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19 May, Online event: LENINFEST # 5 – National Oppression and National Liberation with Khaled Barakat

Tuesday, 19 May
6:00 pm Pacific/9:00 pm Eastern/3:00 am central Europe/4:00 am Palestine time
Register online: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_IJLX9TwWRk29Itz4YXNSgw

As part of Lenin150 – ILPS events marking Lenin’s 150th birthday – ILPS in Canada is hosting a series of online discussions on the applications of Lenin’s analysis, insights and practice in building anti-imperialist and revolutionary movements in the 21st Century.
(Traduction simultanée en français offerte. Voir ci-dessous.)

: Tuesday, May 19, 2020, 9 PM EDT: National oppression, National liberation

Featuring Chandu Claver and Khaled Barakat

Chandu Claver belongs to a native tribe in the northern mountain region of the Philippines. He is a human rights and indigenous rights advocate who had to flee and seek refuge in Canada after state-sponsored attacks on his family. He continues his work among his people as a spokesperson for the Cordillera Peoples’ Alliance — one of the largest national minority mass organizations in the Philippines.

Khaled Barakat is a Palestinian writer and journalist. He is the international coordinator for the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat.

REGISTER in advance: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_IJLX9TwWRk29Itz4YXNSgw

More sessions TBA


Dans le cadre des événements Lénine150 – marquant le 150e anniversaire de Lénine – l’ILPS au Canada organise une série de discussions en ligne sur les applications de l’analyse, des idées et de la pratique de Lénine dans la construction des mouvements anti-impérialistes et révolutionnaires au 21e siècle.
(Interprétation simultanée française disponible!)

 : Mardi 19 mai 2020, 21 h EDT : L’oppression nationale, Libération nationale

Avec Chandu Claver et Khaled Barakat

Chandu Claver appartient à une tribu indigène de la région montagneuse du nord des Philippines. Il est un défenseur des droits de l’homme et des droits des indigènes qui a dû fuir et chercher refuge au Canada après les attaques perpétrées par l’État contre sa famille.

Khaled Barakat est un écrivain et journaliste palestinien. Il est le coordinateur international de la Campagne pour la libération d’Ahmad Sa’adat.

Inscrivez-vous à l’avance pour cette session : https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_IJLX9TwWRk29Itz4YXNSgw

Plus de sessions à venir

Sign the petition: Release Palestinian American researcher Ubai Aboudi!

Ubai Aboudi, his wife Hind Shraydeh, and their three children.

Prominent scientists and academics have released a new petition urging the immediate release of detained Palestinian-American researcher Ubai Aboudi, the executive director of the Bisan Center for Research and Development. Noam Chomsky and Nobel Prize winner George Smith are among the signatories to the petition, launched by Scientists for Palestine. Ubai was abducted from his home the night of November 13th, 2019, and held for nearly two months in administrative detention. Unfortunately Ubai still languishes in Israeli military jail.

As noted by Scientists for Palestine, the right to science is “protected by article 27 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights and article 15 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The Israeli military courts subject Palestinians to an arbitrary legal system de-facto stripping them of their right to science. The case of Ubai, which we followed closely, is no exception.”

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all supporters of Palestine and of freedom for the Palestinian prisoners to express support for Ubai Aboudi by taking action below!

Take Action for Ubai Aboudi!

  1. Sign the Scientists for Palestine petition, demanding the US State Department and the US ambassador in Israel to speak out for Ubai’s release!
  2. Share the Scientists for Palestine petition and/or the S4P Facebook post in your network and ask others to sign.
  3. Directly contact the US State Department to ask for Ubai’s release.

Petition text and signatories

Ubai Aboudi is a Palestinian-American civilian, father, researcher, educator, director of the Bisan Center for Research and Development who was abducted by Israeli military without charges on November 13, 2019 [1]. Ubai is one of Scientists for Palestine’s (S4P) closest partners and has worked tirelessly to make the Third International Meeting on Science in Palestine, which took place on January 10-12, 2020, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, happen and his detention prevented him from attending and presenting his own research. Ubai, after two months of administrative detention – imprisonment without charge or trial – is still currently detained in Israeli military custody on arbitrary charges and without any guarantees of a fair trial [2]S4P and the undersigned supporters are steadfast in the support of article 27 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights [3,4] and article 15 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights [5], which both guarantee everyone’s right to science. S4P and the undersigned supporters therefore condemn Mr. Ubai Aboudi’s abduction and detention in the strongest possible terms and call for the US State Department and the US ambassador in Israel David M. Friedman to end their silence and work to ensure his immediate release from military prison. We also invite all scholars concerned about human rights and the enforcement of the universal right to education to also take immediate action and support our call.

There is overwhelming evidence that Israeli military law applicable to Palestinians in the West Bank imposes draconian criminal sanctions for vaguely worded offenses that do not allow a person to reasonably predict whether an action or inaction amounts to a crime [2] in defiance of international standards [5]. It is all the more appalling that the US government and the US Department of State adopts these Israeli “terrorism” designations knowing their discriminatory, arbitrary, and illegal genesis which de-facto criminalizes most of Palestinian society, but manages to ensnare and abuse a US citizen, education worker and science advocate with potential tremendous consequences.

This call is made even more urgent by the current pandemic and the deliberate disregard shown by the Israeli military for the health and well-being of Palestinian detainees [6, 7]. This is particularly concerning in the case of Ubai given his preexisting health conditions may render his already unlawful detention a death sentence during the coronavirus pandemic. We therefore demand his case be given top priority.

An organization like S4P, which is committed to building scientific collaborations and strengthening those that already exist, should not be put in the position of writing statements of this kind. However, Mr. Aboudi’s brutal abduction and the experience of his unfair trial is a direct attack to anyone attempting to help elevate Palestinian science and education. S4P and the undersigned supporters, believe that so long as our Palestinian colleagues are subjected to a largely arbitrary and discriminatory legal system, it will be impossible for science to thrive in Palestine. We also believe that it is our duty, as researchers and scientists, to work steadfastly for everyone’s right to science to be indeed respected.

Initial signatories:

Scientists for Palestine – Central Committee.
Ahmed Abbes, Mathematician, Directeur de recherche au CNRS, France.
Susan Abulhawa, Writer and Political Activist.
Philip Argyres, Professor of Physics, University of Cincinnati.
Noam Chomsky, Laureate Professor of Linguistics, Agnese Nelms Haury Chair, The University of Arizona.
Anne Davis, Professor of Physics, Cambridge, UK.
Leila Farsakh, Associate Professor and Chair of Political Science, University of Massachusetts Boston.
Catherine Goldstein, Mathematician, Directrice de recherche au CNRS, Paris, France.​
Michael Harris, Professor of Mathematics, Columbia University.
Assaf Kfoury, Professor, Boston University.
Haynes Miller, Professor of Mathematics, MIT.
Joseph Oesterlé, Professeur émérite à Sorbonne Université, Paris​
Nasser Rabbat, professor, history of architecture, MIT.
George P. Smith, Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri, 2018 Nobel Chemistry Laureate.
Lionel Schwartz, professeur émérite de mathématiques, Université Paris Nord, France.
Annick Suzor-Weiner, professeure émérite de physique, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France.​
Raid M Suleiman, Astrophysicist, Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian.
Franz Ulm, Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, MIT.
Dror Warschawski, CNRS, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France​.

Click here to add your name! Sign the Scientists for Palestine petition, demanding the US State Department and the US ambassador in Israel to speak out for Ubai’s release! Updated signatories will be posted at the Scientists for Palestine website.


[1] Amnesty International call to action: https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/mde15/1445/2019/en/.
[2] 2019 Human Rights Watch report: https://www.hrw.org/report/2019/12/17/born-without-civil-rights/israels-use-draconian-military-orders-repress.
[3] United Nations recommendations: http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=49455&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html.
[4] AAAS report: https://www.aaas.org/news/aaas-report-helps-define-right-science-un-treaty.
[5] International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: https://www.ohchr.org/en/professionalinterest/pages/cescr.aspx.
[6] International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: https://www.ohchr.org/en/professionalinterest/pages/ccpr.aspx.
[7] United Nations, Human Rights: https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=25822&LangID=E.
[8] Haaretz: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-israeli-police-raid-palestinian-coronavirus-testing-clinic-in-east-jerusalem-1.8767788

Video: Liberate Palestine: From the River to the Sea webinar with Khaled Barakat

On Saturday, 16 May, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network hosted a webinar with Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat, focusing on the theme of the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. The event came as part of the Week of Palestinian Struggle, a series of online and in-person actions to support the liberation of Palestine as we mark the 72nd anniversary of the ongoing Nakba. The webinar was conducted over Zoom and streamed live simultaneously on the Samidoun facebook page.

During the event, live translation to French was provided by solidarity translators; the interpretation was organized by the International League of People’s Struggles in Canada, an international alliance of people’s movements confronting imperialism, capitalism and oppression around the world. Samidoun is a member of ILPS, which has also provided an informative archive of webinars organized by groups and movements around the world.

Barakat discussed a wide range of topics, focusing on the colonialist and imperialist roots of Zionism, the support of imperialist powers for the Israeli state as a military base in the region and the ongoing Palestinian national liberation movement. He emphasized the links of the Palestinian liberation movement to other movements confronting imperialism and oppression, including Indigenous struggles for sovereignty and liberation and the Black liberation movement, and highlighted the Palestinian, Arab and international nature of the Palestinian struggle. He encouraged participants to get involved in making change in their areas and communities and struggling for social justice, emphasizing that all victories achieved by people’s movements help to open the space for Palestinian resistance.

This webinar comes as one of many taking place amid commemorations of the Nakba and ongoing Palestinian resistance and struggle. On Sunday, 17 May, there will be an Arabic-language webinar at 11 am Pacific/3 pm Eastern/8 pm central Europe/9 pm Palestine with Fawzi Ismail, president of the Union of Palestinian Communities and Associations in Europe, discussing the role of the Palestinian community in exile and diaspora in the struggle for liberation and return, organized by Samidoun in Palestine and partner organizations. The webinar will take place on Zoom.

Also on Sunday, 17 May, Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition will host an English-language online rally for Palestine, “Commemorating 72 years of Nakba, Marching Toward Return.” Mohammed Khatib of Samidoun will be one of the speakers in the rally, which will also be accompanied by a panel discussion on the Nakba, the Palestinian right of return, and the current political situation threatening the liquidation of the Palestinian cause. Speakers will include Rabab Abdulhadi, Diana Buttu, Ahlam Muhtaseb, Hatem Bazian, Hatem Mohtaseb, Lamis Deek, Nerdeen Kiswani, Taher Herzallah, Amer Zahr, Carlos Latuff and Kameron Hurt. Interested participants can register to join the Zoom webinar at https://bit.ly/alawda72 or watch online at the Al-Awda PRRC facebook page.

Watch the full video of Khaled Barakat’s talk here:

It’s time for the “Palestinian leadership” to go: 100 endorsers support Palestinian youth and student organizations’ statement

On the Day of Palestinian Struggle, 15 May, the anniversary of the establishment of the illegitimate Zionist entity in occupied Palestine. We publish for the first time the expanded list of names of Palestinian, Arab and international associations and institutions that have signed on the statement of Palestinian youth and student organizations, which called for the overthrow of the program of the so-called “Palestinian leadership” in the Palestinian Authority that has confiscated the PLO. This statement comes to announce the launch of an effort, based on cooperative principles and joint struggle, to establish an organized Palestinian national platform in the diaspora based on the participation of popular and mass organizations, civil society groups and individuals, to contribute to a revolutionary movement for change to revive the Palestinian national movement, to leave behind the shackles of the Oslo era and to restore the revolutionary path to liberation and return. We thank all who have already signed this statement and will begin to receive individual signatures beginning today at the same email address: bayanyouth.students@gmail.com.

Media contact: bayanyouth.students@gmail.com

English | Arabic

Palestinian youth and student organizations: It is time for the “Palestinian leadership” to go!

Statement for endorsement and circulation

We, the undersigned Palestinian youth and student organizations, and with us the associations, organizations and institutions that have signed this statement, call on the masses of Palestinian youth and students throughout occupied Palestine and in exile to join us in a popular initiative for the advancement and initiation of national development for the restoration of the revolutionary democratic approach for a new stage of struggle. The core of this initiative is the objectives of our Palestinian people: return, liberation, and continuing struggle to achieve all of their legitimate national goals and aspirations, no matter how long it may take.

The cause of Palestine, the sacred cause of our people, the cause of the exploited popular classes in our Arab homeland and the forces of freedom in the world, is today intended for liquidation, to be uprooted from the awareness and memory of our people and our nation. The rights of our people everywhere are subjected to all forms of distortion and confiscation. Nothing will protect this great cause from the ravages of liquidation and destruction except for the minds and arms of our people, the will of the committed, patriotic and revolutionary youth, and the steadfastness of women, workers and peasants.

Therefore, today, we call on our Palestinian people, especially the young Palestinian generations, to reject and repudiate the policies and positions represented in the approach of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his cohort, and to affirm that the leadership of the Palestinian Authority does not represent our people and is outside the ranks of our national struggle. We also call upon our great people to embody this popular will on the ground by organizing the widest, unified popular framework to overcome the disastrous phase of Oslo and all of its accompanying effects.

We invite you to participate broadly in the overthrow of the program of the so-called “Palestinian leadership,” which is based on a path of surrender and abandonment. This corrupt approach has come to its last days after over 40 years of marketing the project of a phantom state. This political class that has brought only shame and disaster to our people seeks today to convert the administrative autonomy in the occupied West Bank into the end of our liberation projects. The money of this class is mortgaged to the agents of the occupation, to “economic peace” and normalization projects. It has become imperative for our people to isolate this sector and defeat its program in the squares, streets, factories, farms, universities and schools inside and outside occupied Palestine.

And as we confront the U.S., Zionist and reactionary policies that today target the rights of our people to life and existence, in the face of the acceleration of the hostile liquidation project that aims to demolish the horizons of the national liberation project and abort all possibilities for renewal, in front of the daily brutal attack on the prisoners’ movement in the occupation prisons, and amid the confiscation of all of the natural and human rights of our people in the camps, silence becomes complicity, betrayal, a form of submission and failure.

The time has come for these leaders of surrender to depart from the Muqata’ headquarters in Ramallah and to isolate this defeated sector that holds itself close to the Zionist entity and the CIA, participating in the collective punishment of our people in Gaza, depriving the families of martyrs and prisoners of their rights, suppressing the resistance and coordinating with the occupation forces to target the fundamentals of our society, its national resistance and its youth and student vanguard.

The defeat of the Oslo project and the isolation of Mahmoud Abbas and his cronies are more achievable and realistic than ever, despite all of the capacities and resources that the forces hostile to the Palestinian people use to support the leadership of the Authority. However, the crucial element in this lengthy historical battle is the role of the popular masses and their ability to generate the revolutionary approach from the grassroots and bring it into the light, from the depths of our history and our militant legacies of struggle and from the womb of our Palestinian societies in every popular community, every neighborhood, camp, city and village.

We call on all Palestinian resistance forces, with their various political and intellectual currents and paths, to end the state of disintegration and fragmentation by forming a unified national front. This will be a support and sustenance for our people everywhere, and it sword and shield will protect our people as they continue on their historical road of great sacrifice and struggle in order to obtain their rights and break their chains, achieving our collective and complete liberation from the clutches of Zionism.

We call on you to broad popular engagement and to intensify popular national activities during the Week of Palestinian Struggle, May 15-22, 2020, as our first stage in announcing a new phase of struggle under the slogan: Palestine Day – the Day of Return and Liberation. Let history bear witness to the crime, the ongoing Nakba that has continued since 1947-48 and, at the same time, testifies to the ongoing Palestinian resistance that continues until victory, despite all of the sacrifices and lengthy years of struggle.

No to the path of surrender and liquidation! No to the project of the “self-rule government” and “administrative autonomy!”

Yes to the path of return and liberation. Yes to the resistance and intifada until victory!

To add the signature of your group or youth organization, please email bayanyouth.students@gmail.com

Initial Signatories:

  1. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
  2. HIRAK: Palestinian Youth Mobilization – Germany
  3. Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM)
  4. “Sada” Movement – Jerusalem- occupied Palestine 
  5. Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition / North America
  6. Palestinian Arab Cultural Center \Rio Grande de Sol, Brazil المركز الثقافي العربي- الفلسطيني/ ساو بولو، البرازيل 
  7. Unione Democratica Arabo-Palestinese (UDAP)- Italy  الاتحاد الديمقراطي العربي الفلسطيني- إيطاليا 
  8. Democratic Palestine Committees\ Brazil لجان فلسطين الديموقراطية- البرازيل
  9. مركز النّقب للأنشطة الشبابيّة – ِAl Naqab Center for Youth Activities
  10. Palestinian Chess Forum- Shatila refugee camp الملتقى الفلسطيني للشطرنج- مخيم شاتيلا
  11. AlKarama-Palestinian Women Movement in Spain حركة نساء فلسطين الكرامة في إسبانيا
  12. Centro Cultural e Politico Al Janiah\Brazil  مركز الجانية الثقافي والسياسي\البرازيل
  13. Brazilian Arab Palestinian Society – Corumba\ Brazil 
  14. Students for Justice in Palestine at John Jay College 
  15. Students for Justice in Palestine at Butler University
  17. Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine
  18. Canada Palestine Association
  19. Palestinian Student Association at Wilfrid Laurier University/ Canada
  20. Palestine Solidarity Collective at York University
  21. Palestine Solidarity Group at University of Windsor
  22. Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights at McMaster University
  23. Midwest Students for Justice in Palestine
  24. Handala Coalition of Michigan
  25. Palestinian Cultural Club – Beirut / Lebanon
  26. Palestinian Arab Cultural Club\ Lebanon 
  27. One State Assembly \ occupied Palestine 
  28. Free Palestine Movement (USA)
  29. Collectif Palestine Vaincra (France)
  30. YDG – Yeni Demokratik Gençlik
  31. Saba Palestina kultur och idrottsförening (KIF) 
  32. Bard College Students for Justice in Palestine
  33. Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine (Belgium)
  34. Democratic Unionist Assembly التجمع الوحدوي الديمقراطي
  35. Fórum Latino-Palestino (FLP)  do Brasil
  36. Students in Solidarity with Palestinian Human Rights McGill
  37. Chilean Committee of Solidarity with Palestine
  38. Chilean committee for the return to Palestine
  39. April 17 Group (UK)
  40. Student sector of the Social Democratic Vanguard Party (Vanguard Student faction)- Morocco القطاع الطلابي لحزب الطليعة الديمقراطي الاشتراكي (فصيل الطلبة الطليعيين)-المغرب 
  41. Green Youth Movement – Morocco حركة الشباب الأخضر – المغرب
  42. Lutherans for Justice in the Holy Land, a ministry of Central Lutheran Church, Portland
  43. The Red International Alliance to Defend the Revolutionary Prisoners (Paris, France). 
  44. Task Force in Support of the Struggle of People of Morocco (Paris, France) 
  45. Leeds University Palestine Solidarity Group
  46. National Students for Justice in Palestine 
  47. Palestinian Solidarity Committee- Austin, Texas
  48. Arab Journalists Association in Washington – DC 
  49. Solidaridad con Palestina, México (Corsopal)
  50. Fundación Cultural Colombo Palestina (Colombia) 
  51. Nevadans for Palestinian Human Rights – Student Group – UNLV
  52. Students for Justice in Palestine- San Diego State University
  53. Students for Justice in Palestine- University of Southern California
  54. Front Anti-impérialiste (Anti-Imperialist Front)
  55. Association des Palestiniens en France – Al JALIYA – Union d’Associations Palestiniennes en France
  56. Pan African Club Uganda
  57. Palestine Democratic Committees Venezuela
  58. Students for Justice in Palestine at UCLA
  59. Yaffa Palestinian Folklore Band- Berlin/ Germany 
  60. Rebeldia – juventude da revolução socialista
  61. PSTU – Partido Socialista dos Trabalhadores Unificado
  62. CSP-CONLUTAS- Central Sindical e Popular
  63. Movimento Quilombo Raça e Classe
  64. Frente em Defesa do Povo Palestino
  65. Beit al-Tadamoun al-Umami Dirceu Travesso
  66. Assisp – Associação Islâmica de São Paulo
  67. comite santa mariense de solidariedade com o povo palestino
  68. Juliano medeiros – presidente nacional do PSOL – partido socialismo e liberdade
  69. Gabinete vereador Toninho Vespoli cidade de São Paulo – PSOL
  70. Decolonize This Place
  71. Ghassan Kanafani Front of Resistance and Solidarity – Greece
  72. Eastern Michigan University’s Students for Justice in Palestine
  73. Coletivo Socialista popular e periférico, Raiz Popular
  74. Coalition for Justice, Virginia
  75. Palbox
  76. Justice for Palestine Matters, Australia
  77. Sociedade árabe Palestina de Brasília
  78. MML- Movimento Mulheres em Luta
  79. Ibraspal- Instituto Brasil-Palestina
  80. Comitê Cearense de Solidariedade ao Povo Palestino
  81. Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
  82. NYU Students for Justice in Palestine
  83. Apeoesp Sumaré/Hortolândia
  84. Africa4Palestine- South Africa. 
  85. Revolutionaire Eenheid
  86. Jeunes Revolutionnaires
  87. Vassar Students for Justice in Palestine
  88. National Democratic Front of the Philippines
  89. Revolutionary Communist Group – Britain
  90. Victory to the Intifada – Britain
  91. Internationalt Forum Denmark – the Middle East Group
  92. Free Gaza Movement 
  93. Fordham Students for Justice in Palestine
  94. Movimento Paulista de Solidariedade à Cuba
  95. Coletivo Paratodos-Ce
  96. ISM Support Group – Northern California
  97. Palestine Democratic Committees- North America
  98.  HIRAK: Palestinian Youth Mobilization: Sweden 
  99. The Unified Campaign for the Release of George Abdallah
  100. Peoples Power Assemblies NYC

The statement is still open for signature by organizations, associations and individuals in Palestine and diaspora.  The list will be updated and republished on May 31/2020

بمناسبة يوم النضال الفلسطيني في الخامس عشر من مايو / أيّار، ذكرى إعلان تأسيس وقيام الكيان الصهيوني اللاشرعي في فلسطين المحتلة، ننشر وللمرة الأولى قائمة وأسماء الجمعيات والمؤسسات الفلسطينيّة والعربيّة والأمميّة التي وَقعّت على عريضة / بيان المنظّمات الشبابيّة والطلابيّة التي طالبت بمقاطعة وعزل ما يسمى ” القيادة الفلسطينية “غير الشرعيّة في منظمة التحرير / السلطة الفلسطينية، والعمل والتعاون معاً لتأسيس حالة فلسطينية وطنية منظمة في الشتات تقوم على أساس مشاركة المنظمات الأهلية والشعبية والأفراد والكفاءات، تُساهم في حركة التغيير الثوريّ لاستنهاض الحالة الوطنية لتجاوز قيود مرحلة أوسلو واستعادة النهج الثوري للتّحرير والعودة. نشكُر كل من وقّع على بياننا، ونعلن عن البدء في استقبال التوقيعات الشخصية. على العنوان الإلكتروني ذاته: bayanyouth.students@gmail.com

المنظمات الشبابية والطلابية الفلسطينية:
آن أوان رحيل ” القيادة الفلسطينية “

بيان / عريضة للتوقيع

نحن المنظمات الشبابيّة والطلابيّة الفلسطينية، ومعنا الجمعيات والمنظمات والمؤسسات الموّقعة على هذا البيان، ندعو جماهير طلبة وشباب فلسطين في عموم الوطن المحتل والمنافي إلى المبادرة الشعبية من أجل النهوض والشروع في البناء الوطني واستعادة نهج التغيير الثوري الديموقراطي للعبور نحو مرحلة نضالية جديدة جوهرها مشروع شعبنا الفلسطيني في العودة والتحرير والنضال لتحقيق كافة أهدافه وطموحاته الوطنية المشروعة مهما طال الزمن.

إن قضية فلسطين، قضية شعبنا المقدسة، قضية الطبقات الشعبية المُستغَلة في وطننا العربي وأحرار العالم، يُراد اليوم تصفيتها وقلعها من جذورها ومن وعي الشعب وذاكرة الأمة، حيث تتعرض حقوق شعبنا في كافة أماكن تواجده إلى كل أشكال التشويه والمصادرة، ولن يحمي هذه القضية الكبرى من براثن التصفية والإلغاء إلا سواعد وعقول شعبنا وإرادة شبابه الوطني الطليعي والثوري وإرادة نساءه وعماله وفلاحيه.

وعليه، فإننا اليوم ندعو شعبنا الفلسطيني وفي مقدمتهم الأجيال الفلسطينية الشابة إلى رفض السياسات والمواقف التي يمثلها نهج رئيس السلطة الفلسطينية محمود عباس وفريقه، واعتبار قيادة السلطة الفلسطينية خارجة عن الصف الوطني ولا تمثل شعبنا، كما وندعو الكل الوطني إلى تجسيد الإرادة الشعبية على الأرض من خلال تنظيم أوسع حالة شعبية موحدة لتجاوز مرحلة أوسلو الكارثية وكل ملحقاتها وآثارها.

إننا ندعوكم إلى المشاركة الشعبية الواسعة في الإطاحة الشاملة بما يُسمى ” برنامج القيادة الفلسطينية ” القائم على نهج الاستسلام والتفريط. النهج الفاسد الذي بات يلفظ أنفاسه الأخيرة بعد أكثر من 40 عاماً من تسويق مشروع الدولة الوهمية، وهذه الطبقة السياسية التي جلبت الخزي والكوارث وتسعى اليوم إلى تحويل الحكم الإداري الذاتي في الضفة المحتلة إلى نهاية مشروعنا التحرري، طبقة المال من وكلاء الاحتلال المرتهنة إلى مشاريع ” السلام الاقتصادي” والتطبيع. فقد صار لِزاماً على شعبنا عزلها وإسقاط برنامجها في الساحات والميادين والشوارع وفي المصانع والمزارع والجامعات والمدارس داخل وخارج فلسطين المحتلة.

وأمام كل ما يجري اليوم من سياسات أمريكية وصهيونية ورجعية تستهدف حقوق شعبنا في الوجود والحياة، وأمام تسارع وتيرة المشروع التصفوي المعادي وضرب آفاق المشروع الوطني واجهاض إمكانيات توليده من جديد، وأمام الهجمة المسعورة اليومية على الحركة الأسيرة في سجون العدوّ، ومصادرة كل حق طبيعي وإنساني لشعبنا في المخيمات، يُصبح الصمت تواطئ وخيانة وشكلاً من أشكال العبودية والسقوط.

آن أوان رحيل هذه القيادات المستسلمة في مقر المقاطعة برام الله، وعزل هذه الشريحة المهزومة التي ترتمي في حضن الكيان الصهيوني ووكالة المخابرات الأمريكية، تعاقب شعبنا في غزة، وتحرم عوائل الشهداء والأسرى من حقوقهم وتطعن المقاومة وتنسق مع قوات الاحتلال لاستهداف أمن مجتمعنا ومقاومته الوطنية و طلائعه الشبابية والطلابية.

إن هزيمة مشروع أوسلو التصفويّ وعزل محمود عباس وفريقه هي إمكانية واقعية أكثر من أيّ وقت مضى، رغم كل الإمكانيات والقدرات التي تملكها القوى المعادية لشعبنا التي تساند قيادة السلطة، غير أن العنصر الحاسم، في هذه المعركة التاريخية الطويلة، هو دور الجماهير الشعبية وقدرتها على توليد النهج الثوري من القاع إلى النور، ومن عمق تاريخنا وإرثنا الكفاحي ومن رحم مجتمعاتنا الفلسطينية في كل تجمع شعبي وكل حي ومخيم ومدينة وقرية.

إننا ندعو كافة قوى المقاومة الفلسطينية على اختلاف تياراتها ومشاربها السياسية والفكرية إلى إنهاء حالة التفكك والشرذمة من خلال تشكيل جبهة وطنية موحدة، تكون سنداً وعوناً لشعبنا في كل مكان، وسيفه ودرعه الذي يحميه، وهو يواصل مسيرته التاريخية ويقدم التضحيات الجسام من أجل انتزاع حقوقه وكسر قيوده وتحقيق خلاصه النهائي والجماعي من براثن الاستعمار الصهيوني.

ندعوكم إلى الانخراط الشعبي الواسع وتكثيف الفعاليات الوطنية الشعبية في أسبوع النضال الفلسطيني 15 ـــــ 22 مايو/أيار، 2020 ليكون محطتنا الأولى في إعلان مرحلة نضالية جديدة تحت شعار: يوم فلسطين. يوم العودة والتحرير. وليعود هذا التاريخ شاهداً على الجريمة ـــ النكبة المستمرة منذ العام 1947 / 1948 وشاهداً في الوقت ذاته على المقاومة الفلسطينية المستمرة حتى النصر. مهما بلغت التضحيات وطال الزمن.

لا لمشروع التفريط والاستسلام. لا لمشروع الحكم الإداري الذاتي.

نعم لنهج العودة والتحرير. نعم للمقاومة والانتفاضة حتى النصر.

لإضافة توقيع منظمتكم أو مجموعتكم الشبابية الرجاء إرسال اسم المنظمة الشبابية عبر الايميل الآتي: bayanyouth.students@gmail.com

المنظمات الشبابية والطلابية الفلسطينية:

  1. شبكة صامدون للدفاع عن الأسرى الفلسطينيين
  2. الحراك الشبابي الفلسطيني- ألمانيا
  3. حركة الشباب الفلسطيني- الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية (Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM
  4. العودة ، ائتلاف فلسطين من أجل حق العودة / أمريكا الشمالية
  5. حراك “صدى” القدس- فلسطين المحتلة 
  6. المركز الثقافي العربي الفلسطيني/ ريو غراندي دي سول، البرازيل
  7. الاتحاد الديمقراطي العربي- الفلسطيني- إيطاليا
  8. لجان فلسطين الديمقراطية- البرازيل
  9. الملتقى الفلسطيني للشطرنج- مخيم شاتيلا
  10. حركة نساء فلسطين الكرامة في إسبانيا
  11. مركز الجانية الثقافي والسياسي\البرازيل
  12. Students for justice in Palestine at John Jay college طلاب من أجل العدالة في فلسطين/ جي كولدج
  13. Students for Justice in Palestine at Butler University طلاب من أجل العدالة في فلسطين/ جامعة بتلر
  14. GUPS SFSU الاتحاد العام لطلبة فلسطين/ جامعة سان فرانسيسكو
  15. Within Our Lifetime- United for Palestine
  16. الجمعية العربية الفلسطينية البرازيلية- كرومبا
  17. Canada Palestine Association  
  18. رابطة الطلاب الفلسطينيين في جامعة ويلفريد لوريير / كندا
  19. تجمع التضامن مع فلسطين في جامعة يورك
  20. مجموعة التضامن مع فلسطين في جامعة ويندسور 
  21. التضامن من أجل حقوق الإنسان الفلسطينية في جامعة ماكماستر
  22. Midwest Students for Justice in Palestine طلاب الغرب الأوسط من أجل العدالة في فلسطين
  23. Handala Coalition of Michigan ائتلاف حنظلة في ميشيغن
  24. مركز النقب للأنشطة الشبابية- مخيم برج البراجنة 
  25. النادي الثقافي الفلسطيني- بيروت/ لبنان
  26. النادي الثقافي الفلسطيني العربي/ لبنان 
  27. جمعية الدولة الواحدة- فلسطين المحتلة One State Assembly \ occupied Palestine 
  28. حراك الحرية لفلسطين (Free Palestine Movement (USA
  29. رابطة فلسطين تنتصر – فرنسا Collectif Palestine Vaincra -France
  30. منظمة الشبيبة الفلسطينية- لبنان 
  31. جمعية صبا فلسطين الثقافية الرياضية- السويد
  32.  طلاب من أجل العدالة في فلسطين- كلية بارد Bard College Students for Justice in Palestine
  33.  منتدى شارلوا فلسطين- بلجيكا Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine -Belgium
  34. Democratic Unionist Assembly التجمع الوحدوي الديمقراطي
  35. المنتدى اللاتيني الفلسطيني (FLP) في البرازيل
  36. التضامن من أجل حقوق الإنسان الفلسطينية في جامعة ماكجيل 
  37. اللجنة التشيلية للتضامن مع فلسطين
  38. اللجنة الشيلية للعودة إلى فلسطين
  39. مجموعة 17 نيسان- المملكة المتحدة
  40. القطاع الطلابي لحزب الطليعة الديمقراطي الاشتراكي (فصيل الطلبة الطليعيين)-المغرب 
  41. حركة الشباب الأخضر – المغرب
  42. لوثريون من أجل العدالة في الأرض المقدسة ، الكنيسة اللوثرية المركزية ، بورتلاند- الولايات المتحدة
  43. التجمع الأحمر الأممي للدفاع عن المعتقلين الثوريين (باريس، فرنسا).
  44. لجنة العمل ومساندة نضالات الشعب المغربي (باريس، فرنسا)
  45.  مجموعة التضامن مع فلسطين- جامعة ليدز
  46. National Students for Justice in Palestine طلاب من أجل العدالة في فلسطين.
  47. لجنة التضامن الفلسطيني – أوستن ، تكساس- الولايات المتحدة 
  48. جمعية الصحافيين العرب في واشنطن- الولايات المتحدة
  49. Solidaridad con Palestina, México – Corsopal التضامن مع فلسطين- المكسيك 
  50. مؤسسة كولومبو فلسطين الثقافية (كولومبيا) Fundación Cultural Colombo Palestina -Colombia 
  51. Nevadans for Palestinian Human Rights – Student Group – UNLV
  52. طلاب لأجل العدالة في فلسطين- جامعة سان دييغو- الولايات المتحدة
  53. طلاب لأجل العدالة في فلسطين- جامعة جنوب كاليفورنيا- الولايات المتحدة
  54. الجبهة المعادية للإمبريالية Front Anti-impérialiste (Anti-Imperialist Front)
  55. الجالية الفلسطينية في فرنسا- اتحاد الجمعيات الفلسطينية في فرنسا
  56. Pan African Club Uganda
  57. لجان فلسطين الديمقراطية فنزويلا
  58. طلاب من أجل العدالة في فلسطين UCLA
  59. فرقة يافا للفنون الشعبية الفلسطينية- برلين 
  60. Rebeldia – juventude da revolução socialista التمرد- شباب الثورة الاشتراكية  البرازيل
  61. PSTU – حزب العمال الاشتراكي الموحد PSTU – Partido Socialista dos Trabalhadores Unificado
  62. CSP-CONLUTAS- Central Sindical e Popular
  63. Movimento Quilombo Raça e Classe
  64. Frente em Defesa do Povo Palestino جبهة الدفاع عن الشعب الفلسطيني
  65.  بيت التضامن الأممي Beit al-Tadamoun al-Umami Dirceu Travesso
  66. الرابطة الإسلامية في ساو باولو Assisp – Associação Islâmica de São Paulo
  67. لجنة تضامن القديسة مريانا مع الشعب الفلسطيني comite santa mariense de solidariedade com o povo palestino
  68. Juliano medeiros – presidente nacional do PSOL – partido socialismo e liberdade
  69. Gabinete vereador Toninho Vespoli cidade de São Paulo – PSOL
  70. Decolonize This Place
  71. جبهة غسان كنفاني للمقاومة والتضامن- اليونان Ghassan Kanafani Front of Resistance and Solidarity – Greece
  72. طلاب من أجل العدالة في فلسطين- جامعة شرق ميشيغان
  73. Coletivo Socialista popular e periférico, Raiz Popular
  74. Coalition for Justice, Virginia التحالف من أجل العدالة – فرجينيا\ الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
  75. Palbox
  76. Justice for Palestine Matters, Australia العدالة من أجل فلسطين- استراليا 
  77. Sociedade árabe Palestina de Brasília جمعية برازيليا العربية الفلسطينية
  78. MML- Movimento Mulheres em Luta حركة نساء في القتال
  79. Ibraspal- Instituto Brasil-Palestina معهد البرازيل -فلسطين
  80. Comitê Cearense de Solidariedade ao Povo Palestino لجنة سيارا للتضامن مع الشعب الفلسطيني
  81. Jews for Palestinian Right of Return يهود من أجل حق العودة للفلسطينيين
  82. NYU Students for Justice in Palestine طلاب من أجل العدالة لفلسطين – جامعة نيويورك
  83. Apeoesp Sumaré/Hortolândia
  84. Africa4Palestine- South Africa. أفريقيا من أجل فلسطين- جنوب أفريقيا 
  85. Revolutionaire Eenheid الوحدة الثورية 
  86. Jeunes Revolutionnaires الشباب الثوريين 
  87. Vassar Students for Justice in Palestine طلاب من أجل العدالة لفلسطين- فاسار 
  88. National Democratic Front of the Philippines الجبهة الديمقراطية الوطنية في الفلبين
  89. Revolutionary Communist Group – Britain المجموعة الثورية الشيوعية- بريطانيا 
  90. Victory to the Intifada – Britain النصر للانتفاضة- بريطانيا 
  91. Internationalt Forum Denmark – the Middle East Group منتدى الدنمارك الدولي – مجموعة الشرق الأوسط
  92. Free Gaza Movement حراك الحرية لغزة 
  93. Fordham Students for Justice in Palestine طلاب من أجل العدالة لفلسطين- فوردهام
  94. Movimento Paulista de Solidariedade à Cuba حركة ساو باولو التضامنية مع كوبا
  95. Coletivo Paratodos-Ce 
  96. ISM Support Group – Northern California
  97. لجان فلسطين الديمقراطية ـ أمريكا الشمالية
  98. الحراك الشبابي الفلسطيني- السويد  
  99. الحملة الموحدة من أجل إطلاق سراح جورج عبد الله
  100. منظمات حكم الشعب -نيويورك People’s Power Assemblies NYC

البيان لا يزال مفتوحًا لتوقيع المنظمات والجمعيات والأفراد في الوطن والشتات، وسيتم تحديث اللائحة وإعادة النشر بتاريخ 31/ أيار-مايو/ 2020

Week of Palestinian Struggle, 15-22 May 2020: Updated Schedule of Events, Actions & More

Call to Action | Days of Action and Events | Action Ideas | Endorse or Submit Your Activity | Images and Posters

View this call to action in French: https://palestinevaincra.com/2020/05/du-15-au-22-mai-rejoignez-la-semaine-de-lutte-palestinienne/

View this call to action in German: https://www.facebook.com/events/928938670913039/

View this call to action in Swedish: https://samidoun.net/sweden/palestinsk-kampvecka-2020/

On 15-22 May 2020 Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all organizations, activists and movements to join us in a collective Week of Palestinian Struggle. 

On these days, we remember the Nakba, the theft of Palestinian land and the dispossession of the Palestinian people. At the same time, we celebrate, affirm and pledge to continue over 72 years of Palestinian resistance for liberation and return. 

For decades, the Palestinian people’s  movement has commemorated 15 May and the week that follows as a week of solidarity, resistance and struggle, affirming a revolution that will continue until victory. This week marks the Palestinian, Arab and international struggle for justice and liberation, a struggle that has continued for 72 years and continues every day. As the Nakba continues, the resistance continues!

Join us in a week of virtual and in-person actions to stand with the Palestinian people through 72 years of struggle confronting Zionism, imperialism and reaction and for the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea! 

Click here to endorse the week of action or send us your activities. 

We know that the Zionist ethnic cleansing project did not begin on 15 May 1948 – it was mostly completed by this point throughout 78% of historic Palestine after its launch the previous December. More than that, it was built upon decades of military escalation and European colonization in Palestine and throughout the region more broadly, particularly the British colonial mandate and its Balfour declaration. This week of struggle requires confronting the racist, imperial ideology of Zionism on which the colonial regime in Palestine has been constructed.

There are over seven million Palestinian refugees and over 13 million Palestinians in exile and diaspora. The implementation of the right of return to Palestine is a collective and individual right that is at the core of the liberation of Palestine. In recent years, the attempts to liquidate the right of return have intensified, culminating in the so-called “deal of the century.” This week of action pledges to intensify the struggle everywhere for the right to return to Palestine. 

This struggle for return and liberation has meant that Palestinians have been on the front lines fighting imperialism for over 72 years, fighting alongside comrades in Ireland, the Philippines, Turkey, South Africa, the indigenous Americas and elsewhere. This week of Palestinian struggle is also a week of struggle against imperialism, especially as the U.S. attempts to impose its “deal of the century” and liquidate the Palestinian cause. Imperialist powers use “anti-terror” laws and repressive measures to repress the struggle for Palestine within their borders as well, from the imprisonment of Georges Abdallah in France to the Holy Land Five in the US, to the targeting of Palestinian activists like Khaled Barakat in Germany for political bans.

Every victory that is achieved for people’s struggles around the world is a victory for Palestine, and every attack on those movements – such as the attempts to foment a coup in Venezuela or blockade Cuba – is also an attack on the Palestinian people. The siege on Gaza is not simply an Israeli siege but also a U.S. and European siege in which Arab reactionary regimes are complicit. During this week of action, we struggle to break the siege on Gaza, bring an end to imperialist sanctions and fight all forms of repression.

Of course, Israel is not the only racist settler colony built on dispossession of indigenous peoples and extraction of their resources; the sponsors of Zionist policy in the United States, Canada and elsewhere. We stand with all oppressed peoples and indigenous movements defending their land from the ravages of settler colonial capitalism. 

Just as the Palestinian cause is an international struggle, it is also deeply linked to the fight against imperialism throughout the Arab world and the region more broadly. Arab reactionary regimes like those in Saudi Arabia and Egypt work hand in hand with Israel and the United States to promote normalization, besiege the Palestinian people and squander an independent future for the peoples of the region – and this is reflected in their attacks on the Palestinian movement. We stand with the Arab people and the peoples of the region who continue to fight back and defend their sovereignty and their future against imperialism and reaction. 

The Palestinian Authority continues to engage in “security coordination” with the Israeli occupier on a routine basis, attacking the Palestinian resistance. This week of action stands unconditionally with the Palestinian people’s right to resist occupation and oppression and against all forms of normalization and complicity with the liquidation of Palestine. 

As we fight these attempts to normalize colonialism, the Week of Palestinian Struggle aims to intensify the boycott of Israel and the complicit corporations that profit from the oppression, dispossession and ethnic cleansing of Palestine. The boycott movement and BDS campaign has faced escalated repression because it poses a material challenge to Israel and its corporate partners. During this week of action, we will expand the movement to isolate and boycott Israel.

Palestinian youth and students are fighting back against imprisonment and for the future of a liberated Palestine .Resisting suppression and imprisonment inside and outside Palestine, they fight – generation after generation until total liberation. 

Palestinian women have been on the front lines of struggle for over 72 years, defending the land, educating generations of strugglers and participating fully in leadership of the Palestinian struggle, political organization and armed and popular struggle. 

From inside the prisons, Palestinian prisoners stand on the front lines of confrontation for the freedom of their land and people. The imprisonment of Palestinians has always been a tool of the colonial project in Palestine, meant to maintain occupation, apartheid and oppression and criminalize the existence and resistance of Palestinians. From the martial law imposed in 1948 on the Palestinians who remained in the 78% of historic Palestine occupied at that time, to the imprisonment of 5,000 Palestinian political leaders, journalists, and freedom fighters today, the imprisonment of Palestinians and their leaders has always been part and parcel of the Nakba – and the Palestinian prisoners behind bars continue to stand at the heart of the resistance.

We salute the struggle of the workers and farmers of Palestine, fighting to defend their land and resist exploitation and oppression in all of its forms. Labor organizers are locked inside prisons and fishermen in Gaza are targeted for Israeli gunfire and assault. The popular classes of Palestine have always been the leaders of the revolution and those who have propelled the national liberation movement forward:  the farmers, the workers, the refugees in the camps. 

Join this week of action to highlight the voices and struggles of the Palestinian people, inside and outside Palestine, from Haifa, Nazareth and Safad to Gaza, Ramallah and Nablus, from Cairo, Amman and Beirut to Berlin, Brussels, Santiago and New York. 

Remember the Nakba: Long live the resistance! Victory for Palestine! 

Endorsers include: Staat van Beleg, Actions 4 Palestine, Knocknacarra Palestine Network, Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine, Free Palestine FFM (Frankfurt), Labor for Palestine, Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, Anti-War Committee Minneapolis and more! Add your endorsement below:

Days of Action

Below are themes for each day through the week, although events may reflect any or all of these themes at any time! Samidoun’s social media will focus on these topics through each day. We encourage you to schedule events and actions on any day during the week, regardless of theme or topic, focusing on the Palestinian liberation struggle and 72 years of continuing resistance. We also present a schedule of the events we know of taking place during the week. 

We want to add yours! Email us at samidoun@samidoun.net or use the form below to send in your events and actions! 

10 through 17 May

15 to 22 May

  • Free Palestine FFM in Frankfurt, Germany calls for the Actionswoche des palästinensisichen Struggles  https://www.facebook.com/events/928938670913039/ Download the images and posters and take photos around Frankfurt or your local community: submit them online!

Thursday, 14 May

  • Online Event: Webinar with Rasmea Odeh and George Khoury, moderated by Suzanne Adely. Organized by the US Palestinian Community Network. 11:30 am Pacific/2:30 pm Eastern/8:30 pm central Europe/9:30 pm Palestine. Watch on Facebook Live at: https://facebook.com/USPCN
  • Film screening and discussion, Gothenburg, Sweden: Screening of “Roadmap to Apartheid,” 6 pm, Syndikalistiskt Forum, Linnegatan 21, Gothenburg. Organized by Samidoun Gothenburg. Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/704603883702440/
  • Online Event (in Arabic): They can demolish our homes, but they cannot break our will: Discussion with Widad Barghouthi. 11:30 am Pacific/2:30 pm Eastern/8:30 pm central Europe/9:30 pm Palestine. Organized by Samidoun occupied Palestine. Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/761898511218239/

Friday, 15 May
72 years of struggle and ongoing resistance! Palestinian Workers’ and Farmers’ Struggle for Liberation

  • Join the online actions and keep tweeting and posting with #KeyToJustice #Nakba72 #NakbaDay. Join the global Twitterstorm: https://samidoun.net/2020/05/join-the-keytojustice-nakbaday-twitterstorm-on-friday-15-may/ Share your solidarity photos, videos and selfies!
  • In Chicago: Car Caravan to Commemorate the Nakba. For more details, see US Palestinian Community Network. At 1:30 pm Central time, gather at AAAN, 9838 S. Roberts Rd, Palos Hills, IL
  • In Minneapolis: Car Caravan to Commemorate the Nakba. Organized by the Anti-War Committee. Meet at 6 pm @ large parking lot at 43rd and Central Ave. in Columbia Heights (at intersection with Filfillah Restaurant 4301 Central Ave NE). Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/252169372647362/
  • Online Event: The Holy Land 5 and COVID-19: Conversation with their Sons and Daughters, organized by the Coalition for Civil Freedoms. 11:30 am Pacific/2:30 pm Eastern/8:30 pm central Europe/9:30 pm Palestine time. Register on Zoom at https://bit.ly/3dHUyvR or watch Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/civilfreedoms/live/
  • Online event: Nakba72: The Continuation of Colonisation – Annexation and Peace. 7 am Pacific/10 am Eastern/3 pm London/5 pm Palestine. Organized by EuroPal Forum. Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/595772341287413/ 
  • Online event: Discussion with Palestinian Nakba survivors. 11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern/7 pm Scotland/9 pm Palestine. Organized by Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Sheffield PSC. Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/554093915292170/
  • Online event: Nakba Day Rally, organized by Jewish Voice for Peace, BDS Movement, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, South Africa BDS Coalition. 11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern/7 pm Britain/8 pm Europe/9 pm Palestine. Register online: https://bit.ly/2YHx0TR
  • Online event: (In Arabic and German) #Nakba72 commemoration, organized by the Palestinian Working Committee in Austria. 12 pm Pacific/3 pm Eastern/9 pm central Europe/10 pm Palestine. On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/102366481337932/photos/a.102448721329708/146173453623901/
  • Online Event: Documentary film 1948: Creation & Catastrophe followed by a Q&A with directors Ahlam Muhtaseb and Andy Trimlett. 2:30 pm Pacific/5:30 pm Eastern/11:30 pm central Europe/12:30 am Palestine. Organized by the Toronto Palestine Film Festival. Watch at tpff.ca or live on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/events/1624576931027490/
  • Online event: Friday Night Forums: Palestine and the Blockade of Gaza. Organized by The Red Nation, Arab Resource and Organizing Center and Center for Political Education. 5 pm Pacific/8 pm Eastern/2 am Europe/3 am Palestine. Register online: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fSQJFHRzROKHyMqyqfM7Vg
  • Online event: Never Forgotten: 72 Years of Resilience, organized by American Muslims for Palestine. 7 pm Pacific/10 pm Eastern/4 am central Europe/5 am Palestine. With speakers: Dr. Salman Abu Sitta | Hanady Halawani | Dr. Hatem Bazian | Rawan Damen | Sh. Ibrahim Dardasawi | Raed Jarrar | Kefah Zreeqy | Taher Herzallah | Sh. Monzer Taleb | Tarek Khalil | Dr. Osama Abuirshaid | & special emcee Tessneem Abdallah from AMP Minnesota. Register online: bit.ly/AMPNeverForgotten

Saturday, 16 May
Palestinian Struggle for Return and Liberation: Confronting Zionism – Boycott and Isolate Israel!

  • Join the online actions and keep tweeting and posting with #Nakba2020 #PalestinianResistance #PalestinianStruggle. Share your solidarity photos, videos and selfies!
  • Online Event: Liberate Palestine from the River to the Sea! With Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat. 10 am Pacific/1 pm Eastern/7 pm central Europe/8 pm Palestine. Organized by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network. Register online: https://bit.ly/liberatepalestine
  • Online event: From Nakba to Return – the Struggle for Palestinian Liberation. 11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern/8 pm Central Europe/9 pm Palestine. Organized by Palestinian Youth Movement and National SJP (Samidoun is an endorser!) Register online: bit.ly/nakba2return
  • Online event: The Nakba and Indigenous Struggles, with Ahed Tamimi, Nadya Tannous and Melanie Yazzie. 9 am Pacific/12 pm Eastern/6 pm central Europe/9 pm Palestine. Organized by Friends of Sabeel North America. Register at fosna.org/Nakba2020
  • Online event: Lift the siege on Gaza – Online rally for Palestine. 11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern/8 pm Central Europe/9 pm Palestine. Organized by Canadian Palestinian Community Centre. Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1086584601724111/
  • Online event: The Palestine Question, with Ramzy Baroud, Ghada Ageel and Mohammed Marandi. 11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern/8 pm central Europe/9 pm Palestine. Organized by Mobilization for Justice. Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/539023010333963/
  • Online Event Palestinian Nakba 2020: Virtual Commemoration, with Haidar Eid, Bassem Tamimi, Fayrouz Sharqawi and Tarek Bakri. Organized by Friends of Palestine WA and Palestinian Community in Western Australia. 8 am Palestine/1 pm Perth/2:30 pm Adelaide/5 pm New Zealand (10 pm 15 May Pacific/1 am 16 May Eastern). Register online: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_B_fzL_qVQ1SavVKFm87XFA?fbclid=IwAR38kgvHAeKpZCaznwUoBup5vZCNUApr1lO9qd2x0pyIs4Tw9FFpinHxZZw
  • Online event: The right to return: the Palestinian Nakba, organized by Cadfa (Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association) 12 pm Pacific/3 pm Eastern/8 pm British time/9 pm central Europe/10 pm Palestine. With Jehan Aburaya, Abdullah Abu Hilal, Mona al-Farra, Abdelfattah Abu Srour, Basma Dhoukhi and Zeina. Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87535605255
  • Online event: Remember the Nakba. Organized by the Nottingham Palestine Solidarity Campaign. 11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern/7 pm British time/8 pm Europe/9 pm Palestine. Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1414738382046138/

Sunday, 17 May
Palestinian Refugees’ Struggle for Liberation and Return to Palestine!

  • Join the online actions and keep tweeting and posting with #Nakba2020 #PalestinianResistance #PalestinianStruggle. Share your solidarity photos, videos and selfies!
  • Online Event: Virtual Rally and Panel to Commemorate al-Nakba and For the Right to Return.  Speakers include Diana Buttu, Rabab Abdulhadi, Ahlam Mohtaseb and Hatem Bazian – and Samidoun’s Mohammed Khatib! Organized by Al-Awda, Palestine Right to Return Coalition. 12 pm Pacific/3 pm Eastern/9 pm central Europe/10 pm Palestine. Register online: https://bit.ly/alawda72
  • Online Event: Arabic-Language Webinar with Fawzi Ismail on Palestinian Struggle in Exile. Organized by Samidoun Palestine and fellow organizers. 11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern/8 pm central Europe/9 pm Palestine. Follow on Facebook: https://facebook.com/samidoun3/
  • Online Event: Screening of Gaza Fights for Freedom and Nakba commemoration, organized by the Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine (Australia). 7 pm Eastern Australia time. Includes an introduction with Australian lawyer Hiba Farra. To register for the event, email cjpp@coalitionforpalestine.org
  • Online Event: TAHA – The play, written by and starring Palestinian artist Amer Hlehel عامر حليحل based on the life of Palestinian poet Taha Muhammad Ali. Organized by Toronto Palestine Film Festival. 1 pm Pacific/4 pm Eastern/10 pm central Europe/11 pm Palestine. Watch at tpff.ca or live on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1624576931027490/
  • Online Event: Palestine, Free Speech and Becoming Strong on Campuses, organized by Students for Justice in Palestine activists. 2 pm Pacific/5 pm Eastern/11 pm central Europe/12 am Palestine. Join Zoom Meeting: tinyurl.com/palestineoncampus
  • Online Event: Reel Palestine Home Editition – 1948: Creation and Catastrophe. Ramzi Jabri in conversation with Dr. Ahlam Muhtaseb. 10 am Pacific/1 pm Eastern/7 pm central Europe/8 pm Palestine/9 pm UAE. On Instagram Live https://www.instagram.com/reelpalestine/

Monday, 18 May
Palestinian Youth and Students – Generation after Generation until Total Liberation

  • Join the online actions and keep tweeting and posting with #Nakba2020 #PalestinianResistance #PalestinianStruggle. Share your solidarity photos, videos and selfies!

Tuesday, 19 May
Confronting Reactionary Regimes, Normalization and Imperialism: Arab struggles for liberation

  • Join the online actions and keep tweeting and posting with #Nakba2020 #PalestinianResistance #PalestinianStruggle. Share your solidarity photos, videos and selfies!
  • Online Event: Honoring Malcolm X & Elombe Brath:Black Solidarity with Palestine. 11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern/8 pm Europe/9 pm Palestine. Organized by AMED Studies at SFSU Open Classroom. Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/536552867060717/
  • Online event: Unite in Solidarity with Palestine, organized by Unite the Union. 10 am Pacific/1 pm Eastern/6 pm British time/7 pm Central Europe/8 pm Palestine. To register: https://bit.ly/2WdENad

Wednesday, 20 May
Palestinian Women in the Liberation Movement: National and Social Liberation

  • Join the online actions and keep tweeting and posting with #Nakba2020 #PalestinianResistance #PalestinianStruggle. Share your solidarity photos, videos and selfies!

Thursday, 21 May
Palestinian Prisoners on the Front Lines of the Freedom Struggle

  • Join the online actions and keep tweeting and posting with #Nakba2020 #PalestinianResistance #PalestinianStruggle. Share your solidarity photos, videos and selfies!
  • Online Event: Palestinian prisoners’ families: Collective punishment and steadfastness, with Basil Farraj. 12 pm Pacific/3 pm Eastern/9 pm central Europe/10 pm Palestine. Organized by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network. Register online: https://bit.ly/prisonersfamilies
  • Online event: Stop settlements – on the road to justice in Palestine. 8 am Pacific/11 am Eastern/5 pm central Europe/6 pm Palestine, organized by ECCP – European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine. With Michael Lynk, Anna Kdair, Tom Moerenhout, Clare Daly. Join via the link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89797605467 or at Facebook live: https://www.facebook.com/ECCP-European-Coordination-of-Committees-and-Associations-for-Palestine-343061752465951/

Friday, 22 May
Palestinian, Arab and International Struggle Confronts Zionism, Reaction and Imperialism

  • Join the online actions and keep tweeting and posting with #Nakba2020 #PalestinianResistance #PalestinianStruggle. Share your solidarity photos, videos and selfies!
  • Online event: Why Palestine is still the issue, with Ilan Pappe, Rob Ferguson, Baha Hilo and Tamika Sankar. Organized by several organizations at the University of York. 10 am Pacific/1 pm Eastern/6 pm British time/7 pm central Europe/8 pm Palestine. Register online: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/why-palestine-is-still-the-issue-tickets-104451258526

Suggested Actions

  1. Videos and selfies are a great way to express solidarity online! Create a short video clip or hold up a sign supporting the Palestinian people and their resistance through 72 years of ongoing Nakba. Your Tweets, Facebook, Instagram and other social media posts throughout the week can emphasize the critical importance of the Palestinian struggle! Use the hashtags #Nakba2020 #PalestinianResistance #PalestinianStruggle and tag us at @SamidounPP on Twitter so that we can re-share and boost your solidarity efforts.
  2. If you cannot hold an in-person demonstration or action during this week, we encourage you to consider a car caravan. Of course, you can still support the prisoners with an online action or event! Several online meetings are listed below. Host a webinar or online meeting about Palestine and the prisoners’ struggle over Zoom, Facebook Live or a platform of your choice. Send your event details – in any language – to Samidoun at samidoun@samidoun.net and we will include them in our list of activities.
  3. Call in for action. Governments around the world, specifically imperialist powers and reactionary regimes, are fully complicit in Israeli crimes against humanity. Even if you have to leave a message, call your government officials and demand they stop funding and supporting Israel’s ongoing Nakba with military, diplomatic and political support. Express your disgust at these governments’ ongoing support for Israeli colonialism. Call during your country’s regular office hours:
    • Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs Marise Payne: + 61 2 6277 7500
    • Canadian Foreign Minister François-Philippe Champagne: +1-613-995-4895
    • European Union Commissioner Josep Borrell Fontelles: +32(0) 470 18 24 05
    • New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs Winston Peters: +64 4 439 8000
    • United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab: +44 20 7008 1500
    • United States President Donald Trump: 1-202-456-1111
  1. Boycott, Divest and Sanction. It’s just as important to boycott Israel when buying online! Join the BDS campaign to highlight the complicity of corporations like Hewlett-Packard and the continuing involvement of G4S in Israeli policing and prisons. Build a campaign to boycott Israeli goods, impose a military embargo on Israel, or organize around the academic and cultural boycott of Israel.
  2. Share history and record oral history. It is vitally important to recall the history of Palestinian struggle and share the stories of Nakba survivors and generations of Palestinian strugglers. Share your story, that of your family and loved ones, or that of your comrades. Tag us at @SamidounPP so that we share your story further!

Endorse or Submit Your Event

Use this form to endorse the week of action or submit your event. You can use the form just to endorse, just to submit an event, or you can do both at the same time. We will update the schedule and call and re-release it on Friday, 15 May and throughout the week! You can also always email us at samidoun@samidoun.net.

Images and Posters

Video: Join us in the Week of Palestinian Struggle

On 15-22 May 2020 we urge you to join us in the Week of Palestinian Struggle.

As we commemorate the continuing Nakba, the theft of Palestinian land and the dispossession of Palestinian people, we also commemorate over 72 years of Palestinian resistance for liberation and return.

During this week, we salute the struggle of the Palestinian people, fighting to defend their land and resist exploitation and oppression in all of its forms.

This week of Palestinian struggle is also a week of struggle against imperialism! Palestinians have been on the front lines fighting imperialism for over 72 years.

Palestinian refugees are struggling to return, denied that right for decades. We defend the right to return and the right to resist!

Palestinian youth and students – Palestinian women – Palestinian workers and farmers – Palestinian prisoners, together stand on the front lines of struggle: confronting the racist ideology of Zionism, reactionary regimes and imperialist attacks.

With all forms of resistance and struggle, the Palestinian revolution is continuing. Join the week of Palestinian struggle – together, we fight for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. Remember the Nakba – long live the resistance. Victory for Palestine!

Check out the full schedule of events: Week of Palestinian Struggle

Join the #KeyToJustice #NakbaDay Twitterstorm on Friday, 15 May

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is joining with many other organizations in a Twitterstorm on Friday, 15 May as part of the Week of Palestinian Struggle, and we encourage you to join us as well! Various organizations and campaigns have urged Palestinians and supporters of Palestine to use the hashtags #KeyToJustice and #NakbaDay, in order to focus on Palestinian refugees’ right to return to their original homes and lands throughout historic Palestine. 

This video tutorial by prominent Palestinian artist and activist Rana Bishara, from Tarshiha, Galilee (Music: Marcel Khalife), demonstrates how to make a replica Palestinian key to photograph and tweet for these actions:

Twitterstorm Call: English | French | Spanish

Friday, May 15th: On the 72nd anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba, you are kindly invited to mark the Nakba day and join the global struggle for the Palestinians right of return by

  • Tweeting with the two hashtags #NakbaDay and #KeyToJustice
  • Posting a photo while you are holding a Key of return. You can make it at home by yourself.
  • Posting a video while you are holding either a key of return, a Kuffiya, or Palestine flag. saying “One day, I will return to : your city or village name”, or “I support the Palestinian right of return”.

Vendredi 15 mai: À l’occasion du 72e anniversaire de la Nakba palestinienne, vous êtes cordialement invités à marquer la journée de la Nakba et à vous joindre à la lutte mondiale pour le droit des Palestiniens au retour en

  • Tweeter avec les deux hashtags #NakbaDay et #KeyToJustice
  • Publier une photo pendant que vous détenez une clé de retour. Vous pouvez le faire vous-même à la maison.
  • Publier une vidéo pendant que vous détenez une clé de retour, un drapeau Kuffiya ou Palestine. disant “Un jour, je reviendrai à: votre nom de ville ou de village”, ou “Je soutiens le droit de retour palestinien”.

Viernes 15 de mayo: Quieres participar en solidaridad con los refugiados palestinos?

Tuiteando con los dos hashtags #NakbaDay y #KeytoJustice con

  • Una foto tuya con una llave en la mano! Mejor una vieja llave grande, pero cualquier otra llave esta bien
  • Sube un video tuyo con una llave en la mano, un kufiya o una bandera palestina que diga: “Volvere a (nombre de tu ciudad o pueblo)”
  • Apoyo al derecho de los refugiados a regresar a Palestina como lo exige el derecho internacional.


CALL TO ACTION: Protect Palestinian-American researcher Ubai Aboudi from Israeli military detention

Ubai Aboudi and his wife, Hind, with two of their children. Photo: family

Ubai Aboudi is a Palestinian-American civilian, father, researcher, educator, director of the Bisan Center for Research and Development who was abducted by Israeli military without charges on November 13, 2019. Ubai was also working to support Scientists for Palestine in organizing the Third International Meeting on Science in Palestine, which took place on January 10-12, 2020, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Ubai was prevented from attending and presenting his own research due to his Israeli military detention.

He was initially held under administrative detention – imprisonment without charge or trial – and then transferred to the Israeli military courts on later manufactured, baseless charges that are routinely imposed on Palestinians.

Despite the fact that Ubai is a U.S. citizen and that the U.S. government provides Israel with $3.8 billion in military aid every year, the U.S. State Department has largely left Ubai and Hind Shraydeh, his wife and the mother of their three children, to suffer alone. Your support is critical in pressuring the State Department to end its silence in the case of Ubai Aboudi and working to ensure his freedom.


Act by contacting the U.S. State Department and your Member of Congress. Use the draft talking points below to make your message clear.


  • Hi, my name is ____ and I am calling to demand that the Department of State [your Member of Congress] work to ensure the immediate release of Ubai Aboudi, a U.S. citizen, Palestinian civilian, father, and educator. Ubai is detained in Israeli military custody, where he has languished since November 13, 2019. Scholars, scientists, and activists from around the world have been calling for his release.
  • If you are calling your member of Congress, please identify your personal connection to your representative’s office as well as any relevant background you may have. For example: I am a constituent from _ _ _ _ _  (town/city) calling about an urgent matter regarding a US citizen, Ubai Aboudi, who is in an Israeli prison. I am particularly concerned because i am a  _ _ _ _ _(professor at  _ _ _ _ _  University or employed as a  _ _ _ _ _ at  _ _ _ _ (company) ) and this man is an internationally esteemed colleague.  I am asking Rep/Senator  _ _ _ _ to work for the immediate release of Ubai Aboudi by calling on Secretary of State Pompeo to secure his release.
  • I demand his case be given top priority as his preexisting health conditions may render his already unlawful detention a death sentence during the coronavirus pandemic.
  • The Israeli military is also known to torture more than 95% of the Palestinians it abducts- including children and convicts more than 99% of the Palestinians it detains. Israeli military practices against Palestinians are best- and most appallingly- highlighted by the fact that Israel is the only country in the world to systemically capture and keep children in military prison camps.
  • Israel is now being investigated by the International Criminal Court for grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, war crimes and crimes against humanity, including for its military abductions and treatment of Palestinian prisoners.
  • How can your Department allow U.S. citizens to be held and tried by a military regime that is being investigated by the ICC?
  • Israel’s military detention system systematically discriminates Palestinians and is inherently racist. Israel has shown deliberate disregard for the health and well-being of Palestinian detainees throughout the COVID-19 pandemic by not testing Palestinian prisoners, preventing prisoners to access appropriate sanitary equipment, and has ignoring multiple calls for their release from UN officials.
  • Israeli anti-Palestinian racism was also globally showcased when in response to the UNHCR Commissioner’s demand for the release of all political prisoners to protect them from coronavirus, Israel released 400 non-political Israeli prisoners and increased its military abduction of Palestinians – including children. If this is how they treat children, we can only imagine how they treat adults.
  • Palestinians are abducted by Israeli military and charged and tried for activities that are routine in every society- activities which are legal for Israelis to undertake. For example, the Israeli military prison system criminalizes Palestinian groups and individuals as security threats and terrorists for participating in mere gatherings “that could be construed as political.”
  • It is disturbing to know that our government and the Department of State would allow its citizens to be held and tried in such an unlawful and racist system. It is all the more appalling that our government and the Department of State adopts these Israeli “terrorism” designations in the US while knowing their obviously racist, arbitrary, and illegal genesis which not only criminalizes most of Palestinian society, but manages to ensnare and abuse an education worker, a farming and science advocate, and a civilian citizen of the US.
  • I ask that your Department reject these designations; that it reject the charges and conviction against Ubai as illegal and contrived; and that you please work to free Ubai immediately.
  • I cannot feel safe until I know your Department will protect Ubai as it would protect me and my family. Please write (call) back to let me know what steps your office will take.

Khalida Jarrar: The Land is Ploughed by the Faith of the Peasant by Hind Shraydeh

The following article was originally published in Arabic at Hadf News. Thank you to Jamileh Abed for translating this article into English.

Khalida upon her release from Israeli prison in 2016. Today, she is once again detained by the occupation. Photo: Facebook

by Hind Shraydeh

Many people snitched on Khalida to her father: “Better get hold of the situation before it is too late Kana’an…Your daughter is being carried on men’s shoulders and shouting slogans in demonstrations!”

In the Arab society in general, and in a conservative city like Nablus in particular, such acts may be subject to public scrutiny, and a young woman being carried by men who are not blood relatives may be considered shameful. Khalida’s father, the owner of a children’s toy shop where he earns a living for his family, his wife and eight children, had to overcome such taboos when informed of his daughter’s participation in political rallies against the Israeli occupation.

Khaleda was born in February 1963 in Nablus, known to locals as “Jabal an-Nar”; translated literally, this means “the mountain of fire.” Khalida belongs to the first generation born to Palestinian refugees after the Nakba[1], (catastrophe) of the Palestinian people in 1948, as her family was forced to flee from the occupied town of Bisan.

Khalida is a calm and balanced woman.  She can be described as radical in her stances and insightful in her visions, as seen by her participation in areas and activities that address her people’s concerns.  She is not easily provoked, and responds to absurd and irrational statements with a smile and a sound convincing answer. Khalida is not only a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), but also a wife, mother, comrade, friend and a sister. She is also a “totem pole for those who are alone,” as described by the distressed people who arrive at her office to seek her help.

Khalida while participating in the Dabke troupe at Birzeit University. Source: Her family

Today, Khalida Jarrar is known as one of the most prominent social and political Palestinian figures. She holds a master’s degree in Democracy and Human Rights and worked as the director of Addameer Prisoner Support & Human Rights Association from 1994 to 2006. In 2006, she was elected as a member of the PLC and appointed the person in charge of the prisoners’ committee. After this, she was appointed as Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors of Addameer, as well as a member of the Higher National Committee responsible for following up on Palestine’s accession to the International Criminal Court.

Khalida’s commitment to Palestine stems from her family’s love for the country, and in particular from her mother and her uncle, Qadri Hannoud, who was a freedom fighter himself. Qadri is one of the founders of the Arab Nationalist Movement who was arrested and later deported to Jordan. Khalida enjoyed a special relationship with her uncle prior to his arrest and deportation. She recalls times spent with him and especially his attentiveness when a spilled cup of tea caused a burn on her neck. The incident and the burn became an irrefutable sign of the bond between them, their close relationship and the significant influence he had upon her to join on his path.

Khalida has struggled against the occupying power throughout the majority of her life.  International Women’s Day 1989 marked her first arrest. She relayed the details later on, as she herself escaped being arrested by an Israeli soldier during a demonstration, only to see her sister Salam being harassed by another soldier. Khalida could not but to try to rescue her sister, ending with both sisters and a third sister, Nihaya, all being arrested by occupation soldiers. As the whole world celebrated International Women’s Day, the Ratrout family (Khalida’s family) had to deal with the arrest of three of their daughters only to be followed by two sons, Khalid and Tareq.

The above-mentioned oppressive measure was Khalida’s first experience at being arrested, but she was to experience a second, third and fourth arrest. Today, Khalida is held in the Damon Prison, which was once used as an animal stable. She has been detained awaiting a military court trial since the end of October 2019, when she was abducted from her home only eight months after her release from 20 months of administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial.

On that date, the Israeli soldiers stormed her house (noting that Khalida lives with her husband, Ghassan Jarrar, and their daughter, Suha, in a house near the Palestinian Security and Presidency Headquarters in Al-Bireh, while Yafa, her eldest, is living outside Palestine) and took her to the Ofer Military Detention Center, where she was searched and interrogated. After this, she was transported under very difficult conditions on the Bosta (a vehicle designed to transport political prisoners) to the Hasharon Prison. She spent nearly three days there before being moved back to the Moskobiyeh interrogation center, where she was subjected to harsh interrogation. She was transferred once more back to Hasharon prison and then to Damon. All these transfers were carried out using the notorious bosta, during which she was denied access to health care and sanitary facilities.

Khalida: Free despite confinement.

The occupation authorities filed an indictment against Khalida, accusing her of holding a position in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, an organization banned under military orders like all major Palestinian political parties. In addition, according to the unjust and illegitimate indictment, from the beginning of 2014 until the date of her arrest, she was responsible for the political aspects of the relationship with Palestinian institutions representing the Popular Front. In short, she was being dragged before a military court for her public political activity.

It is worth noting that Khalida was tried for the charge mentioned in 2015, which makes it a flagrant violation of the internationally established legal principle stating that the same person cannot be tried twice for the same accusation.

The Occupation’s Fear of Thought

As narrated by Ghassan, Khalida’s life partner, the occupation continues to regurgitate the same excuse for arresting and indicting Khalida, which is, according to them, belonging to a “banned” political organization, the Popular Front.

Recalling the proceedings of a court hearing that was held in 2015, Ghassan said that her lawyer was outraged by her arrest due to the absence of any real reason for her detention. It was then that the prosecution’s defeat was apparent when the military prosecutor shouted that the Khalida’s danger lies in the influence she possesses.”The unjust maneuvers of the prosecution that I witnessed on that day confirm that the occupation fears ideologies and mere thoughts, and Khalida is a case in point!” he said.

With a shiver of love and longing in his voice, Ghassan continues: “Khalida is intriguing, alluring and complex, a woman who represents thought, passion, emotion and conscience all at once. She is a politician in love with her country, the advocate for the underprivileged and oppressed. She is a wise person that can assess and balance each situation individually, as her office is always open to all citizens from all political factions and social classes. At the same time, Khalida is beautiful and kind as a mother and as a wife. We miss her presence, but feel she is with us at all times, as she alone is the one able to keep this family together.”

Khalida and her husband Ghassan upon their graduation from Birzeit University. Family photo.

Ghassan is unyielding in expressing his love for his wife. It is palpable when he utters any statement about her, as when he said: “Khalida is everything to me…she is the oxygen that I breathe.”

If it were not for radio broadcasts…!

“We have no information concerning my mother due to the halting of all visitations and court hearings at the beginning of March 2020.  We are extremely worried about her, as means of communications have come to a stop except through sending our one-way regards over the radio,” said Khalida’s daughter Suha. Moreover, this has become especially difficult after the occupation intelligence issued a decision to prevent three female detainees, one of whom is Khalida, from making phone calls to their families after visits were cancelled amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This has amounted to a further escalation in the punitive measures against Khalida and her entire family.

Suha continues to express her concern for her mother, who suffers from chronic diseases, including infarction of the cerebral tissues due to hypoglycemia, vascular clotting and high cholesterol. She said: “My mom needs weekly check-ups. She needs blood thinner medications, and these must be monitored regularly since an overdose or an under-dose can cause serious problems for her. The former can cause internal bleeding and the latter could cause blood clots that can end in a stroke, especially since she has a history of such clots and she survived two strokes in the past.  Our concerns are elevated due to the outbreak of the coronavirus and the information we have at hand, which is that all clinic visits have been suspended. And so we sit and wonder together with my father, who is suffering terribly on her behalf: Is there anyone who gives her medicine regularly? Does she have gloves, protective masks, or sterilizing agents available in the detention facility she is in…knowing that Damon prison, like all Israeli prisons, lacks the minimum requirements for a healthy life?”

Suha continues: “There has been much talk that prison authorities provide chlorine bleach in scarce quantities, but bleach is not a safe sterilizing agent to begin with. It is a poisonous substance that irritates the skin and the lungs and can continuous coughing. I am afraid that my mother’s body, with a history of two strokes, will not be able to survive under such conditions and amid a serious pandemic like the coronavirus.”

Khalida:  a substitute mother to 42 Palestinian women prisoners

As Suha continues to talk, she says: “When I was a little girl, my father was arrested.  He spent seven years in administrative detention. I had to learn the meaning of that phrase at an early age.  My sister and I had to eavesdrop to understand what was happening with him. It was painful to us to learn of the torture he underwent. It affected us directly, and, I am sure, indirectly. Once he was freed, we thought we were immune to arrests and their ramifications, until my mother was arrested. Her imprisonment lays heavily on our hearts with pain that resembles no other. I realized that I am not the strong mature woman that is able to absorb pain; or that legal researcher and international advocacy officer who thought she was shielded by a mechanism to control pain. In fact, I realized that I was only human and that I can be hurt time and time again, especially when it relates to my mother’s continuing imprisonment. However, within all this mix of emotions, I am comforted when I hear that my mom has become a substitute mother to 42 other political prisoners who share her fate in Israeli jails.”

During her life, Khalida Jarrar was harassed by the occupying forces repeatedly, including an order for her forced displacement to Jericho[2], (considered area “A” according to the Oslo agreement) prior to her second arrest in 2014. This action was carried out under the pretext of a secret file, the same type of intelligence document used to order administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial. Khalida and her family protested this action by carrying out a sit-in that continued 24/7 for a month in front of the PLC building. The order was cancelled, but Khalida was then attacked for that victory and arrested for 15 months. In addition, Khalida has been banned from travel since 1998 until the present day, as retaliation for her participation in the preparatory meetings of the Universal Declaration for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders in Paris.

Khalida’s mother: Your favorite dish (Akkoub) is on the stove…we are awaiting you

Recalling her memories together with Khalida, her sister Nihaya says, “All I remember is that Khalida was always either reading or immersed in volunteer work and active in student unions. As a young child, she was always interested in Palestinian history and related novels. She enjoyed reading Ghassan Kanafani’s literature most.” Her sister went on to say, “Khalida is passionate, giving and an influential leader in her community.  In addition, Khalida broke the customs of society and rejected our outdated traditions as a family. For example, when she got married, she refused a accept a dowry of more than one Jordanian Dinar, hence establishing a new tradition to be followed by the rest of the women of the family. Each stage in her life is a story in itself. She has always established a different approach, calling for development and progress even amongst us. She married her friend and companion from university after living a great love story. Their love and support for one another continued and remained strong despite life’s difficulties and multiple arrests and separations.”

Family photo of Khalida, Ghassan and their daughters, Yafa and Suha.

Last but not least, Khalida’s 80-year-old mother, who was also an activist from a young age in the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees, expressed how proud she is of Khalida. She admits openly to her children that she is biased towards her: “There is Khalida and there are the rest,” she says. “My daughter wakes up every morning believing that she has something in this world, and she eagerly seeks to obtain this vision. This is how I raised her and I will continue to be proud of her as long as I live. I say to her: ‘We miss you my dear daughter, and want you to know that your favorite dish is on the stove…all of us are awaiting your return.'”

[1] The Palestinian Nakba occurred in 1948 when more than 700,000 Palestinians, about half of the Palestinian population were expelled or compelled to flee from their homes by Israeli terrorist groups.

[2] According to the Oslo agreement signed with Israel in 1993, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip were divided into three different areas (A, B, and C) that are subject to different laws in terms of control. The city of Jericho falls in area “A” which means that it is allegedly under the full control of the PA. In practice, however, this area is under occupation, the same as the rest of the Palestinian land mentioned, except that the Israeli occupation has disclaimed its responsibility as the occupying power for its civil affairs, such as health, education and social welfare.

Hind Shraydeh is a writer and human rights defender from occupied Jerusalem, Palestine. She is the wife of Ubai Aboudi, the imprisoned Executive Director of the Bisan Center and a Palestinian writer and researcher. To support Ubai’s campaign for freedom, please visit Scientists for Palestine or listen to Hind’s recent webinar and take the actions described here.

Over 190 lawyers and activists urge UN to take action for Palestinian prisoners and detainees

The following letter was endorsed by Charlotte Kates, international coordinator of Samidoun; Joe Catron, U.S. coordinator of Samidoun; and many other activists, lawyers and people of conscience. We republish the press release and full letter below:

190 Arab and International personalities submit a public petition United Nations Human Rights Council calling on Israel to release Palestinian prisoners due to the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

At the initiative of Dr Anis Fawzi Kassim and others, a public petition was submitted today to United Nations Human Rights Council concerning the situation of Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli prisons and detention certers and calling on Israeli authorities to release those incarcerated in Israeli prisons and detention centers for fear for their lives due to the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The petition was signed by 190 international personalities of lawyers, academics, parliamentarians and human rights activists worldwide who expressed their deep concern for the well-being of some five thousand (5,000) Palestinian prisoners and detainees incarcerated in Israeli prisons and detention centers.

The signatories said: We are fully aware of the legal duty of Israel towards these detainees where Israel has been the belligerent occupant. They added: “Israel has been consistently negligent in shoring up its legal responsibilities under international law. In fact, it has utilized its formal organs, such as the courts, to justify its evasive practices of non-compliance with the law. Such failure has been manifestly evident during this pandemic. It has not taken any real step to protect the Palestinian prisoners against infection.”

The petition stated: “Israel remains negligent in and it could be called to account internationally for the “crimes against humanity” based on article (7-1-1-h) of Rome Statute.”

The signatories called on the United Nations and the international community to force Israel to release all Palestinian prisoners and detainees especially children, women and sick and elderly prisoners and provide those prisoners with all necessary equipment and hygienic material to protect them from the infection and to observe their internationally recognized right to health.


Public Statement on the State of  Palestinian Prisoners  and Detainees in  Israeli  Detention Camps

07 May 2020

In these pandemic days of coronavirus (COVID-19) where the world community has not as yet developed any medication except preventive measures, we, a group of concerned lawyers, human rights activists, and academics, are very much distressed with the fate and well-being of approximately five thousand (5,000) Palestinian prisoners and detainees that are being incarcerated in Israeli detention centers.

We are fully aware of the legal duty of Israel towards these detainees where Israel has been the belligerent occupant for the last fifty-two (52) years. Israel has been consistently negligent in shoring up its legal responsibilities under international law. In fact, it has utilized its formal organs, such as the courts, to justify its evasive practices of non-compliance with the law. Such failure has been manifestly evident during this pandemic. It has not taken any meaningful step to protect the Palestinian detainees against infection. They are still incarcerated in overcrowded cells and compounds, where the only preventative measures prescribed for dealing with the pandemic are social distancing and provision of hygiene products and materials.

The detainees include 194 children, 43 women (17 of whom are mothers), 430 administrative detainees (held indefinitely on suspicion without charge or trial), 750 convicted indefinitely, 50 who have been in jail for more than 20 years, 700 are very ill and in need of special medical care and treatment, and six (6)  members of  the Palestinian Legislative Council who were freely elected in the 2006 elections. They are all being held in three centers in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and in 20 detention centers inside Israel in contravention of the Geneva Conventions.

The State of Israel is a state party to the main instruments dealing with human rights, which all provide for the human right to health and protection against contagious diseases. In December 2015, the UN General Assembly voted unanimously to adopt the Nelson Mandela Rules which set out the Standard Minimum Rules for the treatment of prisoners. Those rules provide, inter alia, that “In cases where prisoners are suspected of having contagious diseases, the physician in charge shall call for ’clinical isolation and elaborate treatment’ of the infected prisoners. In addition to the legal obligations imposed on Israel by virtue of the Geneva Convention, the Rome Treaty (to which Israel is not a party) provides that any persecution against any group “on political, racial, national, ethnic … or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law…” is a crime against humanity. In the current situation of global pandemic crisis, Israel’s behavior towards the Palestinian detainees leaves them exposed to the risk of being infected by the disease, which could be categorized as a crime against humanity.

Furthermore, Israel’s continued incarceration of those detainees and prisoners deprives them of access to means of protection against the pandemic infection and creates imminent danger to their lives. Lack of testing kits,instruments and appropriate treatment of the sick, including denial of the entry of personal protective equipment, medication and sanitation equipment among others, are measures that are not allowed under international law.Reliable reports from inside prisons confirm that Israeli authorities have withdrawn 140 items from the Palestinian prisoners’ canteen or prison store, including ordinary disinfectants and cleaning products. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, Israel has banned lawyers and family visits to the prisoners. Yet, Israel has released hundreds of Israeli criminal prisoners to reduce the threat of the virus to them but,at the same time, refuses to release any Palestinian prisoner. Israel must realise that the infection does not discriminate between human beings. Their continued systemic and discriminatory policy towards Palestinian prisoners amount to “medical apartheid”.

We, the undersigned, call on Israel, the belligerent occupant, to:

  1. release all Palestinian prisoners and detainees especially in these pandemic times; or in the alternative
  2. release the children, women and sick and elderly prisoners; and, in any event
  3. provide those prisoners with all necessary equipment and hygienic material and to observe their internationally recognized right to health.
Name Position
1. Dr. Mario Martone Theoretical Physics, Postdoctoral Scholar, UT Austin
2. Dr. Emilio Dabed Law Professor, York University, Toronto, Canada
3. Charlotte Kates Coordinator, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
4. Dr. Richard Falk Professor Emeritus, Princeton University, former UN Human Rights rapporteur to Occupied Palestinian Territories
5. Lamis J Deek Attorney and Human Rights Law practitioner, USA
6. Dr. Virginia Tilley University Professor, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
7. Salman Abu Sitta Founder, Palestine Land Society
8. Dr. Ibrahim Fraihat Doha Institute
9. Dr. ​Kamel Hawwash University Professor, Birmingham
10. Dr. Nawaf Tamimi Doha Institute
11. Dr. Falah Salha Advocat, Salha law office
12. ​Marie Crawley MP Ireland, Chair, Sadaka – the Ireland Palestine Alliance
13. Mohammad Tarbush Banker and writer
14. ​Tisetso Magama Africa4Palestine (formerly BDS South Africa)
15. Dr. ​Ramy Abdu Founder and Chairman, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor
16. ​ Kamal Khalaf Al-tawil MD Medical practitioner, Jordan
17. ​Dr.Paola Manduca Professor Genetics, DIBIO-University of Genoa, Italy
18. ​Catalino Castillo Deputy Legislative Assembly of El Salvador.
19. Dr. ​Anton Shulhut Writer and publicist, Acre, Palestine
20. ​Ziad El-Aloul Community and business consultant, Palestine (UK)
21. Obaida El-Modalal Dentist, Palestine (Germany)
22. ​Dr. Rima Khalaf President of Global Organization against Racial Discrimination and Segregation
23. Mohammad Mousa Alansari Secretary of the General Assembly of Palabroad
24. ​Na’eem Jeenah  Afro-Middle East Centre, South Africa
25. Muhammed Desai
26. Hani Hunaidi Financier and Management Consultant, Jordan
27. Dr. Ibrahim Hamami Family Physician, Political activist, UK
28. Dr. Khaled Salaymeh Children Heart Surgeon, Palestine (Jordan)
29. Hisham Abu Mahfouz Engineer, vice chair of Conference for Palestinian Abroad, Palestine (Turkey)
30. Nader Salah Business consultant, Community activist, Palestine (Turkey)
31. Nabila Abu Hantash Financier, Human Rights activist, Palestine (Kuwait)
32. Dr. Wael Shadid Human Rights activist, Strategy planning, Palestine (Qatar)
33. Sami Shahin Human Rights activist, Palestine (Kuwait)
34. Yasser Ali Poet and writer
35. Ali Huwaidi Political activist and writer, Palestine (Lebanon)
36. Mutaz Masloukhi Lawyer and human rights activist, Qatar
37. Dr. Mutaz M. Qafisheh University professor, Hebron, Palestine
38. Dr. Mahmoud Al Hanafi University professor, Shahed Society, Palestine (Lebanon)
39. Mohammad Mattar Advocate, Levant Law Practice (LLP), Lebanon
40. Dr. Abdul Jabbar Said University professor, Palestine (Qatar)
41. Mats Svensson Diplomat and writer, Sweden
42. Maya Majzoub Instructor (Media Studies) Lebanese American University Founder of the “Rally Against Apartheid”, Lebanon
43. Gilles DEVERS Avocat, Lyon, France
44. Adel Manna A Palestinian Historian, al-Quds
45. Adi Shosberger Medical Aid Without Borders – Yael
46. Atallah Said OBE British Palestinian Policy Council
47. Rania Madi Badil, Bethlehem (Geneva)
48. Georges Henri Beauthier Avocat, Brussels
49. Dr. Khaled Hroub University professor, Cambridge.
50. Khaled Shouli Avocat, Jordan (France)
51. Iman Aburous Global Organization against Racial Discrimination & Segregation
52. Dr. Mohammed Samhouri Palestinian economist
53. Sari Zuayter Architect, Jordan
54. Prof Suleiman Sharkh University of Southampton, UK
55. Jeanne Mirer President, International Association of Democratic Lawyers; Co-Chair, International Committee, National Lawyers Guild (US)
56. Lora Lucero Retired US lawyer, National Lawyers Guild
57. Sabah al-Mukhtar Arab Lawyers Network (UK)
58. Divya Babbula CUNY School of Law, Class of 2022
59. Jim Lafferty Fellow of the Institute for the Humanities at the University of Southern California, USA
60. Professor Bill Bowring Barrister, Director of the LLM/MA in Human Rights, Birkbeck University, London (UK)
61. Stephen Laudig Hawaii State Bar, Hawaiian Society of Law and Politics, National Lawyers Guild, United States Supreme Court Bar
62. Richard J. Harvey Barrister
63. Osamu Niikura Professor emeritus and Attorney at Law, Aoyama Gakuin University
64. Yevgenii Gerasymenko Ukrainian Association of Democratic Lawyers
65. Yiannis Rachiotis Hellenic Union of Progressive Lawyers
66. Serife Ceren Uysal Progressive Lawyers Association (Turkey)
67. Hasan Tarique Chowdhury Democratic Lawyers Association of Bangladesh (DLAB)
68. Fabio Marcelli Director of the Institute of International Legal Studies of the National Research Council, Rome
69. Thanh Le Vietnam Lawyers Association
70. Lennox S Hinds Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University
71. Joe Catron International Solidarity Movement; Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
72. Muhammad Masaud Ghani Democratic Lawyers Association of Pakistan
73. Beth S. Lyons Alternate delegate to UN, International Association of Democratic Lawyers
74. Dr Ilan Pappe Professor of History, Director of the European Centre for Palestine Studies, University of Exeter
75. Eitan Bronstein Aparicio Eitan Bronstein Aparicio, De-Colonizer Www.de-colonizer.org
76. Prof. Haim Bresheeth Professorial Research Associate SOAS University of London
77. Haydee Dijkstal

Barrister, 33 Bedford Row Chambers
78. Professor Oren Ben-Dor Philosopher, unaffiliated
79. Zuhair Abu Shayeb Poet and Writer, Palestine (Jordan)
80. Khalid Turaani Human Rights and Community Activist, USA
81. Professor Nadim Rouhana Tufts University, Canada
82. George T. Abed Scholar in Residence, Institute of International Finance
83. Dr. Basheer M. Nafi Historian, London
84. Dr. Ahmad Al Mughrabi Legal Consultant, Istanbul
85. Mustafa .M .Nasrallah Lawyer, Jordan
86. Dr. Azmi Bishara Thinker, writer and Philosopher, Doha Institute and Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Qatar
87. Maram Nabulsi Lawyer, Jordan
88. Simaan Khoury President of Palestinian Union in Latin America, El Silvador
89. Adel Turjman Union of Palestinians in Latin America
90. Dr. Hasan Khreisheh Deputy Speaker of Palestinian Legislative Council
91. Dr Moayad Al-Masri Member of Palestinian Legislative Council
92. Abdul Rahman Zaidn Member of Palestinian Legislative Council
93. Saif Abu Keshek Political Activist, Spain
94. Dr. Mohammad Olwan Professor Emeritus, Petra University, Jordan
95. Rabei Hamzeh Lawyer, Jordan
96. ​Linda Patricia Abuchaibe Writer, Member of Palestine National Council, Columbia
97. ​Suad Marcos Poet and Writer, Nicaragua
98. ​Ricardo Muhrez Mufdi Union of Palestinians in Latin America
99. Omar Mofeed Student activism University of Westminster London
100. Dr Aziz Dweik Chair of the Palestine Legislative Counsel, Palestine
101. Dr. Ahmad Al Khalidi, Former Miniter of Justice, Palestine
102. Khalil Assaf Chair of Independent Personalities in West Bank, Palestine
103. Issa Al Jaabari Former Minister of Local Government, Palestine
104. Mohamed Bargouthi Former Minister of Justice, Palestine
105. Dr. Maryam Saleh Former Minister of Women’s Affairs in the Government
106. M. Abdul Rahman Zaidan Former Minister of Works and Housing
107. Ahmed Atoun Member of Palestine Legislative Counsel, Palestine
108. Muhammad Totah Member of Palestine Legislative Counsel, Palestine
109. Samira Halayqah Journalist, Palestine
110. Mahmoud al-Khatib Palestine
111.  Anwar Zaboun Palestine
112. A Khaled Tafesh Dhouib Palestine
113. A Muhammad al-Tal Palestine
114. Khaled Saeed Yahya Poet, Palestine
115. Mohamed Maher Badr Palestine
116. Riad Raddad Member of Palestine Legislative Counsel, Palestine
117. Ahmed Al-Haj Ali Palestine
118. Yasser Mansour Palestine
119. Dr. Hatem Qafisheh Palestine
120. Dr. Nasser Abdel-Jawad Palestine
121. Imad Nofal Palestine
122. Fathi Qaraawi Palestine
123. Ahmed Mubarak Palestine
124. Dr. Omar Abdel Razek, Former Minister of Finance, Palestine
125. Basim Al Zaearir Palestine
126. Father Manuel Musallam Head of the Christian World Department in the PLO, Palestine
127. Dr. Mahmoud Al-Ramahi, G. Secretary of Palestine Legislative Council, Palestine
128. Dr. Ayman Daraghmeh Palestine
129. Hosni Al-Burini Palestine
130. Mona Mansour Palestine
131. Samir Alqadi Palestine
132. Dr. Ibrahim Abu Salem Palestine
133. Dr. Basem Naim Former Minister of Health, Palestine
134. Isebel Lourenco Human Rights Activist, Researcher, Portugal
135. Prof. Berenice Bento Department of Sociology, UnB, Brasilia
136. Dr. Ahmed Shehada President of Brazil Palestine, Institute, IBRASPAL, Brazil
137. Prof. Alfredo Feres Neto Associate Professor, University of Brazilia, Brazil
138. Dr Munther Rajab Medical practitioner, Germany
139. Anuar Majluf Lawyer, CEO of Palestinian Community, Chile
140. Nadia Silhi Law PhD student, University of Edinburgh
141. Douglas Kristopher Smith Instructor at the Catholic University of Valparaiso, Chile
142. Mauricio Amar Professor of Arab Studies Center Eugenio Chahuan, of Chile
143. Luz Gómez García Univeristy Professor, Center of Arabic Studies, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
144. Alicia Alonso Merino Lawyer Spain/Researcher OVIC-Chile
145. Ana Manero Salvador Public International Law Professor, University Carlos III (Spain)
146. Aurora Mesto Heredia PhD on Human Rights, University Carlos III (Spain)
147. Dr. Isaías Barreñada Professor at Madrid Complutense University, Spain
148. Rodrigo Karmy Bolton Professor, University of Chile
149. Marcela Chahuan Zedan Professor at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez and Universidad de Chile.
150. Prof. Ricardo Marzuca Professor, Arab Studies Center Eugenio Chahuan, Univeristy of Chile
151. Felipe Chahuan Professor Emiratus, Faculty of Law, University of Chile (Chile)
152. Bárbara Sepúlveda Hales President Association of Feminist Lawyers of Chile
153. John Minto Political Human Rights activist,  New Zealand
154. Philip McFedries Political Human Rights activist,  New Zealand
155. Marcela Chahuan Zedan Professor at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Universidad de Chile
156. Andrea Giadach Lecturer, Drama School, University of Valparaiso, Chile
157. Leonora Beniscelli Contreras PhD (c) and Lecturer, University Alberto Hurtado, Chile
158. Fuad Chahin Valenzuela lawyer, former MP, Chile
159. Liliana Cordova-Kaczerginski Cofounder of International Jewish anti-Zionist Network IJAN
160. Alaa Skafi Lawyer, Palestine
161. Dr. Khaireddin Abdul Rehman Former Palestine Ambassador (Palestine)
162. Basem Saffouri Human Resources Development, Kuwait (Palestine)
163. Hilmi Bilbaisi Political Activist, Palestine (Jordan)
164. Mohammed Meshenish Human rights and community activist,
165. Yousef Sabri Planning Specialist – Kuwait
166. Prof. Fouad Beseiso Former Governor Palestine Monetary Authority,
167. Ola Al Abed Founder and Chairman, Rajeaa Center, Jordan
168. Dr. Ahmad Muhaisen Architect and Political Activist, Palestine (Germany)
169. Sami Shahin BDS Movement, Canada
170. Yasser Ali General manager of Dar Al Awda For Studies & Publishing Co.
171. Nesrin Yousef Odeh Bachelor of Arabic literature

Diploma of Sharia (Islamic Law)

172. Zaher Birawi Journalist and TV Broadcaster, Chairman of EuroPal Forum-London, Palestine (UK)
173. Bassam Khalil Finance Manager, Palestine (Kuwait)
174. Ali Hweidi Association 302 to Defend Refugees Rights – General Director
175. Kathem Husien Ayesh chairman of jordan society of return and refugees
176. Dr. Ghazi Mohammad Khader Researcher in Quality, Palestine
177. Ahmad Mashaal Human Rights Activist, Palestine (Lebanon)
178. Ahmed Nasser Consult Engineer, Sweden
179. Dr. Ziad Abulaban Professor Arabic language, Jordan
180. Bensalem Abdelhamid Former Member of Parliament, Algeria
181. Zaki Bany Ershead Political activist, Jordan
182. Dr. Ribhi Halloum Politician, Former Palestinian Ambassador, Palestine (Jordan)
183. Prof. Mohsen Saleh General Manager, Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies & Consultations
184. Prof.  Ahmad Nufal Political Science Professor, Palestine (Jordan)
185. Yasser kaddoura Howiyya – The National Project for the Preservation of Palestinian Family Roots – General Manager
186. Ayman T. Abualrub Dentist and Oral surgeon, Jordan
187. Munther Zeidan Management Consultant, Qatar
188. Rajab Chamlakh Political and community activist, Palestine (UK)
189. Dr. Sabri Samira Political Scientist, Director of MENA institution for new societies, Istanbul Turkey
190. Dr. Mohamed Yaser Amro Education and Management Consultant, Qatar
191. Bassam Tablieh Civil and Human Rights Solicitor, Syria (UK)
192. Hussein Abu Hussein Civil and Human Rights Lawyer, Palestine
193. Adnan Al-Sabah Civil and Human Rights Solicitor, Palestine (UK)
194. Dr Anis Kassim The Palestine Yearbook of International Law, Lawyer, Jordan