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9 September, Bordeaux: Meeting with Salah Hamouri

Monday, 9 September
8:00 pm
Municipal Athenaeum
Place Saint-Christoly
Bordeaux, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2379026099007887/

Palestine 33 is organizing a meeting with French-Palestinian lawyer Salah Hamouri, with the support of UJFP Aquitaine, MRAP 33, ARAC 33, Solidarity 33, NPA 33, Allies of Peace, PCF 33, UD CGT 33, EELV, PG 33, MCJF 33, Ensemble! 33, AC! Gironde and LDH 33.

Salah Hamouri’s life story is emblematic of the situation of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners. He was jailed twice by the Israeli occupation. Come to learn much more about this situation and the struggle of Palestinians held behind bars!


Palestine 33 organise une rencontre avec l’avocat franco-palestinien Salah Hamouri, avec le soutien de L’UJFP Aquitaine ; le MRAP 33 ; l’ARAC-33 ; Solidaires 33 ; NPA 33 ; Les Alliés de la Paix ; le PCF 33 ; l’UD CGT 33 ; EELV ; PG 33 ; MCJF 33 ; Ensemble! 33 ; AC! Gironde et la LDH 33.
Les organisations seront ajoutées au fur-et-à-mesure de l’annonce de leur soutien…

Salah Hamouri, dont le vécu est emblématique de la situation de centaines de prisonniers palestiniens, a été incarcéré à deux reprises en Israël sur ordre du gouvernement. Né d’une mère française et d’un père palestinien de Jérusalem, c’est en mars 2005 que les autorités militaires israéliennes l’arrêtent lors d’un contrôle d’identité, et qu’il est inculpé pour avoir prétendument projeté de tuer un rabbin et pour son appartenance au Front populaire de libération de la Palestine, puis condamné à 14 ans de prison.
En France, l’AFPS, des élus, associations et partis politiques créent des comités de soutien à Salah, dont un en Gironde, pour protester contre cette condamnation. Il sera libéré en décembre 2011 avec 550 autres prisonniers dans le cadre de l’échange « Gilad Shalit », conclu avec l’Égypte.
En avril 2012, pour nos « 8 heures pour la Palestine », Salah Hamouri, récemment libéré, était venu témoigner sur son parcours et de la condition des prisonniers politiques palestiniens.
Après sa sortie de prison, il suit des études de droit et devient avocat en août 2017. Salah sera de nouveau arrêté à son domicile à Jérusalem-Est dans la nuit du 22 au 23 août 2017 et placé en détention administrative pour une période de 6 mois (renouvelable indéfiniment) car soupçonné d’avoir renoué avec une organisation politique illégale : le Front populaire de libération de la Palestine (FPLP). Le 24 octobre 2017, la Cour suprême d’Israël estime que Salah Hamouri est « un haut responsable d’une organisation terroriste » et « constitue bien un danger important et réel pour la sécurité publique », et que « la détention administrative pour la période donnée est justifiée ».Après treize mois d’incarcération, il sera libéré le 30 septembre 2018.
En décembre 2013 il déclarait : « Voilà deux ans que j’ai retrouvé la liberté, après sept années passées en prison. Ce jour-là, en respirant ma première bouffée d’air de liberté, j’ai compris que cette occupation ne comprend qu’une seule langue, celle de la lutte, de la résistance et de la solidarité… »

Mais comme nous l’apprend ce message de Ziad Medoukh, l’injustice se perpétue et dans le silence assourdissant de la communauté internationale, 6000 prisonniers d’opinion continuent à lutter, souffrir et mourir dans les prisons israéliennes :
« Le prisonnier palestinien Nasser Tfatqua, âgé de 31 ans, originaire de Bethléem au sud de la Cisjordanie occupée, détenu dans les prisons israéliennes depuis deux mois, est décédé ce mardi 16 juillet 2019 dans sa cellule individuelle isolée dans la prison israélienne Ramla.…. Cet État d’apartheid continue sa politique agressive contre les prisonniers, comme contre toute notre population civile. Il poursuit ses crimes contre des prisonniers isolés qui sont de plus en plus abandonnés à l’arbitraire et à l’acharnement criminel des autorités pénitentiaires, sans suivi médical, ni visites.
Dans ces prisons, leur situation se dégrade jour après jour, et les autorités israéliennes aggravent encore leur souffrance par des mesures illégales et des provocations permanentes. Une mort lente attend les six mille prisonniers qui sont toujours derrière les barreaux israéliens…
Un prisonnier palestinien est mort …
…mais le combat de nos prisonniers continue jusqu’à la liberté, et pour la justice ».


Samidoun stands in solidarity with Al Janiah social and cultural center in Brazil

Al Janiah organizers outside the social center and restaurant in Sao Paulo

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network stands in solidarity with Al Janiah, a refugee-run and -organized restaurant and social center in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Al Janiah is not only a central organizing space for the Palestinian community and Palestine solidarity movement in Brazil, but also a space for music, cultural resistance and activism for all struggles for justice and liberation in Brazil and around the world.

In the early morning hours of 1 September, Al Janiah was attacked by a fascist group who approached the doors with sharp blades and threw bottles at the building’s windows. All five of the people involved in the incident – recorded on security cameras and blocked by the Al Janiah security team – have a long history of connection to far-right groups, according to media reports. This is not the first time Al Janiah was attacked – in 2016, military police threw tear gas bombs at Al Janiah that affected workers and customers during protests against the “constitutional coup” against then-President Dilma Roussef.

The attack on Al Janiah by far-right, fascist forces cannot be delinked from the ongoing project of repression, environmental devastation and political attacks being emboldened by the Brazilian government, especially under the presidency of Jair Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro has actively associated his presidency with the Israeli state responsible for the dispossession of the very Palestinian refugees who formed Al Janiah as a critical social space for democratic expression and organizing. The Israeli state has returned Bolsonaro’s support, with effusive welcomes provided to Bolsonaro and the Brazilian far-right by Benjamin Netanyahu and the Zionist regime as a whole. Of couse, Israeli-Brazilian military cooperation predates Bolsonaro, as does the use of Israeli military and surveillance technologies to repress popular movements and marginalized peoples.

Bolsonaro has threatened to label indigenous organizations and popular social movements like the Landless Workers’ Movement (MST) as “terrorist organizations,” taking a page out of the Israeli state’s attack on Palestinian resistance to over 70 years of colonization, occupation, apartheid and dispossession. His regime has supported and emboldened racist, misogynistic and anti-indigenous organizations and individuals while promoting free, destructive reign for corporations and wealthy ranchers, policies that have played a significant role in creating the devastating fires sweeping the Amazon. Brazil’s former president Lula da Silva remains a political prisoner, while social movements are coming under official repressive attacks by police and intelligence forces.

Al Janiah is a critically important Palestinian and Brazilian space that belongs to the international movement for justice and liberation, guided by the traditions and struggle of the Palestinian liberation movement. Samidoun has participated in multiple events at and with Al Janiah and MOP@T, the Palestinian Movemnt for All. We extend our strongest solidarity with Al Janiah and urge all supporters of Palestine around the world to support this important cultural, social and political institution’s work.

Follow Al Janiah on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/aljaniah01/ or visit the Al Janiah website at: https://www.aljaniah.com.br/

The statement from Al Janiah follows below:


Confirming what has been circulating on various media outlets, Al Janiah- Bar, Restaurant, and Cultural Center, suffered from an attack early Sunday morning (1/9).

Around 3h30 am, a group of five approached the establishment’s main entrance, armed with a knife and pepper spray.

Our security cameras registered in detail the cowardly attack. The members of the group fled in consequence.

No one maintained any injuries; our team managed to contain the attack and all whom were present are in good health.

We will not remain silent in the face of attacks of such motivation, in a context of an ever growing discourse of intolerance and hate gripping the country.

Ever since its birth, Al Janiah is known to be a democratic space, one which puts itself at the total disposal of the defense of political minorities, and hosts refugees. Our history follows in the path of the Liberation of Palestine.

Institutionally, we are taking the necessary legal steps with our team of lawyers.

We appreciate the support received from all corners of Brazil. The destruction of strong and enduring solidarity and the democratic spaces we built will not be an easy task for those seeking it.

From the Palestinian Resistance, we seek inspiration:

“O you who pass between fleeting words
As bitter dust, go where you wish, but
Do not pass between us like flying insects
For we have work to do in our land:
We have wheat to grow which we water with our bodies’ dew
We have that which does not please you here:
Stones… or shame.” Mahmud Darwish

In moments such as this we will remain strong and alert, continuing ahead firm in our necessary struggle in this context of attacks on democracy. Our resistance continues as does our cultural program, in defense of Culture and in celebration of diversity.

Management- Al Janiah.


Como tem sido noticiado em parte da imprensa, o Al Janiah – Bar, Restaurante e Centro Cultural sofreu um ataque na madrugada do domingo (1/9).

Por volta das 3h30 da manhã, um grupo de cinco pessoas se aproximou da porta principal do estabelecimento portando uma faca e spray de pimenta.

As câmeras de segurança registraram o momento do covarde ataque. Os membros do grupo fugiram na sequência.

Ninguém ficou ferido, nossa equipe conseguiu conter o ataque e todos os presentes estão bem.

Não podemos nos calar diante da motivação deste ato, num contexto de crescente discurso de intolerância e ódio que acomete este pais.

Desde o inicio, o Al Janiah sempre foi conhecido por ser um espaço democrático, de defesa das minorias políticas e acolhimento de refugiados. Sua historia se liga a luta pela Libertação da Palestina.

Institucionalmente estamos tomando as devidas providências por meio de nossos advogados.

Agradecemos o apoio que temos recebido de todos os cantos do Brasil. Não vai ser fácil destruir a solidariedade e os espaços democráticos que foram construídos.

Da resistência palestina, buscamos inspiração:
“Vocês que passam com palavras efêmeras,
como a poeira amarga, passem onde quiserem, mas
não passem entre nós como insetos com asas
temos o que fazer na nossa terra
temos trigo a criar e regar com o orvalho do nosso corpo
temos o que a vocês aqui não agrada:
temos pedra… e perdiz!” (Mahmud Darwish)

É preciso estar atento e fortes. Seguimos!
Nos mantemos firmes na luta, tão necessária nesse contexto de ataque à democracia. Nossa resistência continua e nossa programação cultural segue normalmente, em defesa da Cultura e celebração da diversidade.

Direção do Al Janiah

-ملاحظة رسمية-

كما ورد في جزء من الصحافة ، تعرض مطعم الجانية – البار والمطعم والمركز الثقافي لهجوم في الساعات الأولى من يوم الأحد.

في حوالي الساعة 3:30 صباحًا ، اقتربت مجموعة مكونة من خمسة أفراد من الباب الأمامي للمنشأة يحملون سكينًا ورذاذ الفلفل.

سجلت الكاميرات الأمنية لحظة الهجوم الجبان. فر أعضاء المجموعة بالتسلسل.

لم يصب أحد ، تمكن فريقنا من احتواء الهجوم والجميع على ما يرام.

لا يمكننا الصمت في مواجهة الدافع وراء هذا العمل ، في سياق الخطاب المتزايد للتعصب والكراهية الذي يؤثر على هذا البلد.

منذ نشأتها ، عُرِفت الجانية دائمًا بأنها مكان ديمقراطي للدفاع عن الأقليات السياسية والترحيب باللاجئين. يرتبط تاريخها بالكفاح من أجل تحرير فلسطين.

مؤسسياً نحن نتخذ الإجراءات المناسبة من خلال محامينا.

نحن نقدر الدعم الذي تلقيناه من جميع أنحاء البرازيل. لن يكون من السهل تدمير التضامن والمساحات الديمقراطية التي تم بناؤها.

من المقاومة الفلسطينية ، نسعى إلى الإلهام:
“أيها المارّون بين الكلمات العابرة
كالغبار مرّوا أينما شئتم ولكن
لا تمرّوا بيننا كالحشرات الطائرة
خلنا في ارضنا ما نعمل
و لنا قمح نربّيه ونسقيه ندى اجسادنا
و لنا ما ليس يرضيكم هنا
حجر .. أو خجل!” (محمود درويش).

يجب على المرء أن يكون في حالة تأهب وقوي. نحن نتابع!
إننا نقف بحزم في الكفاح ، وهو أمر ضروري للغاية في هذا السياق من الهجوم على الديمقراطية. تستمر مقاومتنا وتستمر برامجنا الثقافية في الدفاع عن الثقافة والاحتفال بالتنوع.

إدارة الجانية

Statement of International Solidarity with the People’s Movement in Algeria

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is a signatory of the following statement:

2019 Algeria protests in Blida. Photo: Fethi Hamlati, Wikimedia Commons

The Algerian anti-colonial revolution was a catalyst for liberation struggles around the world. Algeria has strayed far from that historic mission and the people’s independence was confiscated by a comprador military-oligarchic elite that, for decades, has dispossessed, pauperized and stifled Algerians and Algerian political life.

Algerians have risen once again to regain their full dignity. Since February 22nd, 2019, millions of Algerians have descended into the streets every Tuesday and Friday, picking up their ancestor’s mantel of liberation and emancipation. After six months of consecutive weekly protests, the Algerian revolt (The Hirak/Harak) is entering a new and critical phase.

The people’s demands – for full-sovereignty, social justice, de-militarization of political life, civilian democratic rule, an end to subservience to imperialist and neocolonial designs in Africa and elsewhere – have so far fallen on deaf ears. The junta’s gradual and systematic repression of the movement has affected students, trade unionists, politicians, lawyers, veterans of the anti-colonial struggle, journalists, peasants, educators, workers and unemployed activists alike.

Algerians are determined to regain their freedom in full. They steadfastly and courageously continue to protest on a weekly basis. In response to the junta’s and its foreign backers’ intransigence the popular movement plans to engage in civil disobedience starting in the fall and will need the support of all progressive forces around the world.

International solidarity to support the uprising’s popular demands will be crucial. These demands include:

  • For an immediate end to military rule and the establishment of a civilian state;
  • For the release of all political prisoners;
  • To oppose and condemn repression and all forms of state violence;
  • To oppose and condemn the provision of military, financial, diplomatic and any other forms of assistance and intervention from imperialist governments;
  • To oppose all concessions and contracts with foreign governments and multinational corporations until a legitimate and representative government is in place.

As individuals, organizations and movements- struggling for liberation, justice and dignity around the world; we are aware that the future of our very own freedom, self-determination and emancipation is at stake in Algeria at this very moment. It is our duty to stand with the people’s movement in Algeria in their struggle against exploitation and neocolonialism, oppression and injustice, dispossession and militarism. We recognize that the fate of Algeria can only be decided by Algerians themselves. With this in mind, we stand in solidarity with

Algerians struggling for dignity and social justice, sovereignty, independence and emancipation.

Initial Signatories 

  1. The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement (USA)
  2. Parti des Indigènes de la République (France)
  3. The Frantz Fanon Foundation (France)
  4. The National Lawyers Guild (USA)
  5. The Red Nation (USA)
  6. The Black Alliance for Peace (USA)
  7. The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (Int’l)
  8. The Arab Lawyers Union (Int’l)
  9. The European Association of Lawyers for Democracy & World Human Rights (Int’l)
  10. Project South (USA)
  11. The Arab Resource and Organizing Center (USA)
  12. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network (Int’l)
  13. Algeria Solidarity Campaign (UK)
  14. Platform London (UK)
  15. Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine (USA)
  16. The Observatory of Food Sovereignty and Environment (Tunisia)
  17. The Haldane Society (UK)
  18. Daraja Press (Canada)
  19. AlgeriaRevolt Collective (Int’l)
  20. The Revolutionary Socialists Current (Egypt)
  21. Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century (UK)
  22. ATTAC/CADTM (Morocco)
  23. Tadhamun (UK)
  24. The MENA Solidarity Network (Int’l)
  25. The Middle East Solidarity Magazine (Int’l)
  26. Amandla CKUT (Canada)

What else can you do? 

  1. Share this statement of solidarity with groups, organizations, movements and individuals in your networks.
  2. Pass a resolution in your organization, union, movement or group in support of the people’s movement in Algeria.
  3. Write an article, op-ed, social media post in support of the Algerian revolt.
  4. Organize a webinar, talk or discussion on the situation in Algeria, drawing parallels with your particular struggles and contribute to building concrete infrastructures for international solidarity. For suggested speakers, email: algeriarevolt@gmail.com
  5. Join a protest in your area. For more information, email: algeriarevolt@gmail.com or subscribe to the social media handles provided below.
  6. Stay up to date by following these accounts:
    i) Facebook Page : @AlgeriaRevolt
    ii) Twitter : @AlgeriaRevolt

7-8 September, Gallup: Native Liberation Conference 2019

7 September at 10 am to 8 September at 5 pm
El Morro Theatre and Events Center
207 W Coal Ave
Gallup, NM
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1820208641413166/

Native Liberation Conference 2019
Anti Imperialism and Solidarity with the Global South
El Morro Theater and Events Center, Downtown Gallup, New Mexico
September 7-8, 2019

(505) 750-7192
RSVP on Facebook
Twitter: @The_Red_Nation
Agenda coming soon!

Fascism is on the rise throughout the world. So our response to it must be global. As Indigenous peoples, we don’t have to look far. The Indian War is now the never-ending, global “war on terror.” From Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen, and new threats of war against Iran and Venezuela, the United States is the biggest threat to world peace.

Within our own homelands, walls and jails imprison and keep out the poor, the humble, separating us from our relatives. Uranium mines, fracking wells, and oil pipelines contaminate our lands, rivers, and bodies. Violent men in and out of uniform disappear our relatives — young and old — by the thousands, in ditches, highways, detention centers, and prisons. In cities and in reservation communities, we face a housing crisis and lack of medical care. Native people know what it means to live in utter poverty in a land plenty.

While the earth burns, the rich get richer. The end of the world is easier to imagine than the end of capitalism. We cannot succumb to this cynicism of defeat. So we must dream a new world into existence.

From Palestine to Turtle Island, from Africa, Asia, to the Americas, we fight for a world premised on justice and freedom for the good people of the earth. We demand a world where wealth and resources are redistributed according to need, where everyone belongs. We demand land and a dignified life for all our relatives.

To build this world, we turn to all nations and communities in struggle against the global elite destroying our planet. In the spirit of Indigenous generosity and radical relationality, we invite all oppressed people and progressive movements to join our cause.

We invite all relatives and comrades to the fourth annual 2019 Native Liberation Conference in Gallup, New Mexico on September 7-8. This year’s conference focuses on internationalism, anti-imperialism, environmental justice, and building an Indigenous-led anti-colonial left in North America.

This event is free and open to the public and for all ages. No registration is required. Many of our guest speakers are traveling from afar and need travel accommodations. Please donate at therednation.org/support and donations will also be collected at the conference, if you can. Every dollar counts!

2 September, Copenhagen: Yankee go home! Join the demonstration against Trump

Monday, 2 September
4:30 pm
In front of the US Embassy
Dag Hammarskjölds Alle
Copenhagen, Denmark
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/510738139755337/

US President Donald Trump has cancelled his visit to Denmark. But our demands for Denmark to change its policies have not been abandoned. Therefore, a large number of movements and organizations will continue to gather and demonstrate against US wars and for international solidarity!

Find us at our demonstration wagon between Østerbro Library and Oluf Palme street.

We say:
Stop the imperialist wars!
Stop the arms buildup!
Stop the policy of sanctions!
Strengthen international solidarity!
Capitalism is killing the climate!
Stop the militarization of Greenland and the Arctic!
Denmark out of NATO!

All are welcome to join the march.

Organizers: : Time for Peace – Active Against War, Venezuela Network, Hands Off Venezuela, Palestinian National Assembly in Denmark, Boykot Israel, Danish-Cuban Association, Kurdish Women’s Association, International Forum, Nazim Hikmet Cultural Association, Patria Grande Network in Denmark, Peace Watch, Ministry of Peace, Grupo Salvador Allende, Circulo Allendista, Friendship Society Denmark-DDF Korea, People’s Movement against Nazime, Anti-fascist Magazine “Handshake”, Women in Fight, Stop the Terror War – Out of NATO, No thanks to new fighter aircraft, Pro Nicaragua a Dinamarca, the Labor Party Communists (APK), Communist Party (KP), Communist Party in Denmark (KPiD), the Socialist Association, the Communist Party of Denmark (DKP).


USA’s præsident Donald Trump har droppet sit besøg i Danmark. Men kravene til Danmark om at ruste op er ikke opgivet og den førte politik har ikke ændret sig. Derfor vil en lang række bevægelser og organisationer (se listen i bunden) fortsat samles for at demonstrere imod USAs krige og for international solidaritet! Vi går med i den fælles fredelige STOP TRUMP DK Demonstration med vores egen sektion med talere og musik.

Find os ved vores demonstrationsvogn (se efter fredsflagene og bannere), mellem Østerbro Bibliotek og Oluf Palme gade.

Vi siger:
– Stop imperialismens krige!
– Stop oprustningen!
– Stop sanktionspolitikken!
– Styrk den internationale solidaritet!
– Red klimaet ikke kapitalismen!
– Stop militariseringen af Grønland og Arktis!
– Danmark ud af NATO!

Alle er velkommen til at deltage i vores optog!

Vi har også brug for flere aktive. Alle kan hjælpe til med sprede budskabet, skriv gerne til os på i besked-feltet. Flere organisationer er velkommen til at tilslutte sig, kontakt os for at høre nærmere..

Arrangører: Tid til Fred – Aktive imod Krig, Venezuela-netværket, Hands Off Venezuela, Palæstinensisk Nationalforsamling i Danmark/The Palestinian National Assembly in Denmark, Boykot Israel, Dansk-Cubansk Forening, Kurdisk Kvindeforening, Internationalt Forum, Nazim Hikmet Kulturforening, Patria Grande Netværket i Danmark, Fredsvagten, Fredsministerium, Grupo Salvador Allende, Circulo Allendista, Venskabsforeningen Danmark-DDF Korea, Folkebevægelsen mod Nazime, Antifascistisk Tidskrift “Håndslag”, Kvinder i Kamp, Stop Terrorkrigen – Ud af NATO, Nej tak til nye kampfly, Pro Nicaragua en Dinamarca, Arbejderpartiet Kommunisterne (APK), Kommunistisk Parti (KP), Kommunistisk Parti i Danmark (KPiD), Foreningen Socialisten, Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti (DKP).

Seven Palestinian prisoners continue hunger strikes for freedom

Image: Samidoun – Occupied Palestine

Huzaifa Halabiya is on his 58th day of hunger strike, protesting his administrative detention: Israeli imprisonment without charge or trial. The Palestinian from Abu Dis in Jerusalem has been imprisoned on the basis of “secret evidence” since 10 June 2018. When he was seized from his home, his wife was pregnant; now, he is the father of seven-month-old Majdal, who he has yet to meet due to the Israeli occupation authorities.

The prison branch of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a statement that they are continuing to work to reach an agreement to obtain Halabiya’s freedom and that he is committed to continue his hunger strike until his demands are met. It also emphasized that the program of support and solidarity strikes will also continue until Halabiya’s freedom is assured. Over 50 Palestinian prisoners have joined solidarity strikes and actions to demand freedom for Halabiya and his fellow administrative detainees on hunger strike.

Image: Samidoun – Occupied Palestine

Halabiya is a leukemia survivor who also suffered burns over the majority of his body as a child, requiring ongoing medical treatment and follow-up. He has seen a severe deterioration of his health throughout his strike. Also on a lengthy hunger strike is Ahmed Ghannam, 42, who has refused food for 45 days. He is also a leukemia survivor and is experiencing severe health deterioration during his strike. He launched his strike to protest his transfer to administrative detention in early July.

Image: Samidoun – Occupied Palestine

Sultan Khallouf, 38, from Burqin near Jenin, has been on hunger strike for 40 days, and Ismail Ali, 30, also from Abu Dis, has been on hunger strike for 35 days.

Image: Samidoun – Occupied Palestine

Tareq Qa’adan, who has served over 11 years in prison, many of them in administrative detention, has been on hunger strike for 27 days after he was ordered jailed without charge or trial rather than being released at the end of a short sentence.

Image: Samidoun – Occupied Palestine

Nasser al-Jada, 30, has been on strike for 21 days, and Thaer Hamdan for 16 days.

Image: Samidoun – Occupied Palestine

All of the hunger strikers are refusing food, putting their bodies and lives on the line, against arbitrary administrative detention – imprisonment without charge or trial. Administrative detention was first introduced to occupied Palestine by the British colonial mandate before being adopted by the Zionist regime. Each detention order can be issued for up to six months at a time, but they are indefinitely renewable. This means that Palestinians have spent years at a time jailed under administrative detention, with no charges and no trial.

Image: Samidoun – Occupied Palestine

Meanwhile, Wajdi al-Awawdeh was victorious in his hunger strike on 26 August, concluding an agreement to confirm that he will be freed in February 2020.

Image: Samidoun – Occupied Palestine

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all supporters and friends of Palestine everywhere around the world to stand with these courageous prisoners who have put their lives on the line to seek freedom and an end to the unjust system of administrative detention. International solidarity can play an important role in supporting their struggle, and Palestinian prisoners are calling for our actions. All of our participation, protests and petitions can play a role in helping them to seize victory for justice and freedom. 

Take Action:

1) Organize or join an event or protest for the Palestinian prisoners. You can organize an info table, rally, solidarity hunger strike, protest or action to support the prisoners. If you are already holding an event about Palestine or social justice, include solidarity with the prisoners as part of your action. Send your events and reports to samidoun@samidoun.net.

2) Write letters and make phone calls to protest the violation of Palestinian prisoners’ rights. Demand your government take action to stop supporting Israeli occupation or to pressure the Israeli state to end the policies of repression of Palestinian political prisoners. In particular, demand that your political officials put pressure on Israel to end the policy of administrative detention, the imprisonment of Palestinians without charge or trial.

Call during your country’s regular office hours:

• Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs Marise Payne: + 61 2 6277 7500
• Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland: +1-613-992-5234
• European Union Commissioner Federica Mogherini: +32 (0) 2 29 53516
• New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs Winston Peters: +64 4 439 8000
• United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt: +44 20 7008 1500
• United States President Donald Trump: 1-202-456-1111

3) Boycott, Divest and Sanction. Join the BDS campaign to highlight the complicity of corporations like Hewlett-Packard and the continuing involvement of G4S in Israeli policing and prisons. Build a campaign to boycott Israeli goods, impose a military embargo on Israel, or organize around the academic and cultural boycott of Israel. Learn more about the BDS campaign at bdsmovement.net.

Palestinian student activists among 23 seized by Israeli occupation forces

Photo for illustration purposes. From Wattan.TV

Israeli occupation forces seized at least 23 people from their homes on Monday morning, 26 August, including several Palestinian student leaders and activists at Bir Zeit University. They join approximately 60 fellow students at Bir Zeit and over 300 Palestinian students overall held in Israeli prisons. Student activists involved in the elected council or other organizations are particularly targeted for arrest, interrogation and imprisonment; nearly every year, the Bir Zeit student body president is seized by occupation forces and prevented from carrying out his or her term on campus.

The students arrested on Monday morning include Ribhi Karajeh, a former political prisoner, seized from his village of Saffa; Khaled Abu Qash and Ahmad Kharouf. The Progressive Democratic Student Pole at Bir Zeit University issued a statement denouncing the arrests, saying that these arrests come “in the context of unsuccessful attempts to undermine our solid will and strong determination” and affirming that the Palestinian people will not be intimidated by persecution and the struggle will not be weakened by arrests.

The Palestinian Youth Mobilization in Germany (Hirak) called on students around the world to organize to confront the arrests and repression targeting Palestinian students throughout occupied Palestine. Hirak urged the Higher Committee for the Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege in Gaza to adopt a Friday of protest for Palestinian students in order to unify the student movement in struggle and work together to escalate the popular struggle against the occupation and break the siege on the Palestinian people in Gaza, especially students.

The list of people arrested includes the following:

1. Ribhi Karajeh, from Saffa west of Ramallah
2. Mohammed Munir Barghouthi, from Kobar north of Ramallah
3. Kanaan Hazmawi, from Kobar
4. Diaa Mashal Barghouthi, from Kobar
5. Marwan Adib Barghouthi, from Kobar
6. Nael Jamal Barghouthi, from Kobar
7. Shadi Barghouthi, from Kobar
8. Musaab Saher Barghouthi, from Kobar
9. Mohammed Munir Barghouthi, from Kobar
10. Qassam Nael Barghouthi, from Kobar
11. Yousef Sarhan, from Kobar
12. Khaled Ahmad Qad, from Abu Qash north of Ramallah
13. Aseer Hatem Maarouf, from Ain Qinya north of Ramallah
14. Talaat Hatem Maarouf, from Ain Qinya
15. Ahmad Kharouf, from Ramallah
16. Yahya Mohammed al-Rifai, from Kafr Ain west of Ramallah
17. Haitham Yousef al-Eiss, from Kafr Ainn
18. Firas Abdel-Karim Adam, from Zawiya, west of Salfit
19. Hafez Abu Zeid, from Jenin
20. Salah Albou, from Abu Dis east of Jerusalem
21. Saqer Hanatsheh, from Ramallah al-Tahta
22. Salem Badi al-Dardasari, from al-Bireh

As these new arrests targeted students and activists, Palestinian student Osama Fakhoury, 22, from al-Khalil, was once again ordered to eight more days of detention by the Ofer military court. An engineering student, Fakhoury is the former student council chair at Bir Zeit University. He has been jailed since 2 July, when he was seized by occupation forces 25 days before the release of his mother, Palestinian writer Lama Khater, who was released from over a year in Israeli prison in late July.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins Hirak in its call to action to defend Palestinian students under attack and organize to win the liberation of Palestinian prisoners – and of all of Palestine. We translate the statement below:

“The Zionist occupation continues to arrest and target our Palestinian students and comrades in the universities in the occupied homeland, Palestine, believing that it can break their resolve our our commitment. Our response to the crimes of the occupation is through popular action and its comprehensive escalation everywhere.


The Palestinian Youth Mobilization calls on all Palestinian students everywhere to organize, confront and expose the policy of large-scale arrests carried out by the Zionist occupation forces against the student movement in occupied Palestine.

We also call on our brothers and comrades in the Higher Committee for the Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege to adopt a Friday of anger on behalf of the students of Palestine to unite efforts for a unified student movement in action and work together to escalate the popular movement to confront the occupier and break the siege imposed upon our people in the Gaza Strip, especially on the student population.

To our struggling people everywhere:

Popular escalation is the only possible option to protect our national rights and our sacred cause from the threat of liquidation.

Hirak also calls on the BDS movement to mobilize committees and campaigners everywhere, especially in universities, to defend the students in occupied Palestine.

We also emphasize that the attacks of the occupation on Palestinian students are not separate from its attacks on our people and our nation in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine.

Together we will win, and only together.

Palestinian Youth Mobilization/Berlin”

Samidoun stands with the people of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq against Israeli aggression

Photo: Mashregh News

Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network stands with the people of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, who face the front lines of aggression by the Israeli state, its Zionist supporters, imperialist backers and reactionary allies, and urges broad solidarity with their resistance.

Israel’s renewed bombardment and tightened siege of the Gaza Strip and campaign of arrests and settlement construction in the West Bank, as well as its lethal strikes on Iraq, where it killed Kazem Mohsen, a member of the Popular Mobilization Forces fighting the “Islamic State” group, and Lebanon, where it targeted both the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah, killing two of its members, Hassan Youssef Zbeeb and Yasser Ahmad Daher, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command, and its latest bombing of Syria indicate the ongoing determination of this reactionary axis to foment social turmoil and national disintegration across the region.

In particular, they show its eagerness to weaken the resistance forces confronting its spearheads: Israel and the militant fundamentalist groups, including Al-Qaeda affiliates, with which it has found common cause. They also reflect the ongoing threat that Zionism and the Israeli state pose to all peoples in the region. After all, this is nothing new. Israel currently occupies the Syrian Golan Heights and the Lebanese Shebaa Farms. Its occupying forces were driven from southern Lebanon in 2000 due to the people’s resistance. Since that time, the Israeli state has repeatedly attempted to incite war with Lebanon and engaged in a brutal assault on the people of the country in 2006, rebuffed when the Lebanese resistance was victorious over the Zionist war machine once more. 

And along with his decision to ban a visit by United States Representatives Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, they also demonstrate the willingness of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who faces a surprisingly close battle for re-election on 17 September, to win at any cost, even the embroilment of his state in a regional war.

Samidoun urges all supporters of Palestine to strengthen their solidarity with the forces of resistance confronting Israel, Zionism, imperialism and reaction both there and in surrounding countries through escalated Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns, particularly against targets, like Caterpillar, Hewlett Packard, HSBC and Sabra, complicit in servicing the Israeli military, demands that imperialist and reactionary government end their support for Israel, and mass mobilization against Israel’s dangerous escalation.

1 September, Groningen: Film at the Viola – Gaza Fights for Freedom

Sunday, 1 September
2:30 pm
Viola Squat
Violenstraat 2
Groningen, Netherlands
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1118797294978582/

Film in Viola!!
This collaboration shows you Gaza’s protest movement like you’ve never seen before. Filmed during the height of the Great March Of Return protests, it features exclusive footage of demonstrations where 200 unarmed civilians have been killed by Israeli snipers since March 30, 2018.

A Film by Abby Martin

location: violenstraat 2

there will be a donation box to drop some of your monnies ::: the monnie will go to Stichting Kifaia ::: they support local health organisations in the gaza strip!

2 September, London: Stop the Arms Fair – Stop Arming Israel

Monday, 2 September
9:30 am
Royal Albert Way, E16
London, UK
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/852120258506233/

Take action at the DSEI arms fair to #StopArmingIsrael

The world’s largest arms fair, Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) returns to London in September.

It’ll host a specially designated area for Israel’s arms companies to display their weapons – weapons which are marketed as ‘combat-proven’ i.e. weapons that have been tested and used to devastate and destroy Palestinian communities.

Since March 2018, Palestinians in Gaza have been marching to the fence which has entrapped them in the “world’s largest open air prison”. Palestinians haven’t forgotten their original homes, and they haven’t given up on their right of return. They are demanding their fundamental right to return to the homes from which they and their families were expelled in 1948 and 1967, a right enshrined in international law, and an end to the illegal blockade.

Israel has met these protestors with brutal live fire, killing over 250 and injuring and maiming over 30,000 in Gaza. This violence and destruction is made possible by Israel’s trade in arms with dozens of countries, including the UK.

Israel’s brutal military occupation of Palestine is a grave and shocking injustice. Yet is only made possible through international support: from governments and from the many international corporations that profit from the occupation.

Palestinians are peacefully resisting occupation and oppression, and it’s important for us to heed their call for boycotts, divestment and sanctions, now more than ever. We can do our bit by calling for sanctions on the sale of weapons to Israel. War and repression start here, and we can stop it here.

Take action at the Excel Centre during the #StopDSEI week of action and demand a two-way arms embargo between the UK and Israel!
On 2 September, we will kick off a week of action in the run up to the arms fair outside the Excel Centre to #StopDSEI. Join us in a day of creative action to Stop Arming Israel!

There will be activities and people there throughout the day from 10am onwards, but the main performances, speakers and activities will be 2–6pm. Come for the afternoon, and stay for an evening meal, and music and dancing at Dance to Disarm for Palestine: https://www.facebook.com/events/336184490600833/

***Programme of activities***
10.00 – Arrive! ‘Why are we here? Introduction to the issues & groups present.’
10.30 onwards – Bannermaking

11.00 – Workshop: Know your rights 101

12.00 – Speakers on BDS, The Great March of Return and the UK–Israel Arms trade

12.30 – Picnic Lunch *please bring food to share!*

13.30 – Performances, street theatre, speakers and more!

16.30 – Dabke Workshop by Hawiyya

18.00 – Food, and live music and spoken work at Dance to Disarm for Palestine

Bring creativity, energy, banners, flags, drums and a picnic lunch to share! This is happening rain or shine, so wear weather appropriate clothing.

Full accessibility information for the week of action is available on the Stop the Arms Fair website: https://www.stopthearmsfair.org.uk/accessibility-information/
The week of action to Stop the Arms Fair at London’s Docklands runs from 2 to 13 September 2019. Find out more and join in the rest of the week of action: https://www.facebook.com/events/266188503879185/