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Imprisoned Body…Free Soul: Samah Jaradat

by Hind Shraydeh

Samah sleeping with her cat, Lozah.
Courtesy: Samah Jaradat’s family

Dressed in their khaki military uniforms, heavily armed Israeli occupation soldiers raided Samah Jaradat’s house while directing their weapons towards her as she slept with her cat hugging her face. Stunned momentarily by the sight, the soldiers exchanged glances to the unexpected and unfamiliar scene. Their astonishment rose as they scrutinized her room, where a violin is placed with care in the corner of her room and musical notes found everywhere they looked. They also noticed a portrait of the German composer and musician Bach along with a souvenir. The room also housed a small library full of textbooks and novels. Samah’s parents say that the exchanged looks amongst them reflected confusion and doubt about their mission to arrest this young woman. Regardless of all that, the forcible arrest took place.

Samah was arrested three days after graduating from Birzeit University with a bachelor’s degree in sociology. This turn of events blew away her dreams and ambitions, including her desire to become a professor at Birzeit University. The arrest took place on 7 September 2019 where she was taken forcefully from her family’s home in Al-Bireh by the Israeli occupation forces.

Samah with her father on graduation day; only three days before her arrest.
Courtesy: Samah Jaradat’s family

In the notorious Moskobiyyeh detention center, Samah was subjected to 22 days of harsh interrogation. She was banned from seeing her lawyer during that whole period, Samah’s father recalls. During her interrogation, “my daughter was subjected to all types of systematic and arbitrary torture methods. Moreover, prison officials also strip-searched her and held her in isolation where she was repeatedly subjected to various forms of psychological torture, including sleep deprivation,” he notes.

To know Samah is to love her. She is a generous and sensitive person. Her generosity and kindness stem from her love for people – especially those who have been marginalized or oppressed – as well as her readiness to make social change. For example, she took it upon herself to take time from her busy schedule at the university to teach an illiterate young woman to read and write. She introduced the young woman to the Arabic alphabet and later brought her workbooks and simple stories to practice her reading and writing.

Another example of her readiness to take practical steps to help others was best expressed by Abu Shadi, a Palestinian craftsman from Qaddura refugee camp, who makes his living by engraving the map of Palestine, among other items using olive wood. He recounts the time when Samah helped find him an appropriate space to sell his handmade items after his kiosk was expropriated by the municipality. “Samah walked all over Ramallah to find me a room in order to continue my work. How can one forget such a lovely person?” he said.

Samah, imprisoned, is missed by many people. Her friend Yasmine speaks fondly of her as she describes her sense of humility and empathy towards her peers. She said Samah used to leave her sandwich on the table in the university cafeteria for students who live in dorms and may not have enough money to buy food.

Samah’s absence hits her family the hardest. Her mother tried to express her feelings when celebrating Samah’s birthday in her absence. “It was a very painful day to celebrate Samah’s birthday without her. It was even more painful to blow out the candles while our thoughts were with her, held in interrogation, tortured and feeling cold.”

Samah’s sister Samar recalls her positive memories of her sister. “I imagine Samah dancing to the music of “the Chamber” for Bach while being with her mates in her new ‘chamber,’” she says. “After all, this is what she did while tidying her room. The Occupation forces imprisoned Samah’s body but they cannot imprison her soul. Samah’s soul will always be free.”

Samah with her mother and father.
Courtesy: Samah Jaradat’s family

This prison was used to house animals before it was turned into a prison, hence it is unfit for human use. It lacks natural light and basic hygiene needs such as proper toilets, running water etc. It is also filled with insects and rats and so on.

Women and girls prisoners held there suffer from overcrowded cells, harsh conditions, and medical neglect, including for women who were pregnant at the time of their arrest. Moreover, these prisoners are denied their right to education and at times family visits under the pretext of security. They are also denied their basic rights by being placed in solitary confinement without any gender-sensitive considerations. These harsh conditions also include difficulty in meeting with Palestinian defense counsel and attorneys. Surveillance cameras are also used 24/7, denying them any privacy.

According to Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, all of the above-mentioned practices are illegal under international law.

As per the Addameer report: “the majority of Palestinian women prisoners are subjected to some form of psychological torture and ill-treatment throughout the process of their arrest and detention, including various forms of sexual violence. This includes beatings, insults, threats, body searches, and sexually explicit harassment. These techniques of torture and ill-treatment are used not only as means to intimidate Palestinian female detainees but also as tools to humiliate Palestinian women and pressure them into giving confessions.”

Samah with her siblings.
Courtesy: Samah Jaradat’s family

Hind Shraydeh is a writer and human rights defender from occupied Jerusalem, Palestine. She is the wife of Ubai Aboudi, the imprisoned Executive Director of the Bisan Center and a Palestinian writer and researcher. To support Ubai’s campaign for freedom, please visit Scientists for Palestine and sign the petition: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/end-the-detention-of-ubai-aboudi

1 March, NYC: Celebrate the Life of Freedom Fighter Robert Seth Hayes

Sunday, 1 March
1:00 pm
The People’s Forum
320 West 37th Street
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/165867098014375/

This event is Sponsored by the Jericho Movement NY.

Join us as we celebrate the Life of Freedom Fighter Robert Seth Hayes! We will also remember other fallen warriors and celebrate recent victories!

Speakers and Culture:
Jihad Abdul Mumit, Jericho Chair and BPP/BLA
Daniel McGowan, Certain Days Calendar Collective
Spiritchild, Revolutionary FReedom Artist

And other speakers and culture to be announced later…

ProLibertad, Call to Action on Puerto Rico, NYC Free Peltier, Ministry of Solidarity with the Peoples, and other Co-Sponsors to be announced later…

Copenhagen event urges freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat and Georges Ibrahim Abdallah

On Sunday, 23 February, the Internationalt Forum Middle East Group organized a solidarity event in Copenhagen, Denmark, supporting the liberation of Palestinian prisoner and PFLP general secretary Ahmad Sa’adat, Lebanese communist struggler for Palestine Georges Ibrahim Abdallah and all revolutionary prisoners. Held in the Solidarity House, the meeting included discussions, videos and more highlighting the struggles of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli and imperialist prisons.

The event began with a short introduction on the importance of solidarity with political prisoners as a part of the anti-imperialist struggle. Internationalt Forum activists also discussed the cases of Sa’adat and Abdallah, providing details of their lives, their struggle and their continued activity behind bars.

Khaled Barakat, the coordinator of the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat, presented a video message discussing the Palestinian and international liberation struggles and the importance of the political prisoners. Two more films on the life and imprisonment of Sa’adat and Abdallah were also screened.

Participants engaged in a lively discussion about how best to build international solidarity with the prisoners. At the conclusion of the event, participants were invited to join Boykot Israel in an action on Saturday, 7 March at 1 pm in Norreport in central Copenhagen to promote the economic, academic and cultural boycott of Israel, as well as the anti-imperialist International Women’s Day event that will take place the same evening in Norrebro, Copenhagen. The event will celebrate Palestinian women’s anti-imperialist struggle against Israeli occupation and apartheid and support a women’s project in Gaza; it is organized by Internationalt Forum, Boykot Israel, Palestina Aktion, Konfront and other organizations.

24 February, Berlin: Demonstration to Defend the Palestinian People

Monday, 24 February
6:00 pm
Rathaus Neukolln
Karl-Marx-Str 83
Berlin, Germany
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1579676998836688/

Palestinian and Arab organizations in Berlin are calling for solidarity with the Palestinian people and those whose lives have been taken, and for condemning the brutality and crimes of the Israeli occupation against Palestinians in Gaza.

🔸📣🔸 دعوة عامّة Aufruf🔸📣🔸

وقفة شموع في برلين Kerzen-Demo in Berlin

🔸 تدعوكم هيئة المؤسسات ‏والجمعيات الفلسطينية ‏والعربية في برلين للمشاركة في وقفة شموع وفاءً لشهداء شعبنا واستنكاراً لجريمة دولة الإحتلال البشعة ضد المتظاهرين المدنيين في قطاع غزّة والتّمثيل بجثثهم.

Verband der palästinensischen und arabischen Vereine in Berlin ruft zur Solidarität mit unserem Volk und den Gefallenen sowie zur Verurteilung der schikanösen Verbrechen der israelischen Besatzung gegen die Demonstranten in Gazastreifen und gegen die Verstümmelung ihrer Leichen.

💧 المكان Ort: أمام مبنى بلديّة النويكولن
U7 – Rathaus Neukölln
Karl-Marx-Str. 83
12043 Berlin

💧 الزمان Zeit: يوم الإثنين Montag الموافق 2020/02/24 الساعة السادسة مساءً 18:00 Uhr ..

29 February, Vancouver: Boycott Israeli Wine, Stand Up for Palestine!

Saturday, 29 February
2:00 pm
BC Liquor Store
8th and Cambie
Vancouver, BC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/604986557008335/

For many years, there has been an ongoing local campaign to call for a boycott of Israeli wines, many of them produced in the Occupied Territories, which are being sold in our publicly owned BC Liquor Stores. We asked David Eby, BC Attorney General, to respond to this issue but to date have received exactly the same response we got from previous BC governments, which was to stonewall and ignore our concerns.

The wines in question are either from the Golan Heights Winery (Mount Hermon brand), the Galil Winery (which is a joint venture with the Golan Heights Winery), or from the occupied West Bank, including the illegal Gush Etzion settlement bloc around Jerusalem. Two wines of particular note are the Efrat Judean Hills Kosher and Vision Malbec, both produced by the Israeli Teperberg Winery. This winery openly states that some of its vineyards are in occupied Palestinian territories and even provides a map on its website showing vineyards in the occupied West Bank.

All of this is in direct contravention of the Fourth Geneva Convention and “stated” Canadian policy. Detailed information on Israeli wineries can be found in the exhaustive study done by “Who Profits” entitled Forbidden Fruit: Israeli Wine Industry and Occupation.

25 February, Nottingham: Zionism is Racism Defence Campaign Meeting

Tuesday, 25 February
6:00 pm
YMCA international community centre
61B Mansfield Rd
Nottingham, UK
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/614531419401397/

On Saturday 8 February, Daniel Green, a black pro-Palestine activist was singled out for arrest on an anti-Zionist demonstration organised by the Revolutionary Communist Group. The picket was of HSBC, targeted for its funding of arms companies supplying the racist Israeli state. Daniel was the only black person on the protest, and the only one to be targeted. This wrongful and racist arrest must be put into the context of the ongoing campaign to criminalise opposition to Zionism (a form of racism) – both in Palestine itself, and in Britain especially following the adoption of the IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance) definition of antisemitism. An example of ‘anti-semitism’ under the IHRA is the statement that ‘Israel is a racist endeavour’. The arrest of this activist shows that the criminalisation of support for Palestine is well underway.

Come along to this planning meeting to get involved in our campaign to demand that Nottinghamshire Police :
• Take no further action against Daniel Green
• Press no charges against anyone else present on the 8 February demonstration

22 February, Ankara: No to the “Deal of the Century”!

Saturday, 22 February
2:00 pm
Ankara, Turkey
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/181942799777745/

The BDS campaign calls for a response to the Trump-Netanyahu attempt to annex Israeli settlements in the West Bank in violation with international law, to make Jerusalem the “undivided capital of Israel,” and to liquidate Palestinian refugees’ right to return to their homes and lands from which they were displaced. We call on Palestinians and friends of Palestine to join our press conference against this “deal.” Gather to join in solidarity with the Palestinian people!

BDS Hareketi adina, Bati Seria’da uluslararasi hukuka aykiri sekilde insa edilmis Israil yerlesim birimlerinin kalici hale gelmesini ve Israil tarafindan ilhak edilmesini, Kudüs’ün “Israil’in bölünmez baskenti” haline getirilmesini, Filistinli mültecilerin geri dönüs hakkinin tümüyle rafa kaldirilmasini ve karsiliginda Filistinlilere bir miktar paranin ve daginik toprak parçalari üzerinde ordusuz ve egemenlik haklarindan yoksun bir devletçigin “bahsedilmesine” karsi Filistinlileri ve Filistin dostlarini basin açiklamamiza çagiriyoruz.

Filistin halkiyla dayanismamizi haykirmak için, 22 Subat Cumartesi günü saat 14:00’de Ulus Heykel’de bulusalim.

22 February, Nottingham: Defend Solidarity with Palestine! Zionism is Racism!

Saturday, 22 February
11:00 am
Clumber Street, Nottingham
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/334910584076098/

On Saturday 8 February, Daniel Green, a black pro-Palestine activist was singled out for arrest on an anti-Zionist demonstration organised by the Revolutionary Communist Group. This wrongful and racist arrest must be put into the context of the ongoing campaign to criminalise opposition to Zionism (a form of racism) – both in Palestine itself, and in Britain especially following the adoption of the IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance) definition of antisemitism.

The Zionism Is Racism Defence Campaign is returning to the spot where the arrest took place to show that we will not be intimidated by attempts to criminalise solidarity with Palestine. Stand with us and defend the democratic right to stand in solidarity with Palestine and to denounce Zionism for what it is – a form of racism.

29 February, NYC: Memorial for Robert Seth Hayes

Saturday, 29 February
2:00 pm
Countee Cullen Branch Library
104 W. 136th St
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/666878854060315/
Join us to commemorate this former Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army veteran, long term political prisoner and freedom fighter. Share thoughts and memories of our fallen friend. Master of ceremonies: Sekou Odinga

27 February, NYC: An Anti-Imperialist Study – What Are Sanctions?

Thursday, 27 February
6:30 pm
Project Reach NYC
39 Eldridge St Fl 4
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/193630741830336/

As a convener of the Sanctions Kill campaign, the International League of Peoples’ NStruggle invites you to a study on sanctions as a build up to the International Days of Action Against Sanctions and Economic War on March 13 – 15, 2020

DATE – Thursday, February 27
TIME – 6:30 PM
LOCATION – 39 Eldridge Street 4th Floor, New York NY

As an anti-imperialist alliance, the ILPS recognizes imperialism as a global economic system. Within this framework, we must study and understand sanctions as a weapon of US imperialism to assert its global hegemony in the interest of monopoly capital.