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1 February, Manchester: Reject Trump’s “Deal,” Stand With Palestinians

Saturday, 1 February
1:00 pm
Piccadilly Gardens
Manchester, Britain
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/281779089464036/

Trump’s “Deal of the Century” is nothing more than an attempt to legalise apartheid and further entrench occupation. Denying Palestinians their collective Right to Self Determination, Right to Return and an end to the Illegal Occupation.

Palestinian Community Association North West and the Palestine Forum have called for a protest this Saturday in Piccadilly Gardens at 1pm, this Saturday (1/2/2020).

The voices of the Palestinians must be heard. They cannot be excluded from negotiating their future and freedom.

72 years after the Nakba, 53 years of Occupation in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. 27 years after the Oslo Accords, this is just another attempt to steal more land and to erase the struggle of the Palestinian people.

Israel has carried out massacres upon the people of Gaza. Murdered and imprisoned Palestinians in the West Bank. Stolen land and water in the Jordon Valley and the West Bank. Expanded settlements, locked up political prisoners and carried out house demolitions. While arms companies and High Street banks continue to make a profit from death and occupation.

How can we allow this happen? Trump’s deal is an attempt for us to forget and look the other.

The streets are changing, people are beginning to see the actions of Israel as illegal and unjust. On his visit to Bethlehem, Prince Charles said “it is my dearest wish that the future will bring freedom, justice and equality to all Palestinians, enabling you to thrive and prosper”. We need to continue to be out on the streets.

No matter how long it takes, we will not abandon the Palestinians nor their struggle.

Come and stand with us.

We ask all those who care about Human Rights, International Law and people of good conscious not to remain silent but to join us this Saturday (1/2/2020) at 1pm in Manchester Piccadilly Gardens.

Stand with Palestine – Reject Trump’s “Deal”

Called by Palestinian Community Association North West
Palestinian Forum

Supported by Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Manchester Palestine Action
Manchester Jewish Action for Palestine

31 January – 1 Feb: Aarhus, Copenhagen, Odense: Stand up against the “deal of the century” in Denmark

Friday, 31 January
3:00 pm
US Embassy – Copenhagen
Dag Hammarskjolds Alle 24
Copenhagen, Denmark
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/3178607339031478/

Friday, 31 January
4:00 pm
Århus Rådhus plads .
Aarhus, Denmark
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wael.888/posts/2740907152696587

Saturday, 1 February
3:00 pm
Odense, Denmark

1 February, Auckland: Palestine Human Rights Rally

Saturday, 1 February
2:00 pm
Aotea Square
Queens Street, City Center
Auckland, New Zealand

Rally for Palestinian Human Rights – say no to Trump’s “Deal of the Century”!

31 January, NYC: Say No to the Steal of the Century – Palestine is not for sale!

Friday, 31 January
4:00 pm
City Hall Park Manhattan
New York City, NY
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2583972128551635/


Stand with Palestinian communities from across New York and New Jersey condemning the Trump-Netanyahu “Deal of the Century” and demand local lawmakers and legislators speak against U.S.endorsement of israeli zionist violence. The “Deal of the Century”, crafted by US and Israeli officials to the exclusion of Palestinians, was met with fierce protests across Palestine and the world. The Trump-Netanyahu plan institutionalizes illegal settlements, expands Israeli land theft, entrenches Israeli military occupation and cements the segregation of Palestinians from each other by the Apartheid.

Palestinians have suffered under Israeli apartheid, colonization and violence for over 72 years with ample support from the U.S., leading up this Deal, which is an attempt to normalize Israeli violence and erasure of Palestinians. As people living in the U.S. we have a duty to stand against our governments role in the oppression of the Palestinian people.

1 February, Gothenburg: Demonstration against Trump’s “Deal of the Century”

Saturday, 1 February
1:00 pm
Gustaf Adolfs torg
Goteborg, Sweden
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/170475410928798/

The Coordination Committee for Palestinian Associations in Gothenburg calls on all to attend this demonstration against Trump’s “deal of the century!”

US President Donald Trump recently presented his so-called “peace plan” called the “Deal of the Century.” It is nothing more than another attack on the Palestinian people and must be condemned by all progressive forces.

Join the Coordination Committee for Palestinian Associations in Gothenburg to condemn this so-called deal and stand with Palestine and its people in the fight against Israel’s colonial occupation!

Solidarity posters, banners and flags are welcome, but please bring only Palestinian national flags.

Samordningskommittén för palestinska föreningar i Göteborg arrangerar och bjuder in till sin manifestation mot Trumps ”århundradets uppgörelse”!

USA:s president Donald Trump har nyligen presenterat sin påstådda ”fredsplan” som kallas ”århundradets uppgörelse”. Det är inget annat än ännu ett angrepp på det palestinska folket och måste fördömas av alla progressiva krafter.

Anslut dig till Samordningskommitté för palestinska föreningar i Göteborgs manifestation, fördöm ”århundradets uppgörelse” och stå med Palestina och dess folk i kampen mot Israels koloniala ockupation!

Solidariska plakat, banderoller och fanor på manifestationen är välkomna, men ta endast med palestinska nationsflaggor.

Plats: Gustaf Adolfs torg
Datum: Lördagen 1:a februari
Tid: 13:00

1 February, Houston: Protest against Trump’s “Deal of the Century”

Saturday, 1 February
3:00 pm
Corner of Westheimer and Post Oak
Houston, TX
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/173949043954721/

Please join the Houston community on Saturday, February 1st at the corner of Westheimer and Post Oak as we voice our opposition to Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu’s unilateral “Deal of the Century,” which is meant to forfeit the Palestinian right to self-determination. We say no to the “Deal of the Century!” We say no to entrenchment of Apartheid! We say yes to ending occupation. We say yes to justice!

If you would like to sponsor or endorse this protest, please reach out to us by Facebook message. Stay posted for more information, including details regarding the protest.

31 January, Brussels: Demonstration of Palestinian Asylum Seekers

Friday, 31 January
1:00 pm
Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 50
Brussels, Belgium
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/533645200619514/

Refugees Movement for Rights and Justice
Public Invitation
Palestinian refugees in Belgium invite you to join the demonstration in front of The minister Maggie De Block office, The minister of social affairs and Health also she is resumed responsibility for Asylum and Migration in Brussels.
The demonstration will be on Friday 31/01/2020, during 1 pm – 3 pm. It will be the second demonstration that comes as a protest and a refusal to the Maggie De Block decisions against the Palestinian refugees, as the Palestinian refugees suffers from racial discrimination now in Belgium.

📍 Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 50, 1000 Bruxelles

Mouvement des réfugiés pour la justice et les droits
Invitation publique
Les réfugiés Palestiniens en Belgique vous invitent à rejoindre la manifestation en face du bureau de Maggie De Block, ministre des affaires sociales de la santé et l’asile et la migration
La manifestation aura lieu vendredi 31/01/2020 de 13h à 15h
Elle constituera la 2e manifestation dont le message est de s’opposer aux décisions de Maggie De Block contre les réfugiés Palestiniens qui souffrent d’une discrimination raciale actuellement en Belgique

📍 Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 50, 1000 Bruxelles

Vluchtelingenbeweging voor Rechten en Gerechtigheid

Publieke uitnodiging

Palestijnse vluchtelingen in België nodigen u uit op de betoging vóór het kantoor van Minister Maggie De Block in Brussel. Zij is Minister van Sociale Zaken en Volksgezondheid, en van Asiel en Migratie.

De betoging heeft plaats op vrijdag 31/01/2020 van 13:00u tot 15:00u

Ook deze tweede betoging is een protest tegen en een weigering van de beslissingen van Maggie De Block aangaande de Palestijnse vluchtelingen die nu te lijden hebben onder rassendiscriminatie in België

📍 Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 50, 1000 Bruxelles


يدعوكم حراك اللاجئين من أجل الحقوق والعدالة للمشاركة في المظاهرة التي ستُقام أمام مكتب وزيرة اللجوء والهجرة ماجي دي بلوك يوم الجمعة بتاريخ 31 يناير 2020، وذلك للمطالبة بحقوقنا بالحصول على الحماية الدولية ورفضا لسياسة التمييز العنصرية بحقنا والقرارات العنصرية التي أعلنت عنها وزيرة الهجرة خلال الفترة السابقة.

📍 Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 50, 1000 Bruxelles

31 January, Valencia: Palestine Not For Sale!

Friday, 31 January
7:00 pm
US Consulate in Valencia
Calle de Dr. Romagosa 1
Valencia, Spain

Palestine is not for sale! Join this urgent demonstration against the “Steal of the Century.” Organized by BDS Pals Valencià (Valencia, Spain)

1 February, Toronto: Emergency Rally against the “Deal of the Century”

Saturday, 1 February
1:00 pm
US Consulate Toronto
360 University Ave
Toronto, ON, Canada
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/120157812630391/

All out on Saturday! *Buses will depart from Palestine House for those coming from Mississauga and beyond*

The Trump Administration has just unveiled the details of its “Deal Of The Century”. This plan includes, but is not limited to:

Giving legitimacy to illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine
Annexing parts of the West Bank (including the Jordan Valley)
Granting Palestinians a “state” made up of non-contiguous cantons similar to the Bantustans under apartheid in South Africa.

These are just some of the aspects from this plan that has already been rejected by the Palestinian community and leadership at large.

29 January, Madrid: Palestine not for sale! Rally against the “Deal of the Century”

Wednesday, 29 January
7:00 pm
U.S. Embassy in Madrid
c/Serrano 75
Madrid, Spanish state

We demonstrate at the US Embassy to protest the so-called “Deal of the Century” between the US and Israel, where the Yankees give the green light to the ongoing Israeli policy of permanent occupation, colonialism and apartheid against the Palestinian people. This also includes the ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem and the theft of 40% more Palestinian land in exchange for 50 billion dollars.

We are facing a moment of historical impunity when it comes to international law, so it is important to show up and come!

Mañana nos concentramos de urgencia ante la embajada yanki para protestar por el autodenominado Acuerdo del Siglo, firmado por EEUU e Israel, donde los yankis le dan luz verde a la clásica política israelí de la ocupación permanente, colonialismo y apartheid sobre la población palestina. Este nuevo trazado incluye la limpieza etnica de Jerusalem, el robo del 40% de las tierras palestinas actuales a cambio de 50 mil millones de dólares.

Nos encontramos es un momento histórico de impunidad respecto al derecho internacional, así que es muy muy muy importante liarla bien mañana. Por favor, difunde y ven!