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Salwa Hassan liberated from occupation prisons

salwa-hassanAddameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association reported on Thursday, June 13, 2013 that Salwa Hassan, a 55 year old mother who was arrested on Atsyoun checkpoint on 19 October 2011 was released after serving a 21 month sentence.

Preliminary reports from Ahrar Center state that she is suffering from several health problems that were exacerbated during her prison sentence, including neck pains and high blood pressure.

PCHR: 51 Palestinians abducted this week by occupation forces

pchrReport from the Independent Middle East Media Centre:

In its Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories for the week of 05 – 12 June 2013, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) found that Israeli forces have continued to open fire at the Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip border area. A Palestinian worker was wounded, east of Khan Yunis in the south of the Gaza Strip. 5 Palestinian civilians, including a child, were wounded during an Israeli incursion in al-Far’ah refugee camp, south of Tubas.

In addition, Israeli forces have continued to use excessive force against peaceful protesters in the West Bank. A protester was wounded during a peaceful protest in Bil’in village, west of Ramallah.

Israeli attacks in the West Bank:

Israeli forces conducted 67 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank this week, in which they abducted 51 Palestinian civilians, including 3 children. Among the abducted is Abdul Jaber Foqaha’, Member of the Palestinian Legislative Council for the Change and Reform Bloc.

In one example of this week’s 67 incursions, on Wednesday June 5th, at approximately 09:55, Israeli forces moved into al-Khader village, south of Bethlehem. They positioned themselves around schools in the Old Town. A number of students gathered and threw stones at the Israeli soldiers, who in response fired rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result, a number of students suffered tear gas inhalation and were treated on the spot. The Israeli forces abducted the student Hamza Mahmoud al-Wahesh (15) and took him to “Gosh Etzion” settlement, south of the city. When al-Wahesh’s father went to ask about his son, the Israeli forces released him after 2 hours.

Israeli forces established dozens of checkpoints in the West Bank. 7 Palestinian civilians, including 3 children, were abducted at checkpoints in the West Bank. One of the detainees is 12 years old.

On Wednesday, 05 June 2013, Israeli forces moved into al-Thagra area, near “Neve Daniel” settlement, south of al-Khader village, in the south of Bethlehem and destroyed an arbor under the pretext of not obtaining a permit.

On Thursday, 06 June 2013, Israeli forces handed a Yatta municipal employee a notice to halt work in a street that is being paved in Mothalath Zeif area, at the eastern entrance of Yatta, which is linked to Bypass Road (60), south of Hebron.

On Saturday, 08 June 2013, Israeli forces uprooted a tent in al-Jab’a area to the west of Sourif village, northwest of Hebron that was established by Palestinians, member of Popular Committees against the Settlement Activities and a number of international and Israeli human rights activists, under the name Kan’an village. Also on Saturday, Israeli forces bulldozed and closed an agricultural road, which leads to 50 dunums of farmlands in the area of Salem Valley, in the west of the village, with rocks and piles of dirt. The 50-dunum-land is planted with grapevines.

On Sunday, 09 June 2013, Israeli forces chased farmers and shepherds of the Hathaleen family while present in the surroundings of Kherbat Uml-Khair area to the east of Yatta, south of Hebron, under the pretext that these lands are confiscated and are restricted to them. It should be mentioned that the Israeli forces have been trying to evacuate the inhabitants of the area of the Hathaleen family for several years for expansion schemes of “Carmiel” settlement, which is established on the lands of the Uml-Khair.

Also on Sunday, Israeli forces denied farmers from Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron, access to their lands, which are located within the security fence of “Kermi Tsour” settlement, which is established on Palestinian civilians’ lands in the north of Hebron. The farmers waited for more than an hour before a soldier approached them and ordered them to leave at gunpoint. It should be noted that Israeli forces confiscated many agricultural dunums of Beit Ummar village and Halhoul for the expansion of the afore-mentioned settlement. In al-Buq’a area in the east of Hebron, Israeli forces placed a notice to halt construction works near an under construction water well, which is the property of Atta Abdel-Jawad Mohammed Jaber (44).

On Wednesday, 12 June 2013, Israeli forces bulldozed an occupied house and an under construction barrack in East Barta’a village, which is isolated from its Palestinian surroundings due to the construction of the annexation wall in the west of Jenin. The house is of two floors, each of 170 square metres, and is the property of Ahmed Omar Qubha (29), and the barrack is the property of Ali Mohammed Qubha (47).

Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip:

In the Gaza Strip, on 10 June 2013, Israeli forces stationed on watchtowers along the border fence, east of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, opened fire at 3 brothers working as gravel collectors 80 meters away from the border fence. As a result, Amer Mazen Abu Hadayed (20) was wounded and taken to the European Gaza Hospital in Khan Yunis.

Israeli navy forces continued to pursue Palestinian fishermen in Gaza sea. On 05, 06 and 08 June 2013, Israeli forces opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats that were sailing within the 6 nautical mile limit off al-Waha resort in the north of the Gaza Strip. No casualties were reported. However, a fishing boat belonging to Taha Sa’dAllah (30) sustained damage and 2 fishing nets were torn by the Israeli navy forces.

In the same context, on 07 June 2013, Israeli navy forces abducted 2 fishermen from the central Gaza Strip, confiscated their boat and released them later at Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing.

Also in the Gaza Strip, on 11 June 2013, Israeli forces conducted a limited incursion in the east of Deir al-Balah in the central the Gaza Strip. They levelled lands and withdrew later. The second incursion was conducted on 12 June 2013, northeast of Gaza valley (Johr al-Deek).

Israel has continued to impose a total closure on the Occupied Palestinian Territories and has isolated the Gaza Strip from the outside world. The illegal closure of the Gaza Strip, which has steadily tightened since June 2007, has had a disastrous impact on the humanitarian and economic situation in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli authorities impose measures to undermine the freedom of trade, including the basic needs for the Gaza Strip population and the agricultural and industrial products to be exported. For 7 consecutive years, Israel has tightened the land and naval closure to isolate the Gaza Strip from the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, and other countries around the world. This resulted in a grave violation of the economic, social and cultural rights and a deterioration of living conditions for 1.7 million people. The Israeli authorities has established Karm Abu Salem (Kerem Shaloum) as the sole crossing for imports and exports in order to exercise its control over the Gaza Strip’s economy that has been aggravating for years due to the shortage of imports. They also aim at imposing a complete ban on the Gaza Strip’s exports.

Israeli settlement activities:

Israeli forces have continued to support settlement activities in the West Bank and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.

On Thursday, 06 June 2013, a group of settlers from “Bat Ayin” settlement, which is established on Palestinian lands in the west of Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron, cut and destroyed 20 3-year-old olive trees in Abul-Reish valley area, near the afore-mentioned settlement. It should be mentioned that this attack is the third of its kind to be carried out by settlers in al-Saliby’s land in 2013. Also on Thursday, a group of settlers from “Maon” settlement, established on Palestinian land in the east of Yatta attacked a group of farmers from the Awad family while working in their farmlands in Qwayweis and Um al-‘Arayes areas, in the east of the afore-mentioned area, and banned from working on their land at gunpoint.

On Thursday as well, dozens of settlers from “Najohout settlement,” which is established on Palestinian lands, in the south of Doura, southwest of Hebron, patrolled the streets of Kharsa valley area, under strict protection of the Israeli forces. No incidents were reported. And later on Thursday, a group of settlers, under the protection of Israeli forces, moved into Kufol Hares village, north of Salfit. The settlers chanted anti-Arab slogans and made graffiti in Hebrew inside the historical and religious landmarks, and on the houses of Palestinians as well, such as “Death to Arabs.”

On Tuesday, 11 June 2013, a number of settlers’ children from “Beitar Illit,” established on the lands of Houssan, Nahalin and Fouqin Valley villages, in the western countryside of Bethlehem, set fire in lands in Kherbat al-Deir area in the west of Nahlain village. As a result, approximately 10 trees and other crops caught on fire. The inhabitants of the village put out the fire.

Israeli attacks on non-violent demonstrations:

In the West Bank, Israeli forces continued the systematic use of excessive force against peaceful protests organised by Palestinian, Israeli and international activists against the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activities in the West Bank. As a result, Amr Hesham Bernat (25) was wounded during a peaceful protest in Bil’in village, west of Ramallah, on 07 June 2013. Moreover, dozens suffered tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises.

On 12 June 2013, 5 civilians, including a child, sustained bullet wounds when Israeli forces moved into al-Far’ah refugee camp, south of Tubas.

Following the Friday Prayer, 07 June 2013, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders organised a peaceful demonstration in Bil’in village, west of Ramallah, in protest at the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activity and in commemoration of the 1967 war. The demonstrators marched through the streets of the village, chanting slogans calling for national unity, raised Palestinian flags and made their way towards the lands adjacent to the annexation wall. Israeli forces had closed all entrances to the village since the early morning to prevent Palestinians, journalists, and international activists from joining the protest. The demonstrators walked along the wall and attempted to breach it. Israeli forces stationed behind the western side of the wall, and dozens of soldiers who were deployed along the route of the wall, fired live ammunition, rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs, tear gas canisters, and waste water at the demonstrators, and chased them across olive fields. As a result, Amro Hisham Bernat (25) was hit in the right leg by a tear gas canister. Furthermore, the shooting of tear gas canisters at the demonstrators caused fire in a tract of land that is planted with olive trees.

Also, following the Friday Prayer, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders organised a peaceful demonstration in Ni’lin village, west of Ramallah, in protest at the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activities. The demonstrators made their way towards the annexation wall. Israeli forces closed the wall gate with barbed wire and, when the demonstrators attempted to access the lands behind the barbed wire, they were stopped by Israeli soldiers. The demonstrators threw stones at the Israeli soldiers who responded with live ammunition, rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs, and tear gas canisters, and chased them across fields of olive trees as far as the outskirts of the village. As a result, dozens of demonstrators suffered tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises.

Around the same time on Friday, dozens of Palestinian civilians, and Israeli and international human rights activists gathered at the Martyrs Square in Nabi Saleh village, northwest of Ramallah, to hold a weekly peaceful protest against the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activities. The protesters walked towards Palestinian lands that Israeli settlers from the nearby “Halmish” settlement are trying to seize. From the morning, Israeli forces had closed all entrances to the village to prevent Palestinians, international activists, and journalists from joining the demonstration. Upon their arrival in the area, Israeli soldiers fired live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets, sound bombs, and tear gas canisters, chased the demonstrators into the village and sprayed them and civilian houses with waste water. As a result, dozens of Palestinians suffered from tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises. The firing of the tear gas canisters caused a fire in a tract of land which is planted with olive trees. Also, Israeli forces abducted two brothers, from the neighbouring Deir Nezam village, while they were in a supermarket in al-Khawaja station and took them to Ofer prison in the southwest of Ramallah. At approximatel 00:00 on Monday, 10 June 2013, they were released on a bail of 2000 Israeli shekels each. The abducted persons are: Tamim Ahmed Faraj Mezher (19); and Mo’men Ahmed Faraj Mezher (19).

Following Friday Prayer, dozens of inhabitants of al-Mas’ra village, south of Bethlehem, international and Israeli human rights activists, and activists in the Popular Resistance Committees gathered for the weekly peaceful demonstration against the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activity. The demonstration was also organized in protest to the construction of a school for settlers in the south of Bethlehem. It started outside Shomou’ Cultural Centre in the centre of the village. The participants carried Palestinian flags, roamed the streets of the village. Upon their arrival to the village’s entrance, Israeli forces, backed-up by Israeli police and border guards, fired tear gas canisters at them in order to disperse them. Many demonstrators suffered due to tear gas inhalation.

At approximately 13:20 on Friday, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international human rights defenders organised a peaceful demonstration in the centre of Kufor Kadoum village, northeast of Qalqilya, in protest at the continuous closure of the eastern entrance of the village which has been ongoing since the outbreak of al-Aqsa Intifada. Israeli soldiers denied them access to the gate and fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters; as a result, many demonstrators suffered from tear gas inhalation.

Recommendations to the international community:

Due to the number and severity of Israeli human rights violations this week, the PCHR made several recommendations to the international community. Among these were a recommendation that the Parties to international human rights instruments, especially the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, to pressure Israel to comply with their provisions in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and to compel it to incorporate the human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories in its reports submitted to the concerned committees;

In addition, the PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions to fulfil their obligation to ensure the application of the Conventions, including extending the scope of their jurisdiction in order to prosecute suspected war criminals, regardless of the nationality of the perpetrator and the place of a crime, to pave the way for prosecuting suspected Israeli war criminals and end the longstanding impunity they have enjoyed.

Israeli corporation profits from high price of prisoners’ food

By John Space, April 20, 2013, Palestine Monitor

Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails often purchase items from the canteen, an alternative to the meals provided by the Israel Prison Service each day. But the high cost of the canteen provides ample profits to the private Israeli company Dadash, which holds the contract to supply food and other items to the canteens in all Israeli jails.

A spokesperson for the Israel Prison Service told the Palestine Monitor that the prices of food and goods sold in the canteens are lower than the prices outside the prisons because Dadash is able to buy in bulk. A Palestine Monitor investigation found that this is untrue, and prices in the canteen are often radically higher than the normal prices of goods in the Palestinian territories.

Prisoner Jawar J., who is currently held in Ofer prison, told the Palestine Monitor during a tour offered by the IPS at the prison on April 15 that the canteen offers goods at “Very high prices, much higher than the outside.”

al-Jabari quoted the price of a kilo of chicken in Ofer’s canteen at 63 shekels (17.38 USD), compared to roughly 20 shekels (5.52 USD) a kilo in Ramallah.

The Palestinian prisoners-rights organization Addameer is preparing a comprehensive report, to be released May 15, on private companies profiting off the Israeli prison system. The group’s data, provided by the Israel Prison Service, had chicken at 4.71 USD a kilo, compared to Addameer’s estimate of 4.56 USD in a Palestinian market, still a 3.76% increase.

Addameer legal researcher Mourad Jadallah said that contracting prison food services to a private company is illegal under international law.

“In contravention of international law, the Israel Prison Service gave the canteen for prisoners to a company called Dadash,” he said. “Based on international law, the canteen should be run by Israel based on prices less or equal to the price in the prisoners’ home country, the occupied territories.”

Israel is a signatory to the Third Geneva Convention, which relates to prisoners of war. The Convention is very clear that profits from prison canteens must not be used for the profit of private corporations. Article 28 of the Convention reads:

“Canteens shall be installed in all camps, where prisoners of war may procure foodstuffs, soap prices. The profits made by camp canteens shall be used for the benefit of the prisoners; a special fund shall be created for this purpose.”

Israel is therefore clearly in violation of international law in its use of privatized canteens in its prison system.

This is, of course, far from the only war crime routinely committed by the Israel Prison Service. Jadallah, the legal expert at Addameer, said most of the goods sold in the canteens are produced in settlements. Settlement building is a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

The Third Geneva Convention also prohibits the transfer of prisoners out of their home country, meaning that Israel’s common practice of moving prisoners from the West Bank and Gaza into prisons inside Israel is also a war crime.

Furthermore, prisoners in Ofer and other prisons are routinely held in solitary confinement, which is considered a form of torture by the United Nations. There was also the case of Arafat Jaradat, who was tortured to death in February while being interrogated in Israel’s Meggido prison. More recently, 64-year-old Maysara Abuhamdia died of cancer earlier this month after being denied treatment for two years inside an Israeli prison.

According to Article 30 of the Third Geneva Convention, “Prisoners of war suffering from serious disease, or whose condition necessitates special treatment, a surgical operation or hospital care, must be admitted to any military or civilian medical unit where such treatment can be given… Prisoners of war may not be prevented from presenting themselves to the medical authorities for examination.”

Jadallah said prisoners are sometimes placed in solitary confinement as punishment for joining a hunger strike. An Israel Prison Service spokesperson claimed that this is not the case, and also claimed that almost no prisoners actually participate in hunger strikes. The spokesperson said that, although prisoners sometimes refuse meals prepared in the prison cafeteria, they still eat food bought at the canteen. Jadallah said this is impossible, because prisoners on hunger strike often have all their personal belongings seized by the Prison Service, including any food they may have bought at the canteen.

The Palestinian Authority provides Palestinian prisoners with about 300 shekels (82.76 USD) a month to spend in the canteens, Jadallah said. He said the food provided by the Prison Service free of charge is not sufficient and the average prisoner needs to buy an additional 800-1000 shekels (220-275 USD) a month of food from the canteen.

“The food provided by the IPS is not good. The only way to feed themselves is to buy from the canteen,” he said.

Israel’s privatization of the canteens in Ofer and other prisons is in direct contravention of the Third Geneva Convention, but it is only one of many war crimes committed by Israel on a daily basis, and indeed it is only a small part of the myriad human-rights violations committed by the Israel Prison Service.

“The canteen is just one tool to exploit the prisoners,” Jadallah said.

April 17: Call-In Day for Palestinian Prisoners – US

stopadOn April 17 – International Palestinian Prisoners Day – we call on all activists around the world to contact their leaders and –

Demand justice for Arafat Jaradat and Maysara Abuhamdieh and
Demand freedom for Samer Issawi and all Palestinian political prisoners.

We call on activists in the U.S., to contact President Obama and the State Department, Wednesday, April 17, from 8 AM to 4 PM CST, to take action.

“My name is _____ from __________ and I demand that:

– the US administration sanction Israel for the deaths of Arafat Jaradat and Maysara Abuhamdieh and
– demand that the Israelis release hunger striker Samer Issawi and all the Palestinian administrative detainees and political prisoners held by Israel.”

1) Call President Obama at 1-202-456-1111

2) Call US Secretary of State John Kerry at 1-202-647-4000 (pick option 4 for the operator and ask to leave a message for Kerry) and the Office of Near East Affairs at 1-202-647-7209 (you will get transferred to Marguerite Pickett to leave a message)

Also be part of the ongoing worldwide campaign on Twitter at 2PM CST on Weds. to demand the release of Samer Issawi. Check @samerissawi1 for the hashtag to use.

For updates on the worldwide campaign, follow “The Free Samer Issawi Campaign” page on Facebook

There are still over 4,800 Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli jails, including children and administrative detainees (jailed without charge or trial). Over the past month we’ve seen Samer Issawi remain on hunger strike for over 260 days until he wins freedom without conditions; we’ve seen Arafat Jaradat tortured to death in Israeli prison; and Maysara Abuhamdieh die of cancer after being refused proper medical treatment by the Israeli prison service. The Israelis have continued their illegal policies of jailing Palestinians without charge or trial, jailing children in violation of all international laws, and torturing prisoners regardless of their age or gender.

But we have also seen the resistance of Palestinian prisoners to this repression through waves of hunger strikes throughout the Israeli prison system. We’ve seen Palestinians taking to the streets to protest the treatment of the men and women who resist the occupation of their land. And we’ve also seen the protests by Palestine solidarity activists around the world supporting the demand for justice and freedom for all Palestinian political prisoners.

Issawi had been detained by Israeli authorities without any charge whatsoever. He had been released from prison in October 2011 as a part of the Shalit prisoner swap, but was detained again without charge on July 7, 2012, and has been refusing food since August 2012 to protest his detention.

Sponsored by:

Palestine Solidarity Group (PSG) – Chicago
U.S. Palestinian Community Network (USPCN) – National
USPCN – Chicago
Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) – Chicago
Committee Against Political Repression (CAPR)
Coalition to Protect People’s Rights (CPPR)
Committee to Stop FBI Repression (CSFR)
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) – Chicago
American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) – Chicago
Students for Justice in Palestine from NEIU, University of Chicago, and Northwestern University

April 17: Berkeley Protest for Palestinian Prisoners Day

berkeleyprisFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/591257320886678/

Palestinian Prisoners Day Protest: Berkeley, CA

At 11:30am SHARP we will first be meeting at LOWER SPROUL for instructions. The demonstration will comprise of a large body of students representing hunger strikers and a group of speakers.


For the body of hunger strikers, we will start at Lower Sproul and march up to Upper Sproul to the steps of Sproul Hall, following behind a few of the speakers. Some of you will be holding signs, but everyone else can stand with their hands behind their back. For the breaks between speakers/poems/letters, we will recite chants.

For those who will not be part of hunger strikers, you will pass out flyers advertising tomorrow’s divestment vote.

For those who wish to speak, please send me a message with what you wish to share (please keep it pertinent to prisons, and if possible, Palestinian prisoners–perhaps the influence of the Palestinian hunger strike movement in Guantanamo and Pelican?)

Following the last speaker we will end with one last chant, then you’re done!

Remember, 11:30am SHARP at Lower Sproul!


April 17: Philadelphia Fast for Palestinian Prisoners’ Day

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/269643646506213/
Join members of Philly BDS as we fast for 24 hours to demand freedom for all Palestinian political prisoners and mark Palestinian Prisoners’ Day on Wednesday, April 17.

There are still over 4,800 Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli jails, including children and administrative detainees (jailed without charge or trial). Over the past months we have seen Samer Issawi remain on hunger strike for over 260 days until he wins freedom without conditions; we have seen Arafat Jaradat tortured to death in Israeli prison; and Maysara Abuhamdieh die of cancer after being refused proper medical treatment by the Israeli prison service. The Israelis have continued their illegal policies of jailing Palestinians without charge or trial, jailing children in violation of all international laws, and torturing prisoners regardless of their age or gender.

But we also see the resistance of Palestinian prisoners to this repression through waves of hunger strikes throughout the Israeli prison system. We have seen Palestinians taking to the streets to protest the treatment of the men and women who resist the occupation of their land. And we have also seen the protests by Palestine solidarity activists around the world supporting the demand for justice and freedom for all Palestinian political prisoners.


April 19: Chicago Action for Palestinian Prisoners’ Day

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/348321378621665/?ref=22

chicagoprotJoin the Palestinian community and Palestinian activists from across Chicago for our “Intifada Theater” production in support of International Palestinian Prisoners Day. April 17 is the day when activists around the world demand justice and freedom for all Palestinian political prisoners.

There are still over 4,800 Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli jails, including children and administrative detainees (jailed without charge or trial). Over the past month we’ve seen Samer Issawi remain on hunger strike for over 260 days until he wins freedom without conditions; we’ve seen Arafat Jaradat tortured to death in Israeli prison; and Maysara Abuhamdieh die of cancer after being refused proper medical treatment by the Israeli prison service. The Israelis have continued their illegal policies of jailing Palestinians without charge or trial, jailing children in violation of all international laws, and torturing prisoners regardless of their age or gender.

But we have also seen the resistance of Palestinian prisoners to this repression through waves of hunger strikes throughout the Israeli prison system. We’ve seen Palestinians taking to the streets to protest the treatment of the men and women who resist the occupation of their land. And we’ve also seen the protests by Palestine solidarity activists around the world supporting the demand for justice and freedom for all Palestinian political prisoners.

Sponsored by:

Palestine Solidarity Group (PSG) – Chicago
U.S. Palestinian Community Network (USPCN) – National
USPCN – Chicago
Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) – Chicago
Committee Against Political Repression (CAPR)
Coalition to Protect People’s Rights (CPPR)
Committee to Stop FBI Repression (CSFR)
American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) – Chicago
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) – Chicago
Students for Justice in Palestine from NEIU, University of Chicago, and Northwestern University

April 19, Vancouver: Reem Kelani – Music of Resistance for Palestinian Prisoners’ Day

Music of Resistance: Reem Kelani
Friday, April 19, 7:00pm, Rhizome Cafe, 317 East Broadway, Vancouver
(unceded Coast Salish territories)

Marking Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, commemorate Palestinian cultural resistance with art and music, featuring the song of Palestinian singer and musician Reem Kelani.

Presented by the Boycott Israeli Apartheid Campaign, organizing in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation and self-determination, and to support the Palestinian call for international boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) of Israel. Endorsed by the Canada Palestine Association, Conference of the Palestinian Shatat in North America, Independent Jewish Voices – Vancouver
$10 suggested donation, but no one turned away for lack of funds



April 17: Toronto – Criminalization of Dissent: Event for Palestinian Prisoners’ Day

On the occasion of Palestinian Prisoners Day, and as part of the LACSN solidarity month events, please join CAIA at an event we are co-hosting:

Criminalization of Dissent: A Panel Discussion
Wednesday, April 17
7:00 – 9:00 pm
OISE, Room 5-250
252 Bloor Street West, (above St. George station)

Speakers include Palestinian activist Issam Alyamani, Six Nations land defender Francine “Flower” Doxtator, Mapuche activist Jaroslava Avila, Krisna Saravanamuttu of the Coalition for Tamil Rights, former political prisoner Perry Sorio of Migrante as well as a special guest speaker on the issue of security certificates in Canada.


Addameer launches Stop Administrative Detention Campaign for Palestinian Prisoners’ Day

Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association has created a new website of factsheets, materials, reports and invaluable information for all advocates for Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, as part of its new campaign to stop administrative detention:


Join Addameer’s Global End Administrative Detention Campaign!

Addameer calls on activists and people of conscience to stand in solidarity with all political prisoners and join Addameer Prisoners’ Support and Human Rights Organization’s upcoming global campaign against administrative detention.

 Over 4,743 Palestinians are currently detained by Israel; 10 of them women, 193 of them children, and 178 of them held under administrative detention, a decrepit policy that Israel uses to hold Palestinians on secret information indefinitely without charging them or allowing them to stand trial.

Not only are these prisoners held arbitrarily, but Israel’s use of administrative detention violates several international standards, such as deporting Palestinians from the occupied territory to Israel, denying regular family visits and failing to take into account the best interests of child detainees as required under international law.

We need your support to break their chains and the silence on administrative detention.

 Today, Israel has outsourced security for prisons where Palestinians are held to a British-Danish company named G4S. Along with the Israeli Prison Service, G4S is responsible for the harsh conditions the prisoners faced during the historic 2012 hunger strikes that thousands of Palestinians participated in, including two hunger strikers that neared death in protest of their arbitrary detention, Khader Adnan and Hana Al-Shalabi. G4S is also complicit in Israel’s detention of nearly one-third of the Palestinian Legislative Council since 2006, and for dozens of human rights defenders being arrested every year for participating in popular resistance.

The government of Israel should release all administrative detainees, and in the meantime, all administrative detainees must be granted their rights in accordance with international law.

Addameer supports the international boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against G4S to end its complicity in detaining administrative detainees and  to put pressure on the Israeli government to release the prisoners. Addameer calls on solidarity organizations, individuals and human rights organizations around the world to join our End Administrative Detention campaign launching on 17 April 2013.


You can help us pressure the Israeli government to release the prisoners by:

  • Participating in a mass day of mobilization in your city on 17 April, the annual Palestinian Prisoners Day.
  • Organizing an “End Administrative Detention” week on 17-24 April 2013 in your city or university campus using Addameer’s forthcoming campaign materials.
  • Joining a local G4S BDS campaign in your city.
  • Raising awareness about administrative detention in your community.


Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube or visit our main website www.addameer.org for further information