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#AllForPalestine with Palestina Libre – Murcia: Samidoun welcomes our newest network affiliate!

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is honored to welcome our newest affiliate organization, Palestina Libre – Murcia, alongside our comrades in Samidoun España. For decades, Palestina Libre has been organizing and bringing together social organizations, trade unions, progressive movements and activists in the Murcia region of Spain to support the liberation of the land and people of Palestine and to confront imperialism and Zionism. 

On the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Palestina Libre-Murcia, as part of the campaigns of Samidoun and the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine, produced a video calling for the implementation of all of the rights of the Palestinian people — including freedom for Palestinian prisoners and the liberation of Palestine:

This Thursday, 2 December, Palestina Libre-Murcia, the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine and Samidoun España will screen “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight,” the new film about Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab Communist struggler for Palestine imprisoned in France for 37 years. The screening will take place at CCOO Regional at C/Corbalan 4 in Murcia, at 6:30 pm, with free entrance. Jaldia Abubakra, Palestinian activist with Samidoun, Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization and the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path, will speak after the film screening.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and our members and affiliates around the world are honored to welcome our comrades in Palestina Libre-Murcia to our growing network. We look forward to continuing to struggle together toward the freedom of all Palestinian prisoners in Israeli, imperialist and reactionary regime prisons and for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. 

Samidoun organizes for the liberation of all Palestinian prisoners and prisoners of the Palestinian cause from Israeli jails, Palestinian Authority jails and reactionary and imperialist prisons. If you or your organization are interested in becoming an affiliate organization, joining one of our chapters or affiliates, or launching your own chapter, please contact us at samidoun@samidoun.net.

#AllForPalestine: International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People Social Media Action

On the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People — a day in which we call for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea and demand an end to the crime committed by the United Nations on this date in 1947, the partition of Palestine for the benefit of the settler-colonial Zionist project — Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins with the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine for the #AllForPalestine social media campaign:

On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

We call upon all the activists and lovers of Palestine to interact and participate in all solidarity activities in their countries, with the need to participate in the international digital campaign on the hashtag:

November 29, 2021

Please see: the letter of the Masar Badil (Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path) to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, declaring that:

It must be a day for action to implement the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, foremost of which is the right of return for Palestinian refugees, in addition to compensation and restitution of property, as well as the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation and colonialism by all means, including armed struggle, until our full right to self-determination is exercised across the land of Palestine, from the river to the sea.

In this context, we must make clear that Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Authority and the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization do not represent the Palestinian people. Instead, they represent a small sector that has repeatedly relinquished Palestinian rights through a series of unlawful and illegitimate “agreements” with Israel, the Zionist colonial project on Palestinian land. The so-called “peace talks” and the Oslo Accords have not served to protect the Palestinian people’s rights to freedom, self-determination, return and liberation from colonialism.

On the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, it is time for the crimes against the Palestinian people to come to an end and for the United Nations to take responsibility for its illegitimate attempt to partition Palestinian land in the interests of a colonial, racist project in 1947 and all of the ensuing and ongoing crimes perpetrated against the Palestinian people. Rather than inviting the Palestinian Authority to speak for the Palestinian people, the United Nations must act to implement all of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people from the river to the sea, throughout occupied Palestine. The Palestinian people will not rest in our liberation struggle until justice is obtained.

Two Palestinian prisoners continue hunger strike for freedom; Louay al-Ashqar suspends strike after 49 days

Palestinian prisoner Louay al-Ashqar suspended his hunger strike after 49 days with an agreement to set a specific date for the end of his administrative detention, Israeli imprisonment without charge or trial. Hisham Abu Hawash, on hunger strike for 104 days, and Nidal Ballout, on hunger strike for 30 days, are continuing to refuse food to demand their freedom and an end to the system of administrative detention.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes Louay al-Ashqar — whose brother Mohammed was previously murdered by Israeli occupation forces in the Negev desert prison in 2007 — on his steadfastness and victory over the jailer. We urge all supporters of Palestine to continue to organize to free the hunger strikers and all Palestinian prisoners subjected to the colonial regime of Israeli occupation. Join us on 1 December 2021 for the Day of Action to Free Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike for in-person and online actions for justice, freedom and liberation!

Al-Ashqar, 45, is from Saida near Tulkarem; he has been jailed without charge or trial since 5 October 2021 and launched his strike immediately after an administrative detention order was imposed upon him. He is paralyzed in his left leg after being tortured by Israeli occupation forces during a previous arrest in 2005, and he is married and the father of eight children. He has spent approximately 8 years in Israeli prison; during his strike, he was transferred to the Jalameh interrogation center as another form of pressure upon him, as it is widely considered one of the worst prisons, with conditions incompatible with human life.

Meanwhile, Hisham Abu Hawash has continued his hunger strike for 103 days. Despite his rapidly deteriorating health condition, occupation forces have contnued to confine him in the notorious Ramle prison clinic, well-known among Palestinian prisoners and their families for medical neglect and mistreatment of detainees. Like his fellow hunger strikers, he has been transferred to outside civilian hospitals on several occasions, only to be returned to the Ramle prison; this process puts further physical and psychological pressure on the hunger striker, in an attempt to force him to end his strike.

Abu Hawash, 39 and from Dura, outside al-Khalil, has been jailed without charge or trial since October 2020. Three consecutive administrative detention orders have been issued against him, the most recent after he had already launched his strike. While the six-month order was reduced to four months, it was explicitly confirmed to be open for renewal, compelling Abu Hawash to continue his strike. He is married and the father of five children.

Nidal Ballout, 27, from Bani Naim in al-Khalil district, has been on hunger strike for 30 days. While he has gone without food for a full month since his detention on 29 October, his lawyer only learned of his hunger strike days ago. Ballout had been prohibited from receiving a legal visit since his arrest; he had been subject to a harsh “military” interrogation during this time. After the Israeli occupation jailers failed to coerce a confession from him despite extending his interrogation for 28 days, his family reported that he had been transferred to administrative detention without charge or trial by an Israeli military court.

He is married and the father of two children; he was previously arrested by the Israeli occupation twice in the past. He was injured in 2013 when he was last arrested and continues to suffer stomach, back and head pain; he is being held in the Israeli occupation Ofer prison.

What Is Administrative Detention?

Administrative detention was first used in Palestine by the British colonial mandate and then adopted by the Zionist regime; it is now used routinely to target Palestinians, especially community leaders, activists, and influential people in their towns, camps and villages.

There are currently approximately 520 Palestinians jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention, out of 4,650 Palestinian political prisoners. These orders are issued by the military and approved by military courts on the basis of “secret evidence”, denied to both Palestinian detainees and their attorneys. Issued for up to six months at a time, they are indefinitely renewable, and Palestinians — including minor children — can spend years jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all supporters of Palestine to take action to support these Palestinian hunger strikers and all Palestinian prisoners struggling for freedom, for their own lives and for the Palestinian people. They are confronting the system of Israeli oppression on the front lines, with their bodies and their lives, to bring the system of administrative detention to an end. Take these actions below to stand with the hunger strikers and the struggle for liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea!


  • Join the day of action on 1 December!As Palestinian political prisoners continue their hunger strikes in defiance of their illegitimate imprisonment by the Zionist occupation, National Students for Justice in Palestine, The Palestinian Youth Movement, IDOC Watch and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network call on all individuals and institutions committed to Palestinian liberation affirm their solidarity with the striking prisoners and demand an end to the colonial systems of administrative detention and military courts!

    Take two actions: 

        • Join the social media day of action on 1 December! Start Tweeting and posting on Instagram with the hashtag #FreeThemAll at 10 am Pacific, 1 pm Eastern, 7 pm central Europe, 8 pm Palestine.
        • Take the salt water challenge! Gather with your comrades, organizations, colleagues and friends to sip salt and water (symbolizing the salt and water Palestinian hunger strikers rely on) together. We’ll provide a script for you to read. You can even do it alone and post the video on your social media — or gather together for a protest action!

Download these signs for use in your campaigns:

10 December, Vancouver: Fight State Terror, Defend People’s Rights! demonstration

Friday, 10 December
5:00 pm
Commercial-Broadway SkyTrain Station
Vancouver, BC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/320647343216054

On the International Day for Human Rights, join local organizers from the International League of People’s Struggles (ILPS) for a solidarity rally and hear reports from peoples struggles for justice and liberation across Turtle Island, Philippines, Palestine, Chile, India, and beyond. Come out to denounce state violence and UNITE for People’s Rights & Justice!

On a global scale there has been a rise in state sanctioned violence against human rights and land defenders. This violence is being perpetrated in order to maintain oppressive systems of labour exploitation, resource extraction, and corporate profits. Those who resist are violently repressed through red-tagging, militarization, imprisonment, and extrajudicial killings.

While the violent suppression of people’s rights continues, unified peoples’ resistance is also intensifying! Join us in our common struggle against imperialist aggression, capitalist plunder, land theft, and state terror! Defend People’s Rights! Long Live International Solidarity!

2 December, Vancouver: “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight” Film Screening

POSTPONED: https://samidoun.net/2021/12/university-of-british-columbia-postpones-fedayin-film-screening-due-to-zionist-pressure/

Thursday, 2 December
7:00 pm
University of British Columbia
Room ANGU098
2053 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/4648781165215313
Register online for free tickets: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/fedayin-georges-abdallah-film-screening-tickets-218193882777

VANCOUVER: Join the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM), Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights UBC, and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, for a public screening of the new and acclaimed film, “Fedayin,” which chronicles the course of a Lebanese communist, imprisoned in 1984 for his involvement in the struggle for the liberation of Palestine — and Lebanon — from Zionist occupation.

From the Palestinian refugee camps that forged his conscience, to the international mobilization for his release, we will discover the man who has become one of the longest-held political prisoners in Europe.

Afterwards, we’ll have a short panel featuring two organizers from the film, Palestinian Khaled Barakat, and Charlotte Kates of Samidoun, to discuss the film and actions that have demanded freedom for Abdallah, such as the global campaign in October.

The film will be screened at UBC in the Sauder building, at ANGU098.

Registration link is included. Masks are required, and light refreshments and snacks will be provided.

Save the Date: 1 December Day of Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners


As Palestinian political prisoners continue their hunger strikes in defiance of their illegitimate imprisonment by the Zionist occupation, National Students for Justice in Palestine, The Palestinian Youth Movement, IDOC Watch and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network call on all individuals and institutions committed to Palestinian liberation affirm their solidarity with the striking prisoners and demand an end to the colonial systems of administrative detention and military courts! 

Share with your local groups, and stay tuned for our upcoming toolkit! 

Samidoun in the Paris Region mobilizes to support Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike

On Saturday, 19 November, Samidoun Paris Region held a Palestine stand during the Aubervilliers market in support of Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike. While three prisoners held without charge or trial under administrative detention recently suspended their hunger strikes with arrangements for their release or the end of their imprisonment without charge or trial, Hisham Abu Hawash and Louay al-Ashqar have continued to strike for 102 days and 47 days, respectively. These Palestinian prisoners have put their bodies and lives on the line to fight injustice and confront the Israeli occupation.

Passersby expressed significant support for these freedom fighters and joined in displaying posters to #FreeThemAll. Many visited the Samidoun stand to learn more about the situation of the 4,650 Palestinians imprisoned by Israel. They learned about the systematic Israeli practice of torture, imprisonment of Palestinian children, and the mass use of administrative detention (imprisonment without charge or trial on the basis of “secret evidence” for up to 6 months, indefinitely renewable).

In addition, the stand organizers distributed hundreds of flyers to people attending the market. These flyers called for the boycott of Israel to isolate the occupation state and called for the immediate release of Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab Communist struggler for Palestine imprisoned in France since 1984.

Samidoun Région Parisienne plans to organize stalls regularly at the Aubervilliers market. Do not hesitate to contact us by email or on our various social networks (Facebook , Twitter and Instagram) if you wish to participate!


27 November, Gothenburg: Manifestation! # StandWithThe6

Saturday, 27 November
2 pm
Gustaf Adolfs Torg
Gothenburg, Sweden
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/297400355580535

On November 27 at 2 pm, we will demonstrate together with the Palestinian Coordination Group – Gothenburg and many others against the state of Israel’s “terror” desgination of Palestinian civil society organizations!

We demand that the Swedish government immediately condemn the “terror” designation and ensure that all financial support to the affected organizations arrives!

Protest with us against the Israeli occupation’s latest terrorist attack on the Palestinian people!

Confront the Israeli apartheid state and its terrorism against the Palestinian people!

Confront the criminal Swedish state that participates in the oppression of Palestinians, in Palestine and in Sweden!

Resistance until liberation and return!

Location: Gustaf Adolfs torg, Gothenburg

Date: Saturday 27 November

Time: 14 o’clock

Follow the Facebook event for ongoing updates: https://www.facebook.com/events/297400355580535


27 november klockan 14 manifesterar vi tillsammans med Palestinska Samordningsgruppen – Göteborg och många andra mot staten Israels terrorstämpling av palestinska civilsamhällesorganisationer!

Vi kräver att Sveriges regering omedelbart fördömer terrorstämplingen och säkerställer att allt ekonomiskt stöd till de drabbade organisationerna kommer fram!

Protestera med oss mot ockupationsmakten Israels senaste terrorangrepp på det palestinska folket!

Motstånd mot den israeliska apartheidstaten och dess terrorisering av Palestinas folk!

Motstånd mot den medbrottsliga svenska staten som deltar i förtrycket av palestinier, i Palestina och i Sverige!

Motstånd till befrielse och återvändo!

Plats: Gustaf Adolfs torg, Göteborg

Datum: Lördag 27 november

Tid: Klockan 14

Följ Facebook-eventet för löpande uppdateringar: https://www.facebook.com/events/297400355580535


Palestinian prisoners’ message to Samah Idriss: You are our comrade on the road to freedom

The following message was written by Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli occupation prisons on the death of Samah Idriss, Lebanese Arab revolutionary intellectual. The editor-in-chief of Al-Adab magazine, Samah Idriss was the co-founder of the Campaign to Boycott Supporters of “Israel” in Lebanon. In his speech to the Masar Badil (Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path) conference in Beirut on 30 October of this year, he declared, “If we abandon Palestine, we abandon ourselves.”

We republish in full the letter from Palestinian prisoners:

The prisoners’ message in memory of Samah Idriss

It is an unusual morning, when the news of your departure comes to sink its teeth into the delicateness of love and emotion, the morning turns into sunset and your soul sets there, Samah. We remain in its shade as it flutters and fills the space on this exceptional morning. The news of the tragedy of your departure replaces for now our thoughts of liberation and freedom. Your absence keeps us transfixed in time, we look around us and remember you, and we still need your words and your committed, principled positions. We are still in the middle of the road to freedom, Samah.

Your news has traveled and reached us as the dew drops fade from the prison fences and bars. With it, our feelings crept in, and we felt the wound of losing you publicly. We want you to hear our last cry, you, who always spoke with our voice and our screams, or perhaps we want to bid you farewell with a whisper of screaming.

Our words will certainly reach you. We are in the prisons of the Zionist colonizer, and we wanted to meet you. You can see and, as you taught us, the journey is still long, and our lamp still needs a lot of oil, so why have you left now?!

Samah, we know that you have not left the mountain. You are as a mountain in your stances, and your steps are engraved in the path of this long journey. You are our beloved comrade, a companion on the hard path of struggle, a friend on the long road. Your body has left us, but your spirit will remain an inspiration to us. Your words and your positions are a beacon that we raise, debate and discuss as we walk. We will keep walking, comrade, until we get there.

From behind bars, behind walls, behind fences, in the clutches of the Zionists, we salute your family, your loved ones, your comrades and your companions. We mourn you with pride and admiration, and the highest commitment to the struggle. We mourn you as a writer, an intellectual, a comrade, and a fighter for the freedom for which you died. Sleep with clear eyes, and know that the road to freedom will never be cut off for free people.

Your comrades in the occupation prisons

26 November 2021

Samidoun mourns the passing of comrade Samah Idriss, Lebanese Arab revolutionary intellectual

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network mourns the passing of comrade Samah Idriss this evening, 25 November, in Beirut. Samah Idriss was committed throughout his life, until his last moments, to the liberation of Palestine, the Arab people and the people of the world. He was a writer, publisher, editor, thinker, editor-in-chief of Al-Adab magazine and co-founder of the Campaign to Boycott Supporters of “Israel” in Lebanon.

He was committed to see the liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, Lebanese struggler imprisoned in France for over 37 years, from colonial prisons, and the liberation of all Palestinian, Arab and international political prisoners. He constantly amplified the voices of Palestinian political prisoners in the pages of Al-Adab, and his work is known among the prisoners themselves. Both Georges Abdallah and Ahmad Sa’adat sent letters greeting him as he passed through weeks of difficult health struggle in recent days.

He was one of the initiators of the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement and his speech at the Beirut conference was recently published by Al-Akhbar.  His last speech contained his hope for the revolutionary future of Palestinian and Arab liberation.

Whenever a Samidoun delegation, or one of our affiliate organizations, for example the delegation of Collectif Palestine Vaincra, came to Lebanon, Samah was a constant source of support, inspiration and continuing struggle – and deep education about the historical roots and the future of Palestinian and Arab liberation. He never hesitated to help and get involved in any just struggle or cause.

His commitment to the Arabic language, not only in its formal aspects, but as a part of a living political struggle for liberation, lives on in the pages of his writing and in the legacy of his work.

We salute you, comrade Samah Idriss. Rest in power — your ideas and commitment march on towards victory.