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29 February, Gothenburg: Demonstration for Palestinian refugees

Saturday, 29 February
2:00 pm
Gothenburg, Sweden
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1069593836709971/

On Saturday, 29 February, we will bring together as many people as possible to support the Palestinian refugees who are protesting against the Migration Board’s decision this autumn!

The Facebook event will be updated with additional information.

In short, the Migration Board’s decision means that hundreds of Palestinian refugees in Sweden, adults and children, will lose jobs, schools and housing through denied residence permits.

For more information, begin by checking out this petition: https://www.mittskifte.org/petitions/lat-palestinierna-stanna-1

Lördagen 29:e februari samlas vi så många som möjligt för att uppmärksamma och stötta de palestinska flyktingarna som protesterar mot Migrationsverkets beslut från i höstas!

Eventet uppdateras löpande med mer information.

Missat bakgrunden? Kortfattat innebär Migrationsverkets beslut att hundratals palestinska flyktingar i Sverige, vuxna som barn, förlorar jobb, skola och bostad genom nekade uppehållstillstånd.

För mer information, börja med att kolla in (och sprid!) den här namninsamlingen: https://www.mittskifte.org/petitions/lat-palestinierna-stanna-1

28 February, Paris: Solidarity meal for the release of Georges Abdallah

Friday, 28 February
7:00 pm
Impasse Crozatier
Paris, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/186242839248256/

Collective project bringing together all the supporters of Georges Abdallah, around a participatory solidarity meal, to reflect all together on actions making it possible to change the balance of power to win his release and to write to our comrade to express our unconditional support and solidarity.

Please confirm your presence (number of participants – dish and drink brought) by writing to the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah at the following address: campagne.unitaire.gabdallah@gmail.com

Projet collectif réunissant tous les soutiens à Georges Abdallah, autour d’un repas solidaire participatif, pour réfléchir tous ensembles à des actions permettant d’établir le rapport de force favorable à sa libération et pour écrire à notre camarade notre soutien et notre solidarité inconditionnelle.

Merci de confirmer votre présence (nombre de participants – plat et boisson apportés) en écrivant à la Campagne unitaire pour la libération de Georges Abdallah à l’adresse suivante : campagne.unitaire.gabdallah@gmail.com

28 February, Toulouse: Screening of “Contre-Feux: Union and Social Resistance in Palestine”

Friday, 28 February
7:00 pm
Salle Maude Sykes Andral
1, allée Chaban-Delmas
31500 Toulouse, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/188387035904105/

Union Syndicale Solidaires 31, Collectif Palestine Vaincra Collective and the Toulouse BDS Campaign invite you to the screening debate of “Contre-feux, union and social resistance in Palestine”.

In Spring 2019, four trade unionists from the International Commission of the Union Syndical Solidaires traveled to Palestine to meet with representatives of independent unions, collectives, associations and Palestinian workers.

L’Union Syndicale Solidaires 31, le Collectif Palestine Vaincra et la Campagne BDS Toulouse vous invitent à la projection-débat de « Contre-feux, résistance syndicale et sociale en Palestine ».

« Printemps 2019, quatre syndicalistes de la Commission Internationale de l’Union Syndicale Solidaires se rendent en Territoires palestiniens occupés et en Israël pour rencontrer des représentant·e·s de syndicats indépendants, des collectifs, des associations et des travailleurs et travailleuses Palestinien·ne·s. »

23 February, Copenhagen: Solidarity Cafe – Free Ahmad Sa’adat and Georges Abdallah

Sunday, 23 February
3:00 pm
Internationalt Forum
Griffenfeldsgade 41
Copenhagen, Denmark
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/720565685142301/

On Sunday, 23 February, the Internationalt Forum will host a solidarity cafe focusing on political prisoners, especially Lebanese revolutionary Georges Abdallah and PFLP General Secretary Ahmad Sa’adat. Coffee, beer, tea and cakes available at solidarity prices!


Introduction to the stories of Georges Abdallah and Ahmad Sa’adat
Short videos about the two prisoners
Discussion on the role of political prisoners in the liberation struggle

Organizer: Internationalt Forum Middle East Group

About Ahmad Sa’adat: Ahmad Sa’adat is the imprisoned General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. In 2002, Sa’adat was imprisoned by the Palestinian Authority and later kidnapped by the Israeli military from the PA prison and held in Israeli prison. Sa’adat is a leading figure in the prisoners’ movement and hunger strikes in Zionist jails.

“Wherever I am, I will continue to fight.” – Ahmad Sa’adat

About Georges Abdallah: Georges Abdallah is a Lebanese revolutionary communist involved in the Palestinian liberation struggle who has been jailed since 1984 in France. Eligible for release since 1999, the French judiciary accepted his release on several occasions, but each time it was prevented by the United States and Israel. When Palestinian prisoners go on hunger strike, Abdallah refuses meals in prison in France.

Søndag den 23. Februar inviterer Internationalt Forum til cafe og oplæg om politiske fanger. Særlig fokus vil være på den libanesiske revolutionær George Abdallah og PFLP’s generalsekretær Ahmad Sa’adat.
Der vil være kaffe, øl og vand til en billig mønt


Introduktion til George Abdallahs og Ahmad Sa’adats historie

Der vises korte videofilm om de to fanger

Debat om de politiske fangers rolle i befrielseskampen

Der kan købes kaffe/the og kager til solidaritetspriser

Arrangør: Internationalt Forums Mellemøstgruppe


Om Ahmad Sa’adat: Er generalsekretær for PFLP – Folkefronten til Palæstinas Befrielse. Sa’adat blev i 2002 fængslet af det palæstinensiske selvstyre og senere kidnappet fra selvstyrefængslet af israelsk militær og sat i israelsk fængsel, anklaget for terrorisme. Sa’adat er en ledende skikkelse i de mange fangeoprør og sultestrejker i zionismens fængsler.

Citat Ahmad Sa’adat: ”Hvor jeg end er, vil jeg fortsætte med at kæmpe”

Om George Abdallah: Er libanesisk revolutionær kommunist. Har siddet i fængsel i Frankrig siden 1984 – på grund af sin deltagelse i den palæstinensiske befrielseskamp. I 1999 og flere gange siden åbnede den franske stat op for hans løsladelse, men hver gang blev det forhindret gennem pres fra USA og Israel. Når palæstinensiske fanger går i sultestrejke, nægter Abdallah ar indtage føde i fængslet i Frankrig.

26 February, San Francisco: Black-Palestinian Solidarities & Jerusalem Afro-Palestinian

Wednesday, 26 February
12:00 pm
LIB 121
San Francisco State University
San Francisco, CA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/3055005747851592/

In March 2016, the first US Prisoner, Academic and Labor Delegation to Palestine was hosted by the Afro-Palestinian Community Center in the Old City of Jerusalem, in the African Neighborhood, a few feet from the Aqsa Mosque.

Part and parcel of Palestinian social fabric that go back to the 7th centutry, Afro-Palestinian have and continue to play a major role in the Palestinian anti-colonial resistance movement.

We will screen a video of Ali Jiddah, freed Palestinian prisoner and co-founder of the Afro-Palestinian Community Center. The screening will be followed by a roundtable table discussion with Emory Douglas, the former Minister of Information of the Black Panthers Party and Arts editor of the Black Panthers newspaper. Professors Jamal Dajani and Rabab Abdulhadi will co-moderate and bring in their intellectual expertise and lived experiences growing up under Israeli occupation.

Professor Jamal Dajani is a Jerusalemite whose family hails several generations. Professor Rabab Abdulhadi has been collaborating with members of the Afro-Palestinian community and has interviewed the late Fatima Bernawi, the first Palestinian woman to be arrested by the Israeli military after the 1967 occupation of the remaining Palestinian lands.

This AMED open classroom brings together Professor Jamal Dajani’s class, Introduction to Arab and Muslim Communities, and Professor Rabab Abdulhadi online courses, Gender and Modernity in Arab and Muslim Communities; Colonialism, Imperialism and Resistance; and Palestine: Ethnic Studies Perspective.

For more information see the statement of the 2016 US Prisoner, Academic and Labor Solidarity https://samidoun.net/2016/04/on-palestinian-prisoners-day-anti-prison-labor-academic-delegation-takes-stand-against-israeli-state-violence-affirms-solidarity-with-palestinian-people/

Samidoun participates in Anti-Imperialist Front symposium in Athens

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is proud to have participated in the Anti-Imperialist Front’s symposium from 14-16 February 2020 in Athens, Greece.

Samidoun activists from Greece and the Netherlands participated in the symposium, together with representatives from anti-imperialist organizations from more than twenty countries, including Turkey, Lebanon, Ireland and the Philippines.

The Samidoun participants spoke about the popular and massive Palestinian rejection of Trump and Netanyahu’s “Steal of the Century,” which was revealed at the end of January this year. They stressed that this “war plan” is a colonial plan to further exploit and oppress the Palestinian people and their land. Palestinians all over the world have responded by protesting for the liberation of Palestine and the right of return.

They highlighted the situation of the Palestinian people in the refugee camps in Lebanon and Greece. In both countries Palestinian refugees are discriminated against and are by law excluded from many professions. It is because of these realities that the Palestinian struggle for liberation and return is still the heart of the Palestinian liberation movement.

They also called for the widest support for the campaign to free Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, the Lebanese communist struggler for Palestine who has been imprisoned by France for over 35 years. He is eligible for release since 1999 but the French state refuses to release him.

Samidoun highlighted the struggle of prisoners in Palestine, especially Ahmad Sa’adat, Khalida Jarrar and the student prisoners. Over the last months, dozens of students have been arrested by Israeli occupation forces. They have been severely tortured during their interrogation, as is shown in the cases of Mays Abu Ghosh and Tareq Matar.

They also pointed to the long tradition of international solidarity from and with the Palestinian prisoners. Especially their historic connection with the Irish republican prisoners will never be forgotten and continues to inspire political prisoners around the world.

Finally, the Samidoun delegation stressed the importance of building strong resistance against the recent gas deal between the Greek, Cypriot and Israeli governments. This deal enables for stolen Palestinian gas to be sold to Europe by constructing a pipeline through Cyprus and Greece. Approximately 10% of European gas will come from Palestine. Europe will literally warm itself with the blood of the Palestinian people.

Samidoun extends its warmest solidarity to all participants in the Anti-Imperialist Front and thanks them for organizing this important symposium

22 February, Gothenburg: In the Wake of Imperialism

Saturday, 22 February
2:00 pm
Viktoriahuset-Folkets Hus
Linnégatan 21, 41304 Gothenburg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/4563160s51718911/

We in Samidoun Gothenburg invite you to a talk between Torkil Lauesen and Gabriel Kuhn about the former’s ongoing book project, In the wake of imperialism: On Sweden’s integration and role in imperialism.

Torkil Lauesen has many years of experience in international solidarity work with a communist and anti-imperialist perspective. He has previously funded his political work as a wage earner in a number of different sectors and industries, and when he was imprisoned by the Danish state for his activism during the 1990s, he studied for a master’s degree in political science in prison. Today, Torkil is a member of the anti-imperialist solidarity organization Internationalt Forum and, in addition to regular articles, has recently published the book The Global Perspective.

Gabriel Kuhn is the editor and author of books such as Turning Money into Rebellion: The Blekingegade Group from Inside and the English Translation of the Global Perspective. Gabriel is also a member of the SAC Syndicalists’ International Committee.

The talk is free and organized with support from the Swedish Clarté Association’s meeting fund.

Location: Viktoriahuset, Linnégatan 21, Gothenburg
Date: Saturday, February 22nd
Time: 2pm

Vi i Samidoun Göteborg bjuder in till ett samtal mellan Torkil Lauesen och Gabriel Kuhn om den förstnämndes pågående bokprojekt, I imperialismens kölvatten: Om Sveriges integrering och roll i imperialismen.

Torkil Lauesen har mångårig erfarenhet av internationellt solidaritetsarbete med ett kommunistiskt och antiimperialistiskt perspektiv. Han har tidigare finansierat sitt politiska arbete som lönearbetare inom en rad olika sektorer och industrier, och när han hölls fängslad av danska staten för sin aktivism under 90-talet bedrev han fångkamp och studerade till en masterexamen i statsvetenskap. Idag är Torkil medlem i den antiimperialistiska solidaritetsorganisationen Internationalt Forum och har vid sidan av regelbundna artiklar senast kommit ut med boken Det globale perspektiv.

Gabriel Kuhn är redaktör och författare till böcker som Rån för revolutionen: Blekingegadegruppen inifrån och den engelska översättningen av Det globale perspektiv. Gabriel är även medlem i SAC Syndikalisternas internationella kommitté.

Samtalet är gratis och anordnas med stöd från Svenska Clartéförbundets mötesfond.

Plats: Viktoriahuset, Linnégatan 21, Göteborg
Datum: Lördagen den 22:e februari
Tid: 14:00

15 February, Santa Fe: Resist Them, My People

Saturday, 15 February
1:00 pm
Old Pecos Trail and Camino Lejo
Santa Fe, NM
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/218366322658859/

Organized by the Red Nation

Join The Red Nation as we reclaim Tewa land and show solidarity with our Palestinian relatives.

Samidoun salutes the life and struggle of Richard Reilly, comrade of the Palestinian revolution

Richard Reilly marching for Palestine in the Women’s March, calling for freedom for Ahed Tamimi and all Palestinian women and girls

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network mourns the loss of Richard Reilly, a dedicated and revolutionary struggler for the liberation of Palestine, Ireland and oppressed people everywhere in the world. Richard spent his life in the struggle, from the streets of Palestine to the streets of Chicago, from fighting for labor rights to developing street medic teams for the large protest movements confronting globalization.

Richard Reilly always kept the oppressed of the world at the forefront of his revolutionary political vision. His contributions to the Palestine solidarity movement in the United States – and internationally – were immense. He was one of the founders and the Midwest coordinator of the Palestine Solidarity Committee in the 1980s, deported by the Zionist occupation from Palestine on a solidarity delegation as one of the “Ramallah Seven.” He and his comrades were seized by Zionist occupation soldiers and taken to the infamous Moskobiyeh detention center before deportation after they participated in a demonstration in 1988, at the height of the first Intifada, called by Palestinian women’s organizations marking the anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacres. He was a committed comrade of Palestinian Leftists in Palestine and in exile, and a fighter for political prisoners everywhere jailed for their struggles against imperialism, racism, capitalism and Zionism.

Richard Reilly calling for an end to the unjust charges against torture survivor and former political prisoner Rasmea Odeh.

Richard’s commitment to the struggle for the liberation of Palestine embodied the famous Ghassan Kanafani statement: “The Palestinian cause is not a cause for Palestinians only, but a cause for every revolutionary… as a cause of the exploited and oppressed masses in our era.” He was a mentor to generations of activists who learned about the history of our movements through his openness and commitment to continually building the movement and political education of younger, newer people getting involved.

He was deeply committed to every struggle confronting Zionism, imperialism, capitalism and reaction, especially the Palestinian revolution, the Irish liberation struggle, the Black liberation movement, the Puerto Rican fight against colonialism and the Indigenous movement fighting for sovereignty and self-determination. He approached all of his work with a clear political vision and a deep sense of comradeship.

Richard Reilly with Aarab Barghouthi, son of political prisoner Marwan Barghouthi, during the 2017 hunger strike.

He passed away on the evening of 11 February. We feel his loss deeply. His boundless commitment to struggle and his expansive, revolutionary vision of a liberated Palestine from the river to the sea and a liberated world continues to inspire us all. We send our deepest condolences to his partner, Christine Geovanis, his family, and all of those who worked with and struggled beside him throughout his lifetime of struggle. We pledge to continue on the path that he trod and fight for the future that he envisioned alongside his comrades.

Richard Reilly, presente! Rest in power! Until return and liberation, from Chicago to Ireland to Palestine!

Below is a video of Richard speaking in 2003 in New Jersey, about the history of Palestine solidarity organizing in the United States. The video quality is poor, but the quality of the message shines through.

Palestine stand confronts Toulouse-Tel Aviv twinning project #StopJumelageToulouseTelAviv

Photo: Collectif Palestine Vaincra

On Saturday, 8 February, activists and supporters of Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a member organization of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, organized a Palestine tabling stand near the entrance of Metro Capitole in downtown Toulouse, France.

Photo: Collectif Palestine Vaincra

This monthly stand – which last month focused on the campaign to free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners – focused this month on the Collectif Palestine Vaincra’s campaign to end the “sister city” twinning of Toulouse and Tel Aviv, capital of Israeli apartheid, in the lead-up to the 2020 municipal elections in the city.

Photo: Collectif Palestine Vaincra

Over a thousand leaflets were distributed along with hundreds of discussions and over 195 signatures on the petition to stop the twinning relationship. The response to the state demonstrated the high level of interest among Toulouse residents about the issue. In addition, dozens of people took photos with solidarity signs against the twinning project.

The stand also included a display focusing on the campaign to boycott Israel, including Israeli brands that are campaign targets. One of the other focuses of this display was to confirm that boycotting Israel and the BDS movement are not “illegal in France,” despite the falsehoods and campaigns of the pro-apartheid lobby in France.

Photo: Collectif Palestine Vaincra

To read the original French report, visit Collectif Palestine Vaincra: https://palestinevaincra.com/2020/02/un-nouveau-stand-palestine-contre-le-jumelage-de-toulouse-avec-tel-aviv/

Sign the petition against the twinning project: https://www.change.org/p/stop-au-jumelage-toulouse-tel-aviv

Photo: Collectif Palestine Vaincra

In a statement launching the campaign, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra noted:

Toulouse and Tel Aviv have been twinned as “sister cities” since 1962, promoting cultural and economic exchanges.

However, Tel Aviv is not a city like any other city: it is the economic capital of Israel, built on the ruins of several Palestinian villages. Tel Aviv, therefore, is the symbol of this colonial and racist state, which practices a policy of apartheid againt the Palestinian people.

To endorse the twinning of Toulouse and Tel Aviv is to endorse the daily policies of Israel and its successive governments: occupation, massacres, destruction and confiscation of land, expansion of settlements, mass arrests and obstacles to freedom of movement.

On the occasion of the 2020 municipal elections, we call on all residents of Toulouse to denounce this economic partnership and demand an end to the twinning.