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3 years, 119 court hearings: Mohammed Halabi continues to fight back against Israeli imprisonment

Mohammed Halabi. Photo: World Vision

Palestinian charity worker Mohammed Halabi has been brought 119 times to Israeli court during the three years of detention. Halabi, a manager in Gaza for World Vision, was seized by Israeli occupation forces on 15 June 2016. After being secretly detained for nearly two months, he was then the subject of a massive international propaganda campaign, largely spearheaded by Gilad Erdan, in August of that year. Erdan is a member of the Netanyahu government as both Minister of Public Security and Minister of Strategic Affairs, responsible for directing global campaigns of incitement against organizations that defend Palestinian rights.

Benjamin Netanyahu himself contributed a video accusing Palestinians of not caring about their people on the basis of allegations that Halabi had diverted $43 million in funds for charity work in Gaza to instead support Palestinian resistance. This figure far exceeded any reasonable amount of World Vision’s budget; over seven years, World Vision’s entire budget in Gaza amounted to no more than $22 million.

Despite the factual impossibility of the Israeli state’s claims, however, both the Australian and German governments initially suspended funding to the global Christian charity. Over 100 workers in Gaza lost their jobs amid an already extreme unemployment crisis in the besieged Strip. In line with his ongoing official attacks on Palestinian and international organizations that provide any support to Palestinian rights, Erdan even accused World Vision of “turning a blind eye” because it is “very anti-Israeli.”

Anthony Loewenstein published an extensive report in 972mag reporting on the three years of the prosecution of Mohammed Halabi.  By 2017, an official investigation carried out by the Australian government concluded that there was no basis to support the Israeli claim. Funding to World Vision was apparently restored, although none of these international funds are used to support Halabi’s defense.

Upon his arrest, he was denied access to a lawyer for 50 days. Israeli officials issued statements claiming that he confessed. In 972mag, Halabi and his lawyer Maher Hanna both affirm that, like many other Palestinians seized by the Israeli occupation – including children – Halabi was subjected to torture by Shin Bet forces.

Three years and 119 separate court hearings later, no evidence has been asserted to prove the Israeli state’s claims. All that the Israeli prosecution has submitted to the court is testimony by Shin Bet officials and interrogators. When Halabi has sought to bring witnesses from Gaza to speak in his defense in the nominally civilian trial, permission has been denied, one after the other, on “security grounds.”  Halabi’s lawyer has himself been denied permission to visit Gaza and interview witnesses himself.

Throughout the process, Halabi has refused to sign a plea agreement. Over 90 percent of all Palestinian political cases in Israeli military or civil courts are resolved through plea agreements. The endless hearings and lengthy procedures are themselves a form of intense pressure to force Palestinians to agree to a plea – which is often later then used against them as an “admission of guilt.” The judge in the case pressured Halabi to accept a plea agreement, saying “you know how these issues are handled.”

The Halabi case makes clear that the “civil” guise of Israeli courts is often a sham in cases labeled “security matters” – that is, political prosecutions of Palestinians from occupied Palestine ’48 who hold Israeli citizenship, Jerusalemites or even some Palestinians from Gaza, like Halabi. There is very little difference from the Israeli military courts used for Palestinians from the occupied West Bank.

Halabi’s father issued a call to all international institutions, urging them to pressure Israel to release Halabi and drop the baseless charges. He noted that his son’s health had declined substantially in Israeli prison.

Three years later, Mohammed Halabi remains imprisoned; the Gaza Strip and millions of Palestinians remain under siege. While World Vision has consistently supported Halabi’s defense, each new round of allegations against Palestinian rights defenders by Erdan and his ministry seems to lead to new repressive actions, closures of accounts, intensified surveillance and widespread media coverage, with few questions asked about the authenticity of these assertions.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges the broadest possible support for Mohammed Halabi and all Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails. Like Halabi himself, we note that his imprisonment is part and parcel of the political repression of Palestinians and of the siege on Gaza. It is an attempt to continue the siege on Palestinians by all means, including the smearing, torture and imprisonment of charity workers, the targeting of farmers and fishermen and the weekly shooting of popular protesters participating in the Great March of Return.

We also note the complicity of the “international community” not only in the persecution of Mohammed Halabi but, more fundamentally, in the siege of Gaza and the ongoing Nakba targeting the Palestinian people for over 71 years. This case, and those of all over 5,200 Palestinian prisoners, also highlights the critical necessity of escalating the international boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign and the isolation of the Israeli occupation state, confronting official complicity with popular solidarity.

Freedom for Mohammed Halabi and all Palestinian prisoners! Freedom for Palestine, from the river to the sea!

Struggle in Ashkelon Prison: At least 45 Palestinian prisoners announce plans for hunger strike

At least 45 Palestinian prisoners held in Ashkelon prison by the Israeli occupation have announced plans to launch an open hunger strike on Sunday, 16 June. Repressive measures by the prison administration have escalated since the end of April, and prisoners have reported frequent night raids and invasive searches. Prisoners have been hit repeatedly with costly fines and multiple prisoners have been arbitrarily transferred from one prison to another.

In particular, Nasser Abu Hmaid, a prisoners’ movement leader, was transferred to Nafha prison. He announced that he would join the strike along with his fellow imprisoned Palestinians in Ashkelon prison. The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society said that the announcement reflected the escalating tension inside the prison as Israeli authorities ramp up repression in the months after hundreds of prisoners went on hunger strike against harsh conditions of confinement.

The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society also said that the Israeli prison administration announced plans to arbitrarily transfer of a number of Palestinian prisoners. Since the mass hunger strike ended in April 2019, 24 prisoners in Ashkelon have been denied access to the “canteen” or prison store, denied family visits and fined.

The Ashkelon prisoners’ demands include the following:

  • Ending the invasions and attacks on the prisoners’ rooms
  • Cancellation of the unjust sanctions on prisoners
  • Proper healthcare and medical treatment for ill prisoners (Basil al-Na’asan, Yaser Rubayat, Haytham Halas, Mohammad Barash), including dental care and specialist doctors
  • Introduction of cooling devices in the prison hall
  • Installation of large fans in the section yard
  • Change to TV channels
  • Return of the detainees’ representative (Nasser Abu Hmaid)
  • Introduction of clothes and books from family members
  • Separate room for processing and cooking food
  • Increased recreation time
  • Photography with wives and parents
  • Access to hot water during the day
  • Updating visitor telephones in the family visit rooms
  • Allowing the purchase of fruits and vegetables from the “canteen” without restriction

This reports comes as Palestinian prisoners in various detention centers have announced that they will return to open hunger strike if the Israeli prison administration continues to violate the agreement that ended the strike. Dozens of prisoners associated with Hamas were suddenly transferred to other wings, many with cell phone jammers installed. Meanwhile, Israeli officials have taken no action to install public telephones in the prisons, a major demand of the strikers which they agreed to in order to end the strike.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network expresses full solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners in Ashkelon and all prisoners struggling to uphold their dignity and win their freedom from Israeli occupation prisons.

25 June, Berlin: Protest against the “Deal of the Century” and the Manama Normalization Conference

Tuesday, 25 June
6:00 pm
Brandenburger Tor
Berlin, Germany

The Palestinian committee against the Manama Conference in coordination with the Arab organizations in Berlin calls on all freedom-loving people to protest against the Manama (Bahrain) economic conference and Trump’s so-called “Deal of the Century”.

قفة جماهيرية في برلين.. يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 25.06.2019 إستنكاراً للتطبيع مع الإحتلال ورفضا لمؤتمر البحرين الإقتصادي وصفقة القرن

 تدعوكم اللجنة الوطنية الفلسطينية في برلين .. بالتنسيق وبالتعاون مع الجاليات العربية في برلين للمشاركة في وقفة جماهيرية ..مناهضة للتطبيع واستنكاراً لمؤتمر المنامة(البحرين) الإقتصادي ولإسقاط صفقة القرن

المكان: بوابة برلين التاريخية Brandenburger Tor

الزمان: يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 25.06.2019 الساعة السادسة مساءاً 18:00 Uhr ..

وسيبقى شعبنا متمسكاً بثوابته حتى ينال كافة حقوقه.

15 June, London and UK-wide: Boycott Puma Day of Action

Saturday, 15 June
All Day
See cities and locations below
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/315703645807204/

Take creative action in your town or city on the #BoycottPuma international day of action, calling on Puma to end their complicity with Israeli apartheid!

This is part of an ongoing response to the call from the Palestinian civil society in 2005 for a campaign of Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it respects human rights and international law.

Puma is the main sponsor of the Israel Football Association (IFA), which includes football clubs based in illegal Israeli settlements on stolen Palestinian land. All Israeli settlements are considered war crimes under international law.

As one of the world’s top athletic apparel makers, Puma’s sponsorship brings international legitimacy to the IFA and helps maintain its direct involvement with violations of human rights and international law off the field.

Take action and support the call from more than 200 Palestinian teams for Puma to end its support for Israel’s military occupation by terminating its sponsorship deal with the IFA.

Register your action today and bring the #BoycottPUMA campaign to your town or city!

REGISTER: bit.ly/BoycottPuma

Join your local action on the international day of action:

Protest at 2pm, outside Sports Direct, High street, Belfast City centre

Birmingham Demonstration to Boycott Puma – Global Day of Action, 12 pm, The Puma Store, 40 New Street, Birmingham

Demonstration at 11-1.30pm, outside Sports Direct, 134-138 North St, Brighton BN1 1RG

Protest at 12pm outside Sports Direct, 9-12 Commercial Street, Newport. NP20 1SJ

Demonstration at 11am-1pm, outside Puma, Unit 51 Cheshire Oaks Way, Blacon, Ellesmere Port CH65 9JJ

Picket outside Sports Direct, Green Mount Retail Park, Halifax HX1 5QN

Picket at 12.00 until 14.00 outside Sports Direct, Wellington Place, Give Puma the Boot! Action in Hastings Town Centre

Flyering at 11am at St Helier

London Carnaby Street:
Boycott Puma | London action, 1 pm, Puma Store, 52-55 Carnaby Street, London

London Clapham Junction:
Picket at 1pm outside JD sports

Demonstration to Boycott Puma – International Day of Action, 12 pm, Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester

Demonstration/ stall at 11am-1pm, outside Sports Direct, New George St, Plymouth City Centre

Demonstration from 12pm at Meers Brook Park

Demonstration at 11am-2pm
90-93 Broad Street, Reading

Stall at 11am-1pm outside Sports Direct, 40-50 Above Bar St, Southampton SO14 7GW


28 June, Berlin: Protest Against the Bundestag’s Anti-BDS Resolution

Friday, 28 June
5:00 pm
Platz der Republik
Berlin, Germany
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/891718771177610/

Press Release | Call for Protest
Berlin protests against the Bundestag’s Anti-BDS motion
June 28th, 2019, 5 pm, In front of the Bundestag (Platz der Republik)

We call on the German government to fight racism and apartheid – not those who oppose them

On May 17th, 2019 the German Parliament (Bundestag) has passed a resolution against the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) condemning it as anti-Semitic. All parties from across the political spectrum participated in a parliamentary attack on a human-rights based non-violent campaign for equality, freedom and justice in Palestine-Israel. BDS is a global campaign that is supported by millions of people including civil society and human rights organizations, trade unions and others.

This resolution marks the moral failure of the German government to address the real and pressing issue of ongoing Israeli violations against the Palestinian people. The ongoing criminal siege of Gaza, the mass killing of peaceful protesters, the systemic home demolitions, the imprisonment and torture of children, and the ethnic-based policies which are enshrined in more than 65 racist laws, are but a few of the ongoing violations which have been well-documented by legal scholars and notable human rights organizations.

In violation of international conventions and European law, the German parliament had not only turned a blind eye on Israeli crimes but chose to launch an assault on those who oppose these crimes, based on falsehoods which are aimed at shielding Israel from accountability. What message does Germany send when it protects a violent military power that in the past year alone had indiscriminately killed over 450 Palestinians, while at the same time condemning a non-violent movement that merely demands that Israel abides by its obligations under international law?

The Bundestag had ignored the public outcry against the resolution, including a statement signed by more than 60 Jewish and Israeli scholars, among them prominent researchers of anti-Semitism and the History of the Holocaust, who implored on the Bundestag not to falsely conflate BDS with anti-Semitism. This motion has nothing to do with countering anti-Semitism. On the contrary, it harms this struggle, by trivializing the meaning of anti-Semitism and instrumentalizing the Holocaust for narrow political caprices.
We reject the baseless allegations of this resolution. Through its principles and actions, the BDS movement rejects all forms of racism and discrimination, including anti-Semitism. The BDS consistently addresses institutions and individuals complicit with Israeli violations of international law regardless of their identity, faith or political affiliation.

Treating those who demand the respect of international law as people who promote hate speech and racism is unacceptable. Furthermore, any type of conflation between Zionism and Judaism is fundamentally flawed and disregards the century-long Jewish opposition to Zionism, as well as ignoring the numerous Jewish individuals and organizations who either support BDS explicitly or defend its legitimacy.

If German parliamentarians had learned from history, as they claim, they must now actively protect the constitutional right to freedom of expression and conscience. They should act to end Israeli military occupation of Palestinian territory and realize the Palestinian right to self-determination and right of return.

On June 28th, 2019, we will be protesting against the shameful Bundestag resolution and against delegitimizing the BDS movement as a Palestinian non-violent, civil based struggle against Israel’s occupation and apartheid.
Join us in supporting freedom, peace, justice and equality.

Palästina Spricht – Palestine Speaks
Coalition for Palestinian Rights and Against Racism

Pressemitteilung | Aufruf zum Protest
Berlin protestiert gegen den Anti-BDS-Antrag des Bundestages
28. Juni 2019, 17:00 Uhr, vor dem Bundestag (Platz der Republik)

Wir fordern die Bundesregierung auf, Rassismus und Apartheid zu bekämpfen und Nicht diejenigen, die sich dem widersetzen

Der Deutsche Bundestag hat am 17. Mai 2019 einen Beschluss gegen die Boykott-, Desinvestitions- und Sanktionsbewegung (BDS) gefasst und diese als antisemitisch verurteilt. Alle Parteien des gesamten politischen Spektrums beteiligten sich an einem parlamentarischen Angriff auf eine menschenrechtsbasierte gewaltfreie Kampagne für Gleichheit, Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit in Palästina-Israel.

BDS ist eine globale Kampagne, die von Millionen von Menschen unterstützt wird, einschließlich zivilgesellschaftliche und Menschenrechtsorganisationen, Gewerkschaften und andere.
Dieser Beschluss markiert das moralische Versagen der deutschen Regierung, sich mit dem realen und dringenden Problem von Israels anhaltenden Verstößen gegen die palästinensische Bevölkerung zu befassen. Die anhaltende kriminelle Belagerung des Gazastreifens, die Massentötungen friedlicher Demonstrant*innen, die systematischen Häuserzerstörungen, die Inhaftierung und Folterung von Kindern und die auf ethnischen Kategorien basierende Politik, die in mehr als 65 rassistischen Gesetzen verankert ist, sind nur einige der anhaltenden Verstöße, die von Rechtswissenschaftler*innen und namhaften Menschenrechtsorganisationen umfassend dokumentiert wurden.

Unter Verstoß gegen internationale Konventionen und europäisches Recht hat der Deutsche Bundestag nicht nur israelischen Verbrechen den Rücken gekehrt, sondern sich auch für einen Angriff auf diejenigen entschieden, die sich diesen Verbrechen widersetzen, die auf Lügen aufgebaut sind und Israel davor schützen sollen, zur Rechenschaft gezogen zu werden. Welche Botschaft sendet Deutschland, wenn es eine gewalttätige Militärmacht schützt, die allein im vergangenen Jahr wahllos über 450 Palästinenser*innen getötet hat, und gleichzeitig eine gewaltfreie Bewegung verurteilt, die lediglich fordert, dass Israel seinen völkerrechtlichen Verpflichtungen nachkommt?

Der Bundestag hatte den öffentlichen Aufschrei gegen den Beschluss ignoriert, einschließlich einer Erklärung, die von mehr als 60 jüdischen und israelischen Gelehrten unterzeichnet wurde, darunter prominente Gelehrte der Antisemitismusforschung und der Geschichte des Holocaust, die den Bundestag eindringlich ersuchten, BDS nicht fälschlicherweise mit Antisemitismus gleichzusetzen. Dieser Antrag hat nichts mit der Bekämpfung von Antisemitismus zu tun. Im Gegenteil, er schadet diesem Kampf, indem er die Bedeutung von Antisemitismus verharmlost und den Holocaust für engstirnige politische Willkür instrumentalisiert.

Wir weisen die gegenstandslosen Unterstellungen dieses Beschlusses zurück. Die BDS-Bewegung weist mit ihren Grundsätzen und Aktionen alle Formen von Rassismus und Diskriminierung zurück, einschließlich Antisemitismus.

BDS wendet sich konsequent an Institutionen und Personen, die an Israels Verstößen gegen das Völkerrecht beteiligt sind, unabhängig von ihrer Identität, ihrem Glauben oder ihrer politischen Einstellung.

Es ist inakzeptabel, diejenigen der Hassrede und des Rassismus zu bezichtigen, die die Achtung des Völkerrechts fordern. Darüber hinaus ist jegliche Gleichsetzung von Zionismus und Judentum von Grund auf fehlerhaft und ignoriert die jahrhundertealte jüdische Opposition gegen den Zionismus ebenso wie die zahlreichen jüdischen Menschen und Organisationen, die BDS entweder ausdrücklich unterstützen oder seine Legitimität verteidigen.

Wenn deutschen Parlamentarier*innen, wie sie behaupten, aus der Geschichte gelernt hätten, müssen sie nun aktiv das Grundrecht auf Meinungs- und Gewissensfreiheit schützen. Sie sollten dahingehend wirken, Israels militärische Besatzung des palästinensischen Gebietes zu beenden und das Recht der Palästinenser*innen auf Selbstbestimmung und Rückkehr umzusetzen.

Am 28. Juni 2019 werden wir gegen den schändlichen Beschluss des Bundestages protestieren und gegen die Delegitimierung der BDS-Bewegung, die der gewaltfreie, zivilgesellschaftliche Kampf der Palästinenser*innen gegen Israels Besatzung und Apartheid ist.
Unterstütze mit uns Freiheit, Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und Gleichheit!

Palästina Spricht – Palestine Speaks
Koalition für palästinensische Rechte und gegen Rassismus

بيان صحفي | دعوة للتظاهر
برلين تتظاهر ضد قرار البوندستاغ المناهض لحركة المقاطعة
يوم الجمعة، ٢٨ حزيران، الساعة الخامسة مساء، أمام مقرّات البوندستاغ )بلاتز دير ريبوبليك(

نطالب الحكومة الألمانية بمكافحة العنصرية والأبارتهايد
وليس من يقف في وجهها!

في ال17 من أيار 2019، قام البرلمان الألماني (البوندستاغ) بالمصادقة على قرار موجه ضد حركة مقاطعة إسرائيل وسحب الاستثمارات منها وفرض العقوبات عليها (BDS)، يتهمها فيه بمعاداة السامية. جميع الأحزاب المنضوية ضمن الطيف السياسي الألماني شاركت في هجمة برلمانية على حملة لاعنفية قائمة على مبادئ حقوق الإنسان من أجل الحرية، العدالة والمساواة في فلسطين. فالمقاطعة حملة عالمية يدعمها ملايين البشر، مؤسسات المجتمع المدني، منظمات حقوقية، اتحادات نقابية، وجهات عديدة أخرى.

يدلل هذا القرار على الفشل الأخلاقي للحكومة الألمانية في التعاطي مع القضية الملّحة والحقيقية، ألا وهي الانتهاكات الإسرائيلية المتواصلة ضد الشعب الفلسطيني. كالحصار الإجرامي المستمر لقطاع غزة، القتل الجماعي للمتظاهرين السلميين، إجراءات التدمير والإزالة الممنهجة للمنازل، اعتقال وتعذيب الأطفال، وسياسات التمييز على أساس عرقي المُشرّعة بأكثر من 65 قانون عنصري، هذه كلها ليست سوى أمثلة قليلة على الانتهاكات المتواصلة الموثقة من قبل منظمات حقوقيّة بارزة وباحثين في مجال القانون الدولي.

بانتهاكه للمواثيق الدولية والقانون الأوروبي، فإن البرلمان الألماني لا يدير ظهره فحسب للجرائم الإسرائيلية، بل إنه يعتدي على من يعارض هذه الجرائم، بناء على أكاذيب تحصّن إسرائيل من المحاسبة. فما هي الرسالة التي تبعث بها ألمانيا عندما توفر الحماية لقوة عسكرية عنيفة، قامت في العام الماضي وحده بقتل ٤٥٠ فلسطينيا، بينما تقوم في الوقت نفسه بإدانة حركة لاعنفية لمجرد مطالبتها بامتثال إسرائيل لالتزاماتها أمام القانون الدولي؟
لقد تجاهل البوندستاغ احتجاجات الرأي العام على هذا القرار، والتي تضمنت بيانا موقعا من 60 باحثا يهوديا وإسرائيليا بينهم مختصين بارزين في شؤون معاداة السامية وتاريخ الهولوكوست، الذين ناشدوا البوندستاغ بالإمتناع عن تزوير الحقائق والخلط بين حملة المقاطعة ومعاداة السامية. حيث أن هذا القرار، لا علاقة له بالتصدي لمعاداة السامية. بل إنه وعلى العكس من ذلك، يؤذي النضال من أجل هذه الغاية عبر ابتذال معنى معاداة السامية وإستخدام الهولوكوست من أجل أهواء سياسية ضيقة.

إننا نرفض المزاعم التي لا أساس لها من الصحة في هذا القرار المجحف. فحملة المقاطعة وعبر مبادئها وأنشطتها ترفض كل أشكال العنصرية والتمييز، والتي من ضمنها معاداة السامية. كما أن حملة المقاطعة تتصدى لكل المؤسسات والأفراد المتواطئين مع الانتهاكات الإسرائيلية للقانون الدولي بمعزل عن هوياتهم وعقائدهم أو انتماءاتهم السياسية.

إن التعامل مع من يطالبون باحترام القانون الدولي باعتبارهم أناس يروجون لخطابات الكراهية والعنصرية هو أمر غير مقبول. بل إن أي شكل من أشكال الخلط بين الصهيونية واليهودية، هو إخلال جوهري يتغاضى عن معارضة يهودية للصهيونية تمتد لقرن كامل، كما أنه يتجاهل العدد الكبير للأفراد والمنظمات اليهودية التي تدعم حملة المقاطعة صراحة أو تدافع عن شرعيتها كأداة لمحاربة الأبارتهايد الإسرائيلي.

إذا ما تعلّم أعضاء البرلمان الألماني من التاريخ كما يدّعون، فإن عليهم الآن توفير الحماية الفعالة للحق الدستوري بحرية التعبير والاعتقاد وبضمنها حملة المقاطعة. وعليهم العمل على إنهاء الاحتلال الإسرائيلي للأراضي الفلسطينية وضمان حق تقرير المصير للفلسطينيين وحق العودة.

في ال28 من حزيران 2019، سنتظاهر ضد قرار العار الذي صدر عن البوندستاغ، وضد نزع الشرعية عن حركة المقاطعة كحركة فلسطينية لا عنفية تتبنى النضال المدني ضد الاحتلال الإسرائيلي والأبارتهايد.

انضموا لنا دعما للحرية، العدالة والمساواة.

فلسطين بتحكي – Palästina Spricht
تحالف من أجل الحقوق الفلسطينية وضد العنصريّة

הודעה לתקשורת | קריאה להפגנה
ברלין מפגינה נגד החלטת הבונדסטג לגנות את תנועת החרם
28 ביוני 2019, 17:00, מול הבונדסטאג (Platz der Republik)

אנו קוראים לממשלת גרמניה להלחם בגזענות ובאפרטהייד
ולא במי שמתנגדים להם

ביום ה-17 למאי, 2019, העביר הפרלמנט הגרמני הצעה לגנות את תנועת החרם (BDS) ולסווגה כתנועה אנטישמית. כלל המפלגות מרחבי הקשת הפוליטית לקחו חלק במתקפה הפרלמנטרית על קמפיין זכויות-אדם בלתי אלים, אשר קורא לחופש וצדק בישראל-פלסטין. בידיאס הוא קמפיין בינלאומי והוא נתמך על ידי מיליונים, בחברה האזרחית כמו גם ארגוני זכויות אדם, איגודי עובדים, ועוד.

החלטה זו מסמנת את הכשלון המוסרי של ממשלת גרמניה להתייחס לסוגייה הממשית והדחופה בדבר האלימות המתמשכת של ישראל נגד העם הפלסטיני. המצור הנפשע המתמשך על עזה, ההרג ההמוני של מפגינים בלתי אלימים, ההרס השיטתי של בתי מגורים, מעצר ןעינוי של ילדים, ויותר מ-65 חוקים גזעניים שמעגנים מדיניות של אפליה על בסיס אתני, הם רק כמה מתוך רשימת הפרות, המתועדות היטב על ידי משפטנים וארגוני זכויות אדם.

תוך הפרה של אמנות בינלאומיות ושל החוק האירופאי, הפרלמנט הגרמני לא רק העלים עין מפשעי ישראל, אלא בחר לפתוח במתקפה על המתנגדים לפשעים הללו, מתקפה שמתבססת על שקרים שמטרתם להגן על ישראל מפני נשיאת אחריות. איזה מן מסר שולחת גרמניה כשהיא מגנה על מעצמה צבאית אלימה, האחראית להריגתם של יותר מ-450 פלסטינים בשנה האחרונה בלבד, ובו זמנית מגנה תנועה בלתי-אלימה שכל דרישתה היא שישראל תעמוד בהתחייבויותיה על פי המשפט הבינלאומי?

הבונדסטאג התעלם מהזעקה הפומבית נגד ההחלטה, כולל הצהרה חתומה על ידי יותר מ-60 חוקרים יהודים וישראלים, בהם חוקרי אנטישמיות חשובים והיסטוריונים של השואה; כולם הפצירו בבונדסטאג שלא לתמוך בטענה השקרית לפיה קמפיין הבידיאס שווה לאנטישמיות. אין דבר וחצי דבר בין החלטה זו לבין מאבק באנטישמיות. אדרבה, היא פוגעת במאבק הזה באמצעות ניצול השואה לכלי שרת לאינטרסים פוליטיים צרים היא והפיכת מושג האנטישמיות לטריוויאלי.
אנו דוחים מכל וכל את את הטענות המופרכות של החלטה זו. בעקרונותיה ופעולותיה תנועת הבידיאס מתנגדת לכל צורה של גזענות ואפליה, לרבות אנטישמיות. התנועה מתייחסת באופן עקבי למוסדות ולאנשים המשתפים פעולה עם הפרות ישראליות של המשפט הבינלאומי, ללא קשר לזהותם, לאמונתם או להשתייכותם הפוליטית.

ההתייחסות למי שדורשים לכבד את המשפט הבינלאומי כמי שמקדמים דברי שטנה וגזענות היא בלתי מקבלת על הדעת. יתר על כן, כל מיזוג קטגורי בין יהדות לבין ציונות הוא פגום ביסודו ומתעלם מקיומה של התנגדות יהודית לציונות לכל אורך המאה האחרונה, כמו גם משלל אינדווידואלים וארגונים יהודיים, אשר תומכים בתנועת החרם או עומדים על הלגיטימיות שלה.

אם חברי הפרלמנט הגרמני למדו דבר כלשהו מההיסטוריה, כפי שהם טוענים, עליהם לפעול כעת כדי להגן על הזכות החוקתית לחופש ביטוי ומצפון. עליהם לפעול כדי להביא לסיום הכיבוש הצבאי הישראלי בשטחים הפלסטיניים ולהביא למימוש זכותם של הפלסטיניים להגדרה עצמית ולשיבה.

ב-28 ביוני, 2019, אנו נמחה נגד ההחלטה המבישה של הבונדסטאג ונגד הדה-לגיטימציה של תנועת הבידיאס כתנועה פלסטינית אזרחית ובלתי-אלימה נגד הכיבוש והאפרטהייד הישראליים.

הצטרפו אלינו למען חירות, שלום, צדק ושוויון!

Palästina Spricht – Palestine Speaks
קואליצייה למען זכויות העם הפלסטיני ונגד גזענות

Comunicato stampa – convocazione di una manifestazione

Berlino protesta contro la mozione anti-BDS del Bundestag

28 giugno 2019, ore 17, davanti dal Bundestag (piazza della Repubblica)

Chiediamo al governo tedesco di lottare contro razzismo e apartheid – non contro quelli che vi si oppongono.

Il 17 maggio 2019 il parlamento tedesco (Bundestag) ha approvato una risoluzione contro il movimento per il Boicottaggio, il Disinvestimento e le Sanzioni (BDS) condannandolo in quanto antisemita. Tutti i partiti dello spettro politico hanno partecipato ad un attacco parlamentare contro una campagna non violenta basata sui diritti umani per l’uguaglianza, la libertà e la giustizia in Palestina-Israele. Il BDS è una campagna globale appoggiata da milioni di persone, compresi organizzazioni della società civile, sindacati ed altri.

Questa risoluzione segna il fallimento morale del governo tedesco nell’affrontare la vera e pressante questione delle continue violazioni israeliane contro il popolo palestinese. Il costante assedio criminale di Gaza, le uccisioni di massa di manifestanti pacifici, la sistematica distruzione di case, gli arresti e le torture nei confronti di minori e le politiche fondate sull’etnia che sono insite in più di 65 leggi razziste non sono che alcune delle continue violazioni che sono state ben documentate da studiosi di diritto e importanti organizzazioni per i diritti umani.

Violando le convenzioni internazionali e le leggi europee, il parlamento tedesco non solo ha chiuso gli occhi davanti ai crimini israeliani, ma ha scelto di lanciare un attacco contro quelli che si oppongono a questi crimini, sulla base di menzogne che intendono proteggere Israele dall’obbligo di rendere conto delle sue azioni. Quale messaggio invia la Germania quando protegge una potenza militare violenta che solo lo scorso anno ha ucciso in modo indiscriminato oltre 450 palestinesi, mentre nel contempo condanna un movimento non violento che chiede semplicemente che Israele rispetti i suoi obblighi in base alle leggi internazionali?

Il Bundestag ha ignorato le proteste pubbliche contro la risoluzione, compresa una dichiarazione firmata da più di 60 studiosi ebrei e israeliani, tra cui importanti ricercatori sull’antisemitismo e la storia dell’Olocausto, che hanno supplicato il Bundestag di non confondere il BDS con l’antisemitismo. Questa mozione non ha niente a che vedere con l’opposizione contro l’antisemitismo. Al contrario, danneggia questa lotta, banalizzando il significato di antisemitismo e strumentalizzando l’Olocausto per meschini capricci politici.

Noi respingiamo le infondate affermazioni di questa risoluzione. Attraverso i suoi principi e azioni, il movimento BDS rifiuta ogni forma di razzismo e discriminazione, compreso l’antisemitismo. Il BDS prende sistematicamente di mira istituzioni e individui complici delle violazioni israeliane delle leggi internazionali indipendentemente dalla loro identità, fede o affiliazione politica.

Trattare quanti chiedono il rispetto delle leggi internazionali come persone che promuovono discorsi di odio e razzismo è inaccettabile. Inoltre, ogni forma di confusione tra sionismo ed ebraismo è fondamentalmente errata e non tiene in alcuna considerazione la secolare opposizione ebraica al sionismo, così come ignora le numerose personalità e organizzazioni ebraiche che sostengono esplicitamente il BDS o ne difendono la legittimità. Se i parlamentari tedeschi avessero imparato dalla storia, come sostengono, ora dovrebbero proteggere attivamente il diritto costituzionale della libertà di espressione e coscienza. Dovrebbero agire per porre fine all’occupazione militare israeliana del territorio palestinese e realizzare il diritto palestinese all’ autodeterminazione e al ritorno.

Il 28 giugno 2019 protesteremo contro la vergognosa risoluzione del Bundestag e contro la delegittimazione del movimento BDS in quanto lotta palestinese non violenta e basata sulla società civile contro l’occupazione e l’apartheid israeliane.

Palästina Spricht – Palestina Parla

Coalizione per i diritti dei palestinesi e contro il razzismo

14 June, Vancouver: We Stand with Unist’ot’en Against Colonial Courts!

Friday, 14 June
1:00 pm
Oppenheimer Park
400 Powell St
Vancouver, BC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/346720116036776/


Calling all drummers!

Urban Native organizers and community members are gathering for solidarity action on Friday June 14th, 2019, in response to Unist’ot’en call for International Solidarity in their battle with giant industry and the colonial courts.

We will gather together at Oppenheimer Park at 1pm with our drums, songs, and voices in solidarity! Join Sovereign Urban Native NationS, First Nations, supporters and allies call to Respect Indigenous Right to Sovereignty, Self-determination and Title! We say No to Pipelines on unceded land and Fracking our Mother Earth! We demand the colonial courts stand down and Respect Hereditary Governance!

We acknowledge that this action is being organized upon the unceded and stolen Indigenous lands of the Coast Salish peoples, inclusive of the x?m??k??y??m (Musqueam), s?l’ilw?ta?? (Tsleil-Waututh), and Sk_wx_wu´7mesh (Squamish) territories.


The Unist’ot’en are counting on supporters to mobilize in a big way for the next step in our legal battle. From June 12-14, the BC Supreme Court will rule on the interim injunction granted to Coastal GasLink (CGL) on December 15, 2018. It will either be extended to an interlocutory injunction, giving a pass to more RCMP violence, or dismissed, ending the human rights violations. But regardless of the outcome in the courts, it is not up to colonial government and industry giants to determine our fate. We remain unceded, undefeated, sovereign and victorious.

That interim injunction gave Coastal GasLink and the RCMP legal cover to violate Unist’ot’en territorial sovereignty, attack and arrest peaceful land defenders and begin preparations to build a fracked gas pipeline across their territory. Once again a lower court disregarded multiple Supreme Court decisions, International law – and more importantly natural law – endowing First Nations with rights and title over their unceded territories.

This is the time for all First Nations people – wherever you come from or currently reside on Turtle Island – along with our allies – to Stand with the Unist’ot’en and the entire Wet’suwet’en Nation. Demand the judge obey their own colonial law, respect the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples ratified by the Canadian government and recognize Unist’ot’en sovereignty on their never sold, never ceded, never surrendered territory.

Regardless of the court outcome, the time is NOW to recognize Indigenous sovereignty around the world. It is up to the Wet’suwet’en and our supporters to determine What’s Next.

15 June, Toulouse: Info Stand – Boycott Puma, sponsor of Israeli apartheid

Saturday, 15 June
3:00 pm
Metro Saint Cyprien 
Place Olivier
Toulouse, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2304852832891511/

Boycott PUMA, sponsor of the Israeli Football Association (IFA)!

In July 2018, Adidas decided to no longer sponsor the Israel Football Association (IFA) following a global mobilization. Puma then took over the sponsorship, agreeing to support Israeli IFA football clubs, 6 of which are in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. While Puma prides itself on “integrating [human] rights into [its] operations,” it agrees to sponsor football teams from a racist, colonial regime that steals the land of, expels, locks up and kills Palestinians since 1948, the date of the creation of the State of Israel. There are now more than 6 million Palestinian refugees, nearly two-thirds of the Palestinian people. By participating in the European championships, having great international brands as sponsor,

While Israeli settlers benefit from sponsors like PUMA to play football; in Gaza, the Israeli army continues to fire explosive bullets and kill and maim peaceful protestors.

It is unacceptable that PUMA continues to sponsor IFA and colonial football. Refuse to support PUMA in this operation: boycott PUMA!

Information stand Saturday 15 June at 3pm at the Saint Cyprien metro station in Toulouse at the call of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra.

Boycottons PUMA, sponsor de l’Association Israélienne de Football (IFA) !

En juillet 2018, Adidas décidait de ne plus sponsoriser l’Association Israélienne de Football (IFA) suite à une mobilisation mondiale. C’est Puma qui reprenait alors le marché, acceptant de soutenir les clubs de football israéliens de l’IFA, dont 6 se trouvent dans des colonies israéliennes en Cisjordanie occupée. Alors que Puma se targue « d’[intégrer] les droits de l’homme dans [ses] opérations », elle accepte de sponsoriser des équipes de football d’un régime raciste et colonial qui vole des terres, expulse, enferme et tue les Palestinien-ne-s depuis 1948, date de création de l’État d’Israël. On compte aujourd’hui plus de 5 millions de réfugié·e·s palestinien·ne·s, soit près de deux tiers du peuple palestinien. En participant aux championnats européens, en ayant de grandes marques internationales comme sponsor, Israël développe sa politique de normalisation de l’apartheid, de la colonisation et de l’occupation.

Lorsque les colons israéliens bénéficient de sponsors comme PUMA pour jouer au foot ; à Gaza, l’armée israélienne continue à tirer avec des balles explosives et à tuer et mutiler des jeunes manifestant·e·s pacifiques.

Il est inacceptable que PUMA continue à sponsoriser l’IFA et le foot colonial. Refusons de soutenir PUMA dans cette opération, boycottons PUMA !

Stand d’information samedi 15 juin dès 15H au métro Saint Cyprien à Toulouse à l’appel du Collectif Palestine Vaincra.

15 June, Berlin: Boycott Puma! Demonstration at Hackescher Markt

Saturday, 15 June
2:00 pm
PUMA Concept Store am Hackescher Markt
Rosenthaler Str. 40/41
Berlin, Germany
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/771711653223606/


More than 200 Palestinian football teams have called on PUMA to end sponsorship of the Israel Football Association (IFA) due to its support for Israeli war crimes. The IFA includes football teams that are based in illegal settlements and host matches on land stolen from Palestinians.


Israel’s settlements contribute to serious human rights abuses and are a direct cause for restrictions on Palestinian freedom of movement, access to natural resources, and ability to build homes and conduct business.


By sponsoring the Israel Football Association (IFA), Puma is endorsing the continued ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Israel uses sport to whitewash its crimes and normalise the status of illegal settlements.

As the main international sponsor of the IFA, Puma is lending its brand to cover up and sportwash Israel’s human rights abuses, including against Palestinian footballers.

Until they end their sponsorship of the IFA, join us in boycotting Puma and calling on Puma-sponsored teams to drop Puma.


Mehr als 200 palästinensische Fußballmannschaften haben PUMA aufgefordert, sein Sponsoring des Israelischen Fußballverbandes (IFA) aufgrund seiner Unterstützung für israelische Kriegsverbrechen einzustellen. Im IFA sind Fußballmannschaften, die in illegalen Siedlungen ansässig sind und Spiele auf von Palästinenser*innen gestohlenem Land ausrichten.


Israels Siedlungen tragen zu schweren Menschenrechtsverletzungen bei und sind eine unmittelbare Ursache für Einschränkungen der Bewegungsfreiheit der Palästinenser*innen, des Zugangs zu natürlichen Ressourcen und der Möglichkeit Häuser zu bauen und Geschäfte zu tätigen.


Mit dem Sponsoring des Israelischen Fußballverbandes (IFA) billigt PUMA die anhaltende ethnische Säuberung der Palästinenser*innen. Israel nutzt den Sport, um seine Verbrechen zu übertünchen und den Status illegaler Siedlungen zu normalisieren.

Als internationaler Hauptsponsor der IFA stellt PUMA seine Marke zur Verfügung, um die israelischen Menschenrechtsverletzungen, auch gegen palästinensische Fußballspeiler*innen, zu vertuschen und zu verschleiern.

Macht mit, boykottiert PUMA und ruft von PUMA gesponsorte Mannschaften auf, PUMA fallen zu lassen bis das Unternehmen sein Sponsoring des IFA beendet.


Unterstützt die weltweite Kampagne und …
… unterschreibt die Petition und fordert Puma auf, ihre Komplizenschaft zu beenden: bdsmovement.net/boot-puma

… postet auf Twitter, Instagram und Facebook darüber und nutzt #BoycottPuma und #GivePumaTheBoot

Weiter Informationen zur internationalen Kampagne #BoycottPUMA stehen auf www.bds-kampagne.de und auf www.bdsmovement.net.

Das DIN A5 Flugblatt zum download und ausdrucken. (http://bdsberlin.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/2-x-DIN-A5-Flyer-Boykott-PUMA.pdf)

14 June, Cagliari: Internationalist evening – Palestine and Venezuela

Friday, 14 June
6:30 pm
Associazione Amicizia Sardegna Palestina
Via Montesanto 28
Cagliari, Sardinia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/443320886451981/

Venezuela and Palestine: two peoples savagely attacked by the colonial politics of a West that has long lost the value of democracy, human dignity and international law.

A flood of lies overwhelms Western public opinion, while the peoples are harassed daily: from attempted coups to the theft of gold, from the sabotage of electricity to the lockouts carried out by the bosses, from medicines and foodstuffs blocked by sanctions to armed aid to the opposition to the threat of U.S. military intervention in Venezuela…… to the repeated theft of land and homes, targeted killings, arbitrary invasions of homes, sea blockades, brutal siege, illegitimate arrests, torture in prisons, arrests of children and apartheid in Palestine.

Yet the resistance continues. If at the international level, Venezuela appears to enjoy more international support (above all from Russia and China) it is also true that Zionist hegemony in the West is being challenged by Jewish protests, by the BDS campaign, by pro-Palestinian associations and the political and moral support of many Asian and African states.

Introduction by Fawzi Ismail, book presentation by Geraldina Colotti.

Appuntamento Internazionalista

La Palestina incontra il Venezuela

Venezuela-Palestina: due popoli aggrediti selvaggiamente dalla politica coloniale di un Occidente che ha smarrito da tempo il valore della democrazia, del rispetto della persona e del diritto internazionale.

Una marea di menzogne inonda l’opinione pubblica occidentale, mentre le popolazioni vengono vessate quotidianamente: dal tentato golpe al furto dell’oro, dai sabotaggi dell’elettricità alle serrate dei padroni, dalle medicine e dalle derrate alimentari imboscate alle sanzioni, dagli aiuti armati all’opposizione alla minaccia di intervento militare Usa in Venezuela… Ai furti ripetuti di terra e di case, omicidi mirati, invasioni arbitrarie di abitazioni, blocchi marini, embargo radicale, arresti illegali, tortura nelle carceri, arresto di minori, apartheid in Palestina

Ma la resistenza continua. Se a livello internazionale il Venezuela appare sostenuto più apertamente ( vedi soprattutto Russia e Cina) è anche vero che l’egemonia sionista in Occidente risulta incrinata dalle proteste ebraiche, dagli interventi capillari del BDS, dalla controinformazione delle associazioni filo-palestinesi, dal sostegno politico e morale di molti stati asiatici e africani rappresentati all’ONU.

Introduzione di Fawzi Ismail

Geraldina Colotti presenta il suo libro:

Dopo Chàvez. Come nascono le bandiere.

Segue dibattito sulla lotta internazionalista

Hassan al-Aweiwi suspends hunger strike after 69 days

Photo: Hassan al-Aweiwi

Palestinian political prisoner Hassan al-Aweiwi suspended his hunger strike on 10 June after Israeli prison officials conceded an end date for his administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial. Al-Aweiwi, 35, had maintained his hunger strike for 69 days. Last Thursday, 6 June, he was transferred to Barzilai hospital due to the severe deterioration of his health.

The Prisoners’ Affairs Commission announced that Aweiwi’s hunger strike had forced the Israeli occupation to concede, saying that “the negotiations between the prisoner, the prison administration and intelligence services earlier concluded an agreement to release him six months after the end of his first administrative detention order.”  This will be a “final” administrative detention order and he will be released after its completion.

He was seized from his home on 15 January 2019 and ordered to administrative detention – imprisonment without charge or trial. There are currently approximately 500 Palestinians, out of a total of 5,400 Palestinian prisoners, held under administrative detention. Detention orders can be issued for up to six months at a time and are indefinitely renewable; Palestinians have been jailed for years at a time under administrative detention.

He launched his hunger strike on 2 April 2019 to demand his release from administrative detention. Since that time, he has been subjected to ongoing retaliation, including isolation, delayed legal visits and denied family visits. Aweiwi is married and the father of three children. His mother launched her own hunger strike two days ago to draw attention and support for her son’s case, especially after he reached a dangerous health situation.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes the steadfastness of Hassan al-Aweiwi and his struggle for justice and liberation. His achievement echoes those of many earned by Palestinian prisoners through courageous struggle with their bodies and lives on the line. We urge the broadest campaign to bring an end to administrative detention and win liberation for all Palestinian prisoners behind Israeli bars.