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25 June, London: Protest Bahrain “Deal of the Century” conference – Palestine is not for sale!

Tuesday, 25 June
3:00 pm
Bahrain Embassy in London
30 Belgrave Square
London, UK
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/events/352972865401975/

The first phase of the plan, hatched by Israel and Trump, to end any future Palestinian freedom will be tabled this week in Bahrain, hosted by the Khalifa dictatorship and supported by fellow servile Arab dictatorships like Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

Inminds chair Abbas Ali said “The plan is to, on the one hand, try to squeeze the Palestinian people into submission, with the ongoing slow genocide in Gaza and enforced hardships in the West Bank; with the cutting of all funding to UNRWA; denying the Palestinians the right to their capital Al Quds; legitimizing the theft of the Syrian Golan Heights and giving the green light to similarly annexing the West Bank to Israel with the threat of ethnically cleaning its Palestinian population first. And then on the other hand, to offer bribes, paid for by MBS and MBZ, to the corrupt PA leadership to accept the deal, selling Jerusalem to the Zionists, and denying the Palestinian people their homeland. The deal stinks so bad that even the normally purchasable PA has rejected it. So without even a token Palestinian presence, the conference aims to determine the future of Palestine. Please join us to condemn this farce, and those participating, and hosting it. Our message is simple – Palestine is not for sale!”

25 June, Copenhagen: Protest against the Bahrain conference and the threat to Palestine

Tuesday, 25 June
6:30 pm
Dag Hammarskjolds Alle 24
2100 Copenhagen, Denmark

Join Palestinian organizers in Denmark for a protest in response to the so-called “deal of the century” for the liquidation of Palestine being promoted by the U.S. and Arab reactionary regimes at the Bahrain “economic” conference.

25 June, Brussels: No to the U.S. campaign against Palestine!

Tuesday, 25 June
6:30 pm
US Embassy in Belgium
27 Boulevard du Regent
1000 Brussels, Belgium

Join the Palestinian community in Belgium for a protest rally against the Bahrain “economic” conference and the U.S. project for the liquidation of Palestine, termed the “deal of the century.”

Anti-Palestinian repression in Germany: Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat banned from speaking

The repression of Palestinian rights advocacy in Germany continued last night, Saturday, 22 June, as Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat was banned by the Berlin authorities from delivering a speech on the so-called “deal of the century” spearheaded by Donald Trump and the Arab and Palestinian response. He was also banned from engaging in all political activities and events in Germany until 31 July, whether directly (in-person) or “indirectly” (over video.) This outrageous attack on freedom of expression is only the latest assault on Palestinian rights carried out by the German government.

The event was originally scheduled to take place on Friday, 21 June, organized by an Arab community discussion group that regularly hosts speakers on important events in the Arab world. The city-owned venue reportedly received complaints about the event from pro-Zionist and pro-Israeli apartheid organizations, and informed the hosts that they could not hold the event. The event was instead relocated to a Sudanese community center on Saturday, 22 June. With the Bahrain conference to promote so-called “economic peace” at the expense of Palestinian rights expected in the coming days, the talk was of particular importance.

However, without notice or explanation, there were large numbers of police stretching from the closest U-Bahn station to the venue and blocking the street. When Barakat approached with Samidoun international coordinator Charlotte Kates, they were stopped by police and told the event would not take place tonight because it had been prohibited. They were then taken in a police van to a larger police station, where they were met by a German-Arabic translator, more police and two representatives of the Foreigners’ Office of Berlin.

Barakat was presented with an 8-page document and told that he was not allowed to give speeches in person or over video, participate in political meetings or events or even attend social gatherings of over 10 people; he was told that violations were punishable by up to a year in prison. Under German law, non-citizens can be barred from political activity if it could harm the “security or stability” of Germany. The accusations, which purport to show that his political activity is “dangerous,” do not do so; instead, there is mainly a list of speeches and events as well as a 2014 interview with Rote Fahne News, the publication of the MLPD (Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany.) Despite claiming that Barakat’s speech could increase tensions or “political conflict” between Jews and Palestinians and Arabs in Germany, the document points to absolutely no negative repercussions whatsoever of all of his previous speeches in the country.

The document also accuses Barakat of being a member of the Palestinian leftist party, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Despite noting that the PFLP is, in fact, not banned in Germany, it notes that it is listed on the EU terrorist list and thus presents a danger, even though none of the listed allegations indicate any danger at all. It could not be more clear that this is the latest attempt on Palestinian expression and advocacy and the further restriction of freedom of speech, expression and association in Germany.

Barakat and Kates were also told that their residency in Germany would not be renewed and would “come to an end,” although they were not presented with that decision.

This incident comes amid an ongoing campaign by the Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs, the so-called “anti-BDS ministry,” to attack Palestinian and solidarity organizations, especially leftists. Barakat has been singled out by this ministry on multiple occasions, as has Samidoun and its work. It also comes following a series of attacks on Palestinian rights and freedom of speech in Germany, including:

It should be noted that this repression comes hand in hand with political attacks on the Arab and Muslim communities in Germany spearheaded by the far-right rhetoric of the AfD and other parties, but with the active complicity of the official “left,” which continues to support the suppression of Palestinian community organizing and Palestine solidarity in defense of a colonial, apartheid, racist system. It also comes amid ongoing criminalization of popular movements in Europe, including trials of trade union leaders and refugee solidarity organizers in various countries.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network expresses our deepest outrage at the political ban against Khaled Barakat. We believe that it indicates a serious danger that outright bans, police repression and residency revocation are becoming a police state norm for suppressing unwanted Palestinian political speech that defends rights, justice and liberation.

On Friday, 28 June, a protest is being organized against the Bundestag’s anti-BDS resolution under the slogan Palästina Spricht (Palestine Speaks), and we urge all to attend and participate. Internationally, your statements and voices of solidarity are critical in helping to fight back against this intensified repression. These attacks will not silence Khaled Barakat or the Palestinian people – but it is critical that we build our international movement to defend Palestine, especially as it is targeted for liquidation.

Please send your solidarity statements to samidoun@samidoun.net

26 June, Athens: Greece – Call to Protest Against Bahrain Conference

Wednesday, 26 June
6:00 pm
US Embassy Athens
Leof. Vasilissis Sofias 91
Athens, Greece
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1683194941824393/

The Palestinian Refugees community in Athens, along with Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network , Jafra foundation in Greece and Refugee Movement for Rights and Justice, call on all progressive forces and left social movements in Greece to protest on the 26th of June at 6pm in front of the U.S embassy in Athens as response to the Palestinian national forces and The Voice of Palestinian Students – صوت طلبة فلسطين call to protest against the so-called “deal of the century” proposed by the U.S administration and Arab Reactionary Regimes in their attempts to liquidate our national project for the liberation of our Palestine and our people from zionism and colonialism and against Bahrain Conference and in support with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions #BDS Movement

The Palestinian Students Voice statement:

To our resisting Arab Palestinian nation,
To our comrades, brother and sisters in the solidarity movement with Palestine and all oppressed communities around the world,
Student masses in the struggle,

Greetings of steadfastness and ongoing struggle

On the 25th and 26th of June, the US administration, the Zionist entity and a group of client puppet Arab states will meet in Bahrain economic summit. This will be the first public and direct step in the liquidation of the Palestinian cause eternally as a cute against Zionism, Racism and Colonialism.

As such attack is taking place on our people, we call on you for unity and to organize together direct action against the normalization and the so called Bahrain conference on the 25th of June to be the start of a general worldwide clarion call to Boycott Israel and against normalisation with the colonial and racist apartheid state of Israel.We call on you to unite and stand with us in rejecting such deals. These projects can only be confronted through a united Palestinian front that includes the student, trade union and party sectors. Along with the solidarity movement all around the world.

The learned through our history of struggle that all previous liquidation projects was nothing but fatal for our continuous and geographically widespread struggle. We are now facing a pivotal phase and a dangerous project that requires us to fight harder and sacrifice even more. This includes practical steps that can be implemented on the ground. We will not give up our full rights – even by blood.

Be involved. Join us through the following:
– Organize widespread demonstrations and protests on Monday June 25th.
– Use the upcoming days to hold talks and write articles that aim

تدعوكم الجالية الفلسطينية من اللاجئين في أثينا، جنبا إلى جنب مع شبكة صامدون للدفاع عن الاسرى الفلسطينيين، مؤسسة جفرا في اليونان وحراك اللاجئين من أجل الحقوق والعدالة \ RMRJ وجميع القوى التقدمية والحركات الاجتماعية في اليونان للاحتجاج في يوم 26 حزيران في تمام الساعة السادسة مساءً أمام السفارة الأمريكية في أثينا تلبية لنداء القوى الوطنية الفلسطينية وصوت الطلاب الفلسطينيين للاحتجاج على ما يسمى بصفقة القرن التي اقترحتها الإدارة الأمريكية والنظام العربي الرجعي في محاولاتهم الفاشلة لتصفية المشروع الوطني الفلسطيني ونضال شعبنا ضد الحركة الصهيونية والقوي الاستعمارية، ولرفع الصوت عاليا ضد مؤتمر البحرين التطبيعي ودور مملكة آل سعود. لنتجمع معا امام سفارة العدو الاميركي لنقول اننا مع حركة المقاطعة وسحب الاستثمارات والعقوبات # BDS ومع حق الشعب الفلسطيني بممارسة المقاومة بكافة اشكالها حتى التحرير وعودة اللاجئين.

جماهير شعبنا العربي الفلسطيني المقاوم
جماهير الطلبة المناضلين
تحية الصمود والنضال المستمر

في الخامس والعشرين والسادس والعشرين من شهر يونيو، تلتقي الإدارة الامريكية والكيان الصهيوني ومجموعة من الأطراف العربية العميلة، في مؤتمر البحرين الاقتصادي، ليشكّل أولى الخطوات العلنية والصريحة في سبيل تصفية القضية الفلسطينية بشكل نهائي.

وعليه ندعوكم أبناء شعبنا الفلسطيني للمشاركة الموحّدة، ليكون يوم الثلاثاء -25 يونيو- إعلاناً للنفير العام في كافة أماكن تواجد الشعب الفلسطيني، توحيداً للقرار الفلسطيني الرافض لمشاريع التصفية. فصفقة تستهدف الكل الفلسطيني، لا يمكن مواجهتها الا عبر وحدة نضال الكل الفلسطيني بما فيها الأطر الطُلابية والنقابية والحزبية.

أيها الأحرار، لم تكن مشاريع التصفية السابقة لتجهض إلا بنضالاتنا وكفاحنا المستمر والممتد جغرافياً في كل انحاء العالم. ونحن الآن أمام مرحلة مفصلية ومشروعٍ خطر يحتاج الى نضالات وتضحيات مضاعفة وخطواتٍ عملية على أرض الواقع مؤكدين أننا لن نتنازل عن حقوقنا كاملة حتى بالدم.

شاركوا من خلال تنظيم الوقفات والمسيرات الحاشدة يوم الثلاثاء -25 يونيو- وفي الأيام القادمة من خلال عقد الندوات وكتابة المقالات التي تصب جميعها في التحشيد والتحريض ضد مؤتمر البحرين.
سيتم نشر بيان موحّد شارك في صياغته طلبة من كافة اماكن تواجد الشعب الفلسطيني.

نرحب دائماً مبادراتكم وأفكاركم لتطوير العمل.
صوت طلبة فلسطين

Για το Αντιστεκόμενο Αραβικό Έθνος της Παλαιστίνης.
Για τους συντρόφους μας, αδελφούς κ αδελφές στο Αλληλέγγυο Κίνημα με την Παλαιστίνη κ όλους τους καταπιεσμένους λαούς κ κοινότητες σε όλο τον κόσμο. Για τις φοιτιτικές κ σπουδαστικές μάζες που αγωνίζονται.
Χαιρετισμούς σταθερότητας κ συνεχιζόμενου αγώνα.
Στις 25 και 26 Ιουνίου, η Σιωνιστική Διαχείριση Οντότητα των ΗΠΑ κ μια ομάδα μαριονετών πελατών των Αραβικών χωρών θα συναντηθούν στο Μπαχρέιν σε Διάσκεψη Οικονομικής Κορυφής. Αυτό θα είναι το πρώτο δημόσιο και ευθές βήμα στην εκκαθάριση του Παλαιστινιακού θέματος οριστικά κ η λήξη του απέναντι στον Σιωνισμό, Ρατσιμό κ την Αποικιοκρατία.
Από την στιγμή που τέτοια επίθεση γίνεται ενάντια στους ανθρώπους μας, σας προσκαλούμε για ενώτητα κ να οργανώσουμε μαζί ευθεία πράξη απέναντι στην ομαλοποίηση και στην αποκαλούμενη Μπαχρέιν Συνάντηση στις 25 Ιουνίου να είναι η αρχή παγκόσμιας σάλπιγγας πρόσκλησης για Μποϋκοτάζ στο Ισραήλ, και ενάντια στην ομαλοποίηση με το αποικιοκρατικό κ ρατσιστικό απαρχάιντ κράτος του Ισραήλ. Σας προσκαλούμε να ενωθείτε κ να σταθείτε μαζί μας απορρίπτοντας τέτοιες συμφωνίες. Αυτές οι συμφωνίες μπορούν μόνο να συντάσονται, μέσω μιας Ενωμένης Παλαιστήνιας αρχής που συμπεριλαμβάνει την φοιτητική ένωση κ τα διάφορα κόμματα. Μαζί με το Κίνημα Αλληλεγγύης σε όλο τον κόσμο.
Έχουμε μάθει μέσω της ιστορίας αγώνα μας σε προηγούμενα εκκαθαριστικά σχέδια τίποτα δεν έγινε μόνο μοιραία για τους συνεχιζόμενους παγκόσμια γεωγραφικά διασκορπισμένους αγώνες μας. Τώρα αντιμετωπίζουμε μια Κεντρική φάση και ένα επικίνδυνο επιχείρημα που απαιτεί από εμάς να παλέψουμε περισσότερο κ να θυσιάσουμε ακόμα περισσότερο. Αυτό συμπεριλαμβάνει πρακτικά βήματα τα οποία μπορούν να εφαρμοστούν στην πράξη. Δεν θα αφήσουμε τους δίκαιους αγώνες μας, ακόμα κ με αίμα.
Να είστε συμμέτοχοι. Μπορείτε με τα παρακάτω:- Διοργανώστε κ συμμετέχετε σε συγκεντρώσεις κ διαμαρτυρίες την Δευτέρα 25 Ιουνίου.- Χρησιμοποιήστε τις επόμενες μέρες για διοργάνωση ομιλιών κ εγγραφή άρθρων τα οποία στοχεύουν στην αύξηση ενημέρωσης, ενάντια στην Διάσκεψη Κορυφής του Μπαχρέι

International campaign to #BoycottPuma speaks out in cities around the world

Photo: BDS Berlin

BDS organizers and activists for justice in Palestine organized dozens of international actions calling for a boycott of Puma on Saturday, 15 June. After Adidas dropped its sponsorship of the Israeli Football Association in 2018 after being presented with over 16,000 signatures of protest, Puma took up the sponsorship. This means that the global German athletic manufacturer is a partner in apartheid, supporting teams in Israeli illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land.

Photo: Demonsration to #BoycottPuma in Strasbourg

Over 200 Palestinian sports clubs have called on Puma to end the sponsorship. On 15 June, organizers around the world – including in Germany, France, Portugal, Malaysia, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Denmark, Egypt, Nigeria, the Spanish State, Belgium, Hong Kong, Argentina, New Zealand, Jordan, Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary and the United States – organized actions to support the Palestinian athletes’ call to #BoycottPuma.

Photo: BDS Berlin

In the German capital, BDS Berlin organized a protest outside the Puma Concept Store at Hackescher Markt. Organizers delivered leaflets and information about the boycott call to staff at the Puma store to be forwarded to corporate headquarters. The response from passers-by was overwhelmingly positive, and participants distributed hundreds of flyers to nearby people. The demonstration included loud chants to “Boycott Puma! Boycott Apartheid!” as well as social justice songs and music. After the rally, a falafel vendor from the nearby market donated a round of sandwiches to the activists involved.

Photo: BDS Berlin

Watch the BDS Berlin video:

In Toulouse, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a member of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, held an information stand for over 2 hours at Olivier Place in Toulouse. Despite being displaced from their original location by the prefecture to a less heavily-trafficked location at the last minute, activists distributed 800 flyers and had hundreds of positive conversations. Dozens of people took selfies in solidarity with the campaign.

Photo: Collectif Palestine Vaincra

Watch the video here:

Actions took place throughout France, including in Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier, Strasbourg, Paris and a few days earlier in Clermont-Ferrand, Foix, Tours and elsewhere.

Montpellier action to #BoycottPuma
Photo: BDS France

In Paris, the violent provocateurs of the Jewish Defense League (JDL) attempted to physically attack activists from the BDS France campaign in order to attempt to force them to end their boycott action outside the Puma store.

Photo: BDS France

However, their attempt failed and over 20 activists participated in the action, receiving strong support from the public for their anti-apartheid campaign.

Photo: Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine

In Charleroi, Belgium, the Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine distributed information about Puma’s involvement with sponsoring Israeli apartheid and the call for boycott from Palestinian athletes and collected support photos for the campaign.

Photo: BDS Austria

In Vienna, BDS Austria held an information table outside the Puma store, posting informative displays and distributing flyers to hundreds of passers-by about the athletic gear company’s complicity with Israeli occupation and apartheid.

Photo: docP

In Amsterdam, docP activists took to the streets for the international day of action, delivering a petition to the management of the Puma store and distributing flyers on the Koningsplein and in the Vondelpark.

Photo: Manchester Palestine Action

Manchester Palestine Action kicked off the international day of action with a direct action inside Puma’s Manchester office, protesting and delivering the message that sponsoring apartheid is not acceptable:

Organizers followed up the action with a day of protest from Piccadilly gardens and through Manchester City Center, targeting corporate complicity in Israeli occupation, specifically by Puma, Barclays and HSBC.

Photo: Ryan Ashcroft, Palestine Solidarity Campaign

There were almost 30 actions throughout the UK for the #BoycottPuma day of action. In addition to a protest in London, grassroots “counter-advertisements” for the Boycott Puma campaign appeared at bus stations throughout the city.

Photo: Palestine Solidarity Campaign

In Rome, BDS Roma secured the support of 14 rugby teams in the city to join the call of the Palestinian athletes to #BoycottPuma:

They organized an action on 15 June outside the Puma store in the city center to highlight the company’s complicity.

Photo: BDS Roma

In Belfast, the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign protested Puma’s involvement in supporting Israeli apartheid teams.

Photo: Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign

The campaign against Puma is not stopping. Palestinian football players themselves struggle to play, practice and improve their skills when they face Israeli violence, including arrests and imprisonment by occupation forces. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges people and organizations to join the ongoing actions to put pressure on Puma to end its sponsorship of Israeli apartheid, including taking the #BoycottPuma pledge and organizing events and actions at Puma stores and corporate offices.

May 2019 report: 421 Palestinians seized by Israeli occupation forces, including 78 children and 6 women

Palestinian prisoners’ institutions, including the Prisoners’ Affairs Commission, Palestinian Prisoners’ Society, Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association and Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights, issued the following report for May 2019 on 16 June. English translation by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network: 

Photo for illustrative purposes. Credit: ActiveStills.org/Oren Ziv

In May 2019, Israeli occupation forces arrested 421 Palestinians, including 78 children and 6 women. The Israeli occupation authorities seized 145 Palestinians from the city of Jerusalem, 59 from Ramallah governorate, 60 from al-Khalil governorate, 30 from Jenin governorate, 21 from Bethlehem governorate, 32 from Nablus governorate, 13 from Tulkarem governorate, 19 from Qalqilya governorate, 8 from Tubas governorate, 8 from Salfit governorate, 14 from Jericho governorate and 12 from the Gaza Strip.

The number of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails reached 5500 at the end of May, including 43 women. The number of imprisoned children in Israeli jails reached approximately 220.

The following summary highlights the realities faced by the detainees in prisons and detention centers and the most prominent actions by the occupation authorities during the month of May:

Hunger Strikes During May 2019

Several prisoners continued their hunger strikes against administrative detention during May 2019, including the prisoner Hassan al-Aweiwi, who began his strike in April and experienced significant deterioration of his health. He faced clear intransigence by the occupation authorities in refusing to meet his demands and end his administrative detention.

Palestinian prisoners’ institutions documented the retaliation by the Israeli occupation prison administration against al-Aweiwi since he launched his strike, including isolation, denial of family visits and frequent transfer from one detention center to another as well as to civilian hospitals.

Al-Aweiwi is 35 years old, married wth three children. He was previously arrested several times, most recently on 15 January 2019.

Bassam Abu Akkar, from Aida camp in Bethlehem, went on hunger strike on 21 May, rejecting his administrative detention after two consecutive years. He ended his strike after reaching an agreement to limit his administrative detention

Abu Akkar, a leader of the prisoners’ movement, spent a total of 24 and one-half years in Israeli prison, between sentences and administrative detention. He has been detained without charge or trial since 27 July 2017; he is married with seven children.

Among the prisoners who took part in hunger strikes during the month of may were Ahmed Hroub from al-Khalil governorate, Thaer Badr from Beit Liqya, the wounded Moataz Abidu from al-Khalil and Murad Malisha from Jenin.

Medical Neglect

Over 750 prisoners continue to suffer from a policy of medical neglect by the Israeli prison administration, which is systematically used as a means of retaliation and pressure.

The medical situation for the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails is becoming more serious with every wave of escalation by the prison administration, the latest of which was the series of restrictive measures that followed the publication of the recommendations of the committee formed by the occupation minister Gilad Erdan to exert increased pressure on the prisoners in September 2018.

These restrictions included an escalation of the policy of medical neglect against sick and wounded prisoners, which has led to increased suffering from the effects of their illnesses, even after their release.

The occupation uses medical neglect as a means of torture and pressure on detainees to extract confessions from them or attempt to break their morale and increase their suffering in prisons. This medical neglect is institutionalized in the prison system and the detention centers. For example, prison clinics lack specialized medical staff or equipment to perform necessary tests to address problems raised by the prisoners. In the event a prisoner’s health worsens, he or she is transferred to the Ramle prison clinic, which is not significantly different from the prison clinics in terms of the level of medical care available. However, the Ramle clinic focuses on prisoners with permanent disabilities, severe medical deterioration or terminal illnesses.

There are currently 15 sick prisoners being held at the Ramle prison clinic in inhumane and inappropriate conditions. In particularly difficult cases, prisoners are transferred to Israeli civilian hospitals especially for required tests.

The occupation delays the treatment of ill prisoners, whether in the provision of medication or tests required to diagnose a patient’s condition, which can exacerbate their conditions and lead to the emergence of new health problems.

Summer is a season of suffering for imprisoned Palestinians

The Israeli occupation authorities make all of the details of the lives of the Palestinian detainees; even changes in the seasons bring more suffering. As the temperature increases, so too does the humidity and the lack of ventilation in Israeli prisons and detention centers. The suffering of the prisoners is doubled, especially in the desert or near the coast. Some prisons suffer from insect infestations or unpleasant odors and the prison administration often refuses to install air conditioners or other cooling equipment in the prisons. Sometimes, cold water is deliberately cut or prisoners in isolation are denied cold water.

According to the monitoring of the prisoners’ associations, the prisoners’ complaints are continuing to rise along with the temperature and humidity, especially at Saba, Nafha, Ramon and the Negev desert prison (especially the tent sections), in Damon prison (where the women prisoners are held), in Ramle-Nitsan in the underground sections and in Shata and Gilboa, where humidity is high.

60,000 NIS ($16,627 USD) in fines imposed on Palestinian child prisoners in Ofer

In May, Israeli occupation courts imposed prison sentences on a number of child prisoners held in the Ofer military prisons, in addition to large fines amounting to more than 60,000 NIS ($16,627 USD). In May 2019, 43 child prisoners were transferred to Ofer prison; 22 were seized from their homes, 12 taken from the streets, seven arrested for lack of permits and two after being summoned to interrogation.

Of these children, four were arrested after being shot by Israeli occupation soldiers and nine more were beaten during their detention and taken to Israeli interrogation centers. There were 31 children sentenced in May 2019, with actual terms ranging from 31 days to 10 months.

Ghassan Zawahreh boycotts Israeli occupation court at administrative detention hearing

Ghassan Zawahreh

Palestinian prisoner Ghassan Zawahreh announced his boycott of the Israeli occupation courts after he was ordered to another six months in administrative detention, imprisoned without charge or trial. Zawahreh is a former long-term hunger striker and a prominent leftist activist in Dheisheh refugee camp; he was seized from his home in the pre-dawn hours of 10 December 2018, only months after he was released in July 2018 after over a year in administrative detention and a seven-month prison sentence.

He declared on 14 July that he would not appear before the occupation court to confirm his administrative detention order. Instead, he sent a letter to the court through his lawyer, declaring:

“Administrative detention is a heinous crime for the ages. What is even more criminal is the occupation’s attempts to mislead through mock courts and charades where the executioner and the ruler, dressed up in military suits, represent the Occupation and its crimes.

I will not be a part of this charade until administrative detention is ended once and and for all. I reject this court and refuse to be represented by anyone in it”. 

He has spent over 14 years in total in Israeli prisons; his brother Moataz Zawahreh was murdered by Israeli occupation forces as he participated in a popular protest in Bethlehem in 2015. Moataz had actually returned home to Palestine from where he was studying in France to support Ghassan, who was engaged in a long-term hunger strike against his imprisonment without charge or trial.

Administrative detention orders are issued for up to six months at a time on the basis of secret evidence and are indefinitely renewable. There are currently approximately 500 Palestinians – out of over 5,200 total Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails – held in administrative detention, and Palestinians have been jailed for years at a time without charge or trial under these repeated orders.

The Israeli occupation also turns to administrative detention to keep Palestinians jailed even after sentences imposed upon them by the military courts expire. For example, on Sunday, 16 June, Jafar Ezzedine, 47, from Jenin, was suddenly transferred to administrative detention under a three-month order, immediately following his planned release from Megiddo prison after serving a five-month sentence. While his family, including his wife and eight children, was waiting for his return home, he was instead once again thrown behind bars – with no charge and no trial.

Jafar Ezzedine. Photo: alasra.ps

Ezzedine has spent a total of five years in Israeli prison in the past, including several periods of administrative detention. He has engaged in multiple long-term hunger strikes while detained without charge or trial, including a 55-day strike in 2012 and a 93-day strike in 2013.

Ezzedine is not alone; Palestinian prisoner Malik Mohammed Abu Eisha, 34, from al-Khalil, was also ordered to four months in administrative detention after the end of his one-year sentence. Detained since May 2018, Abu Eisha was supposed to be released at the end of May 2019. Instead, his wife and three children were left waiting for him as he remains imprisoned without charge or trial. Two of his brothers are detained as well; his brother Abdel-Qader is serving an 11 year sentence that will end in 2019, while his brother Abdel-Hadi has been detained without charge or trial in administrative detention since May 2019.

In addition, Fidaa Mohammed Damas, 25, from Beit Ummar, currently the only Palestinian woman prisoner held without charge or trial under administrative detention, was once again ordered to two more months of arbitrary imprisonment on 12 June, only two days before her detention was to expire. Her detention was renewed for the fourth time in a row by the Israeli military court; she has now been imprisoned for over a year, since 29 May 2018. She was originally sentenced to 90 days in Israeli prison; on the day of her release, the university student in business administration was ordered to remain jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention for six months. Her detention was renewed in February and again on 12 June.

Fidaa Damas.

Damas was previously seized by Israeli occupation forces on 28 January 2015 and sentenced to six months in prison; she was released in July 2015. She is currently held in Damon prison with the other women prisoners preparing for an open hunger strike on 1 July.

Ashkelon prisoners suspend hunger strike

On Sunday, 16 June, 45 Palestinian prisoners in Ashkelon prison – as well as Nasser Abu Hmaid, the prisoners’ representative who had been transferred away – launched a hunger strike in protest of a series of repressive actions, conditions and invasion at the hands of Israeli occupation forces. They launched the strike after months of demanding changes, but after a few hours, the prisoners announced that the strike had been suspended as the Israeli occupation prison administration had agreed to several key issues.

The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society said that the prison administration had responded positively “in principle” to the demands to end night invasions by armed Israeli occupation guards, opening a kitchen room in the section, lifting fines, following up on the treatment of sick prisoners and returning Abu Hmaid to Ashkelon before 1 July.

On Monday morning, 17 June, repressive attacks on Palestinian prisoners by Israeli forces continued, this time at Ramon prison. Repressive forces closed the sections, ransacked the prisoners’ rooms and confiscated their belongings; Palestinian prisoners’ organizations reported that tension and unrest has risen inside the prison.

Palestinian women prisoners in Damon prison have announced their demands and a plan to launch a collective hunger strike on 1 July; among other issues, the women prisoners are demanding the removal of intrusive security cameras, extended recreation and exercise time, opening of a library, classroom and kitchen, the return of confiscated books and improved conditions for visiting family members.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network congratulates the Palestinian prisoners in Ashkelon prison on their achievements and urges all supporters of justice in Palestine to give their full support to the struggle of the Palestinian women prisoners.

Palestinian women prisoners announce demands, plan for collective strike 1 July

Palestinian women protest for Palestinian prisoners’ freedom, Ramallah. Photo: UPWC

Palestinian women prisoners in Damon prison delivered an official letter to the Israeli prison administration, informing them of their intention to launch an open hunger strike on 1 July if their demands are not addressed. In a statement, former prisoner Mona Qa’adan said that 13 prisoners would launch the strike, led by Damon prisoners’ representative Yasmin Shaaban. Others who have announced their participation in the strike include women serving long sentences such as Shorouq Dwayyat, Amal Taqatqa, Nurhan Awad and Malak Salman.  She noted that all of the women prisoners are prepared to join the strike as it progresses.

The “Strike of the Free Women,” the name given the struggle by the women prisoners, will focus on a number of demands, including:

  • Removal of intrusive surveillance cameras from the prison yard
  • Extension of exercise time to eight hours between 4 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Restoration of the exercise yard to eliminate hazards
  • Opening of a library for female prisoners and a classroom for girls
  • A private room near the “canteen” (prison store) for the preparation of food
  • Improved conditions for visiting family members
  • Return of confiscated books and family photos

Qa’adan noted that these are simple demands, yet very important for the imprisoned Palestinian women, emphasizing their right to human dignity and a decent life. She urged all to stand with the women prisoners in this struggle to extract their rights. They have issued demands repeatedly and have found no relief but further repression; she said that they have no option but to strike to extract their legitimate rights.

The prisoners’ message is a call to the people and the masses, not simply to officials and institutions, to take an urgent stand on this issue in order to reach a solution so that it is not necessary to repeat this strike in order to defend the gains achieved by the prisoners through struggle, Qa’adan said.

The announcement comes after imprisoned writer Lama Khater, 43, was sentenced to 13 months in Israeli prison by the Ofer military court. Khater was seized from her home in al-Khalil on 24 July 2018. She was subjected to harsh and abusive interrogation in Ashkelon detention center and denied sleep for days. Khater was accused of “incitement” for her publications on social media and in the press; she was also accused of support for a prohibited organization. All major Palestinian political parties are banned by the Israeli occupation.

On 11 June, Nurhan Awad’s sentence was reduced to 10 years when she was successful in her appeal at the Jerusalem high court, Asra Media reported. Awad, 19, was only 17 when she was sentenced to 13 years in Israeli prison.  She was one of several Palestinian children targeted for extreme sentencing, especially Jerusalemite children. Nurhan was accused of attempting with her 14-year-old cousin Hadeel to stab a man with scissors: a 70-year-old Palestinian man was lightly injured. Hadeel was shot dead by Israeli occupation soldiers and Nurhan was shot with two bullets. After her cousin was extrajudicially executed, Nurhan was imprisoned.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network calls on all supporters of Palestine and the Palestinian people to join the campaign to support the women prisoners. Palestinian women prisoners have been in the forefront of the prisoners’ movement over the years, including organizing multiple hunger strikes that played a significant role in securing key rights for the prisoners – the very rights now once again under attack. We urge supporters to organize events and actions, issue statements and build the campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against the Israeli occupation state. Palestinian women prisoners are struggling for basic rights, dignity and justice – it is critical that we support their efforts.