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Taking to the streets: Week of Palestinian Struggle commemorated with global actions

Organizers and activists marked the Week of Palestinian Struggle with a series of events and actions in cities around the world. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic and severe restrictions on gatherings in many places, organizations developed creative mechanisms to take a visible, public stand for justice and liberation in Palestine in many places, including actions in Toulouse, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Gothenburg, Minneapolis, Chicago, Istanbul, Montpellier, Berlin and Vancouver.

These events included commemorations of the 72nd year of the continuing Nakba, celebrations of Palestinian struggles for freedom, artistic and cultural interventions, protests and demonstrations, car caravans and other activities. They were organized by a wide range of groups and organizations in cities and areas around the world.

The Week of Palestinian Struggle also included a wide range of online actions, from the #KeyToJustice, #Nakba72 and #FlyTheFlag Twitter campaigns to a broad array of webinars and online discussions and educational events. Organizers held Nakba commemorations, protests against Israel/U.S. annexation plans, and commemorations of Al-Quds Day. All credit for each action belongs to the organizers, as noted below.

We are aware that this list is not exhaustive, but does represent the resilient, steadfast and resisting voice of Palestine for return and liberation despite all circumstances. If you would like to include your action on this list and it is not already present, please email samidoun@samidoun.net.


In Toulouse, France, the comrades of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra (a member organization of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network) organized an array of visible interventions around the city, including murals, graffiti and posters highlighting the Week of Palestinian Struggle.

Posters noted the 72nd anniversary of the Nakba and ongoing Palestinian resistance. Slogans included “Zionism = Racism,” “Palestine = Resistance” and “#KeyToJustice”.


In Frankfurt, Free Palestine FFM organized a week of action in line with the call for the Week of Palestinian Struggle, providing resources in German about the Nakba and ongoing Palestinian resistance and struggles.

They called on supporters and friends of Palestine to post images and flyers around the city to highlight the ongoing Palestinian struggle for liberation and return.

Comrades dropped two massive banners at the Iron Bridge, highlighting Palestinian struggle. One read, “Palestine = Resistance” and the other “Palästina wird nicht schweigen!” (“Palestine will not be silent!”) in a major display of Palestine solidarity in a highly visible location:

Ongoing displays of visibility for Palestine were organized throughout the week, including small sprayed images of the map of Palestine, slogans against the imprisonment of Palestinian children and the image of Handala:

Organizers hung keys of return, banners for Palestine and information about the week of struggle in prominent places throughout Frankfurt, highlighting 72 years of Nakba and resistance:


On Friday, 14 May, comrades of Samidoun Netherlands gathered in Amsterdam to mark the 72nd anniversary of the Nakba and the Week of Palestinian struggle, lighting flames of remembrance and struggle and holding banners, Palestinian flags and signs with slogans: “Zionism is Racism,” “Free Palestine,” and more.

“Palestinians have the right to resist – and we will defend that right at all costs!” declared the opening speaker representing Samidoun Netherlands. Participants highlighted the struggles of Palestinians in the refugee camps continuing to uphold their right to return to Palestine. “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!”


On Thursday night, 14 May, Samidoun Gothenburg organized a film screening at the Syndikalistiskt Forum about Israeli apartheid and 72 years of Nakba, while holding a banner with the slogan “Seger åt den Palestinska Befrielsekampen!” (The Palestinian Liberation Struggle will be Victorious!)

Later, on 23 May, Samidoun Gothenburg joined several other organizations, including Irlandinformation, Rojavakommittéerna and Kurdish Democratic Society Center – Navenda Civaka Demokratîk a Kurd for a flash rally in downtown Gothenburg in support of Basque political prisoner Patxi Ruiz, on hunger strike against the Spanish state.


Around 60 cars carrying dozens of families joined in a Nakba commemoration car caravan in Northeast Minneapolis, organized by the Anti-War Committee and American Muslims for Palestine – Minnesota.

The caravan proceeded down Central Avenue in an Arab-American neighborhood as participants chanted, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” Before the rally launched speakers highlighted 72 years of Nakba and 72 years of Palestinian resistance.


On Friday, 15 May, the US Palestinian Community Network organized a car caravan to Chicago’s Federal Plaza to commemorate the 72nd anniversary of the Nakba. Cars gathered at the offices of the Arab American Action Network draped with signs and Palestinian flags and traveled to downtown Chicago, bearing a clear message that Palestinians in Chicago continue to remember the Nakba and struggle for return:

One week later, on Friday, 22 May, an Al-Quds Day Car Caravan also wound through Chicago. Hundreds of Chicagoans launched from Mallard Lake to fly the Palestinian flag and carry the message of freedom and justice for oppressed people, organized by People United Against Oppression and other groups:


In Istanbul, Emperyalizme ve Siyonizme karsi Filistin dostlari (Friends of Palestine against Imperialism and Zionism) held a rally outside the Israeli embassy in Turkey on 15 May, marking the 72nd anniversary of the Nakba. The rally drew widespread press coverage and attention, and the organizers read out a statement highlighting 72 years of Nakba and resistance.

The organizers also highlighted the struggle of Palestinian prisoners, especially the case of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, jailed for 35 years in French prisons. One speech in French and Turkish focused specifically on this case, as did several signs and banners at the event:


On Saturday, 16 May, members of the Campagne BDS France Montpellier gathered for their usual stand, gathering at a social distance and with only 10 people, in accordance with health regulations for gatherings. Nonetheless, police dispersed their small group and confiscated their Palestinian flags. They pledged to resist and return one week later to Place de la Comedie for continued actions, and captured their solidarity stand – highlighting refugees’ right to return, 72 years of Nakba, and Palestinian prisoners – on video:


Protesters gathered in several locations in Berlin on 15 May to mark 72 years of Nakba and support the ongoing Palestinian struggle, including members of Palästina Spricht Palestine Speaks and members of various Palestinian community organizations.

Photos: Afif el-Ali

The protest outside the Brandenburg Gate was significantly smaller than typical Nakba protests in Berlin due to gathering restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, but speakers affirmed their commitment to return to Palestine outside the U.S. embassy.


The Revolutionary Student Movement – Vancouver highlighted the struggle of the Palestinian people, posting tagged graffiti that depicted the flag of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the slogan, “Exist, Resist, Return”


On Friday, 22 May, Anti Imperialist Action Ireland organized a solidarity vigil in support of Palestinian political prisoners, Grup Yorum and the prisoners on hunger strike in Turkish jails. As the organizers noted, “The plan had been to hold the event at the Turkish and Zionist Embassies in Ballsbridge, However the Free State demonstrated their support for Turkish Fascism and Zionism Placing a ring of steel around the location.In an attempt to prevent the solidarity action at the behest of the NATO Powers, Free State Police closed Raglan Road in Dublin 4 to the public, establishing checkpoints at both ends while the Political police stoped and harassed Socialist Republicans in an attempt to order them to leave the area.”

However, as the organizers noted in their report, “a delegation of Socialist Republicans regrouped undeterred at the James Connolly Statue at Beresford Place, the historic location of the establishment of the Irish Citizen Army in 1913 and fitting as Connolly was a Proletarian Internationalist and held the solidarity vigil without interference and with support from passing motorists. Solidarity was extended to #GrupYorum and with those who remain on Hungerstrike in Turkey as well as to All Palestinian Political Prisoners, as part of the international callout by Samidoun, the Palestinian Prisoners Network.”

“Attempts by the Free State, Zionism and Turkish Fascism to prevent this action failed. The response of the state however demonstrated the Free States fear of a vibrant and growing Socialist Republicanism.”

“Anti Imperialist Action will continue to organise in support of our international comrades while at the same time continuing to combat and resist Free State Counter Revolution and Foreign Imperialism in Ireland.”

Week of Palestinian Struggle: Webinar Library of Events for #Nakba72 and more

During the Week of Palestinian Struggle, 15-22 May 2020, many different organizations held events, actions and webinars to highlight the Palestinian struggle, 72 years of Nakba and 72 years of resistance. Below, we are presenting an archive of webinars and online events presented during the week.

Please note, the vast majority of these webinars and events were organized independently by a wide range of groups. The groups that organized each event are noted, and these videos are hosted at the organizers’ YouTube, Facebook and other pages. We encourage you to visit these organizations’ pages for more information about their activities!

Videos are in English unless otherwise noted. This page is not complete! To add your event to this page, email samidoun@samidoun.net.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network webinars (English):

Liberate Palestine – From the River to the Sea with Khaled Barakat
Saturday, 16 May

Watch the video:

Palestinian Prisoners’ Families: Collective Punishment, Steadfastness and Resistance with Basil Farraj
Thursday, 21 May

Watch the video:

Samidoun Network webinars (Arabic):

“They can demolish our homes, but never break our will,” with Dr Widad Barghouthi (Arabic)
Thursday, 14 May

Watch the video:

Palestinian Organizing in Diaspora and the Revolutionary Alternative (Arabic)
Sunday, 17 May

Watch the video:

Art, Culture and Resistance in Palestinian Struggle (Arabic)
Saturday, 23 May

Watch the video:

Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition (English):

72 Years of Nakba, Marching Toward Return: Online Rally for Palestine (with participation by Mohammed Khatib, Samidoun)
Sunday, 17 May

Watch the video:

International League of Peoples’ Struggle Canada (English)

LENINFEST: National Oppression and National Liberation with Chandu Claver and Khaled Barakat
Tuesday, 19 May

Watch the video:

Palestinian Youth Movement

Nakba To Return: The Ongoing Struggle for Palestinian Liberation
Saturday, 16 May

Watch the Video:

And more….

Wednesday, 13 May

Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Israel’s Annexation Plan, with Diana Buttu

Watch the Video:

Thursday, 14 May

US Palestinian Community Network

Rasmea Odeh and George Khoury on the Nakba and Return: Discussion with Suzanne Adely

Watch the Video:

Spanish Revolution

Jewish Voices for Palestine: Against racism, apartheid and Zionism (Spanish)

Watch the Video:

Friday, 15 May

Coalition for Civil Freedoms

The Holy Land Five & COVID-19: A Conversation with their Sons and Daughters

Watch the Video:

EuroPal Forum

Webinar on #Nakba72 with Hatem Bazian, Ilan Pappe, Yousef Jabareen, Salman Abu Sitta

Watch the Video:

Palestine Solidarity Campaign, BDS Movement, Jewish Voice for Peace, South Africa BDS Coalition

Nakba Rally 2020 #SpreadSolidarity

Watch the Video:

The Red Nation, AROC, Center for Political Education

Palestine and the Blockade of Gaza

Watch the Video:

American Muslims for Palestine

Never Forgotten: 72 Years of Resilience

Watch the video:

Palestinian Action Committee in Austria

Commemoration of 72 Years of Nakba (Arabic and German)

Watch the Video:

Frente Antiimperialista Internacionalista


Watch the video:

Saturday, 16 May

Australia Palestine Advocacy Network

Palestinian Nakba 2020: Virtual Commemoration

Watch the Video:

Friends of Sabeel North America

Commemorate by Resisting: The Nakba and Indigenous Struggles.

Watch the Video:

Palestinian Canadian Community Center

#Nakba72 Rally: Lift the Siege of Gaza

Watch the Video:

Mobilization for Justice

The Palestine Question with Ramzy Baroud, Ghada Ageel and Seyed Marandi

Watch the Video:

Alkarama – Palestinian Women’s Movement

El Deporte Como Resistencia (Spanish)

Watch the Video:

Sunday, 17 May

Al-Quds Toronto

Al-Quds Day Virtual Rally

Watch the Video:

Monday, 18 May

Toronto Palestine Film Festival

Q&A with 1948: Creation and Catastrophe Directors Ahlam Muhtaseb and Andy Trimlett

Watch the Video:


Nakba Palestina: colonialismo, resistencia y derecho al retorno (Spanish)

Watch the video:

Tuesday, 19 May

AMED Studies at SFSU

Honoring Malcolm X & Elombe Brath:Black Solidarity with Palestine

Watch the Video:

Unite the Union and Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Unite in Solidarity with Palestine

Watch the Video:

Wednesday, 20 May

American Muslims for Palestine – NJ and Palestinian American Community Center

HR 2407: Human Rights for Palestinian Children

Watch the Video:

Thursday, 21 May

European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine

Stop Settlements, on the Road to Justice

Watch the video:

Friday, 22 May

Coalition for Civil Freedoms

Israel’s Interference in the U.S. Criminal Justice System, with Miko Peled and Sami al-Arian

Watch the Video:

Islamic Human Rights Commission

Al-Quds Day 2020 #FlyTheFlag

Watch the Video:

Voice of Oppressed

Al-Quds Day Calgary

Watch the Video:

Palestinian prisoner Sami Janazrah nears second week of hunger strike as Israeli military courts reopen

Palestinian prisoner Sami Janazrah, 47, neared his second week of hunger strike as Palestinians and people around the world readied to celebrate Eid al-Fitr on Sunday, 24 May 2020. Janazrah is once again jailed without charge or trial under Israeli administrative detention after conducting two previous hunger strikes to win his release. Janazrah is currently being held in Ela prison, thrown in isolation in retaliation for his hunger strike.

Janazrah was once again abducted by Israeli occupation forces from his home in the al-Fawwar refugee camp south of al-Khalil on 16 September 2019, only 10 months after his last release from 11 months in prison, also under administration without charge or trial. Following his detention, he was issued a four-month detention order by the Ofer military court. Administrative detention orders – a practice first introduced by the British colonial mandate in occupied Palestine and then adopted by the Zionist regime – are based on secret evidence and are indefinitely renewable. There are currently almost 500 Palestinians held in administrative detention, out of nearly 5,000 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

His detention order has since been renewed twice for an additional four months, the latest detention order sparking the launch of his hunger strike on 11 May 2020. Days before, the Israeli supreme court rejected the appeal of his lawyer against his administrative detention without charge or trial. He has previously launched two long-term hunger strikes against his imprisonment, for 76 days in 2016 and for 43 days in 2018.

He is the father of three children, Firas (16), Mahmoud (12), and Maria (8). He and his wife are awaiting the birth of their fourth child in the coming days, and he had been awaiting his freedom to welcome his new child. He missed the birth of two of his children due to his imprisonment; he has been jailed over the years for a total of 11 years, most of them without charge or trial in administrative detention.

Janazrah’s hunger strike comes as Israeli occupation forces announced the official reopening of the military courts on 24 May 2020. In-person military court sessions attended by the prisoners and at most one family member have been suspended since the first week of March, ostensibly in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Prisoners were also denied legal and family visits, with only limited phone calls allowed with lawyers. No indication has been made that legal and family visits will be resumed, despite the fact that prisoners will be put at risk to their health through arduous “bosta” transfers and repeated contact with jailers, guards and military court officials. (Israeli officials have claimed that medical masks will be worn in the military courts.)

Palestinian prisoners and their families have raised very serious concerns that the Israeli prison system may attempt to make these supposed preventative measures the new normal, especially as denial of family visits, suppression of access to lawyers as well as disregard for and medical neglect of Palestinian prisoners’ health are constant and systematic Israeli policies.

While administrative detention without charge or trial is one clear example of Israeli injustice, so too are the military courts, where Palestinians are convicted at rates greater than 99% on an array of bogus and trumped-up charges that criminalize political activity, public speech and student and cultural events, among other actions.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network expresses its strongest solidarity with Sami Janazrah and all Palestinian prisoners on the front lines of struggle against colonial policies of imprisonment, fighting for their freedom with their bodies and lives on the line. International solidarity can be particularly important to prevent occupation forces from isolating Janazrah and his fellow prisoners politically as well as physically – the Palestinian prisoners are not forgotten! Freedom for all Palestinian prisoners, and freedom for Palestine from the river to the sea!

Video: Basil Farraj on Palestinian prisoners’ families, collective punishment and resistance

On Thursday, 21 May, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network organized a webinar with Palestinian scholar – and the brother and son of two Palestinian political prisoners – Basil Farraj. The discussion, held on Zoom and broadcast live on Facebook, focused on the experiences, struggles, resistance and steadfastness of Palestinian prisoners’ families. Given the widespread nature of incarceration by Israeli occupation prison regimes for Palestinians under occupation, far too many Palestinian families face collective punishment by the Israeli state yet continue to resist with tremendous steadfastness.

Watch the full video of the event:

During the discussion, Farraj presented his experience and those of other prisoners’ families, as well as providing an analysis of Israeli imprisonment of Palestinians as a colonial structure and how the phenomenon of imprisonment stretches beyond the direct prison walls, affecting entire families, communities and the Palestinian people as a whole.

Basil Farraj is a PhD Candidate in Anthropology and Sociology at the Graduate Institute, Geneva and a research assistant for the VIPRE Initiative. Basil’s work focuses on political prisoners, violence directed against them, and ways in which they resist the incarcerating regimes. His work reaches for the intersections of memory, resistance and art by prisoners and others at the receiving end of violence.

Farraj highlighted  Addameer’s “Free Our Prisoners” campaign, which includes the demand for non-monitored family communication, as Palestinian prisoners’ families communication with their loved ones is constantly subjected to surveillance. Abdel-Razzaq Farraj, Basil’s father and a political prisoner, shared his reflections on the experience of detention and imprisonment on the Amnesty International website (also available in Arabic.)

Mohammed Khatib, Europe coordinator of Samidoun, spoke about the Stop Collective Punishment campaign spearheaded by the families of Palestinian prisoners, which has an active Facebook page. He emphasized the failure and complicity of the Palestinian Authority and its representatives internationally in failing to highlight the situation of Palestinian prisoners and neglecting to hold Israel accountable for its ongoing crimes against the prisoners. He also urged a stronger focus on justice for the prisoners in campaigns for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel.

Khatib urged listeners to get involved with Samidoun and other efforts to support the prisoners, including the cases of Palestinian student organizers detained by Israel, urging attention to this issue by student unions globally.

Wrapping up the conversation, Charlotte Kates, international coordinator of Samidoun, highlighted some ongoing and upcoming actions for people to join, particularly the 1 June Day of Action for Ubai Aboudi, a Palestinian-American researcher and the executive director of Bisan Center, detained by Israeli occupation forces since late 2019.

Hind Shraydeh, Palestinian writer and the wife of Ubai Aboudi, spoke in an earlier webinar about some of the issues in this discussion and highlighted the case. Watch the full video here:

Scientists for Palestine has issued a new petition for Aboudi, which has already been signed by prominent academics and scientists and is welcoming additional signatories.

On Saturday, 24 May, there will be an Arabic-language webinar organized by Samidoun Palestine and partners (PYM, HIRAK, Al-Naqab Center) on arts, culture and the Palestinian revolutionary alternative, with speakers Hafez Omar, Lina Abojaradeh and Kamal Khalil. The event will take place at 11 am Pacific, 2 pm Eastern, 8 pm central Europe, 9 pm Palestine time. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86133364893

Palestina – Estudiantes y Universidades en tiempos del Coronavirus de Jaldía Abubakra

El siguiente artículo se republica de La Comuna:

Artículo de Jaldía Abubakra

Izz Shabaneh (i), Mehdi Karajeh (c) y Basil Barghouthi (d), estudiantes de la Universidad Bir Zeit secuestrados por las fuerzas de ocupación israelíes el 21 de mayo de 2020.

Mientras estudiantes de todo el mundo preparan sus exámenes en esta época del curso, nuestros estudiantes en Palestina, además de tener la dificultad de estudiar en confinamiento, se les suma las practicas represivas, programadas y sistemáticas de la ocupación sionista que siempre busca arruinar el futuro de nuestros jóvenes.

Estos días hay que sumar también la intención del régimen sionista de declarar la anexión de gran parte del territorio palestino en Cisjordania que pretende la nueva coalición de gobierno israelí, con el beneplácito de EE.UU. y la complicidad silenciosa de todo el mundo. Como es natural ante estos hechos, los únicos que suelen protestar son los palestinos, especialmente la gente joven. En una medida preventiva a esto, las autoridades de la ocupación están llevando a cabo una serie de detenciones de jóvenes universitarios palestinos. Por un lado, callan sus voces y por otro, distraen al resto ya sea por intimidación o por la preocupación por sus compañeros detenidos.

Ayer se llevó acabo la detención de tres jóvenes estudiantes de la universidad de Ber_Zeet: Eiz Shabana, Mahdi Karaya y Basil Al-Barghuthi. Estos arrestos forman parte de una campaña continua y casi diaria cuyo objetivo es atacar al movimiento estudiantil y mantenerlo en posición de defenderse.

El secretario general de las Naciones Unidas, Antonio Guterres, ha convocado una “reunión del Cuarteto Internacional para buscar formas de celebrar una reunión ministerial para discutir el tema palestino”. Un hecho nada nuevo y del cual tampoco esperamos ninguna novedad, ya que saldrán con declaraciones de preocupación o en el mejor de los casos de condena y así se quedarán tranquilos y pensarán que ya han cumplido con el pueblo palestino que sufre las consecuencias de sus erróneas decisiones de partir Palestina desde hace mas de 72 años y apoyar a una mafia que es el movimiento sionista para seguir con sus crímenes y haciéndose cada día mas poderoso para dominar el mundo con el fin de cuidar de los intereses de una minoría que se beneficia de estos crímenes de varias maneras.

La UE también ya ha declarado que no está de acuerdo con la decisión de anexionar más territorios palestinos, pero como es lógico, eso ni le importa ni le inmuta el la entidad sionista, viendo que estas declaraciones nunca van acompañadas de medidas practicas, sino todo lo contrario, la política de hechos consumados que viene practicando esta mafia sionista, al final se acaba aceptando por la comunidad internacional, como el hecho de ir ocupando Palestina poco a poco antes de 1948.

Si a todo lo anterior le añadimos la nefasta respuesta de lo que llaman las autoridades palestinas, que no tienen ninguna autoridad real mas que eso “sacar declaraciones vacías” o la de los gobernantes árabes, vemos que el pueblo palestino y sobre todo sus jóvenes se enfrentan solos a la conspiración de las potencias dominantes.

Las fuerzas progresistas de la izquierda en todo el mundo tampoco está actuando a la altura de las circunstancias ni presenta medidas prácticas para luchar contra esta injusticia que sufre nuestro pueblo.

Por todo ello, nuestra esperanza está en los pueblos y en las personas para dar conciencia, alzar la voz y apoyar a nuestra gente en Palestina, ya sea mediante protestas activas o exigiendo el boicot en todas sus formas a este régimen criminal y terrorista, que no busca solamente quedarse con el dominio de Palestina y el intento de borrar su pueblo, sino el control completo sobre los pueblos de todo el mundo dominando las fuerzas que gobiernan.

Ya es hora de llamar a las cosas por su nombre y dejarnos de eufemismos. Nuestros jóvenes también tienen derecho a procurarse un futuro digno. Basta ya de condenas verbales o escritas no acompañadas de medidas prácticas.


Video: Khaled Barakat speaks at ILPS Canada’s LENINFEST on national liberation

On Tuesday, 19 May, the International League of Peoples’ Struggles (ILPS) in Canada hosted the fifth webinar in its LENINFEST series, an ongoing group of events focusing on different aspects of struggle on the 150th anniversary of the birthday of the revolutionary, Vladimir Lenin. Khaled Barakat, Palestinian writer and coordinator of the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat, joined Chandu Claver of the Cordillera People’s Alliance to discuss national liberation and national oppression.

Watch the full video here:

Claver discussed the experiences of indigenous peoples in the Philippines, including displacement, land confiscation and extraction of resources. He also took a historical look at the experience of national groups in China, before, during and after the 1949 revolution, and noted the varying historical and social characteristics of different movements around the world.

Barakat, on the other hand, focused on the struggle for Palestine in the context of the broader Arab national liberation movement, highlighting Lenin’s living contribution to anti-imperialism and confronting this phase of capitalism, even as it has further developed and changed over the past 100 years. He reviewed the history of national liberation movements in Oman, Morocco, Algeria and elsewhere, noting the persistence of colonial forms of domination that have prevented Arabs – and other peoples of the region – from exercising their self-determination and sovereignty. He highlighted some of the dangerous trends that have undermined the resistance, including the transformation of revolutionary movements into “opposition parties” within monarchies, noting that bourgeois and petty bourgeois class control of these movements often descended into collaboration with imperialism over time, if they were not brutally suppressed. He also emphasized that Palestine was and remains the cause and compass of the Arab people and the people of the region in confronting Zionism, imperialism and Arab reactionary regimes.

He further emphasized the importance of mutual solidarity and struggle with indigenous peoples globally, especially those confronting settler colonialism, as in the U.S. and Canada as well as Palestine, for self-determination, sovereignty and liberation of land.

The ILPS series will continue with further speakers and events. Samidoun is a member organization of ILPS, an international alliance of people’s movements confronting imperialism, capitalism and oppression around the world, and we encourage movements struggling for justice to become involved with its activities.

Video: Samidoun joins Al-Awda for Nakba commemoration rally: Marching Towards Return

On Sunday, 17 May, Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition organized an online rally and discussion forum marking 72 years of Nakba and continued resistance. One of many events taking place during the Week of Palestinian Struggle, the event included speakers and activists from a number of organizations working for the liberation of Palestine in an inspiring rally as well as a detailed discussion forum probing the history of the Palestinian Nakba and the struggle for the right to return to Palestine.

Mohammed Khatib, Europe coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network,  spoke as part of the rally. The full text of his speech is presented below, as is this video excerpt (subtitled in French by Collectif Palestine Vaincra):

The full event program included rally interventions by speaker and comedian Amer Zahr, cartoonist Carlos Latuff, Hatem Mohtaseb of the Palestinian Youth Movement, Nerdeen Kiswani of Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine, Kameron Hurt of ANSWER, Taher Herzallah of American Muslims for Palestine, and Lamis Deek, representing Al-Awda.

The discussion forum included presentations by Palestinian scholars and activists, Rabab Abdulhadi, Hatem Bazian, Diana Buttu and Ahlam Muhtaseb, with wide-ranging discussions of the Nakba, colonialism and Zionism in Palestine, the current situation inside Palestine and the struggles and steadfastness of Palestinian refugees in the camps in Lebanon.

Watch the full video of the event here:

Full text of Mohammed Khatib’s speech:

My Name is Mohammed Khatib, I am originally from Al Malaha, north of Palestine in the region of occupied Safad,

I was born and raised in Ain el Helweh camp in Lebanon, the Camp of Martyrs , the camp of Naji Al Ali and the symbol of resistance and steadfastness

Being born in a refugee camp, knowing that our people were uprooted from their lands and homes, knowing all of Palestine from within one kilometer square. Looking at our people who live the second time of displacement, who are under tends today in Greek Islands ( I have met Carlos in Skaramngas refugees camp in Athens and we saw under what conditions they live) . To our people under the siege In Gaza and behind the wall in the West Bank, and in Al Quds, to our people in occupied Palestine 48. For all of us, liberation and freedom, and Palestine, is not a political issue, it’s a matter of life and death, it’s a matter of existence. It is a personal and collective struggle.

On the 72nd year of of Nakba, and more than 100th year of struggle, we need today to free ourselves, our voice, and work collectively and in unity to rebuild our national liberation movement, and restart our revolution until liberation and return.

Our youth should play their role to free our movement from the defeated and sellout leadership who brought the Oslo accord. For me, our struggle is for liberation and not for a state for the benefit of Palestinian bourgeoisie and multinational companies.

To our community in the United States, in Europe, as we are living in the belly of the beast, fighting racism and oppression. To our people in the refugee camps living in the front line of poverty and discrimination, racism and isolation, deprived from their basic human rights. From Lebanon to Syria and Jordan and under all Arab regimes, we will fight back.

I have a message to Trump and his Administration, If you think that by cutting aid to the PA and UNWRA you are pushing our people to give up and surrender, then you are not just wrong, but ignorant and stupid.

Today, US ambassador David Freedman lives in a colony on stolen land in Palestine. His daughter serves in the Zionist occupation Army. So for us, we see no difference between Israel and the US, Canada, Australia etc, a gory and dirty white settler colonial project.

We say no to US conditions.  Our people will fight back by all means and not surrender, and we will continue our march until liberation and freedom .

Salute to the Black liberation movement, and to the indigenous movement, We call for Freedom for all political prisoners, For Mumia Abu Jamal, the Holy Land Five brothers held in maximum security prisons.

We salute all people of color and oppressed communities fighting racism, imperialism and colonialism.

Salute to our resistance, to our freedom fighters, In Gaza and Jerusalem and West Bank and 48.  Down with the Oslo accord and surrender deals. Free Palestine from the river to the sea!

Attacks on Palestinian students escalate: Three more student leaders abducted by Israel

Izz Shabaneh (l), Mehdi Karajeh (c) and Basil Barghouthi (r), students at Bir Zeit University abducted by Israeli occupation forces on 21 May 2020.

In the early morning hours of Thursday, 21 May, Israeli occupation forces seized three Palestinian students at Bir Zeit University: Izz Shabaneh from the village of Sinjil, Mehdi Karajeh from the village of Saffa, and Basil Barghouthi from the village of Beit Rima. This comes as part of an ongoing policy of targeting leading student activists and the Palestinian student movement as a whole; hundreds of Palestinian students  are imprisoned by Israel, including approximately 80 from Bir Zeit University alone.

The imprisonment of Palestinian students reflects only one part of the ongoing denial of Palestinians’ right to education by Israeli colonization. In this case, the abductions come only days before the end of the semester.

Over the years, thousands of Palestinian university students have been targeted for arrest and persecution. Palestinian universities have been frequently raided by Israeli occupation forces; student organizations’ offices have been ransacked, their belongings confiscated and destroyed. The Palestinian student movement is subjected to particularly harsh repression.

As Addameer notes:

“Palestinian student unions have not escaped Israel’s efforts to criminalize every aspect of Palestinian civil, political and cultural life and many have also been declared illegal. In the event that a student union is not explicitly declared unlawful by a decision of the Israeli military commander or a government official exercising his or her authority under Regulation 84 of the 1945 Emergency Regulations, a Palestinian student union member may be arrested on the grounds of membership in an organization having broadly defined ‘ties’ with an unlawful organization. The nature of those ties is never of interest to the prosecution and hardly ever examined by the military judge. In consequence, attending a rally of an ‘unlawful association’ or an association ‘with ties’ to an ‘unlawful association’, putting up posters of such an association, writing, producing, printing and distributing publications related to the declared ‘unlawful association’ are all activities that are considered to ‘endanger the security of the state of Israel’, and are prosecuted as crimes under the banner of ‘hostile and terrorist activities’. In some cases, students were indicted with charges as unreasonable and far-fetched as ‘dancing Dabke’, a traditional Palestinian folkloric dance, at an event organized by a student union ‘with ties to an unlawful organization’, or attending a film screening at an ‘illegal rally’.

Palestinian student life is rich in its political diversity and expression. Every year, student council elections spark a vast amount of debate and political competition between all trends of the Palestinian movement as reflected among university students. This vibrant expression of a democratic political culture is routinely subjected to violent suppression by the Israeli occupation; the student election period is often marked by a sharp rise in raids and arrests at university campuses.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges the strongest worldwide solidarity with Palestinian students under attack. Despite ongoing, systematic and continuous repression – including severe torture under interrogation – they continue to learn, organize and struggle. We demand the immediate release of Izz Shabaneh, Mehdi Karajeh, Basil Barghouti and all imprisoned Palestinian students! 

As we mark the Week of Palestinian Struggle, we recognize that the Palestinian student movement – and the attacks of occupation forces against it – has a lengthy history of struggle and leadership. Indeed, the same days when we currently mark this week of struggle – 15-22 May – have been days of solidarity with the Palestinian students and their resistance for decades. Below are several posters from the 1970s and 1980s distributed around the world by student organizations and groups to stand in solidarity with Palestinian students fighting for the right to education and playing their leading role on the front lines of Palestinian revolutionary struggle. This call is just as urgent today and demands our solidarity.


21 May, Online Event: Palestinian prisoners’ families: collective punishment, steadfastness and resistance

Thursday, 21 May
12 pm Pacific – 3 pm Eastern – 7 pm UTC – 9 pm central Europe – 10 pm Palestine
Register online: https://bit.ly/prisonersfamilies

Join Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network for an important discussion with Basil Farraj, Palestinian scholar and the son and relative of multiple Palestinian prisoners, on the experiences, struggles, resistance and steadfastness of Palestinian prisoners’ families. Given the widespread nature of incarceration by Israeli occupation prison regimes for Palestinians under occupation, far too many Palestinian families face collective punishment by the Israeli state yet continue to resist with tremendous steadfastness.

Basil Farraj is a PhD Candidate in Anthropology and Sociology at the Graduate Institute, Geneva and a research assistant for the VIPRE Initiative. Basil’s work focuses on political prisoners, violence directed against them, and ways in which they resist the incarcerating regimes. His work reaches for the intersections of memory, resistance and art by prisoners and others at the receiving end of violence. Basil has previously conducted fieldwork in a number of countries including Chile and Colombia.

This event will also be broadcast on Facebook Live at https://facebook.com/SamidounPrisonerSolidarity/

Monday, 1 June: Day of action to free Ubai Aboudi

Palestinian-American researcher Ubai Aboudi, executive director of the Bisan Center for Research and Development, was abducted from his home by Israeli occupation forces on 13 November, 2019 and put in detention without charge.

Ubai, who had been working with Scientists for Palestine to organize the Third International Meeting on Science in Palestine, which took place on 10-12 January, 2020 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was later transferred from “administrative detention” to an Israeli military court.

Today he faces trial on manufactured, baseless charges, which Israel routinely imposes on Palestinians under military occupation.

And despite Ubai’s United States citizenship, as well as the U.S. government’s $3.8 billion in annual military aid to Israel, the U.S. has largely left Ubai and Hind Shraydeh, his wife and the mother of their three children, to suffer alone.

On Monday, 1 June, take action to demand freedom for Ubai and 4,700 other Palestinian political prisoners.

Take action:

    1. Ask your organization to endorse this call to action. Please use the form here – visit the link at https://bit.ly/action4ubai.
    2. Demand the U.S. government intercede for Ubai and his freedom. Call the U.S. State Department at (202) 647-4000, then, if you are a U.S. citizen or resident, find your Congressional representative here. Tell each of them:
      • Israel is currently subjecting a U.S. citizen, Ubai Aboudi, to trial on manufactured political charges before a military court.
      • Ubai was previously one of 400 Palestinians held under “administrative detention,” internment without charge or trial.
      • Israel routinely subjects Palestinians in military detention to mistreatment, including torture.
      • Israeli military courts convict Palestinian defendants at a rate of 99.76%.
      • The U.S. government must immediately intercede to demand Ubai’s immediate and unconditional release.
      • It must also impose meaningful sanctions for Israel’s crimes against 4,700 political prisoners and other Palestinians, including an immediate end to its $3.8 billion in annual military aid.
    3. Join a social media storm at 10:00 am Pacific time, 1:00 pm Eastern time, 5:00 pm Greenwich mean time, and 8:00 pm Palestine time. Share content about Ubai with the hashtag #Freedom4Ubai.
    4. Post pictures and videos of yourself and your organization demonstrating in solidarity with Ubai. Watch for signs to hold, or design and share your own! Use the hashtag #Freedom4Ubai to help others find them.
    5. Demonstrate publicly where local conditions and restrictions allow. If possible, organize a car caravan, protest or rally in a public area, then share photographs and footage of it online with the hashtag.

Resources on the Case of Ubai Aboudi