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1 February, Milan: Protest Trump’s “Deal of the Century”

Saturday, 1 February
4:00 pm
Piazza Duomo
Milan, Italy

The Palestinian Community of Lombardy calls on all democratic forces to join the demonstration against Trump’s false “peace plan” that aims to liquidate entirely the rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination and independence, erasing dozens of UN resolutions and international law.

La Comunità Palestinese di Lombardia

Invita tutte le forze democratiche a partecipare al presidio che si terrà Sabato 1-Febbraio-2020, ore 16:00 in piazza Duomo/Arengario/MILANO

Contro il falso piano di pace di Trump che intende liquidare totalmente i diritti del popolo Palestinese all’Indipendenza e alla autodeterminazione cancellando decine di Risoluzioni e il Diritto Internazionale

Tutti le forze politiche che saranno presente possono fare il loro intervento



1-2 February, Gothenburg, Helsingborg, Malmo, Stockholm: Protest Trump’s colonial “deal” in Sweden

Saturday, 1 February
1:00 pm
Gustaf Adolfs torg
Goteborg, Sweden
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/170475410928798/

Saturday, 1 February
1:00 pm
Helsingborg, Sweden
More info: https://www.facebook.com/182035818950028/photos/a.182049372282006/795444914275779/

Saturday, 1 February
2:00 pm
US Embassy
Dag Hammarskjolds Vag 31
Stockholm, Sweden
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2692925357660447/

Sunday, 2 February
1:00 pm
Malmo, Sweden
More info: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1442262002722187/permalink/2500625120219198/

Join with Palestinian communities and friends of Palestine throughout Sweden to protest the “deal of the century.”

Video: Vancouver event urges freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat, justice for Palestine, with Khaled Barakat

Photo: ILPS Canada

On Tuesday, 28 January, supporters of justice in Palestine gathered in Vancouver at the Centre for Socialist Education for an educational discussion on the case of Ahmad Sa’adat and the political situation in Palestine today. The event, organized by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) Canada and the Canada Palestine Association, included presentations by Samidoun international coordinator Charlotte Kates, Hanna Kawas of CPA and Khaled Barakat, the international coordinator of the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat.

The event was organized as part of the two weeks of action to free Ahmad Sa’adat, the imprisoned General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and all Palestinian prisoners. It marked the 18th anniversary of Sa’adat’s imprisonment by the Palestinian Authority; since the Israeli attack on the PA’s Jericho prison in 2006 (where Sa’adat had been held under U.S. and British guard), Sa’adat has been imprisoned by the Israeli regime. Events were organized between 15 and 29 January in Toulouse, Paris, Manchester, Vancouver, New York, Brussels, Tunis, Ireland, Gothenburg, Amsterdam, Charleroi and Bern, among others, as part of the call to action.

The Vancouver meeting also took place hours after U.S. President Donald Trump and Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced their racist, colonialist “deal of the century.” In her remarks, Kates noted that Sa’adat’s case is incredibly relevant in this context, given the role of U.S. imperialism in shoring up Israeli apartheid in Palestine. She framed the imprisonment of Sa’adat as a reflection of the same forces – imperialism, Zionism and Arab reaction – involved in the attempt to liquidate the Palestinian cause through Trump’s “deal.”

Kawas focused his remarks mainly on the destructive role of the Palestinian Authority and the Oslo process, noting that Trump’s latest attack on Palestinian rights continued down the same path of the fruitless and destructive “peace process,” rather than reflecting a break with U.S. policy. He noted that the colonial settlements in the occupied West Bank at least tripled during the Oslo period, the same illegal settlements that the “deal of the century” seeks to legitimize.

In his comments, Barakat discussed the situation of Palestinian political prisoners, focusing not only on their suffering but on their leadership in the Palestinian movement, noting that they are involved in daily confrontations with the occupier. He spoke about Sa’adat’s leadership within the Palestinian movement, noting that his experience was strengthened through years of struggle and revolutionary education inside the prisons.

He also discussed the broader regional importance of the Palestinian struggle, emphasizing the contradiction between the Arab peoples and their future and the ongoing dominance of Zionism and imperialism. In a wide-ranging question-and-answer session, participants discussed BDS activities, the importance of organizing for the boycott of Israel, torture of Palestinian political prisoners and the necessity of joint struggle to confront imperialism, among other issues.

Watch the full video of the event here:

On Sunday, 2 February, actions for Palestine in Vancouver will continue with a demonstration against the so-called “deal of the century,” which will take place at 2:30 pm at the Vancouver Art Gallery. All are invited to attend and participate.

1 February, Hamburg: Rally against the “deal of the century,” for Palestine

Saturday, 1 February
3:00 pm
Steindamm 55 to City Hall
Hamburg, Germany
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PalastinensischeGemeinschaftInDeutschlandEv/posts/3309641825727274

Rally to confront the so-called “deal of the century” and defend Palestinian rights against all attempts at liquidation. Organized by the Palestinian Association in Germany.

📢🇵🇸 دعوة عامّة🇵🇸📢
تسقط صفقة القرن

👈 يدعوكم ‏التجمع الفلسطيني في المانيا – هامبورغ، للمشاركة في مظاهرة جماهيرية استنكاراً لصفقة القرن التي تهدف إلى تصفية القضية الفلسطينية

الإنطلاق من Steindamm 55
الوصول الى مكان الاعتصام في ساحة بلدية هامبورغ
💧الزمان: يوم السبت الموافق 01.02.2020
الساعة: 15:00 – 17:30

وسيبقى شعبنا متمسكاً بثوابته حتى ينال كافة حقوقه.

#القدس_عاصمة_فلسطين #فلسطينيو_أوروبا #أوروبا_فعاليات #يوم_الأسير_الفلسطيني #يوم_الأرض #يوم_الأرض_الخالد #Nakba #مخيماتنا_قلاعنا #النكبة #ذكرى_النكبة #ضد_صفقة_القرن #لا_لصفقة_القرن #بدنا_نعيش_بكرامة #كلنا_غزة

1 February, Los Angeles: Rally – Free Palestine! No to Trump’s Plan!

Saturday, 1 February
1:00 pm
11000 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/519680402004224/

Trump’s announced “peace deal” is not a “peace deal”, but an attempt to dismantle the Palestinian struggle and accelerate the extremist settler movement. Tens of thousands in Palestine and elsewhere have already taken to the streets to fight back against this outrageous proposal. Join us in Los Angeles to say FREE PALESTINE and NO TO TRUMP’S PLAN!


1 February, London: Protest Against Trump’s Deal! Free Palestine

Saturday, 1 February
1:00 pm
US Embassy
33 Nine Elms Lane
London, UK
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2883478418385390/

Stand Against ‘The Deal of The Century’ – Protest in front the American Embassy, London.

Dear Brothers, Sisters, supporters and advocates of Palestine,

We call on all Palestinians, Arabs, Islamic communities, solidarity organisations and friends of Palestine to protest against the deal of the century that was proposed on the 28th January 2020. US President Donald Trump, pledged a deal which aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause and insentively minimising sovereignty for the Palestinian people across Palestine.

Time and date: 1pm-3pm on Saturday 1st February 2020.

Location: US Embassy, London, 33 Nine Elms Lane, Nine Elms, London SW11 7US.

Nearest train stations: Vauxhall Underground Station, Queenstown Road and Battersea Park rail station.

Let’s raise our voices loudly against this deplorable deal and oppose the illegal Israeli practices that the insentively corrupt American government have projected and once again endorsed.

Let the world know that the people of Palestine and their supports will not stand by and accept the eradication of the Palestinian cause. Let us mobilise in our numbers and reject yet another inequitable resolution set by the Israeli authorities.

Please bring the flags of Palestine and banners indicating any rejections to the deal.

Organised by:
•Palestinian Forum in Britain (PFB)
•Palestinian Community Association in London
•General Union for Palestinian Students / British Branch
•The Palestinian Youth Foundation in Britain “Olive”.
* Stop the war

Supported by:
•Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC)
•Friends of Al-Aqsa (FoA)
•Muslim Association of Britain (MAB)


31 Jan-1 Feb, Ireland: Protest Trump’s “Steal of the Century” in Dublin, Belfast, Ennis, Limerick

Friday, 31 January
2:00 pm
US Consulate
223 Stranmills Road
Belfast, Ireland
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2960891240629075/

Saturday, 1 January
2:00 pm
GPO Witness History
O’Connell Street
Dublin, Ireland
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/185899832814621/

Saturday, 1 February
3:00 pm
Bottom of Thomas Street
Limerick, Ireland
More info: https://www.ipsc.ie/event/limerick-emergency-vigil-reject-the-trump-netanyahu-steal-of-the-century-ipsc

Saturday, 1 February
1:30 pm
The Height
O’Connell Square
Ennis, Ireland
More info: https://www.ipsc.ie/event/ennis-emergency-vigil-reject-the-trump-netanyahu-steal-of-the-century-ipsc

The Ireland-Palestine Solidarity (IPSC) campaign is standing with the millions of Palestinians all over the world who have condemned and rejected the Trump Administration’s so-called ‘Deal of the Century’.

We ask you to join us for an emergency vigil in Dublin this Saturday 1st February between 2pm and 3pm outside the GPO in O’Connell Street. Please bring Palestinian flags if you have them.

This is not a deal, this is a re-partitioning of Palestine accompanied by a list of unacceptable demands placed upon the Palestinian people insisting upon their total surrender; namely the renunciation of their human, national, democratic, territorial and economic rights – not least the right of return for millions of refugees, the right to self-determination in their homeland, the right of armed rIresistance and self-defence, and the right to freedom of movement.

The plan substitutes the might of raw power for the rule of International Law and human rights, an approach that rewards colonial oppression and land theft and threatens the rights and liberties of all peoples, not just Palestinians, in its flagrant and reckless abandonment of international law and morality.

You can read IPSC’s full statement on the Trump-Netanyahu ‘Steal of the Century’ here: https://www.ipsc.ie/statements/trump-and-netanyahus-steal-of-the-century-means-action-is-urgently-needed-to-secure-palestinian-rights

1 February, Paris: Protest Trump’s declaration of war on Palestinians

Saturday, 1 February
3:00 pm
Fontaine des Innocents
Paris, France
More info: http://www.europalestine.com/

Like us, you saw and heard Trump’s declaration of war to the Palestinians and to all those who defend international law.

Jerusalem will remain the “indivisible” capital of Israel
All the Israeli settlements will remain where they are
Moreover, Israel will annex the Jordan Valley
And of course no right of return for the Palestinians

We know that the supporters of Israeli colonisation (especially Sheldon Adelson) finance Trump’s electoral campaign, but are Trump and his Israeli sponsors planning to ignite the region?

As to the French President – as usual – he reveals himself hypocritical. After daring “praise Trump’s peace moves”, he declared that he agreed with the “Two States Solution, in accordance with international law”.

In the first place, he should respect international law as well as French law: Stop allowing Israeli settlements products into France (without imposing any import tax!)

Let’s hope the “Deal of the Century” will foster a reconciliation among the Palestinian parties and a united resistance, resulting in the end of the “Security Collaboration” between the Palestinian Authority and Israel!

As far as we are concerned, let’s remain more than ever with the Palestinians: We beg of you to come and demonstrate in Paris, this coming Saturday at 15:00 at la Fontaine des Innocents.

We’ll tell the public about the ways Israel tortures Palestinian men, women and children.


Vous avez vu et entendu comme nous la déclaration de guerre de Trump aux Palestiniens, et à tous ceux qui défendent le droit international.

Jérusalem reste la capitale « indivisible » d’Israël
Toutes les colonies israéliennes restent là où elles sont
Israël annexe en plus la Vallée du Jourdain
Et bien sûr pas de droit au retour pour les Palestiniens

On sait que ce sont des supporters de la colonisation israélienne (et notamment Sheldon Adelson) qui financent la campagne électorale de Trump, mais c’est à se demander si Trump et ses commanditaires israéliens veulent à tout prix un embrasement de la région.

Le président français est quant à lui resté sur les positions hypocrites habituelles. Après avoir osé « saluer les efforts de paix entrepris par Trump », il a déclaré qu’il était « pour deux Etats, dans les respect du droit international ».

Encore faudrait-il qu’il respecte lui-même ce droit international, et même le droit français, et cesse de laisser rentrer en France tous les produits des colonies israéliennes, en leur faisant en plus cadeau des taxes à l’importation !

Espérons que le « deal du siècle » permettra une réconciliation des partis palestiniens et une résistance commune, avec pour corollaire la fin de la « coordination sécuritaire » entre l’Autorité Palestinienne et Israël !

Quant à nous, nous devons être plus que jamais aux côtés des Palestiniens, et nous vous appelons à venir le manifester

ce samedi à Paris à 15 H
à la Fontaine des Innocents
Métro-RER Châtelet Les Halles. (Par le RER : Sortie Pierre Lescot)

Et nous avons bien l’intention d’informer également la population sur la manière dont la « grande démocratie israélienne » torture les Palestiniens, hommes, femmes et enfants !


31 Jan-1 Feb, Dusseldorf and Koblenz: Protest the “deal of the century,” Palestine is not for sale

Friday, 31 January
2:00 pm
US Consulate
Willi-Becker Allee 10
40227 Dusseldorf, Germany
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PGBonn/permalink/1473238826160474/

Saturday, 1 February
12:00 pm
Vorplatz der Herz-Jesu Kirche
Koblenz, Germany
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PGKUev/photos/a.554461408296830/754639688279000/

31 January, Rome: No to Trump and his “deal of the century”

Friday, 31 January
4:00 pm
Piazza Barberini
Rome, Italy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sandoga/permalink/1368341536679749/

The Palestinian Community in Rome and Lazio invites all supporters and friends of Palestine to join the sit-in against Trump’s “deal of the century” on Friday, 31 January 2020 from 4 pm to 6 pm at Piazza Barberini, Rome.

Gli USA non sono mediatori ma parte in causa, appoggiano pienamente i folli piani dell’estrema destra
israeliana, non sono un giudice neutrale, non sono un arbitro imparziale ma un nemico delle aspirazioni e dei diritti riconosciestini del palolo.

La lotta dei palestinesi non è una lotta religiosa, non lottiamo contro gli ebrei e loro non sono i nostri nemici in quanto ebrei, s iamo entrambi popoli semiti, con loro abbiamo vissuto per secoli e possiamo continuare a viverci oggi e domani.Il nostro problema è l’OCCUPAZIONE israeliana delle nostre vite, la confisca e l’annessione delle nostre terre, la distruzione delle nost villaggi, la repressione e l’oppressione, l’assassinio dei nostri ragazzi e dei nostri bambini e l’assenza della speranza di cambiamento futuro.
Quella che il mondo chiama “questione palestinese” è una questione politica e non solo umanitaria. Diviene umanitaria per le vesselazioni imposte dall’occupante da quasi un secolo. Ma non si risolve con una valigia di dollari, si risolve politicamente.

La pace vuol dire, fine dell’occupazione, vuol dire riconoscere l’esistenza del popolo palestinese ei suoi diritti, cosa che Israele finora non ha fatto, riconoscere il legittimo diritto all’autodeterminazione, al ritorno alle case e alle terre come stabilito dalla Onu disattesa da 72 anni. La pace vuol dire il diritto a uno Stato libero e sovrano, con Gerusalemme est (e non una borgata) sua capitale, a fianco dello Stato d’Israele.

La Comunità Palestinianese di Roma e del Lazio, INVITA tutte le amiche e gli amici della Palestina al Sit-in che organizziamo venerdì 1/31/2020, dalle ore 16 alle ore 18 a Piazza Barberini – Roma.

VIVA la lotta del popolo palestinese PALESTINA LIBERA
La Comunita la palese di Roma e del Lazio Roma, 30/1/2020