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29 January, Berlin: No to Trump’s Plan

Wednesday, 29 January
6:00 pm
Brandenburger Tor
Berlin, Germany

Palestinian and Arab organizations in Berlin are calling for a demonstration. Stand together to say no to Trump’s plan!

Samidoun: Colonial “Deal of the Century” sure to fail; time to fight back and defend Palestine

Photo against so-called “Deal of the Century”

Read this statement in French: https://palestinevaincra.com/2020/01/samidoun-le-deal-du-siecle-colonial-echouera-il-est-temps-de-riposter-et-de-defendre-la-palestine/

in Italian: https://proletaritoperilsri.blogspot.com/2020/01/samidoun-il-deal-of-century-coloniale.html?spref=fb&m=1

Spanish: https://www.facebook.com/notes/comit%C3%A9-palestina-libre-uruguay/samidoun-el-acuerdo-del-siglo-colonial-seguro-que-fracasar%C3%A1-es-hora-de-luchar-y-/2663026760417687/

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins our voice with that of Palestinians and all people of conscience around the world in rejecting and condemning Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu’s racist, colonialist, so-called “Deal of the Century.” This “deal” blatantly enshrines settler colonialism and Zionism without even a facade of concern for allegedly universal principles of justice, sovereignty, self-determination and international law from which Palestinians are systematically excluded. 

While we are entirely certain of the utter failure of this “war plan” for occupied Palestine (it is certainly not any form of plan for peace) when confronted with the unified rejection of the Palestinian and Arab peoples and all supporters of justice around the world, we also emphasize the urgency of escalating our struggle to confront Zionism and imperialism and bring about their defeat.  This must mean expanding our campaigns for boycott, divestment and sanctions with material effect; defending Palestinian resistance and advancing the demand for freedom for Palestinian political prisoners.

From Balfour to Trump

It is no surprise that this has been labeled the “Deal of the Century” – after all, it has been for just over 100 years that Palestinians have been fighting back against colonization in their homeland. The division of the Arab world under the Sykes-Picot agreement and British colonialism in Palestine led directly to the Balfour declaration, in which a British lord granted land that was not his – and was, in fact, the land of the indigenous Palestinian people – to the European colonialist Zionist movement. Palestinians were dismissively referenced as nothing more than the “existing non-Jewish communities.” 

Today, Trump once again speaks with the perspective of an imperial lord, doling out land and property that is not his in the interests of imperial power and its partner, Zionist colonialism. For over a century, however, Balfour’s plan and its disastrous consequences, backed as they have been by imperial power, military might and capitalist billions, have failed on the rocky shoals of Palestinian existence and resistance, steadfast in all forms, from intifada until intifada, with a revolutionary vision of liberation that propels the struggle to continue for victory against all the forces of reaction, racism and repression. 

Electioneering with Palestinian Blood

Of course, the show in the White House today – attended by a slew of notorious, right-wing Zionists, including billionaire political donor Sheldon Adelson, sitting in the front row after bankrolling Trump’s campaign, and genocide promoter Brooke Goldstein of the Lawfare Project, responsible for repeated frivolous lawsuits targeting professors, students and people of conscience who speak about Palestine – was also a campaign moment for its ultra-right hosts, Trump and Netanyahu. The fact that this colonial celebration was also backed by fellow Israeli politician Benjamin Gantz highlights the fact that Zionist political competition is only over how to manage the theft of Palestinian land and the taking of Palestinian lives, rather than over the nature of the state itself. Netanyahu was indicted for corruption today, while Trump is under impeachment and facing growing popular demands for real change, like Medicare for All, free public education and ending endless wars, that imperil his re-election campaign. 

The distraction from these failing politicians’ electoral crises, however, threatens a very real price for the millions of Palestinians who are threatened by their edicts as they seek to legitimize the ongoing apartheid, land confiscation, home demolitions, mass incarceration, extrajudicial execution, siege on Gaza, denial of refugees’ right to return, ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem and many more ongoing war crimes and crimes against humanity. This international electoral sideshow is not simply a display for the cameras; it is built on a foundation of Palestinian blood.

The Colonial Alliance: Imperialism, Zionism, Arab reaction

The announcement of the “deal” once again laid bare that Palestinians continue to face the same enemy camp that they have confronted from the earliest days of the struggle: imperialism, Zionism and Arab reaction, with Zionism taking the form of both the Israeli settler-colonial project itself and the Zionist movement that backs it with political and economic support and alliances with Western imperialist powers. Trump and Netanyahu boasted of the presence of the ambassadors of Bahrain, Oman and the UAE at the press conference, the latest reflection of the involvement of these reactionary regimes and their kings and princes not only in slaughtering the people of Yemen but in wholeheartedly siding with their imperialist sponsors to attack the Palestinian cause, at the heart of any movement for Arab liberation. 

Of course, U.S. imperialism is the leading force of terror and destruction in the world. All of the numerous references to “fighting terrorism” in Trump and Netanyahu’s speeches are, in fact, demands for utter surrender from not only the Palestinian people, but the people of the world, who they demand be forbidden from fighting back against the powerful states that confiscate their land, resources and wealth. The vision of this “plan” is not restricted to Palestine alone, but aims to serve as a blueprint for imperialist domination of the region and ongoing Zionist regional hegemony, even as those face a growing crisis as popular and political forces resist and overcome reactionary invasions, sanctions and other attacks.

Apartheid as a solution

The so-called “deal of the century” promotes the annexation of illegal Israeli colonial settlements, the confiscation of the fertile land of the Jordan Valley, complete denial of sovereignty over the skies and the seas for the indigenous people of Palestine and the construction of a complex network of tunnels and roads under complete Israeli security control for Palestinians to move back and forth between their isolated Bantustans. The “recognition of Israel as a Jewish state” is nothing more than a demand for official recognition of racism, permanent inequality for Palestinians and justification for ethnic cleansing. It views Jerusalem as a mosque for “Muslims to visit” rather than a thriving Palestinian and Arab city under occupation. It demands “demilitarized” Palestinians, while the Israeli military, backed by U.S. military aid of $3.8 billion annually and serving as one of the largest U.S. proxy forces in the region, continues its domination. 

Image: Days of Palestine

Trump’s deal is a blueprint for apartheid as a solution and, in many ways, a reflection of the current reality in Palestine. It underlines once more the failure of the so-called “peace process” and the dead-end of the “two-state solution.” In reality, the best response to Trump, Netanyahu and the Zionist-imperialist regime in Palestine is the decolonization and total liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea, the dismantling of the Zionist colony and the construction of a truly just future.

A Vision for Capitalist Exploitation

Imperialism is a capitalist project, and this is incredibly clear in the lengthy document establishing Trump’s vision for how exactly this particular form of apartheid should be financed and constructed in order to make Palestinian labor and resources most friendly to the exploitation of Zionist and international capital. It repeatedly demands of its envisioned Palestinian Bantustans that they must be “business-friendly,” welcoming to “multinational corporations” and “foreign direct investment.” They are also ordered to protect “private property” – while the private property of Palestinians confiscated by Zionist forces in the Nakba remains stolen without justice, return or even compensation. Not only is the Trump “plan” an attempt to liquidate Palestinian struggle for national liberation, it is equally an attack on the ongoing Palestinian struggle for social and economic liberation, attempting to stamp out the vision of a Palestinian and Arab socialist future.

It must also be noted that while the plan is an appalling affront to any notion of justice or principles of international law and a blatant attempt to put Palestine on the market block for electoral votes for Trump and Netanyahu personally, it is also not a sharp break from but a continuation of U.S. imperialist policy in Palestine and the region more broadly. The apartheid “map” of bantustans accompanying the so-called “plan” bears a striking resemblance to those that have been promoted time and again through the “peace process,” while more Palestinian land is stolen and lives are taken. The demilitarization of Palestine, denial of sovereignty and self-determination, confiscation of air and water rights, promotion of “land swaps” and the use of “state” as an empty term that carries no meaningful independence or self-determination have all been part of the disastrous Oslo process. 

From Oslo to Trump: End Security Coordination

The centerpiece of the Trump plan’s demands for Palestinian surrender includes an even more detailed vision of Palestinian agents working on behalf of Israel to criminalize and repress Palestinian resistance. As has been repeatedly observed by Palestinians, the occupier and the colonizer always seeks to create a local entity to carry out the work of the occupier – and then intensifies its further demands for subordination. The Trump-Netanyahu document claims to feign concern for Palestinian judicial independence, while simultaneously demanding intensified repression specific “counter-terror” courts and prosecutions. The Palestinian Authority has, in fact, degraded Palestinian rights, through political detentions, judicial interference and “cybercrimes” prosecutions – as part and parcel of the Palestinian Authority’s “security coordination” with Israel, a process overseen by U.S. military authorities and developed under U.S. training. As we mark the Weeks of Solidarity with Ahmad Sa’adat, we note that this imprisoned Palestinian leader was kidnapped by Israel from a Palestinian Authority jail, where he was held under a security coordination deal under U.S. and British guards. 

Perhaps the most devastating outcome of the Oslo process has been “security coordination,” under which the PA continues to detain Palestinians and attack the resistance, even while engaging in public political skirmishes with Israeli officials. In order to develop a unified Palestinian resistance to the “Deal of the Century,” there is no more urgent task than bringing an end, once and for all, to PA “security coordination” with Israel and freeing all political prisoners held in PA jails.   

Under attack: Prisoners, refugees, ’48 Palestinians

Palestinian prisoners, a core issue in the liberation struggle for Palestinians, are raised in section 15 of the complete Trump plan, in a dismissive context that seems determined to extract political surrender as a requirement to release even one of the 5,000 Palestinians imprisoned by Israel for their involvement in the liberation struggle. “Each prisoner who is released will be required to sign a pledge to promote within their community the benefits of co-existence between Israelis and Palestinians, and to conduct themselves in a manner that models co-existence. Prisoners who refuse to sign this pledge will remain incarcerated,” the document reads. The model of “co-existence” promoted throughout the document means nothing more than surrender and liquidation of the Palestinian people and the enshrinement of Zionist racism, an unacceptable condition for any Palestinian jailed as a struggler for freedom. 

It specifically excludes “Israeli citizens,” specifically those Palestinians of ’48 imprisoned for their role in fighting for the liberation of their land and people – just as these prisoners face a renewed attack by Naftali Bennett, intended to impose impoverishment and collective punishment on their families as they languish behind bars. This is far from the only disturbing content in Trump’s plan for Palestinians in ’48 – not only does the “recognition of Israel as a Jewish state” exclude these approximately 1.8 million citizens, but its inclusion of “land swaps” for “populated and unpopulated areas” appears to envision a mechanism for the Zionist regime to transfer its unwanted Palestinian population – and their citizenship – to the isolated and subjugated Bantustans it promotes.

The entire Palestinian population – in occupied Jerusalem and the West Bank, besieged Gaza, colonized ’48 and in exile and diaspora in the camps and around the world – are under attack in this plan. The plan’s section on “Refugees” erases the existence of the Nakba, creates a false equivalence between Palestinian refugees and Jewish Arabs (rather than seeing both properly as peoples victimized by Zionism and colonialism) in which they can be exchanged for one another and attempts to obscure by all means the fact that Palestinian refugees remain refugees today, even those who have obtained citizenship elsewhere, excluded from their homeland and their right to return home, because of the systematic Zionist ethnic cleansing of Palestine, the Nakba of 1947-1948. 

Palestinian refugees do need civil and human rights in their countries of refuge, but those will never be accomplished through alliances with the very states and entities perpetrating their ongoing dispossession and exclusion in violation of international law and fundamental principles of justice. Instead, Palestinian refugees need their civil, human, social and economic rights so that they can live their lives and fully participate in the struggle for the liberation of their occupied homeland, from the river to the sea, and in the struggle for the liberation of the entire region from the yoke of reaction and imperialism. 

Confronting the comprehensive attack on Palestinian resistance

Finally, we note that at the core of this so-called “plan” is a comprehensive attack on Palestinian resistance and the Palestinian people’s right to struggle by all means to liberate their occupied homeland and obtain freedom from colonialism. Liberation struggle is recast as “terrorism” by the states responsible for terrorizing the peoples of the world in their drive for complete control over resources and wealth. The Palestinian people have created and built their liberation movements to struggle in all forms, and it is those resistance movements and revolutionary forces that have obtained every victory achieved by the Palestinian people through over 70 years of struggle. 

The demand for Palestinian “demilitarization” amid intense Zionist militarism is nothing more than a demand for surrender and liquidation. The casting of Palestinian resistance organizations as “terror groups” is a malicious smear that is meant to confuse people around the world. Almost every liberation struggle in the world includes armed struggle as part of a comprehensive program of resistance to colonization, from Vietnam, to Algeria, to South Africa, to the fight to end slavery and achieve Black liberation in the U.S. The same is true of the Palestinian resistance. 

If we are to fight back against the agenda expressed in the Trump-Netanyahu “plan,” we must fight back against every attempt to label Palestinian resistance as “terror.” This means fighting to scrap so-called “terror lists” and designations that label Palestinian freedom fighters as terrorists in the U.S., Canada, European Union, Britain and elsewhere. These types of laws serve to repress Palestinian diaspora and solidarity organizing around the world and attempt to isolate those Palestinians who sacrifice the most to defend their land and people from apartheid and colonialism. Over 5,000 Palestinians are imprisoned under the false label of “terror,” while states that justify regime change wars through appeals to “democracy” exclude democratically supported Palestinian leaders by applying the “terror” label.

European complicity in anti-Palestinian repression

Right now, Palestinian grassroots and non-governmental organizations are facing a new European Union policy demanding that they sign agreements that no one associated with any of the Palestinian major political parties are involved with their work and their programs, even at the most public of political levels. Israeli officials like Minister of Strategic Affairs Gilad Erdan (the so-called “anti-BDS minister” – who also runs the Israel Prison Administration – travels the world to smear organizations that fight for Palestinian rights and defend Palestinian prisoners, all with vague allegations of “connections” to major political parties slapped with the bogus “terror” label. If the European Union and other parties claim to want a just alternative to the Trump-Netanyahu surrender demand, they can begin by ending this anti-democratic attack on Palestinian human rights and political expression. 

They can continue further by ending the ongoing attempts to criminalize and repress organizing for the boycott of Israeli apartheid in Germany, Austria and elsewhere in Europe. These repressive attacks violate the rights of Palestinian communities in Europe and of all people concerned for justice to uphold basic human rights principles against apartheid. Today’s announcement made clear to many that Trump and Netanyahu promote apartheid as a solution. For every one of those people, the first response should be clear: Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, and the international isolation of Israel.

Toward the Liberation of Palestine

The grotesque Netanyahu-Trump spectacle in Washington, D.C., in the end, changes nothing. It provides us with a document of their envisioned blueprint, a reflection of the realities that Palestinians are confronting on a daily basis. Trump and Netanyahu have no authority to alter international law or legitimize colonialism, apartheid and ethnic cleansing, and we are certain that the unified strength and resistance of the Palestinian people will once again bring this “plan” crashing down on the shores of defeat. 

We cannot, however, be silent or ignore this latest attack. The strategic alliance of our enemies is clear: imperialism, Zionism, Arab reactionary forces. Now is the time to build our strategic alliance for a future of freedom and justice from the river to the sea: working together to stand for a vision of the total liberation of Palestine – and, indeed, the liberation of the world. Now is the time to build our movements, strengthen our alliances, and escalate the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement to the international isolation of Israel. It is also perhaps more urgent than ever to defend the Palestinian resistance, whose very right to struggle for freedom is facing a severe and comprehensive attack.

As Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, we also emphasize the critical importance of escalating campaigns everywhere to free the 5,000 Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli jails, many subject to severe torture. These are the leaders of the Palestinian liberation movement and the Palestinian people and securing their freedom is essential to the liberation of Palestine.

Just as we stand to confront Trump and Netanyahu, we must also stand with those who defend indigenous sovereignty against U.S., Canadian and Australian settler colonialism, with the Black Liberation movement, with all those in the Arab world who struggle for justice and confront reactionary regimes, with those fighting for justice for migrants and refugees and against racism and oppression in all forms, with workers on the picket lines and organizing for justice,  with Venezuela, Cuba and all of the people in Latin America fighting to defend their land from rapacious imperialism and right-wing coup forces, with the people of the Philippines resisting killings and repression, with the movements on the streets of India defending people’s rights against fascist attacks, with those fighting to bring down the sanctions devastating the people of Iran, with all of the movements, peoples and nations who confront imperialism, exploitation and injustice. 

Every victory for the struggles of the people, every defeat for imperialism is also a victory for Palestine. We will celebrate them together in Jerusalem, the liberated capital of Palestine.

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free! 

Photo: Activestills

More statements of interest:

28 January, Columbus: Rally for Palestine – No “Deal of the Century”

Tuesday, 28 January
5:00 pm
Ohio Statehouse
1 Capitol Square
Columbus, OH

Stand with us as we reject the so-called “Deal of the Century” which seeks to legalize land theft, ethnic cleansing and occupation of Palestine.

29 January, Brussels: Rally against Trump’s so-called “Deal of the Century”

Wednesday, 29 January
5:00 pm
U.S. Embassy in Brussels
Boulevard du Régent, 27
Brussels, Belgium

Join the Palestinian community in Belgium to rally against Trump’s so-called “deal of the century” and the attack on Palestinian rights.

دعوة عامة

ندعوكم لوقفة تنديد بصفقة القرن أمام السفارة الأمريكية ببروكسل
غدا الأربعاء 29 / 1 / 2020 على الساعة
Boulevard du Régent , 27
Bruxelles 1000
تنظيم الجالية الفلسطينية ببلجيكا
يرجى إحضار أعلام فلسطين

Rassemblement contre l’accord du siècle de Trump sur la PALESTINE
Mercredi 29 / 1 / 2020
Devant l’ambassade des USA à Bruxelles (Boulevard du Régent, 27 à Bruxelles 1000)
Communauté Palestinienne en Belgique

28 January, Berlin: Protest Trump’s “Deal of the Century”

Tuesday, 28 January
5:00 pm
Pariser Platz/Brandenburger Tor
Berlin, Germany

Join Palestinian community organizations to express outrage against the so-called “deal of the century” and Trump’s attack on Palestinian rights.

27-29 March, NYC: First Palestine Writes Festival

Friday, 27 March – Sunday, 29 March
New York University
NYU Kimmel Center for University Life
60 Washington Square S
New York, NY 10012
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2338443976272575/

Palestine Writes will be the first major festival dedicated to the celebration and support of Palestinian literature in the United States. In New York City at NYU Kimmel Center for University Life​ from March 27-29th, 2020,

Palestine Writes will bring together writers, artists, publishers, booksellers, and scholars to read, present work, and have conversations about art, literature, and the intersections between culture, struggle, and politics. The common threads uniting all participants are the love of books and a courageous outspokenness in support of justice for Palestine. Our festival honors the many historic personalities who have walked this path before us, and showcases living voices celebrating Palestinian life, devoted to the belief that art challenges repression and creates bonds between Palestine and the rest of the world. Palestine Writes Back will highlight the richness of Palestinian art for a North American audience who may not have had the opportunity to experience this work due to lack of linguistic access (limited translations of Arabic literature), the severe restrictions on movement of Palestinians, and the censorship and repression of Palestinian speech. Palestine Writes Back will be a groundbreaking celebration of the power of Palestinian artistic visionaries and their supporters, bringing us together in the spirit of Mahmoud Darwish’s sentiment that we “have the right to smell autumn’s fragrances and ask the night for a dream.”

JOIN US MARCH 27 TO 29, 2020

ATTEND: https://pfp.networkforgood.com/events/14706-palestine-writes-literature-festival
PROGRAM: https://www.palestinewrites.org/program
PARTICIPANTS: https://www.palestinewrites.org/participants
DONATE: https://pfp.networkforgood.com/projects/78525-palestine-writes

26 January, Vancouver: Stand with JNU JAMIA AMU on India’s Republic Day

Sunday, 26 January
9:00 am
Consulate General of India, Vancouver
201-325 Howe Street
Vancouver, BC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/597250237501920/

On the occasion of 70th Republic day of India, join us outside the Consulate General of India in Vancouver BC to celebrate the Sovereign, Socialist, Secular and Democratic spirit of India as we have known it. Let us remind ourselves and the Indian Government that the idea of India remains to be that of “we the people”.

As we mark the date to honor our constitution, let us stand in cohesion with our brethren back home who are standing up against this hyper-nationalist/fascist Indian Government to save our constitution from the bigoted Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the anti-people National Register of Citizens (NRC).

Let us join in the movement of Renaissance of India led by Universities across the country and collectively condemn the state sponsored violence against the students at JMI, AMU and JNU.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ? Nelson Mandela

* Message us on facebook for further information *

Hosted by the following organizations:

– Global Peace Society (GPS)
– International League of People Struggle (ILPS Canada)
– Socialist Fightback Vancouver (Marxist.ca)
– Coalition Against Bigotry – Pacific
– Communities United Against Narendra Modi
– Indians Abroad For Pluralist India


– Prabhjot Kaur
– Mahwish Yousaf
– Imtiaz Popat
– Gupreet Singh
– Brahmjot Kaur
– Parshotam Dosanjh
– Hira Rashid
– Riya Talitha
– Ashwin Kumar Ramasubbu
– Yadvinder Singh
– Mugil Bharathi
– Anas Aboobackar
– Zamir Gori
– Nirshid Puthiyakath Puthanveettil
– Areeb Ahmed
– Andy Singh Bains
– Jacob Beauregard
– Aiyanas Ormond
– Harbhajan Cheema
– Lakhbir Khunkhun

Video: Call from Gaza for the Weeks of Action for Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners

Former Palestinian political prisoner Allam Kaabi, a Central Committee member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and in-charge of the prisoners’ issue, delivered a video message to all international supporters of the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat, urging participation in the global weeks of action between 15 and 29 January 2020.

Watch the video:


“We are saluting all those who are participating in these events and actions, as we see in it a true uplifting of the struggle of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement in the Zionist jails,” Kaabi says. He also expresses his salutes of solidarity to Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, the Arab communist struggler for Palestine imprisoned for 35 years. 19 January marked a day of action for freedom for both Abdallah and Sa’adat.

“We are counting on the support of all the people of free will of the world and the solidarity with the Palestinian people. and those in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners in occupation jails. We are looking to demonstrate in front of Israeli embassies and send a clear message that its crimes and aggressions against Palestinian prisoners will reach all international arenas,” Kaabi concludes.

Events are continuing to take place around the world. See the list below and join in your area.

Actions for the 15-22 January Call to Free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian Prisoners

Please let us know about your events! Use this form or email samidoun@samidoun.net. Let us know – whether you’re including this campaign in a larger action or organizing your own action, we want to make sure to spread the word! 

We urge all supporters of Palestine and defenders of freedom for the Palestinian people to join us between 15 and 29 January 2020 in weeks of action to free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails. 

Completed events:

Samidoun meets with embassy to express Palestinian-Venezuelan solidarity against imperialism

Photo: Samidoun Europe coordinator Mohammed Khatib with Wilhen Nehomar Diaz Lara, Charge d’affaires at the embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the Netherlands. Photo: Samidoun Netherlands

Samidoun Netherlands visited the Venezuelan embassy in the Netherlands on Tuesday, 14 January, with Mohammed Khatib, European coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network. The activists met with Wilhen Nehomar Diaz Lara, Charge d’affaires at the embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, where they shared information about the current situation in Palestine as well as the imperialist attacks confronting Venezuela.

The Samidoun organizers spoke about the cases of Palestinian political prisoners, including the weeks of action to free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners. They also discussed the escalating use of torture in Israeli interrogation centers, including the prominent cases of prisoners such as Samer Arbeed, Mays Abu Ghosh and Walid Hanatsheh, who were subjected to severe physical torture in an attempt to force coerced confessions.

Khatib focused on the situation of Palestinians and solidarity organizers in Europe, including the difficult circumstances of Palestinian refugees who increasingly face threats of deportation and other repressive mechanisms, as well as the attempts by European governments to criminalize or suppress the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign and growing solidarity with Palestinians. He also spoke about the failure of the Palestinian Authority and its embassies to truly represent the interests of the Palestinian people, especially Palestinian refugees both in Europe and in the camps in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.

The Samidoun organizers noted their strong solidarity with the Venezuelan people in their struggle confronting imperialism, denouncing the role of the United States and the European Union in attempting to impose a right-wing coup, confiscate Venezuelan resources and undermine the Venezuelan people’s right to self-determination. They emphasized the strong support for Venezuela in the Palestinian community, especially as the Bolivarian Republic has consistently taken a strong stand internationally in defense of the rights of the Palestinian people.

Diaz Lara spoke about the current situation in Venezuela, particularly the devastating sanctions (unlawful unilateral coercive measures) directed against the Bolivarian Republic as well as the attempt to foment a right-wing coup. He spoke about the involvement of European banks in confiscating the resources of the Venezuelan people in service of the coup, and the effects on Venezuelans’ access to medicine and other basic needs. He also spoke about the coup in Bolivia and the troubling human rights crisis in Colombia, especially the escalating number of assassinations targeting social movement leaders.

He emphasized that despite the attacks against the Venezuelan people and the Bolivarian Revolution, Venezuela remains committed to its internationalist vision.

Diaz Lara expressed his solidarity and that of the Bolivarian Republic and the Venezuelan people with Palestine, saying that “Palestinians are always welcome and Palestine is always our priority.” Samidoun Netherlands planned to join in the meetings of the solidarity campaign for Venezuela and expressed its commitment to work together in the future to build joint struggle against imperialism and for liberation, from Venezuela to Palestine.

Brussels, Charleroi, Manchester, Ireland, Vancouver: More global actions to free Ahmad Sa’adat

Cities and groups around the world have joined in the global weeks of action to free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian political prisoners, with more to come in Tunis, Paris, Vancouver, Ann Arbor and more in the next days. Sa’adat is the imprisoned General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and a major Palestinian national political leader.

The weeks of action from 15 to 29 January were called by the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network. They mark the 18th anniversary of Sa’adat’s arrest by the Palestinian Authority; he was held in Jericho prison under U.S. and British guard for four years until a brutal Israeli assault kidnapped him and his comrades in 2006. He remains in Israeli jail today, a leader in the Palestinian prisoners’ movement and the liberation movement as a whole.

Photo: Secours Rouge

In Brussels, Secours Rouge organized a protest on 19 January outside the Lebanese Embassy to Belgium, highlighting the call for a day of action to free Sa’adat and Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab Communist struggler imprisoned for 35 years in French prisons. Dozens of people joined in the protest, which also expressed solidarity with the popular protest movement in Lebanon.

In Charleroi, Belgium, members and supporters of the Plate-Forme Charleroi-Palestine took time during their educational meeting about the popular movement in Lebanon to show their solidarity with Georges Abdallah, Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners.

Photo: Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine

Meanwhile, in Manchester, members of Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!, the Revolutionary Communist Group and others held a protest and public education table in the center of the city, focusing on solidarity with Cuba and Palestine. Speakers highlighted the case of Ahmad Sa’adat, noting that British and U.S. guards oversaw the imprisonment of Sa’adat and his comrades in PA prisons and withdrew in advance of the Israeli assault. “Sa’adat’s imprisonment was part of the collaboration between the Zionist state, its agents in the Palestinian Authority and U.S. and British imperialism,” the speaker said.

Another Manchester protest will take place on 25 January as part of the international day of action against U.S. imperialist war threats and sanctions on Iran, and this protest will also include solidarity with Palestine and the Palestinian prisoners specifically.

In Ireland, several organizations showed their solidarity with Sa’adat and the Palestnian struggle. Saoradh sent a solidarity message to the PFLP on the anniversary of Sa’adat’s imprisonment, saying: ““We salute the resilient Palestinian people in their struggle for true freedom. Your struggle is our struggle and our struggle is yours. It’s at times like this that international solidarity is vital.”

Éirígí For A New Republic joined the weeks of action, unfurling a banner in solidarity with Palestine and holding posters for the week of action at the Garden of Remembrance as part of the global call to action. “We encourage all civil society groups, organisations and individuals to add their voices to the call for release Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian political prisoners,” they urged.

Photo: Eirigi

In Vancouver, the Revolutionary Student Movement displayed a large graffiti mural, “Free Sa’adat!” The movement expressed its support for “the international campaign to free him and the complete liberation of Palestine!” On Tuesday, 28 January, Khaled Barakat, the international coordinator of the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat will speak about the Palestinian political prisoners and the liberation movement.

Photo: Revolutionary Student Movement

Events are continuing to take place around the world. See the list below and join in your area.

Actions for the 15-22 January Call to Free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian Prisoners

Please let us know about your events! Use this form or email samidoun@samidoun.net. Let us know – whether you’re including this campaign in a larger action or organizing your own action, we want to make sure to spread the word! 

We urge all supporters of Palestine and defenders of freedom for the Palestinian people to join us between 15 and 29 January 2020 in weeks of action to free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails. 

Completed events: