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30 January, Online Event: The Palestinian National Charter: History, Present and Future

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is endorsing the following event, organized by the Alternative Palestinian Path:

The Palestinian National Charter: History, Present and Future

How was the National Charter violated, and how can the people regain their sole legitimate constitution?
What are the mechanisms for protecting the National Charter according to the Palestinian popular will?

Featured Speakers:
Dr. Anis al-Qasim, expert in international law
Jaber Suleiman, researcher and expert on Palestinian refugee rights

Saturday, 30 January 2021
9 am Pacific – 12 pm Eastern – 6 pm central Europe – 7 pm Palestine
Over Zoom
Organized by the Preparatory Committee of the Conference for the Palestinian Alternative Path

The interventions will be published (in Arabic) in Al-Adab magazine.

This event will take place in Arabic, with English translation provided over Zoom.




Samidoun Deutschland marches in the Liebknecht-Luxemburg-Demo in Berlin

On Sunday, 10 January, Samidoun Deutschland participated in the annual Liebknecht-Luxemburg-Demo in Berlin, Germany, joining thousands of participants marching through the streets of Berlin carrying banners, signs and red flags against imperialism, colonialism and exploitation. The annual march commemorates the lives and struggles of revolutionary leaders Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, assassinated in 1919.

The Samidoun contingent marched with the internationalist block at the demonstration, carrying banners calling for the liberation of Palestinian prisoners, as well as Arab revolutionary political prisoner for Palestine Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, imprisoned in French jails for the past 36 years.

The annual march once again marked the launch of the International Week of Action to free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners, from 15 to 23 January 2021. Ahmad Sa’adat, the imprisoned General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, is a leader of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement and the international left.

In a speech delivered at the march, Samidoun Deutschland emphasized its call for the revolutionary forces all over the world to stand by the Palestinian cause and uphold the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea, expressing support for all revolutionary movements in the world who are fighting for liberation from colonialism, imperialism and reaction.

11 January, Milan: Support the four anti-Zionist comrades on trial!

Monday, 11 January
9:00 am
Court of Milan
Milan, Italy
More info: https://ccrsri.wordpress.com/2021/01/08/sostegno-ai-4-compagni-antisionisti-sotto-processo-a-milano/
From the Collective Against Repression for International Red Aid (CCRSRI)

Four anti-Zionist comrades are being put on trial for protesting Zionist groups’ participation in the antifascist march on 25 April 2018. At the second preliminary hearing in the case on 11 November 2020, the four were ordered to trial. On 11 January 2021 at 9:00 am in Milan, the first hearing of this case will take place. The comrades are being accused of resisting police, throwing dangerous objects and “incitement to hatred,” a clear attack on anti-Zionism and Palestinian rights.

This judicial attack aims to target the movement supporting the struggle of the Palestinian people against imperialism and Zionism, which has organized and promoted various mobilizations and initiatives in support of the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian prisoners. For years, the Italian state has had important economic, political, cultural and military ties, selling technology and arms to the Zionist state. A further element of this “friendship” with Israel is reflected in the repression against those who challenge its colonialist, racist policies targeting the Palestinian people by the Zionist state. This is not only about Italy, as US and EU imperialism are the biggest supporters of the Israeli state, as a bulwark of their interests against the struggles for self-determination of oppressed peoples. Legislation has also been enacted in other EU countries that aims to suppress solidarity with the Palestinian people and the fight against Zionism, equating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism and making false allegations of hatred.

In recent weeks, in Toulouse, France, numerous pro-Zionist organizations have launched a media defamation campaign, demanding the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, which has been engaged for years in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

It is therefore important to develop solidarity with those facing repression for their support of the Palestinian cause, to challenge the role of Italian imperialism in support of Israel, and to continue to promote and extend support here for the struggle of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian prisoners. In this regard, we adopt the initiative launched by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network for a week to mobilize for the liberation of Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners.

8 January 2021

Collettivo Contro la Repressione per un Soccorso Rosso Internazionale (CCRSRI)


Proletari Torinesi – per il Soccorso Rosso Internazionale (PT-SRI)


Sostegno ai 4 compagni antisionisti sotto processo a Milano

Tutti al presidio in sostegno dei compagni antisionisti

11 gennaio ore 9.00 Tribunale di Milano

L’11 novembre 2020 si è svolta la seconda udienza preliminare che ha deciso di portare a processo 4 compagni antisionisti per la contestazione della presenza sionista durante il corteo del 25 Aprile 2018. L’11 gennaio 2021, alle ore 9.00, a Milano, si terrà la prima udienza di questo processo contro i compagni accusati di minacce, resistenza a P.U, lancio pericoloso di oggetti e incitamento all’odio razziale, quindi i compagni da indagati ora diventano imputati.

Quest’operazione giudiziaria è chiaramente finalizzata a colpire il movimento di sostegno alla lotta del popolo palestinese e contro l’imperialismo e il sionismo che in questi anni ha organizzato e promosso varie mobilitazioni e iniziative a sostegno della causa del popolo palestinese e dei suoi prigionieri. Lo Stato italiano da anni intrattiene importanti legami economici, politici, culturali e nel campo militare con la compravendita di tecnologia e armamenti con lo stato sionista. Un ulteriore elemento di questa “amicizia” con Israele è rappresentato dalla repressione contro chi contesta le politiche colonialiste e razziste e di genocidio del popolo palestinese da parte dell’entità sionista. Questo non riguarda solo Italia, in quanto l’imperialismo USA e UE è il maggiore sostenitore dello stato di Israele, quale baluardo in quell’area dei propri interessi e contro la lotta e l’autodeterminazione dei popoli oppressi. Anche in altri Paesi dell’UE sono state promulgate legislazioni che colpiscono la solidarietà verso il popolo palestinese e la lotta contro il sionismo, equiparando l’antisionismo all’antisemitismo e inscenando processi per incitamento all’odio razziale. E’ di quest’ultime settimane la notizia che in Francia, a Tolosa, numerosi organismi filosionisti hanno messo in atto una campagna massmediatica per chiedere lo scioglimento del gruppo “Collectif Palestine Vaincra”, da anni impegnato nella solidarietà alla lotta del popolo palestinese.

E’ importante quindi sviluppare la solidarietà verso chi viene colpito per il sostegno alla causa palestinese, criticare il ruolo dell’imperialismo italiano a fianco di Israele e continuare a promuovere ed estendere qui il sostegno alla lotta del popolo palestinese e dei prigionieri. A questo proposito facciamo nostra l’iniziativa lanciata da “Samidoun” (Rete di solidarietà per i prigionieri palestinesi) per una settimana, dal 15 al 23 gennaio 2021, di mobilitazione per la liberazione di Ahmad Sa’ adat e tutti i prigionieri palestinesi.


Collettivo Contro la Repressione per un Soccorso Rosso Internazionale (CCRSRI)


Proletari Torinesi – per il Soccorso Rosso Internazionale (PT-SRI)



24 January, Paris: Rally for the liberation of Ahmad Sa’adat, Georges Abdallah and all Palestinian prisoners

Sunday, 24 January
3:00 pm
Place Jean Ferrat – Metro L2 Menilmontant
Paris, France
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1135211573605908

The Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah will fully participate in the international week of action for the release of Ahmad Sa’adat between 15 and 23 January 2021, called for by Samidoun. This rally in Paris will demand the release of imprisoned comrades, Ahmad Sa’adat, Georges Abdallah and all Palestinian prisoners.

les camarades de Samidoun appellent cette année encore à une semaine internationale d’actions pour la libération d’Ahmad Sa’adat entre le 15 et le 23 janvier 2021. Cette année encore, la Campagne Unitaire participera pleinement à cette initiative et pour ce faire, appelle à un rassemblement à Paris pour exiger la libération de nos camarades Ahmad Sa’adat, Georges Abdallah et de tous les prisonniers palestiniens.


Ahmad SA’ADAT, secrétaire général du Front Populaire, est un combattant pour la libération de la Palestine, un leader du mouvement de libération nationale palestinien et un symbole du mouvement révolutionnaire international.

Il a été condamné à 30 ans de prison par un tribunal militaire de l’entité sioniste, accusé d’être à la direction d’une organisation interdite et pour « incitation à la haine ». Depuis le 15 janvier 2002, cela fait maintenant 19 ans qu’il a été arrêté par l’Autorité palestinienne dans le cadre de la « coopération en matière de sécurité » avec l’occupant sioniste. Et depuis 2006, après une violente attaque contre la prison de Jéricho de l’Autorité palestinienne, Ahmad SA’ADAT et ses camarades purgent désormais leurs lourdes peines dans les geôles de l’entité sioniste.

Il se tient, aujourd’hui, aux côtés de près de plus de 5000 autres prisonniers politiques palestiniens, sur la ligne de front de la lutte de la libération nationale. En tant que tel, il est un symbole de la résistance palestinienne, arabe et internationaliste à l’impérialisme, au capitalisme, au racisme, à l’apartheid et à la colonisation.

Et alors que parallèlement les attaques contre le peuple palestinien se poursuivent et s’intensifient, pas un jour ne se passe sans qu’il ne soutienne les Palestiniens de Gaza dans leur combat quotidien pour briser le siège qui leur est imposé depuis de nombreuses années ; pas un jour ne se passe sans qu’il ne soutienne les réfugiés palestiniens dans leur lutte pour leur droit juste et légitime au retour. Pas un jour ne se passe sans qu’il ne condamne fermement tout ce que subit le peuple palestinien, que ce soit les confiscations des terres, la criminalisation des luttes, les démolitions de maisons, les emprisonnements de masse et les exécutions extrajudiciaires et sommaires. Pas un jour ne se passe sans qu’il condamne toutes les normalisations des régimes réactionnaires arabes avec l’entité sioniste. Pas un jour ne se passe enfin sans qu’il ne dénonce l’impunité dont bénéficie l’entité sioniste sous couvert de l’appui des impérialistes de tout bord.

Son combat et celui de tous les prisonniers palestiniens est aussi celui de Georges Abdallah – le combat d’un attachement indéfectible à la juste cause des peuples opprimés de Palestine, du Liban, et partout dans le monde.

Plus que jamais, l’exigence de la libération de ces camarades doit être défendue et réaffirmée et en ce sens, nous appelons toutes celles et tous ceux qui sont du côté des peuples en lutte, du côté de la résistance palestinienne, qui combattent le capitalisme, l’impérialisme, le sionisme, le racisme d’Etat, le colonialisme et les États réactionnaires arabes, à lutter pour exiger leur libération et notamment à participer au RASSEMBLEMENT PRÉVU À PARIS, LE DIMANCHE 24 JANVIER 2021, PLACE JEAN FERRAT (métro Ménilmontant – ligne 2), À 15H00.

C’est ensemble et seulement ensemble que nous vaincrons !

Campagne unitaire pour la libération de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah
Contact : campagne.unitaire.gabdallah@gmail.com



Georges Abdallah est un militant communiste libanais qui, au sein de son organisation, les Fractions armées révolutionnaires libanaises (FARL), a lutté contre les criminels impérialistes et leurs alliés sionistes.

Il s’est engagé dès la fin des années soixante dans la résistance palestinienne et libanaise contre la colonisation et l’occupation sionistes.

Arrêté à Lyon le 24 octobre 1984, il est condamné à 4 ans de prison, puis en 1987 à la réclusion à perpétuité par un tribunal spécial, pour complicité dans l’exécution d’un agent des services secrets israéliens et d’un attaché militaire états-unien.

Le montage policier et judiciaire qui a permis sa condamnation a depuis été dénoncé par de hauts personnages de l’État.

En 2003, la juridiction de Pau autorise sa libération, mais sur ordre du ministre de la Justice suite à une intervention des États-Unis, l’appel du procureur général fait annuler cette décision.

En 2009, la cour d’appel rejette une nouvelle fois une demande de libération conditionnelle.

En 2012, Georges Abdallah dépose une nouvelle demande de libération. Lors d’une visite officielle en France, le premier ministre libanais réaffirme l’accord de son pays pour le retour de Georges Abdallah.

En novembre 2012, le tribunal d’application des peines donne un avis favorable à sa libération, en l’attente d’un arrêté d’expulsion… que Valls, ministre de l’Intérieur, refuse de signer. Le 4 avril 2013, après trois ajournements, deux appels et un recours en cassation, la demande de libération de Georges Abdallah est déclarée irrecevable.

Le 5 novembre 2014, une nouvelle demande de libération est déclarée “irrecevable” au motif qu’il n’avait pas fait préalablement l’objet d’un arrêté d’expulsion. La cour d’appel confirme ce jugement le 26 février 2015.

Sa peine de sûreté étant accomplie depuis 1999, Georges Abdallah est pourtant libérable depuis plus de 21 ans.

La justice française, aux ordres d’un gouvernement soucieux de préserver les intérêts impérialistes français au Moyen-Orient, maintient Georges Abdallah en prison depuis 37 ans. Aujourd’hui, il est le plus ancien prisonnier politique en Europe.

Frankfurt: Call to free Palestinian prisoners at Liebknecht-Luxemburg-Demo

On Saturday, 9 January, Samidoun Deutschland joined with Free Palestine FFM in Frankfurt, Germany, at a rally on the 102nd anniversary of the assassination of internationalist revolutionaries, Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht. They carried signs calling for freedom for Palestinian prisoners, including Ahmad Sa’adat, the imprisoned General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. These events are kicking off the call for the International Week of Solidarity with Ahmad Sa’adat between 15 and 23 January.

Samidoun Deutschland members issued a call:

“Luxemburg and Liebknecht stood clearly against imperialism and both spent time in prison because of their revolutionary work.

So today, we think not only of these emancipatory, anti-imperialist figures, but also of all global and, particularly, Palestinian political prisoners unjustly locked in dungeons for their revolutionary, emancipatory work.

One of them is Ahmad Sa’adat, who has been serving a 30-year sentence as a political prisoner in an occupation prison since 2008.

Another critical case is that of Mumia Abu-Jamal, who has been behind bars as a political prisoner in the U.S. settler colony for almost 40 yeas. These penalties imposed by imperialist states are completely illegitimate!

Let us unite our struggles — free Ahmad Sa’adat, free Georges Abdallah, and free Mumia Abu-Jamal and all other political prisoners! Against occupation, imperialism and exploitation everywhere. None of us are free until all of us are free!”

10 January, Berlin: Samidoun Deutschland call for participation in Luxemburg-Liebknecht-Demo

Samidoun Deutschland calls on all to participate and mobilize for the annual march in memory of the internationalist revolutionaries, Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht.

Please bring Palestinian flags and join the internationalist block. For the Palestinian people’s fight against Zionist fascism, for return and liberation, we will be visible tomorrow, Sunday, 10 January, in the streets of Berlin!

On Sunday, 10 January 2020 at 10 am. The march begins at U-Frankfurter Tor, continuing down Frankfurter Allee, Alte Frankfurter Allee, and Gudrunstrasse to the Memorial for Socialists at the Friedrichsfelde cemetery.

#FacebookCensorsPalestine – Palestinians call for 2-hour Facebook boycott on 9 January

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is joining the two-hour Facebook boycott protest called by the Palestinian Content Protection Initiative on Saturday, 9 January 2021. Palestinian organizations and supporters of Palestine are campaigning to highlight the ongoing deletion and censoring of Palestinian organizations’ Facebook pages. Most recently, the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine was blocked by the tech giant, part of an ongoing attack by Silicon Valley companies on Palestinian and anti-imperialist expression. Please join us by not posting on Facebook between 5 pm and 7 pm Palestine time (3 pm to 5 pm UTC) on Saturday, 9 January:. The following article is reposted from VPalestine: 

The Palestinian Content Protection Initiative has called on the Palestinian media outlets and activists to observe a two-hour pause next Saturday by not posting on their Facebook pages and accounts from 5 pm to 7 pm, in protest of the social media’s crackdown on the Palestinian content.

The Initiative said in a statement issued by the Palestinian non-governmental organization, Sada Social, that the Saturday campaign includes a halt on publishing from 5 pm to 7 pm, in addition to a focused media coverage and campaign to explain the reasons and justifications for this pause.

“The administrations of social media websites have been pursuing, targeting, and restricting the publishing and access of Palestinian pages and accounts, and in full coordination with the Israeli occupation government,” said the Initiative. “As a result, Palestinian media have been restricted, and were unable to convey their national message.”

The Initiative pointed out that “the Facebook campaign has even expanded further to removing and blocking pages and restricting the access to the publications of media pages and news networks. Specialized centers have monitored a 50 percent drop in access.”

“Because we are strong and have a right message, and because we defend a just cause against a brutal occupation, it is our duty to stand united to defend our message, and to communicate our voice in an effective and strong way to the administrations of these platforms,” the Initiative remarked.

The Palestinian Content Protection Initiative is a newly established gathering of Palestinian media outlets, initiatives, and activists working together to protect the Palestinian content.

Joint Statement: Solidarity with Palestine Antikolonial in Münster

English | Deutsch | Svenska | العربية | Español | Français

Joint Statement

We, the undersigned groups, express our clear and complete solidarity with the “Palästina Antikolonial” group in Münster, Germany, after an anti-Palestinian repressive attack – aligned with other such attacks in Germany – has attempted to restrict their legitimate student and political work at the University of Münster. This was done through a false and malicious anti-Semitism accusation formulated by the AStA (the Student Council at the University). This is a common pro-Zionist practice, used to attack pro-Palestinian work while concealing their own anti-Semitism and racism.

This attack comes not only in full compliance with the reactionary anti-BDS resolution of the German Parliament, the Bundestag, but also in an unreflected and pathetic assumption of the logic of imperialist “terrorist lists”. On this basis, the AStA Münster decided that the name of the “Palästina Antikolonial” group must be placed on a list of “anti-Semitic groups” in an attempt to bar them from holding events or organizing at the University. This is an attack that is directed not only against “Palästina Antikolonial”, but also against all Palestinian students in Germany.

We call on all free, emancipatory, and anti-racist voices to join us and sign this declaration. We categorically reject the false accusation of anti-Semitism, demand an immediate apology from the AStAs for this affront, and warn against any tolerance for racist anti-Palestinian repression at German universities.

From the left: Samidoun Deutschland (Germany), Palästina Antikolonial (Germany), Zusammen kämpfen Magdeburg (Germany), Volksrat der Suryoye in Europa (Germany), Free Palestine Movement FFM (Germany), Studis gegen rechte hetze (Germany), Antifa Jugend Augsburg (Germany), Internationale Jugendgruppe Siegen (Germany), Das Palästina Portal (Germany), Institut für Palästinakunde e.V. (Germany), Palästina spricht NRW (Germany), Rote Jugend Schwaben(Germany), Duisburger Netzwerk gegen Rechts (Germany), Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network (international), Palestinian Youth Movement (US),  Al-Awda – the Palestine Right to Return Coalition (US), Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine (US), Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization (Spain), US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (US), Collectif Palestine Vaincra (France), International Solidarity Movement (ISM) Northern California, Canada Palestine Association (Canada),  Students Against Israeli Apartheid – University of Toronto (Canada), Palestine Solidarity Collective at York University (US), National Students for Justice in Palestine (US) – National SJP (US), Internationalt Forum – Middle East Group (Denmark),  Dar al Janub – Verein für antirassistische und friedenspolitische Initiative (Austria), McGill Students in Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (Canada), University of Waterloo Students for Palestinian Rights (Canada), Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights – University of British Columbia (Canada), Laurier Palestinian Students Association (Canada), Yeni Demokratik Gençlik YDG (Germany), Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights – SPHR Queen’s University (Canada), Atik – Confederation of workers from Turkey in Europe (European), Revolutionaire Eenheid (Netherlands), Palästina Spricht (Germany), Netzwerk Freiheit für alle politischen Gefangenen (Germany), Queerproletariatet (Sweden)

Gemeinsame Stellungnahme

Wir, die unten unterschreibenden Gruppen, möchten hiermit unsere totale Solidarität mit der Gruppe Palästina Antikolonial deutlich zum Ausdruck bringen, nachdem die in Deutschland bekannte anti- Palästinensische Repression versucht hat, ihre legitime studentische und politische Arbeit an der Universität Münster einzuschränken. Dies geschah durch einen vom AStA formulierten Antisemitismus-Vorwurf: eine beliebte pro-zionistische Praxis, um pro-Palästinensische Arbeit anzugreifen und dabei gleichzeitig den eigenen Antisemitismus zu verdecken.

Nicht nur in voller Übereinstimmung mit dem reaktionären Anti-BDS-Beschluss des Bundestages, sondern auch in einer unreflektierten und armseligen Annahme der Logik der imperialistischen “Terror-Listen,” entscheidet der AStA-Münster, dass der Name Palästina Antikolonial zu einer Liste der “antisemitischen Gruppen” gehören muss. Dies ist ein Angriff, der sich nicht nur gegen Palästina Antikolonial richtet, sondern auch gegen alle palästinensischen Studierenden in Deutschland.

Wir fordern alle freien, emanzipatorischen und antirassistischen Stimmen auf, sich uns anzuschließen und diese Erklärung zu unterzeichnen. Wir lehnen diesen Vorwurf kategorisch ab, verlangen eine sofortige Entschuldigung des AStAs wegen dieses Fehlers und warnen davor, die rassistische anti-Palästinensische Repression an den deutschen Universitäten zu tolerieren.

From the left: Samidoun Deutschland (Germany), Palästina Antikolonial (Germany), Zusammen kämpfen Magdeburg (Germany), Volksrat der Suryoye in Europa (Germany), Free Palestine Movement FFM (Germany), Studis gegen rechte hetze (Germany), Antifa Jugend Augsburg (Germany), Internationale Jugendgruppe Siegen (Germany), Das Palästina Portal (Germany), Institut für Palästinakunde e.V. (Germany), Palästina spricht NRW (Germany), Rote Jugend Schwaben(Germany), Duisburger Netzwerk gegen Rechts (Germany), Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network (international), Palestinian Youth Movement (US),  Al-Awda – the Palestine Right to Return Coalition (US), Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine (US), Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization (Spain), US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (US), Collectif Palestine Vaincra (France), International Solidarity Movement (ISM) Northern California, Canada Palestine Association (Canada),  Students Against Israeli Apartheid – University of Toronto (Canada), Palestine Solidarity Collective at York University (US), National Students for Justice in Palestine (US) – National SJP (US), Internationalt Forum – Middle East Group (Denmark),  Dar al Janub – Verein für antirassistische und friedenspolitische Initiative (Austria), McGill Students in Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (Canada), University of Waterloo Students for Palestinian Rights (Canada), Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights – University of British Columbia (Canada), Laurier Palestinian Students Association (Canada), Yeni Demokratik Gençlik YDG (Germany), Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights – SPHR Queen’s University (Canada), Atik – Confederation of workers from Turkey in Europe (European), Revolutionaire Eenheid (Netherlands), Palästina Spricht (Germany), Netzwerk Freiheit für alle politischen Gefangenen (Germany), Queerproletariatet (Sweden)

Gemensamt uttalande

Vi, de undertecknande grupperna, uttrycker tydlig och fullständig solidaritet med gruppen ”Palestine Antikolonial” i Münster, Tyskland, efter ett antipalestinskt repressivt angrepp – i linje med andra liknande angrepp i Tyskland – försökte begränsa deras legitima studentverksamhet och politiska arbete vid Münsters universitet. Detta utfördes genom en falsk och illvillig antisemitismanklagelse som uttrycktes av AStA (universitetets studentkår).

Det är en vanlig prosionistisk praktik som använts till att angripa propalestinsk verksamhet samtidigt som den döljer den egna antisemitismen och rasismen. Angreppet är inte bara i full överenskommelse med den reaktionära anti-BDS-resolutionen som antagits av det tyska parlamentet, Bundestagen, utan också med ett oreflekterat och patetiskt anammande av imperialistiska ”terrorlistors” logik. På denna grund bestämde AStA Münster att gruppen  “Palästina Antikolonial” namn ska placeras på en lista med ”antisemitiska grupper” i ett försök att utesluta dem från att anordna aktiviteter eller organisera på universitetet. Detta är ett angrepp riktat inte bara mot Palestine Antikolonial utan även mot alla palestinska studenter i Tyskland.

Vi kallar på alla fria, progressiva och antirasistiska röster att stå med oss och underteckna detta uttalande. Vi fördömer kategoriskt dessa falska anklagelser om antisemitism, kräver en omedelbar ursäkt från AStA för denna kränkning och varnar för någon som helst tolerans gentemot rasistiska antipalestinska uttryck på tyska universitet.

From the left: Samidoun Deutschland (Germany), Palästina Antikolonial (Germany), Zusammen kämpfen Magdeburg (Germany), Volksrat der Suryoye in Europa (Germany), Free Palestine Movement FFM (Germany), Studis gegen rechte hetze (Germany), Antifa Jugend Augsburg (Germany), Internationale Jugendgruppe Siegen (Germany), Das Palästina Portal (Germany), Institut für Palästinakunde e.V. (Germany), Palästina spricht NRW (Germany), Rote Jugend Schwaben(Germany), Duisburger Netzwerk gegen Rechts (Germany), Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network (international), Palestinian Youth Movement (US),  Al-Awda – the Palestine Right to Return Coalition (US), Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine (US), Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization (Spain), US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (US), Collectif Palestine Vaincra (France), International Solidarity Movement (ISM) Northern California, Canada Palestine Association (Canada),  Students Against Israeli Apartheid – University of Toronto (Canada), Palestine Solidarity Collective at York University (US), National Students for Justice in Palestine (US) – National SJP (US), Internationalt Forum – Middle East Group (Denmark),  Dar al Janub – Verein für antirassistische und friedenspolitische Initiative (Austria), McGill Students in Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (Canada), University of Waterloo Students for Palestinian Rights (Canada), Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights – University of British Columbia (Canada), Laurier Palestinian Students Association (Canada), Yeni Demokratik Gençlik YDG (Germany), Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights – SPHR Queen’s University (Canada), Atik – Confederation of workers from Turkey in Europe (European), Revolutionaire Eenheid (Netherlands), Palästina Spricht (Germany), Netzwerk Freiheit für alle politischen Gefangenen (Germany), Queerproletariatet (Sweden)

بيان مُشترك

نحن، المجموعات الموقعة أدناه، نُعرب عن تضامننا الكامل مع “Palästina Antikolonial”    في مونستر- ألمانيا، بعد الهجوم القمعي تجاههم، والمحاولات البائسة لتقييد عملهم الطلابي النقابي  والسياسي في جامعة مونستر، ويأتي هذا الهجوم ضمن سلسلة من المعاداة المتواصلة ضد الفلسطينيين والمجموعات الفلسطينية في ألمانيا. وذلك عن طريق كيل اتهامات خبيثة بمُعادة السامية صاغه AStAs (مجلس الطلاب في الجامعة)، وهي أداة تنتهجها المجموعات المؤيدة للصهيونية والعنصرية  لمهاجمة حركة التضامن والمجموعات الفلسطينية استمرارًا في سعيها للنيل من القضية الفلسطيني

لا يأتي هذا الهجوم فقط في إطار الامتثال الكامل للقرار الرّجعي المُناهض لحركة مقاطعة الاحتلال الصهيوني من قِبل البرلمان الألماني، “البوندستاغ”، بل أيضًا في افتراض مثير للشفقة لمنطق “القوائم الإرهابية” الإمبريالية. وعليه، قرّر “AStA Münster” أن مجموعة “Palästina Antikolonial” يجب أن توضع على قائمة “الجماعات المعادية للسامية” في محاولة لمنعهم من ممارسة عملهم الطلابي النقابي والسياسي و إقامة الفعاليات ومن حقهم في التنظيم داخل الجامعة.

إن هذا الهجوم لا يطال فقط “Palästina Antikolonial”، بل هو عمل ممنهج وموجه ضد جميع الطلبة الفلسطينيين في ألمانيا، وحركات التضامن الطلابية مع القضية الفلسطينية.

ندعو جميع الأصوات الحُرة التحررية والمناهضة للعنصرية والإمبريالية إلى إعلاء صوتها ومشاركتنا التوقيع على هذا البيان الرافض بشكل قاطع الاتهام الكاذب والتحريضي بمُعاداة السامية، ونطالب بالاعتذار الفوري من AStAs عن هذا الهجوم والقمع، ونُحذر من أي تساوق واستمرار للقمع العنصري ضد الفلسطينيين في الجامعات الألمانية.

From the left: Samidoun Deutschland (Germany), Palästina Antikolonial (Germany), Zusammen kämpfen Magdeburg (Germany), Volksrat der Suryoye in Europa (Germany), Free Palestine Movement FFM (Germany), Studis gegen rechte hetze (Germany), Antifa Jugend Augsburg (Germany), Internationale Jugendgruppe Siegen (Germany), Das Palästina Portal (Germany), Institut für Palästinakunde e.V. (Germany), Palästina spricht NRW (Germany), Rote Jugend Schwaben(Germany), Duisburger Netzwerk gegen Rechts (Germany), Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network (international), Palestinian Youth Movement (US),  Al-Awda – the Palestine Right to Return Coalition (US), Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine (US), Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization (Spain), US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (US), Collectif Palestine Vaincra (France), International Solidarity Movement (ISM) Northern California, Canada Palestine Association (Canada),  Students Against Israeli Apartheid – University of Toronto (Canada), Palestine Solidarity Collective at York University (US), National Students for Justice in Palestine (US) – National SJP (US), Internationalt Forum – Middle East Group (Denmark),  Dar al Janub – Verein für antirassistische und friedenspolitische Initiative (Austria), McGill Students in Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (Canada), University of Waterloo Students for Palestinian Rights (Canada), Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights – University of British Columbia (Canada), Laurier Palestinian Students Association (Canada), Yeni Demokratik Gençlik YDG (Germany), Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights – SPHR Queen’s University (Canada), Atik – Confederation of workers from Turkey in Europe (European), Revolutionaire Eenheid (Netherlands), Palästina Spricht (Germany), Netzwerk Freiheit für alle politischen Gefangenen (Germany), Queerproletariatet (Sweden)

Manifiesto de solidaridad

Los grupos abajo firmantes expresamos nuestra clara y completa solidaridad con el grupo “Palästina Antikolonial” de Münster, Alemania, tras un ataque represivo anti-palestino -en la línea de otros ataques similares en Alemania- que ha intentado restringir su legítimo trabajo político y estudiantil en la Universidad de Münster. Esto se hizo mediante una acusación de antisemitismo falsa y malintencionada realizada por el Consejo Estudiantil de la Universidad. Esta es una práctica pro-sionista muy común, utilizada para atacar el trabajo pro-palestino mientras ocultan su propio antisemitismo y racismo. Este ataque viene dado, no sólo con total conformidad con la reaccionaria resolución anti-BDS del Parlamento Alemán, el Bundestag, sino también como una asunción, irreflexiva y patética, de la lógica del Imperialismo y sus “listas de organizaciones terroristas”. Y basándose en estas, el Consejo Estudiantil de Münster decidió que el grupo ” Palästina Antikolonial ” debía ser incluido en una lista de “grupos antisemitas”, en un intento de impedir que puedan organizar eventos en la Universidad. Este ataque está dirigido no sólo contra “Palästina Antikolonial”, sino también contra cada estudiante palestino en Alemania. Llamamos a todas las voces libres, libertadoras y antirracistas a unirse a nosotras y firmar esta declaración. Rechazamos categóricamente la falsa acusación de antisemitismo, exigimos una disculpa inmediata por parte del Consejo Estudiantil por esta ofensa y advertimos contra cualquier tipo de tolerancia a la represión racista y anti-palestina en las universidades alemanas.

From the left: Samidoun Deutschland (Germany), Palästina Antikolonial (Germany), Zusammen kämpfen Magdeburg (Germany), Volksrat der Suryoye in Europa (Germany), Free Palestine Movement FFM (Germany), Studis gegen rechte hetze (Germany), Antifa Jugend Augsburg (Germany), Internationale Jugendgruppe Siegen (Germany), Das Palästina Portal (Germany), Institut für Palästinakunde e.V. (Germany), Palästina spricht NRW (Germany), Rote Jugend Schwaben(Germany), Duisburger Netzwerk gegen Rechts (Germany), Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network (international), Palestinian Youth Movement (US),  Al-Awda – the Palestine Right to Return Coalition (US), Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine (US), Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization (Spain), US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (US), Collectif Palestine Vaincra (France), International Solidarity Movement (ISM) Northern California, Canada Palestine Association (Canada),  Students Against Israeli Apartheid – University of Toronto (Canada), Palestine Solidarity Collective at York University (US), National Students for Justice in Palestine (US) – National SJP (US), Internationalt Forum – Middle East Group (Denmark),  Dar al Janub – Verein für antirassistische und friedenspolitische Initiative (Austria), McGill Students in Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (Canada), University of Waterloo Students for Palestinian Rights (Canada), Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights – University of British Columbia (Canada), Laurier Palestinian Students Association (Canada), Yeni Demokratik Gençlik YDG (Germany), Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights – SPHR Queen’s University (Canada), Atik – Confederation of workers from Turkey in Europe (European), Revolutionaire Eenheid (Netherlands), Palästina Spricht (Germany), Netzwerk Freiheit für alle politischen Gefangenen (Germany), Queerproletariatet (Sweden)

Déclaration commune

Nous, les groupes signataires ci-dessous, exprimons notre claire et complète solidarité avec le groupe “Palästina Antikolonial” de Münster, Allemagne, après avoir été la cible d’une attaque de la répression anti-Palestinienne, bien connue en Allemagne, qui avait cette foistenté d’empêcher le travail étudiant et politique du groupe au sein de l’université de Münster. Ceci prenait la forme d’une fausse et malicieuse accusation d’antisémitisme formulée par leAStA (conseil des étudiants de l’université). Il s’agit d’une pratique pro-zioniste bien répandue, utilisée pour attaquer le travail pro-Palestinien tout en camouflant le propre antisémitisme et racisme.

Cette attaque est non seulement en parfaite conformité avec la résolution réactionnaire anti-BDS du parlement Allemand, le Bundestag, elle assume aussi, sans réflexion et d’unemanière misérable, la logique impérialiste des “listes de terreur”. Le AStA Münster a ainsi décidé que le nom du groupe “Palästina Antikolonial” devrait figurer dans une liste des “groupes antisémites” pour interdire leurs activités dans l’université.

Cette attaque ne visepas uniquement le groupe “Palästina Antikolonial” mais tous les étudiants Palestiniens en Allemagne.Nous appelons toutes les voix libres, émancipatrices et antiracistes à nous rejoindre etsigner cette déclaration. Nous rejetons catégoriquement la fausse accusation d’antisémitisme, demandons les excuses immédiates du AStA pour son erreur et prévenonsde tolérer la moindre répression anti-Palestinienne dans les universités Allemandes.

From the left: Samidoun Deutschland (Germany), Palästina Antikolonial (Germany), Zusammen kämpfen Magdeburg (Germany), Volksrat der Suryoye in Europa (Germany), Free Palestine Movement FFM (Germany), Studis gegen rechte hetze (Germany), Antifa Jugend Augsburg (Germany), Internationale Jugendgruppe Siegen (Germany), Das Palästina Portal (Germany), Institut für Palästinakunde e.V. (Germany), Palästina spricht NRW (Germany), Rote Jugend Schwaben(Germany), Duisburger Netzwerk gegen Rechts (Germany), Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network (international), Palestinian Youth Movement (US),  Al-Awda – the Palestine Right to Return Coalition (US), Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine (US), Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization (Spain), US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (US), Collectif Palestine Vaincra (France), International Solidarity Movement (ISM) Northern California, Canada Palestine Association (Canada),  Students Against Israeli Apartheid – University of Toronto (Canada), Palestine Solidarity Collective at York University (US), National Students for Justice in Palestine (US) – National SJP (US), Internationalt Forum – Middle East Group (Denmark),  Dar al Janub – Verein für antirassistische und friedenspolitische Initiative (Austria), McGill Students in Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (Canada), University of Waterloo Students for Palestinian Rights (Canada), Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights – University of British Columbia (Canada), Laurier Palestinian Students Association (Canada), Yeni Demokratik Gençlik YDG (Germany), Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights – SPHR Queen’s University (Canada), Atik – Confederation of workers from Turkey in Europe (European), Revolutionaire Eenheid (Netherlands), Palästina Spricht (Germany), Netzwerk Freiheit für alle politischen Gefangenen (Germany), Queerproletariatet (Sweden)




Free Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat, Palestinian prisoner in British jails #FreeIssam

#FreeIssam Twitterstorm and Social Media Action for Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat, Palestinian political prisoner in British jails

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

10 am Pacific – 1 pm Eastern – 6 pm British time – 7 pm central Europe – 8 pm Palestine

  • Use these sample tweets for your posts: bit.ly/issamtweets
  • Use the hashtag #FreeIssam for all of your posts during the action! 

On 5 January, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is joining with Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization, Palestine Online, Palestine Defense Forces, V Palestine and Palestine SunBird for a social media action to #FreeIssam – Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat, Palestinian political prisoner in British jails.

Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat is a Palestinian medical doctor who has lived in Edinburgh, Scotland, since 2010. Today, Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat is a political prisoner, held in high-security Maghaberry Prison in the north of Ireland. He was targeted by an MI5 infiltrator to attend a bugged meeting with members of Saoradh, an Irish republican socialist political party that advocates for an end to British colonialism and a united Ireland. He was detained on 22 August at Heathrow Airport on the same day that nine members of Saoradh were also arrested by British forces.

Dr. Hijjawi Bassalat has faced increasingly worse health conditions inside Maghaberry Prison. Issam suffers from serious health conditions and is not receiving the treatment he needs; instead, he has suffered from multiple delays that amount to a form of torture, forcing him to suffer in unnecessary pain as his condition worsens. Despite this situation, Issam has been repeatedly refused bail. Most recently, his bail application was once again refused on 22 December, despite overwhelming evidence of both his severe health situation and the effects of imprisonment upon his medical decline.

He faces another court hearing on 6 January, as he remains wrongfully imprisoned. Join us in a social media action on Tuesday, 5 January to support this Palestinian doctor who has given so much to his community in Edinburgh as well as the broader Palestinian community. Today, he is facing worsening pain and the atrophy of his leg on a daily basis, while the presumption of innocence is being cast aside for political gamesmanship. Join the call to #FreeIssam and urge the immediate release of Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat and the provision of the medical care he so desperately needs. 

  • Use these sample tweets for your posts: bit.ly/issamtweets
  • Use the hashtag #FreeIssam for all of your posts during the action! 


Who is Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat?

Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat is a Palestinian medical doctor who has lived in Edinburgh, Scotland, since 2010. Dr. Hijjawi Bassalat, 62, came to the UK in 1995 to work as a doctor, and he is a well-known, respected member of the Palestinian community in Scotland and the father of four. He previously served as chair of the Association of Palestinian Communities in Scotland (today, the Scottish Palestinian Society) and has been active throughout Europe in advocating for Palestinian rights to return, freedom and justice, speaking frequently at meetings, conferences and events.

Today, Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat is a political prisoner, held in high-security Maghaberry Prison in the north of Ireland. He was targeted by an MI5 infiltrator to attend a bugged meeting with members of Saoradh, an Irish republican socialist political party that advocates for an end to British colonialism and a united Ireland. He was detained on 22 August at Heathrow Airport on the same day that nine members of Saoradh were also arrested by British forces in what was labeled “Operation Arbacia.”

Unjust Bail Refusal amid Worsening Health

Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat has faced increasingly worse health conditions inside Maghaberry Prison. Issam suffers from serious health conditions and is not receiving the treatment he needs; instead, he has suffered from multiple delays that amount to a form of torture, forcing him to suffer in unnecessary pain as his condition worsens. He has experienced back pain and a spinal condition prior to his arrest when he suffered a slipped disc in July. The conditions of his imprisonment have exacerbated his injuries, especially due to the medical neglect of the prison administration.

Despite this situation, Issam has been repeatedly refused bail. Most recently, his bail application was once again refused on 22 December, despite overwhelming evidence of both his severe health situation and the effects of imprisonment upon his medical decline. As noted by Issam’s barrister, Brenda Campbell, QC, “Within the prison system they have really reached the end of the road in terms of trying to make him more comfortable. He requires surgery, he is experiencing muscle wastage as a result of what he is very much concerned about is nerve damage that may be permanent.”

Declining Health and Medical Neglect

He was taken by the prison administration for an MRI on 15 September before being placed in isolation in a run-down location called Foyle House for 14 days. While this was explained as a COVID-19 preventative measure, this means that he was in isolation for four weeks with only a break of a few days in conditions that did not allow him to walk or exercise, which at that time still provided some relief for his condition. His situation was so severe that he launched a hunger strike to get out of isolation that was supported by 50 Irish republican prisoners.

Now, he has been in severe pain for weeks despite taking painkillers and needs crutches to walk, and it is his belief – as a medical doctor – that he will need surgery.

Issam has gone so far as to offer to pay for private surgery and is in touch with a neurosurgeon; however, the prison administration has failed to turn over his medical records, further prolonging his agony. As noted by the Scottish Campaign Against Criminalizing Communities, this failure to provide treatment constitutes a potential breach of the prohibition on torture, inhuman or degrading treatment under Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

MI5 Infiltration and Dubious Charges

The arrests sprang from the decades-long infiltration of Irish republican movements by MI5 agent Dennis McFadden, detailed in a Channel 4 News report (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxszWn367pY). Issam was entrapped into a meeting with McFadden on false pretenses after he was told by British officials that he had to pick up his daughter’s passport renewal in Belfast instead of Glasgow. There, he was invited to what was presented to him as a Saoradh meeting to discuss international solidarity and the Palestinian cause; he had previously spoken to a Saoradh Ard Fheis (annual meeting) about Palestine, an open, public event.

He is charged with “preparatory acts of terrorism” under the 2006 Terrorism Act, based on his attendance at this meeting engineered by MI5. Issam’s solicitor, Gavin Booth, has seen the transcript of the meeting Issam was compelled to attend, noting that “Everything that’s contained within the transcripts and the recordings is about Palestine, is about peaceful and democratic change. There’s nothing in the transcripts from Dr Bassalat that would support violence in any way.” Despite these facts and the presumption of innocence that is supposed to apply, he has been denied bail on two occasions and is being held on remand.

Targeting Issam’s Bank Account and Medical License

This is not the only form of mistreatment Issam has suffered. His bank account was frozen, denying him access to funds and creating even more inconvenience and trauma for his family — again, all while he ostensibly retains the presumption of innocence. Issam’s licence to practise medicine was suspended by the General Medical Council (GMC) on 26 October 2020 after the charges filed against him, despite the fact that he has been convicted of nothing and that the charges in no way relate to his fitness to practise medicine or his treatment of his patients.

Issam is being targeted as a Palestinian in an attempt to justify the MI5 infiltration of public political parties and to smear both the Palestinian and Irish struggles through entrapment and misrepresentation. As a result, this Palestinian doctor who has given so much to his community in Edinburgh as well as the broader Palestinian community is facing worsening pain and the atrophy of his leg on a daily basis, while the presumption of innocence is being cast aside for political gamesmanship. We urge the immediate release of Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat and the provision of the medical care he so desperately needs. 

Video: Channel 4 Report on MI5 Entrapment and Infiltration

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxszWn367pY (9 October 2020)

Video Webinar on Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat and the Saoradh 9 

https://youtu.be/32gV6HFLx2w (22 September 2020)

Resources on the Case of Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat

Media Coverage

Photos of Issam

Join the Twitterstorm Tuesday, 5 January to #FreeIssam Hijjawi Bassalat!

#FreeIssam Twitterstorm and Social Media Action for Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat, Palestinian political prisoner in British jails

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

10 am Pacific – 1 pm Eastern – 6 pm British time – 7 pm central Europe – 8 pm Palestine

  • Use these sample tweets for your posts: bit.ly/issamtweets
  • Use the hashtag #FreeIssam for all of your posts during the action! 

On 5 January, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is joining with Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization, Palestine Online, Palestine Defense Forces, V Palestine and Palestine SunBird for a social media action to #FreeIssam – Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat, Palestinian political prisoner in British jails.

Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat is a Palestinian doctor (a general practitioner or GP) who has lived in Edinburgh, Scotland, since 2010. Today, Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat is a political prisoner, held in high-security Maghaberry Prison in the north of Ireland. He was targeted by an MI5 infiltrator to attend a bugged meeting with members of Saoradh, an Irish republican socialist political party that advocates for an end to British colonialism and a united Ireland. He was detained on 22 August at Heathrow Airport on the same day that nine members of Saoradh were also arrested by British forces.

Dr. Hijjawi Bassalat has faced increasingly worse health conditions inside Maghaberry Prison. Issam suffers from serious health conditions and is not receiving the treatment he needs; instead, he has suffered from multiple delays that amount to a form of torture, forcing him to suffer in unnecessary pain as his condition worsens. Despite this situation, Issam has been repeatedly refused bail. Most recently, his bail application was once again refused on 22 December, despite overwhelming evidence of both his severe health situation and the effects of imprisonment upon his medical decline.

He faces another court hearing on 6 January, as he remains wrongfully imprisoned. Join us in a social media action on Tuesday, 5 January to support this Palestinian doctor who has given so much to his community in Edinburgh as well as the broader Palestinian community. Today, he is facing worsening pain and the atrophy of his leg on a daily basis, while the presumption of innocence is being cast aside for political gamesmanship. Join the call to #FreeIssam and urge the immediate release of Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat and the provision of the medical care he so desperately needs. 

  • Use these sample tweets for your posts: bit.ly/issamtweets
  • Use the hashtag #FreeIssam for all of your posts during the action!