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Amman, Jordan: Photo campaign rejects Zionism, annexation and colonization in Palestine

“Down with occupation…Down with the U.S.-Zionist plan (The U.S.-Zionist annexation project will not pass!)”

People in Amman, Jordan, including youth, women, workers and supporters of Samidoun, participated in a photo campaign to express their rejection of the Israeli annexation plan targeting the Jordan Valley and colonial settlements in the occupied West Bank of Palestine. The Netanyahu regime, with the backing of U.S. imperialism and the complicity of European and other colonial powers, declared its intention to openly annex major Palestinian agricultural land and resources, further forcing Palestinians from their homes and lands as part of the continuing Nakba.

Among other participants in the photo project is Kamal Khalil, artist and singer, the founder of Baladna band:

“(Zionist annexation plan will not pass) All of Palestine and the revolution continues”

Protests and actions have been organized around the world and inside occupied Palestine on and around 1 July, the announced date for the annexation plan. In Amman, people carried signs declaring their rejection of the scheme and their commitment to Palestine in both Arabic and English, including:

“No to Annexation – No to Zionism!”

“Down with occupation…Down with the U.S.-Zionist plan (The U.S.-Zionist annexation project will not pass!)”

“The Arab popular response to the Zionist annexation plan is: Scrap Camp David, Wadi Araba and Oslo agreements!”

“Palestine from the river to the sea – your colonialist projects will not pass!”

“(Zionist annexation plan will not pass) All of Palestine and the revolution continues”

“Our people are stronger than the schemes – racist colonialist projects will not pass”

Over 100 cities around the world are holding protests and actions in the coming days, organized by many different Palestinian community and Palestine solidarity organizations. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all supporters of Palestine to attend these events in your city. If you are organizing an event and it is not listed at this schedule, contact us to include it:  Fill out the form, message us on Facebook, or e-mail us at samidoun@samidoun.net.

Photo gallery:

“Down with occupation…Down with the U.S.-Zionist plan (The U.S.-Zionist annexation project will not pass!)” “No to Annexation – No to Zionism!” “The Arab popular response to the Zionist annexation plan is: Scrap Camp David, Wadi Arabi and Oslo agreements!”
“Down with occupation…Down with the U.S.-Zionist plan (The U.S.-Zionist annexation project will not pass!)”
“No to Annexation – No to Zionism!”
“The Arab popular response to the Zionist annexation plan is: Scrap Camp David, Wadi Araba, and Oslo agreements!”
“(Zionist annexation plan will not pass) All of Palestine and the revolution continues”
“Our people are stronger than the schemes – racist colonialist projects will not pass”
“Down with occupation…Down with the U.S.-Zionist plan (The U.S.-Zionist annexation project will not pass!)”
“No to Annexation – No to Zionism!”
“The Arab popular response to the Zionist annexation plan is: Scrap Camp David, Wadi Araba and Oslo agreements!”
“Down with occupation…Down with the U.S.-Zionist plan (The U.S.-Zionist annexation project will not pass!)”
“No to Annexation – No to Zionism!”
“The Arab popular response to the Zionist annexation plan is: Scrap Camp David, Wadi Araba and Oslo agreements!”
“Down with occupation…Down with the U.S.-Zionist plan (The U.S.-Zionist annexation project will not pass!)”
“No to Annexation – No to Zionism!”
“Palestine from the river to the sea – your colonialist projects will not pass!”
“(Zionist annexation plan will not pass) All of Palestine and the revolution continues”
“Down with occupation…Down with the U.S.-Zionist plan (The U.S.-Zionist annexation project will not pass!)”
“No to Annexation – No to Zionism!”
“Our people are stronger than the schemes – racist colonialist projects will not pass”
“The Arab popular response to the Zionist annexation plan is: Scrap Camp David, Wadi Araba and Oslo agreements!”
“Palestine from the river to the sea – your colonialist projects will not pass!”
“Down with occupation…Down with the U.S.-Zionist plan (The U.S.-Zionist annexation project will not pass!)”
“Palestine from the river to the sea – your colonialist projects will not pass!”
“Our people are stronger than the schemes – racist colonialist projects will not pass”
“No to Annexation – No to Zionism!”
“Down with occupation…Down with the U.S.-Zionist plan (The U.S.-Zionist annexation project will not pass!)”
“The Arab popular response to the Zionist annexation plan is: Scrap Camp David, Wadi Araba and Oslo agreements!”
“(Zionist annexation plan will not pass) All of Palestine and the revolution continues”
“Palestine from the river to the sea – your colonialist projects will not pass!”
“Down with occupation…Down with the U.S.-Zionist plan (The U.S.-Zionist annexation project will not pass!)”

Ramallah press conference highlights call to action for 1 July against annexation and colonization

On Monday, 29 June, Samidoun Network in occupied Palestine organized a press conference in Ramallah at the offices of Wattan TV, urging widespread participation and action in the protests and mobilizations taking place in Palestine and around the world to protest annexation, colonization and Zionism on and around 1 July, including the 5 pm mobilizations in Ramallah and Bethlehem and the 7 pm mobilization in Wadi Ara.

Full video below (in Arabic):

The press conference opened with a statement from Samidoun, presented by Najd Hussam, followed by a presentation by Mohammed Khatib, Samidoun coordinator in Europe, who focused on the mobilizations taking place in Palestinian communities in exile and diaspora and solidarity movements around the world, and emphasized that the cause of the Palestinian people is return and liberation.

Finally, Hamza Zbeidat – of the Jordan Valley – highlighted the history of Zionist colonization in Palestine and ongoing attacks on Palestinian people and land in the Valley, where Palestinian agricultural villages are subjected to encirclement, land confiscation and hostile attacks by occupation military bases and colonial settlements on a daily basis.

The full initial statement from Samidoun is below:

On behalf of Samidoun Network, we welcome you to this special press conference on the demonstrations taking place on Wednesday, 1 July inside Palestine and around the world. We thank you for your presence, your participation with us and your coverage of our press conference and activities.

As we begin this press conference, let us extend our greetings and salutations to the families of the martyrs and the prisoners and to the masses of our Palestinian people confronting siege, blockade and occupation in all forms, who confront projects of liquidation, violations and crimes of the Zionist entity throughout all of occupied Palestine and in exile and diaspora.

We also extend a special greeting of struggle to the Palestinian prisoners’ movement in the occupation prisons, the leadership of our national liberation struggle, the solid core of the Palestinian resistance and the front line of defense for our people.

It is important for us in the Samidoun Network to confirm that all of these colonial projects, including the most recent Zionist-U.S. annexation project, are not a new policy for our people. They reflect the policies and practices of the occupation and the Zionist entity since before 1948, and the so-called annexation plan targeting the northern Dead Sea, the Jordan Valley and colonial settlements throughout the occupied West Bank, will not be the last such colonial assault. This project is sponsored by the United States and supervised by its Zionist Ambassador David Friedman.

We in Samidoun consider this to be yet another step aimed at perpetuating the system and legal framework of racist settler colonialism throughout occupied Palestine. At the same time, it is a dangerous precedent for yet even more repression and crimes directed against the Palestinian people, especially the farmers and workers in the occupied West Bank in particular.

At the same time, we consider this moment to be a real opportunity for the Palestinian people and our national liberation movement and resistance. It is important to take hold of this opportunity and work to change the course of the relationship that some have pursued with the occupation entity. This means: putting to an end all forms of reliance on the so-called “negotiations” and “peace process” or depending on verbal official positions issued daily by the United Nations and other international institutions, which have no value as our people see no reflection of such statements in their material reality.

This also means that, first: We want to say to the world and to all of Palestine that the project of the so-called “two-state solution” has been destroyed forever and it will not return. All agreements, from Madrid and Wadi Araba to Oslo and the Paris Protocol have fallen with it. Second: We must work to make this period a meaningful moment of struggle in which the Palestinian people will regain their popular unity on the ground and in the fields of struggle and joint action, as a transition to a new stage.

The truth is that this annexation project, from our point of view, is no different in essence and form from the Prawer Project in the occupied Naqab, nor from the land expropriations that occur daily on an incremental basis in order to provide the Zionist settler colonies on our land with control over the land, resources and wealth of the Palestinian people – especially water and the agricultural sources of life and livelihood. It is also similar to the projects taking place every day in occupied Palestine ’48.

Today, we want to present to you and to the masses of the Palestinian people a direct report and call to participation in the popular marches that will start on Wednesday in Ramallah and Bethlehem at 5:00 pm and in Wadi Ara at 7:00 pm in occupied Palestine 48. We appeal to all of the Palestinian people to engage and participate actively and massively in these popular marches so that our voice may be heard in rejection of all colonial projects, confirming that the defeat of the occupation is inevitable, and liberation is inevitable throughout Palestine, from the river to the sea.

We also present popular Palestinian community and solidarity activities around the world. These events and activities were organized by the Samidoun Network and dozens of Palestinian community organizations and solidarity groups. They come to coincide with the declaration of the occupying entity that 1 July will be the date of the official announcement of its step to publicly and unlawfully steal one-third of the occupied West Bank and annex the colonial settlements.

With us today is our colleague Mohammed Khatib, coordinator of Samidoun Network, who will discuss actions and events taking place around the world in the coming days. With us is also our colleague Hamza Zubeidat from the village of Zubeidat in the Jordan Valley, to highlight the situation and the seriousness of these threats of colonial annexation.


27 June, Webinar: The Black Liberation Movement: Centuries of Struggle

En – Ar.

Join us for a discussion with Black and Palestinian activists and organizers on the history and present of the Black Liberation Movement. The discussion will also address joint struggle with the Palestinian liberation movement, inside and outside the U.S. context.

10 AM Pacific – 1 PM Eastern – 5 PM UTC – 7 pm central Europe – 8 pm Palestine

Register online to attend on Zoom: https://bit.ly/pal4blackliberation

Please note, places on Zoom are limited! The event will also be livestreamed on Facebook at https://facebook.com/SamidounPrisonerSolidarity


Kristian Davis Bailey is a writer, activist and co-founder of Black4Palestine.

Onyesonwu Chatoyer: Onyesonwu is a cadre with the All African People’s Revolutionary Party and the All African Women’s Revolutionary Union. She is also a co-editor of Hood Communist blog.

Murad Odeh: Murad is a Palestinian youth worker and community activist.

الندوة الخامسة عشر (15) من سلسلة البديل الثوري. نبحث هذه المرّة في تاريخ نضال السود وحركة تحررهم من الاستعباد والاستعمار على مدار خمسة 5 قرون في مواجهة الرأسمالية والعنصرية. في حوار مع رفاق ورفيقات من الولايات المتحدة، نحو فهم أعمق للانتفاضة الشعبية المتواصلة ضد العنصرية والاستغلال ومؤسسات القمع, وعن التحديات التاريخية والراهنة التي تواجه حركة تحرر السود وطبيعة العلاقة النضالية مع الفلسطينين والعرب وجموع المهاجرين واللاجئين والفئات المهمشة داخل حدود الإمبراطورية.
رابط التسجيل للمشاركة: https://bit.ly/pal4blackliberation

توجد ترجمة للغتين العربية والإنجليزية.

1. Juli: Aufruf gegen die israelische Annexion, für den Kampf für ein freies Palästina

Übersetzung dank Free Palestine FFM:

Ein Aufruf an das kämpfende palästinensische Volk im gesamten besetzten Palästina und an die Massen unseres Volkes, die im Exil und in der Diaspora kämpfen…

Wir wissen, dass viele Palästinenser im Exil und Unterstützer Palästinas an den Aufständen und Massenmobilisierungen beteiligt sind, die auf die Straße gehen, um dem anti-schwarzen Rassismus entgegenzutreten und die Verteidigung und Demontage der Polizei und anderer Unterdrückungsstrukturen zu fordern. Die Konfrontation mit den israelischen Annexionsplänen – vollständig vom US-Imperialismus unterstützt und vom zionistischen Rassismus inspiriert – ist auch Teil des globalen Kampfes gegen Rassismus, Kolonialismus und Imperialismus. Israels Verbrechen werden jedes Jahr durch 3,8 Milliarden Dollar an militärischer Hilfe von den USA sowie durch unbegrenzte diplomatische, politische und “Sicherheits”-Unterstützung von Kanada, der Europäischen Union, Großbritannien, Australien und anderen imperialistischen Mächten unterstützt.

Ein Aufruf an Palästinenser, Araber und die Völker der Welt….

Israel, das zionistische Projekt, das von den USA und den reaktionären Kräften in der Region voll und ganz unterstützt wird, setzt den Weg des Versuchs fort, die palästinensische Sache und die Rechte der Palästinenser zu liquidieren. Es zielt darauf ab, sein rassistisches Kolonialregime mit Waffengewalt, durch Unterdrückungssysteme, Gefängnisse und Haftanstalten sowie durch die Verbreitung systematischer Zerstörung, die auf das palästinensische Volk abzielt, durchzusetzen. Israel verweigert nicht nur die nationalen Rechte des palästinensischen Volkes, sondern verletzt auch die grundlegendsten und natürlichsten Rechte der Menschen und des Landes.

Unser kämpfendes palästinensisches Volk ist sich zusammen mit der arabischen Nation, den Völkern der Region und den fortschrittlichen Kräften und Befreiungsbewegungen in der ganzen Welt mehr denn je des wahren Gesichts der rassistischen, zionistischen kolonialen Entität und ihres expansionistischen Charakters und ihrer Ziele bewusst. Sie sehen auch mit voller Klarheit, wie die Besatzung ihre andauernden Verbrechen und täglichen Angriffe gegen das palästinensische Volk weiterhin umsetzt. Diese Verbrechen und Verstöße lassen keine Stunde lang nach, von Tötung, Belagerung, Massenverhaftungen, Hauszerstörungen und der Beschlagnahme palästinensischen Landes durch Annexions- und Vertreibungsprojekte. Diese täglichen Verbrechen, die von den Besatzungstruppen begangen werden, finden vor den Augen und Ohren der Welt statt, ohne Rechenschaftspflicht, ohne eine sinnvolle Reaktion oder auch nur eine minimale völkerrechtliche Reaktion.

Die Politik des zionistischen Staates und der Trump-Administration, die zusammen mit Netanjahu und Gantz steht, ist die logische Fortsetzung der fortlaufenden Geschichte jeder aufeinander folgenden israelischen Regierung und Führung von vor der Gründung des zionistischen Staates auf unserem palästinensischen Heimatland im Jahre 1948 bis zum heutigen Tag. Dieses rechte Bündnis und die zutiefst fundamental rassistischen Strukturen, die es stützen, sind davon überzeugt, dass es dem palästinensischen Volk aufgrund des Zustands des Zerfalls, der Schwäche und der Desorganisation an der palästinensischen und arabischen Innenfront seinen Willen mit Gewalt aufzwingen kann. Sie nehmen ungestraft die Häuser und die Existenz des palästinensischen Volkes selbst ins Visier, angefangen beim Abriss unserer Häuser im Negev, in Qalansuwa, Jerusalem und im gesamten Westjordanland, über die Fortsetzung der verheerenden Belagerung unseres Volkes im kämpfenden Gazastreifen bis hin zur Verweigerung unseres Rechts auf Rückkehr und Selbstbestimmung im gesamten palästinensischen Land.

Heute bereitet sich die zionistische Rechtsallianz darauf vor, das gesamte palästinensische Land im besetzten Westjordanland auszuplündern und ein System von Ghettos, Kantonen, Erdrosselung und Verarmung zu schaffen, was sie als “Tatsachen vor Ort” bezeichnet, die in erster Linie auf die Rechte und Interessen der palästinensischen Volksklassen im gesamten besetzten Palästina abzielen.

Andererseits wirkt diese israelische Politik auch darauf hin, die gewaltige Niederlage aller Kapitulations- und Illusionsprojekte für Palästina zu beschleunigen, den Weg der Verhandlungen, der mit der Madrider Konferenz von 1991 und den katastrophalen und verheerenden Abkommen von Oslo begann, die die Institutionen und Organisationen des palästinensischen Volkes zerstörten. Diese Politik zerrte die palästinensische Nationalbewegung in einen Zustand der Niederlage, des internen Konflikts und der Desintegration, indem sie die Rolle der palästinensischen Befreiungsorganisation konfiszierte und sie ihrer volksnahen und demokratischen Rolle beraubte.

Heute blicken die Völker der Welt, befreundete wie feindliche Kräfte gleichermaßen, auf die palästinensische Antwort, nicht nur auf dieses jüngste zionistische Verbrechen, sondern auf diese ganze Phase der Zerstörung. Ihre Augen weisen auf die entscheidende Bedeutung einer populären palästinensischen und arabischen Reaktion auf das Annexionsprojekt und die Auferlegung der so genannten “israelischen Gesetze und Souveränität über Judäa und Samaria” hin.

Dementsprechend rufen wir alle nationalen und islamischen Kräfte, Volksorganisationen innerhalb Palästinas und im Exil und in der Diaspora sowie unsere Gewerkschaften, Frauenorganisationen und die Studentenbewegung auf, sich umfassend zu beteiligen und den Volksmarsch anzuführen, der am 1. Juli 2020 in der Stadt Ramallah beginnen wird, wenn wir auf dem Weg eines vereinten palästinensischen Volkes und eines vereinten palästinensischen Kampfes marschieren und für die Rechte und die Würde unseres Volkes eintreten – immer und ausschließlich für die Rechte und die Würde des palästinensischen Volkes.

Wir rufen das palästinensische Volk im gesamten besetzten Palästina, überall im Exil und in der Diaspora, und all diejenigen, die für Gerechtigkeit in Palästina eintreten – alle nationalen Kräfte, Jugendgruppen, Institutionen der Zivilgesellschaft und Volksbewegungen – auf, direkte Aktionen und Volksmobilisierungen in den Flüchtlingslagern, Städten und Dörfern zu organisieren und Pläne für gemeinsame Aktionen und Massenorganisation zu formulieren. Gemeinsam können wir die Macht und das Potenzial des palästinensischen Volkes, des arabischen Volkes und der internationalen Bewegung für Gerechtigkeit mobilisieren, um den Plänen des Besatzers und seiner Kollaborateure entgegenzutreten. Es ist an der Zeit, einen qualitativen Schritt zum Schutz des palästinensischen Volkes zu tun und die Grundlagen der nationalen Befreiungsbewegung wieder aufzubauen.

Unser palästinensisches Volk überall und die nationale Befreiungsbewegung marschieren auf dem Weg zur Befreiung und Rückkehr.

Mit Loyalität gegenüber den Märtyrern und der kämpfenden Gefangenenbewegung, der Führung des palästinensischen Kampfes.

Nieder mit der Besatzung! Die Annexions-, Kolonisierungs- und Siedlungsprojekte werden gescheitert sein. Der Sieg ist mit dem palästinensischen Volk und der palästinensischen Sache!

  1. Juni 2020


26 June, Vancouver: Flash Picket: NO Israeli Annexation, Free Palestine

Friday, 26 June
5:00 pm
Broadway and Clark
Vancouver, Canada
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/566478430904602/

Join us for a flash picket (with appropriate physical distancing) in Vancouver to show our clear opposition to Israel’s new annexation plans.

Bring your keffiyeh to use as a mask and come out to be part of the cross-Canada and global actions to say NO Israeli annexation, apartheid and occupation!

Free Palestine!

Since the signing of the defunct Oslo Accords, Israel has at least tripled the number of illegal settlers, pushing Palestinians off their lands, crippling Palestinian agriculture and development, and then killing or injuring Palestinians who dare to protest. Palestinians demand justice now, and have issued a call for international sanctions against Israel.

Canadian PM Trudeau recently claimed to “deplore” Israel’s annexation plans and said they “are going to delay any prospect of lasting peace in the Middle East”. If the Canadian government is genuine in this belated expression of opposition to Israel’s illegal policies, then the absolute minimum expected is to impose sanctions on the Israeli government until it respects international law. Actions speak louder than words!

As Palestinian dispossession (Nakba) continues, our struggle will continue!

Organized by Canada Palestine Association, BDS Vancouver-Coast Salish Territories

Global actions against Israeli annexation and to defend Palestine: Endorse the call and add your event

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all organizations in support of Palestinian liberation to endorse the call to action by Samidoun Network in occupied Palestine and in the diaspora, originally released in Arabic, against the prospect of Israeli annexation of the occupied West Bank, and to mobilize internationally on Wednesday, 1 July, the day the Israeli state threatens to escalate its ongoing project of colonialism, dispossession and ethnic cleansing.

Endorse the Call | Schedule of Actions | Add Your Event

Below, we are publishing a large list of actions in countries and cities around the world, organized in response to several calls to take action to confront Israeli annexation and defend the rights of the Palestinian people. We also urge you to add your local events and actions to this list.

Read the call to action in:

Here are just a few of the major calls to action for 1 July and the surrounding days:

Multiple videos have been released to urge participation on 1 July, including:

Endorse the call

To endorse the international appeal from Palestinians under Israeli occupation, or to inform us of your local event so we can help promote it, please use the form below, message us on Facebook, or e-mail us at samidoun@samidoun.net.

Endorsers of the call include:

  • Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition
  • Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Movement
  • American Muslims for Palestine – NJ
  • Australia Solidarity with Latin America
  • BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish Territories
  • Campaign to Bring Mumia Home
  • Canada Palestine Association
  • Collectif Palestine Vaincra
  • Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation
  • International Concerned Friends and Family of Mumia Abu-Jamal
  • International League of Peoples’ Struggles
  • MOVE Organization
  • National Lawyers Guild – International Committee
  • No More Silence
  • NY4Palestine
  • Revolutionaire Eenheid
  • Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
  • Struggle/La Lucha for Socialism
  • US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
  • Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine

Endorse here:

Schedule of Actions

These actions and events are organized in response to multiple calls to action around the world for events on and around 1 July, including the weekends before and after that date. We urge you to attend these events in your city. If you are organizing an event and it is not listed, please contact us and we will include it!

Fill out the form below, message us on Facebook, or e-mail us at samidoun@samidoun.net.

Wednesday, 24 June


Le Mans:
Wednesday, 24 June
5:00 pm
Place de la Republique
Le Mans, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/3070163073062550/

Wednesday, 24 June
5:00 pm
center of Rouen
Rouen, France
Facebook: https://www.france-palestine.org/Action-StopAnnexion-38445

Thursday, 25 June

Spanish State

Thursday, 25 June
7:30 pm
Plaza de la Universidad
Murcia, Spanish State
More info: https://frenteantiimperialista.org/blog/2020/06/20/palestina-no-se-vende-acto-en-murcia/


Thursday, 25 June
6:00 pm
Outside the Préfecture
Montauban, France
More info: https://www.france-palestine.org/Action-StopAnnexion-a-Montauban

Friday, 26 June


Friday, 26 June
5:00 pm
Broadway and Clark
Vancouver, Canada
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/566478430904602/


Friday, 26 June
5:30 pm
Place François Rude
Dijon, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/304182300599989/

Friday, 26 June
6:00 pm
Annecy prefecture
Annecy, France
More info: https://www.france-palestine.org/Action-StopAnnexion-38444

La Rochelle:
Friday, 26 June
6:30 pm
Statue Duperré
Cours des Dames
La Rochelle, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/264749811532599/

Saturday, 27 June


Saturday, 27 June
3:00 pm
Israeli Consulate
2 Bloor Street East
Toronto, ON, Canada
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/552485548966147/

Saint John:
Saturday, 27 June
1:00 pm
City Hall
Saint John, New Brunswick

United States

Santa Ana:
Saturday, 27 June
12:00 pm
550 N. Flower St
Santa Ana, CA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/268711567731183/


Saturday, 27 June
5:00 pm
Habib Bourguiba Street
Tunis, Tunisia
More info: https://www.facebook.com/408955453233665/photos/a.408973116565232/763695051093035/


Saturday, 27 June
2:00 pm
Gothenburg, Sweden
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/688167651745971/


Saturday, 27 June
5:00 pm
Corner Graben / Kohlmarkt
Vienna, Austria


Saturday, 27 June
11:00 am
Place Clairefontaine
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/269398807471733/


Saturday, 27 June
3:00 pm
Paris, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/266656274678637/

Saturday, 27 June
10:00 am
Ajaccio, Corsica
More information: https://twitter.com/ldhcorsica/status/1276173922262757377?s=19

Saturday, 27 June
10:30 am
Place à la descente des escaliers d’Etigny
Auch, France
More info: https://www.france-palestine.org/Action-StopAnnexion-38435

Saturday, June 27
11:00 am
Place du Commandant Bulle
Albertville, France
More info: https://www.france-palestine.org/Action-StopAnnexion-38437

Saturday, 27 June
11:00 am
Lille, France
More info: https://www.france-palestine.org/Action-StopAnnexion-38472

Saturday, 27 June
2:00 pm
Corner of la Canebière and cours Belsunce
Marseille, France
More information: https://www.france-palestine.org/Presence-Palestine

Saturday, 27 June
3:00 pm
Place de la Republique
Rennes, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/288961478828211/

Saturday, 27 June
3:00 pm
Place de l’Hotel de Ville
Saint-Etienne, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/267216421028571/

Saturday, 27 June
3:00 pm
Place Maginot
Nancy, France
More info: https://www.france-palestine.org/Action-StopAnnexion-38442

Saturday, 27 June
3:00 pm
Place Kleber
Strasbourg, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/721861728590167/

Saturday, 27 June
3:00 pm
Auxerre, France
Facebook: https://www.france-palestine.org/Action-StopAnnexion-38474

Saturday, 27 June
3:00 pm
Boulevard du Marechal Leclerc
Caen, France
More info: https://fsu14.fsu.fr/samedi-27-juin-rassemblement-contre-lannexion-de-la-vallee-du-jourdain-et-des-colonies-par-israel/

Saturday, 27 June
4:00 pm
Place de Jaude
Clermont-Ferrand, France
More info:

Saturday, 27 June
4:30 pm
Place de la Comedie
Montpellier, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/751780235644138/

Saturday, 27 June
5:00 pm
Avenue Feucheres
Nimes, France
More info: https://www.facebook.com/1075429930/posts/10219710990980029/

Saturday, 27 June
5:00 pm
Place Garibaldi
Nice, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/582520319071344/


Saturday, 27 June
2:00 pm
Bonn, Germany
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/3218946128124462/

Saturday, 27 June
2:30 pm
Koblenz, Germany
More info: https://www.facebook.com/PGKUev/photos/a.556307488112222/849783502097951/


Saturday, 27 June
3:00 pm
Piazza Castello
Turin, Italy
More info: https://www.facebook.com/ProgettoPalestina/photos/a.836904113050354/3926566754084059/

Saturday, 27 June
4:00 pm
Campidoglio Square
Rome, Italy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2551049935156052/

Saturday, 27 June
4:00 pm
Passeggiata a Mare
Messina, Italy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/586872075301817/

Saturday, 27 June
4:00 pm
Piazza Giuseppe Verdi
Palermo, Sicily, Italy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/264123111568828/

Saturday, 27 June
4:00 pm
Piazza de Ferrari
Genoa, Italy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/651021045772117/

Saturday, 27 June
4:00 pm
Porta Venezia
Milan, Italy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/264171141484649/

Saturday, 27 June
4:00 pm
Piazza Giacomo Matteoti
Vicenza, Italy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1226839257669240/

Saturday, 27 June
4:00 pm
Piazza della Repubblica
Napoli, Italy
More info: https://www.facebook.com/napolipalestina/

Saturday, 27 June
5:00 pm
Piazza del Nettuno
Bologna, Italy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/264303994989730/

Saturday, 27 June
5:30 pm
Largo XXV Luglio
Siracusa, Italy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/763820931089832/

Saturday, 27 June
6:00 pm
Piazza Garibaldi
Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/268291377749185/

Sunday, 28 June


Sunday, 28 June
3:30 pm
Human Rights Monument
Ottawa, Ontario
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/964715813970505/

Sunday, 28 June
4:00 pm
Square Philips
Montreal, Quebec
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2458290291127610/

United States

Sunday, 28 June
11:30 am
Paterson City Hall
155 Market St. #101
Paterson, NJ, USA
More info: https://www.facebook.com/Palestinianamericancommunitycenter/photos/a.1441363472770051/2629160250657028/


Sunday, 28 June
2:00 pm
Dam Square
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/566198200587786/


Sunday, 28 June
3:00 pm
Place du Trone
Brussels, Belgium
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/607822989845736/

Monday, 29 June


Monday, 29 June
3:45 pm
Victoria Park
London, ON, Canada
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/691111275046198/

Wednesday, 1 July


Wednesday, 1 July
5:00 pm Palestine time
Manara Square
Ramallah, Palestine
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/569188620463846/

Wednesday, 1 July
5:00 pm
Entrance to the cinema
Bethlehem, Occupied Palestine
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/265195757903784/

Wadi Ara:
Wednesday, 1 July
7:00 pm
Arara Junction
Wadi Ara, Palestine
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/273497260406261/

United States

Brooklyn – New York City:
Wednesday, 1 July
4:00 pm
72nd St and 5th Avenue
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1107930479593958/

Los Angeles:
Wednesday, 1 July
10:30 am
***Car Caravan Only: Meet at: Westwood Federal Building’s Parking Lot, 11000 Wilshire (at Veteran Ave) at 10:30AM on Wednesday, July 1st, we will drive as a car caravan to the Zionist Consulate,11766 Wilshire Blvd (at Granville.)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2839968346235070/

San Francisco:
Wednesday, 1 July
4:00 pm
Gather at Civic Center for Car Caravan to Israeli Consulate
San Francisco, CA, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/202959654233254/

San Diego:
Wednesday, 1 July
12:00 pm
Reuben H. Fleet Science Center Parking Lot
San Diego, California
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1173424356338247/

Wednesday, 1 July
4:00 pm
Altman Park
11500 S Beloit Ave,
Worth, IL
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1744112932379543/

Salt Lake City:
Wednesday, 1 July
6:30 pm
Wallace Bennett Federal Building
125 South State Street
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2370894586549090/

Wednesday, 1 July
5:00 pm
San Mateo/Central
Albuquerque, New Mexico (Car Caravan)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2709903869298681/

Wednesday, 1 July
5:00 pm
Terry Schrunk Plaza
Portland, OR, US
More info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CB_2hozAIMF/

Wednesday, 1 July
5:30 pm
810 Virginia St
Seattle, WA, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/308520560288973/

Wednesday, 1 July
5:00 pm
Massachussetts State House
24 Beacon St
Boston, MA, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1573167912857399/

Wednesday, 1 July
5:00 pm
400 N Broad St
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2670651379869614/

Wednesday, 1 July
10:00 am
Sen. Bob Casey’s Office
2000 Market St
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/357333312376358/

Wednesday, 1 July
6:00 pm
Secor and Central
Toledo, OH, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/770388553703201/

Wednesday, 1 July
6:00 pm
Howard St and Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Baltimore, MD, US
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/720060222061073/

Wednesday, 1 July
6:00 pm
Goodale Park
Columbus, OH, US
More info: https://www.facebook.com/SJPOSU/photos/a.237006683173545/1400766433464225/

Rancho Cucamonga:
Wednesday, 1 July
4:00 pm
Foothill and Day Creek (Across from Victoria Gardens)
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
More info: https://www.facebook.com/stgeorgeupland/photos/a.108165724207726/153960162961615/

Wednesday, 1 July
3:30 pm
Memorial Park
Claremont, California, USA


St. Catharines:
Wednesday, 1 July
2:00 pm
St. Catharines City Hall
50 Church St.
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
More Details: praxis1871@gmail.com

Wednesday, 1 July
12:00 pm
The Wave
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/3001826806560181/

Costa Rica

San Jose
Wednesday, 1 July
10:30 am
San Jose, Costa Rica
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/704067473766120/


Wednesday, 1 July
3:00 pm
Ferranti Technologies
Oldham, UK
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2727183417607511/

Wednesday, 1 July
11:00 am
Trevor Huddleston Statue
Silver Street
Bedford, UK
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1151164508577318/


Wednesday, 1 July
6:30 pm
Metro Capitole
Toulouse, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/267156387703296/

Wednesday, 1 July
6:00 pm
Place de la Liberte
Brest, France
More info: https://www.france-palestine.org/Action-StopAnnexion-a-Brest



Wednesday, 1 July
5:00 pm
Champs Fleuri
Saint-Denis, Réunion
More info: https://www.temoignages.re/politique/sante/mouvement-reunionnais-pour-la-paix-stoppez-la-colonisation-de-la-palestine,98506


Wednesday, 1 July
6:30 pm
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/866747283815857/


Wednesday, 1 July
6:00 pm
US Consulate
Giessener Str 30
Frankfurt, Germany
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/189312392518178/

Wednesday, 1 July
12:00 pm
Berlin, Germany

Spanish State

Wednesday, 1 July
7:00 pm
Plaza de la Provincia
Outside the Foreign Ministry
Madrid, Spanish State
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/277827043420796/

Wednesday, 1 July
7:00 pm
Plaza Nueva
Granada, Spanish State
More info: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=933487040433083

Wednesday, 1 July
7:30 pm
Placa de la Verge
Valencia, Spanish state
Info: https://samidoun.net/event/valencia-palestine-is-not-for-sale/

Wednesday, 1 July
8:00 pm
Plaza Fuente Dorada
Valladolid, Spanish State
Info: https://samidoun.net/event/valladolid-palestine-is-not-for-sale/

Wednesday, 1 July
7:30 pm
Bilboko Areatza

Wednesday, 1 July
8:00 pm
Plaza Nueva
Sevilla, Andalucia, Spain


Wednesday, 1 July
7:00 pm
Israeli Embassy
Marathonodromon 1
Athens, Greece
More info: https://www.facebook.com/1114054352135500/photos/a.1114439372096998/1451576105049988/


Wednesday, 1 July
12:30 pm
Israeli Consulate
Yapikredi Plaza
Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey
More info: https://www.facebook.com/filistinindostlari/photos/a.2009958169331480/2639390403054917/

South Africa

Wednesday, 1 July
1:00 pm
US Consulate
1 Sandton Drive
Johannesburg, South Africa
More info: https://ymlp.com/z5nA5h

South Korea

Wednesday, 1 July
10:00 am
Israeli Embassy to South Korea
Seoul, South Korea
More info: https://www.facebook.com/palestinekorea

Thursday, 2 July

United States

Thursday, 2 July
4:00 pm
Torch of Friendship
301 Biscayne Boulevard
Miami, Florida
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/197585221570009/

Thursday, 2 July
12:00 pm
Ala Moana Boulevard and Atkinson Drive
Honolulu, Hawai’i
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/268447941056108/

Friday, 3 July

United States

North Bergen, New Jersey:
Friday, 3 July
4:00 pm
80th St and Bergenline Avenue
North Bergen, NJ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AMPNJChapter/photos/a.659525074069970/3417138988308551/

Washington, D.C.:
Friday, 3 July
12:30 pm
Israeli embassy
3514 International Drive NW
Washington, DC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/267895674491849/

Friday, 3 July
4:00 pm
Rittenhouse Square
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2896644663896530/


Friday, 3 July
6:00 pm
Platz der Republik 1
Berlin, Germany
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/607135923573332/


Friday, 3 July
4:00 pm
Mariahilfer Strasse 69
Vienna, Austria
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/260680235363115/

Spanish State

Friday, 3 July
7:00 pm
Plaza del Parchis
Gijon, Spain

Saturday, 4 July


Saturday, 4 July
4:00 pm
Al-Kalouty Mosque, Rabieh
Amman, Jordan
More info: https://www.facebook.com/aya.ghanameh/posts/551906545686333


Saturday, 4 July
3:00 pm
Israeli Consulate
20 Bloor St East
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/297741364695915/

Saturday, 4 July
3:00 pm
Celebration Square
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/691671411684837/


Saturday, 4 July
2:00 pm
Palæstinas Plads
Linnésgade 3
1361 København K
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2504207779890011/


Saturday, 4 July
1:00 pm
Spire of Dublin
O’Connell Street
Dublin, Ireland
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2700464616867634/

Saturday, 4 July
2:00 pm
Free Derry Corner
Derry, Ireland
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/197641014921824/


Saturday, 4 July
3:00 pm
Place Bellecour
Lyon, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/s/manifestation-contre-lannexion/4044013759006850/


National call:
Saturday, 4 July
Day of Action
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/3044471022302907/

Saturday, 4 July
2:00 pm
Mile End Park
London, UK
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/654510931802373/

Saturday, 4 July
12:00 pm
Sheffield Town Hall
Sheffield, UK
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/562433421114644/

Saturday, 4 July
11:00 am
West Quay Above Bar
Southampton, UK
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/603099827255624/

Saturday, 4 July
12:00 pm
Market Square
Nottingham, UK
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/368384237475343/

New Zealand

Saturday, 4 July
11:00 am
Corner of Trafalgar St and Selwyn Place
Nelson, New Zealand
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/951012965348135/

Saturday, 4 July
12:00 pm
Bridge of Remembrance
Cashel Street
Christchurch, New Zealand
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/279011760122729/

Saturday, 4 July
2:00 pm
Aotea Square
291-297 Queen Street
Auckland, New Zealand
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/608137599811273/

Saturday, 4 July
2:00 pm
Corner Wairere Drive and Cambridge Road/Naylor Street
Hamilton, New Zealand
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1583304435184731/

Sunday, 5 July

United States

Sunday, 5 July
2:00 pm
*Note – Farm Work Day*
5800 Ogden St.
Detroit, MI, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/873085639879881/


Sunday, 5 July
3:00 pm
Hamilton City Hall
71 Main St. West
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/367395084222225/

Add your event

Fill out the form below, message us on Facebook, or e-mail us at samidoun@samidoun.net.

Toulouse: Palestine stand challenges colonization, annexation and apartheid


The following report is translated and adapted from the original French at Collectif Palestine Vaincra. Read this report in Arabic.

On Sunday, 20 June, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra organized a Palestine stand outside Metro Capitole in Toulouse, France, as part of its ongoing campaign to stop the “twinning” or “sister city” relationship between Toulouse and Tel Aviv. Collectif Palestine Vaincra is a member organization of the Samidoun Network.

The collective organizes these stands each month to distribute information, distribute petitions and host exhibitions highlighting the struggle of the Palestinian people. While the stands were paused during the COVID-19 pandemic, they have now resumed, and participants met with numerous residents of Toulouse throughout the event.

Activists invited city residents to sign the petition against the Toulouse-Tel Aviv twinning and distributing stickers and materials urging the boycott of Israel. Participants also distributed a thousand flyers and had many positive conversations with passers-by.

Many people also participated in a photo project as part of the stand, denouncing the annexation project in the West Bank announced by the Netanyahu/Gantz government of the Israeli occupation. A demonstration is also being organized in Toulouse for 1 July, part of the global day of action to stop Israeli annexation and defend the Palestinian people and Palestinian land.

Tunis protest demands freedom for Georges Abdallah, Ahmad Sa’adat and revolutionary prisoners

Photo credits: Manhal al-Falestiny

Read this report in Arabic.

Activists in Tunis took to the streets on Saturday, 20 June for a protest to free Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, Ahmad Sa’adat and all revolutionary prisoners. The demonstration, organized by the Tunisian Committee for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah alongside the Platform Against Normalization, came as part of an international week of action from 15 to 22 June to free the Lebanese Arab Communist struggler for Palestine imprisoned in French jails for over 35 years. Protests are taking place in France, Turkey, Tunisia and a number of other places as part of this call to action.

Supporters of Samidoun joined the protest outside the French embassy in central Tunis, which included a number of speeches and banners calling for the liberation of Palestinian prisoners and the liberation of Palestine. The event followed on several other actions also organized in Tunis as part of the week, including a lecture presented by the Tunis Bar on the legal aspects of Georges Abdallah’s case and a concert dedicated to Georges Abdallah, Ahmad Sa’adat and all revolutionary prisoners.

Samidoun was one of the endorsers of the call to action for 15 to 22 June, launched by the Unified Campaign to Free Georges Abdallah, and members are participating in events and actions in various cities around the world.



1 July, Brooklyn, NYC: Day of rage against Israeli annexation, racism and repression

Wednesday, 1 July
4:00 pm
72nd St and 5th Avenue
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1107930479593958/

On July 1, the day the occupying state of Israel threatens to launch its formal annexation of the West Bank, the Palestinian movement in the metropolitan New York City area will join calls by Palestinians, under Israeli occupation (samidoun.net/2020/06/1-july-call-to-action-to-confront-israeli-annexation-struggle-for-a-free-palestine) and across the diaspora (al-awda.org/al-awda-prrc-urges-action-to-confront-israeli-annexation-join-the-day-of-rage-july-1), for a day of rage, while building its solidarity with the Black uprising against racism and repression in the United States.

Organized by the NY4Palestine Coalition, including Al-Awda NY, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition; Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine; Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network; American Muslims for Palestine – NJ; Muslim American Society – NY; and Students for Justice in Palestine,  Existence is Resistance, US Palestinian Community Network

19 June, NYC: Juneteenth – Slave Catchers to Killer Cops – Defund the Police Now

Friday, 19 June
12:00 noon
City Hall
New York City

“Juneteenth — Slave Catchers To Killer Cops: Defund The Police Now!”

Organized by the December 12th Movement

All out this Friday as we take to the streets on Juneteenth in support of the December 12th Movement and to demand that the city take action to #DefundThePolice and #RefundTheCommunity, one of the concrete demands that have arisen from the ongoing nationwide uprisings against police terror and structural racism catalysed by the brutal murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and so many more.

As explained by Iman Essiet, a member of the December 12th Movement, “ We are having this rally on Juneteenth to remind our community that the modern police department has its origin in the Slave Catcher Patrols that were set up to capture and return enslaved Blacks who had escaped their captivity. It is that racist mentality that allows them to still kill us with impunity…It is time to redirect the billions of dollars budgeted to the police to community-based organizations and social agencies which are equipped to address issues such as drug abuse, domestic violence, children’s behavior in schools, mental health, homelessness, unemployment and poverty. Only a mass demonstration by the people of New York City can bring enough pressure to ensure that the Mayor and the City Council will meet the community’s demands to take a step towards ending police terror by defunding the New York City Police Department.”

#DefundTheNYPD #DefundThePolice #Juneteenth #D12thMovement