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12 March, Toronto: Break the Empire’s Chains – Free Gaza & all Political Prisoners

Thursday, 12 March
6:30 pm
Northrop Frye Hall, Ground Floor, University of Toronto
73 Queens Park
Toronto, Ontario
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/208916476916930/

16th annual Israeli Apartheid Week 2020: United Against Racism

Yafa Jarrar & Devyn Springer: Break the Empire’s Chains, Free Gaza & All Political Prisoners!

Register now! https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/93854454199

Childminding & accessibility requests welcome by Feb 25, 2020: saia.opirg.uoft@gmail.com!

Date: Thursday, March 12 | 6:30pm
Location: Northrop Frye Hall Room 113, 73 Queen’s Park Cres E Building 515, Toronto, ON M5S 2C3

Germany escalates attack on Khaled Barakat, Palestinian rights with four-year ban: Fight back against repression!

Khaled Barakat speaks in Berlin on 17 August 2019 after the end of the political ban (with Mohammed Khatib, Europe coordinator of Samidoun).

The German state has once again escalated its harassment and repression directed against Palestinian speech and advocacy. In the latest order issued by the Berlin immigration office, received yesterday, 9 March, German officials escalated their attacks on Palestinian writer and activist Khaled Barakat, ordering him officially expelled from Germany (even though he has not been living in Germany since August 2019) and banning him from entering the country for four years. Barakat and his lawyer are challenging the order in an appeal.

In addition to the political ban, residency denial and now exclusion imposed on Barakat, recent repressive attacks by the German state on Palestinian rights have included the deportation of Rasmea Odeh, the passing of an anti-BDS resolution in the Bundestag, the criminal prosecution of Palestinian and Israeli Jewish activists for interrupting a speech by a member of the Knesset, the forced resignation of the director of the Jewish Museum, the closing of the bank account of Jewish Voices for a Just Peace and the disinvitation of international artists who have taken a stand to support Palestinian rights. This continued targeting of Palestinian community organizing, Palestine solidarity and progressive activism comes even as the very real threat of far-right violence continues to threaten the lives of Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims and people of color throughout Germany, as reflected in the horrific racist attack in Hanau. 

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network calls on all who stand for justice in Palestine to confront the repression that is taking place in Germany, in Europe and internationally. As Trump and Netanyahu attempt to impose their “deal of the century” and liquidate the Palestinian cause, these efforts to criminalize, silence and repress Palestinian and Palestine solidarity organizing are part and parcel of that comprehensive attack.

At the same time, they also indicate the real fear of these forces – not of a “threat to security” from Palestinian organizing, but of the power of organized communities to make real change and struggle for the liberation of Palestine – and to fight for justice in their countries of exile as well. Here, they attempt to silence a progressive vision of a liberated, democratic Palestine. 

Watch the 17 August speech German officials are trying to silence here:

This is not an attack on Khaled Barakat alone, an attack on one person or even on one political trend in the Palestinian movement. Indeed, the order itself openly declares that it intends to deter all foreign nationals from advocating for the boycott of Israel! The only response to such a shameless attack on the rights of the Palestinian people, oppressed communities and all who stand for justice and liberation is to escalate our organizing and make clear that such attempts at silencing, repression and liquidation are unacceptable. We stand with Khaled Barakat – and we stand together, for the liberation of Palestine and against racism, Zionism and imperialism.

Germany Aims to Silence Palestinians

The political nature of the order is overt and unconcealed throughout the 23-page document. It is based entirely on public political speeches, writings and YouTube videos and does not allege criminal activity; indeed, the order notes that criteria relating to criminal convictions do not apply in this case. This comes after a political ban of over one month was ordered against Barakat in June 2019 in order to prevent him from giving a speech on U.S. President Donald Trump’s so-called “Deal of the Century” and the attack on Palestinian rights, and then, the denial of the renewal of his residency visa.

The nature of this attack is clear throughout the document. “The so-called two-state solution is dead. The Palestinian people have no choice but to continue their struggle until the liberation of all of Palestine and the construction of a democratic society in Palestine,” Barakat said in a meeting with the South African ambassador to Germany. This progressive vision of a liberated, democratic Palestine is cited twice in the document as evidence of an “extremist” perspective that is “unacceptable” in Germany.

It further classifies opposition to the Oslo process, the so-called “peace process” that has been a lengthy process of attempted liquidation of Palestine, as another element of unacceptable “extremism,” alongside rejection of the “two-state solution.” (Of course, this criterion is not considered relevant when it is Zionists who want to colonize all of Palestine who reject Oslo or two states; it is only “extremism” for Palestinians and their supporters who want to liberate all of Palestine.) It emphasizes, “Your expulsion is intended to make it clear to other third-country nationals that such agitations against the State of Israel…in the Federal Republic of Germany…can also lead to consequences under residence law.”

Legal document provided to Khaled Barakat by German immigration officials, ordering him barred from the country for four years.

Perhaps most disturbing is the stated purpose of the denial of Khaled Barakat’s rights – not solely to attempt to silence him as an individual, but to terrorize the Palestinian and Arab community in Berlin and more broadly, throughout Germany and Europe. This order comes as part and parcel of an attempt to suppress the potential organizing of thousands of Palestinian and Arab youth in Berlin, in Germany and throughout Europe, and more broadly, the power of organized communities to fight racism, oppression and colonialism.

An Attack on Communities

As Barakat said, this order is actually aimed not only against him as a writer, journalist and political activist, but at “thousands of Palestinian youth in the cafes on the Arab street in central Berlin. These forces are afraid of the organized power of impoverished youth from the popular neighborhoods and European city centers, of the possibility that they will become fully aware of their potential strength and power and unite and organize to take up the project of return and liberation. All of Europe’s officialdom expresses its ‘fear’ of the refugee masses at its shores. Germany wants to suppress, police and silence the Palestinian, Arab, Kurdish, Turkish, Iranian, African communities and impose upon them the burden of the terrible massacres that the German state committed against peoples, especially the massacre of Jews. This report makes clear that repressive state security structures want to stop the coming renaissance of the Palestinian people in diaspora.”

Mohammed Khatib, Europe coordinator of Samidoun, said: “Their real fear is the mobilization of tens of thousands of Palestinian youth, hundreds of thousands of young Arabs, millions of migrants, people of color, and all oppressed groups that together demand the liberation of Palestine and fight for rights, justice, freedom and equality.”

Redfish report on the political ban:

Parroting Israeli Propaganda, Negating Palestinian Rights

The order repeatedly attacks movements and organizations struggling for Palestinian rights, including the BDS campaign, Hirak – a movement of Palestinian youth in Berlin – and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, uncritically parroting claims of the Israeli “anti-BDS ministry,” the Ministry of Strategic Affairs, whose payments to the Jerusalem Post to run its anti-Palestinian propaganda campaigns sparked a scandal.

It even attempts to use Barakat’s speech at the European Parliament of 10 July 2019 – about the political ban on him and the repression of Palestinian advocacy in Germany – against him, claiming that being invited to the European Parliament is somehow proof that he is a leader of the PFLP. It unquestioningly reiterates German right-wing media and Israeli propaganda claims against his speech while neglecting to report that the smear campaign was decisively repudiated by the European Parliament itself in August 2019: “Mr Barakat and Samidoun, the Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, are not amongst the persons or groups and entities covered by these provisions. Further, Mr Barakat did not enter Parliament’s premises as a representative of the Popular Front For the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), nor did he speak on behalf of this group. The PFLP was not mentioned nor promoted during the event. “The primary purpose of the visit was to offer Mr Barakat the opportunity to address a meeting in Parliament on Palestine-related matters, and oppose the speaking ban imposed upon Mr Barakat by German authorities in June 2019.”

The document declares, “your expulsion is also considered necessary to deter other foreigners…your expulsion must also make other foreign nationals aware that the state does not tolerate anti-Semitic statements approving the use of force and boycotts against sovereign states.” This reflects the Israeli state’s global campaign against growing international support for the call for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) and the attempt to distort the meaning of anti-Semitism for an anti-Palestinian smear campaign.

It must be emphasized that the definition of “anti-Semitism” used here is not one that refers to any form of hatred against Jewish people or Judaism as a faith; instead, the document has redefined anti-Semitism to mean, variously: “opposing the existence of the State of Israel,” “talking about the ‘racist project of Israel,'” “calling into question the right to exist of the Jewish and democratic state of Israel and its legitimate right of national defense,” and supporting the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.

Therefore, this order is clearly meant as a threat to other non-German and non-European citizens in Germany that they may face severe repression, up to and including deportation, for supporting the boycott of Israel, or for expressing that the Palestinian people have the right to resist occupation and oppression. This kind of attack on freedom of expression should shock the conscience of all who claim to uphold human rights, particularly civil and political rights.

Redefinition of “Anti-Semitism” to Attack Palestinians, Whitewash the Far Right

While it is not referenced by name in the document, it apparently draws inspiration from the so-called IHRA definition and examples that Israel lobby organizations have been attempting to have adopted in parliaments, councils and other institutions around the world. The IHRA’s “examples” include stating that “Israel is a racist endeavour” may be anti-Semitic, while here, “the racist project of Israel” is labeled anti-Semitic as well.

All of this is shameless propaganda for an Israeli state in cahoots with the most extreme right-wing and fascist forces around the world, while people of color and Jews remain facing actual threats from neo-Nazis and far-right forces in Germany. Instead, the German state throws its repressive weight to attempt to silence a leftist Palestinian writer and activist. This attempt to redefine anti-Semitism and focus on Palestinians and Arabs also serves the purpose of whitewashing far right and fascist forces throughout Europe, both those serving in government positions and those engaging in street violence against Jews and people of color.

Indeed, while labeling it anti-Semitic to “call into question….Israel’s legitimate right to national defense” -i.e., to perpetrate colonial warfare on indigenous people, the document repeatedly affirms that it is unacceptable to recognize Palestinians’ right to resist. Saying that Palestinians “have the right to exercise all forms of resistance, including armed revolutionary violence, until the Palestinian people have achieved all their national aspirations” is labeled “extremist.” At the same time, it is declared equally, or perhaps even more unacceptable in the same document to simply advocate for the peaceful boycott of Israeli goods and corporations.

No Right to Reject Israel’s “Right to Exist”?

While the document repeatedly refers to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a leftist Palestinian political party and resistance movement, in an attempt to justify repressing Barakat’s speeches and writing, let alone expelling him from the country – despite the fact that the PFLP is not illegal in Germany – it also states that, in the end, it does not matter whether or not he is a member of the PFLP, because he adheres to its political goals. Specifically, these political goals are defined as “overcoming the state of Israel and establishing the state of Palestine,” “negating Israel’s right to exist,” and “the liberation of Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea,” certainly the political goals of vast numbers of not only Palestinians and Arabs, but all who stand for justice in Palestine.

The document repeatedly notes that Barakat refuses to “recognize Israel’s right to exist.” Of course, states do not have a “right to exist,” people do – and it is human rights, people’s rights, that are under attack by the Israeli state and its imperialist partners and allies around the world, including the German state. For Palestinians, this demand to recognize the “right to exist” of an occupying power on their land is a demand to accept the legitimacy of the Nakba and to approve of the expulsion of over 700,000 Palestinian refugees from their homes and lands and the continuing denial of the right of return of millions of Palestinians today.

It is to demand indigenous people praise the “legitimacy” and “right” of their colonizer and occupier to steal their land, imprison their leaders, demolish their homes and confiscate their resources. Not only should this be unacceptable to Palestinians, the demand to recognize “Israel’s right to exist” is one of colonial domination that should be repellent to all who stand for justice and human dignity. It is notable that the order is repeatedly appalled by Barakat’s advocacy of an inclusive, democratic Palestine that embraces people of all religions, demanding instead support for an exclusivist colonial state built on the dispossession and subjugation of the Palestinian people and their land.

Anti-BDS Resolution Threatening Freedom of Expression

It must further be noted that, when the German Bundestag passed its notorious anti-BDS resolution in May 2019, over the objection of Palestine justice advocates, Jewish supporters of justice and opponents of apartheid, and defenders of freedom of expression, it claimed that it was a “non-legally-binding resolution.” Nevertheless, that very text is used multiple times within this document to justify barring a Palestinian writer from returning to Germany for four years, making clear that it is being allowed to present a real, legal threat to Palestinians, Arabs and members of communities and political movements targeted by the German state for repression and silencing.

The document reflects such hatred toward the growing BDS movement that it exceeds even typical Israeli state propaganda, claiming that “your public advocacy of the aims of BDS and support for a ‘comprehensive boycott call’ against Israeli goods and services constitutes an arbitrary measure” that allegedly violates the rights of “Israeli citizens and persons of Jewish faith in Berlin.”

Of course, this makes no mention of the many Jewish people in Berlin and elsewhere in Germany, including Israeli citizens, who have faced various levels of state persecution and repression for their support for BDS and Palestinian rights. Jewish Voices for a Just Peace had its bank account shut down, while two Israeli activists and a Palestinian activist face criminal charges for interrupting a speech by a Knesset member in Berlin. This attempt to shamelessly instrumentalize Jews and equate Jewish people with Zionism and the state of Israel – a truly anti-Semitic framework, unlike support for the liberation of Palestine – comes hand in hand with the repression of actual Jewish people who stand for justice in Palestine.

The Demand to Depoliticize

The document concludes by ordering that Barakat be excluded from the country for four years. Barakat and his lawyer are appealing immediately, of course, but the conclusion contains other disturbing assertions. Not only does it attempt to justify this four-year ban solely on the basis of political activity, articles and speeches, it further declares openly that there is a “risk of the behavior being repeated,” namely: “since the year 2014 at the latest, you have repeatedly expressed your views on the Palestinian question during your stay in the Federal Republic of Germany and, in doing so, you have returned to the Palestinian population’s alleged right to resist and welcomed this in your speeches.

It is therefore to be expected that you will also do so in further statements in the Federal Republic,” as a justification for his expulsion. It argues that Barakat must show that he has changed his “internal attitude” in order to be exempt from the ban, including “admitting or at least no longer denying that his actions in the past cause a danger,” despite the fact that those actions are, in this case, giving speeches and writing articles about Palestine. In essence, there is a demand that not only Khaled Barakat, but all Palestinians, must depoliticize and silence themselves in order to be welcome or even to exist in Germany, a fundamentally racist and colonialist premise.

Stand Together Against Repression, Struggle Together for Liberation

There is much more to be said about this egregious order and how it fits into the overall framework of the attempt to silence Palestinian organizing and Palestine solidarity in Berlin. It must be noted that, despite these ongoing attacks, that organizing and activism continue to thrive and grow, with hundreds and thousands taking the streets and constant events and discussions about Palestine taking place on a daily and weekly basis. While such efforts may be destined to fail, it is all of our responsibility to fight back, to defend Palestinian rights everywhere in exile and diaspora, as well as throughout all of historic Palestine. This means building the boycott movement and the BDS campaign, defending Palestinians’ right to resist occupation and oppression and organizing together to confront Zionism, reaction and imperialism. We stand with Khaled Barakat! From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!

14 March, NYC: Rally to End US Imposed Sanctions and Economic War

Saturday, 14 March
1:00 pm
40 Wall Street
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2489243474646774/

Stop Wall Street’s War on the World!

Part of the International Days of Action against Sanctions and Economic War
Learn more at Sanctionskill.org

Sanctions Kill!
Sanctions are War!
End Sanctions Now!

Sanctions are imposed by the United States and its junior partners against countries that resist their agendas. They are a weapon of Economic War, resulting in chronic shortages of basic necessities, economic dislocation, chaotic hyperinflation, artificial famines, disease, and poverty. In every country, the poorest and the weakest – infants, children, the chronically ill and the elderly – suffer the worst impact of sanctions.

US imposed sanctions, violate international law and are a tool of regime change. They impact a third of humanity in 39 countries. They are a crime against humanity used, like military intervention, to topple popular governments and movements. They provide economic and military support to pro-US right-wing forces.

The US economic dominance and its +800 military bases worldwide demands all other countries participate in acts of economic strangulation. They must end all normal trade relations, otherwise they risk having Wall Street’s guns pointed at them. The banks and financial institutions that are responsible for the devastation of our communities at home drive the plunder of countries abroad.

Many organizations have been fighting Sanctions and Economic War for some time. NOW is an opportunity to combine efforts to raise consciousness on this crucial issue.

This broad campaign will include protests and demonstrations, lobbying, petition drives and all forms of educational efforts.

As an initial step for this campaign we encourage mobilizations and educational efforts to be organized for the International Days of Action against US imposed Sanctions and Economic War on March 13-15.

POSTPONED DUE TO COVID 19 5 April, Gothenburg: Kofia concert and film premiere

The following event is postponed due to COVID-19:

Sunday, 5 April
2:30 pm
Frölunda Kulturhus
Valthornsgatan 13
42146 Västra Frölunda, Sweden
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/553952438804624/

Kofia: Palestine in Our Hearts

World premiere of KOFIA Film: A Revolution Through Music

The premiere of the new film about Kofia, the Palestinian Swedish band, by director Louis Brehony. Kofia will play new songs by George Totari about love and freedom. Reem Anbar will play the oid.

Organizer: Kofia Association

Get Tickets: https://www.ticketmaster.se/event/kofia-palestina-i-vara-hjartan-biljetter/574381

Kofia – Palestina i våra hjärtan

Kofia spelar nya sånger av George Totari om kärlek och frihet. Reemi Anbar spelar arabisk luta (oud). Premiärvisning av en ny film om Kofia av Louis Brehony.

Arrangör: Föreningen Kofia

29 March, New York City: Mobilization for Land Day and the Great Return March

Sunday, 29 March
2:00 pm
Washington Square Park
New York City
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/182650356443083/

Rally in NYC – after the Palestine Writes conference – on the occasion of Palestinian Land Day and the second anniversary of the Great Return March in Gaza.

8 March, Vancouver: International Working Women’s Day 2020 – Global Strike

Sunday, 8 March
2:00 pm
Vancouver Art Gallery
750 Hornby Street
Vancouver, BC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2213476812286710/

If women stop, the world stops. We invite all those who identify as women, the organizations and communities they are involved with, and allies to join us for an International Working Women’s Day (IWWD) Rally on Sunday, March 8 at the Vancouver Art Gallery.

On IWWD 2020, we are calling on all working class women to join the Global Women’s Strike. On this day, we are going to:

1) Withdraw from or slow down our formal (paid or compensated) work and care (domestic or reproductive) work where we reasonably can
2) Unite with other working class women in this strike by organizing a collective action (such as withdrawing from work at an agreed time together)
3) Attend the Global Women’s Strike action at the Vancouver Art Gallery on March 8 at 2pm

March 8 is inspired by the struggles of women around the world for emancipation, freedom, equality and justice for all. The world’s resources and people are increasingly divided and owned by the wealthy under capitalism, and imperialism as the highest stage of monopoly capitalism; meanwhile, the situation for women continues to worsen. We will gather to echo women’s voices around the world for demands to end capitalism, imperialism, colonialism, exploitation, patriarchy, neoliberalism, globalisation, discrimination, unequal pay, gender violence, sexism, forced hejab, homophobia, environmental degradation, militarism, and war and occupation.

Bring your families and friends to encourage more discussion about IWWD, learn more about women’s liberation movements around the world, and show a united and broad movement in support of the strike.

Bring your own banner/signs, and let’s rally together to let everyone know that working class women won’t stop fighting back.

The list of speakers and performers will be announced soon.

Who are we?

We are a group of organizations representing women in various sectors, issues, and countries around the world—including Filipino women, students, and migrant workers rights groups; Iranian socialists, women rights, human rights and LGBTQ+ groups; local revolutionary student groups; Palestinian liberation organizers; local working class trans and sex worker women; and more.

We are united under the basis of building a working class women’s movement against imperialism, capitalism, colonialism, and all other forms of exploitation. We have taken this call for a strike initiated by the APWLD – Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development.

We humbly acknowledge that we are on the unceded territories of the x?m??kw?y??m (Musqueam), Sk_wx_wu´7mesh (Squamish), and Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh).

IWWD 2020 Committee consists of the following organizations:
Gabriela BC
Campaign to Defend People’s Struggle in Iran – Vancouver
Migrante BC
International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) in Canada
Canada-Philippines Solidarity for Human Rights (CPSHR)
6rang (The Iranian Lesbian and Transgender Network)
Just Peace Committee (JPC)
BAYAN Canada (Alliance of Progressive Filipino organizations)
Sulong UBC

The details of program and speakers to follow.

Questions? Please email info.gabrielabc@gmail.com

6 March, Milan: “Behind the Fronts”/”Dietro i Fronti” premiere in Italy

Friday, 6 March
9:00 pm
Beltrade Cinema
Via Nino Oxilia 10
Milan, Italy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/220825652412373/

Italian premiere of the film directed by Alexandra Dols, with Samah Jabr.

“We, Palestinians, look like short-lived and fragile red poppies. The international community is not impressed by our beauty and neglects to protect us. On the contrary, it often tells us that our aspiration to liberation is absurd and cannot flourish. Nonetheless, we have confidence in our collective ability to embellish the barren side of the mountain and to inspire a revolutionary spring to the oppressed of the earth … “.

“Noi, palestinesi, assomigliamo a dei papaveri rossi, dalla vita breve e fragile. La comunità internazionale non è impressionata dalla nostra bellezza e trascura di tutelarci. Al contrario, ci dice spesso che la nostra aspirazione alla liberazione è assurda e non può fiorire. Ciò nonostante, noi abbiamo fiducia nella nostra capacità collettiva di abbellire il versante brullo della montagna e di ispirare una primavera rivoluzionaria agli oppressi della terra … ”.

POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19 16 March, Sheffield: The Lowkey Voice of Freedom – Israeli Apartheid Week(IAW) Launch

The following event has been cancelled due to the threat of COVID-19:

Monday, 16 March
5:00 pm
Sheffield Hallam Student Union, the Stage
Sheffield, Britain
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/210152350117520/

We are proud to announce our annual participation in Israeli Apartheid Week 2020, a nationally-backed campaign now endorsed by over 180 cities worldwide.!!

This year in Sheffield, we’re kick starting the week by welcoming the London-based Rapper & renowned social justice campaigner, Lowkey! He will be giving an inspirational talk about the Palestinian human-rights struggle, exposing the brutalisation of Palestinian people and the international chain of complicity in the ongoing crimes of Israeli Apartheid.

It will be followed by a Q&A & a memorable performance featuring some of his amazing hits – come along & show your solidarity at the The Stage (Students’ Union HUBS) at 5pm on the 16th of March 2020 for a night you will not forget!!

You might be thinking well, What is #IAW ?

Israel Apartheid week offers a selection of educational events that aim to empower the Palestinian call on the international community to ‘Boycott, Divest & Sanction’ the Israeli apartheid state, force an ending to its systematic oppression against the Palestinian people, along with its historic culture of impunity until the Israeli government respects Palestinians’ rights to freedom, justice, equality and return

7 March, Copenhagen: Women’s Day – Against Imperialism

Saturday, 7 March
4:30 pm
Kapelvej 44
Copenhagen, Denmark
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2875020755866780/


Around the world women are fighting for freedom and dignity – not only to be freed from patriarchy, but to be freed from all kinds of oppression linked to global capitalism, neocolonialism and imperialism.

On occasion of International Women’s Day, we want to shed light on the cause of Palestine where women at all times have played a central role in the Palestinian resistance against the occupation. We wish to support their ongoing struggle, especially in the light of president Trump’s recent announcement of a so-called ‘peace deal’ and it’s repercussions that, among other initiatives, have rendered critique of Israel and antisemitism as essentially the same thing, thus censuring all kinds of critique of the Israeli apartheid state. By this move, Palestinians’ international rights to freedom and a homeland are being fundamentally crushed.

On Saturday March 7th, we invite you to an evening of film screening, community kitchen, live music and an amazing setup of dj’s – all surplus from the event will be sent to the women’s organisation PDWSA in Gaza!


16.30 -18:30 – FILM SCREENING (will be shown in the backyard hall)
Naila and the Uprising (2017)
Portraying Naila Ayesh and the role of women during the first intifada in 1987 – uprising against the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

(The film begins at 17.00)

Introduction to PDWSA and open bar!

19:00-20:00 – FOOD
Palestinian Community Kicthen – as always 50 kr only!

20:15-22:00 – LIVE MUSIC
Babylon (DK) – Arabic songs and band
YUKKA (EG/DK) – Songwriter and rapper

22.00-02.00 – DJ’S

Al surplus from the event is given to the independent organisation PDWSA (Palestinian Women’s Development Studies Association), which, through grassroots and women-to-women projects, organizes and empowers women of Gaza to gain better social and material living conditions. Especially, PDWSA engages women who have been imprisoned by Israel, a situation that often leads to stigma in the women’s own societies, not to mention trauma as an effect of the brutal Israeli imprisonment. To this, PDWSA strives at making women’s participation against the occupation better documented and fully recognized historically.

The situation in Palestine stands as a clear example of neocolonialism and imperialism – for more than 70 yrs, Palestinians have been displaced, invaded, occupied, discriminated and killed by the Israeli apartheid state, crimes after crimes building on the acts of European colonial powers. Most recently, through it’s continuous alliance with the US, Israel has obtained a doubtful ‘peace deal’ from Trump, which exemplifies yet another manifestation of Israel’s imperialist extermination policy towards Palestine and the Arab region.

Throughout history, women of Palestine have played a crucial role in resisting the occupation, especially during the first intifada, characterized by a high degree of grassroots activism and creativity, which we want to support and learn from!

From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free!
Boykot Israel – Free Palestine

We can’t wait to see you on March the 7th of WOMEN’S DAY – AGAINST IMPERIALISM!

/// Internationalt Forum København, Konfront, Boykot Israel, Palæstina Aktion, Studerende mod Besættelsen, Copenhagen Underground, Gaza 2020: Breaking the siege, International Solidarity Movement ///

Thanks to Kapelvej 44 for lending us the space!


OBS// Unfortunately, the main building is not accessible with wheelchair.



Vi ønsker at markere den fortsatte kamp for frihed og retfærdighed, som kvinder kæmper over hele verden – ikke kun mod patriarkatet som isoleret størrelse, men i en kombination mod global kapitalisme, neokolonialisme og imperialisme.

Derfor vil vi, i anledning af kampdagen, sætte fokus på den palæstinensiske sag og den centrale rolle, palæstinensiske kvinder spiller i modstanden mod besættelsen. Vi ønsker at støtte op om deres fortsatte kamp særligt nu, hvor Trump har annonceret sin såkaldte ’fredsaftale’, der fuldstændigt knuser palæstinensernes internationale ret til frihed og hjemland, og når der dybt bekymrende sættes lighedstegn mellem kritik af Israel og antisemitisme, hvormed alle former for kritik af apartheid-staten Israel censureres bort.

Lørdag d. 7. marts inviterer vi til filmvisning, folkekøkken, livemusik og efterfølgende dj’s – overskuddet sendes til kvindeorganisationen PDWSA i Gaza.


16.30-18.30 – FILMVISNING (i salen i gården)
Naila and the Uprising
Om Naila Ayesh og kvinders rolle under den første intifada i 1987 – oprør mod den israelske besættelse af Palæstina.

(Filmen begynder kl 17)

18.30-19.00 – DØRENE ÅBNER (i hovedbygningen)
Introduktion til PDWSA og åben bar!

19.00-20.00 – MAD
Palæstina Folkekøkken – spis som altid med for en 50’er!

20.00-22.00 – LIVE MUSIK
Babylon (DK) – arabisk sang og band
YUKKA (EG/DK) – sangskriver og rapper

22.00-02.00 – DJ’s

Overskuddet fra arrangementet går til den uafhængige organisation PDWSA (Palestinian Women’s Development Studies Association), som via græsrodsarbejde og kvinde-til-kvinde projekter organiserer og styrker kvinder i Gaza til bedre sociale og materielle leveforhold. Et særligt fokus er kvinder, der har været i israelske fængsler, som ofte oplever stigma i samfundet, foruden traumer på baggrund af det brutale israelske fængselsophold. Hertil arbejder PDWSA for at få kvinders deltagelse i kampen imod besættelsen skrevet ind i historien.

Situationen i Palæstina står som et klart eksempel på neokolonialisme og imperialisme – i over 70 år er palæstinensere blevet fordrevet, invaderet, besat, diskrimineret og dræbt af den israelske apartheid-stat, hvad der blev sat i gang af de europæiske kolonimagter. Senest har Israel, i sin fortsatte alliance med USA, opnået en såkaldt “fredsaftale” fra Trump, hvilket kun er endnu en manifestation på Israels imperialistiske udryddelsespolitik i Palæstina og den arabiske region.

I Palæstina har kvinder fra start haft en helt central rolle i modstanden mod besættelsen og særligt under den første intifada, kendetegnet ved en høj grad af græsrodsaktivisme og kreativitet, hvilket vi ønsker at lære af og støtte op om!

From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free!
Boykot Israel – Frit Palæstina

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/// Internationalt Forum København, Konfront, Boykot Israel, Palæstina Aktion, Studerende mod Besættelsen, Copenhagen Underground, Gaza 2020: Bryd Belejringen, Fredsvagterne ///

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Berlin protest responds to Israeli crimes in Gaza, demands justice for Palestine

Palestinian youth activists with Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and Hirak (the Palestinian Youth Mobilization) in Berlin, Germany, joined the demonstration on Monday, 24 February in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza and throughout occupied Palestine and in exile struggling for justice and liberation.

The demonstration, held outside the city hall in Berlin’s Neukölln district on Karl-Marx-Strasse, was sparked by Israeli occupation attacks on Gaza, including repeated bombing raids and the killing of Mohammed Ali al-Naim, a 27-year-old man shot dead by Israeli occupation forces whose body was later dragged by a bulldozer in widely circulated footage.

The Israeli military attack on Gaza and the desecration of al-Naim’s body come in violation of international humanitarian and human rights law, including the Hague Regulations, the Rome Statute and the UN Convention Against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment.

After occupation soldiers shot Al-Naim, the bulldozer was sent into besieged Gaza to run over his body, pick him up and throw him to the ground again to “confirm the kill,” before Israeli occupation forces abducted his body using the bulldozer. Palestinians who attempted to recover al-Naim’s body were also attacked by occupation soldiers, who continued shooting at them; one of the attempted rescuers was shot in the leg with live bullets. The brutal attack also sparked retaliatory strikes by Palestinian resistance organizations. Al-Naim’s body continues to be held hostage by the Israeli occupation along with other Palestinians’ bodies in an attempt to extract concessions from the Palestinian resistance.

In Berlin, Palestinians and friends of Palestine protested with a vigil marked by passionate chants calling for justice and liberation for Palestine, raising their voices to express their outrage at the latest Israeli crimes as well as the complicity of the imperialist powers in these ongoing attacks. They expressed their support for Palestinians’ right to resist occupation and oppression and demanded that the Palestinian Authority end its security coordination with the Israeli occupation and free Palestinian political detainees.

Protesters highlighted ongoing Israeli crimes, including extrajudicial executions, the kidnapping of Palestinians’ bodies, demolition of homes, mass arrests and torture of Palestinian prisoners and land confiscation, as well as the so-called “deal of the century” between Trump and Netanyahu.

The protest also comes amid racist right-wing threats to Turkish, Kurdish, Arab and other communities in Germany, especially following a fascist mass shooting in Halle, near Frankfurt, where a far-right shooter killed 10 people. It also takes place despite ongoing attempts by the German government to suppress solidarity organizing for Palestine, including anti-BDS legislation and other forms of targeting. The ongoing protests in Berlin continue to demonstrate the strength of Palestinian communities and commitment to struggling for liberation despite multiple types of repression.

On 31 January, hundreds of people from across Europe gathered outside the Bundestag for a demonstration to denounce Germany’s anti-BDS laws and defend the rights of the Palestinian people. In addition to the anti-BDS resolution in the German parliament, the German state imposed a political ban on Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat and refused to renew his residence visa, deported  Rasmea Odeh, and continued the criminal prosecution of Palestinian and Israeli Jewish activists for interrupting a speech by a member of the Knesset. These incidents come alongside the forced resignation of the director of the Jewish Museum, the denial of venues to events hosting Palestinians and supporters of Palestine, the closing of the bank account of Jewish Voices for a Just Peace and the disinvitation of international artists who have taken a stand to support Palestinian rights.

Participants in the demonstration, including Samidoun and Hirak activists, pledged to continue to confront Israeli apartheid and Zionist crimes and mobilize for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea.