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Israel has kidnapped a Palestinian socialist and is torturing her

The following article by Asa Winstanley is republished from Middle East Monitor:

Khalida Jarrar is a leading Palestinian activist for women’s rights and prisoners’ rights. She is a socialist MP elected to the Palestinian Authority’s moribund legislative council, as part of the Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

All of this makes her an enemy in the eyes of Israel’s cruel and vindictive military occupation. The Israeli torture regime has had Jarrar in and out of prison for years now, with neither charge nor trial. Her latest “arrest” occurred last week when cowardly Israeli army thugs broke into her Ramallah home, in the occupied West Bank, and took her away at gunpoint.

Reading the latest update from her daughter Yafa, it is clear that Israel is imposing sleep deprivation on her, which is a common torture technique used by imperialist regimes and petty dictatorships the world over. “Mom appeared to be fatigued and exhausted from sleep deprivation,” she writes, relaying what her father saw for the brief few seconds he was allowed into Israel’s kangaroo court before the illegitimate military “judge” — in reality an army officer; for many years these fake judges did not have even the most basic legal training — sent Khalida Jarrar to prison. “She is still wearing the same clothes that she had on the night of her arrest,” says Yafa.

Now Jarrar is being held in isolation. This is nothing new for her. She was arrested arbitrarily and interned by Israel in 2015 and 2017. The whole nature of the terminology employed by Israel makes it sound legitimate — arrest, court, judge — when, in fact, it is entirely illegitimate. If actual legal processes were used, then arrest would be followed by charges, a proper trial and only then, if found guilty, a conviction.

The more accurate term to describe Jarrar’s “arrest”, therefore, would be “kidnapping”. For Palestinians Israel provides no semblance of a judicial system; justice has no role in the process. Instead, it implements a racist injustice system; one designed specifically to punish Palestinians for their very existence.

For example, Israel has a law on its books with allows it to intern Palestinians without charge or trial on the basis of so-called “secret evidence”. The law is a remnant of the British military occupation period, which ended in 1948. Under this law, internment without charge or trial – without any real evidence – is called “administrative detention”, a cruel euphemism if there ever was one.

It is essentially a system of summary military internment designed for use in wartime conditions, but Israel has enacted it on a permanent basis. It has been applied to Palestinians living under Israel’s brutal occupation for more than 71 years. From 1948 to 1966, Israel imposed this arbitrary military dictatorship on all Palestinian communities that remained within the new “state of Israel”, even after the majority had been driven out by Zionist militias, terrorist gangs and the nascent Israeli army between 1947 and 1949. Post-1967 up until today, the so-called “only democracy in the Middle East” imposes this military dictatorship on the Palestinians of the occupied West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza Strip.

Israel is, by any standard, a racist, torture regime. It is important to emphasise that Israel’s military regime is a specifically racist one because, almost without exception, these military laws are applied to Palestinians only.

There are, in fact, two parallel legal systems operating under the Israeli regime in the West Bank. There is a civilian system which gives suspects the right to have a lawyer, due process and the usual standards of evidence, but it is for Israeli Jews only, and is denied to Palestinians purely and simply because they are not Jewish. The other is Israel’s system of military injustice, which has a 99.7 per cent conviction rate, and is applied to Palestinians alone. These parallel legal systems are the very embodiment of the Afrikaner word apartheid: “separateness”.

This is not some temporary, necessary condition of war. Military regulations, after all, are necessary under genuine conditions of defensive war, such as when Nazi Germany was bombing Britain during World War Two. Israel’s military regime is instead designed as a permanent, colonial system to oppress Palestine’s indigenous people indefinitely. It is intended to punish them simply for being Palestinians, with the objective that their lives will be made so miserable and difficult that they will leave their own land voluntarily.

This is a forlorn hope. The Palestinians have resisted this settler-colonial oppression for more than 120 years now, and will continue to so do for as long as they are denied their most basic rights.

“I will never stop speaking out,” Khalida Jarrar said in March this year. She had only just been released from her then most recent arbitrary detention in February. Now, she is back in an Israeli jail, one of 460 Palestinian political prisoners currently being interned without charge or trial by the Zionist state.

Jarrar’s family is emphasising that international pressure on Israel can make a real difference, and could help her to be released. The Palestinian prisoners’ solidarity group Samidoun is calling for action and has suggested some ways that people can take part in the campaign to free Khalida Jarrar. The best and most effective thing, though, would be to end the brutal Israeli occupation now.

Berlin demonstrators demand justice for Gaza, freedom for Palestine

Photo: HIRAK

Crowds in Berlin took to the streets on Saturday, 16 November to stand together with Palestinians in Gaza. The protest came at the call of Palästina Spricht Palestine Speaks, the coalition developed to respond to the suppression of Palestinian community and Palestine solidarity organizing in Berlin and throughout Germany.

Photo: HIRAK

Demonstrators gathered to stand with Palestinians in Gaza after a two-day onslaught by Israeli occupation forces killed 34 Palestinians, including eight members of one family, and injured 111.

Photo: Magda Stefanenco/ Palastina Spricht

They also emphasized the complicity of the German government, particularly its declarations in support of “Israeli security” while ignoring the painful toll extracted on Palestinian lives, rights and fundamental security.

Photo: HIRAK

As the organizers noted, “We stand with the Palestinian People, we stand with freedom and justice, and we are not silent and will never be!”

Photo: Magda Stefanenco/Palastina Spricht

HIRAK, the Palestinian Youth Mobilization in Berlin, joined the rally and march, which gathered in Hermannplatz for speeches and candle-lighting before taking to the streets in a march for justice.

Photo: Magda Stefanenco/Palastina Spricht

The march up Kottbusser Damm was led by young Palestinians who chanted in English, German and Arabic for justice, freedom and liberation in occupied Palestine.

Photo: HIRAK

The strong demonstration also comes amid ongoing attempts by the German government to suppress solidarity organizing for Palestine and illustrated the ongoing strength of the struggle for justice in Palestine despite multiple levels of repression targeting the movement.

Photo: HIRAK

In addition to the political ban imposed on Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat and the refusal to renew his residence visa, recent events in Germany have included the deportation of Rasmea Odeh, the passing of an anti-BDS resolution in the Bundestag, the criminal prosecution of Palestinian and Israeli Jewish activists for interrupting a speech by a member of the Knesset, the forced resignation of the director of the Jewish Museum, the closing of the bank account of Jewish Voices for a Just Peace and the disinvitation of international artists who have taken a stand to support Palestinian rights.

Photo: Magda Stefanenco/Palastina Spricht

Earlier on Saturday, protesters gathered at Kottbusser Tor to stand in solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners, including those on hunger strike in Israeli jails.

Photo: Afif el-Ali

Several Palestinian and Arab community organizations in Berlin called for the demonstration. Protesters carried signs and banners calling for freedom for imprisoned Palestinian leftist, feminist leader Khalida Jarrar and Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine jailed in France for 35 years.

Photo: Afif el-Ali

Hundreds in New York march to stand with Gaza, Palestinian resistance

Photo: Joe Catron

Hundreds of people took to the streets in Times Square in New York City on Friday, 15 November to protest Israeli attacks on Gaza and support the Palestinian struggle for liberation.

Photo: Joe Catron

The protest came as part of the call for an international day of solidarity with Palestinian resistance issued from Gaza after Israeli assassinations and bombing raids over two days of attacks killed 34 Palestinians, including eight members of one family, and injured 111 more.

Photo: Joe Catron

Organizers of the protest included Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network as well as Al-Awda New York, Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine, American Muslims for Palestine, the NY4Palestine Coalition, Labor for Palestine, Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, CODEPINK, International Action Center and Struggle – La Lucha.

Photo: Joe Catron

Demonstrators gathered for brief speeches and ongoing chanting in solidarity with Palestine.

Chants echoed through the evening as protesters carried signs and Palestinian flags.

Photo: Joe Catron

Demonstrators marched through Times Square to Herald Square, chanting the entire route and calling for the boycott of Israel and a liberated Palestine from the river to the sea.


The protest ended with a strong call for further actions from Nerdeen Kiswani of Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine.

Photo: Joe Catron

Joe Catron, U.S. coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, said that the demonstration was the largest and most enthusiastic action for Palestine in New York since December 2017, when Donald Trump announced that the U.S. recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Photo: Joe Catron

He emphasized the importwnce of continuing these activities against Zionist occupation, apartheid and colonization and in support of the Palestinian resistance.

Catron noted that these are especially important in the U.S., which exercises its full imperial power in support of the Zionist colonization of Palestine, including through the provision of $3.8 billion annually in military aid.

Photo: Joe Catron
Photo: Joe Catron

16 November, Paris: Rally in solidarity with Gaza

Saturday, 16 November
3:00 pm
Fontaine des Innocents
Paris, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/584211899053421/

It is not acceptable for Israeli leaders to start massacres in Gaza every time they have electoral problems to resolve!

Thirty-four Palestinians murdered in 48 hours, including several children, women, an entire family in Khan Younes (8 members of the same family including a 6-month-old pregnant woman)… and bombings on the civilian population continued last night.

Netanyahu clings to power after last September’s elections, which did not separate the main candidates for prime minister. Because if he does not remain Prime Minister, he will lose his immunity, and will have to report to the courts on his many scams, corruption and abuse of power.

And as Shemi Shalev explains in the Israeli daily Haaretz, the timing of the execution of Islamic Jihad leader Baha Abu al-Ata, who was murdered with his wife on Tuesday at dawn while they were sleeping, was programmed to trigger reactions from the movement.

The spokesman for the occupying army did not hesitate to declare that the assassination of Abu al-Ata had been scheduled for 10 days, adding: “We are preparing an escalation by land, sky and sea”.

And the rockets that have hit southern Israel, although they have not killed anyone so far, have indeed made Israelis forget the turpitudes of Netanyahu and his entourage.

And as might be expected, the Israeli killings have rightly led to protests by Palestinian Israelis grouped in the “United Arab List”, which won 13 seats in parliament in September.

However, this United Arab List had offered its support to Netanyahu’s competitor, Benny Gantz, to strengthen his chances of taking Netanyahu’s place. This is no longer possible, since Benny Gantz has disassociated himself from the protests of the Palestinian minority in Israel against the premeditated attack on Gaza.

Netanyahu succeeded in his bet and dismissed this “threat” with his massacres.

This disregard for Palestinian human lives, these bombings linked to Israeli electoral schemes are intolerable.





With kind regards,


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

Il n’est pas acceptable que les dirigeants israéliens déclenchent des massacres à Gaza à chaque fois qu’ils ont des problèmes électoraux à régler !

Trente-quatre Palestiniens assassinés en 48 H, dont plusieurs enfants, des femmes, une famille entière à Khan Younes (8 membres de la même famille dont une femme enceinte de 6 mois)… et les bombardements sur la population civile continuaient la nuit dernière.

Netanyahou s’accroche au pouvoir après les élections de septembre dernier, qui n’ont pas départagé les principaux postulants au poste de premier ministre. Car s’il ne reste pas premier ministre, il perdra son immunité, et devra rendre compte devant la justice sur ses nombreuses escroqueries, corruption, abus de pouvoir.

Et comme l’explique Chemi Shalev dans le quotidien israélien Haaretz, le « timing » de l’exécution du dirigeant du Djihad Islamique Baha Abu al-Ata, assassiné avec sa femme mardi à l’aube pendant leur sommeil, a été programmée pour déclencher des réactions de la part de ce mouvement.

Le porte parole de l’armée d’occupation ne s’est d’ailleurs pas pas gêné pour déclarer que l’assassinat d’Abu al-Ata était programmé depuis 10 jours, ajoutant : “Nous préparons une escalade par voie de terre, ciel et mer”.

Et les roquettes qui se sont abattues sur le sud d’Israël, même si elles n’ont pas fait de victimes pour le moment, ont effectivement fait oublier aux Israéliens les turpitudes de Netanyahou et de son entourage.

Et comme on pouvait s’y attendre, les tueries israéliennes ont à juste titre entraîné des protestations de la part des Israéliens palestiniens regroupés dans la « Liste Arabe Unie », qui a obtenu 13 sièges au parlement en septembre.

Or, cette Liste Arabe Unie avait proposé son soutien au concurrent de Netanyahou, Benny Gantz, pour renforcer ses chances de prendre la place de Netanyahou. Ce n’est plus possible, puisque Benny Gantz s’est désolidarisé des protestations de la minorité palestinienne en Israël contre l’attaque préméditée de Gaza.

Netanyahou a réussi son pari et écarté cette « menace » avec ses massacres.

Ce mépris des vies humaines palestiniennes, ces bombardements liés aux magouilles électoralistes israéliennes sont intolérables.







16 November, Berlin: Demonstration in solidarity with Gaza

Saturday, 16 November
4:00 pm
Berlin, Germany
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/434373207453136/

Emergency Demonstration for Gaza\Demo in Solidarität mit Gaza. مسيرة تضامنية من أجل غزة الحبيبة

Palästina Spricht Koalition, other Palestinian solidarity groups and activists invite you for a demo for Gaza which will take place in Hermannplaz, Saturday at 4pm.
تحالف فلسطين بتحكي والمجموعات المتضامنه مع الشعب الفلسطيني والنشطاء الأحرار في برلين يدعوكم الي مسيرة الحرية والعداله والكرامه, مسيرة غزة الصامدة في وجه الطغيان والاستعمار الاسرائيلي.

Please bring your Kufiya, Signs and Palestinian flags.
الرجاء احضار الأعلام الفلسطينيه والشعارات والكوفيات من أجل فلسطين.

Two-day Israeli onslaught leaves 34 Palestinians dead, including eight members of the same family who died in their home and wounded 111, including 46 children and 20 women. According to the Ministry of Health.

We will be protesting for our beloved people of Gaza who are living inside an open-air prison for decades and has no access to dignified life because of the severe Israeli restrictions on movement, goods, medicine, and others, in addition to the seasonal massacres and war crimes committed. We will not be silent and we will continue to march for the freedom, dignity, equality and justice of the Palestinian people from the river to the sea and beyond. We will continue to remember every massacre which was committed by the Israeli terror machine until justice is prevail.

We are marching for Gaza because we care and love Gaza, because we know what Israel is doing in Gaza and in the Great Return March, because the freedom of us or anyone is incomplete without the freedom of those imprisoned in Gaza.

We demand the German government to stop its complicity with the Israeli government, stop military trade and aid to the Israeli occupation army, and we demand them to completely end the Gaza Blockade and the Israeli Apartheid.

Liebe Freunde,
Ein weiteres Mal wird der Gazastreifen angegriffen, um vom politischen Versagen der Faschisten in der israelischen Regierung abzulenken.
Ein weiteres Mal werden Menschenrechte mit Füßen getreten und die Zivilbevölkerung des Gazastreifens bezahlt dafür mit ihrem Blut und ihrem Leben.
Ganze Familien existieren bereits nicht mehr durch die barbarische Bombardierung der Zivilbevölkerung.
Wir möchten unsere Stimme gegen diese unfassbare Ungerechtigkeit erheben.
Seid bitte dabei, am Samstag dem 16/11/2019 um 16 Uhr am Hermannplatz.

Organisiert durch einen Zusammenschluss Palästina-solidarischer Gruppen und Aktivist*innen.

16 November, Berlin: Rally for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails

Saturday, 16 November
2:00 pm
U-Bahnhof Kottbusser Tor
Berlin, Germany
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/514702609084601/

Hunger strikes in Zionist prisons, people in Gaza facing massacres. The West demands that people silently accept their own genocide. Western settler colonialism and its racist, inhumane narratives must be exposed. Long live the struggle for freedom, dignity and self-determination in colonized Palestine. Resistance is a duty – our struggles unite!

Hungerstreik in zionistischer Haft, die Menschen in Gaza werden regelrecht massakriert..der Westen verlangt, dass die Menschen ihr eigenes Genozid stillschweigend hinnehmen…westlicher Siedlerkolonialismus und seine rassistische, menschenverachtende Narrative müssen entlarvt werden….
Es lebe der Kampf um Freiheit, Würde und Selbstbestimmung im kolonialisierten Palästina…Resistance is a duty …our struggles unite

16 November, San Francisco: Emergency Protest – HANDS OFF GAZA

Saturday, 16 November
1:00 pm
Israeli Consulate
456 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/920440765002758/


In just a few days, Israel has killed at least 34 Palestinians in Gaza. Join us this Saturday at the Israeli Consulate (456 Montgomery Street) at 1:00 PM in protest of Israel’s crimes.

We will not be free until Gaza is Free.

Endorsed by:
Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC)
Art Forces
Alliance of South Asians Taking Action (ASATA)
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN)
Jewish Voices for Peace (JVP) – Bay Area
Middle East Childrens Alliance (MECA)
NorCal Sabeel
Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM)
Queers Undermining Israeli Terror (QUIT)

15 November, NYC: Emergency Rally for Gaza

Friday, 15 November
5:00 pm
Times Square
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/430591794295735/

34 Palestinians, including 8 children, have been killed in the last 48 hours. 111 injured, this is genocide. ALL OUT 11/15 for the International Day of Solidarity With The Palestinian Resistance — Emergency Action For Gaza

Join us as we mobilize alongside the Palestinian community in NYC to honor our martyrs and stand in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance.

Times Square. 42nd and 7th. 5 pm.
Event page: bit.ly/2NKhoc6
Select attending, invite your friends, share everywhere
#StandwithGaza, remember the martyrs, and support Palestinian resistance!

11–17 November, Worldwide: Emergency Actions: Defend the Life of Evo Morales! #ElMundoConEvo

Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network endorses this urgent initiative by Struggle – La Lucha newspaper and the Partido por el Socialismo Unido/Socialist Unity Party, and urges the broadest possible support for it and all other efforts to oppose the right-wing, imperialist-backed military coup now unfolding in Venezuela. See the worldwide Facebook event for a growing schedule of local activities.


On Nov. 10 President Evo Morales of Bolivia was forced to resign during a military coup supported by the U.S. government. Fascist terror has swept over the country in recent weeks since President Morales won re-election, including the racist, sexist attack on Mayor Patricia Arce of Vinto, who was terrorized and dragged through the streets.

Struggle-La Lucha newspaper and the Partido por el Socialismo Unido/Socialist Unity Party call on the workers and the progressive movement to take immediate emergency actions to defend the life of Evo Morales, the Indigenous community and the progressive social movements of Bolivia. We hold President Donald Trump and the U.S. Congress responsible for their safety. We join the call of Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez: “We call for a worldwide mobilization for the life and freedom of Evo.”

We remember how the attempted 2002 coup against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was derailed by the intervention of the masses and international solidarity. We must do everything in our power to prevent a repeat of the fascist terror that swept Chile after the Sept. 11, 1973, Pinochet coup organized by Washington.

Evo Morales is the first Indigenous president, representing the Bolivian majority, in the country’s 200-year history. Morales has been a global leader in the struggle to defend the planet from capitalist-driven climate change. The same capitalist interests trying to destroy the Amazon forest are behind the coup in Bolivia.

Since Morales took office representing the Movement Towards Socialism, extreme poverty dropped from 38 percent in 2006 to 17 percent in 2018; the national minimum wage increased by roughly 104 percent; and over $1 billion was allocated for construction of over 5,000 medical clinics, schools and gymnasiums in poor areas.

The struggle in Bolivia is far from over. Today the class struggle is raging across the South American continent between forces representing U.S. imperialism, colonialism, racism and austerity, and the people’s movements that refuse to be ground down under the boot heel of the rich and powerful.

Workers, anti-war and anti-imperialist activists in the U.S. have a special responsibility to show solidarity with the oppressed fighting around the world against the domination of Wall Street and Washington. It is our responsibility to do all we can to push back the U.S. political, economic and military attacks on Bolivia and all of Latin America.


  • Hold emergency actions in your area during the week of Nov. 11 – 17. Post information on your local action on the Facebook event page. Download protest signs and other material from this page.
  • Post photos holding signs that say Defend Evo Morales, Stop Coup in Bolivia on social media with hashtags #ElMundoConEvo #EvoNoEstasSolo #DefendEvoMorales
  • Inform your co-workers, friends and family members, and help them get involved!

12 November, Brussels: Demonstration of Palestinian asylum seekers

Tuesday, 12 November
1:00 pm
40 Place Victor Horta
1060 Saint-Gilles
Brussels, Belgium
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1402004423288107/

Demonstration of Palestinian asylum seekers, with the support of:
Plate-forme Charleroi Palestine
Amitie sans frontieres
Bruxelles Pantheres
Palestina Solidariteit
Belgian Committee for Palestinian prisoners
Association Belgo-Palestinienne
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