned to the main prison population without undergoing isolation. The misuse of corona protocol is further illustrated by the simple fact that they could have placed Issam in isolation in Roe House , the correct location for political prisoners. This has been reiterated by the republican prisoners in Roe House.

Photo credit: Nwel Saturay

The past week has seen more and more prisoners join the hunger strike in solidarity with Issam including some non affiliated prisoners. Solidarity fasts have also been held at the camp outside Maghaberry prison in Antrim and Kilmainham Gaol in Dublin camp held by Republican activists.

Photo credit: Nwel Saturay

We showed our solidarity this morning by holding a symbolic action outside the British Embassy in the Hague. We held signs carrying slogans in support of the hunger strike, for the liberation of Palestine and unification of Ireland. A representative of Samidoun read out a statement. It was a simple act of solidarity to uplift and show support for the ongoing struggle against colonialism and imperialism from Ireland to Palestine.

Photo credit: Nwel Saturay

This simple solidarity action was enough to trigger the police to attempt to harass the activists as they left the Embassy and made their way home.Two activists were stopped by police who reported they had been watching us on CCTV and demanded to see our signs and ID. They made threats to confiscate them and fine the activists for the action but backed down as we know they have no grounds to infringe our rights like that. At least we know our message was received by the colonisers inside the Embassy!

Photo credit: Nwel Saturay

We will continue to show our support and solidarity with the republican prisoners in the occupied six counties in Ireland and Issam Hijjawi Bassalat in their struggle for justice and liberation!

Photo credit: Nwel Saturay

From Ireland to Palestine!

Tiocfaidh ár lá

Photo credit: Nwel Saturay

Two days prior, on 26 September in Nijkerk, the Netherlands, Revolutionaire Eenheid also organized a symbolic action at the Israel Products Center in Nijkerk, calling on progressive youth to act to end Dutch support for the occupation of Palestine and to support the Palestinian people in their struggle against exploitation, oppression and Israeli apartheid.

Photo credit: Revolutionaire Eenheid

The action further expressed support for the hunger strike of Dr. Hijjawi Bassalat and his Irish comrades in the north of Ireland, calling for freedom for the hunger strikers. They urged: “Support the Palestinian Resistance, boycott Israel! Free Palestine, from the river to the sea!”

Photo credit: Revolutionaire Eenheid
Photo credit: Revolutionaire Eenheid


Istanbul demonstration commemorates Intifada, condemns normalization and defends Palestinian right to return #Action4Return

On Friday, 25 September, the Friends of Palestine Against Imperialism and Zionism (Emperyalizme ve Siyonizme Karşı Filistin Dostları) organized a demonstration outside the Israeli consulate to denounce the U.S.-backed UAE/Bahraini normalization with the Israeli state, mark the anniversary of the second Intifada and remember the Sabra and Shatila massacres. The event also came as part of #Action4Return, the week of action to defend the Palestinian right to return and confront normalization called for by Samidoun with many other organizations around the world. 

We republish below the following article by the comrades at Friends of Palestine reporting on the demonstration: 

We held a demonstration in the front of the Israeli Consulate in Istanbul / Turkey to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Second Intifada and the 38th anniversary of Sabra and Shatila massacres and to protest the attempts for the so-called “normalization” process initiated first by Trump’s “Deal of the Century” and then promoted by the treaties signed between Israel and some Arab states.

Our banner read “No to Trump’s imperialist plan and normalization with Israel! Long live Intifada!” in Turkish, Arabic and English. Some of our slogans were: “Free Palestine from the sea to the river!”, “Expel the Israeli ambassador!”, “Sever all relationships with Israel!”, “Israel will be defeated! Palestine will win!”

Below you’ll find a translation of the statement read there by Kutlu Dane, one of our spokespersons:

Dear reporters, and friends of Palestinian people,

Today we are here, in front of the Israel’s so-called consulate, once again to release a press statement about two Palestinian-question-related anniversaries alongside a string of recent political developments. The statement is intended both to reiterate our support to the right to return and to condemn the Zionist Israel and its imperialist collaborators.

The Zionist entity founded at the expense of expelling hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their lands in 1948 has been touted, unfortunately successfully, by Zionists as a civilized and modern state. The Consulate building behind us is one of the places where that propaganda aimed at whitewashing Israel’s crimes is manufactured and disseminated.

38 years ago, Phalangists under Zionist auspices committed a massacre in the Sabra and Shatila Palestinian refugee camps in Israeli-besieged Beirut, with a death toll of 3.000. Israeli occupying forces helped their phalangist allies by launching flares to illuminate the camp area and blocking the gates to prevent refugees from surviving the attack.

Israel and its cohorts perpetrated that crime within a couple of days, before the international force deployed to protect the camps arrived and after the Palestinian resistance organizations had left Lebanon as stipulated in the international treaty. Hence that was a premeditated ignominious mass murder and an ethnic cleansing inspired undoubtedly by the methods of Nazis. If Anne Frank had been still alive, we are sure that she would have spitted on the faces of those barbarians and that she would have mourned for her Palestinian sisters and brothers killed in those camps.

Sabra and Shatila massacres were also assaults against the right to return.

But the Palestinian people have never kneeled down! Having experienced many massacres inflicted by Zionism almost since 1930s, the Palestinian people have embarked on a world-renowned and inspiring struggle, which reached its climax in the intifadas of 1987 and 2000. This week is the anniversary of the latter, which had begun on September 28th 2000. That great uprising during which 4.000 Palestinians, including 11 year old Muhammed Al-Durra who was shot dead hiding behind his father, have been martyred had shown the whole world how barbaric Zionism was.

Second Intifada was an upheaval for the Palestinian people to claim their right to return.

As thousands of Palestinians have been martyred for the cause, a section of the Palestinian leadership had already begun to act in cahoots with the illegitimate Israeli state. The cause was betrayed first by Anwar Sadat, and then by Arafat in 80s. The negotiations called Oslo Process have resulted eventually in the Palestinian Authority, which does dirty jobs in the West Bank for Israel! That imperialism and Zionism collude, overtly or covertly, with the reactionary Arab regimes unfortunately diminishes the hopes to return of the Palestinian people. Recognizing the Zionist entity, Arab countries which have turned into lackeys of the US imperialism pave the ways for more brutality against the Palestinian people. The so-called “normalization” process initiated by Trump’s “deal of the century”, which demands total surrender of the Palestinian people in return for a small land and a share from oil revenues, is now enhanced by the treaties signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Oman and Saudi Arabia wait for their turn.

That so-called normalization is nothing but an attack on the right to return.

But we would like to make sure that Zionists’ flagrant moves will never make us fear. Neither the Palestinian people nor we give up fighting. Just look at the anti-Zionist protestors flocking to the streets of Manama, Cairo, Latin America, Europe and USA or at the unbreakable resistance of the gallant Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons.

Palestinian people’s fight for the right to return will last till Israel is destroyed!

On the other hand, Turkish governments’ criticism towards the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain is clear example of hypocrisy. Turkey has “normalized” its relationship with Israel long before those countries did! We forget neither the strong economic, intelligence and military collaborations between Turkey and Israel nor how you withdrew the Mavi Marmara case. Stop using Palestine as a bargaining chip for natural gas found in the Eastern Mediterranean! Expel the Israeli ambassador! Sever all relationships with Israel!

We would like to emphasize that we hold that demonstration on the call of Samidoun (Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network) and pro-Palestinian organizations. We will keep fighting against Zionism and acting in solidarity with the Palestinian people till the day Israel is destroyed!

We will do so till the last intifada, which will be the last nail in the coffin of Israel, and lead to a free, secular, democratic and socialist Palestine from the sea to the river!

Friends of Palestine Against Imperialism and Zionism

September 25th 2020

ILPS calls for international solidarity month for Palestine

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is a member association of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS). We join ILPS in calling for the international month of solidarity for Palestine in October 2020 and republish the ILPS call below:

FREE PALESTINE: October 2020 Month of Global Solidarity with the Palestinian People

The International League of Peoples’ Struggles (ILPS) stands in militant solidarity with the Palestinian people against the ongoing Israeli occupation of their land, illegal Israeli settlements, Israeli colonialism, and other crimes against the Palestinian people. We condemn U.S. Imperialism for its support and endorsement of the unlawful, inhumane, murderous Israeli programme aimed directly at the Palestinian people.

The ILPS has consistently supported the continuing, magnificent, and courageous struggles of the Palestinian people against Imperialism and Zionism and is organizing a stepped-up programme of solidarity with the Palestinian people throughout the month of October 2020.

As part of the Month of Solidarity, the ILPS will deal with issues such as the recently announced Imperialist/Zionist annexation plan, the history of Israeli colonialism and apartheid, the rejection of agreements of humiliation and “normalization” between Zionism and some Arab countries, the global campaign to return to Palestine, support for the Intifada, the liberation of the Palestinian people, the unified capital of Palestine, the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine and so on.

The ILPS stands shoulder to shoulder with the valiant, inspiring people of Palestine whose persistence will deliver victory and in doing so will change the face of the Middle East and help the people in the region to win peace with justice.

Watch out for the launching of the Month of Global Solidarity with the Palestinian people on October 3, 11 PM Melbourne time through Zoom and Facebook Live. Additional details will be announced soon.

Long live the Palestinian peoples’ struggles against Imperialism and Zionism!

Long live international solidarity!




Video: Khaled Barakat and Susan Abulhawa discuss anti-normalization and the right to return to Palestine

On Friday, 18 September, Workers World Party hosted a webinar as part of the #Action4Return days of action for Palestinian refugee rights and confronting normalization. The event featured Palestinian writer and activist Khaled Barakat and award-winning Palestinian novelist Susan Abulhawa, discussing a wide range of issues relevant to the Palestinian cause today.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network international coordinator Charlotte Kates co-hosted the panel discussion along with Ted Kelly of the Workers World Prisoner Solidarity Committee. During the discussion, Abulhawa, who just released her latest novel, Against the Loveless World to rave reviews, noted: “History has shown us, time and time again, how quickly the powerful can fall..,I am not counting, but I am counting on the solidarity that we can foster among the masses, pushing for socialism, pushing for anti-colonial ideals, pushing for justice. On the international arena, the question of Palestine is at the heart of every social justice movement.”

Barakat emphasized, “As long as capitalism, as long as U.S. imperialism are ruling our world, there will be occupation, colonization, prisons and injustice. As long as Israel exists, Palestinians will suffer. There is an alternative, in Palestine as well as globally, based on equality, justice and freedom. These values should be at the core of our organizing. When we look at popular movements today, particularly the left has a responsibility to strengthen the building of an international popular front globally…History has shown us that we will be victorious at the end.”

The discussion addressed topics including the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on Palestinians, especially those under siege in Gaza and Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails; the role of reactionary Arab regimes such as the UAE and Bahrain in complicity with U.S. imperialism and Zionist colonization; and the importance of joint struggle with liberation movements to confront common enemies and move toward a revolutionary future.

Watch the full video online:

The entire webinar can also be heard as a podcast, via Essential Dissent:


Khaled Barakat: The ruling elite in the Gulf countries are on a collision course with their people

“The United States is trying to form an alliance between the Arab regimes and Israel,” said author Khaled Barakat. PHOTO: Aage Christensen

The following report and interview with Palestinian leftist writer and activist Khaled Barakat was initially published in Danish by Arbejderen (The Worker), a Danish left publication, on 23 September 2020. Read the Danish original at: https://arbejderen.dk/udland/pal%C3%A6stinenser-golflandes-sheiker-er-p%C3%A5-kollisionskurs-med-deres-befolkning

Palestinians: Sheikhs of the Gulf countries are on a collision course with their population

Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat does not consider that the Arab gulf countries, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, only recognized Israel officially last week. Instead, they have long been in the same camp with the United States and Israel – against us, the Palestinian people, he says in this interview.

When representatives of the Arab Gulf countries, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, shook hands with the Israeli Prime Minister in the White House in Washington last week, it caused international uproar. The three countries recognized each other diplomatically.

It was a knife in the back of the Palestinians, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) stated.

However, the 48-year-old Palestinian writer, organizer and activist Khaled Barakat is not surprised. It is not a violent blow to the Palestinians and their freedom struggle, he says via video link from Canada, where he is currently located.

“The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and other reactionary Arab Gulf states have for a long time had security, political and economic relations with Israel, but never officially established diplomatic relations. In the last 10-15 years, relations with Israel have gradually become normalized with not only these two states, but also Saudi Arabia,” says Khaled Barakat to the Worker.

Embassies opened

The agreement in Washington encourages increased tourism and trade between the states, increases cultural and sports cooperation, and opens embassies. In addition, Israel’s arms industry is eyeing the chance to export arms to the United Arab Emirates, writes the American Forbes Magazine.

Most recently, it has emerged that Israel may have to produce the wings of the F-35 fighter jets that the United States plans to sell to the Gulf state.

“It does not come as a surprise. The autocratic reactionary Arab kingdoms in the Gulf have been planning this normalization for a long time, with the aim of having a completely open relationship with Israel. They are all part of the same camp of imperialism, directed by the United States. The two regimes have long been in the same enemy camp as the United States and Israel, confronting and suppressing Palestinian self-determination and freedom.”

“They are Israel’s allies in the region,” believes Khaled Barakat, who is a Marxist and is the coordinator of the campaign for the release of PFLP Secretary General Ahmad Sa’adat.

The PFLP, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, is on both the US and EU terror lists, although the organization is the third largest political force among all Palestinian groups after Fatah and Hamas.

Bahrain has long protected Israel

Khaled Barakat recalls that Bahrain’s autocratic king, Sheikh Hamad ibn Isa Al Khalifah, has long cheered on Israel’s attacks on Arab countries in the region, defended Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and downplayed the Zionist state’s oppression of Palestinians. In 2017, the king condemned the Arab boycott of Israel and declared that Bahraini nationals will be allowed to visit Israel in the future.

Normalization of relations is seen by most Arabs in the region as a breach of Arab unity, a violation of the boycott of Israel and the abandonment of the Arab peace plan of 2002. The peace plan calls for a full Israeli withdrawal from the Arab territory, which was occupied in 1967 – in exchange for normalization of relations with the Arab world.

Arab League does not act

However, the Arab League, an organization of 22 Arab states, failed to agree on condemning the recognition of Israel by the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, although the league’s goal is “to meet the hopes and expectations of all Arab countries” as well as the “recognition of Palestine”. as an independent state “.

Question: Are the Palestinians not hopelessly left alone, if even the Arab League cannot back them up?

Answer: “Saudi Arabia and its followers among the reactionary Gulf countries have taken the Arab League hostage – especially after Syria was suspended from the assembly in 2011. The League has changed structurally. The member countries do not have equal rights. For example, Lebanon has nothing to say, while Saudi Arabia dictates everything.”

“Raw power determines the direction of the League. It is an instrument of submission and division, not unity. This is not the same League that was inspired by Jamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt in the 1960s.”

“In addition, the United Arab Emirates has pressured a number of countries in the Arab League to do its bidding. It is well known that the United Arab Emirates has invested financially in many Arab countries. We know how the game goes,” says Khaled Barakat.

Increasing internal contradictions

Question: Many international media predict that the next countries to recognize Israel are Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Oman, Kuwait and even Mauritania …

Answer: “If you follow the Arab polls in countries like Bahrain or the United Arab Emirates, you will see that the people there do not support the normalization of relations with Israel. The people get nothing out of this recognition. There is no question of a peace agreement as the countries were not at war.”

A 2017 poll by the Washington Institute showed that only about 15 percent of Bahrain’s people supported diplomatic relations with Israel.

“Bahrain has also undergone a peaceful uprising over the past 10 years, and its suppression has created great hatred for the monarchy. It is clear that the agreement in Washington does not express the will of the people, but only the ruling class,” says Khaled Barakat.

Barakat believes that the great resistance of the population in both Gulf states will accelerate the internal protests against repression.

“It will increase the internal contradiction between the masses and the authorities, and it will accelerate the fall of the reactionary Arab dictatorships,” Khaled Barakat believes.

He believes it was a far tougher blow when Egypt signed a peace agreement with Israel at Camp David in 1979. Or when Jordan – which has the longest border with Palestine – in 1994 signed a so-called peace agreement with Israel.

“The two agreements affected us a lot, and we felt the repercussions,” says Barakat.

Israeli annexation still on the table

Question: What do you think about the United Arab Emirates claiming that the agreement with Israel includes a promise that Israel will suspend its annexation of large parts of the West Bank?

Answer: “Yes, they justify with all their might their attempts to sell Palestinian rights to their own people and the people of the region. But that’s a hoax. They have not asked the Palestinians. They’re trying to throw us under the bus. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu himself has said the annexation is still on the table. There was only respite when the pressure on Israel became too strong this summer.”

Barakat refers to Netanyahu’s own words in August – after the news of the peace agreement with the United Arab Emirates was published. Here he said the annexation “was still on the table” and that he was still “committed” to the project, middleeasteye.net quoted. .

Question: What is the role of the United States in the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain agreement with Israel?

Answer: “The United States is trying to form an alliance of reactionary Arab regimes and Israel to flex its muscles in the region and confront China, Iran and other forces. Trump wants to be re-elected, he blindly trusts Israel, and he does not in the least respect other countries in the region – his administration does not even adhere to basic diplomatic courtesies.”

Khaled Barakat hesitates for a few seconds, looks down, then fixes his gaze on the video screen.

Historical task for the people

Question: But what then is the role of the EU in the game in the Middle East. The Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod (S) – who follows the EU’s policy for the Middle East to the letter – says that the agreement between Israel and the Gulf states is good because it can finally start negotiations with the Palestinians on peace?

Answer: “That position supports the occupation and colonization of Palestine. It is not in line with international law. If the Danish foreign minister respects international law, he must demand that Israel comply with it, that the country end its occupation and implement the Palestinian refugees’ right to return.”

“Either you support Israel or the Palestinian people. After all, your foreign minister does not hesitate to demand from other countries, such as Syria, that they comply with international law. He also does not hesitate to demand international law be upheld by force and is willing to allow massacres to take place in Iraq and Syria under the pretext of defending international law. Why is there a taboo on Israel, when it commits ethnic cleansing and pursues a consistent apartheid policy?”

Khaled Barakat turns his attention to European countries that are also approaching Israel, such as Serbia, which is a candidate country to join the EU. Most recently, the country’s government has signaled that it will move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem like the United States.

“The United States and its President Donald Trump have dictated what Serbia is doing,” says Barakat, who himself hails from Jerusalem.

EU complicit with occupation

Khaled Barakat believes that the people of Europe have a great responsibility to counter Israel’s “Zionist plans”.

European governments are complicit in the occupation. The German government, for example, supports Israel by selling nuclear submarines to the country. The EU is not playing a responsible role.

“The peoples of Europe are facing a historic task, to change the political course of the EU – it starts with the trade union movement, the women’s movement, the student movement. We trust that the positions of their governments do not reflect them. The majority understand the Palestinians’ thirst for freedom.







Intifada Week 2020: an Intifada that Breaks Normalization – 22 through 28 September

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network supports the call of the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine for a week of action commemorating the Second Intifada and the ongoing Intifada of the Palestinian people between 22 and 28 September, alongside the call for the Week of Action for Palestinian Refugees’ Return and Confronting Normalization, #Action4Return. There are many activities and online actions that are part of this call, and we encourage you to share the photos, images and maps below on your own social media pages, post them in your community or take a selfie or a video expressing your support for the Palestinian people and their resistance and your stand against normalization.

Action Call: An Intifada that Breaks Normalization

“Intifada” is a term that expresses the free Palestinian popular position towards the occupation and its incessant crimes against children, women, youth and the elderly, and in the face of the torrent of grave violations of human rights and dignity committed by the occupation against the Palestinian people.

The Intifada is an expression of the people’s aspiration for self-determination, independence, the restoration of rights, returning home to Palestine and building a just peace.

The Intifada is a practical response to the plans to liquidate the Palestinian cause, including the “deal of the century,” the agreements of humiliation and disgrace, and the processes of normalization with the usurping enemy, which constitute an outright betrayal of the sacrifices of the Palestinian people.

The first modern Palestinian uprising began in 1920, the Jerusalem revolt of Nabi Musa. With the 1987 uprising of the stones, the name “Intifada” entered the dictionaries of international languages.

This march of struggle continued with the Al-Aqsa Intifada of 2000 and the 2015 Al-Quds uprising, through the uprising in response to occupation plans to impose electronic gates on Al-Aqsa Mosque in 2017 and the Great March of Return in 2018.

The Intifada Week

This annual call was launched by the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine in 2017, with the aim of commemorating the ongoing uprisings of the Palestinian people.

It is marked between 22 September, the anniversary of the 2015 Al-Quds uprising, and 28 September, the anniversary of the 2000 Al-Aqsa Intifada.

Durin this week, the progressive and democraatic forces of the world express their position on the Palestinian cause, underlining the necessity of unified efforts and the importance of solidarity with the people on whom some of the greatest injustices of the modern era have fallen, and whose cause constitutes a landmark of justice on which the future of peace and security in the world depends.

This year, the Intifada week focuses on multiple goals:

1- Rejecting the agreements of humiliation and normalization that are taking place between some Arab countries and the Zionist entity,

2- Underlining that liberation is the only solution to the Palestinian issue.

3- Emphasizing the name of Palestine along with its borders that include its entire land.

4- Spreading the map of Palestine and transforming it into an icon and a symbol associated with the presence of the Palestinians, wherever they exist, and with the spread of those who love Palestine and express their solidarity with its cause all over the world.

5- Commemorating the memory of the Palestinian uprisings’ martyrs in addition to appreciating the Palestinians’ sacrifices in those intifadas.

6- Emphasizing adherence to the Palestinian people’s rights, foremost of which being the right of return, and the status of Al-Quds as the unified capital of Palestine.

Take action: Sign this map of Palestine and affirm your commitment to the liberation of the entire land of Palestine. Post your selfie or video with the hashtag #NormalizationIsTreason:

Take action: Post and distribute these images of support for Palestine on your social media and in your community! 




22 September – 24 October 2020: Call for the international month of action to free Georges Abdallah

Photo credit: Unified Campaign for the Release of Georges Abdallah

Français | العربية | español | italiano

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is an endorser of the following call, initially issued by the Unified Campaign to Free Georges Abdallah in Ile-de-France. The call urges a month of action leading up to the mass demonstration at Lannemezan prison on 24 October 2020. Georges Ibrahim Abdallah is a Lebanese Communist struggler for Palestine who has been imprisoned in France for nearly 36 years and is one of Europe’s longest-held political prisoners. If your organization would like to endorse the call, please contact campagne.unitaire.gabdallah@gmail.com


Since the arrest of Georges Abdallah, many groups and support committees have been created over time to fiercely defend our comrade and demand his releasee. We have always recognized and proclaimed this fact as the founding heritage of our struggle. In 2015, however, for the fifth anniversary of the demonstrations organized in Lannemezan by these long-standing activists, a desire was also expressed to intensify the struggle and to coordinate existing forces to amplify the mobilization and achieve a real change in the balance of power. Hence, the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah has been formed on the basis of the following statement, written at the time:

“We, the participants in the Lannemezan support meeting that took place after the demonstration of October 24, 2015 for Georges Abdallah, call for the intensification of the mobilization campaign for the release of our comrade Georges Abdallah. We recognize ourselves in the political identity of Georges Abdallah, Arab fighter and resistant, Lebanese communist, today’s symbol of the fight against imperialism, Zionism, capitalism and reactionary Arab states. Georges Abdallah has been a political prisoner of the French state for more than three decades, to the applause of the United States and the Zionist entity. His fight is ours. We want a free and victorious Palestine. We want the end of colonialism throughout the world and in all its forms, the end of capitalism and exploitation, and we support the struggle of the peoples against all oppressions. We recognize ourselves in Georges Abdallah’s fight against the war of invasion of Lebanon by the Zionists and for the liberation of Palestine that he engaged in before being arrested in 1984 by the French police. We recognize ourselves in his unfailing revolutionary commitment during his 3 decades of incarceration and his fierce fighting determination in the face of class injustice. And we will be by his side on the day of his release to continue to fight with him.

We are internationalists and we are fully aware that it is the French state that keeps Georges Abdallah in prison. It is this French state and its successive governments on the right and on the left, claiming to be republican or claiming to be socialist, that conditions the release of this uncompromising militant on his disavowal of his commitments. For more than 30 years, Georges Abdallah has been standing in front of his jailers and, like thousands of Palestinian prisoners, he does not give up. He resists and fights for freedom.

The decision not to release Georges Abdallah is a political decision and that is why our fighting is based on a political ground.

We call on all activist and struggling forces, support committees, associations, parties, unions to express their solidarity and to multiply initiatives to make the cause of Georges Abdallah known and to raise the demand for his release.

We call for a national campaign for the release of Georges Abdallah, carried out in accordance with his commitments and his path. We also call for the multiplication of international initiatives; as Leila Khaled of the PFLP so rightfully declared: “Georges Abdallah is a symbol for revolutionaries around the world.”

We call for this campaign to be carried out on two main axes:

1. support for the Palestinian people and their fight for victory; solidarity with the struggle of Palestinian prisoners and the defense of the right of return and self-determination of Palestinians.

2. support for popular neighborhoods and their struggles for emancipation; solidarity with victims of repression; support for revolts against police violence; fight against state racism.

We are calling for strong moments of mobilization: gatherings and demonstrations in Lannemezan, Paris, Marseille, Toulouse, Lille, Bordeaux, Brussels, Beirut … For meetings in different cities of France, Europe and the Arab world. The involvement of the Lebanese and Palestinian forces who put forward the cause of Georges Abdallah (PFLP, LCP); we call for support from political parties that support Georges Abdallah’s request for release (PCF, NPA, CNT, FA, PIR, etc.); for the organization of events on common mobilization dates (Land Day, International Day of Political Prisoners, First of May etc.) and for the multiplication of awareness-raising efforts and information campaigns for the mass-media (L’Humanité, Politis, Le monde diplo, activist radios and press).

We are now designating the common targets to be challenged: the French and Lebanese authorities. Several actions have already taken place in different cities of France (against Valls, Taubira, F. Hollande) and we must multiply these actions. The United States, civil party in the lawsuit and still active in blocking the release of Georges Abdallah, must also be confronted, and the Lebanese authorities must position themselves firmly for the release of Georges Abdallah.

One, two, three, a thousand initiatives for the release of Georges Abdallah!

He is part of our struggles; we are part of his fight!

Palestine shall live, Palestine shall triumph! It is victory or victory!
Lannemezan, October 24, 2015»

The line of defense of our comrade on this political basis is still ours today: Georges Abdallah, on a daily basis, is part of our struggles and action or demonstration is carried out without our reaffirming that we are part of his fight. For five years, this battle on the political ground, effectively conducted in compliance with the commitments of our comrade and his life of struggle, has been waged everywhere and by all of us, along the lines mentioned in the 2015 declaration but also more broadly within all social and political struggles, through demonstrations, rallies, meetings, solidarity meals, calls for signatures, letters addressed to the French and Lebanese authorities and weeks of coordinated action between all the forces engaged in this fight for the release of Georges Abdallah. This commitment in Paris, in the regions, at the national level and now also widely at the international level – because of the investment of all the supporters in Georges Abdallah, in the diversity of our expressions – increases every day a little more the pressure exerted; and the multiple reactions – read in the press, also perceptible through the responses of the Keepers of the Seals and the Ministers of the Interior, who followed one another, to the letters of elected officials or even reflected in the exceptional visits carried out to our comrade by high-ranking political and religious representatives or by the response launched by the French President, during his visit to Beirut, to Lebanese activists demanding the release of Georges Abdallah – all these reactions are as many signs to be grasped of the justice of the struggle waged and that we must continue on the same dynamic and energy by seeking to challenge the representatives of the French State even more directly when possible or even by mobilizing all together to act as one.

Georges Abdallah continues to give us the keys to this line of approach, as when on several occasions in his statements, he highlights the strength of this united and coordinated solidarity. So, let us simply recall here again some of his messages where he encourages us to continue in this direction:

“Let us encourage, ever more comrades, the various processes of convergence of struggles at the local level as well as at the regional level and even more so at the international level” (Georges Abdallah – statement of October 20, 2018)

“This change in the balance of power requires above all the inclusion of this united approach in the overall dynamic of the ongoing struggle by increasingly assuming the ground of the anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist struggle” because “it is not a question of pretending tht we do not know that the said justice is always a class justice in the service of a class policy inscribed in the global dynamics of a class war on a national and international scale.” (Georges Abdallah – declaration of June 23, 2018).

It is in this sense, and always faithful to this line and to the principles of political action recalled here, that we are calling today for not only an international week of action but a full month of actions so that all of us, the supporters of our comrade, we do not leave an open political space at the local, regional, national and international level without putting the demand for the release of our comrade Georges Abdallah on the agenda.

In Albertville, Amiens, Annecy, Aubagne, Aubervilliers, Besançon, Bordeaux, Clermont-Ferrand, Gennevilliers, Grenay, Grenoble, Lannemezan, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Montauban, Montpellier, Morlaix, Nanterre, Nîmes, Paris, Pau, Saint-Denis, Saint-Etienne, Tarbes, Thionville, Toulouse, Troyes; in the Alpes-Maritimes, in Corsica, in Finistère, Gers, in Gironde, in Haute-Marne, in Hautes-Pyrénées, Hérault, Ile de France, Lot-et-Garonne, in the North and Pas de Calais, in the Pays de Cornouaille, in Poitou-Charentes, in Puy-de-Dôme, in the Rhône-Alpes region, in Seine-Maritime and in the Tarn-etGaronne. ; in Algeria, Germany, England, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Spain, Greece, India, Italy, Kurdistan, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Morocco, occupied Palestine, Peru, Poland, Romania, Tunisia, Turkey – everywhere in France and throughout the world where the struggle of of Georges Abdallah is relayed and the demand for his release is carried, wherever we are, in active solidarity and support for our comrade, let us increase the mobilization actions and intensify the pressure on the representatives and places of power of the French State so that the current Minister of the Interior may finally sign the expulsion notice on which the release of our comrade has been conditioned and put this inquitous reality to an end.

All of us – anarchists, autonomists, anti-fascists, anti-imperialists, anti-Zionists, communists, democrats, environmentalists, internationalists, libertarians, Marxist-Leninists, Marxist-Leninist-Maoists, rebellious republicans, revolutionaries, Trotskyists; involved in parties, unions, fronts, campaigns, associations, collectives, committees, movements and multiple networks; engaged alongside our comrade in the political struggles for Palestine, in support of the Intifada and against normalization; in the defense of peoples’ struggles and their resistance; in defense of political prisoners and revolutionary prisoners; against imprisonment; against police violence; for the defense of immigrants and working-class neighborhoods; against racism; for the defense of workers, their achievements and their rights; in defense of the yellow vests of France; for the emancipation of women; against torture and the death penalty – let us mobilize once again, all together where we are, in this diversity that is ours, from 22 September 2020 to 24 October 2020 so that on this date, the tenth demonstration in Lannemezan may be the last one and that we can finally materialize this deep desire that we have all carried within us for so many years: “we will be at his side on the day of his release to continue to fight with him!.”

One, two, three, a thousand initiatives for the release of Georges Abdallah!
He is part of our struggles; we are part of his fight!
Palestine shall live, Palestine shall triumph!
Onward to victory!

Paris, 19 September 2020

Initial signatories:

Unitary campaign for the liberation of Georges Abdallah – International campaign for the liberation of Georges Abdallah – Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network – Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat – Collective for the Liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah – Le CRI Rouge for the defense of revolutionary prisoners – CAPJPO-EuroPalestine – Committee of action to support the struggles of the Moroccan people – PIR – ANC – UJFP – Collectif Palestine Vaincra – Secours Rouge International – Tunisian Committee for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah – FUIQP – Belgian appeal for the Liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah – International Prisoners’ News – Palestinian Association in Ile-de-France – AFPS34 – AFPS63 – Couserans-Palestine – Action Antifasciste 79 – ISM-France – Collectif Investig’Action – Compagnie Jolie Môme – Unité Communiste – Comité de défense des Internés des Camps du Sud (Algérie) – Association Car t’y es libre – Conseil syndical 09(Ariège) de solidaires – PRCF

Non-exhaustive agenda of the actions planned in Paris and the surrounding region during the international month of actions, as well as actions from our comrades at Collectif Palestine Vaincra in Toulouse:

  • 19 September 2020 – “They ride for the Tour de France/We cycle for Palestine!” Participation in the bike ride for Palestine in the streets of Paris (an initiative organized by many organizations supporting Palestine) in parallel to the arrival of the Tour de France in the Paris region, to denounce the participation of a Zionist propaganda team in this sporting event.
  • 26 September 2020 · Stand Palestine, 11 am to 1 pm, metro Capitole, Toulouse
  • 26 September 2020 – Participation in the “evening of international solidarity” organized in Nanterre with Arene and AFPS.
  • 30 September 2020 – Support for one of our comrades who is on trial at the High Court for his involvement in the demonstrations against COP21.
  • 1 October 2020: Attendance at the conference with Pierre Stambul entitled “Middle East: Is Peace Still Possible?”
  • 7 October 2020: Participation in the rally to demand the release of Mumia Abu Jamal.
  • 10 October 2020: Participation in the national meeting and the Ile de France meeting of the ANC in Saint-Denis, on the theme: “A demand: withdrawal of all French soldiers from Africa!”
  • 11 October 2020 – Aprem’Palestine, Sport afternoon + workshops (more info to come)
  • 17 October 2020 – Evening of solidarity for Shatila camp, 3 pm at Terre Blanque, Toulouse
  • 17 October 2020: Participation in the reception of the solidarity march of undocumented migrants in Paris and also in the rally at the Saint-Michel Bridge in honor of the victims of 17 October 1961.
  • 22 October 2020, Advance premiere of the documentary, « Fedayin, le combat de Georges Abdallah », 8:30 pm at American Cosmograph with the film crew, Toulouse
  • 23 October 2020: departure of the bus from Paris to Lannemezan
  • 24 October 2020: 10th demonstration in Lannemezan, 2 pm at the train station, march to the prison. For the bus from Toulouse, email: collectifpalestinevaincra@gmail.com

Llamado de acción internacional para la liberación de Georges Abdallah

Photo credit: Unified Campaign for the Release of Georges Abdallah


Desde la arrestación de Georges Abdallah, numerosos han sido los collectivos y comites de apoyo que poco a poco han ido surguiendo para defender con tenacidad a nuestro compañero y exigir su liberación. Esta herencia fundacional de esta lucha, siempre lo hemos reconocido y proclamado. No obstante, en el 2015 con motivo del quinto aniversario de la manifestación organizada en Lannemezan por estos activistas de larga data, también se expresó el deseo de intensificar este combate y coordinar las fuerzas existentes para amplificar la movilización y lograr un real cambio en la relación de fuerzas exigido por nuestro propio camarada. De ahí, el certificado de nacimiento de la Campaña unitaria para la liberación de Georges Abdallah sobre la base de la siguiente declaración, redactada en ese momento:

“Nosotros, los participantes a la reunión de apoyo de Lannemezan que tuvo lugar después de la manifestación del 24 Octubre de 2015 en apoyo a Georges Abdallah, hacemos un llamado a la intensificación de la campaña de movilización para la liberación de nuestro camarada Georges Abdallah.

Nos reconocemos en la identidad política de Georges Abdallah, luchador árabe y luchador de la resistencia comunista libanés, hoy símbolo de la lucha contra el imperialismo, el sionismo, el capitalismo y los reaccionarios estados árabes. Georges Abdallah ha sido prisionero político del estado francés durante más de tres décadas, con el aplauso de Estados Unidos y la entidad sionista. Su lucha es nuestra. Queremos una Palestina libre y victoriosa. Queremos el fin del colonialismo en todo el mundo y en todas sus formas, el fin del capitalismo y la explotación y apoyamos la lucha de los pueblos contra todas las opresiones. Nos reconocemos en la lucha de Georges Abdallah contra la guerra de invasión del Líbano por los sionistas y por la liberación de Palestina que el libró antes de ser arrestado en 1984 por la policía francesa. Nos reconocemos en su compromiso revolucionario sin falla durante sus 3 décadas de encarcelamiento y su fiera determinación de lucha frente a una injusticia de clase y, estaremos a su lado el día de su liberación para seguir luchando con él.

Somos internacionalistas y somos plenamente conscientes que es el Estado francés el que mantiene Georges Abdallah en prisión. Es este estado francés y sus sucesivos gobiernos de derecha e izquierda, que se dicen republicano o socialista, que pone como condición a su liberación, que él reniege de su condición militante. Durante más de 30 años, Georges Abdallah ha estado frente a sus carceleros y como los miles de prisioneros palestinos, no se rinde. Él resiste y lucha por la libertad.

La decisión de no liberar a Georges Abdallah es una decisión política y es por eso que nosotros luchamos en el terreno político.

Hacemos un llamado a todas las fuerzas militantes, comités de apoyo, asociaciones, partidos, sindicatos para expresar su solidaridad y multiplicar iniciativas para dar a conocer la causa de Georges Abdallah y, para que se eleve la exigencia de su liberación.

Llamamos a una campaña nacional por la liberación de Georges Abdallah, llevada a cabo en el respeto de sus compromisos y de su trajectoria. También llamamos a la multiplicación de iniciativas internacionales. Leila Khaled del PFLP lo declara tan acertadamente: “Georges Abdallah es un símbolo para revolucionarios de todo el mundo”.

Hacemos un llamado a que esta campaña se lleve a cabo en dos ejes principales:

  1. Apoyo al pueblo palestino y su lucha por la victoria; solidaridad con la lucha de los prisioneros palestinos y la defensa del derecho palestino al retorno y la autodeterminación.
  2. Apoyo a los barrios populares y sus luchas de emancipación; solidaridad con los acusados por la represión; apoyo a las revueltas contra la violencia policial; luchar contra el racismo

Desde ahora solicitamos una fuerte movilización: reuniones y manifestaciones en Lannemezan, París, Marsella, Toulouse, Lille, Burdeos, Bruselas, Beirut… Mitines en diferentes ciudades de Francia, Europa o el mundo árabe. La participación de las fuerzas libanesas y palestinas que defienden la causa de Georges Abdallah (PFLP, PCL); un llamado al apoyo de los partidos políticos y sindicatos que apoyan la solicitud de liberación de Georges Abdallah (PCF, NPA, CNT, FA, PIR, etc.). La organización de eventos durante las fechas de movilización común (Día de la Tierra, Día Internacional de los Presos Políticos, 1 de mayo, etc.). Un aumento de los esfuerzos de sensibilización e información entre los medios de comunicación de larga difusión (L’Humanité, Politis, Le monde diplomatique, radios y prensa militantes).

Desde ahora designamos los objetivos comunes que debemos interpelar: las autoridades francesas y libanesas. Se han producido varias interpelaciones en distintas localidades de Francia (Valls, Taubira, F. Hollande) y estas interpelaciones deben multiplicarse. Los Estados Unidos, parte civil en la demanda y siempre activo en el bloqueo de la liberación de Georges Abdallah, también deben ser cuestionados y, las autoridades libanesas deben posicionarse firmemente para la liberación de Georges Abdallah.

¡Una, dos, tres, mil iniciativas para la liberación de Georges Abdallah!

¡Él es parte de nuestras luchas, nosotros somos parte de su combate!

¡Palestina vivirá, Palestina ganará!

¡Victoria o victoria!

Lannemezan, 24 de octubre de 2015»

Esta línea de defensa de nuestro compañero sigue siendo, hasta hoy, la misma: Georges Abdallah, en el día a día, es parte de nuestras luchas y no se lleva a cabo ningún acto militante sin que reafirmemos que somos parte de su lucha. Desde hace cinco años, esta batalla en el terreno político, efectivamente conducida en el respeto de los compromisos de nuestro compañero y de su trajectoria, se ha librado en todas partes y por todos nosotros, en la línea mencionada en la declaración del 2015 pero también y, de manera más amplia dentro de todas las luchas sociales y políticas, a través de manifestaciones, mítines, reuniones, comidas solidarias, convocatorias de firmas, cartas dirigidas a las autoridades francesas y libanesas y, semanas de acción coordinada entre todas las fuerzas comprometidas en la lucha por la liberación de Georges Abdallah. Este compromiso en París, en las regiones, a nivel nacional y ahora también ampliamente a nivel internacional -contando para ello con todos los apoyos a Georges Abdallah, en la diversidad de nuestras expresiones- aumenta cada día un poco más la presión ejercida; y las múltiples reacciones leídas en la prensa, también perceptibles a través de las respuestas de los Ministros de Justicia y de los Ministros del Interior que se han sucedido, o las cartas de los funcionarios electos, o incluso reflejadas en las excepcionales visitas realizadas a nuestro compañero por representantes políticos y religiosos de las altas esferas, o por la respuesta lanzada por el presidente francés, durante su visita a Beirut a los activistas libaneses que exigen la liberación de Georges Abdallah. Todas estas reacciones son signos de la justeza de la lucha librada y que debemos continuar con la misma dinámica y energía buscando desafiar a los representantes del Estado francés, incluso más directamente cuando sea posible o incluso movilizándonos todos juntos para golpear como un solo puño.

En esta línea de conducta, Georges Abdallah sigue dándonos las claves cuando en varias ocasiones, en sus declaraciones, destaca la fuerza de esta solidaridad unitaria y coordinada.

Recordemos, simplemente aquí, algunos de sus mensajes donde nos anima a continuar en esta dirección:

“Alentemos, cada vez más camaradas, los diversos procesos de convergencia de luchas tanto a nivel local como regional y más aún a nivel internacional” (Georges Abdallah – declaración del 20 de octubre de 2018)

“Este cambio en la relación de fuerzas pasa ante todo por la inclusión de este movimiento solidario en la dinámica general de la lucha en curso, asumiendo cada vez más el terreno de la lucha anticapitalista y antiimperialista” porque “no se trata de hacer como si no supiéramos que dicha justicia es siempre una justicia de clase al servicio de una política de clase inscrita en la dinámica global de una guerra de clases a escala nacional e internacional ”(Georges Abdallah – declaración de 23 Junio de 2018).

Es en este sentido y siempre fiel a esta línea y a los principios de acción política aquí recordados que hoy pedimos, ya no una semana de acción internacional sino un mes completo de acción para que todos, los que apoyamos a nuestro camarada, no dejamos un espacio político libre a nivel local, regional, nacional e internacional sin poner en la agenda la exigencia de la liberación de nuestro compañero Georges Abdallah.

En Albertville, Amiens, Annecy, Aubagne, Aubervilliers, Besançon, Burdeos, Clermont-Ferrand, Gennevilliers, Grenay, Grenoble, Lannemezan, Lille, Lyon, Marsella, Montauban, Montpellier, Morlaix, Nanterre, Nimes, París, Pau, Saint-Denis , Saint-Etienne, Tarbes, Thionville, Toulouse, Troyes; en los Alpes Marítimos, en Córcega, en Finisterre, Gers, en Gironde, en Haute-Marne, en Hautes-Pyrénées, Hérault, Ile de France, Lot-et-Garonne, en el norte y el Pas de Calais, en el Pays de Cornouaille, en Poitou- Charentes, en Puy-de-Dôme, en la región de Rhône-Alpes, en Seine-Maritime y en Tarn-et-Garonne ; en Argelia, Alemania, Inglaterra, Argentina, Bélgica, Brasil, Canadá, España, Grecia, India, Italia, Kurdistán, Líbano, Luxemburgo, Marruecos, Palestina ocupada, Perú, Polonia, Rumania, Túnez, Turquía -en todas partes de Francia y del mundo donde se difunde y se porta la lucha por la liberación de Georges Abdallah : dondequiera que estemos, apoyo solidario activo para nuestro compañero -, incrementar las acciones de movilización e intensificar la presión sobre los representantes y los lugares de poder del Estado francés para que el actual Ministro del Interior firme, finalmente, el aviso de expulsión que condiciona la liberación de nuestro camarada y que se gane esta lucha para anular esta inicua pena de perpetuidad real.

Todos nosotros: anarquistas, autonomistas, antifascistas, antiimperialistas, antisionistas, comunistas, demócratas, ambientalistas, internacionalistas, libertarios, marxista-leninistas, marxista-leninistas-maoístas, republicanos rebeldes, revolucionarios, trotskistas; involucrado en partidos, sindicatos, frentes, campañas, asociaciones, colectivos, comités, movimientos y múltiples redes; comprometidos junto a nuestro compañero en las luchas políticas por Palestina, en apoyo de la Intifada y contra la Normalización; por la defensa de las luchas de los pueblos y su resistencia; por la defensa de los presos políticos y revolucionarios; contra el encarcelamiento; contra la violencia policial; por la defensa de la inmigración y los barrios obreros; contra el racismo ; por la defensa de los trabajadores, sus logros y sus derechos; por el de los chalecos amarillos; por la lucha por la emancipación de la mujer; contra la tortura y la pena de muerte – movilicémonos una vez más, todos juntos donde estemos, en esta diversidad que es nuestra, del 22 de septiembre de 2020 al 24 de octubre de 2020 para que en esta fecha, la décima manifestación de Lannemezan sea la última y que por fin podemos materializar este profundo deseo que todos llevamos dentro desde hace tantos años: “¡Nosotros estaremos a su lado el día de su liberación para seguir luchando con él!”.

¡Una, dos, tres, mil iniciativas para la liberación de Georges Abdallah!

¡Él es parte de nuestras luchas, nosotros somos parte de su lucha!

¡Palestina vivirá, Palestina ganará!

¡Victoria o victoria!

París, 19 de septiembre de 2020  Campagne.unitaire.gabdallah@gmail.com


Primeros signatarios: Campagne unitaire pour la libération de Georges Abdallah – Campagne internationale pour la libération de Georges Abdallah – Samidoun Palestinien Prisoner Solidarity Network – Campagne internationale pour la libération d’Ahmad Sa ‘âdat et ses camarades – CLGIA – Le CRI Rouge pour la défense des prisonniers révolutionnaires – Jeunes révolutionnaires – CAPJPO-EuroPalestine – Comité d’action et de soutien aux luttes du peuple Marocain – PIR – ANC – UJFP – Collectif Palestine Vaincra – Secours Rouge International – FUIQP Appel belge pour la libération de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah – International Prisonners’News – AFPS34 – AFPS 63 Couserans-Palestine Action Antifasciste 79 ISM-France

Collectif Investig’Action Compagnie Jolie Môme – Unité Communiste – Comité de défense des Internés des Camps du Sud (Algérie) Association Car t’y es libre – Conseil syndical 09(Ariège) de solidaires – PRCF

Agenda no exhaustiva de acciones programadas en París y su región durante el mes internacional de acciones

Desde el 22 de septiembre al 24 de octubre, las siguientes iniciativas ya están programadas en París y su región:

  • 19 de septiembre de 2020: “¡Pedalean por el Tour de Francia, nosotros pedaleamos por Palestina!»: Participación en el paseo en bicicleta por Palestina en las calles de París (iniciativa organizada por muchas organizaciones en apoyo de Palestina) en paralelo con la llegada del Tour de Francia a la región de París, para denunciar la participación del Entidad sionista en este evento
  • 26 de septiembre de 2020: participación en la “velada de solidaridad internacional”, organizada en Nanterre junto con la Arena y las AFPS locales
  • 30 de septiembre de 2020: apoyo a uno de nuestros compañeros que se encuentra en juicio en el tribunal de grande instance por su participación en las manifestaciones contra la COP21
  • 1 de octubre de 2020: presencia en la conferencia con Pierre Stambul titulada “Oriente Medio: ¿la paz todavía es posible? “
  • 7 de octubre de 2020: participación en el mitin para exigir la liberación de Mumia Abu Jamal
  • 10 de octubre de 2020: participación en la reunión nacional del ANC y la reunión de Ile de France en Saint-Denis, sobre el tema: Una demanda: ¡Retirada de todos los soldados franceses de África! “
  • 17 de octubre de 2020: participación en la recepción de la marcha solidaria de inmigrantes indocumentados en París y también en el mitin en el puente de Saint-Michel en homenaje a las víctimas del 17 de octubre de 1961
  • 23 de octubre de 2020: salida del autocar de París a Lannemezan
  • 24 de octubre de 2020: décimo evento en Lannemezan

También a planificar: un mitin frente al Ministerio del Interior y un encuentro semanal durante 4 semanas en el popular barrio de Ménilmontant en París.

Por favor, comunique a la dirección de la Campaña de Unidad las iniciativas planificadas como parte de este mes internacional de acciones para ayudar a difundirlas.

#WeStandWithNerdeen: Samidoun stands with CUNY student, Palestinian activist targeted in Zionist attacks

Photo: Joe Catron

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network expresses our strongest solidarity with Nerdeen Kiswani, a Palestinian organizer and the chair of Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine. Nerdeen has been subjected to a slew of racist, Zionist attacks, not only on social media but directly through demands for her university to expel her, because she clearly upholds Palestinian rights and rejects occupation, oppression and settler-colonialism, including the symbols of the Israeli occupation forces, such as the logo of the Israeli army. 

The racist campaign targeting Nerdeen has focused on a social media protest performance video shared in bad faith by a Zionist organization aiming to incite harassment against the second-year law student at CUNY Law. The protest performance in question features the specific logo of the Israeli military: the same force involved in the murder, extrajudicial execution, siege, ethnic cleansing and creeping genocide of the Palestinian people on a daily basis, and the same force involved in excluding Nerdeen from her homeland. 

In response to this racist campaign against their student, rather than protect a law student and community leader, the CUNY Law administration chose to make two public posts on their social media profiles, first declaring that “CUNY Law stands against hate and anti-Semitism,” then replacing that with “CUNY Law stands against hate and harassment,” before deleting both of the posts, although leaving another “CUNY Law stands against hate” image up on Facebook.. In both posts, university administration expressed concern for the “pain caused by a social media video,” yet showed no concern at all for their student targeted in a series of vicious social media attacks and threats to “have her expelled” from her university. 

In other words, the law school administration was concerned about the feelings of those who were allegedly “hurt” by a protest performance implying that “Israeli Defense Force” sweatshirts and merchandise could be burned, although it is difficult to understand any form of “hurt” caused by a protest against the symbols of an occupying, invading military force. The well-being of Nerdeen and fellow Palestinian students – not to mention the countless thousands of Palestinians slaughtered and wounded by the Israeli military and the over one million imprisoned in its occupation prisons – rated nary a mention, although the university now claims that it will be issuing a future statement. 

The comparison to anti-Semitism in this case is so absurd as to be truly offensive. As noted by CUNY’s Jewish Law Students Association, “Conflating symbols of Israel — a settler-colonial nation-state with one of the most powerful militaries in the world, and a record of well-documented human rights abuses — with symbols of Jewish people silences the free speech that CUNY Law purports to hold so dear.”

Zionism is a racist ideology built on the dispossession of Palestinian land and the destruction of Palestinian lives. It is anti-racist to oppose Zionism, and anti-Zionism is essential to fighting racism, especially when the occupation of Palestine is so central to the U.S. imperialist project globally. Further, we emphasize not only that we stand in solidarity with Nerdeen Kiswani, her freedom of expression and her commitment to Palestinian liberation, but that resistance to war criminals, colonizers and occupiers is in fact a duty. 

The logo and symbol of the Israeli occupation forces should be reviled and viewed as a hate symbol. The sword at the center of that logo is a killing sword that has been aimed at the throat of Palestinians for over 72 years, the millions of Palestinians dispossessed and exiled from their homeland and the millions inside Palestine who confront occupation on the ground on a daily basis. The symbols of the occupation army – and the occupation army itself – must be boycotted, protested and resisted by all means. To condemn those who stand against a racist, occupation army is to stand on the side of racism, injustice and oppression. CUNY must not only end its anti-Palestinian approach to its students, it has a responsibility to act and comply with the Palestinian and global call for an academic boycott of Israel and Israeli institutions.

Palestinians’ expressive and artistic resistance is repeatedly subjected to criminalization, harassment and suppression, from the imprisonment of Palestinian poets like Tawfiq Zayyad and Dareen Tatour to the systematic marginalization of Palestinian artists and filmmakers to the Mossad assassination of Palestinian writers like Ghassan Kanafani and Wael Zuayter. We stand with Nerdeen Kiswani, and we stand with the Palestinian people. 

Please join us and numerous organizations, students and alumni at CUNY to take action and say that #WeStandWithNerdeen:

  1. Post your statements, photos and solidarity actions online and use the #WeStandWithNerdeen hashtag. Push back against the flood of racist abuse on social media!
  2. Email Mary Lu Bilek, the Dean of CUNY Law, with a brief message expressing your support for Nerdeen. The Dean’s email address is: bilek@law.cuny.edu.Sample Message:Dear Dean Bilek,I am appalled to see CUNY Law’s response to the racist, anti-Palestinian harassment targeting one of its students, Nerdeen Kiswani. Rather than defend a student under attack and subjected to hundreds of threats on social media, CUNY School of Law created statements and social media posts that further encouraged this racist harassment campaign.I am further shocked to see that CUNY School of Law conflated Zionism with Judaism and anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. Further, CUNY Law’s statement appears to imply that the Israeli military, known for war crimes and crimes against humanity, is in some way deserving of protection from revulsion directed against its logos and symbols. In reality, it is the Palestinian people who require protection and support against an occupying military force responsible for extrajudicial killings, mass incarceration, home demolitions, land confiscations, ethnic cleansing and creeping genocide.

    CUNY School of Law has a responsibility to its students, particularly Palestinian students, and the community as a whole, to retract its prior statements on this matter, address its deceptive and damaging misrepresentation of anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism, and take meaningful action to protect the targeted student. I expect to see swift action taken to rectify the wrongs committed by the CUNY administration against its own student.



See more statements of solidarity with Nerdeen: