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Video: Webinar on Palestinian refugees and the right of return

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network hosted the second in its webinar series on Thursday, 2 April 2020. Samidoun’s Europe coordinator Mohammed Khatib spoke about Palestinian refugees, the refugee camps and the struggle for the right to return.

The wide-ranging discussion included the current dire situation in the refugee camps in Lebanon, the threat posed by the spread of COVID-19 amid inadequate and dangerous health conditions and the importance of reclaiming the role of Palestinian refugees in the liberation movement. Participants in the meeting also included active organizers from a number of groups, including Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition, the Palestinian Youth Movement, the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, and Black4Palestine.

Khaled Barakat, the international coordinator of the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat and the speaker at Samidoun’s first webinar on 26 March, also intervened in the discussion. (Video of this webinar available at the link.)

Watch the full video of the event:

Listen to the audio file:

Join the next Samidoun webinar on Thursday, 9 April 2020, on the case of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, prisoner for Palestine in French jails.

Representatives of Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a member organization of the Samidoun network and active campaigners for Georges Abdallah’s freedom, will speak about the case and actions needed. Register online for the meeting at: http://bit.ly/freegeorges

Take action: Freed Palestinian detainee diagnosed with coronavirus; prisoners in Ofer launch protests

Palestinians in Gaza demand coronavirus protection for Palestinian prisoners, 19 March. Photo: QudsNews

Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli occupation’s Ofer prison have announced an escalation of protests and the closing of their sections after a Palestinian detainee held there was diagnosed with coronavirus upon his release.

Nour al-Din Sarsour, 19, who was released from Ofer on 31 March 220, tested positive for COVID-19 after going to the hospital following his liberation. He was arrested on 18 March and was held at the Benjamin interrogation center before being transferred to Ofer.

Fellow Palestinian political prisoners celebrated his release with him, as neither he nor his fellow detainees were aware of his condition. Because there is no systematic testing for COVID-19 in Israeli prisons – even for prisoners known to be exposed to Israeli jailers with coronavirus – Sarsour and his fellow prisoners were never tested.

This situation persists despite the repeated entry of multiple Israeli jailers, guards, military court judges and interrogators into the prisons and the rooms and sections of the prisoners; some of these have later been diagnosed with coronavirus. Palestinian political prisoners and the organizations defending their human rights have called for their immediate release and even basic health protections, yet the Israeli apartheid regime has continued to intensify its repressive tactics against the prisoners while denying them access to cleaning supplies, proper health care and sanitation.

Sources inside Ofer prison confirmed to Samidoun that they have decided to close their sections to express their outrage at the lack of protections for the prisoners. There is very serious concern and even panic inside Ofer prison, especially following the news that Sarsour was held in section 14, a section for new detainees, along with 36 fellow prisoners. He was held there for the 12 days before his release. Nevertheless, the Israeli administration has announced no plans to release or even test the prisoners held there.

As reported by Wattan News, prisoners in the Negev desert prison are also closing their sections in response to the ongoing violations of their rights and the threat to their health posed by the deadly combination of COVID-19, incarceration, occupation and apartheid. There is a great deal of tension inside all Israeli prisons after the report of Sarsour’s diagnosis, especially as there are a number of seriously ill prisoners, elderly prisoners and child prisoners who are even more vulnerable in the close, crowded conditions in which Palestinian political prisoners are jailed.

One of the Palestinian detainees in Ofer who was held in Section 14 with Sarsour was then transferred to another section. When the prisoners asked for him to be quarantined, the administration reportedly refused, forcing the prisoners to develop their own isolation and quarantine system for the potentially infected detainee. Palestinian prisoners are being forced to devise their own methods of self-protection due to their denial by the Israeli occupation, despite the complete responsibility of the latter for the detainees’ lives and health.

In addition, repressive raids on the prisoners’ sections have continued. Guards from repressive units ransack prisoners’ items, exposing them to contact with their hands as well as a stream of additional people who could potentially be exposed to coronavirus. Not only may Palestinian prisoners not “socially distance” – they are held six to eight to a room – but they are constantly threatened with exposure to guards, soldiers and other Israeli occupation forces that regularly interact with the outside world.

Palestinian prisoners are demanding that all prisoners in Ofer be tested for COVID-19, especially the children held in section 13, located next to section 14; that the daily count be conducted via cameras and that window searches be conducted from outside rather than inside the rooms, in order to reduce their exposure to Israeli guards and soldiers who continue to interact with the outside world.

The Israeli regime’s treatment of Palestinian prisoners constitutes at minimum severe negligence to the health and lives of Palestinian political prisoners, in line with its long-standing practice of medical neglect.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network emphasizes that the systematic medical negligence and abuse conducted by the Israeli occupation regime against Palestinian political prisoners not only amounts to a serious threat to their health and lives, but also reflects a political decision to further dehumanize, repress and marginalize Palestinian detainees. The global pandemic of COVID-19 requires that Palestinian political prisoners be immediately released to protect their health from the danger of deadly spread inside the jails, especially child prisoners, elderly prisoners and ill prisoners.

We reiterate our demand for the release of all Palestinian political prisoners, jailed for their resistance to occupation and apartheid. The coronavirus pandemic only further underlines the present urgency of this demand.

We urge all supporters of Palestine to join in Addameer’s call to action for Palestinian prisoners: http://addameer.org/news/urgent-action-free-our-prisoners in the era of COVID-19.

As we confront COVID-19, we know that it is important, perhaps now more than ever, to stand with Palestinian prisoners and the Palestinian people, who are facing apartheid, racism, settler-colonialism and Zionism, a deep threat to public health that has persisted in Palestine for over 70 years. If we seek a future in which we can truly stand together for humanity, we must stand with the Palestinian people to bring that system to an end, as well as the imperialist system that funds, arms and empowers it.

Freedom for all Palestinian prisoners! Freedom for Palestine, from the river to the sea!

We also republish the below call from ill prisoners inside Israeli prisons:

Hurryyat: an urgent call from detainees in the Israeli Occupation prisons to human rights advocates around the world

Save us from the coronavirus so that the Prisons don’t turn into Cemeteries!

The feeling of imminent threat and danger to our lives in Israeli prisons is growing day by day, even hour by hour. The coronavirus is spreading and is threatening the region and entire world. We are always hearing new instructions and regulations by the Israeli government to its population, like all governments in the world, on what to do to stop the spread of the virus. When it comes to our situation, the political prisoners in Israeli jails, we are not hearing or seeing any measures or even answers to our most basic questions; what if the virus spread in prisons? What are the practical and humane steps that will be taken by the prison authorities?

The only thing we are told from the prison administration is that they are taking all precautionary measures. But what are these precautions really? It is, in our opinion, “simple smoke in the eyes”. There are now hundreds of sick prisoners who are suffering many health problems, some of which are serious. Others have respiratory and heart problems not to mention those who are affected by hypertension, diabetes or many other chronic conditions.

We appeal to the whole world and to all those who deal with human rights as human beings. With the disease that threatens us day after day, what rights do we enjoy? No real protective measures have been adopted and we have not seen a minimum sign of common sense and prevention towards us. Medical negligence and delayed care have always haunted Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons. Already in the past many prisoners have died precisely because of the lack of medical treatment. Imagine now that the Israeli health authorities have already declared that they are unable to absorb the growing number of patients affected by the virus.

As you know, the only way – and perhaps the only hope – to reduce the contagion and the spread of Coronavirus is to be careful, take the appropriate precautionary and precautionary measures and rigidly apply a series of hygiene-sanitary practices. But the Israeli prison administration does not provide anything: no means for sterilization and no masks. We are faced with formal actions that come closer to real threats rather than health checks or real preventive practices. Our only contact with the outside world is represented by our jailers. They do not hesitate to get in touch with us, without respecting the safety distance, with the risk of infecting us. Prison administration agents have the opportunity to isolate themselves and undergo proper treatment. We obviously don’t!

The responsibility for this situation lies entirely with the prison administration, the Israeli government and all those who claim to be human rights defenders.

We appeal to all free people: do not let us die in our cells, without any protective measure with the contagion that is spreading.

What does the world expect of us? To rebel as some prisoners have in some countries only to be killed by bullets before they were eliminated by the virus?

Ours is a cry addressed to the whole world. We enclose a list of the names of some prisoners affected by various pathologies. Those interested can thus become aware of our poor sanitary conditions inside Israeli prisons. In fact, the list is much longer.

The Palestinian Prison Committee for the Defence of Human Rights

These are some of the ill prisoners:

Mo’tasim Raddad / intestinal cancer and immune suppression
Khaled al-Shawish / disabled, catheterized, hyperlipemia and blood allergy
Mansour Moqadi / disabled, gastric prosthesis and catheterized
Kamal abu Wa’r / laryngeal tumor with respiratory problems
Ahmad Sa’adeh / heart attack
Walid Daqqa / cardiovascular diseases, respiratory problems and chemotherapy treatment
Sa’di al-Gharabli / prostatitis, hypertension, diabetes and geriatric problems
Zamel Shallouf / cardiac arrhythmias with pace maker, breathing problems
Miqdad al-Hih / left hemisphere brain stroke, dyspnoea and gastrointestinal problems
Khalil Msallam Baraq’ah / respiratory and lung problems
‘Ala’ Ibrahim ‘Ali / tuberculosis, respiratory complications and gastrointestinal problems
Ayman Hasan al-Kurd / paraplegic, problems in the nervous system and gastrointestinal problems
Saleh Daoud / epilepsy, breathing problems
Mohammad Jaber al-Hroub / hepatitis due to medical carelessness
Ra’ed al-Hutari / respiratory problems, migraine, gout
Hamza al-Kalouti / gout gastroenteritis, dyspnoea
Ibrahim ‘Isa’ Abdeh / nervous pathology, gout
‘Ezzeddine Karajat / artificial respiration
Mutawakkel Radwan / heart attack and respiratory problems
Usama abu al-‘Asal / respiratory and heart problems
Khalil abu Ni’meh / respiratory problems
Fawwaz Ba’areh / brain cancer with syncope moments / coma
Mahmoud abu Kharabish / respiratory crisis
Fu’ad al-Shobaki / geriatric problems
‘Abd al-Mu’iz al-Ja’abeh / heart attack, hyperlipemia
Nasri ‘Asi / thyroid problems
Mamdouh al-Tanani / diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipemia, kidney problems and other illnesses
Ahmed E’beid / circulatory problems, hypertension, hyperlipemia
Muwaffaq al-‘Erouq / intestinal cancer
Ibrahim abu Mukh / leukemia
Musa Sufan / pneumonia
Israa Ja’abis / full body burn, amputation of some fingers
Yousef Iskaf / heart disease
Nabil Harb / artificial intestine
Yousri al-Masri / glandular inflammation

The Center for Defense of Liberties and Civil Rights “Hurryyat”

Samidoun joins call to free all political prisoners in the Philippines #FreePoliticalPrisonersPH #SetThemFree

The following statement was initially drafted and issued in Arabic by Samidoun in occupied Palestine. The Samidoun network internationally strongly supports this position and joins the call for the immediate release of all political detainees imprisoned in the Philippines, especially amid the threat to their lives posed by COVID-19. Samidoun is a member of the International League of People’s Struggle, along with many mass organizations and popular movements in the Philippines, who have been targeted for severe repression. Following the ILPS conference in Manila in 2015, Samidoun’s European coordinator Mohammed Khatib participated in the launch of the Philippines-Palestine Friendship Association, along with Leila Khaled:

The Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network expresses our full support and solidarity to our comrades and friends in the Philippines and join with all movements and forces urging the immediate release of all political prisoners and detainees. Especially amid the global pandemic of COVID-19, the situation of these prisoners in the jails and detention camps run by the current U.S.-backed fascist government presents a serious threat to their lives.

According to Karapatan, the Philippine Foundation for the Rights of Political Prisoners, there are 532 political prisones in the Philippines. Of these, 209 were arrested during the Rodrigo Duterte government. They include 44 elders, 61 women, 118 sick prisoners, five children and 10 consultants for the National Democratic Front of the Philippines.

The liberation movement in the country, led by the National Democratic Front, has fought a bitter struggle for half a century against the various fascist, dictatorial, corrupt or exploitative regimes that have successively governed the country, all supported by the United States. The Philippines was subjected to American occupation and colonialism from 1898 until the year 1946, and the revolutionary movement is fighting for the people’s control of their resources and land and to implement meaningful agricultural reform, social rights and equality.

The New People’s Army, led by the Communist Party of the Philippines, announced a temporary ceasefire in response to the appeal of the United Nations due to the coronavirus global pandemic. It is worth noting here that the Communist Party of the Philippines has adopted a principled, clear stand on the struggle of the Palestinian people and their national rights and has expressed its solidarity on more than one occasion with the Palestinian prisoners’ movement and with the freedom fighter Georges Abdallah.

In addition, the legal national democratic movement and the social movements of the Philippines have also expressed their solidarity with Palestine, the Palestinian people and their prisoners, including church groups, labor organizations, women’s organizations and youth movements. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins the urgent call of all of these movements for the release of political prisoners in the Philippines and expresses our strongest solidarity with the people’s movement for justice and liberation.


Samidoun mourns Manolis Glezos, lifelong struggler and symbol of Greek resistance to fascism

Manolis Glezos speaks in Athens on 20 December 2017, with Mohammed Khatib, Samidoun’s Europe coordinator

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network mourns the passing of Manolis Glezos, 97, a lifelong champion of liberation, a legendary anti-Nazi resistance fighter and a dedicated friend of a free Palestine. We remember his commitment to continue to resist all forms of exploitation and oppression, from the European Union’s plundering of the resources of the Greek people to the Israeli apartheid regime in occupied Palestine. His example of revolutionary commitment to people’s liberation will continue to stand as an inspiration and an example to all who struggle for radical change and a different, better world.

Glezos became a symbol of the Greek resistance to Nazi occupation and invasion when he climbed the Acropolis with his comrade Apostolis Santas, tore down the swastika flag. He was arrested and tortured repeatedly for his involvement in the resistance, and he was sentenced to death in absentia while the Nazis did not know his identity. After he returned to Greece following its liberation from Nazi occupation, Glezos returned to Greece, where he continued to fight against the right-wing government and later the dictatorship. For his work as a journalist and his activism, he faced multiple arrests and imprisonments, including three death sentences, until his final acquittal in the general amnesty of 1971. He was convicted 28 times for his political activity and served 11 years in prison. He was forced into exile for 4.5 years during the Greek military junta.

He worked as editor-in-chief of the newspaper Rizopastis and later, directed the newspaper Avgi. After the fall of the dictatorship in 1974, he served as president of the United Democratic Left (ECHR), a member of parliament for the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) and then a member of European Parliament with SYRIZA, from 2014 to 2015. He left SYRIZA after its acquiescence to the demands of the European “troika” of capital, resigning from his position to assert the rights of the Greek people.

Throughout his life, he was committed to a vision of liberation that was fully inclusive of the Palestinian people. He participated in protests inside the European Parliament to stand with the Palestinian people under Israeli attack in Gaza and called for freedom for Khalida Jarrar and other Palestinian political prisoners. In 2002, Israeli occupation forces blocked him and his colleagues from marching to Ramallah under siege.

On 20 December 2017, at an event organized by Samidoun in Athens marking 50 years of struggle of the Palestinian revolutionary left, two Palestinian youth presented him with a kuffiyeh and a map of Palestine to honor his lifelong commitment to liberation and his many years of struggle. Glezos addressed the event, speaking about his own history with Palestine solidarity and today’s situation, with Trump recognizing al-Quds (Jerusalem) as the capital of Israel. Glezos noted that Trump does not represent the people of the United States but himself and the ruling class, emphasizing that he has no right to decide to whom al-Quds belongs and that it is the rightful capital of the Palestinian people.

Glezos said that in his analysis, the Palestinian leadership has made major mistakes over the years, first and foremost the recognition of the Israeli state and secondly the decision to stop the Palestinian armed struggle outside Palestine. He concluded by emphasizing continuous and ongoing solidarity with the Palestinian people until the total liberation of Palestine.

2 April, virtual event: Palestinian refugees, the camps and the right of return webinar with Mohammed Khatib

Thursday, 2 April
12:00 pm Pacific/3:00 pm Eastern/7:00 pm UTC/8:00 pm London/9:00 pm Europe/10:00 pm Palestine
Online event over ZOOM
Register now: http://bit.ly/palestinerefugees
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/865146183948405/

Join Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network for an online webinar on Palestinian refugees, the camps and the Right of Return with Mohammed Khatib, Europe coordinator of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and a Palestinian refugee born in Ein el-Helweh camp.

This discussion will include attacks on the right of return, Palestinian refugees’ conditions in the camp and in exile and organizing being done to reclaim the voice and power of the Palestinian popular classes.

To join this event on Zoom, please pre-register! You can register at this link: http://bit.ly/palestinerefugees

Elevate the Palestinian Right of Return, Honor the Martyrs of the Great March of Return

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network – New York is a member organization of NY4Palestine, a coalition that includes Students for Justice in Palestine, Within Our Lifetime: United for Palestine, Al-Awda NY, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition; American Muslims for Palestine New Jersey Chapter and the Muslim American Society (MAS) NY. The following statement is urging action on Land Day, 30 March, for the Great March of Return and the ongoing struggle to implement Palestinians’ right to return: 

Land Day, March 30, 2020

Elevate the Palestinian Right of Return, Honor the Martyrs of the Great March of Return

NY4Palestine joins the Gaza initiated Palestinian call for global cyber action to center the Palestinian right to return, honor the martyrs of the Return March , and commemorate the Day of the Land by:

  1. Taking a photo of yourself with the name/photo of martyrs of the #GreatMarchofReturn and/or with a Palestinian flag. 
  2. Include a caption on why you support the right of Palestinians to return home, and use any of these hashtags:  #PalestineLandDay #GreatReturnMarch #ReturnWithinOurLifetime
  3. Posting it on social media or websites and tagging 3 people to do the same!

Two years ago on  March 30, 2018, as they marked the Day of the Land, tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza gathered near the illegal Israeli separation barricade to demand safe passage and return to their homes and lands. In response Israel set up snipers along the barricade who murdered Palestinian medics, journalists, men, women, and children- in between raining tear gas, drones, and toxic chemicals on the people and fields. Despite this brutal Israeli violence, every Friday for two years, Palestinians continued to demonstrate for the right to return home through rallies, song, dance, art, and communal action. 

As Palestinians must halt their rallies and the world takes to social distancing, we honor and echo their call to commemorate the anniversary of #LandDay and the #GreatMarchofReturn by honoring those who were martyred while trying to return and by re-committing ourselves to prioritizing the implementation of the basic right of Palestinians to return- safely and immediately- to their original homes and lands. 

This year Palestinians in Gaza are forced into further isolation by the coronavirus pandemic compounded by an unabating Israeli siege which blocks access to and production of medical equipment and which has bombed Palestinian hospitals, water plants and much of Gaza’s infrastructure. Palestinians like all oppressed people are disproportionately impacted by disaster. The latest graphics show that the most impoverished  neighborhoods in New York are seeing the highest infection rates. While hospitals in NYC are desperately are short on basic life-saving equipment the U.S. continues has to spend $3.8 billion/year on military  funding for Israeli colonization of Palestine- further jeopardizing the lives of the people in the US who are in need of those funds, while materially supporting illegal Israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestine. We thus demand an immediate end to all U.S. military funding to Israel, we demand the immediate release of prisoners held in Israeli and U.S. jails, and we call on the US, the World Health Organization, and all international bodies to act to force Israel to immediately end its barbaric siege of Gaza.

 For examples and link to photos and information about the martyrs see: 


#ReturnWithinOurLifetime #GRM2020 #GreatReturnMarch2020 #ResistanceUntilReturn  #WithinOurLifetime #FreePalestine  #مقاومة_حتى_العودة #  فلسطين_حرة#

NY4Palestine is a coalition of the following organizations:

Remembering Therese Halasa, Palestinian revolutionary: Rima Tannous’ prison story

Therese Halasa as a young fighter in the camps and later in life, living in Amman after her release.

On 28 March 2020, Therese Halasa, lifelong struggler and Palestinian revolutionary, passed away in Amman, Jordan, at the age of 66. Born in Akka, occupied Palestine ’48 in 1954 to Palestinian and Jordanian parents, she grew up under Israeli martial law imposed on Palestinians. After the 1967 war and the occupation of the remainder of Palestine – the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip – she was inspired by the same call as thousands of young Palestinians, flocking to the camps of the fighting movements of the Palestine Liberation Organization. She finished high school in Akka, studied nursing in Nazareth and left Palestine in 1971, without informing her family, to join the Palestinian liberation movement.

In an interview with scholars of the Learn Palestine project, she described her own crossing of the border from 1948 Palestine to Lebanon to join the Palestinian revolution. She emphasizes that she did not join the revolution due to “suffering, but due to a sense of patriotism inspired by Abdel Nasser and my father.”

As an 18-year-old Palestinian fighter in 1972, Theresa was one of four militants who hijacked a Belgian Sabena plane, Flight 571, en route to Tel Aviv. Their demand: freedom for 315 Palestinian and Arab prisoners in Israeli jails.

The four Palestinian fighters, Therese Halasa, Rima Tannous (a young Jordanian woman), Ali Taha Abu Sneineh and Abdel-Aziz al-Atrash, and the plane were attacked by Israeli forces after landing in Palestine, disguised as Red Cross workers and aircraft technicians. The forces that attacked the plane and killed Abu Sneineh and al-Atrash – as well as a 22-year-old passenger, Miriam Anderson – included Ehud Barak and Benjamin Netanyahu; Netanyahu himself was shot in the shoulder, and Therese Halasa was severely injured.

Rima Tannous and Therese Halasa were brought before an Israeli military court and sentenced to life imprisonment, but they continued to educate themselves and struggle behind prison bars. Rima Tannous told her story of torture under Israeli interrogation in an account published after her release from Israeli prisons in 1979 in a prisoner exchange; Therese Halasa was released four years later in 1983 in another prisoner exchange with the Palestinian resistance. At the time of her release, she was engaged with other prisoners in a collective hunger strke.

After her release, Therese Halasa was expelled from occupied Palestine. She lived the rest of her life in Jordan, marrying and working as a nurse caring for patients with disabilities. She continued to tell her story, including to documentarians and filmmakers researching the history of the Sabena hijacking and the Palestinian revolution. Despite her illness and battle with lung cancer, she continued to be present at countless sit-ins and demonstrations for Palestine in Jordan.

Rima Tannous, Therese’s comrade-in-arms, shared her story of involvement, resistance, torture and oppression inside Israeli prisons in a statement published in 1979 after her release as part of a collection, Palestinian Political Prisoners: Struggle Behind Iron Bars, published by the PLO’s Unified Information Department and the Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners in Israeli Jails. We present Rima’s story, below, which includes a detailed description of her and Therese’s reunification behind bars, as well as their interaction with international political prisoners jailed by Israel for their involvement in the Palestinian struggle:


After Wadie’ Haddad: The “War on Terror” and the Resistance

The following article, by Samidoun’s international coordinator Charlotte Kates, was originally published in Arabic translation in Al-Adab magazine on 28 March 2017 as part of a file assessing the life and legacy of Wadie’ Haddad. 

Haddad, a co-founder of the Arab Nationalist Movement with George Habash and later of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, was well-known for his external operations, which aimed to bring the plight and the struggle of the Palestinian people to the eyes of the world, particularly the airplane hijackings of the early 1970s. His slogan, “after the enemy, everywhere,” reflected the international nature of the struggle for Palestine. On 28 March 1978, Haddad died in the German Democratic Republic of leukemia. Some have accused the Mossad of assassinating him, as they attempted many times to do so in the past. He has remained a symbol of militant struggle for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea in the over 40 years following his death.

While this article was originally written and published three years ago, the topics it discusses remain relevant to the challenges faced by our movement today.

Image: Al-Adab cover, Wadie Haddad issue, March 2017. Art by Hakam al-Nuaimi

After Wadie’ Haddad: The “War on Terror” and the Resistance

by Charlotte Kates

The legacy and the story of Wadie’ Haddad continue to reverberate today, both for the Palestinian national liberation movement (and other such movements), and for its enemies. The preoccupation with “terrorism” and the casting of any and all resistance to complete imperial domination as “terror” has become the predominant communication of major media. Entire legal structures, frameworks, and a metaphorical “war” with a serious physical cost are directed at stamping out “terror.”

Haddad’s operations were, in many ways, designed to intervene in and disrupt the balance of power and the dominating presence of US and Israeli military and economic strength. With dramatic physical, visual and media actions and specified targets, the aim of these operations was not to create “terror” through killing and injury, but to upend the framework in which the oppressed are constantly vulnerable to all forms of attack, dispossession and destruction while the oppressor is able to sit comfortably without fear that their own societies could face panic or disruption. Of course, Haddad’s operations were not individual in nature, but rather expressions of a collective revolutionary organization with a clear political and social motivation guiding those actions just as clearly as it guided mass organizing or political interventions. Rather than an individualistic hero, Haddad represented a revolutionary arm of the Palestinian liberation movement.

Many people note that the airline hijackings of the early 1970s brought the political crisis of the Palestinian people to international attention. They did so amid a worldwide movement of decolonization; after Algeria pushed out French colonialism and as Vietnam battled U.S. forces. Increasing numbers of young revolutionaries in Europe and the United States were willing to bring the fight to the streets of their own countries. The Palestinian movement, like these other movements, was full of intellectual and political debate and discussion over tactics of struggle and the meaning and implications of “external operations,” a debate that reflected the intellectual depth of this issue among the burgeoning Palestinian revolutionary movement.

Meanwhile, Palestinians were determined to reject the classification of their struggle as simply or merely humanitarian, deprived of its proper political context. The assertion of political and existence through revolutionary violence, accompanied as it was with a clear political and revolutionary program and demands, transformed the representation and the image of the Palestinian people. The term “terrorist” was liberally and frequently applied. Contra “terrorist,” there were many terms developed by the resistance and the revolution: “fedayee,” “revolutionary violence,” “guerilla war.” Amid our current situation, however, those latter terms have become almost invisible while the former has become applied, repeatedly and globally, to seemingly everything, from the most reactionary organizations to the revolutionary liberation movements.

Looking back nearly 50 years later, we have witnessed especially in the past 30 years an attempt to erase and eradicate these concepts entirely. After the dismantlement of the Soviet Union, the assertion of US victory and the end of history shortly followed by the era of the “war on terror,” revolutionaries and national liberation movements are confronting an ideology of a state monopoly of violence that is perhaps more deeply entrenched than at any previous time in recent years. The era of the “carrot and the stick,” in which a fierce attack on revolutionary forces was accompanied by tactics meant to appease broader nations and communities, has been replaced by “the stick” alone, and for entire populations. The only “carrot” is to be found in the case of complete concession. In the era of the early Palestinian revolution, there was little concern that the “external operations” of the Palestinian revolutionary left would be met with mass denial of travel to Palestinians or crackdowns on Palestinian communities everywhere in exile. In the era of the “war on terror,” on the other hand, entire communities are regularly subject to surveillance, raids and other repressive operations characterized by collective punishment.

One of the most powerful and effective weapons currently being used by imperialist powers to separate diaspora and exile communities from their national liberation movements and to recenter solidarity from existing movements and organizations to broad concepts of “the people” is the list of “designated terrorist organizations.” Since the mid-1990s and even more following 11 September 2001, such lists have proliferated, moving from the United States to Canada, the European Union, the United Kingdom and other states.[1]

The United States’ list of designated “Foreign Terrorist Organizations” is in many ways the forerunner of these proliferating, changing and growing lists. While today’s list contains a hodgepodge of organizations and names, some revolutionary representatives of liberation struggles and other ultra-reactionary groups with long and complicated histories of alliances and splits with U.S. power itself, the U.S. list originated in 1995 with then-President Bill Clinton’s Executive Order prohibiting financial transactions with “designated organizations.”[2] The executive order was explicitly framed as a support for the Oslo “peace process” then underway in Palestine and as a means to strip opposition groups of funding and support in order to more effectively impose the Palestinian Authority and its concessions on the Palestinian people.

The list of “specially designated terrorists” were those who “threatened to disrupt the Middle East peace process.”[3] Thus, in order for Oslo to continue and impose a permanent solution and lack of rights upon the Palestinian people, it was critical to disempower and disenfranchise those organizations that resisted the process and continued their struggle against Israeli occupation and settler colonialism. Since 1995, the American, European, Canadian and British “terror lists” have developed from a framework that was imposed specifically and precisely in order to deter Palestinian resistance to an imposed “peace process.” Issued as they were in the post-Gulf war, post-Soviet era, these “terror lists” have attempted to create an unchallengeable framework of legal, political and even moral authority in which armed resistance to imperialist or Zionist aggression is not only “terrorist,” but criminal and universally subject to condemnation.[4]

It is clear that the powers that create such lists have no aversion to violence; the aftermath of U.S./NATO wars, invasions and destabilization around the world is plain to see the massive terror and destruction that has been wrought on the people of Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan, Haiti, Yemen and elsewhere. It is certainly not out of some kind of moral imperative against violence that the terror lists exist; it is only the violence of the oppressed that finds itself so designated, as light and minuscule as it may be in comparison to the military machines of the designating powers. The Palestinian revolutionary movement has always been the basis for the creation of the ‘war on terror’ industry; it is built atop a structure of suppression of Palestinian rejection and refusal of the Oslo process and the liquidation of the Palestinian cause. And the first step in that suppression from the internal U.S. perspective was the attempt to block the transfer of funds from the large Palestinian exile community in the United States to the political organizations that represented that challenge, including the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Thus, the epithet “terrorist,” applied by any force with power to any group or population that has challenged or contested its domination over the years, including or perhaps especially the indigenous people of the lands in question, is not only a political designation or an insulting dismissal but a legal category designed to create a special criminal framework for those who dare to challenge imperialism and racism. While wearing the mantle of law, the designations themselves are in fact entirely political in nature and subject to change, revocation or addition at any moment.

One year after the creation of the Specially Designated Terrorist list in 1995, the US under Bill Clinton enacted the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEDPA), which created the State Department “Foreign Terrorist Organization” list that remains in place today.[5] In the process of the transformation of the list from economic sanctions to criminal prosecution, the list also ranged outside of the Palestinian context, including organizations from a range of countries and reflecting the somewhat eclectic nature of the list. While some of the additions reflected the same ideological framework as in Palestine, like those of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) or the later addition of the Communist Party of the Philippines/New People’s Army (CPP/NPA), other subsequent additions like Aum Shinrikyo, the Japanese cult/new religious movement, or Al-Qaeda, reflect a variety of U.S. foreign policy priorities.[6]

Mostly implemented after 11 September 2001, similar “terror lists” created in other nations follow the US model. One thing that has distinguished the US’ implementation of its terrorist-organization list is the creation of a new category of criminal activity, that of “material support” for a designated organization. Material support embraces a wide range of activities, not limited to financial support or the provision of weapons, or even direct support to the listed organization. There are Palestinian charity workers serving 65-year prison sentences in the United States for what was unquestionably the collection and delivery of funds to charitable outputs.[7]

However, the purpose of “material support” statutes is not to round up many people and send them to prison. The purpose of such laws is to spread their own version of fear and terror and immobilize any and all support – material, moral and political – for those organizations so dedicated. The example of a few high-profile legal cases – for example, the massive sentencing directed at the Holy Land Five charity workers or the pursuit of former Palestinian political prisoner, torture survivor and community activist Rasmea Odeh – can be sufficient to dissuade large segments of the exiled Palestinian community from engaging in the type of political work that has been met with this level of state surveillance, scrutiny and suppression[8]. Even more, the imperative to stay within the bounds of the law remains compelling even as the law itself is constantly shifting. Thus, the definition of “material support” has itself grown and changed from the traditional context of direct provision of money to potentially related charitable work, and in the infamous 2010 US Supreme Court Decision, Holder v. HLP, could even be potentially extended to “coordinated” advocacy.[9] The U.S. has the most severe and wide-ranging sentencing and material support laws among the Western imperialist powers in its “terror laws,” mirroring its role as the pillar of the imperial center.

The creation and implementation of these laws, alongside heavy policies of surveillance and infiltration, the creation of bogus accounts run by domestic intelligence agents and several high-profile, harsh cases, have successfully created an internal climate in the United States in which public advocacy in support of designated organizations, including the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Hezbollah and other organizations, is significantly limited, discouraged and fraught with an environment of terror. Instead, solidarity groups are directed to “safe alternatives,” the non-governmental organizations created through the Oslo process alongside the creation of the terror list, as representatives of the Palestinian people. And those non-governmental organizations themselves remain under constant surveillance, policing, attack and targeting, especially if they refuse to concede to political conditions that prohibit them from contact with Palestinian political organizations or engage in direct organizing against Zionist apartheid and settler colonialism. The international Left is placed into a cage of fear, breaking ties with Palestinian left organizations like the PFLP amid the “terror” epithet and casting about for a political substitute to remain “within the law,” even if not within the leadership of the resistance or the revolutionary left. At the same time, fundraising from the vast exile community is stifled or directed into worthy, but apolitical or humanitarian outlets.

In the interim, the prosecution of “terrorism” and the creation of terror lists, with shared intelligence between the Israeli state, European powers, the US and at times Arab states, among others, has served to attempt to place these organizations – large, substantial liberation movements – beyond the pale and outside the framework of politics, into the realm of criminals and outlaws. While Wadie Haddad and his comrades’ revolutionary violence pushed the Palestinian cause into the realm of politics from that of humanitarian platitudes amid defeat and dispossession, the role of the terror lists and the states who create them is to force those organizations into the dungeons of a special kind of extra-criminality, illegitimate beyond borders and rightfully condemned to nonexistence. Agreement on condemnation is presumed among “all decent people;” apparent fundamentals like the rights of peoples to resist colonization by any means necessary and to form organizations and movements to carry out that revolutionary resistance are negated as the “international community” expresses its concerns about “incitement” by approving of repression with prisons, invasions and bombs.

In this way, the political expression of these organizations is erased and suppressed and replaced instead with vague allusions to “hate.” While Palestinian and other resistance organizations publish large quantities of writing on their politics and views, in major media, these views are largely silenced or placed as secondary to “concerns” about the “security of Israel” or the “wrongness of violence.” Instead, political and revolutionary organizations are examined for their alleged incomprehensible animosities, rather than their relationship to the settler colonial project imposed on their land. Organizations engaged in revolutionary or resistance violence are labeled as hateful and irrational. Instead, an international society in which it is possible to achieve justice and liberation by apparently, filing the right paperwork in the right place at the right time is imagined, and thus any disruption from the course of submission to oppression is an expression of hate rather than of natural resistance. Even more, the framework of “counter-terrorism” attempts to eliminate the possibility of a rational political response that includes revolutionary violence by criminalizing and targeting those organizations that make clear that such organizations are not only possible but a necessary means to carry out a liberation struggle.

This is visible as well in the arrest and imprisonment of Palestinian prisoners.

In the Palestinian context, international “terror list” come close to and often mirror the Israeli-designated list of prohibited or hostile organizations, for which thousands of Palestinians are imprisoned for activities including attending meetings, waving flags and banners and participating in public events. Every year, the student elections on Palestinian campuses are subjected to a series of raids, attacks and invasions by Israeli occupation forces. Students are arrested, student council offices invaded and ransacked, events disrupted, at the hands of an occupying military power.[10] This happens amid international official silence at best, and, far too frequently, pressure campaigns directed at international universities not to abide by the Palestinian boycott of Israeli academic institutions as urged by faculty and students of conscience, but, instead, to cut ties with Palestinian universities because Palestinian students vote for “terrorist organizations” or organize activities with the student blocs that share lines of political thought with the major Palestinian political forces.[11]

Advocacy for Palestinian prisoners is met with demands to show that the persecuted Palestinians are “innocent” of the charges against them, meaning that they did not participate in the resistance. International organizations urge that Palestinians imprisoned without trial under administrative detention be “charged or released,” never mind that these charges would be for spurious “offenses” like membership in a prohibited organization or “incitement.” The control and dismantlement of Palestinian political life is thus presented as normal, if at times excessive or “going too far,” rather than representing a colonial project’s unending attempts to destroy and eradicate indigenous resistance.

The inclusion of reactionary organizations largely responsible for sectarian and right-wing violence against oppressed communities also targeted by imperialism, like al-Qaeda, Islamic State and their variants, among the “terror list” helps both to obscure the nature of the list as, in and of itself, a tool meant for the direct perpetuation of US foreign policy and hegemony in the region and a direct threat to indigenous struggle and national sovereignty. It also is used, although the inclusion of an organization on the list reflects nothing more than the political opinion of major powers, to equate those reactionary forces with the liberation movements with which they are paired on the list and further the rhetoric of Netanyahu and partners that IS is the equivalent of Hamas is the equivalent of Hezbollah is the equivalent of the PFLP, by erasing and rendering invisible the politics and commitments that underlie the revolutionary violence of liberation movements. The very hodgepodge of the list itself is used as a political tool to manufacture confusion and conflation between trends and interests that are not only non-identical, but, in fact, deeply opposed.

The goal of the “terror lists” in the era of the “war on terror” is indeed to perpetuate that same destruction and make the world safe for capitalism, Zionism, racism and imperialism, by rendering political and military resistance and revolutionary violence impossible and impenetrable, an unacceptable politics, a repugnant morality and a legal criminality. But more than that, it drives wedges between exiled communities and their liberation movements, forbidden by law, and by the weight of state power, from engaging with the revolutionary organizations that represent those movements, forcing tremendous creativity to come forward to constantly work around the latest repressive  legislation. It attempts to place resistance and those who struggle as part of the resistance as outside the frameworks and guidelines of solidarity and “human rights.” It equates the oppressed and the oppressor, as UN bodies debate whether Palestinian resistance organizations could potentially be guilty of “war crimes” for using their limited weaponry in a fight against their massively-armed colonizer. [12]

Furthermore, by creating legal, political and economic blockades alongside military power and global corporate and financial hegemony, the “war on terror” framework attempts to eradicate the revolutionary movements and their political analysis and perspectives as the leadership of the liberation movement. It attempts to prevent the re-emergence of the era of Wadie’ Haddad and the global leading role of the Palestinian revolution in world-wide anti-colonial struggle through sheer power, expressed in both its “soft” and “hard” forms, by affirming repeatedly that there is no alternative to the processes and structures created by the United States, the Israeli state, the European powers and their Arab regime allies, and that those who attempt to create such an alternative will face harsh punishment.

Take, for example, the case of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah; Lebanese Communist, struggler for Palestine, imprisoned in French jails for over 32 years. Over the years, he has refused to back down from his political principles, a course that has surely helped to ensure that he has never been released or even deported to Lebanon.[13] Ahmad Sa’adat, the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, among other major resistance figures, was flatly refused by the Israeli state to be included in prisoner exchanges with the Palestinian resistance (after he and his comrades were kidnapped from a PA prison, under US and British guard, after alleged fears that they may be released.)[14] This is not merely accidental, but reflects their unwillingness to shift or alter their political positions for personal benefit.

On an organizational level, the “terror lists” reflect the same politics; an organization will remain listed until it can be conceived of as “not a threat” due to its political shifts, or unless its power and strength is too great to simply dismiss by means of the list.  The purpose of the list is to produce political change to the benefit of imperialism and its Zionist partners, inside and outside the named organizations.

The former example may be seen in the case of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, originally listed on the “terror list” as an opponent of the Oslo process; it was removed in 1999, following assurances allegedly received by the United States through PA president Arafat, amid ongoing negotiations, that the DFLP was open to revising its political approach to Oslo, the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli state.[15] Thus, in the case of Palestinian organizations, the terror list and the potential for removal from it is held out as a potential in the case of political concessions, while refusal to make such concessions is met with continued persecution.

The slogan of the era of Wadie’ Haddad and his comrades, “Behind the enemy everywhere,” is met today by an intensified, technologized response of “The enemy behind the people everywhere,” in the numerous “external operations” of imperialism and Zionism. From the visible attacks of invasions, bombs and drone strikes to the surveillance of communities, the imprisonment of activists and the use of political, economic and military power against liberation movements, the “war on terror” has been another, renamed representation of the classic contradiction, “imperialism vs. the people.” The resistance itself, targeted by the “war on terror” and the ongoing attacks of imperialist and Zionist forces, is best placed to determine its tactics at any time for achieving its goals of return and liberation; the potential of revolutionary violence, whether inside Palestine or outside its borders, as part of that struggle, is one that can be determined by that resistance, in order to overturn this situation much as those Palestinian strugglers did nearly 50 years ago.

For the movement as a whole, reclaiming the history and the legacy of Wadie’ Haddad and his comrades is not only a question of choice, but one of necessity, without fear and without apology. This is a history that situates the Palestinian struggle firmly among the anti-colonial, anti-capitalist movements of the era. From Che Guevara to Assata Shakur, from Ho Chi Minh to Wadie’ Haddad, the lessons of that era remain available to today’s strugglers, whatever tactics they may use in their struggles for liberation. The denial of this history or its shading with the “terror” label serves only to obscure the history of the Palestinian struggle and separate it out from the revolutionary movements of the people of the world and their struggles for liberation. The reclamation of this history, and the learning of its lessons, can begin to build the challenge to the “war on terror” framework and the domination of imperialist powers, towards a new incarnation of a “people’s war on imperialist/state terror.”

[1] Statewatch, “Comparative analysis of US, EU, UN, UK terrorist lists,” http://www.statewatch.org/terrorlists/listsbground.html

[2] U.S. Federal Register, Executive Order 12947—Prohibiting Transactions With Terrorists Who Threaten To Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process, https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Documents/12947.pdf

[3] Ibid.

[4] Eileen M. Decker, “The enemies list: the foreign terrorist organization list and its role in defining terrorism,” http://calhoun.nps.edu/bitstream/handle/10945/41367/14Mar_Decker_Eileen.pdf?sequence=1

[5] Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School, “Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996,” https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/antiterrorism_and_effective_death_penalty_act_of_1996_aedpa

[6] US Department of State, “Foreign Terrorist Organizations,” https://www.state.gov/j/ct/rls/other/des/123085.htm

[7] This refers to the case of the “Holy Land Five,” Shukri Abu Baker, Mohammad El-Mezain, and Ghassan Elashi. Mufid Abdulqader and Abdulrahman Odeh. For more information, see Al Jazeera World documentary, http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/aljazeeraworld/2016/10/holy-land-foundation-hamas-161004083025906.html

[8] Nadine Naber, “Organizing after the Odeh Verdict,” Jacobin Magazine. https://www.jacobinmag.com/2015/01/rasmea-odeh-verdict-organizing/ For more information, see http://justice4rasmea.org.

[9] Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project. US Supreme Court, 561 U.S. ___ (2010), https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/561/08-1498/

[10] See, for example, “Hamas Activists Arrested after Palestinian Student Elections,” Palestine Chronicle, http://www.palestinechronicle.com/hamasctivists-arrested-after-palestinian-student-elections/

[11] See, Richard Silverstein, “Bard College Reaffirms Relationship with Al Quds University.” https://www.richardsilverstein.com/2013/11/24/bard-college-reaffirms-relationship-with-al-quds-university/; “Brandeis University suspends its partnership with Al-Quds University effective immediately,” http://www.brandeis.edu/now/2013/November/al-quds-response.html; Patrick Strickland, Electronic Intifada, “Jerusalem students face constant harassment by Israeli forces,” https://electronicintifada.net/content/jerusalem-students-face-constant-harassment-israeli-forces/13266; Solidarity, “Resisting the New McCarthyism,” https://www.solidarity-us.org/site/node/4220. For more information about the academic and cultural boycott of Israel, please see http://pacbi.org.

[12] Ali Abunimah, Electronic Intifada, ““Balance” in UN Gaza report can’t hide massive Israeli war crimes.” https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/balance-un-gaza-report-cant-hide-massive-israeli-war-crimes

[13] Charlotte Silver, Electronic Intifada, “Why is Georges Abdallah still in prison?” https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/charlotte-silver/why-georges-ibrahim-abdallah-still-prison For more about the case of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, http://freegeorges.samizdat.net or http://samidoun.net.

[14] The Guardian, “Gilad Shalit exchange for Palestinian prisoners – as it happened,” https://www.theguardian.com/world/blog/2011/oct/18/gilad-shalit-release-palestinians-live For more about the case of Ahmad Sa’adat, http://freeahmadsaadat.org

[15] This was the claim of the U.S., as relayed in the Congressional Research Service report, “The Palestinian Factions,” by Aaron D. Pina, of April 8, 2005. https://fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RS21235.pdf

28 March, Virtual event: Gaza Fights for Freedom film screening and discussion

Saturday, 28 March
1:00 pm Eastern time (10:00 am Pacific, 6:00 pm Europe, 7:00 pm Palestine)
Register for the webinar: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_aDRz0IgCRbyi7txVMOS75A

Please join The Canadian Boat to Gaza campaign for a film webinar for the screening of Gaza Fights for Freedom, a film by US journalist Abby Martin.
This screening is presented and co-hosted by The Social Justice Event Collective, Canadian Boat to Gaza, Independent Jewish Voices-London, Ontario and People for Peace- London, Ontario.
The screening was to be held during Israeli Apartheid Week on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, calling on progressive movements, groups and organizations fighting all forms of racism, racial discrimination, marginalization and oppression to join forces in advocating for Palestinian rights in the context of global struggles against racial oppression.
When public venues were closed due to Covid19 measures, we postponed that event, now to be held through a Zoom online webinar on Saturday, March 28th, 2020 at 1:00 PM Eastern Time. Please register in advance for this webinar by clicking here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the screening and webinar.
Film-maker Abby Martin will join us after the screening to discuss the making of her documentary, including a questions and answers period. Filmed during the height of the Great March Of Return protests, it features riveting exclusive footage of demonstrations. The documentary tells the story of Gaza past and present, showing rare archival footage that explains the history never acknowledged by mass media. You hear from victims of the ongoing massacre, including journalists, medics and the family of internationally acclaimed paramedic, Razan al-Najjar. At its core, ‘Gaza Fights For Freedom’ is a thorough indictment of the Israeli military for war crimes, and a stunning cinematic portrayal of Palestinians’ heroic resistance.
We will also be joined for part of the discussion by a Palestinian participant from one our partner organizations in Gaza We Are Not Numbers, a group of aspiring and inspiring young journalists telling their stories of daily life in the Gaza Strip.
Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to view a film, interact with the film-maker and more! Please register by clicking here.
If you wish to donate to UNWRA’s Covid-19 urgent response appeal for healthcare in Palestine, see here:
In Solidarity,

28 March, Manchester: CHANGED FOR COVID-19 – Protest – Free Palestine! Zionism is Racism!

Saturday, 28 March
NOTE: This event will not take place as scheduled due to COVID-19. Contact the organizers for more information on digital options.
Manchester, England
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/860107067832905/

As part of the international week of action in solidarity with the Palestinian March of Return, join us on the streets to protest at continuing British support for Israeli colonisation. Bring people, flags, placards and voices to shut down Israel’s backers in Manchester.

Victory to the March of Return!
Free all Palestinian political prisoners!
Isolate the Zionist state!


Support the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network call for action:

Eleven years after “Operation Cast Lead,” Israel’s onslaught against Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip, Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network asks organizations to endorse the call by the Higher National Commission of the Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege for a global mobilization on 24-30 March.

Like Israel’s 2008-2009 offensive, which massacred over 1,400 Palestinians, including more than 300 children, wounded over 5,000, and destroyed 3,540 homes, leaving more than 20,000 Palestinians homeless, its free-fire policy against the Great Return March showed the genocidal nature of its project for the liquidation of the Palestinian people.

And no less than the heroic resistance of Palestinians under 22 bloody days of Israeli bombardment, the Great Return March, which continues even after Israeli fire killed over 200 marchers and injured nearly 20,000, poses a crucial challenge for all supporters of Palestine.

Endorse the call for an international week of action to support the Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege