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ILPS Statement: International Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is a member of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle, a global mass anti-imperialist alliance. The following statement was issued today, 3 December, as part of the International Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War by the ILPS Commission 3. Samidoun is also participating with ILPS in #SetThemFree, an online event in support of political prisoners around the world: 

On December 3, 2020, the International Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War, the International League of Peoples Struggles (ILPS) Commission 3 e salutes all political prisoners in Colombia, Guatemala, Indonesia, Iran, Kurdistan, Palestine, Philippines, Peru, Turkey, United States and elsewhere in the world who ardently defend the rights of peoples against imperialism and fascism. We demand their freedom!

Political prisoners are activists, freedom fighters, human rights defenders, and people who have been deprived of their liberty and remain in detention as a result of their political beliefs, aspirations and struggles.

Dr. Abimael Guzman Reinoso, 86 years old, is a Peruvian revolutionary who isincarcerated since 1992. Guzman’s lawyers claim that his rights are violated in jail. They demand that Guzman be treated as a political prisoner, as they assert that “any prisoner who has engaged in a political struggle, in a revolutionary struggle, in a civil war, is still must be treated in ways that follow international law no matter who they are. ” Guzman is currently held in absolute and perpetual isolation despite his fragile state of health and without medical attention at the Torture Center of the Military Prison of the El Callao Navy Base in Peru. We at ILPS Commission 3 demand respect for his life, his physical integrity and his health as stated by Peruvian and international laws.

Georges Ibrahim Abdullah, 69 years old, activist and resistance hero of the Palestinian resistance against Zionism, continues to be imprisoned in Lannemezan, France since 1984, making him the longest held political prisoner in the world.

Abdullah Ocalan, 71 years old, Kurdish nationalist political theoretician and one of the founding members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party is imprisoned since 1999. He is currently held in prison in Imrali, a small Turkish prison island in the south of the Sea of Marmara.

Mumia Abu-Jamal, 66 years old, political activist and journalist, imprisoned since 1982, is currently detained at the State Correctional Institution – Mahanoy in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, USA. He continued writing while in prison about the criminal justice system in the United States. He sued the prison system for refusing to treat him of his ailment, Hepatitis C, asserting that this violated his 8th Amendment protection from cruel and inhumane treatment as a prisoner and he won a court order that required the prison system to treat his disease.

Rey Claro Casambre, 68, Filipino social activist, former university teacher, physicist, and executive director of the Philippine Peace Center when  arrested on fabricated criminal charges two years ago.  As a long-time peace mobilizer and expert sought by academicians, churches, civil society institutions and cause-oriented advocates, he also served as one of the peace consultants of the National Democratic Front in peace negotiations with the Philippine government. He is incarcerated along with over 40 other political prisoners at Metro Manila District Jail 4 of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology in Camp Bagong Diwa, Taguig City.

We at ILPS Commission 3 demand the speedy release of these political prisoners!

Thousands more political prisoners are languishing in various jails in the different countries of the world, all for waging their fight for their right to self-determination and people’s rights.

Palestinian political prisoners estimated to be around 5,000 including 180 children are held in various Israeli occupation prisons.

West Papuans and South Moluccan political prisoners are held in various detention cells  in Indonesia: in Wamena, Papua, Ambon Moluccas, Manokwari, West Papua, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Jayapura, Papua, Sorong, Papua and Fakfak, Papua.

Zeynab Jalilian, the first woman political prisoner in Iran sentenced to death but commuted  to life imprisonment, is held in Evin Prison. Many more women political prisoners are Khoy prison, Qarchak Prison, Zanjan Prison, Vakilabad Prison, Mashhad, Bukan Prison, Ardebil Central Prison all in Iran;

In Guatemala the political prisoner Bernardo Caal, leader of the community Maya Qeqchi, supports a struggle against the company Retrieval, properties of Florentino Perez, president of the team of soccer Real Madrid of Spain, who as a whole with the hydroelectric ones Is reborn and  Oxec S.A, realized ravages in the destruction of the river Cahobon, for its own benefit. The damage caused in the destruction of the river by these companies, could be a visible today with the step of the thunderstorms ETA AND IOTA causing death in the population. The partner Bernando takes 1,026 days of prison torture for the alone fact of denouncing and of defending this outrage against the nature.

In the Philippines, there are currently 652 political prisoners languishing in prisons across the country, more than 400 of whom were detained under the fascist Duterte regime.

Thousands of political prisoners in Turkey were arrested and imprisoned under the brutal Erdogan government.

In the light of the continuing onslaught of the COVID 19 pandemic, we echo the call of UN rights chief, Michelle Bachelet  to governments to “reduce overcrowding in prisons to prevent catastrophic rates of COVID 19 infection” citing specific-at risk groups such as pregnant women, people with disabilities, elderly prisoners, and to those with underlying health conditions, minor and low risk offenders, people nearing the end of their sentences, and  “every person detained without sufficient legal basis, including political prisoners and those detained for critical, dissenting views.

We denounce governments’ inaction to release political prisoners, in line with the UN call. This is the case for the Philippines, Indonesia, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan and even the United States.

For repressive governments and imperialist nations, political prisoners are enemies, but for the peoples of the world they are an inspiration. These comrades who express the real situation of their country and defend their people against the imperialist wars of aggression are among those who also promote the resistance of the peoples to change a world system that knows only war and profit. Their fight and ideals will raze the prison walls. Indeed, the imperialists and the repressive governments may have put behind bars their  bodies, but never their minds and their will to fight.

In waves of vehement voices, we continue to call for the release of all political prisoners! We stand with the peoples of the Colombia, Guatemala, Indonesia, Iran, Kurdistan, Palestine, Philippines, Peru, Turkey, United States and other countries in their fight for freedom. As thousands of activists and freedom fighters are imprisoned, tortured, killed or disappeared around the world, we continue to march to advance and intensify resistance against state repression, within our own borders, and against the predatory wars of US imperialism.

ILPS Commission 3 stands in solidarity with all political prisoners and unequivocally demands their immediate and unconditional release!

Long live international solidarity!

Free all political prisoners now!

Declaration of Commission 3 of the ILPS on the International Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War

December 3, 2020

#AllForPalestine : Join the campaign for the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all supporters of Palestine to participate in the #AllForPalestine campaign on 29 November, the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The Global Campaign to Return to Palestine is calling for online and in-person actions under the slogan, “All for Palestine,” emphasizing global solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation and return.

To participate in the campaign at this critical moment for the Palestinian people, there are several actions that people and groups can take in their areas:

1. Raising the Palestinian flag in public places, squares, in front of your house or on your balcony.

2. Filming solidarity messages of about a minute’s duration, in any language you choose. Tag the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine in your posts, send them on Facebook, or email them directly to returntopalestine@gmail.com. Include the hashtag #AllForPalestine by holding a sign. (We also encourage you to tag us, Samidoun on Facebook in your posts.

3. Taking a photo of yourself holding a sign reading #AllForPalestine and posting it on social media on 29 November with a message of solidarity for the Palestinian people.

4. Participating in the Twitter campaign on Sunday, 29 November by posting tweets and messages of solidarity with Palestine – including these videos and photos – with the hashtag #AllForPalestine

5. Adopting the unified slogan “All For Palestine” in all activities and emphasizing the themes that are appropriate to the occasion, such as: rejection of the occupation – the universality of solidarity – rejection of deals that deny Palestinian rights – support for the Palestinian people, especially the prisoners, the wounded, women, children, and mothers of martyrs.

Find more information, photos and resources for the #AllForPalestine campaign at the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine Facebook page.

Samidoun also encourages all to participate in the Alternative Palestinian Path preparatory committee public event on Sunday, 29 November at 10 am Pacific, 1 pm Eastern, 7 pm central Europe and 8 pm Palestine time. The event will include four speakers from the Preparatory Committee discussing the call to the Madrid conference for Palestine in September 2021. The discussion and presentations will take place primarily in Arabic, although translations in Spanish and English are expected to be available online. The event can be joined on Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86965732754 or on Facebook Live at https://facebook.com/masarbadil.

New documentary video: Censoring Palestine: The Weaponisation Of Anti-Semitism

Redfish released a new documentary project today, 27 November, highlighting anti-Palestinian repression throughout Europe, especially in Germany. The 25-minute video includes interviews with a number of organizers, artists and other justice activists for Palestine as well as representatives of Israel lobby organizations in Europe.

Khaled Barakat, the Palestinian leftist writer expelled from Germany in 2019 for his positions on Palestinian rights and Palestinian liberation – including support for the boycott of Israel – is interviewed at several points about the attack on organizers for justice in Palestine.

Other participants in the documentary include Majed Abusalama, Nirit Sommerfeld, Shir Hever, Giovanni Fassina and Susann Witt-Stahl, while documentary host Dan Glass explores attempts to suppress Palestine activism and the boycott movement.

“As the global far-right grows in size and influence, anti-Semitic attacks are on the rise and an ongoing concerted effort led by Israel’s government is working to frame Palestinian activist groups as the main culprit. redfish explores how allegations of anti-Semitism levelled against critics of Israeli policies are being weaponised to suppress and censor the global movement in support of Palestinian rights,” Redfish noted. 

Watch the video (above) at YouTube or find it on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The video is available with subtitles in English, German, French and Arabic.

Palestine Action: “We Are Allowed to Resist the Police State”

Following the detention (and release) of founding organizers and ongoing repression targeting Palestine Action in the UK, Samidoun is sharing the following statement issued by Palestine Action. View the original and more information about Palestine Action’s work at their website. 

After founding members of Palestine Action were arrested at the border, interrogated for hours upon hours by the “counter terrorist unit”, one has to ask, are we not allowed to be Pro-Palestinian? Is working for freedom, equality and justice for a marginalised people a ‘terror’ threat? When did the BBC start granting far right-wing extremists multiple platforms to spout their hateful bigotry, while honest, conscientious campaigners working to end apartheid, racism and crimes against humanity become criminalised.

Not so long ago, we lost a generation of young men in the war to end all wars against the rise of fascism, as did Russia — 20 million terrified boys died defending the values of democracy and freedom that we no longer appear to uphold: the right to live, the right to prosper, the right to protest, the right to employ non-violent direct action to forge change for the good, the right to oppose a profiteering war industry where civilian lives are sacrificed, and the right to a secure a fulfilling safe life for all humanity — these values have gone. When did this happen? Did anyone notice?

A police state is a government that exercises its authority and power, restricting society’s freedoms, mobility, political choices and human rights through the use of police force. Under such a state, political control is imposed by anti-terrorist squads, secret police & intelligence agencies that operate outside the boundaries normally imposed by a constitutional state. This appears to be where we are.

The UK has waged terror across the world for 100s of years under the flag of the British empire, and is a key part of facilitating Israel’s state-terrorism against the Palestinian people. Israel’s illegal occupying force have spent 72 years destroying Palestinian homes, forcing them out of their homeland, dispossessing, dividing, segregating, maiming and massacring innocent families. Ethnic cleansing has quietly become acceptable; terrorising, abusing, wounding and imprisoning children in military jails, tried in military courts in a language they don’t understand, is the new norm. Question state-terrorism, oppose it, protest it, rally for change, report on it, speak out, support peaceful boycotts, and you are a “terrorist sympathiser”. How did this grotesque oxymoron of a sentence become cemented into the ‘British way of doing things’ and who put it there?

Palestine Action is a growing network of groups and individuals targeting Elbit Systems — an Israeli firm which profits from deaths of the Palestinian people. This is a company who test their weapons on a captive population of civilians, most of which are children and refugees. Elbit is operating from ten production sites across the UK, manufacturing ever-smart weaponry, including illegal bulletry and cluster munitions, making us all complicit in the oppression of the Palestinian people. Now, Elbit’s killer-drones will surveil migrants and refugees fleeing war torn countries — these drones are munitions, designed to destroy lives, being used as ‘watchdogs’ over our shores, not save the lives of terrified people drowning in capsized dinghies. When did these “war pigs” hypnotise humanity? When?

The arrested activists were interrogated about their family ties, the quality of their upbringing and religious affiliations — who is Sunni, who is Shia, who is Catholic, why is your passport blank, what does this tattoo mean, where have you travelled to, who radicalised you, who influenced you, what are your pin numbers and passwords to your phones and computers, when did you start supporting Palestine, what do you think about Lebanon, who do you know, why do you speak so eloquently, what does your mother do for a job, why do you not write to her more, “when was the last time you saw your father?” Three hours of intensive, intimidating, personal, intimate body searches and racist questioning that no free citizen should ever have to go through. But in the new Britain, that we were somehow tossed into unwittingly, this is the new ‘business as usual.

The British establishment has waged war on Palestine Action and grassroots tactics which seek to hold companies to account for committing violations of international law and abusing human rights. Firms which produce weapons of mass destruction are advancing their homegrown lethal technologies on our doorsteps. “It is our duty, our right and moral obligation to put ourselves on the line,” says arrestee Huda Ammori upon her eventual and long-awaited release. “We will never stay silent or inactive, when our privilege comes at the cost of oppression of people across the world. Those who suffer from the consequences of weapons manufactured right under our noses, have no choice but to resist, whether they like it or not.”

It’s time for us all to join the resistance and challenge these repressive and hideous scare-tactics. We are allowed to be pro-Palestinian. We are allowed to BE Palestinian. We are allowed to be diverse and multicultural. We are allowed to be anti-racist. We are allowed to be anti-war. We are allowed to not be white. We are allowed to be left-wing. We are allowed to support the Windrush community. We are allowed to welcome refugees. We are allowed to protect our pin numbers and keep our correspondence confidential. We are allowed to join Palestine Action and other solidarity groups. We are allowed to criticise our own government and others, and importantly, we are allowed to resist and rise up as one united force against Israel’s violations of international law and its crimes against humanity.

It’s time to retrieve our right to exist; stick our fingers up to this new abhorrent police state. But, for the sake of humanity, it is imperative that we win — and even more imperative that we KNOW we are allowed to win.

Global solidarity for Palestinian women prisoners on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Photo: Medi Donk

View the French report at Collectif Palestine Vaincra.

On 25 November 2020, marked as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, multiple initiatives took place around the world in solidarity with Palestinian women prisoners, especially the imprisoned feminist leader Khitam Saafin, the President of the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees, jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention.

There are currently 40 Palestinian women prisoners, including student activists like Ruba Assi, Mays Abu Ghosh, Layan Kayed and Elia Abu Hijleh; parliamentarians and advocates like Khalida Jarrar; journalists like Bushra Tawil; and dozens of others. Political imprisonment is one key aspect of the institutional violence against Palestinian women enacted by Israeli occupation and colonization and enabled by U.S., Canadian and European support for Israel’s ongoing war crimes and crimes against humanity targeting the Palestinian people.

Between 1967 and 2017 alone, 10,000 Palestinian women were imprisoned by the Israeli occupation authorities for their real or perceived involvement in the Palestinian resistance to racism, colonization and occupation. The majority of Palestinian women prisoners have been subjected to various forms of torture and violence, including physical and psychological torture, forced strip searches, sexual harassment ad assault.

On 25 November 2020, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Collectif Palestine Vaincra – a member organization of the Samidoun Network – released a new video, Women, Feminism and Palestine, featuring a nearly 10-minute interview with Zainab Younes, Palestinian activist and a member of the collective. We urge all supporters of Palestine to listen to this video (Arabic audio, English subtitles – French subtitles available here)

Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization in Spain also released a video (below) in Spanish, highlighting the struggle of Palestinian women prisoners on this international day of feminist solidarity.

Samidoun Deutschland released a video highlighting the contributions of organizers in Frankfurt and elsewhere participating in the mobilization on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women:

In various cities, including Toulouse (France), Murcia (Spain), Rotterdam (Netherlands), Frankfurt (Germany) and Naples (Italy), feminist activists for justice in Palestine – including Samidoun organizers – participated in street actions, protests and mobilizations, carrying signs, banners and posters calling for the liberation of Khitam Saafin, her fellow Palestinian prisoners, Palestinian women – and all of Palestine.

In Toulouse, organizers with the Collectif Palestine Vaincra participated in the demonstrations:

Photos: Collectif Palestine Vaincra

In Murcia, Samidoun España and Alkarama activists joined the mobilization:


Photos: Samidoun – Region de Murcia

In Rotterdam, the International Women’s Alliance (IWA) Europe and Revolutionaire Eenheid members showed solidarity with the s#FreeKhitamSaafin campaign at the action for the International Day, along with Kurdish and Filipina and Dutch women’s organizations.

All of these actions accompanied a Twitterstorm and social media campaign organized by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, the US Palestinian Community Network, the International Women’s Alliance – EuropeAl-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return CoalitionWithin Our Lifetime – United for PalestineAlkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization and the Palestinian Youth Movement with the hashtags #FreeKhitamSaafin #FreePalestinianWomen.

Statistics indicate that over a million Twitter users saw or interacted with Tweets highlighting the campaign, and numerous organizations and activists participated in the online action, including Member of European Parliament Manu Pineda:


In addition, the Association Belgo-Palestinienne organized a webinar, titled “Women in struggle in the occupied Palestinian territory”, giving the floor primarily to the Palestinian psychiatrist Samah Jabr, who addressed the political and social situation of Palestinian women, including Palestinian prisoners, and discussed the case of Khitam Saafin, among others.

Watch the video (in French):


Throughout the history of the Palestinian cause, Palestinian women have been at the center of the liberation movement in all aspects of struggle and have played a particularly meaningful role in the prisoners’ movement behind bars historically, leading hunger strikes and continuing the struggle for freedom. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Movement salutes the leading role of Palestinian women in the struggle and urges the immediate release of all Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

Resources on Palestinian women prisoners

We recommend the following resources for more information on Palestinian women prisoners:

Take Action: Tell the UK Government to release and stop harassment of Palestine activists! #ShutElbitDown

UPDATED: Huda and Richard have been released. However, we ask you to continue to call to tell these agencies to stop their repressive tactics and make clear there is strong opposition to these attacks.

On Thursday, 26 November, two founding members of Palestine Action, Huda Ammori and Richard Barnard, were detained by North Wales “terrorism” police for hours and denied release because they refused to turn over their passwords to their devices. Palestine Action is the direct action Palestine solidarity network in the UK working to end complicity with Israeli apartheid. The campaign to #ShutElbitDown, targeting Israeli arms manufacturer Elbit Systems for direct action protests across the country, has drawn significant attention — and serious repression.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network stands in full solidarity with our comrades in Palestine Action and the campaign to #ShutElbitDown. We urge all supporters of Palestine to take action and demand the immediate release of Ammori and Barnard. We have heard reports that they have been released or soon will be, but this is a continuing threat. Therefore, we also ask you to call the North Wales Police and the Home Office to demand not only the immediate release of the two activists but also an end to the campaign of harassment and persecution targeting Palestine Action and those who stand up against war crimes.


  1. Call the North Wales central non-emergency police line at: +44 (0) 300 330 0101. Demand to be put through to the station where Huda and Richard were detained, Caernarfon Police Station. Call for their immediate release and an end to the harassment of activists challenging militarism and war crimes in Palestine.
  2. Call the UK Home Office at: +44 (0) 20 7035 4848. Demand that Huda and Richard are released and that UK police agencies end their persecution and attacks on activists challenging war crimes, apartheid and colonialism in Palestine.
  3. Join the campaign to #ShutElbitDown. Learn more about how you can get involved – including joining one of Palestine Action’s upcoming inductions – at the Palestine Action website.

Convey these messages:

  • Huda and Richard must be released immediately. Their detention – and the use of “terrorism” police to protect Israeli and UK war profiteers – is a transparently political attack on grassroots activists, in support of war crimes.
  • The ongoing harassment and attacks on Palestine Action and activists for justice in Palestine must come to an end immediately. The criminals here are those profiting from and supporting Israeli war crimes in Palestine.

We further urge all supporters of Palestine to support the #ShutElbitDown campaign and take action:

As Palestine Action notes, Elbit is an arms country deeply and directly profiting from Israeli colonization and murder in Palestine:

Elbit Systems is Israel’s largest privately-owned arms company, making a killing from Israel’s attacks on Palestinian people. It’s biggest single customer is the Israeli Ministry of Defence (IMOD). Elbit has ten sites across the UK, including 4 arms factories.

It provides the Israeli military with around 85% of its killer drones. These drones terrorise the people of Gaza. The Israeli army uses them in daily surveillance and regular attacks. The company’s profits skyrocketed after its equipment was used in the brutal 2014 assault on Gaza, helping the country to seal contracts with militaries all over the world.

In 2018, Elbit purchased IMI Systems, the IOF’s sole supplier of small calibre ammunition. So not only are the drones in the skies made by Elbit, the bullets being shot by Israeli snipers are also made by the company. IMI Systems is known for producing cluster munitions, and because of this, companies have divested from Elbit.

Elbit produces munitions and components for all Israeli attack aircraft. And Israeli F-16 fighter jets and Apache and Cobra attack helicopters are all furnished with Elbit equipment. They have repeatedly been used to attack civilian areas, homes and refugee camps, resulting in thousands of casualties in Lebanon, the West Bank, and Gaza.

Elbit is also one of the main providers of the electronic detection fence system for the West Bank apartheid wall, and was contracted to make the new underground wall around the blockaded Gaza Strip.

Elbit is a company with massive international reach – it sells 80% of its equipment outside Israel. We are calling for a two-way arms embargo.

Of course, UK state repression targeting Palestine activists is no surprise – Britain’s own current-day colonialism in Ireland continues, as does state attacks on Irish organizations. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat is a Palestinian political prisoner currently being held alongside Irish political prisoners in Maghaberry prison in the occupied north of Ireland. And, of course, it was the British colonial mandate of Palestine – and the infamous Balfour declaration – that paved the way for and enshrined Zionist colonialism in Palestine and introduced the repressive tactics, from imprisonment without charge or trial to home demolitions, currently used to target Palestinian resistance.

The work Palestine Action is doing to #ShutDownElbit is bringing the battle to the war profiteers developing and marketing the killing machine responsible for ongoing killings, massacres and war crimes against the Palestinian people. It is a critically important evolution of boycott advocacy to defend Palestinian rights at the most fundamental level. This urgent work requires broad-based support and solidarity. Stand with Palestine Action and stop the repression! #ShutElbitDown!

Video: On the International Day to Eliminate Violence Against Women, #FreeKhitamSaafin #FreePalestinianWomen

On 25 November 2020, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Collectif Palestine Vaincra – a member organization of the Samidoun Network – released a new video, Women, Feminism and Palestine, featuring a nearly 10-minute interview with Zainab Younes, Palestinian activist and a member of the collective. We urge all supporters of Palestine to listen to this video (Arabic audio, English subtitles – French subtitles available here)

Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization also released a video (below) in Spanish, highlighting the struggle of Palestinian women prisoners on this international day of feminist solidarity.

We urge all friends and comrades to join us in today’s collective social media storm to highlight the struggle of Palestinian women and especially the case of Khitam Saafin, the President of the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees, imprisoned by Israel without charge or trial:

#FreeKhitamSaafin #FreePalestinianWomen: Social Media Action 25 November for Khitam Saafin and the Palestinian Women’s Movement

Wednesday, 25 November

10 am Pacific – 1 pm Eastern – 7 pm central Europe – 8 pm Palestine

  • Use these sample tweets for your posts: bit.ly/KhitamTweets
  • Download materials and more information at freekhitamsaafin.org
  • Use the hashtag #FreeKhitamSaafin in all of your posts during the action! 

On 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, join Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, the US Palestinian Community Network, the International Women’s Alliance – EuropeAl-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return CoalitionWithin Our Lifetime – United for PalestineAlkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization and the Palestinian Youth Movement for a social media storm and Twitter campaign to free Khitam Saafin and Palestinian women political prisoners!

Khitam Saafin, president of the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees, is jailed without charge or trial by the Israeli occupation under an indefinitely renewable six-month administrative detention order. She is a well-known international advocate for Palestinian women and freedom and justice for the Palestinian people. She has spoken around the world about the struggle of Palestinian women, including at the World Social Forum, and served as chair of the Global Women’s March Palestine.

Administrative detention, a practice first introduced to Palestine by the British colonial mandate, imprisons Palestinians without charge or trial on the basis of a so-called “secret file.” Even the detainee’s lawyer is denied access to any of the contents of this file; instead, it is simply asserted by the Israeli occupation military commander. These detention orders are issued for up to six months at a time and are indefinitely renewable; Palestinians routinely spend years a a time jailed under administrative detention. There are currently approximately 370 Palestinian prisoners held under administrative detention orders, among approximately 4500 Palestinian political prisoners in total.

There are currently 40 Palestinian women prisoners, including student activists like Ruba Assi, Mays Abu Ghosh, Layan Kayed and Elia Abu Hijleh; parliamentarians and advocates like Khalida Jarrar; journalists like Bushra Tawil; and dozens of others. Political imprisonment is one key aspect of the institutional violence against Palestinian women enacted by Israeli occupation and colonization and enabled by U.S., Canadian and European support for Israel’s ongoing war crimes and crimes against humanity targeting the Palestinian people.

Join us for a social media storm on 25 November to demand freedom for Khitam Saafin and her fellow political prisoners and to support Palestinian women on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. 

Use these sample tweets for your posts: bit.ly/KhitamTweets

Download materials and more information at freekhitamsaafin.org

Use the hashtag #FreeKhitamSaafin in all of your posts during the action! 

To add a second hashtag, use #FreePalestinianWomen

Check out the pages and social media accounts of the organizations for #FreeKhitamSaafin content and more great information:

On Facebook: @uspcn@samidounprisonersolidarity@Pal.Youth.Movement@AlAwdaPRRC @wolpalestine@IWA Europe @MovimientoDeMujeresPalestinasAlKarama – Feel free to tag us in your posts and use the hashtag #FreeKhitamSaafin #FreePalestinianWomen

On Twitter: See @USPCN@SamidounPP@palyouthmvmt@AlAwda@intlwomensalli1@WOLPalestine @alkarama_mmp

On Instagram: Check out @uspcn @samidounnetwork @palestinianyouthmovement @alawdasouthfl @wolpalestine @iwa_europe for stories, posts and information

Palestinian women prisoners and the liberation struggle

Today, there are 40 imprisoned Palestinian women and girls in Israeli jails. Many of them suffer from health issues, and the global pandemic of COVID-19 poses a significant threat, especially as they are held under harsh condition at Damon prison, previously a stable for animals. Palestinian women behind Israeli bars represent all facets of Palestinian society: parliamentarians, leaders, journalists, social workers, activists, students, mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, caregivers, health workers and many more.

Throughout the history of the Palestinian cause, Palestinian women have been at the center of the liberation movement in all aspects of struggle and have played a particularly meaningful role in the prisoners’ movement behind bars historically, leading hunger strikes and continuing the struggle for freedom. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Movement salutes the leading role of Palestinian women in the struggle and urges the immediate release of all Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

Resources on Palestinian women prisoners

We recommend the following resources for more information on Palestinian women prisoners:

Khalida Jarrar speaks out on women prisoners’ struggle as Ramallah protest urges their liberation

On Saturday, 21 November, Palestinian organizers and activists from a number of organizations, including youth and student groups and women’s organizations as well as members of Samidoun Network in occupied Palestine, joined a demonstration in Manara Square in Ramallah called by the General Union of Palestinian Women to demand freedom for Palestinian women prisoners.

Photo: Activestills

Participants in the demonstration called for the liberation of Khitam Saafin, the president of the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees, detained without charge or trial under Israeli administrative detention, and her fellow Palestinian prisoners. They also denounced the Palestinian Authority’s announcement of the resumption of security coordination with the Israeli occupation as an attack on the Palestinian people.

Fellow imprisoned Palestinian feminist, parliamentarian and leftist leader, Khalida Jarrar, recently met with her lawyer and spoke about the conditions faced by the women prisoners in Damon prison. She has been imprisoned since 31 October 2019 and repeatedly brought before the military court on charges related to her public political activity.

Photo: Activestills

In a report published in Arabic in Hadf News, Jarrar’s lawyers noted that the women prisoners in Damon prison have launched a series of protest steps against the poor conditions of their detention since September 2000.

“The women prisoners began to partially return meals throughout September and October and continued to do so until 4 November. The Zionist prison administration met these protests with extensive and punitive inspections that began on the morning of 11 October 2020, confiscating all ‘extra’ clothes belonging to the prisoners,” Jarrar told her lawyers. “This repression included the confiscation of clothes, educational books, and stationery in general, in addition to closing the women prisoners’ section for 24 hours and taking Fadwa Hamadeh, a sick prisoner, to solitary confinement for a full week, accusing her of attacking one of the women jailers.”

Photo: Activestills

Jarrar noted further that “the prison administration threatens the women prisoners with transferring them to isolation cells and forbidding them from going out to the prison exercise yard if they continue their steps of struggle. However, these protests have extracted a commitment to improve the floor of the prison yard, painting the walls and obtaining additional products to serve the human needs of the women prisoners.”

However, she also noted that repression is continuing: “The prison administration formally announced a few days ago that they have suspended installing public phones in the prison yard, an achievement gained in the 2017 mass hunger strike. The 39 women prisoners held in Damon prison – and the one, university student Shatha al-Tawil, held in HaSharon prison – are all being prohibited from seeking or continuing their university educations.”

Photo: Activestills

On 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, join Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, the US Palestinian Community Network, the International Women’s Alliance – EuropeAl-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return CoalitionWithin Our Lifetime – United for PalestineAlkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization and the Palestinian Youth Movement for a social media storm and Twitter campaign to free Khitam Saafin, Khalida Jarrar and all Palestinian women political prisoners.

For more information about the social media campaign, please visit this link: https://samidoun.net/2020/11/freekhitamsaafin-freepalestinianwomen-join-the-social-media-action-25-november/


#FreeKhitamSaafin #FreePalestinianWomen: Join the social media action 25 November!

#FreeKhitamSaafin #FreePalestinianWomen: Social Media Action 25 November for Khitam Saafin and the Palestinian Women’s Movement

Wednesday, 25 November

10 am Pacific – 1 pm Eastern – 7 pm central Europe – 8 pm Palestine

  • Use these sample tweets for your posts: bit.ly/KhitamTweets
  • Download materials and more information at freekhitamsaafin.org
  • Use the hashtag #FreeKhitamSaafin in all of your posts during the action! 

On 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, join Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, the US Palestinian Community Network, the International Women’s Alliance – Europe, Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition, Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine, Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization and the Palestinian Youth Movement for a social media storm and Twitter campaign to free Khitam Saafin and Palestinian women political prisoners! 

Khitam Saafin, president of the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees, is jailed without charge or trial by the Israeli occupation under an indefinitely renewable six-month administrative detention order. She is a well-known international advocate for Palestinian women and freedom and justice for the Palestinian people. She has spoken around the world about the struggle of Palestinian women, including at the World Social Forum, and served as chair of the Global Women’s March Palestine.

Administrative detention, a practice first introduced to Palestine by the British colonial mandate, imprisons Palestinians without charge or trial on the basis of a so-called “secret file.” Even the detainee’s lawyer is denied access to any of the contents of this file; instead, it is simply asserted by the Israeli occupation military commander. These detention orders are issued for up to six months at a time and are indefinitely renewable; Palestinians routinely spend years a a time jailed under administrative detention. There are currently approximately 370 Palestinian prisoners held under administrative detention orders, among approximately 4500 Palestinian political prisoners in total.

There are currently 40 Palestinian women prisoners, including student activists like Ruba Assi, Mays Abu Ghosh, Layan Kayed and Elia Abu Hijleh; parliamentarians and advocates like Khalida Jarrar; journalists like Bushra Tawil; and dozens of others. Political imprisonment is one key aspect of the institutional violence against Palestinian women enacted by Israeli occupation and colonization and enabled by U.S., Canadian and European support for Israel’s ongoing war crimes and crimes against humanity targeting the Palestinian people. 

Join us for a social media storm on 25 November to demand freedom for Khitam Saafin and her fellow political prisoners and to support Palestinian women on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. 

Use these sample tweets for your posts: bit.ly/KhitamTweets

Download materials and more information at freekhitamsaafin.org

Use the hashtag #FreeKhitamSaafin in all of your posts during the action! 

To add a second hashtag, use #FreePalestinianWomen

Check out the pages and social media accounts of the organizations for #FreeKhitamSaafin content and more great information:

On Facebook: @uspcn, @samidounprisonersolidarity, @Pal.Youth.Movement, @AlAwdaPRRC @wolpalestine, @IWA Europe @MovimientoDeMujeresPalestinasAlKarama – Feel free to tag us in your posts and use the hashtag #FreeKhitamSaafin #FreePalestinianWomen

On Twitter: See @USPCN. @SamidounPP, @palyouthmvmt, @AlAwda, @intlwomensalli1, @WOLPalestine @alkarama_mmp

On Instagram: Check out @uspcn @samidounnetwork @palestinianyouthmovement @alawdasouthfl @wolpalestine @iwa_europe for stories, posts and information

Photo: Toulouse, France, via Collectif Palestine Vaincra (Facebook)


A call to organize and get involved from the Samidoun Network – Germany

A call from the Samidoun Network – Germany

To the Palestinian people and all supporters of Palestinian rights and the resistance, in all cities and regions of Germany:

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network – Deutschland invites you to participate and join with us in the programs and activities of our network defending the rights of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement, struggling inside the prisons of Zionist colonialism and exposed to the worst form of oppression and collective punishment, and to volunteer with us to support and uphold the rights of the Palestinian people and their just and legitimate cause in Palestine, Germany and everywhere.

The Samidoun Network in Germany confirms its principled position alongside the struggles of oppressed peoples everywhere fighting for liberation, social justice and equality, and in support of all groups fighting racism and fascism inside and outside Germany. We demand the freedom of political prisoners in all of the regimes of oppression and imperialism, foremost among which the liberation of the freedom fighter, comrade Georges Ibrahim Abdallah. He has been imprisoned in French prisons for more than 36 years, and we urge support of his struggle for freedom and his safe return to his homeland, Lebanon. We demand the release of all imprisoned activists of the trade union, student and women’s movements, including the immediate release of Khitam Saafin, president of the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees.

Contact us through our website and our pages about how to participate in our programs and establish volunteer working groups in Germany.

E-mail: samidoun@samidoun.net

Facebook: Samidoun Deutschland

Main website: www.samidoun.net


بيان صادر عن شبكة صامدون -ألمانيا

إلى شعبنا الفلسطيني وأنصار المقاومة والحقوق الفلسطينية في عموم المدن والمناطق الالمانية:

تدعوكم شبكة صامدون للدفاع عن الأسرى – المانيا – إلى المشاركة والانضمام معنا في برامج وأنشطة الشبكة دفاعاً عن حقوق الحركة الأسيرة الفلسطينية المناضلة في سجون الاستعمار الصهيوني التي تتعرض إلى ابشع أشكال القمع والعقوبات الجماعية، والتطوع معنا اسنادا ودعماً لحقوق شعبنا الفلسطيني ونضاله العادل والمشروع في فلسطين والمانيا وكل مكان.

ان شبكة صامدون في ألمانيا تؤكد على موقفها المبدئي مع نضال الشعوب المضطهدة التي تناضل من أجل التحرر والعدالة الاجتماعية والمساواة ، واسناد كافة التجمعات التي تواجه العنصرية والفاشية داخل وخارج ألمانيا، نطالب بحرية المعتقلين السياسيين في كل سجون انظمة القمع والاضطهاد وفي مقدمتهم حرية الأسير المناضل الرفيق جورج ابراهيم عبد الله المعتقل في السجون الفرنسية منذ أكثر من 36 سنة وندعو إلى إسناد نضاله من أجل الحرية والعودة سالما إلى وطنه لبنان. كما نطالب باطلاق سراح كل المناضلات والمناضلين من الحركات النقابية والطلابية والنسوية وبالافراج الفوري عن ختام سعافين رئيسة اتحاد لجان المرأة الفلسطينية.

تواصلوا معنا عبر موقعنا وصفحاتنا حول كيفية المشاركة في برامجنا وتأسيس مجموعات عمل تطوعية في المانيا.

البريد الالكتروني: samidoun@samidoun.net

صفحتنا على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي: Samidoun Deutschland

الموقع الرئيسي: www.samidoun.net

Aufruf von Samidoun Deutschland

An unser Palästinensisches Volk und alle Unterstützer der Palästinensischen Frage und des Palästinensischen Widerstandes in den deutschen Städten und Bundesländern:

Das Netzwerk für die Solidarität mit den Palästinensischen Gefangenen – Samidoun Deutschland – ruft Euch zur Teilnahme an seinen Programmen und Aktivitäten auf, um für die Rechte der Palästinensischen

Gefangenen zu kämpfen und die militante Gefangenenbewegung zu unterstützen, die in den Gefängnissen des zionistischen Kolonialismus unter den schlimmsten Formen der Unterdrückung und der Kollektivstrafen leidet. Wir rufen Euch dazu auf, Euch mit uns zu engagieren, freiwillige und aktive Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer an unserer Bewegung zu werden, und die Rechte des Palästinensischen Volkes im Rahmen seines legitimen und gerechten Kampfes mit voller Kraft zu verteidigen, in Palästina, in Deutschland, und in jedem Ort.

Das Netzwerk Samidoun Deutschland betont seine prinzipielle Position, auf der Seite der unterdrückten Völker zu stehen, die für die Emanzipation, die Gleichheit, und die soziale Gerechtigkeit kämpfen. Wir unterstützen alle Gruppen und Gemeinschaften, die gegen den Rassismus und den Faschismus – innerhalb und außerhalb Deutschlands – kämpfen, und wir verlangen die Befreiung der politischen Gefangenen in allen Gefängnissen der autoritären und unterdrückenden Regime. In erster Linie fordern wir die Freilassung von unserem Genossen Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, der seit mehr als 36 Jahren immer noch hinter den Gittern des reaktionären Französischen Kerkersystems sitzt. Wir rufen dazu auf, seinen Kampf für die Freiheit zu unterstützen, damit er unversehrt nach seinem Heimatland, dem Libanon, zurückkehren kann. Wir verlangen auch die Befreiung aller AktivistInnen der Gewerkschafter-, Studenten- und Frauenbewegung, und wir fordern die sofortige Freilassung von Khitam Saafin, die Präsidentin der Union der Komitees der Palästinensischen Frauen.

Kontaktiert uns via unsere Internetseiten und erfahrt mehr über die Möglichkeiten der Kooperation, der Teilnahme an unserem Vorhaben sowie der Gründung von freiwilligen Arbeitsgruppen in Deutschland.

E-mail: samidoun@samidoun.net

FB: Samidoun Deutschland

Webseite: www.samidoun.net